Topic: Need a Laugh?? funny Videos
Kerosene unregistered
posted September 07, 2013 09:05 PM
Im so happy my knees do not look like faces..I think I would genuinely feel insecure about that... "what of someone notices my baby faced knees" Thank you internet for perpetuating new body issues.... IP: Logged |
11nahyt Knowflake Posts: 3431 From: Neptune. where the witches wear givenchy Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 07, 2013 10:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: Im so happy my knees do not look like faces..I think I would genuinely feel insecure about that... "what of someone notices my baby faced knees" Thank you internet for perpetuating new body issues....
Lmao.. Ive been looking at other peoples knees ever since i saw that miley pic. but her knees are practically shape shifting lol.. And her constantly sticking her tongue out....#illuminati #reptilian #lizardtongue
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 10, 2013 02:24 PM
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Kerosene unregistered
posted September 10, 2013 05:03 PM
4 AG lololol IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 16, 2013 12:26 AM
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 25, 2013 03:06 AM
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11nahyt Knowflake Posts: 3431 From: Neptune. where the witches wear givenchy Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 27, 2013 05:09 AM
Prank gone wrong! IP: Logged |
libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 1740 From: A Danielle Steele Novel Registered: Aug 2010
posted September 27, 2013 08:56 PM
Saw a sign not to long ago on somebodys fence that was pretty funny, it said ” Forget the dog, beware of the owner of the house” lol  IP: Logged |
blueskiez06 Knowflake Posts: 167 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted September 30, 2013 09:41 AM
i thought this was hillarius[With apologies (and grovelling adulation) to Tina Fey] The Mother’s Prayer for Her Son First, Lord: No tattoos. May neither Celtic symbols for who-knows-what or the Southern Cross constellation stain his tender biceps. May he be Handsome but not Damaged, for it’s the Damage that draws the needy bimbo’s eye, not the Fine Features of his Father. When the Crystal Meth is offered, may he remember the parents who picked peas out of dinners. And stick with whatever is Legal, in Moderate Amounts. Guide him, protect him When he gets behind the wheel, is a passenger in a car, jumps off things into water, swims with sharks knowingly or otherwise, handles power tools, cycles for fun and recreation, curses under his breath at the big idiot who hears him, downloads one more bloody dub step mp3, sees the woman of his dreams, sees the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with, and spends more than two hours in any bar ever, anywhere, at any age. Lead him away from Writing but not all the way to Finance. Something where he can make his own hours but still feel intellectually fulfilled and get outside sometimes. And not have to wear high heels. What would that be, Lord? Architecture? Life coaching? Dentist? I’m asking You, because if I knew, I’d be doing it, Youdammit. May he play the Drums to the fiery rhythm of his Own Heart with the sinewy strength of his Own Arms, so he need not be teased by other Wannabe Drummers who don’t get to lie with Whoever They Damn Well Please cos they’re Hot. Grant him a rough patch from 11 to 19, or thereabouts. Let him see dogs in clouds and be interested in learning magic for much too long, For Childhood is short – a Lion Flower blooming burnt orange for one day – And Adulthood is long and “I’m in my room, leave me alone” will wait. O Lord, break the Internet forever, That he may be spared the misspelled invective of his peers And the online marketing campaign for Rape Hostel V: Girls Just Wanna Get Stabbed. And when he one day turns on me and calls me a ***** in front of someone who matters, Give me the strength, Lord, to yank him directly into a car in front of his friends, For I will not have that **** . I will not have it. And should he choose to be a Father one day, be my eyes, Lord, That I may see him, putting the kettle on at 4.50am, all-at-once exhausted and in love with the woman collapsed in bed next to his now-sleeping baby, who he has watched helplessly in awe for three hours trying to settle this new little life, knowing all he can do is … not much but be there. Being there matters a Lot, Lord, and let him Know It. “My mother did this for me once,” he will realise as he gently moves the tiny sleeping form from the bed to the bassinet, and pulls the covers up over his beautiful, snoring wife. “My mother did this for me.” And the delayed gratitude will wash over him as it does each generation and he will make a Mental Note to call me. And he will forget. But I’ll know, because I peeped it with Your God eyes. Amen. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 01, 2013 06:09 PM
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libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 1740 From: A Danielle Steele Novel Registered: Aug 2010
posted October 01, 2013 06:14 PM
^^Omg lol! Thats too funny for words!  Hope you dont mind, if I could share that with someone, they would have a good laugh too  IP: Logged |
libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 1740 From: A Danielle Steele Novel Registered: Aug 2010
posted October 01, 2013 07:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: 
What I want to know is how did the guy keep that possum still for the photos? IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 01, 2013 10:55 PM
Share with whomever you like.As for the pic it seems easy enough to get it on cam as the possum moved around and print up both images from that. That said I really don't know if this is real or fake, either is possible...but I about had a seizure from laughing so hard regardless!  IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 05, 2013 11:00 PM
Sometimes it's better to laugh than to cry (thinking of how one graduating high school girl got a boob job paid for by her parents): IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 05, 2013 11:01 PM
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libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 1740 From: A Danielle Steele Novel Registered: Aug 2010
posted October 06, 2013 04:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: 
I showed this to my hubby and a coworker, they both had a good laugh!
