Topic: INFJ with an ENTJ
TxGirl Knowflake Posts: 257 From: Registered: Feb 2011
posted March 10, 2011 11:41 PM
Just wondering if anyone has been in a relationship with both of these or perhaps just a feeler and thinker together.I am currently with an ENTJ, it's a bit difficult for me because I am so sensitive, sooo sensitive. But, we get along so well. Except I try to hold myself back because I feel I put in more than he does, but I think it's really I just show it more/better. And, then the problems usually come when I feel I am more in *this* than he is. Just because we work differently. And, I am the one always sending and saying sweet stuffs. Very interesting how spot on the jung test was. I've found the best way to love someone is the way they love you. I think people do for one another what they want done for them, but I can't seem to hold back my mushiness lol. What yall think about feelers and thinkers together? Not lookin for relationship advice just trying to connect with people- cause that's what I like to do lol. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64584 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 11, 2011 02:25 AM
Can you please explain these more,TXGirl. I never really understood them. Thanks very much------------------ Jesus never put his trust in man cuz he knew what was in man. He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Cardinal Arbiter Knowflake Posts: 350 From: T-dot Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2011 02:51 AM
I've taken the test twice and got INTJ both times. My mother is a feeler, and that's all I remember, and I shared feelings with a feeler over the internet a year ago, which from reading the free reading thread, may be the same circumstance as you have.The person I knew online, I was trying to help, as she was depressed and lonely, though so was I, and I still am, and she probably is too, but she was unstable, I guess. Anyway, a lot of the time what happened was I'd logically explain things and state constitution of what there was to work with, but she would get offended and say I'm patronizing her every time, though I wasn't out to make fun of her, and I made it quite foretold and logically justified that I did not look down on her, nor would I were she to have any disposition. Anyway, we got to the point where I wanted to moderate feelings constructively constituted by logic, and she wouldn't. Now my mother. Growing up, I didn't really like my mom. Dad was more understanding and less dogmatic. They seperated when I was 5, and I switched custody weekly. And my mom was a lot less, I guess, aggressively reactive, without a partner, and I started hanging out with bad kids, and when I was at my dad's he'd let me anyway and there wasn't anything she could do about it, so she became more open minded this way. Upon teenagehood, my dad an I let passive aggressiveness fester between us, so I just moved to my mom's full time, though I've respected my father without antagonizing anyone. Sorry for typing this premise out, it's just something for me to work with. My mother and I have deep conversations sometimes. She may understand me, or she may be insecure about things, but the things she understands, she doesn't build on, and the things she's insecure about she focuses on. Inspired by her I've come up with the phrase: "Accept the premise, deny the stasis", because she does the opposite. She seems satisfied to be something less than her potential, or to make petty excuses to allow herself to remain there, and it disturbs me. This has been a bit of a morbid review, I realize. Let it not be assumed that I had no good times with these people, for I certainly did, but I have deducted a negative bottom line from each. Sorry. I don't necessarily hold reliable experience or judgment. Good luck regardless!  ------------------ Pisces Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Ascendant.. Cardinal Grand Cross IP: Logged |
Mblake81 unregistered
posted March 11, 2011 06:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by Cardinal Arbiter: I've taken the test twice and got INTJ both times.
Hello my fellow INTJ IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9745 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 11, 2011 08:21 AM
I am an INFJ and do best with same. I can do OK with INFPs. Your Type isINFJ Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: * very expressed introvert * distinctively expressed intuitive personality * moderately expressed feeling personality * moderately expressed judging personality Custom Keirsey Temperament Report Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicate that your personality type is that of The IdealistTM. All Idealists share the following core characteristics: * Idealists are enthusiastic, they trust their intuition, yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom. * Idealists pride themselves on being loving, kindhearted, and authentic. * Idealists tend to be giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials. * Idealists make intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders. Idealists as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self--always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials. Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things. Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds. Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers. other threads on this:
------------------ ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Nikola Tesla ~There is no box.~H♥ ~Balance is not letting anyone love you less than you love yourself.~Felipe ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX }><}}}(*>~ IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 4686 From: The Etheric Realms...Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat...& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 24, 2015 03:23 AM
Reposting my old post when I was LEXX; to now reposting under my current user name so as to not confuse newbies.I am an INFJ and do best with same. I can do OK with INFPs. Your Type is INFJ Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: * very expressed introvert * distinctively expressed intuitive personality * moderately expressed feeling personality * moderately expressed judging personality Custom Keirsey Temperament Report Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicate that your personality type is that of The IdealistTM. All Idealists share the following core characteristics: * Idealists are enthusiastic, they trust their intuition, yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom. * Idealists pride themselves on being loving, kindhearted, and authentic. * Idealists tend to be giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials. * Idealists make intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders. Idealists as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self--always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials. Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things. Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds. Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers. other threads on this:
------------------ NumeroLexigrams ~I remember, therefore I am immortal ~Lexxigramer Click here to read My Lexigramming Biography/over 1/2 a century to date Lexigramming IP: Logged |
Abc333 Knowflake Posts: 521 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 24, 2015 03:25 PM
I'm an INFJ and my boyfriend is an INTJ. We get along very well. I'm definitely the mushy, romantic one and he's the rational, thinking person.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 57659 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 26, 2015 02:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by Abc333: I'm an INFJ and my boyfriend is an INTJ. We get along very well. I'm definitely the mushy, romantic one and he's the rational, thinking person.
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Lerena Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Registered: May 2015
posted September 29, 2015 04:17 AM
I'm more comfortable with a feeler, because I'm one of the most sensitive thinkers you'd ever meet. Yes, you're hearing an INTP say this. I seem to break down the stereotype of INTPs being unfeeling robots.Well, anyway, my boyfriend and I have a bunch of thinker/feeler clashes. He's an ISFJ and I feel like he doesn't really trust me. But overall, I feel like this relationship is the best one I've ever had. He's so loving and affectionate and I've never loved anyone so much. I think that thinker/feeler relationships can work out if both people are willing to work for the benefit of the relationship. The thinker can hurt the feeler by being too thinking, but I'm so sensitive I'm proof that a thinker can give just as much consideration for someone else's emotions as any feeler can. These relationships can be really powerful, passionate, and loving with the right amount of effort from each person. IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 1314 From: Pandora's box Registered: Mar 2015
posted September 30, 2015 11:53 AM
INTPs tend to be hypersensitive in love relationships. If you know your enneagram, is it 5w4 by any chance?------------------ Anomaling around since 1911. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64584 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 30, 2015 12:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by Abc333: I'm an INFJ and my boyfriend is an INTJ. We get along very well. I'm definitely the mushy, romantic one and he's the rational, thinking person.
I am an earth void and am attracted to strong earth in men, so that is the same kind of thing lol
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Abc333 Knowflake Posts: 521 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 30, 2015 12:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: I am an earth void and am attracted to strong earth in men, so that is the same kind of thing lol
I'm a bit on the opposite spectrum. I'm void of fire in my chart and air is the second weakest. I'm mainly comprised of earth and water and I absolutely love people in general that either have strong earth or water in their charts.
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Lerena Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Registered: May 2015
posted October 02, 2015 01:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aunt Anomalia: INTPs tend to be hypersensitive in love relationships. If you know your enneagram, is it 5w4 by any chance?
I have absolutely no idea. I have recently started to wonder if I'm 5w4 or 5w6. At this point, I claim to be 5w6, but I wish I had some kind of proof that I am definitely 5w6.IP: Logged | |