posted April 03, 2023 09:09 PM
Man arrested on North Carolina A&T campus with hundreds of rounds of ammo, numerous weapons f5f2f79a4b81218fc80&fbclid=PAAaYhF59CniDXVCCOL7MOitv-QNPegyFv_OPh_eKhWshmlGEO6lSLRP6lZzI
The court documents say that on Sunday, Bentley was found at the intersection of Sullivan Street and North Benbow Road, on NC A&T campus, with a revolver, loaded handgun, a rifle, two shotguns and several hundred rounds of ammunition. He was also found to have a “makeshift firework explosive,” brass knuckles, a machete, a sword, a “blowdart weapon,” a crossbow, a hatchet, a stun gun, a dozen knives, “claws,” and a baton.
He was also accused of unsafely driving in the area of Sullivan Street and Benbow Road with no license and carrying one of the previously mentioned revolvers concealed on his person.
Also among the items taken from Bentley were bolts for the crossbow, two “choking devices,” a window breaker, a chicken foot, pepper spray and “holy water.”
His bond was increased to $100,000.00. A condition of his release was that he could not go on any educational property whatsoever.