Topic: Psychedelic drugs
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 6873 From: Saturn (summer house on Chiron) Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 19, 2014 10:43 AM
If you've tried them, what substance(s) was it and what have you experienced?------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 54922 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 19, 2014 11:11 AM
I never have. I am afraid to lose control ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 1983 From: Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2014 11:22 AM
Nice thread heheheIP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 54922 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 19, 2014 11:30 AM
Supposedly, you can attain the same thing by spiritual practices. I can go OBE--out of body. There are people who can bi-locate and various other amazing things.------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 8422 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 19, 2014 11:33 AM
I tried to smoke weed once and I hated it. No offense to any aficionados but I took a few tokes and had a panic attack. I could not wait for the sensation to go away! it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I hate smoking anything.That is my only experience with any of it. It scared me so badly I never wanted to try it again. I had tried a little bit of hemp before and it pretty much made me cough up a lung but had practically no effect, but this was the real deal and it was sooo horrid. I don't see how anyone can stand it. My friend who had it to share barely even felt it though. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 7987 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 19, 2014 11:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne:
you can attain the same thing by spiritual practices. I can go OBE--out of body. There are people who can bi-locate and various other amazing things.
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Dancing Maenad Moderator Posts: 871 From: The Harvest Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2014 11:41 AM
I am sure I'd be into them if I didn't care too much about my brain cells. Maybe when I'm old in a nursing home I'll crack some LSD with the elderly cool gang. I had pot once and some hallucinations while under the influence. It was interesting but I wouldn't do it again. I felt like I was traveling through time.
My poison is opioids though. Different choices in life, I would've ended up a heroin junkie for sure. Tried just once, for 2-3 seconds, before going under anesthesia. The dr is a friend of mine and let me have 2 seconds of sole Fentanyl bliss before it all went blank. Such amazing peace and joy.. So I am always very compassionate with drug addicts. It could have easily been me, in different circumstances.
------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 54922 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 19, 2014 11:43 AM
When people have the NDEs( near death experiences), they describe that bliss. I bet it may be touching the same place/dimension.------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 1983 From: Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2014 11:51 AM
I've tried everything once (maybe twice thrice...whatever... with pot and hash lol) except for psychedelics, out of scientific curiosity and because I'm not prone to addiction (although anyone can become an addict). I'd only try natural psychedelics such as mushrooms, peyotl, under supervision, never LSD, and I'd like to do so, for the same reasons. IP: Logged |
Violets Moderator Posts: 3569 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted May 19, 2014 12:19 PM
nvm. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 1983 From: Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2014 12:41 PM
Kids, don't do drugs! Eat fresh fruit!Granny Buzzkill IP: Logged |
Enneline Knowflake Posts: 480 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 19, 2014 01:16 PM
I tried weed an cocaine and I loved it IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 7987 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 19, 2014 01:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: When people have the NDEs( near death experiences), they describe that bliss. I bet it may be touching the same place/dimension.
Yup. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 7987 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 19, 2014 01:22 PM
And you're not impairing your ability to do it Naturally.Drugs force the Gate. It may never swing right again. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 1983 From: Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 19, 2014 01:31 PM
Are you suggesting we should wait until we die? But I agree. Try meditation, trance dance, trance music, good food, color baths and other good physical stuff instead of drugs. If you must know how it's like, do not try synthetic drugs, a few joints will suffice to get the idea. IP: Logged |
MoonWitch Moderator Posts: 1582 From: The Beach Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 19, 2014 01:31 PM
I did my share of LSD in college and my early to mid 20's. It was my drug of choice back then. It was fascinating. IP: Logged |
FireMoon Knowflake Posts: 1744 From: Minnesota Registered: Mar 2012
posted May 19, 2014 10:29 PM
Have you tried any cappy? I haven't other than weed. I think if I would've done other psychedelics when younger I wouldn't have been able to handle the warped sense of reality and all that, probably would have had a bad trip.. But now I understand there's a spiritual context to it lol and I could probably reach other levels of consciousness I can't through meditation alone yet I'm tempted tbh and my transits have *drugs* written all over them lol but I also feel like my days of irresponsible experimenting are supposed to be behind me... IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 4492 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 19, 2014 11:53 PM
I was 14 the first time I tried psychedelic drugs. I went with my cousin and his friends after some rain and watched them harvest shrooms from cow dung which almost made me refuse to try it (though it was clean enough. Some boys ate some while were collecting them and my curiosity got the better of me so after we got back I nibbled one and found the taste exotic and not as bad I feared. Right after I swallowed I saw one who had eaten some a few minutes ago fall down and then get up saying he felt his heart stop. The others laughed about how that felt like forever. It made me mad that it happened seconds after I swallowed, but they didn't think it was a big deal (scary experience, but one they shook off with the bravado of teenage boys). My cousin promised me the tea was much smoother and that's what they made out of the shrooms the next day. And to add mood to it someone had put in a video (this was late 1996, early 97, we still used VCRs back then) of The Wall (Pink Floyd). The high snuck up on me. At first I just got relaxed but then the video got scary to me, and when