Sister Moriau suffered from Cauda Equina, a disorder that affects her nerves and lower spine and reportedly rendered her left foot twisted and limp."I really tried everything I could. But this is something that cannot be healed," she told the 60 Minutes host, telling him that her prognosis was "full, total paralysis."
Explaining to Whitaker why she decided to go to the shrine, she said, "I didn't go there for a miracle. I just went there to pray with others. Lourdes is a place where the smallest people, or the sickest, or the poorest, they come first."
But her experience turned out to be much more than that an opportunity to pray with others.
"I really had that feeling that the Lord was walking with us. And I heard him giving me these words: 'I see your suffering and that of your sick brothers and sisters. Just give me everything,'" she told Whitaker.
Three days later, she heard a voice instructing her to remove her braces and walk, which she successfully did.