Topic: The Road less Travelled
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 25, 2011 10:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by pixelpixie: Oh gosh I LOVE sex! I loved it before babies, during babies and after babies.I hope to always love it, and if I don't, will seek reasons within and without, to enjoy it again. I don't just love the sex act, I love pleasure- and the sharing of it.
Pixie...I love that too! But it is nothing more than a mere affirmation for me...I would not fool myself by such an affirmation coz I want to experience beyond that.I would not confine myself to this Physical Realm alone, I want to experience The Astral Realms as well! It's a tedious process, but all good things come with a price. The choice is yours. Tantric Sex and Tantric Celibacy is the Key to the Doors of Heaven ;-)IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 612 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 26, 2011 08:35 AM
quote: so true...i need some real help with this 'path'. see, i am not even sure how i would explain why it is that sex disgusts me; why i have decided not to go into it. is it the fear of diseases? or the distaste for the minds of most of the people i come across? or that and more...i don't know. point is, i have never enjoyed sex fully with anyone that i've had it with, and looking for the 'right person' just appears to involve some very nasty and invasive work. so why bother?
I can understand you so well. Yes, I'm also afraid as hell for diseases (even made me infertile finally) and I once got one within a few days after just lying naked near - and a little bit against - another naked body. I'm not even talking about the physical pain it caused.. So I'm very aware of the ease to get it. So yes, how can I ever again become intimate without a big big big TRUST? No way! It takes a LOT of patience, a LOT of trust.. and this all takes a lot of TIME! And time is unfortunately a rare thing to find... and to me time has everything to do with *tantra*.. Lali, I noticed we have our Moons at the exact same degree of Scorp (16'**) 
quote: Tantric Sex and Tantric Celibacy is the Key to the Doors of Heaven ;-)
No doubt about that  IP: Logged |
lalitree Knowflake Posts: 86 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted August 26, 2011 09:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Mblake81: "To be able to grasp the fantasies that, so to speak, from the underground set me in motion, I had to let myself sink down into them. Not only did this go against the grain, but it also filled me with pure agony. I feared loosing my self control and becoming a prey to the unconscious, and what this meant I knew, as a psychiatrist, only too well. "A short time before this experience, I had written down a fantasy of how the soul had left me. The soul, anima (animus by women) mediates the relation to the unconscious. To a certain extent this also means a relation to the "collective of the dead", because the unconscious corresponds to the mythical kingdom of death, the land of the ancestors. If, then, one has a fantasy where the soul takes off, this means that it has submerged into the unconscious, or 'the land of the dead'... From that day, the dead have become more and more clear to me, like voices from the unanswered, the unsolved and unmanifested; for since the questions and demands that my destiny demanded answers for, did not come from the outer world, they came precisely from the inner world. In this way these conversations with the dead were a kind of prelude to everything concering the unconscious which I would inform the age in which I lived; a kind of pattern of order and interpretation of the general contents of the unconscious...My science was my means and my only possibility to free myself from this chaos. Otherwise the material would stick to me as burdocks and marsh plants... Sometimes the contents of the unconscious brought me close to loosing my senses and reason." -Carl Jung "It is, then, the brain that must be able to endure an enormous pressure."
