Topic: The Road less Travelled
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 21, 2011 12:21 AM
variety is the slice of life- Are you gay? Are you Bi? Are You Straight? Bigamy?Polygamy? Hooking up?One night stands? Swinger lifestyle or nsa relationship?The choices are many for those who would love to indulge! But when somebody answers im none of those-Im an "A" aka "Asexual" or "Celibate" Instantly it becomes a controversial Subject! Asexual is a Valid Category too. The subject often is scorned upon by many with questions such as- Why are you celibate? But why?" What? No sex? How could you? What is wrong with you???How can one turn their back on something so wonderful as sex? What are you ,sicko??? Celibacy isn't a disease. Nor is it repression, perversion, or Judeo-Christian guilt, or the result of a 'bad relationship', or any other psychobabble excuse one can think of. Sometimes is it a product of low sex drive, but most often, celibacy is a conscious decision made in a quietly logical manner by the person. Some people are celibate by circumstance, but many are celibate by choice. It is not al all abnormal to be asexual. Since I too consider myself to be an "A" not by choice but by circumstances, I found This article could be inetersting for those on the same path as mine or considering this path less taken.
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 21, 2011 12:23 AM
An article by sunfell.What is celibacy? I’ll say it again, for those with ears to hear: It is the best-kept open secret of genuine magickal insight and power there is. Because it is so vilified and ignored, few people investigate it and reveal the wonders it has to give. It is the Frog Prince of sexual practice, a Holy Grail disguised as a chipped, battered cup. Because it isn’t gaudy, it is overlooked, ignored, or cast aside as a path to enlightenment and spiritual attainment. Yes, and I repeat: celibacy is a valid and powerful path towards spiritual development. Many religious and spiritual paths recognize this, and mandate it as part of a seeker’s Inner development. Books by William Grey, Manly Hall, Franz Bardon, Carlos Casteneda and other highly respected Mages and Adepts mandate celibacy as an integral part of higher-level spiritual development. Properly used and understood, it will allow one to leapfrog over the different stages in spiritual growth. With the mind redirected from the rigors of sexual pursuit and desire, concentration on development can proceed- often at an incredible pace. The silencing and redirecting of the procreative urge builds spiritual energy, strengthens the soul, and gives deep insight. One disconnects from the Outer, and reconnects to the Inner. The noise of the Outerworld drops away, and suddenly, one can hear the Signal of inner Divinity. It is an awesome experience. In its own quiet way, it separates the wannabes from the gonna-bes, because it takes much more inner discipline and effort to be voluntarily celibate than it does to be sexually active. It builds an inner reserve of strength and power and self-reliance rarely found in today’s magickal communities. Because the magickal practitioner is detached from the physical bonds of sexual intimacy that binds them to another, they can more readily serve the Greater Good. There are many other benefits, too. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 21, 2011 12:23 AM
Think about this for a moment. How much time, money, and energy do you expend on sexual matters? No, I am not talking about the act itself, I am talking about thinking, shopping, seducing, primping, clothing, meals, stuff- all those acts which orbit around and lead up to the act itself. How much ‘cultural output’- movies, music, books, magazines- involves sex, or the pursuit of it? Quite a lot, isn't it? And that isn't even factoring the ultimate result- kids- into the equation. They cost more time and money than anything.Now, imagine that you've reached a stagnant part of your training. You cannot seem to go anywhere or do anything. The Gods don't talk to you; the rituals don't work for you. Sex is stale. You need to recharge your spiritual batteries. This is where an opportunity to try celibacy comes in. You can retreat from the demands and consumption of the sex-driven world and concentrate on your own growth and development. Instead of directing that energy outward in the dances of attraction and seduction and maintenance, you can direct that energy inward to Listen to what the Gods might be whispering in your ears. With the clamoring din of the sex impulse muted, you can hear their wisdom much better. Even better, you can redirect your sexual urges into incredible odysseys to spiritual levels that even Tantra cannot achieve. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 21, 2011 12:24 AM
