posted September 16, 2023 10:37 AM
My higher self if making me to post this. And ofcourse many in social media is talking about what the heck is going on with 9 23 depicted in hollywood movies? Remember hollywood (comes from the magical tree holly). US and UK is embedded in magic practice. Should we ignore and not react because they are simply trying to galvanize mankind to shape the future according to their wishes?
According to some Daniel's prophecies interpreters, seven years of tribulation is coming soon.
Who will preside in those seven years? The false christ protecting the false gods legacy and control over this world? TIme will tell.
We all know Trump is loved by the Israeli people and they even have a coin with his image on it. Point is he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem
soon after he became the prez. And if at all he becomes the prez again, it is possible that he will do the impossible. i.e Help them build the third temple. Many know this is impossible because they will need to evict muslim people of another country. I cannot foresee what situation the world will be in then for this to happen and become a reality. Perhaps I do.
But the narrative was written thousands of years ago and the jewish people expect their messiah to arrive and kick out the antichrist.
Watch out for important mazzaroth(constellation) alignments this year, hope I spelled right. Is it going to be in Sept (some asteroid moving) or on Oct 20 when comet Nishimura gains back its tail and is bright green in the night sky.
Job 38-32
Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons
or lead out the Bear[d] with its cubs?
You can become the sun some day (this galaxy or another) so better brush up on your astrology and watch the heavens as mankind appears at an important intersection of future.
13000 years ago the great flood happenened. Quantum mechanics tend to make this probability high and we are still hearing echoes of that event at this time. Only if you are silent you can tune in to your inner world