WOW. that is perfectly said, isn't it? IP: Logged |
lalitree Knowflake Posts: 86 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted August 26, 2011 09:17 AM
mir, i totally understand about the issue of trust and time and everything you said. i haven't ever had a disease, but someone got me pregnant and then neglected his personal responsibility.did you plan on having children before? i probably am not the best person for sympathy with this, because i never planned on bringing children into this world, and if i had been deemed infertile i probably would have rejoiced. still, i realize for many/most of us it takes an experience to change our minds. like if i'd never been pregnant and had a child i might still be curious about it IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 1030 From: Registered: May 2011
posted August 26, 2011 09:56 AM
no wonder i can't meditate for the life of me. interesting topic. i somehow feel opposite of this though. quote: Whenever sexual (vital) fluids are lost (especially if too often) one's spiritual inspiration and enthusiasm for living, if any, tends to mysteriously fade into the background. When that excitement is over and completely used up, reality sets in, enthusiasm drains out, and one is left basically with nothing but a sense of regret. A mild laziness, lackluster, or tiredness takes over, while everything else in life immediately becomes boring or even depressing compared to the intense excitement once had. One may even start to feel a lot older than one did just five minutes ago! The diminishing effects of sex may not always be noticed, but the overall effect is still quite real to one extent or another and according to the degree of one's spiritual development and sensitivity. In other words, sex (especially if too much) can short circuit one's enthusiasm to stride life's challenges! This unfortunate fact of life seems to get even worse as one gets older especially if one forgets to take proper care of one's health. As time marches on, time also seems to wear one down.
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mir Knowflake Posts: 612 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 26, 2011 11:03 AM
Lalitree, no I never planned on having them.. the 'pain' came afterwards.And I totally understand your point of view!  IP: Logged |
abcd efg Knowflake Posts: 920 From: India Registered: Mar 2011
posted August 26, 2011 01:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: OH no! Mir..Tantric celibacy is way above and different from tantric sex.Both are not the same. The buddhist tantra is completely different from The Hindu Tantra. In buddhism This tantric meditation leads to complete enlightenment and in hindu tantric meditation it leads to brahma(the eternal truth).
Its the same thing. ie. complete enlightenment and parabrahm (GOD) IP: Logged |
abcd efg Knowflake Posts: 920 From: India Registered: Mar 2011
posted August 26, 2011 01:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by wavelink: Nice thoughts,still what u call brahmacharya is just the first chapter of the story. Some men (not for femmes) may be able to discover themselves by cutting ties and leaks (sexual too) for awhile. But blocking here for too long is equal to missing the greatest opportunity. Coz no way to conquer the body n earth without lovemaking. Actually female satisfaction is what truly builds male character&destiny. N makes our world wonderful place it's meant to be.
This is true but generally. Everybody however doesn't fit in this category. There are a lot of spiritually evolved ppl around and they can manage with or without sex. Sex (or lack of it) for such persons is neither a hindrance nor restriction. IP: Logged |
abcd efg Knowflake Posts: 920 From: India Registered: Mar 2011
posted August 26, 2011 02:47 PM
Nice thread. As the title suggests this is a Road Less Travelled and generally walked by persons who are little 'higher' on the spiritual ladder already. For a commoner Bhakti Yoga that is Lord's Worship in anyway is best. And One sexual relationship. In this country we say marraige. But it may be one b/f too in other places because of cultural differences. As long as the seeker sticks to that one. Then, the scriptures say, it is as good as brahmacharya in kali yuga. This takes care of sexual urges. There is no suppression and the frequency is more often that not automatically less as one is not attracted that much (sexually) to one partner for a whole life time. Ofcourse there might be exceptions. But mostly this is the case. In todays times, a person who is done with sex in the day can manage to concentrate on other things better. This includes GOD too. But sexual repression can lead to living life and even praying to GOD with the mind somewhere else. So the best way for a commoner is to have one partner and practice any of the yogas specially bhakti yoga.IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Moderator Posts: 708 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 26, 2011 03:39 PM
