Topic: I don't get people
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7907 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 29, 2013 11:56 PM
So this girl messaged me Monday on pof and we started messaging back and forth. Things seemed to be going good and she gave me her number (without me asking) and we started texting. She texted me everyday (Tuesday-Thursday) and initiated every text conversation we had! She gave every indication that she was interested in me through her words and actions and seemed nice so I thought " hey this girl might be worth spending time with". Anyways I got off work last night and saw that she had texted me and I texted her back and we exchanged a few messages. I asked her if she wanted to go out Saturday night and she went silent for over an hour and when she responded she said "idk". F*ck words cannot describe how much I hate noncommittal answers.... So I confronted her and said " look I get led on by women all the time and I never get straight answers. So I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't do me that way. Do you want to go out Saturday or not?" And suprise suprise !!! I haven't heard back from her since then... Facepalm* wtf? Why do people feel the need to play stupid mind games like this? Why? Why lead me on when you have no intention to follow through? I don't know why I even try anymore . Anyways just wanted to vent about the whole thing , thanks for listening to me. LolIP: Logged |
asclibrasagsun Knowflake Posts: 2543 From: Mälmo, Sweden Registered: Aug 2012
posted November 30, 2013 12:49 AM
I totally get youHow rude of her I hope everything works out IP: Logged |
Padre35 Knowflake Posts: 2826 From: Asheville, NC, US Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 30, 2013 03:06 AM
A week may be to short a time to go out on a date from her pov AG. Could be she just enjoyed the attention and was not interested in going on a date at all. This is one of the reasons why I avoid online dating, to many variables and since you don't see facial reactions and don't hear tones of voice etc, it just makes it more ethereal. IP: Logged |
DeepFreeze Knowflake Posts: 429 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2013
posted November 30, 2013 03:30 AM
Removed Shouldn't have gotten involved. IP: Logged |
Padre35 Knowflake Posts: 2826 From: Asheville, NC, US Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 30, 2013 08:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by DeepFreeze: Ha! I'm kinda curious about your chart because we seem to be on the same page quite a bit - thus far anyway. Anyway AG, I agree. Years ago I had one actually agree to the date and only an hour before I hadn't heard from her since the day before. I text to try to confirm plans and she ignored me. For every woman that talks to you, she's got like 10 others talking to her. I was talking with a female friend about it once. She had a deactivated account. While hanging out with her she said, "Watch this." and activated her account. It was just insane. She got more "action" in 30 minutes than I get in a week!
That is so true, this another reason why online dating is not very attractive for me, all the decision making ability, and usually offers, goes onto their side of the ledger. A text, unless X Rated (ah-hem) can be delivered with anything from a smirk to actually conveying what they mean or merely one in a series of text she is sending out replying to the other guys she is chatting with at any given moment. And not exactly proud of it, as a young guy I've stood up some dates, so cannot really say to very much w/o looking like a hippocrite Did line up a sort of platonic date via Facebook a couple of weeks ago, she was heading out of town so I knew the chances of that not panning out were really high so did not get to awful worried if it did not happen She was more of a friend then a possible romantic interest and she let me know the night before so it was fine with me. Had fun anyway. IP: Logged |
somethingexcellent Knowflake Posts: 4011 From: vodka fine, I'm so divine Registered: Nov 2012
posted November 30, 2013 10:59 AM
What a scary thing to say to her... IP: Logged |
NoRainNoRainbows Moderator Posts: 1003 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 30, 2013 11:20 AM
UGH i hate people like that! and i get why you asked her the way you did.She doesn't seem so emotionally mature to be honest though...and yes some girls i see them they speak to guys they have no intention of going out with just so they feel 'special'... i'd never do I let ppl know at once if i'm not the one for them, as i don't want the karma of delaying two from meeting just coz of a need of an outside source to feel special. if anything i think this girl is texting her friends with "OMG HE Asked me what should i say to him...u sure i should make him wait...." you know what ever is doing the rounds with those with the emotional maturity of a 3 year old these days. but to you i will give you the same advise i give women who are in the same situation as you.....make your own plans, so if Saturday comes, and she calls just go "oh i am out here or there(having fun basically), feel free to come if you want" i.e show her you do make your own plans and your life isn't tied to another person's...then let me know if this also works when a guy does it to a girl IP: Logged |
geea Knowflake Posts: 754 From: hitchhiking through the galaxy Registered: Jun 2011
posted November 30, 2013 11:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by aquaguy91: So I confronted her and said " look I get led on by women all the time and I never get straight answers. So I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't do me that way.
