Topic: The Road less Travelled
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 411 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2011 09:42 PM
Oh gosh I LOVE sex! I loved it before babies, during babies and after babies.I hope to always love it, and if I don't, will seek reasons within and without, to enjoy it again. I don't just love the sex act, I love pleasure- and the sharing of it. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 10:14 PM
Bunnies!applauds to you. You do have an indepth knowledge of the basic function of convential sex...very well said! As is is claimed by many gurus who are into celibacy...... Even though sex is a perfectly natural and essential part of life, it has another, much more sinister purpose besides the creation of emotional addiction to the most beautiful or handsome members of the opposite sex and the creation of new physical lives: it also has the deliberate effect of keeping one rather fickle and spiritually grounded often with an overwhelming tendency to want to leave the relationship in search of other partners! This is the game that nature plays to spread one's genes around to as many different mates as possible while intensifying the process of competition and natural selection (evolution) through increased greed and anger. After all, how many mates does the average person have in a lifetime? Conventional sex causes serious changes in one's brain chemistry often leaving one more irritable, angry, spiritually dead, separated from wholeness, closed minded, attached, addicted, and competitive all for the purpose of increasing one's tendency to fight others or compete with others for food, mates, shelters, etc. as part of the means of speeding up the evolutionary process. Innocent children are naturally happy and this is because their life force energy has not yet been disrupted by the sheer blast of hormones that bring about all those strong sexual attachments and feelings suffered and enjoyed by young adults. They are naturally celibate, and therefore tend to be much more carefree, energetic, and much more resilient to stress than adults tend to be. Whenever sexual (vital) fluids are lost (especially if too often) one's spiritual inspiration and enthusiasm for living, if any, tends to mysteriously fade into the background. One can't meditate as deeply or feel as excited about the benefits of higher consciousness, or even feel the same joy or enthusiasm for life, yoga, and meditation as one did before the loss of sexual energy during one's previous period of abstinence. Sex is a natural addiction that one easily gets stuck in over and over again. This effect is part of nature's plan or intent at fooling all of us into giving away a lifetime of subtle, spiritual joy, progress and accomplishment for a few moments of concentrated pleasure. When that excitement is over and completely used up, reality sets in, enthusiasm drains out, and one is left basically with nothing but a sense of regret. A mild laziness, lackluster, or tiredness takes over, while everything else in life immediately becomes boring or even depressing compared to the intense excitement once had. One may even start to feel a lot older than one did just five minutes ago! The diminishing effects of sex may not always be noticed, but the overall effect is still quite real to one extent or another and according to the degree of one's spiritual development and sensitivity. In other words, sex (especially if too much) can short circuit one's enthusiasm to stride life's challenges! This unfortunate fact of life seems to get even worse as one gets older especially if one forgets to take proper care of one's health. As time marches on, time also seems to wear one down. As previously mentioned, one function of regular sex is to keep the soul grounded, anchored or stuck in place so that it cannot escape or leave body-consciousness at will as the more advanced adepts at yoga can do. However, once one is fully established on the path of celibacy, transmutation and regular deep meditation, one eventually achieves complete, permanent freedom from all the suffering and limitations of the physical body and after death, freedom from the need to reincarnate into yet another physical body. In very advanced stages, a complete mastery over life, breath, and death is possible, and that one can enjoy not only blissful freedom from a physical body, but also fantastic physical health, indefinite cellular regeneration, and absolute memory recall of every moment in this lifetime and all past lifetimes. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 10:25 PM
A particular author here also claims that apart from its roots into Hiduism,Jainism,Buddhism and other eastern philosophies,he seems to imply this act of convential sex being the main reason for Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden in the first place!And humankind has ever since paid the terrible price of their "sin" by continuing with the sex act in the same old manner. He further adds ....Along with many other requirements, celibacy (perfectly transmuted) is the main requirement for true enlightenment and true wholeness. There must be an enormous amount of transmuted sexual energy (refined desire) built up in one's self to create the effect of enlightenment. Similar to what I've said before: one cannot get light from a drained battery. Hope It is clear, because this entire principle is the philosopher's stone, Holy Grail or the way back to the Garden of Eden or whatever you like to call it.