a guy on the vid in a straightjacket turned with a crazy or evil grin I literally screamed which caused all the others to break out in shroom laughter. Feeling freaked out I went out (no one stopped me) into the sun where the wind was so soothing. I walked out into the pasture and started for the woods where the fear left me and I was filled with the awe of the total beauty around me, in me, and flowing through me, it was all me and I was connected to all of it, in beauty. I think I cried because the beauty was so intense and invigorating. And the shrooms talked to me. It was more of telepathic impressions that answered questions. I believe my first thought was how close I came to skipping this glorious experience and the "shrooms said" (no words) in my mind that I couldn't, I was too curious, I had to learn, to experience. Memories flashed of my childhood where learning new things filled me with happiness (and how I sometimes got in trouble for it). I asked then (probably speaking out loud), "Why do I hate school then?" And they showed me memories of school of shut up, don't write, don't read, stick to the lesson plan that I breezed through and then had to be quiet as others caught up. Some teachers learned it was much easier to let me read or write quietly when I was done as otherwise I'd ask questions...and they often HATED that. So school was wasting my time and PREVENTING me from learning at my own pace (as well as experiencing the real world, not to be confused with the artificial world). And they were right, I'd later take a test where I intentionally got some questions wrong (thinking I was average and wanting to be put in a below average class where I had the most friends) and still scored borderline genius and college level at everything save math (in which I was at the right level despite that I took this test after spending 6 months on the streets). But back to my shroom experience: This communication became much more surreal, I believe even touched on past lives though I wasn't sure if they were my memories or just something I tapped into (and/or the "shrooms/Earth remembered") but I can't recall that much of it now. I get back (I was gone long enough the video was over) and was telling them everything the shrooms were telling me. One guy got angry because he'd been wanting to have a vision and never did all the times he tried shrooms. I remember him shouting it out loud but he said he said nothing, and the others did, too. And in conversation in which I was sure they were speaking to me (by mouth) I'd reply and they told me to stop replying to their thoughts, it was rude. I remember it very firmly as their speaking out loud but they remember it just as firmly that they didn't, and to this day my cousin will say I was reading all their minds. (It was sort of like this, but I didn't realize they were just thinking silently.) A sober friend of theirs came over and laughed about us being on shrooms and asked if anything weird happened. In describing things they mentioned I was reading minds which he laughed at but I suddenly felt him radiating fear, like an energy. Now whether the shrooms tuned me into this or if it was simply my fine tune brain that learned to read moods (ever so useful when raised by violent alcoholics) being momentarily sharpened, IDK, but I got playful with him. The way I remember it is my thinking that all boys were obsessed with sex and thus deduced that he was scared I was seeing his naughty fantasies, and so I teased him about what dirty thoughts he had (I don't recall most details, I was tripping out of my skull). He ran. At some point the boys wanted to hear a certain casette tape (again, 90s...) but it was at another home. I went with them when they went driving off (and they put in a loud cassette for the drive there that it seems to me they were dancing to while at the same time driving) and I can only hope they weren't tripping out of their skulls as badly as I was because I barely remember anything of it, and what I do was very dreamlike. But somehow we made it back in one piece. As it got darker I felt my arm get all tingly like it was going to sleep so I shook it. When I did several gold sparks (crackling as if electrical) were "shaken out" and all but one fell harmlessly into the floor where they disappeared (as if falling through it). The one exception instead fell through my sock & shoe without hurting it but BURNED my foot. Seriously, my skin blistered there like it had been burned there. (I'd later try to repeat that when sober a few times--could be useful--but never happened again, not even when I tried other psychedelic drugs.) I got tired and tried to sleep but I couldn't, and it felt like things were crawling over me. It didn't freak me out but it was annoying. Then I heard the boys laughing up a storm so I went out to see them watching a Cheech & Chong video and I started laughing with them. And when the movie was over we instantly rewound and watched it AGAIN. Just as funny the 2nd time. Finally, I was able to sleep. The next day the lights (even the colors) were too bright and I had to wear shades so my eyes didn't hurt and I spent all Sunday recovering. Oh, and I put on the Cheech & Chong movie that had been so hilarious and found it so mind boggling stupid that I couldn't watch more than a few minutes of it and wondered how I found it so funny the previous night. And the guy who ran after I teased him about his dirty mind? I got a call that day saying there were rumors going around town that I had a demon in me that could read minds (I know where that rumor got started...) About a week or so later I had about a five minute flashback in class which manifested as an intense giggle fit. The teacher was confused by my helpless giggles that I vainly tried to smother (burying my head in my arms on my desk) but the other kids seemed to know what was going on. The teacher was perhaps too scared to ask what I found so funny since they didn't like it when I commented or questioned the lesson in any way which may have discouraged her from asking what I found so funny. So when I'd visit my cousin in 2011 (about 15 years later from the events described above) I asked to borrow the Firefly dvds that I'd gotten him as a Christmas present, and he told me this scene (that had come about because the "witch" had read a preacher's mind) had reminded him of the time we did shrooms because of my reading minds and how some people were saying I had a demon in me that granted me this power: IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 4492 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 19, 2014 11:55 PM
I'm exhausted after sharing that in as much detail as I can recall. I'll share some of my subsequent experiences (probably in less detail) later, possibly in a day or two. IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 6873 From: Saturn (summer house on Chiron) Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 20, 2014 12:55 PM
Pixie, thanks for a detailed description, that's what I wanted to read here. This telepathy thing sounds really cool. quote: Have you tried any cappy?