Celibacy frees you to do that. And it enables you to retune your senses. Remember- sex is a primitive, basic root function. It is the lowest common denominator on the ladder of life. Remember the words to that song: "Birds do it, bees do it…"? They do. But climb the ladder a few rungs, and you leave the majority of creation behind, and begin to access the levels that make us unique among all creatures. Voice.Vision. Heart. Hearing. Empathy. Telepathy. Disconnected from the sexual drive, they blossom into incredible dimensions. It is a place that has to be experienced to be understood.But celibacy isn’t the sole domain of the solitary ascetic. In relationships, too, a period of celibacy can often reveal a spiritual dimension that sexual relationships cannot. Men and women can be themselves without having to worry about the sexual pressure to perform or please. Friendships are deepened- without the sidetracking that a sexual relationship brings. People of opposite sexes can become true friends. The term "Platonic" is often used in a rather negative way- but if you really examine the root of the word: the great philosopher Plato, you may discover that a Platonic relationship is superior to an eroticized one. Plato suggests active thought and participation in the examination of life in all its paths. The Platonic friendship can flower into many fruitful branches rather than halting at a single sexual stem. Celibacy isn't sick or wrong- it is a spiritual challenge, and an invitation to growth and change. It is a valid and honorable path. If you go there, you'll return a different person. Give it a try. It's free. And it won't hurt you. And the best part is that in taking that road less traveled, you will have enriched yourself in ways you will discover for the rest of your life. And that includes your sex life, whatever flavor you prefer. IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 21, 2011 12:41 AM
For those who do not know the term NSA or nsa. It means; NO STRINGS ATTACHED
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LEXX Moderator Posts: 7048 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 21, 2011 12:49 AM
Asexual" or "Celibate does not automatically mean one is not orgasmic. Such can happen even via dreams. A body deprived of sexual release will often find a way to do so. The dreams do not have to be sexual in nature at all. Often these dreams that lead to physical orgasm are very non sexual, and are non sexually philosophical or just beautiful and happy in totally non sexual ways. These types of orgasmic release transcend any sexual thought related ones.I am Celibate several years to date by both choice and circumstances, of which there are a few factors involved. I was quite involved with the wild times of the 1960s and 1970s. I have no desire for "free range" sexual encounters any longer. Been there, done that, boring, meaningless usually, and potentially dangerous then, and moreso in this day and age. Additionally, to be celibate does not mean ignore your genitalia and the health of them. Whether you masturbate or not, it is essential you do pelvic exercises such as Kegels and others. Also if one has had major pelvic surgery or serious scarring of the genitalia from either surgery or severe injuries, sexual relations and or a substitute may be required or surgery may be required later on in order for them to resume sexual relations. I have know both women and men with this issue of concern. And if not for sexual relations there would not be any people. Sex is not automatically a low thing nor sinful or wrong. It is the expression of it that may bear those possible negative aspects. Just my opinions. Carry on. ------------------ ~I remember, therefore I am immortal~LEXX ~The present time is theirs, but the future is mine.~Никола Тесла ~"You have to be willing to give up the life you've planned for in order to live the life that's waiting for you." ~Joseph Campbell }><}}('>~
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Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 661 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted August 21, 2011 05:51 AM
Celibacy and Asexuality are two different things. celibacy = choice asexuality = " An asexual is someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Unlike celibacy, which people choose, asexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are. Asexuality does not make our lives any worse or any better, we just face a different set of challenges than most sexual people. There is considerable diversity among the asexual community, each asexual person experiences things like relationships, attraction, and arousal somewhat differently. "
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 21, 2011 07:52 AM
Thanks for clearing the air Deux Reve. You made the right distinction. Actually there are more types. 1.Voluntary Celibacy 2.Involuntary Celibacy 3.Asexuality 4.Antisexualism 5.Sexual AbstinenceNow that seems to be pretty confusing. IP: Logged |
bunnies Knowflake Posts: 473 From: u.k Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 21, 2011 11:19 AM