never tell that to a girl(especially one you barely know) IP: Logged |
Padre35 Knowflake Posts: 2826 From: Asheville, NC, US Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 30, 2013 11:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by geea: never tell that to a girl(especially one you barely know)
I'm not sure I agree with that pov geea, if AG was genuinely offended he had a perfect right to stand up for himself. To me, one of the things I see in the younger guys is they tend to not be able to express their genuine feelings no matter how passionate they may feel about whatever it is. I personally think he probably rushed things by going for a date that quickly, probably texted her a bit to often as well. That more goes to the mixed messages of the dating scene. Men are supposed to show interest, but not to much, supposed to be assertive, but not to assertive etc. This is one of the host of reasons why the whole online dating/text msg approach is so unappealing to me at least. If they had been talking face to face, things would have been very different as both sides would have a much better basis for where things were then some pixels on a screen and emojis. How impersonal is that? Ask someone on a date in person if the smile is not large then one knows the score, send a text and boils down to how long it takes them to get back to you.. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Knowflake Posts: 1929 From: Mountain Gate Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 30, 2013 11:58 AM
About the ethereal thing, some may not want to bring it to earth too quickly, either.It may take time to decide on that. You don't want to jump the gun while she takes time to digest that. It's not necessarily a rejection. IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7907 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 30, 2013 12:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by geea: never tell that to a girl(especially one you barely know)
Why not? lmao "IDK" is a b*llshit response. Only yes or no is a valid response. IP: Logged |
somethingexcellent Knowflake Posts: 4011 From: vodka fine, I'm so divine Registered: Nov 2012
posted November 30, 2013 12:51 PM
^And we can see how successful that's been for you.No, I showed that to my friend (female friend) and she said that sounded so threatening. But whatever, not like you'll listen. IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7907 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 30, 2013 12:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Padre35: I'm not sure I agree with that pov geea, if AG was genuinely offended he had a perfect right to stand up for himself.To me, one of the things I see in the younger guys is they tend to not be able to express their genuine feelings no matter how passionate they may feel about whatever it is. I personally think he probably rushed things by going for a date that quickly, probably texted her a bit to often as well. That more goes to the mixed messages of the dating scene. Men are supposed to show interest, but not to much, supposed to be assertive, but not to assertive etc. This is one of the host of reasons why the whole online dating/text msg approach is so unappealing to me at least. If they had been talking face to face, things would have been very different as both sides would have a much better basis for where things were then some pixels on a screen and emojis. How impersonal is that? Ask someone on a date in person if the smile is not large then one knows the score, send a text and boils down to how long it takes them to get back to you..
She initiated all the text conversations so me "texting her too much" was not the problem.
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aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7907 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 30, 2013 12:54 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by somethingexcellent: ^And we can see how successful that's been for you.No, I showed that to my friend (female friend) and she said that sounded so threatening. But whatever, not like you'll listen. [/ QUOTE] threatening? Lmao.. that just goes to show your friends lack of character and integrity.
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Padre35 Knowflake Posts: 2826 From: Asheville, NC, US Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 30, 2013 12:55 PM
Sure it was, at some point it dawns on one that being constantly available is not optimal, it seems needy.And in this case she would be correct to assume that very thing. Deep Freeze nailed it AG, when he mentioned the young woman who re-activated her account and had 30 hits in hours. In that particular environment they are showered with attention, why be just one of many. IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7907 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 30, 2013 01:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Padre35: Sure it was, at some point it dawns on one that being constantly available is not optimal, it seems needy.And in this case she would be correct to assume that very thing. Deep Freeze nailed it AG, when he mentioned the young woman who re-activated her account and had 30 hits in hours. In that particular environment they are showered with attention, why be just one of many.