I've smoked a little bit of weed a couple of times. It might have improved my mood and that's it. I'd like to smoke a decent amount sometime and try something else. I already have candidates.
------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 4492 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 22, 2014 03:45 AM
When I was 15 a guy (who intended to rape me and/or sell me to a pimp) pushed me into smoking a jay (it would be rude to refuse, many didn't take that well, and after this I learned how to fake it) which was laced with something hallucinogenic. My thinking got very clouded and he tried to lead me away. I resisted but had friends of mine not come along then he'd have eventually gotten me as I had no idea what was going on.I was a runaway at the time (as were my friends) and they told me to stay away from him, he was bad news. We got into one of our squats and I thought I'd lay down. At some point I opened my eyes to see a guy's face close to mine asking me something but I couldn't hear him over the noise. Not sure what this noise was but I said, "Your thoughts are too loud." (But there was no element of mind reading here, it was just white noise.) I realized then that it was no ordinary jay he'd given me and got scared, wondering what that guy had put inside me. I was scared enough that I wandered over to Covenant House and noticed I lacked coordination as well as my senses being all messed up. At this point I only had one true hallucination (probably more of a major distortion) of a car driving through me (as if I were a spirit and the driver didn't even see me). I described what happened and they said they could call a hospital for me but I just wanted a nurse and maybe someone to tell me what it was, how long it would last, etc. They couldn't tell me. I went back and remembered that some of the kids had a lot of experiment with drugs so I asked them. They weren't sure but they thought it was crank. Having researched the effects later I think it was probably PCP (angel dust). Luckily, all the scare stories of it turning people into superhuman violent monsters is just a myth (the only people it turns aggressive are those who are already aggressive anyway as it gets rid of the filters and impulse control regarding that with a mild painkilling effect helping them, though not so you could shatter every bone in your hand and not feel it). Not that I'm certain what this was and I by no means would recommend trying whatever it was even once. As it was I got back and I had several blackouts. For example I was back at our squat in the middle of the day and suddenly it was sunset in a park a couple of miles away, though I was still with my fellow runaways. To this day I have no memory what happened or how I got there. And suddenly it was night and we were walking under an overpass (one with a very bad reputation) and we walked to a store. While some went in I sat outside wrung out and asked those I knew wouldn't lie to me (good or bad they'd say) what had happened in the last few hours and if I did anything crazy or mortifying embarrassing. They said no, I was very laid back, passive, went with the flow. The only thing was I was very quiet and subdued which had some people worried, but they figured it was whatever that guy slipped me and I'd snap out of it eventually. Apparently I operated on "automatic" the whole time...good thing I didn't need to react fast or think something through, and very good thing I had friends with me. (Probably a good thing I didn't make my own food, or worse, cook.) After that I pretty much returned to normal (still needed sleep) Sometime later (like a month or so) a kid mischievously spiked a large soda with Ecstasy. That was a feel good drug but I didn't hallucinate. I'd also find out later that it was diluted as the effects weren't as strong as they could've been. Those were relatively minor but thought you might like to hear of them. I save that first experience for those who experienced blackouts (and unlike me don't have friends to tell them the truth of what happened) in the hopes it gives them some comfort. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 4492 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 22, 2014 04:08 AM
When I was 17 I got into the occult which included in exploring altered states of consciousness, and later, after I left where I'd been at 18, that included using entheogens as a "psychonaut or "psychedelic shaman." I'd really gotten into raves (I was a cybergoth before I even knew what one was and thought I shouldn't be mixing raver with goth, aka "graver" ) & free parties and though not everyone used drugs, many did, and so I had plenty of opportunities to experiment with a lot of people telling me how these drugs opened doors of new consciousness. I'd also been exposed directly and indirectly to the philosophy of Terrence McKenna (and being a fan of Robert Anton Wilson I was further encouraged to experiment as I admired him and his mind). I was sure to surround myself by good vibes, be in a good headspace, and take plenty of Vitamin B (helps with making it smooth and also helps with memory, and said to help people remember their dreams as well, btw) so I could share a lot of experiences as these weren't just to get high but rather to explore myself. This is more