I think I'm probably asexual. Life played a cosmic joke on me by making me extremely attractive to men but as one of my less attractive friends (and I am not being big headed here...just stating a fact on her admittance) said "Look at them all hovering around you and it's pointless when I'm sitting here the f*** of the century getting ignored)I always have had a low sex drive. Nothing to do with being prudish just found it unnecessary after 2 or 3 times with the same man. Once I had my children I saw very little point other than to bind a man to me. I was quite capable of putting on a performance to blow their socks off but that's all it has ever been, a performance. A method of making them desire me. Having said this, I have always been very competitive over men and strangely territorial and jealous but not for the reasons I suppose other people are. And now I am older I have zero desire. I have sat and pondered this at length but cannot even envision what desire felt like. And I never felt lacking. never felt as if I needed professional help. But, and here is the answer to your question. I love masculine men. I love being on a man's arm. I like looking at them. I like looking at horses too in exactly the same way. Beautiful, magnificent but I have no desire to have sex with one. So yes....and I do....have a lot of male friends. they may or may not want to sleep with me but they know it will never happen. And I have no interest in women at all so I am not a closet lesbian in case anyone pipes up with that one! Oh and I have to add, the bliss in losing the small amount of desire I ever possessed. I actually make rational decisions, made purely from my perspective. And I still primp, pose and posture in front of men as if I was a sexual being and always look immaculate but for what purpose? Beats me  IP: Logged |
NickiG Moderator Posts: 4148 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted August 21, 2011 11:27 AM
bunnies!! LOL------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
PixieJane Knowflake Posts: 54 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted August 21, 2011 03:21 PM
I've known asexuals and celibates and fully support them in their orientation or choice. I've considered becoming celibate myself, though more for mundane reasons than spiritual ones.But I'm skeptical to claims that it's superior to tantra. I'd want to hear from several people who tried tantra and celibacy both before I accepted that. I agree that celibacy is a valid and honorable path, but I don't hold celibates to be automatically better than everyone else as some of the articles seem to imply. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 612 From: Registered: May 2009
posted August 22, 2011 09:21 AM
I would give my life to have tantric 'sex', butteuh... where do I find it? At least not here in the West of Europe..I can only think (now) that this 'celibacy' thing springs from the fact that it's almost impossible to find the tantric experience. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 09:40 AM
OH no! Mir..Tantric celibacy is way above and different from tantric sex.Both are not the same. The buddhist tantra is completely different from The Hindu Tantra. In buddhism This tantric meditation leads to complete enlightenment and in hindu tantric meditation it leads to brahma(the eternal truth).
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bunnies Knowflake Posts: 473 From: u.k Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2011 10:00 AM
I'm afraid mine has less to do with enlighentment and more to do with indifference.IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 10:16 AM
Okay here it is explained- What is Brahmacharya - to walk or abide in the creative force of God, which is the sexual energy in each of us. What do we mean by walking or abiding in sexual energy? Two things: First, to preserve it. And, second, to cultivate it. This is the essence of brahmacharya – to preserve and cultivate sexual energy.What is celibacy? Technically, it is abstention from marriage and sexual relations, including masturbation. It is defacto preservation of sexual energy, though "preservation" may not be what the celibate has in mind. There are other reasons for celibacy that are more oriented toward going away from something negative about sex (obsession, excess, injury) than going toward something positive about it (inner expansion, divine ecstasy, enlightenment). Celibacy is the first half of brahmacharya, but not necessarily all of it, because without prerequisite purification of the nervous system and then encouraging sexual energy to move to a higher manifestation, there is no cultivation, which is the second half of brahmacharya. This concept of celibacy being one half of brahmacharya is an important point. Without the second half of brahmacharya, celibacy can lead to stagnation and to the emergence of unbalanced obsessive behaviors, particularly if it is an "enforced" celibacy. IP: Logged |
wavelink Knowflake Posts: 37 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted August 22, 2011 11:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: Okay here it is explained- What is Brahmacharya - to walk or abide in the creative force of God, which is the sexual energy in each of us. What do we mean by walking or abiding in sexual energy? Two things: First, to preserve it. And, second, to cultivate it. This is the essence of brahmacharya – to preserve and cultivate sexual energy.....