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LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2011 10:49 PM
pixelpixie  ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла ~"You have to be willing to give up the life you've planned for in order to live the life that's waiting for you." ~Joseph Campbell The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change." ~ Carl Rogers }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 811 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted August 23, 2011 12:30 AM
EDIT------------------ Rising: Gemini Sun: Aries 11 Moon: Scorpio 6 Mercury: Taurus 12 Mars: Aquarius 10 Venus: Pisces 10 N.Node: Aquarius 9 Saturn: Capricorn 9 Juno: Scorpio 6 Eros: Pisces 11 True Lilith: Scorpio 6 Jupiter: Cancer 2 Pluto: Scorpio 6 IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 23, 2011 01:44 AM
Lol Stawr! It is'nt the question of self stimulation or orgy. Please go through when you have time.IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 23, 2011 02:20 AM
For those of you Mir and others who would wish to pursue this path of meditation Through Kundalini Yoga and Other Forms,Please be forewarned This path of Bramhacharya is not an easy path out. A strict path of Spiritual Cleasing must be follwed by a set of rules that must be adhered to in every word and bit of it. Some people have even tried Short cuts to this by the following ways as summarised by Swami Sivananda - 1.Repression or suppression of the sexual desire will not help you much. If lust is suppressed, it will again manifest with redoubled force when a suitable opportunity arises, when the will becomes weak, when vairagya1 wanes, when there is slackening in meditation or yogic sadhana, when you become weak owing to an attack of disease. 2.Do not try to run away from women. Then Maya3 will chase you terribly. Try to see the Self in all forms and repeat the formula Om Ek Sat-Chit-Ananda Atma: “Om! I am the Self, the one Existence-Consciousness-Bliss” very often. Remember that atman4 is sexless. Mental repetition of this formula will give you strength. 3. In the practice of brahmacharya, what is wanted is elimination of lust, but not suppression. Suppression of the sex urge is not eradication. You can never be free of that which is suppressed. The suppressed sex desire will attack you again and again and will produce wet dreams, irritability and restlessness of mind. 4.Many foolish aspirants amputate the organ of reproduction. They think that lust can be eradicated by such a procedure. What a great foolish act! Lust is in the mind. If the mind is subdued, what can this external fleshy organ do? 5.Some swallow tons of nux vomica to kill this organ. They fail in their attempts to be centred in brahmacharya. The state of their mind remains the same, though they become impotent by taking nux vomica. Please do not attempt the kundalini yoga without the vow of celibacy or without a master or guru as the chances of Kundalini energy striking back at you are high. The consequences of it are perilious.
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 23, 2011 02:27 AM
Kundalini yoga is the modern term for the misunderstanding of the term LAYA YOGA. If valid, it is dangerous to do as described. There are simpler and safer methods. Particularly,this kundalini yoga is known to be ill-reputed. Here is what Krl-jung says about it.... "One often hears and reads about the dangers of Yoga, particularly of the ill-reputed Kundalini Yoga. The deliberately induced psychotic state, which in certain unstable individuals might easily lead to a real psychosis, is a danger that needs to be taken very seriously indeed. These things really are dangerous and ought not to be meddled with in our typically Western way. It is a meddling with Fate, which strikes at the very roots of human existence and can let loose a flood of sufferings of which no sane person ever dreamed. These sufferings correspond to the hellish torments of the chönyid state..." C. G. Jung, Introduction to The Tibetan book of the Dead * So to say you will see that the purpose of yoga is not physical exercise but a path to spiritual "awakening" and "enlightenment" through union with the "divine." IP: Logged |
bunnies Knowflake Posts: 473 From: u.k Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 23, 2011 06:54 AM
Indeed rajji I couldn't have put it better. That's exactly how I felt in my younger days. Competitive, irritable, territorial, wary, not through love of a man but as you put it, for the reason of evolution and survival.As I said to someone the other day "When I was married, I went off like a bottle of pop at least 5 times a day" and now when I look back over the last 4 years I have not lost my temper or even had to suppress the desire to lose it even once! I am much kinder, more rational. My life has a calmness to it that it never had since the age of 11. It might sound as if it's boring but it's quite the reverse. I actually "see" now. I'm not blinded by a hormonal rush of blood to the head. My responses are not based on some knee jerk reaction to a percieved or imagined slight. It's rather lovely... And now I'm fine being alone(which I used to fear) because I am alone with a more balanced person, not some angry frustrated confused, "don't know what I'm searching for" individual. The realisation has come that I am not actually looking for anything. Thanks for your posts rajji. You're a cool individual and they are a pleasure to read  IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 612 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 23, 2011 08:45 AM
Thanks, .. it's all a bit complicated to me I admit but somewhere somehow I *know* what I want, what I'm striving for.... and I found the exact/right 'translation' of that in the link below. Some very nice quotes from the article; quote: I realized that I had been making love with my lovers not just from desire to express my sexuality, but also from some need to gain approval. I had been falling into the age-old trap of many women all over the world—giving sex to get love.
quote: Celibacy is giving me so far even more than I hoped it would: a deep feeling of love and respect for myself, a reality check about how much I am loved by the men in my life, some relief from my old patterns with men, and a powerful feeling of centering in my emotional body
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mir Knowflake Posts: 612 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 23, 2011 11:03 AM
Since I lost my uterus at age 31 it's really not a problem for me to give up sexual intercourse. In fact; I prefer to NO longer have it!Oopz, and now it seems that this lack of intercourse-desire is purely an effect of the loss of my uterus.. and hm.. what I'm thinking now is that it's way more than only that! (honestly; I often felt myself so 'handicapped', thinking; IF I still had my uterus..) But I mean, let's be honest.. how many times did I REALLY enjoy the pure intercourse when I still had a uterus? Okay, 2,3 or 4 times and each with a TOTAL stranger! (out of many many many...) hm.. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 612 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 23, 2011 11:20 AM
quote: Okay, 2,3 or 4 times and each with a TOTAL stranger! (out of many many many...)
