posted June 27, 2023 11:12 PM
America’s Living Presidents Are All Descendants of Slavers… Except Trump.
ReutersIt’s a small club, and you ain’t in it. And neither is Donald J. Trump. But every other living President of the United States is. The club in question? Being a former President and a direct descendent of slave owners. That includes Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and even Barack Obama through his mother’s side of the family.
A total of 28 percent of Republicans and eight percent of Democrats in the last sitting of Congress have slavers in their ancestries, too. “The preponderance of Republicans reflects the party’s strength in the South, where slavery was concentrated,” Reuters claims.
Some of the more notable non-presidential figures include Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, and Tammy Duckworth, who described the revelations as “gut-wrenching.”
Former President Donald Trump is one of the only significant political figures in American politics not to be tied to “America’s original sin,” as Reuters describes it. Trump’s grandfather on his father’s side emigrated to the United States from Germany after the American Civil War, and his mother was born in Scotland, explaining the absence of slave owners in his family.
The news is unlikely to sit well with the same mainstream media that regularly lambasts Trump’s “long history of racism.” But it does perhaps go some way to explaining why they protest too much. And why they want to keep him out, again.