Nice thoughts,
still what u call brahmacharya is just the first chapter of the story. Some men (not for femmes) may be able to discover themselves by cutting ties and leaks (sexual too) for awhile. But blocking here for too long is equal to missing the greatest opportunity. Coz no way to conquer the body n earth without lovemaking. Actually female satisfaction is what truly builds male character&destiny. N makes our world wonderful place it's meant to be. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 12:36 PM
Hello wavelink, I do not agree with your point of view. And pixie Jane yes it definitely is superior to Tantra.SEX FOR ENLIGHTENMENT(which Bunnies seems to be afraid of)  According to the Ancient Eastern Texts- Sex has three Sex has three distinct and separate purposes - procreation (more suited for tamsic people), pleasure (for rajasic people) and liberation (for sattvic midsets). While, procreation is common to animals and tamasic humans, there is a lot of literature and knowledge of rajasic sexual techniques called the "tantric sex". The techniques and practices leads to channelizing all the sexual energy that would normally leave during an orgasm, back into your body. Foreplay is of great importance in Tantric Sex. But Orgasm is given little importance. The period just before orgasm is of utmost importance. Tantric sex tries to maintain that particular effect for a long time – in fact for hours. This is often misunderstood as prolonged orgasm.
The sattvic sexual union is used to increase one's frequency, where frictional and physical orgasm is eschewed for a higher form of orgasm - the union of the shiva and the shakti. And for that to happen, one has to practice brahmacharya for many years. Brahmacharya is the retention of semen in the body by continence. Ancient knowledge say that semen discharge must be stopped to control the energy lo Ancient knowledge say that semen discharge must be stopped to control the energy loss. In ayurveda, it is said that there are seven tissues (dhatus). Our food intake is converted into lymphatic fluid (rasa), this rasa is then converted into rakta (blood), which is converted into mansa (muscle). Mansa is further transformed into meda (fatty tissue). Meda is used to make asthi (bones), asthi forms majja (bone marrow and nervous tissue), which finally converts to form shukra (sperm). Thus every dhatu is a precursor of the next dhatu and one drop of the final dhatu - shukra, takes anywhere between 60-100 drops of blood. The semen is a viscid albuminous fluid, alkaline in reaction, which is very rich in calcium and phosphorus, also in lecithin, cholesterol, albumen, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin E, etc. These chemical compounds are nourishing for the nervous system and the brain and loss of these substances could lead to problems of the nervous system. Just being able to control the discharge of semen is inadequate. It could lead to nightfall. The energy of the semen needs to be converted, transformed and sublimated into another substance "ojas". Ojas is the energy that gives a person their glow, good health, bodily lustre, stamina, inner strength and a strong immune system.