I forgot to mention a guy I was totally obsessed/'in love' with ... but it was really nothing but obsession.. (so, also a few times) IP: Logged |
Mblake81 Knowflake Posts: 1680 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted August 23, 2011 12:06 PM "To be able to grasp the fantasies that, so to speak, from the underground set me in motion, I had to let myself sink down into them. Not only did this go against the grain, but it also filled me with pure agony. I feared loosing my self control and becoming a prey to the unconscious, and what this meant I knew, as a psychiatrist, only too well. "A short time before this experience, I had written down a fantasy of how the soul had left me. The soul, anima (animus by women) mediates the relation to the unconscious. To a certain extent this also means a relation to the "collective of the dead", because the unconscious corresponds to the mythical kingdom of death, the land of the ancestors. If, then, one has a fantasy where the soul takes off, this means that it has submerged into the unconscious, or 'the land of the dead'... From that day, the dead have become more and more clear to me, like voices from the unanswered, the unsolved and unmanifested; for since the questions and demands that my destiny demanded answers for, did not come from the outer world, they came precisely from the inner world. In this way these conversations with the dead were a kind of prelude to everything concering the unconscious which I would inform the age in which I lived; a kind of pattern of order and interpretation of the general contents of the unconscious...My science was my means and my only possibility to free myself from this chaos. Otherwise the material would stick to me as burdocks and marsh plants... Sometimes the contents of the unconscious brought me close to loosing my senses and reason." -Carl Jung "It is, then, the brain that must be able to endure an enormous pressure." IP: Logged |
lalitree Knowflake Posts: 86 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted August 23, 2011 04:14 PM
interesting thread! i think that asexuality is something that is natural for some people. and if it dos not feel natural, then it is dangerous if forced. i don't think anyone can truly understand why someone would choose a path of celibacy unless they were on that path themselvesbut seriously, the dangers of trying to force oneself into celibacy are worse than letting oneself go into cheap-sex. because for someone ill-equipped or 'prepared', their sexuality just gets repressed, instead of transformed, and when something is repressed it is only a matter of time before it comes out, and since it has been building up it will be much more powerful, powerful enough to say for example, pervert a 'man of god', (a priest) into a child molester IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 23, 2011 09:32 PM
Wavelink, I have gone through 'Hara' that you have stressed upon.It is a Japanese Breathing exercise that concentrates on the abdominal area as you say around the navel. Yes it similar to Amrita Yoga- breathing technique where the First Three chakras Open up.
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 23, 2011 10:29 PM
It is a slow disciplined approach of climbing each rung of a ladder before attempting Kundalini Yoga. Every yoga involves opening of each chakra gradually before attempting this kundalini technique. Just like a child proceeds from nursery to High school level. Thus every step is a key to opening up each level of consciousness. 1.Preventing of sexual desire- Done by foolowing the technique of Karma yoga2.secondly one has to know how to effectly control our sexual desires(worldly deisres)Which is effectively done by practising Hatha yoga. A single drop of semen Even a drop of semen ejaculated has the potential to create an embodied soul (jiva) laden with divine consciousness (chaitanya). So, instead of ejaculating it if it is retained in the body then imagine how much divine consciousness the body will acquire.Path of Deliberate Rigour- (Hathayoga): Sexual desire is of two types - voluntary and involuntary. By acquiring progressive control over acts such as breathing and blinking by doing spiritual practices such as pranayam and tratak respectively, one can acquire control over involuntary sexual desire. As a result, one can also acquire control over voluntary sexual desire. 3.Then it followed by Bramhacharya Observing celibacy (brahmacharya): Brahmacharya (ब्रह्मचर्य is derived from two words Brahman (ब्रह्म , towards Brahman and charya (चर्य , to walk. Thus it means going (from happiness) towards Bliss, because Brahman is Blissful. In the literal sense celibacy is applicable to all seekers, but conventionally it refers to a seeker who does spiritual practice avoiding the experience of sexual pleasure, since adolescence. When defining brahmacharya a quote states that ‘ब्रह्मचर्याणां सर्वावस्˛थासु मनोवाक्˛कायकर्मभि: सर्वत्र मैथुनत्˛याग: ।’ meaning the sacrifice of intercourse in all states of the body, mind and speech is known as celibacy. स्˛मरणं कीर्तनं केली श्रवणं गुह्यभाषणम्¯ । संकल्˛पोऽध्˛यवसायश्च क्रियानिष्˛पत्ति एव च । एतद्¯ मैथुनं अष्˛टांगं प्रवदन्˛ति मनैषिणा: । Meaning: 1. Thinking of a woman, 2. Description of her qualities, 3. Playing games with her, 4. Listening to her talk, 5. Speaking to her when alone, 6. Wishing to acquire her, 7. Trying to acquire her and 8. Actual intercourse are the eight types of sexual intercourse. Hence a seeker should not indulge in any of the above activities. A seeker’s celibacy is destroyed by anyone of the above eight sexual acts. A married householder’s celibacy however is destroyed only by the actual sexual act. The more one progresses towards the sattva component the more are the restrictions. ‘A man should indulge in sexual activity for procreation only with his wife during the rutu period (on ten days excluding the first four days of menses), excluding the day and the three hours of the night (prahar), in his own home. With this behaviour celibacy is retained, steadiness develops and healthy and virtuous progeny is born.’The holy texts state that a householder experiencing sexual pleasure only once a month can be considered a celibate. 