I joked with my SO that we should send this poster to his annoying brother and tell him if he wants a cat, this one would be perfect for him lol!!!! IP: Logged |
libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 1740 From: A Danielle Steele Novel Registered: Aug 2010
posted October 06, 2013 04:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by PixieJane: Sometimes it's better to laugh than to cry (thinking of how one graduating high school girl got a boob job paid for by her parents):
We have a similar sense of humor lol! IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 08, 2013 04:56 AM
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 15, 2013 03:14 AM
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PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 23, 2013 12:22 AM
I just discovered DINOSAUR EROTICA! This is only one example, there's MORE! quote: Warning: This is a tale of monster sex. This story was written to unlock your darkest fantasies and innermost desires. It is not for the faint of heart and is not your mother's erotica. All of the sexual descriptions found in this book are very explicit in nature. It's not suitable for someone under 18 years of age. Read at your own risk.Beliria’s pride has gotten her into trouble again. Before she can complete her rites of womanhood and take her place in the tribe, she must provide a kill for her tribe. Beliria chooses to hunt the most dangerous herbivore on the plains, the Tri-Horn. No single hunter has ever successfully taken a Triceratops, but Beliria is determined to be the first. Naked, with no food, water, or provisions beyond her weapons, Beliria sets out. Tracking the Tri-Horn, she lays a cunning ambush, but it isn’t cunning enough. Her attack caused the big bull Triceratops to lose his mate. Now he intends to replace her- with Beliria! Horrified and aroused by the horned giant, Beliria must find a way to control the situation, or she may find that this Tri-Horn is really too much for her to handle.
I wonder when the movie comes out?  IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 23, 2013 12:27 AM
Another one! quote:
Dianne is a shepherd, watching over flock of sheep. She is sworn to protect them against any predators– no matter the size. But when a flock of pterodactyls attack, Dianne has no choice but to use herself as bait to draw their attention away from her precious flock. One pterodactyl swoops in and picks her up, taking her to his nest. She fully expects to be eaten by the massive beast, but when it starts to peck her clothes away, leaving her naked, she begins to understand that the pterodactyl might have another, more deviant use for the young virgin. But can Dianne accommodate such a massive creature?
Don't forget to have your credit card ready!  IP: Logged |
11nahyt Knowflake Posts: 3431 From: Neptune. where the witches wear givenchy Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 23, 2013 12:36 AM
Lmfaoo no. Wayyyy.. I will try and find the pdf version of these though  IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted November 08, 2013 08:59 PM
Looks like believers in Thor aren't pleased with the movies... Well Loki wasn't all too pleased either (for those who don't know the guy speaking with the children is Loki): IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 8990 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted November 10, 2013 03:11 AM IP: Logged |
11nahyt Knowflake Posts: 3431 From: Neptune. where the witches wear givenchy Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 11, 2013 01:49 AM
Lmaoo! Omg the younger girls reaction! She soooo doesn't care! "Little girl doesn't care about Disneyland" skip to 0:58 IP: Logged |