How was I the one being too available? She initiated everything from giving me her number ( without me even asking for it) and texted me everyday. in all honesty she was the one making herself available to me. I was not texting her back instantly, I was very busy this week between work, helping an aunt move, and work around the house etc. IP: Logged |
Padre35 Knowflake Posts: 2826 From: Asheville, NC, US Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 30, 2013 01:10 PM
Well AG, we've had this little chats before, one never sees where things may have went wrong, so you may correct them in the future, it is always her fault.My goodness though, results say otherwise. I am glad one did confront her as it does show you are not willing to be treated poorly, however examine your own actions objectively and see what you may have done differently. IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 7499 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted November 30, 2013 01:44 PM
lol What a waste of time... online dating sites.. Maybe she has social anxiety and just wanted someone to text and just flirt within her own comfort zone I'm not that romantic in the traditional sense dating sites takes the thrill and excitement. Now you just have to worry if they look like their pic and everyone is either really thirsty or catfish. I'd rather die alone , no offensive to others. Just my opinion.. IP: Logged |
somethingexcellent Knowflake Posts: 4011 From: vodka fine, I'm so divine Registered: Nov 2012
posted November 30, 2013 01:56 PM
But it is threatening! Instead of calling everyone else the problem, try to view yourself as the problem!That comes across as angry and hateful. You didn't show any patience for her and immediately you talked about how women are problem makers in your life. It's obvious why she didn't text you back. you could have said, oh okay cool and continued being friendly, you could have said aw well all right maybe next time, you could have done any number of positive things...but you went straight for "women lead me on, so don't do that and give me my answer." This is so exasperating - how can you not see any of this???? IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 7499 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted November 30, 2013 02:04 PM
Idk I find his antics amusing now. OH AQUAGUY..... :P *says the crowd*"THAT'S ME!" psst thats your punchline Idk I guess just do you, youre not very diplomatic.. maybe a find an agressive woman that can whip you into submission, like an aries or scorpio woman. IP: Logged |
meissieri Knowflake Posts: 646 From: The Netherlands Registered: Feb 2013
posted November 30, 2013 02:10 PM
My perspective as a girl. This Monday & Saturday? That's very quick for someone you've known for just a few days. I'm wondering... maybe she didn't mean for it to be a romantic date and finding out you obviously were interested in her in that way, she felt bad, embarrassed, didn't know what to say. Hence the "idk" response (I agree that's ridiculously vague, though). A text like that that quickly... maybe she's still thinking of what she should say to that? It's really scary for the one waiting for it, and has made themselves so vulnerable, I know, but I think you really overwhelmed her. And that's the danger of meeting people online. You tend to forget that some talks work much, much better face-to-face. If you're going to tell her something that personal that has determined your view on dating so much - and face-to-face isn't possible - then at least do it over the phone, so she can hear your voice. The more personal you get, the more sincere you will come across, even if you always were. Online it's easy to skip over a lot of steps that you would normally take in real life in getting to know someone (doesn't matter in which way). So maybe it's better to get to know them offline first before considering the date. For people who are very serious about relationships, like you seem here - this is really important. Make sure you know this girl and can see yourself in a relationship with her. I also agree with DeepFreeze, she's likely talking to a couple of other guys and that makes it a lot easier to just drop someone when someone new comes along. Giving someone more time to decide would help to take some pressure off. If you're interested in dating online, you may have more luck finding someone through a fandom or some sorts where you can get to know them as a person first, instead of with dating in the front of your mind. IP: Logged |
Padre35 Knowflake Posts: 2826 From: Asheville, NC, US Registered: Jul 2012
posted November 30, 2013 02:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: lol What a waste of time... online dating sites.. Maybe she has social anxiety and just wanted someone to text and just flirt within her own comfort zone I'm not that romantic in the traditional sense dating sites takes the thrill and excitement. Now you just have to worry if they look like their pic and everyone is either really thirsty or catfish. I'd rather die alone , no offensive to others. Just my opinion..
Wait a minute...maybe AG is catfishing...US!?!?! Uploaded with IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 7499 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted November 30, 2013 02:45 PM
You mean trolling? Yeah I have thought about that a lot... Sometimes I'm like no way.. But I use explore some boy dominated forums so I'm not really that surprised.
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StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 6133 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted November 30, 2013 03:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by aquaguy91: So this girl messaged me Monday on pof and we started messaging back and forth. Things seemed to be going good and she gave me her number (without me asking) and we started texting. She texted me everyday (Tuesday-Thursday) and initiated every text conversation we had! She gave every indication that she was interested in me through her words and actions and seemed nice so I thought " hey this girl might be worth spending time with". Anyways I got off work last night and saw that she had texted me and I texted her back and we exchanged a few messages. I asked her if she wanted to go out Saturday night and she went silent for over an hour and when she responded she said "idk". F*ck words cannot describe how much I hate noncommittal answers.... So I confronted her and said " look I get led on by women all the time and I never get straight answers. So I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't do me that way. Do you want to go out Saturday or not?" And suprise suprise !!! I haven't heard back from her since then... Facepalm* wtf? Why do people feel the need to play stupid mind games like this? Why? Why lead me on when you have no intention to follow through? I don't know why I even try anymore . Anyways just wanted to vent about the whole thing , thanks for listening to me. Lol
It sounds to me like she has a bf. Sorry to be the one to tell you this but that would explain the way she kinda just disappeared when you wanted to meet in person. She is probably thinking to herself it's okay to talk to other guys, just not go out because that would be cheating on her bf. So, when you asked her, she thought, omg this is getting close to cheating on my bf, and she froze up. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Knowflake Posts: 1929 From: Mountain Gate Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 30, 2013 03:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Padre35: Wait a minute...maybe AG is catfishing...[b]US!?!?! Uploaded with[/B]
Moderators are known for that...
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