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 12:37 PM
Sublimation is not a matter of suppression or repression, but a positive, dynamic, conversion process. It is the process of controlling the sex energy, conserving it, then converting it into higher Ojas Shakti. The material energy is changed into spiritual energy, just as heat is changed into light and electricity. Just as a chemical substance is sublimated or purified by raising the substance through heat into vapour which again is condensed into solid form, so also, the sexual energy is purified and changed into divine energy by spiritual Sadhana like deep meditation, Japa, worship and Pranayama. By these techniques, the sexual energy can be transmuted into Ojas Sakti and stored up in the brain. The most important technique for transporting ojas to the higher frequency of the brain is the "Urdhaverata" (flow towards the higher ). There are secretive forms of sadhana which forces the seminal energy to flow upwards into the brain as Ojas Sakti. There is now no possibility of the semen going downwards by sexual excitement. If we consider the sahasrara or crown chakra to be of the highest frequency or "Shiva", then the lower frequency sexual energy or shakti needs to meet the higher one. Therefore, we have to retain the powerful sexual energy by practicing brahmacharya for many years, and convert into ojas energy. This ojas is then sublimated and transformed into higher frequency energy via a process called Urdhavareta. Thus we can use sex to achieve the highest state of sexual union of Shiva and Shakti. source IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 12:39 PM
tantric sex or any other form of sex not bypass Tantric Celibacy or any other active celibacy forms.Tantric sex-'Tantric sex' is a method of enjoyment of sexual pleasure, where the people involved(mostly man and woman) follow a certain mode of life/ practices in order to enhance and prolong sexual pleasure before, during and after the sexual act. It consists of various means to achieve this objective. Tantric celibacy on the other hand is abandonment of and freedom from sexual pleasure forever in thought, word and deed at all places and times. As explained by a guru- Though both of them lead to Self-Realisation ie KUNDALINI AWAKENING...But in varying degrees. The former is known as The Left Hand Path as the gross aim of tantric sex being since time immemorial has been Pleasure,Sense and gratification. Since it involves the indulgence in sexual act, starting from the physical level and reaching higher states, the risk of a student, tripping and falling into the pit of lust is very strong. Hence it is considered as a very dangerous path.Which can lead to sexual wastage.Sex without ejaculation is definitely much better than with ejaculation, since semen is not lost during the act. Wastage of energy doesn't occur and it does make the person reach a certain stage of celibacy. However this comes with conditions. By following a life of sexual moderation without ejaculation, a man will no doubt be more of a celibate and a cut above than the man who leads a life of sexual wastage. This is not really due to absorbtion but due to lack of need for the body to produce semen. This holds good upto the point of good health, clear thinking and other general health benefits at the physical level.
Where as In Tantric Celibacy- A state in which a man aspires to reach the state of 'Soul bliss' or 'God bliss', which has been described in the scriptures to be equal to a million times the pleasure of a physical orgasm (Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa called the magnitude of 'Soul bliss' to be somewhat close to having sex through the millions of pores in the human body) a life of absolute celibacy for 12 years, giving up all the sense pleasures becomes mandatory. A man indulging in any form of sexual pleasure cannot become an 'Urdhvareta'. The gates beyond general benefits will not open for him. The purpose of Tantric Celibacy is to attain Urdhvareta-a perfect celibate whose sexual fluid is sublimated. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 12:41 PM
He also further explains the rationale behind this............. In a moderate sex life without orgasm, while man no doubt conserves his semen during the act, he also unknowingly/ gradually develops an attachment/ liking and strong desire for the pleasure generated from sexual contact. Also since woman is the source of his pleasure, he begins to associate her as an object of pleasure rather than as a soul- 'The manifestation of god'. This strong karma for sexual pleasure that gets stored in his 'Karmic account' ultimately takes him to a state where he can no longer rise beyond the sex plane. Any pleasure produced by the five senses (sight, smell, taste, sound, touch) is temporary and ultimately leads man into pain. It really is no pleasure at all as it is 'Maya' or an illusion, a nervous stimulation only and not 'Soul bliss'. Man has to indulge in more and more of sex to get the effect that he first got in course of time. 