I think that as soon as you start linking the state of someones spiritual evolution to their sexual (or non sexual) practices you've lost the argument. My body recoils in absolute horror to claims that only certain kinds of people can be completely evolved and that abstinence is the way to enlightenment, it reeks of dogma. I can understand the need for time out and also the need for some sort of balance but words like tantra have been b*st*rdised and are too commonly used to make other peoples sexual practices look or feel inferior. The psychology behind abstinence is not psychobabble, neither is the psychology behind any other sexual or non sexual practice. I can see how some are asexual and how some have a low drive and all the rest of it but astrology teaches us quite clearly that the birth chart has an input into our life. This means that for some people it would be completely abnormal if they decided to abstain but I don't see why this should deny them entry into the spiritual realms. If you find it easy to be consumed by others then I can see how it would be beneficial to pull back into the self for a while. I don't think there's anything remotely honourable about celibacy or any other sexual matter, it's a lifestyle choice. It doesn't make someone better than or more evolved than...I really hate that, it's no more than bad ego talking. If you don't want or can't have sex for whatever reasons ...that's fine but it doesn't make you more special than anyone else on the planet and no I'm not currently active in that department - through choice but I'm not sat here deluding myself into thinking it'll help me sprout wings and fly. If I see someone present a case for celibacy without using terms like "higher" "more evolved" "superior" then I'll give it some time but until then..... IP: Logged |
MoonWitch Moderator Posts: 839 From: The Beach Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 26, 2011 10:13 PM
I am straight (I don't think the "I experimented with girls in college" really counts)and I am newly deliriously happily married!! and I have an extremely strong libido. Sex is da bomb, yo. With my husband it is, anyway. I really have zero interest in anyone else at all which I find funny because I always thought I'd be gazing at other guys until I met my hunny. <3 Amazing.  I don't really care what anyone else is, if they have sex or not, if they have it every day or several times a day or never, normal sex, kinky sex, whatever... as long as if they are having sex they do it with a consenting adult and they are HAPPY with their choices. Maybe I'm too apathetic? If someone wants to share their reasons then cool but otherwise... *shrug* IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 411 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 26, 2011 11:32 PM
Dysfunctionalmystic, Moonwitch, (And Lexx, thanks!)  I've got the keys to heaven right here at my disposal. *wink wink* But thanks! If someone tries to convince me that it's wrong or they can even imagine how I feel about it at all, but clearly, from their perspective, what do I know, really... well, I sort of shut down. Because the 'argument' isn't really worth it. No one can know how fulfilled I am in the bedroom or otherwise, and believe me, I am not defensively saying this- I am just saying that sure, for you you may believe that abstaining is the only way to true happiness, or a different spiritual plane, but well.. I guess what I am saying is that there are many ways, and I don't claim my way is superior, but I would also never claim yours was. Ima be over here having an orgasm.  IP: Logged |
MoonWitch Moderator Posts: 839 From: The Beach Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 02:17 AM
I love me some Pixie.I admit, I hadn't read any of the replies to this thread when I responded to the first post so I thought it was an honest thread asking what people's preferences were. I didn't know it was a "celibacy is enlightenment" and "sex is dirty" thread. For me, I do agree that sex can be a very basic human function. Somewhat like breathing (yes, human functions are good things if you happen to be human), but it's even better and ultimately more meaningful than just breathing. When I make love to my husband, I am not tired, drained or foggy or any of those other negative things in that list on the second page. I didn't identify with any of that, quite frankly. I'm happy for people if they are happy with the path of celibacy. Knock your bad selves out! I really don't believe celibacy makes anyone more spiritual or closer to the divine than those that choose to express physical love, though. I'm human to experience and learn from being human. I can be as astral as I wanna be when my physical body is dead. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 27, 2011 06:32 AM
This thread has nothing to do with whether your sexuality is superior to mine! Neither does this thread say anywhere that- SEX is DIRTY! OR SEXUAL DESIRE HAS TO BE SUPPRESSED! Rather it says Sex is Divine! It talks about spirituality and the purpose that it serves in connection to marriage as well as celibacy and reveals the true Identity of connecting with the divine. Without understanding the core essence of it, definitely those who want to chide and have a good laugh over it can by all means! All it says -from the beginning to the end -Is about loosing your egos and merging into one with the divine.Pixie-I reiterate-I said I too love what you imply...but It would be a mere affirmation for 'ME' coz I consider this path as the key to the doors of heaven unlike you....But I never said you should accept my theory and follow it by all means!I repeat- the choice is yours and yours alone!Irrespective of mine and others here. If you have the right to say that you can never forgo sex and will seek answers within and without no matter what, so do I and everybody here have the right to express and reflect upon our innermost concerns as well. "Ima be over here having an orgasm. "
Of course!You may.Who is stopping you?  IP: Logged |
bunnies Knowflake Posts: 473 From: u.k Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 07:51 AM
No and I don't recall saying it made me superior or more enlightened than anyone else. Only to myself. I'm just clearer about what I do and don't want...about myself. I was just surprised how simple life becomes when you are not driven by sexual it desire or competition or jealousy. But I don't reccommend it as a way of life to anyone. It just works for me.