4.Then Yo have to proceed to BHAKTHI YOGA It is To prevent arousal of sexual desire due to sensations from the five sense organs one should develop the attitude of reacting to every sensation as if it were a sensation in relation to God.One cannot decipher whether love is erotic or spiritual, hence even great people sometimes falter. Spiritual love means love for the woman / man, devoid of desire. This desire is destroyed by devotion to god. If one attempts to see God in every individual then sexual desire does not get aroused. 5.Now comes dnyanYoga- One should think that everything one sees is Brahman. This involes a few stages- prevent sexual thoughts from entering the mind the autosuggestions to be given are ‘I will continuously think only about spiritual practice, Using ‘the psychofeedback technique’ the suggestions that may be used are as follows :
•‘Whenever I get sexual thoughts I will become aware of them and will start thinking about spiritual practice’ can be given. Mostly the suggestion begins to take effect within three to four months. •If after three to four months there is still no effect with the above suggestion then give the following suggestion : ‘Whenever I get sexual thoughts I will become aware of them and pinch myself hard’. By using this technique, the usual impression that ‘sexual thoughts mean happiness’ is replaced by ‘sexual thoughts mean pain’ in the subconscious mind. Hence, sexual thoughts start decreasing. To erase the association from the subconscious mind that sexual activity means happiness. Imagery in a hypnotic trance etc. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 23, 2011 10:31 PM
.6.Next Stage is the Dharma Yoga -Following Righteousness. one should remember that life is not meant for enjoying material objects but these objects are necessary only to facilitate the journey of life. This involves a Few stages again Like satsang yoga-meditating on Holy Company Guru yoga-So long as there is duality there will be sexual desire. Only when one reaches non-duality does it end. To accomplish it, there is definitely no better path than the Guru’s grace. Realisation of God-Ishvarashatkar Yoga If man remains hungry, that is without food then one feels that his desire is dead, but this does not happen. Only since the body does not receive nourishment the desire appears to have died. 7. "Seminal loss means Death"-to prevent the development of the impression that ‘ejaculation means happiness’ in the subconscious mind of a seeker following the path of Yoga. Other examples of this are famous statements like ‘the mother is a goddess (मातृदेवो भव । ’ along with ‘a woman is just a mass of blood and flesh’. 8.The last and final satge comprises of Progress Upwards- It involves two satges- Control according to the spiritual level: The table in the link below expalins how the sexual life at various spiritual levels is. From that a seeker will realise how much control over sexual desire he has acquired. The final Stage is URDHAVRETAS as mentioned earlier Urdhva (ऊर्ध्˛व means the zenith and retas (रेतस्¯) means semen. Urdhvaretas (ऊर्ध्˛वरेतस्¯) means the one whose semen flows upwards. In an average person semen flows downwards. He is called adhoretas. Contrary to this, the semen of evolved people specially those following the path of Yoga gets converted into oja (precursor of divine energy), hence they are called urdhvaretas. As one becomes an urdhvaretas gradually the passage of seminal excretion becomes narrow. Though the passage becomes narrow, the sexual desire is not reduced. If one indulges in sexual activity under such circumstances, then when semen is ejaculated through the narrowed seminal passage instead of happiness one experiences pain. This facilitates further reduction of sexual desire.(Probably done by Kundalini yoga which the ultimate stage) More detailed step by step information is available here ntrol-desires.html IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 23, 2011 11:00 PM
Mir that link is not opening for me.But I guess Your Heart knows best. And yes you are quite right about How many times one might have experienced sexual bliss that centres at the soul in a course of a lifetime. And Yes Since You asked me about this priciple In Europe-It was practised by the Gnostics-But i guess it involves the left hand path-Tantric sexIt is the same Alchemical technique practised in the west Known as ARCANUM AZF It is The practice of sexual transmutation as couple (male-female), a technique known in Tantra and Alchemy. Arcanum refers to a hidden truth or law. A.Z.F. stands for A (agua, water), Z (azufre, sulfur), F (fuego, fire), and is thus: water + fire = consciousness. . Also, A (azoth = chemical element that refers to fire). A & Z are the first and last letters of the alphabet thus referring to the Alpha & Omega (beginning & end). Alchemists always address three symbolic substances: mercury, sulfur, and salt. Azoth is added as a fourth, mysterious permuting life principle. According to Alchemy: Salt, sulfur, and mercury each have a triune nature, for each of these substances contain, in reality, also the other two substances. Therefore, the body of Salt is threefold: salt, sulfur, and mercury; but in the body of Salt one of the three (salt) predominates. Mercury is likewise composed of salt, sulfur, and mercury with the latter element predominating. Sulfur, similarly, is indeed salt, sulfur, and mercury, with sulfur predominating. The permutation of these nine divisions - 3 times 3 – 9 is done,resulting in the sacred fire of Kundalini-AZOTH More in the above link IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 23, 2011 11:04 PM
Mblake glad to see you here.A topic that interests you the most. Are you going to pursue it?IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 24, 2011 12:08 AM
