Topic: Do You Want To Dedicate a Song To Someone Else?
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10860 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 29, 2014 11:36 AM
There really might be something going on here...and maybe my ASC is exactly conjunct yours? That's another possibility. Or, Neptune on your sun is flat-out making you psychic. After all, you're the one picking up on me, not the other way around. Wait til Neptune hits my moon for that.  ~edited IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 12:51 PM
I think your Asc is conjunct my husband's Sun, which is conjunct my Asc by 4 degrees...? He and I definitely have that sort of connection, but my NN is also conjunct his Neptune in 12th.  My Asc is at 14 degrees Leo. Where is your Moon again? I think you told me, but I forgot.  My Sun is at 6 Pisces, Moon is at 5 Virgo, and Jupiter at 26 Pisces. Anything there? There's got to be something, haha. I have this with some people all the time. My dad, best friend, and husband for sure. My dad's Moon is also in Pisces and 8th, conjunct my Sun. His Asc is conjunct mine by about 2 degrees. Anyway...OMG, I need coffee, ha. (Ramble much, Violets?)  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 10860 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 29, 2014 01:01 PM
Not rambling, I really want to know this stuff. I don't know my birth time for sure, just within a definite time frame. My ASC could be conjunct yours is what I meant.I have~ 18 Pisces moon 26 Pisces Pallas 6 Sag Venus conjunct your sun-moon MP 6 Scorpio Uranus trine your sun 7 Gem Psyche Where is your Mercury again? Mine's at 5 Aqua. Not surprised that you have this with other people all the time, you must be super intuitive. IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 01:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Not rambling, I really want to know this stuff. I don't know my birth time for sure, just within a definite time frame. My ASC could be conjunct yours is what I meant.I have~ 18 Pisces moon 26 Pisces Pallas 6 Sag Venus conjunct your sun-moon MP 6 Scorpio Uranus trine your sun 7 Gem Psyche Where is your Mercury again? Mine's at 5 Aqua. Not surprised that you have this with other people all the time, you must be super intuitive.
Aw, thanks.  So hey, your Venus is also conjunct my North Node at 5 degrees Sag, and loosely conjunct my Neptune. Your Psyche is conjunct my South Node, which might have something to do with it, eh?  Also, your Venus is trine my Aries Venus at 3 degrees. Yeah for smooth Venus aspects! Mercury is at 11 degrees Aqua. Loosely conjunct yours, but still probably close enough to feel that. I have Mercury trine Pluto in my natal, maybe we also have Mercury trine Pluto? My Pluto is at 8 degrees Libra. Those Pluto connections are crazy with the intuition stuff!  <Eta> In other news, I really wish Mars would get off my @ss right about now. Get out of Libra already!  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 29, 2014 01:18 PM
This thread is getting long  ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 01:27 PM
Ami's like...  I didn't mean to hijack your thread. 
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 29, 2014 01:57 PM
That is cool,V. You can hijack.I will go along for the ride. If I want to post a song, I will, until then carry on  ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 10860 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 29, 2014 02:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Violets: Also, your Venus is trine my Aries Venus at 3 degrees. Yeah for smooth Venus aspects!
quote: Originally posted by Violets: I have Mercury trine Pluto in my natal, maybe we also have Mercury trine Pluto?
I have that; you have it with a closer orb. I think our Mercuries are close enough to count as a conjunction: 6 degrees. Not too shabby! Your Mercury is exactly trine my 11 Libra Pluto. quote: Originally posted by Violets: In other news, I really wish Mars would get off my @ss right about now. Get out of Libra already!
Hehehehhe. I think the sky is trying to kill me, not only with the grand cross hitting my natal cardinal t-square, but tr Chiron on my moon and tr Saturn on my NN. K, 'done hogging this thread... I'll ttyl, not that it matters if you can just read my mind. LOL IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 02:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: That is cool,V. You can hijack.I will go along for the ride. If I want to post a song, I will, until then carry on 
Thanks, Ami.  I'll try to post some more songs to keep the thread on topic. IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 02:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Hehehehhe. I think the sky is trying to kill me, not only with the grand cross hitting my natal cardinal t-square, but tr Chiron on my moon and tr Saturn on my NN. K, 'done hogging this thread... I'll ttyl, not that it matters if you can just read my mind. LOL
 But seriously, about the cardinal stuff. I have Saturn at 12 degrees Cancer, and then there's my Pluto. Not to mention Neptune hitting my T-square.  Okay, so I'm done hogging as well.  IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9642 From: Mordor Registered: Nov 2012
posted April 29, 2014 03:24 PM
For Tulipe ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 29, 2014 04:46 PM
Thanks, Ami. I'll try to post some more songs to keep the thread on topic.I don't care. You don't have to be a good girl  ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 05:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne:
I don't care. You don't have to be a good girl 
Hahaha, thanks. (I'm not very good at that anyway, but I try.)  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 29, 2014 05:40 PM
Hahaha, thanks. (I'm not very good at that anyway, but I try.)I try, too. That's my problem  ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 05:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: [b]Hahaha, thanks. (I'm not very good at that anyway, but I try.)I try, too. That's my problem  [/B]
Ah...well, we can only do our best, eh? Without imploding, that is.  IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 05:51 PM
For you and I, Ami. I know it's a song about her father, but I've always thought of my mother when I listen to it. It used to make me cry, when the wounds were still very fresh.I'm thankful that we've made peace, but it was so hard for so many years. And I still have to deal with the aftermath in many ways. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 29, 2014 06:32 PM
I can't relate to your song. Maybe, you are healthier than I am. Here is my song ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 29, 2014 06:51 PM
Now, this one is the way out imo ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 07:32 PM
Oh man...that first one. I think I felt that way a lot when I was younger, and was around my mom a lot more. Distance and boundaries have worked for me. But my mom really doesn't understand healthy boundaries. So I basically had to lay down the law with her, and be willing to walk away.I know that you've done that, and I can completely identify with the struggle between not wanting to be around toxic, hurtful people who have caused us pain, and needing family.  If by some chance I am "healthier" than you (and we're all unhealthy in different ways), it's only because my circumstances might not have been as extreme. But they were extreme enough to leave scars. No one can blame you for being wherever you're at, Ami. I need to listen to the second one... IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 07:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Now, this one is the way out imo
I love the lyrics to that one. Thanks for that.  I think that people know that I'm not religious, but I am spiritual. And I can dig anything that's truly spiritual. That's a great song. Keep listening to it! I will too.  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 29, 2014 08:40 PM
Awww  ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Violets Knowflake Posts: 4386 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 29, 2014 08:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Awww 
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quietstorm Knowflake Posts: 327 From: Registered: Feb 2014
posted April 30, 2014 04:13 AM
To everyone on LL<3 ------------------ Cap ♑ Sun Leo ♌️ Moon Pisces ♓️ Asc sag ♐ MC IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 30, 2014 07:14 AM
Thank you, QS  ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60120 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 30, 2014 07:49 AM
VioletsDoes your mother have Moon conj Deja? ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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