posted September 22, 2024 09:28 PM
Amber Thurman was a young mother, who died after receiving a chemical abortion.Oprah Winfrey in a rally with Kamala Harris brought up the Amber Thurman case. There was an interaction with Amber Thurman's family about the devastating effects of losing a family member, who is the mother of a six year old child. The pro-life movement, Republicans, and Georgia abortion laws are being blamed for her death.
The ER doctors are refusing to talk. There are a number of questions raised by the events that led to Amber Thurman's death:
Many abortionists believe a patient must be given a higher dose than if there’s only one child. Was Amber Thurman given the appropriate dose for the twins she was carrying?
We don’t know if the abortionist performed an ultrasound to see if the child was lodged in the Fallopian tube which could kill her.
The abortionist didn’t give her aftercare because he didn’t perform an ultrasound after the chemical abortion was supposed to take effect. The ultrasound was to make sure the contents of her uterus were emptied. In fact, fetal tissue was found in her uterus. Removing this tissue by D&C would presumably clear up the infection. But, the doctors didn't schedule the D&C until the following day? Under the circumstances, she should have been given the D&C the same day.
The claim being made is that the doctors were afraid that performing the D&C would have exposed them to prosecution and a jail term of 10 years. But, abortion is legal in Georgia until the detection of a fetal heartbeat.
Exceptions to the abortion ban are:
Medical emergency, which clearly there was in Amber Thurman's case.
Medical futility
Rape or incest
So nowhere in Georgia law should the doctors have hesitated to perform a D&C. Amber had already received a chemical abortion. The D&C would have been done simply to remove fetal tissue. The doctors would not have been in violation of Georgia law. So, why did they not perform the D&C that day?
Another aspect of this story is that chemical aborption pills are dangerous. The largest risk is sepsis, which is what happened to Amber Thurman. There is a black box warning very specific about signs of infection. So, why wasn't an ultrasound performed and why wasn't Amber kept under observation for a period of time after receiving the chemical abortion pills, instead of being sent home.
Here's a little bit of history regarding chemical abortion pills. Although pro abortion, in 2000, the Clinton administration had attached a "REMS" or Risk Evaluation Medication Strategies warning that these abortion pills can kill. But, in December, 2021, the Biden/Harris FDA removed all of the "REMS" off of chemical abortion pills in America.