'The word 'moderation' is relative. The limits set by man are stretchable by his own imaginatioin. Further to getting deep into this mode of life, he will ultimately come to a stage where his vital fluid deserts him directly or indirectly. Once this happens he can no longer rise up the path of becoming an 'Urdhvareta'. Loss of semen also becomes an impediment for deep meditation, further to the 'Prana' getting unsettled.It is for this reason, scriptures cutting across religions require a man attempting self-realization to wholly give up pleasure generated by the senses. As long as there is sense pleasure there cannot be soul bliss. They are mutually exclusive. God gives us two options: Either to reach out to him shunning the senses and reach a state of permanent soul bliss or to fool ourselves with the senses, thinking the illusion to be pleasure, while in reality it is nothing but delusion. And finally even the man who chooses senses, realizes very late of them being cheats and has to finally get back to the first path. Also by reaching the 'Urdhvareta' state, scriptures stress a man is bestowed at the end of 12 years with superhuman powers, the vision of god and the fruition of all his desires. IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 22, 2011 12:46 PM
In the end the guru asks us to indulge in a simple experiment to personally realise this fact. Live a life of strict celibacy in thought, word and deed for three months. At the end of these three months, he asks us to tell him the difference if any that you experienced by a life of meditation with total celibacy and no sex. :-)You can reach this Guru for any more queries after your experiment. Sourse
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 411 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2011 01:55 PM
This is so fascinating to me! I respect it for how different it is from my way of thinking, and that opens me up to new realms, which I appreciate. I can't wrap my head around how one would have attractions, and even masturbate, but call themselves asexual. Even if it is with yourself, embracing your sexuality, it's still sexual. (The AVEN link)I also can't wrap my mind around how one could not have desires. Sometimes I feel my sexual self so acutely I liken myself to a fourteen year old boy. If I were shut off from that, well....I don't even know how I would think. Even the phrase I used earlier- "open me up", makes me giggle. I can appreciate it though. Super interesting. IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Moderator Posts: 567 From: Durham, NC, US Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2011 02:44 PM
Wow, rajji - you've done a lot of research! Thank you for sharing it here!  IP: Logged |
bunnies Knowflake Posts: 473 From: u.k Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 22, 2011 04:56 PM
I am interested as to why you would think I was afraid rajji? I actually have felt more enlightened since I stopped having sex. As I said it tended to bring out base aspects of my personality that I don't really care about seeing. But maybe you're right. Maybe I never "got" the spiritual aspect of it. No...there's no maybe about it. It's just rutting as far as I can gather. Animals do it for the sole purpose of procreation which is exactly what I think humans do it for. The need to sow our seed. For our genes to carry on. I would like to see a spiritual reasoning behind it but I think we're just kidding ourselves. Hence why a lot of women are no longer interested after they have children whereas men are programmed to spread it far and wide. See Soul Unions for proof of that theory!! Women will, in the early years of a relationship and when they have young children,endeavour to bind a man to them (for protection)by having sex with him to stop him straying. Once the children are gone there is no need. So their desire dwindles. The man will then seek out a younger mate to carry on procreation. This is so basic but also so obvious. We then feel the need to create reasons as to why this shouldn't happen but that's exactly what it is. Our own creations. Marriage, monogamy, soul mates. Lovely in theory (believe me I wish it were true)but I truly believe men deep down just want to spread it around and women just want protection for themselves and their young. Discuss  IP: Logged |
wavelink Knowflake Posts: 37 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted August 22, 2011 08:23 PM
Heh, a charming order  What do you have in natal chart over the fixed star Regulus? //Where is the Sun right now Or in opposition?? Lovemaking is not only enjoyable, but extremely profound act with far reaching consequences. Can u imagine the hara - place 3-4 fingers below the navel is you can say the throne of the human being, the ruling center of all activity. Even if you scratch your butt with a finger the movement is initiated from this point. It's the center of the aura n life force. Women actually have a free space exactly there surrounded by ecstatic love skin. So sacred, intimate, yea you can even say divine. We are pleasure and only through pleasure we find ourselves. But this is also the way that the heritage of past lives could be wasted. It's not a joke believe me. U femmes have protective shields that men must be able to burn to unlock the access to the ocean of psychic love. Man below the level of a woman can never unlock her. The result is some high quality gals never experience the immense delights. Having created theories such as the one above.
Others think they know what pleasure is coz even mediocre lovemaking is better than eating chips in front of TV. But if they somehow could experience what actually is possible, will have their minds blown off. Still femmes are being gracious n forgiving coz male's role is not easy to play in this world.
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