A LIFE OF BLISSFUL TRANSMUTATION INVOLVES THE FOLLOWING PRACTICES: Here is a long list of ideas that could be used to strengthen one's ability to transmute, while creating, cultivating and benefiting from much higher levels of sexual energy (bliss) without losing it. # Purify your blood by fasting all day on ionized water. Fasting everyday on ionized water is incredibly easy to do, because the water is so alkaline, that the sense of hunger and digestive fluids are neutralized while providing cleansing, transmuting, and energizing effects. When you do eat, have as much raw food as possible. Include with meals: as many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial herbal supplements as possible. For more information on diet and transmutation go here. The latest info on diet can be found here. # Remove all blockages from circulatory system using oral chelation therapy combined with an herbal circulation enhancer containing ginkgo biloba, prickly ash berry, butcher's broom, hawthorn, horse chestnut extract, niacin, etc. Also exercise on a regular basis. Jumprope is ideal for improving circulation, and building up strength without having to go to the gym. For more about the above two subjects, go here. # Meditate! Learn how to focus your mind very carefully to the exclusion of all other thoughts. Imagine your sexual energy flowing up your spine like a white stream of light flowing up to a ball of white light above your head. Learn how to concentrate in your third eye or above your head, especially if you feel sensual. By redirecting the energy this way you learn control. The most powerful ecstatic effects result from concentrating in the third eye and crown chakra for two or more hours. Learn more about meditation and just how significant it is here. # Learn how to sublimate basic urges into a higher expression and fulfillment through new channels and new avenues of expression such as meditation, bliss, vitality, enthusiasm, inspiration, love, compassion, recreation, and selfless service. Learn about ojas and how it is created and how to build it up. Learn how to expand unfulfilled sexual energy into all-fulfilling bliss throughout every cell of the body through carefully following the Science of Wholeness lifestyle. For regular daily deep meditation on the inner sounds and third eye to be successful, one needs the sexual energy (which is the same as vital nerve force energy). Transmutation is in turn dependent on meditation, wholeness, etc. # Understand the anatomy of physical control! Train your muscles to "switch" on and off the flow of urine. Learn how this same ability can always be used to prevent the loss of sexual (vital) fluids either at the start of a wet dream or during periods of too much excitement. Just being able to do this could have priceless benefits and give one more options in a relationship. This may be one of the most vital tools for being able to remain celibate under otherwise impossible situations. Learn more about physical self-control here. # Energize your chakras! Fire up the kundalini using a special form of breathing exercise that I call the "Lama Yoga" breaths. The kundalini is the very transforming flame of raw sexual energy. When one feels the need to transmute one would do twelve to twenty to thirty of these at a time depending on individual need and capacity in conjunction with the meditation and vibration creating the all-important effect of expansive bliss and vitality. Energizing the chakras with the breathing exercises requires excellent physical and cardiovascular health. PLEASE BE CAREFUL. Learn more about the "Lama Yoga" breaths here. # Use vibration to relax your body while meditating or doing deep relaxation. Vibrating mattresses are available commercially or you can build your own units from fan motors. Common sense and other precautions must be carefully followed of course. You are training the body to find new avenues of sexual tension, release and expression with kundalini energy in such a way that no significant amount of sexual fluids are lost. Learn more about transmuting with vibration here. # Keep your body clean! Shower and/or bathe everyday. The body constantly needs to shed millions of skin cells. Clogged pores seem to block energy and/or create general discomfort in such a way that transmutation is slowed down. # Go for long walks in nature while pondering God's endless beauty and profound possibilities of infinite love and joy. Learn how the joy of sex or enjoyment of the objects of sex can be expanded (universalized) or channeled into infinite, everlasting fulfillment and compare that infinite expansion of pleasure to how terribly limiting conventional expressions of sex can be. Remember that in reality you are a spiritual being fully immersed in the perfect joy of Brahman. The infinity of the sky, the bio-plasma in the air, plants, trees, forests, waterfalls, natural beauty, etc. all lead to the most perfect, spiritually uplifting states of transmutation ever. # Finding ways to build up sexual energy through nutritional supplements is a solid part of the foundation of wholeness, yet taking substances just to stimulate sexual activity is not. Herbs that strengthen and build up one's sexual reserves and potency can lead to having more sexual energy to work with and transmute. The "aphrodisiacs" (adaptogenic herbs) most well-known for providing nourishment, better blood circulation, and better overall sexual rejuvenation and functioning are highly recommended by Science of Wholeness. This may seem at first a startling contradiction, but the rejuvenating herbs (rather than the more stimulating kind) and antioxidants are extremely good for creating much more abundant and plentiful sexual energy, greater self-control, and surprisingly even much easier and expansive transmutation resulting in more bliss, more energy, more excitement, more joy, more vitality and much more of that spiritual (kundalini) energy awakening essential