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bunnies Knowflake Posts: 473 From: u.k Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 07:55 AM
There's a certain irony in that the thread below this one is "sexy signs"  Well certainly not Aquarians that's for sure!! IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 612 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 27, 2011 08:03 AM
Lol this thread has proven me that it's all a matter of/nothing-goes-above 'personal (past) experience'. I don't believe in anything after this life (no current "God" or whatever) but I do confirm words like "Sex is Divine" or "tantric sex is the key to heavens door" .. symbolic ofcourse!And so, from my very natural perspective and the fact that many people f*ck like rabbits (yea I got ****** my Misters rabbit) without even knowing about the "divinity" it could bring.. Hope it's clear IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 08:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by dysfunctionalmystic: I think that as soon as you start linking the state of someones spiritual evolution to their sexual (or non sexual) practices you've lost the argument. My body recoils in absolute horror to claims that only certain kinds of people can be completely evolved and that abstinence is the way to enlightenment, it reeks of dogma. I can understand the need for time out and also the need for some sort of balance but words like tantra have been b*st*rdised and are too commonly used to make other peoples sexual practices look or feel inferior. The psychology behind abstinence is not psychobabble, neither is the psychology behind any other sexual or non sexual practice. I can see how some are asexual and how some have a low drive and all the rest of it but astrology teaches us quite clearly that the birth chart has an input into our life. This means that for some people it would be completely abnormal if they decided to abstain but I don't see why this should deny them entry into the spiritual realms. If you find it easy to be consumed by others then I can see how it would be beneficial to pull back into the self for a while. I don't think there's anything remotely honourable about celibacy or any other sexual matter, it's a lifestyle choice. It doesn't make someone better than or more evolved than...I really hate that, it's no more than bad ego talking. If you don't want or can't have sex for whatever reasons ...that's fine but it doesn't make you more special than anyone else on the planet and no I'm not currently active in that department - through choice but I'm not sat here deluding myself into thinking it'll help me sprout wings and fly. If I see someone present a case for celibacy without using terms like "higher" "more evolved" "superior" then I'll give it some time but until then.....
I totally agree! Thank you for that wonderful and clearly understandable post on the issue! Blessings and Love to you!  ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 08:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by pixelpixie: Dysfunctionalmystic, Moonwitch, (And Lexx, thanks!)  I've got the keys to heaven right here at my disposal. *wink wink* But thanks! If someone tries to convince me that it's wrong or they can even imagine how I feel about it at all, but clearly, from their perspective, what do I know, really... well, I sort of shut down. Because the 'argument' isn't really worth it. No one can know how fulfilled I am in the bedroom or otherwise, and believe me, I am not defensively saying this- I am just saying that sure, for you you may believe that abstaining is the only way to true happiness, or a different spiritual plane, but well.. I guess what I am saying is that there are many ways, and I don't claim my way is superior, but I would also never claim yours was. Ima be over here having an orgasm. 