for transmutation. For those going through their 50's, 60's and 70's, and beyond, taking herbs for sexual rejuvenation (again NOT for stimulation but to increase the availability of sexual energy and increase the production of sexual fluids for spiritual purposes) is even more essential. Remember also that I said earlier that it is impossible to successfully correct sexual inadequacies without improving one's health. Having lots of sexual energy and having plenty of health, enthusiasm, and vitality are almost one and the same. As one ages, it becomes far easier to have longer and longer periods of celibacy. Great? Not necessarily if it is because of diminished sexual energy! If there is nothing to power the forces of bliss, meditation, kundalini and spiritual awareness, how is it then going to happen? Sexual rejuvenating and circulation enhancement herbs include: rhodiola rosa, reishi mushroom, epimedium, green oats (avena sativa), saw palmetto (for men), dong quai (for women), ashwaganda, gotu kola, ginseng, damiana, maca, muira puama, black cohosh (for women), ceyenne pepper (circulation, capillaries), schisandra berries, kapi kacchu, bala, ginkgo leaf, and tribulus terrestris. By the way, a side effect of some of these herbs is in fact a gradual increase in the size of that certain part of the male anatomy along with a tendency toward greater muscular mass and physical strength, but the spiritual benefits are far more important. The latest info on adaptogenic herbs and other supplements for greater wholeness can be found here. Some sexual rejuvenating foods and supplements include: pumpkin seed, beta sitosterol complex, saw palmetto, (mainly for men), rhodiola rosa, bee pollen, chlorella, raw oats, oat straw (avena sativa), flax seed oil, fresh whole raw pasture grazed butter, l-arginine, Co Q10, vitamin E, zinc, Microhydrin, chlorella, and Shilajit. Whatever is done to improve circulation such as taking oral chelation, any herbs that improve circulation (ginger, cayenne, butcher's broom, horse chestnut, prickly ash berry, hawthorn, and food supplements such as nattokinase or the soy bean ferment, natto), all help in their own unique way to conserve, cultivate and transmute sexual energy. Of course all precautions, etc. regarding food supplements, herbs, and vitamins must be followed. The idea is through raw food, antioxidants, herbal supplements, increased circulation, meditation & careful concentration, breathing exercises, regular showering/bathing, vibration and/or kundalini flow (electricity), and non-stimulation, etc. one ignites the precious sexual fluid in such a way that it is never consumed (rather like Moses' "burning bush") resulting in a gradual buildup of ecstasy that can lead one to endless days of ever increasing joy and love never before experienced. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 24, 2011 12:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by lalitree: interesting thread! i think that asexuality is something that is natural for some people. and if it dos not feel natural, then it is dangerous if forced. i don't think anyone can truly understand why someone would choose a path of celibacy unless they were on that path themselvesbut seriously, the dangers of trying to force oneself into celibacy are worse than letting oneself go into cheap-sex. because for someone ill-equipped or 'prepared', their sexuality just gets repressed, instead of transformed, and when something is repressed it is only a matter of time before it comes out, and since it has been building up it will be much more powerful, powerful enough to say for example, pervert a 'man of god', (a priest) into a child molester
Precisely! lalitree  The link also states- Forced celibacy on its own without any of the required conditions for transmutation can be frustrating. Be aware of the hazards and symptoms of not transmuting. It can become very frustrating if you try to be celibate without taking the time to apply all the aspects of transmutation and/or wholeness! Symptoms of NOT transmuting as a result of just being celibate while NOT following any of the other "Science of Wholeness" lifestyle requirements which is the same as NOT having wholeness. Also some of these symptoms can occur when just starting out and the nervous system has not yet fully adjusted or gotten used to having so much more sexual energy: # One may start getting angry, impatient, and abusive toward one's self and others and/or find things in general more and more frustrating. # One may overeat, become obese and/or develop other bad habits in place of sex. # One may develop a self-esteem crisis or lack of self love/acceptance. # Strong sexual feelings constantly disrupt even the simplest of tasks or thoughts. # One may feel unresolved conflicts between spiritual and physical desires. # One may find oneself overly obsessed with anything to do with the opposite sex. # Much physical tension, urges, frustrations, and other discomforts may start to drive one crazy. # One may experience a large number of sensual and/or wet dreams. Symptoms of loss of sexual fluid from a lifestyle of regular conventional orgasms include the following:
# Right after sex, one may suddenly feel somewhat weak, tired, drained, wasted, bored and/or much, much older. # One may feel a loss of focus and concentration in meditation or on one's work. # One may experience a constant lack of spiritual progress and frustration over hitting some upper limit in one's meditation that is never passed, even after years of practice. # One may experience a lack of enthusiasm and excitement in general... especially during the practice of yoga and meditation. # Going into samadhi may become difficult and even if achieved not very long lasting and enjoyable. # Nerves may overheat, kundalini energy may become bothersome instead of thrilling and blissful. # One may become easily bored with spiritual subjects and feel rather stuck in the body or depressed about one's situation in life. # Even the simplest of tasks could be harder to concentrate on and/or a meaningless punishment instead of an inspiring duty. # Many projects may be harder to complete causing one to be more flaky, fickle, and unreliable. # One may tend to forget one's higher purpose and natural sense of duty and fail to carry it through. # One may encounter much less enthusiasm or courage to face a stressful or challenging situation. # One may feel a lack of competitiveness, commitment, strength, resilience, gusto and zest. # One may find one's self "missing something" or sense emptiness inside along with a feeling of loss or regret. # One may try to fill in the void (or gaps between orgasms) with drugs, alcohol, overeating, or other addictive or compulsive activity. # If alone, one may feel a lack of love or feel very unloved and suffer from a strong, addictive urge for companionship and love from a member of the opposite sex. # If in a relationship, there is the strong tendency to become codependent and/or to expect more giving from the other person. # Strong emotional dependency on or attachment to others. # One's marriage or relationship may go through a period of withdrawal or disinterest until the sexual energy builds up again. # In some cases, one may even start to look for another partner and/or suddenly feel very bored or even impatient with one's present mate. It may take as long as two to three weeks to recover from a period of sexual overindulgence resulting in loss of sexual fluids. However, the Science of Wholeness diet, herbs, antioxidants, pure lifestyle, etc. is the best and fastest way I know of to recover from loss of sexual fluids or lack of sexual energy. Of course, there are many variables and exceptions to the above. For example, the more naturally prone to depression, anxiety, etc. the more likely and easily one could be adversely affected. And then on the other hand, I am sure there are always going to be some lucky, young and vital individuals who can enjoy a lot of conventional sex and yet hardly notice anything. There is always bound to be some contrary evidence and I have found some myself, but all in all, the conservation and transmutation of sexual energy seems to create the most reliable, and long term benefits and is the safest, most sure bet for those who are serious about achieving real, lasting spiritual progress, success and benefit. The symptoms of having gone through several weeks of successful abstinence and transmutation while using the principles of the "wholeness" lifestyle are as follows: # Increasing bliss, day after day! # One's body feels lighter and lighter, and charged full of blissful energy! # To one's astonishment, one discovers one can get by with less and less food yet enjoy more energy, strength and bliss. # Addictions to food, love, relationships, drugs, etc. seem to drop away and are replaced by a sense of self-control and easier decision making. # One becomes more and more "breathless" and all the highest states of samadhi obtainable. # Nerves may feel great, while kundalini energy becomes thrilling and blissful. # One becomes less sensitive or concerned about heat and cold, hunger, or other outside conditions. # Ever deeper meditations, much more focused, clear thinking, deeper and deeper serenity and joy! # One may experience an increase in enthusiasm and excitement in general... especially regarding the practice of yoga and meditation. # Going into samadhi becomes easily achieved, very long lasting and enjoyable. # One's daily tasks become more and more easy and exciting to fulfill and sensed as an inspiring duty. # Many projects become easier and easier to complete, one seems to become more and more together, intent, and reliable every day. # One may feel a daily increase in a sense of competitiveness, commitment, energy, strength, resilience, gusto and zest. # One finds one's self deeply fulfilled, full of ever increasing joy along with a feeling of prosperity, success and contentment. # One naturally becomes inspired by spiritual ideals and becomes ever more free from ego, attachment to the body, and ever more transcendent to one's situation in life. # Most amazing of all, there is an ongoing accumulation of bliss (ojas) that lifts one up to ever deeper and deeper levels of ecstasy and fulfillment. One easily progresses through ever higher spiritual states of inner joy, peace and finally enlightenment! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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lalitree Knowflake Posts: 86 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted August 25, 2011 04:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: Think about this for a moment. How much time, money, and energy do you expend on sexual matters? No, I am not talking about the act itself, I am talking about thinking, shopping, seducing, primping, clothing, meals, stuff- all those acts which orbit around and lead up to the act itself. How much ‘cultural output’- movies, music, books, magazines- involves sex, or the pursuit of it? Quite a lot, isn't it? And that isn't even factoring the ultimate result- kids- into the equation. They cost more time and money than anything.Now, imagine that you've reached a stagnant part of your training. You cannot seem to go anywhere or do anything. The Gods don't talk to you; the rituals don't work for you. Sex is stale. You need to recharge your spiritual batteries. This is where an opportunity to try celibacy comes in. You can retreat from the demands and consumption of the sex-driven world and concentrate on your own growth and development. Instead of directing that energy outward in the dances of attraction and seduction and maintenance, you can direct that energy inward to Listen to what the Gods might be whispering in your ears. With the clamoring din of the sex impulse muted, you can hear their wisdom much better. Even better, you can redirect your sexual urges into incredible odysseys to spiritual levels that even Tantra cannot achieve.
so true...
i need some real help with this 'path'. see, i am not even sure how i would explain why it is that sex disgusts me; why i have decided not to go into it. is it the fear of diseases? or the distaste for the minds of most of the people i come across? or that and more...i don't know. point is, i have never enjoyed sex fully with anyone that i've had it with, and looking for the 'right person' just appears to involve some very nasty and invasive work. so why bother? that is why i say i need some help. because i am still human, and i have intense sexual urges sometimes, even though i know that nobody could really satisfy them and if i tried to i would just end up grossed out. masturbation depresses me and makes me feel very alone so i haven't done it in years either. it is hard to live like this, and i can only hope that the 'afterlife' involves un-gross sex, whenever i want it, lol
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 411 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 25, 2011 05:21 PM
lalitree, it sucks that you are at an area of introspection and mid-path, where your experiences (or expectations) have determined a reaction, and a mental and emotional reaction to a rather open-to-anything experience.I hope you are healed. I joke about being a sexual being, but honestly- in a normal way- like- I feel, toward the acts of sex, which I undertake- individual to the act itself- so- if I enjoyed yesterday's sharing and release-or even non-release- I appreciate it and take each new experience as a new one... so while I have had negative reactions to sexual acts or experience in the past, I don't attribute all acts specifically. Each act is separate, and has the potential to be anything...and I appreciate it anew. I try to be open minded, because when I label something, it becomes limited to old reasonings or reactions. I liken it to having a bad experience at a particular restaurant- I wouldn't go there again. But if it was under new management, I wouldn't let my past experience dictate my feelings about the restaurant, as now it is new. I wish you could experience joy in your own sexual nature(and anyone feeling this way) Rajji-The last list of attributes toward sexual expression, I simply don't relate to. anything CAN be negative, or has the potential for anything we give it, so it's really hard to argue perception- but personally, I don't feel that list has much merit, as a person who is relatively normal and committed. My sexuality is flux, like the rest of my experiences. But it's potential is limitless. It doesn't become who I am, it can enhance and be shared as a lovely and beautiful expression. it can be spiritual or profound, and I am not missing out on those experiences because I enjoy my sexuality. I don't feel 'spent', or unable to complete tasks....all those negative things given as a reason to pursue celibacy. I mean- the list isn't ONLY if you pursue celibacy. I have lots of those things- and will continue to pursue them...and sometimes can through the act of loving. IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 25, 2011 05:48 PM
pixelpixie  ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 25, 2011 10:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by lalitree: so true...i need some real help with this 'path'. see, i am not even sure how i would explain why it is that sex disgusts me; why i have decided not to go into it. is it the fear of diseases? or the distaste for the minds of most of the people i come across? or that and more...i don't know. point is, i have never enjoyed sex fully with anyone that i've had it with, and looking for the 'right person' just appears to involve some very nasty and invasive work. so why bother? that is why i say i need some help. because i am still human, and i have intense sexual urges sometimes, even though i know that nobody could really satisfy them and if i tried to i would just end up grossed out. masturbation depresses me and makes me feel very alone so i haven't done it in years either. it is hard to live like this, and i can only hope that the 'afterlife' involves un-gross sex, whenever i want it, lol
Lalitree you are seeking for answers from the inner most depths of your heart. I believe We are striding towards the path of divine. I cannot tell you how much Happiness I have found in relating myself to this. My senses have opened in a way that is incomprehensible just as bunnies has realised that she can "SEE" now! I have always believed in the the Sanctity of Marriage-Marriage is something very pure. I cannot stress enough the benefits and sacredness of adhering to LifeLong Monogamy.The undefiled intercourse is the path to divinity to merge one with God. There is no other alternatives! please go through this link ...I will post more there. One can pursue this both through Celibacy as well as through The Perfect Matrimony( Strictly Monogamous Tantric sex)
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