You're welcome Pixie!  I totally agree with you! I am celibate by circumstances and choice. However I sure hope to have sexual union with another person again! I want it to be someone who sincerely loves and wants me. Progress in that arena is looking very promising!  Love and Blessings and continued fabulous nookie to you! ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 08:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by MoonWitch: I am straight (I don't think the "I experimented with girls in college" really counts)and I am newly deliriously happily married!! and I have an extremely strong libido. Sex is da bomb, yo. With my husband it is, anyway. I really have zero interest in anyone else at all which I find funny because I always thought I'd be gazing at other guys until I met my hunny. <3 Amazing.  I don't really care what anyone else is, if they have sex or not, if they have it every day or several times a day or never, normal sex, kinky sex, whatever... as long as if they are having sex they do it with a consenting adult and they are HAPPY with their choices. Maybe I'm too apathetic? If someone wants to share their reasons then cool but otherwise... *shrug*
quote: Originally posted by MoonWitch: I love me some Pixie.I admit, I hadn't read any of the replies to this thread when I responded to the first post so I thought it was an honest thread asking what people's preferences were. I didn't know it was a "celibacy is enlightenment" and "sex is dirty" thread. For me, I do agree that sex can be a very basic human function. Somewhat like breathing (yes, human functions are good things if you happen to be human), but it's even better and ultimately more meaningful than just breathing. When I make love to my husband, I am not tired, drained or foggy or any of those other negative things in that list on the second page. I didn't identify with any of that, quite frankly. I'm happy for people if they are happy with the path of celibacy. Knock your bad selves out! I really don't believe celibacy makes anyone more spiritual or closer to the divine than those that choose to express physical love, though. I'm human to experience and learn from being human. I can be as astral as I wanna be when my physical body is dead.
I agree! I do not think rajji meant it to sound as though sex was bad; but yes; it has often appeared so on this thread in my opinion.  Love and Blessings to you!  ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 27, 2011 08:56 AM
Me or anybody here who has confirmed their intenions to my post has not taken any sides nor made fun intentionally! We stand firmly all by ourselves. There are so many posts in Sweet Peas that I dont agree to at all..But That dosent mean I Have the right to make fun of those who agree to it. This is an adult topic as well! If it was not, Why would I choose Sweet Peas to post?IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 27, 2011 09:03 AM
If anybody wants to imply..that this forum is only for those who love sex! or those who have High Sexual Libido and like to have orgasms in other's thread! I will refrain myself from posting here.IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 10:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: Me or anybody here who has confirmed their intenions to my post has not taken any sides nor made fun intentionally! We stand firmly all by ourselves. There are so many posts in Sweet Peas that I dont agree to at all..But That dosent mean I Have the right to make fun of those who agree to it. This is an adult topic as well! If it was not, Why would I choose Sweet Peas to post?
I am not making fun of your views.  And I am celibate by the way by circumstance and choice! I have been on both ends of the sexual spectrum so feel my experiences are indeed valid and neither choice makes me less or more spiritually evolved. Your posts do have, >>>even though I know you did not intend it to come across that way<<< they do seem to reflect a kind of elitist holier than though take on celibacy and implications that sex is a low thing for the spiritually unevolved. Sorry but it does often come across that way. quote: Originally posted by rajji:
If anybody wants to imply..that this forum is only for those who love sex! or those who have High Sexual Libido and like to have orgasms in other's thread! I will refrain myself from posting here.
No one implied that at all rajji.  And the remark you made: quote:
those who have High Sexual Libido and like to have orgasms in other's thread!
is uncalled for and comes just short of implying that we who enjoy sex are orgasming all over this site.  I am still working on a very long reply here but want to make sure I carefully and respectfully word it based on my very personal experiences of both celibacy and sexual expression. ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 27, 2011 10:40 AM
rajji  Please wait for my post from my point of view based on much personal experience covering the full spectrum of this celibacy/sexually active issue. I have worked long on the reply but my computer glitched and I need to redo 1/2 of it.  ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла }><}}('>~ IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 27, 2011 11:08 AM
It dosent matter anymore. You too have a Nice Day Lexx.IP: Logged |