of my own internal journey into my own mind & energy (and also the energy of those around me) so I'm not sure how to describe it (the fact that it's past 1 AM for me isn't helping). I think it was mildly useful in some ways but overall not worth it (no regrets, however, it still satisfied my curiosity). But sometimes I felt so certain I understood EVERYTHING while tripping, yet as I sobered up that understanding slipped away to my frustration and making me want a return of that feeling. Finally I had the idea to have sober friends interview and record me with a pocket recorder so I could save that enlightenment for posterity (and maybe it would help me remember what I couldn't when I was sober), but upon hearing myself I realized I hadn't reached enlightenment, I was just a blathering idiot, the feeling a delusion, and I stopped using them as I knew too many people who used way too many psychedelics and I didn't want to end up like them. That said, I'm very glad I drank the shroom tea when I was 14, and I think under the right circumstances they can be beneficial. I also tried E (and once E and LSD which diluted the effects of both but at the same time made both last a lot longer, for a bit more see candyflipping) and this was so good that I stopped as I realized that WAS a drug I could get addicted to. Part of it was I loved to touch while on E, it felt so good to touch and be touched, the sensations were so heightened. And the colors could be so beautiful... But much more important is that the love and trust I felt for the world and everyone around me were so overwhelming and it allowed me to connect with others that I found hard when sober given how cynical and cautious I'd gotten about people. I was still aware that the feeling was a chemical illusion so I didn't act on my feelings when I realized it could bring me danger, but it felt so good to embrace people, even strangers, with such love in my heart for them and the world (I even got into a cuddle puddle where I and several others, many of whom were complete strangers, were hugging each other in ecstasy and love), and naturally some guys would try to push it when I was so affectionate (btw, I didn't feel sexual on E but lines can cross easy when one is so affectionate, loving & trusting, connecting to someone else, and touch is so nice). So I stopped the E as well. I also found that the consciousness altering techniques I'd learned when studying the occult worked much better than drugs and also allowed me to retain control of my mind and body, and dancing could even inspire a drug like ecstasy that while not anywhere as intense as E allowed me a greater awareness of both the world and within and allowed me to better critically assess people and the situation. And at that point, by age 20 I'd pretty much stopped drugs (psychedelic and otherwise, including alcohol) completely. (I did try salvia a couple of times after but it didn't do anything for me.) Nevertheless, while I preferred to dance sober to dancing on E, I still treasure the handful of times I was on it, particularly in that surreal cuddle puddle with others on it, and surrounded by people like this who really enhanced the experience. IP: Logged |
freebrainstorms Knowflake Posts: 1257 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 22, 2014 11:07 PM
Weed, hash, cocaine, mdma, ecstasy, shrooooms, lsd and ketamine.I personally believe that drugs are all dependent on your personality and why and how you're getting into them and I stand by the fact that mdma helped cure my social anxiety. I have had nothing but good experiences with psychedelics (except for the times that I mixed with alcohol, and then really it was the alcohol that was the devil). They have helped open up and trust both my mind and body, they made me more open to love and acceptance of myself and others, and made me want to devote more of myself to fixing the universe. IP: Logged |
IV XXIV Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 22, 2014 11:18 PM
I had ketamine once... A kid at a party told me it was coke (which I was willing to try), then switched his story that it was ecstasy after I'd taken it.. Which I didn't care about because I was willing to try that too.Initially, I felt such a strong sense of euphoria. It felt like I was in a video game, all the lights were so luminescent and enticing. The world looked like I was viewing it through a lava lamp. It was awesome. Eventually, I lost feeling in my feet, then legs, then my whole body. I kept looking down at my hands and saying, "Wow, isn't it amazing that we have hands? And these hands are apart of me? They're my own special pair of hands. That's so cool." Then it all went downhill. Everything started spinning and I felt dizzy, sort of like when you get the spins when you're way too drunk, but much scarier. I had blacked out for a short 30 seconds or so; where all I saw was black, like a twisting vortex. I was absolutely terrified. I thought that I had died. Literally. I ended up coming back to consciousness and swore that I did die momentarily. From then on out, it was terrible. I felt sick. I couldn't walk at all; I felt like my legs were jelly, and sort of like I was walking on the moon. Everything around me visually pulsated; sort of like everything was vibrating. I couldn't keep my eyes focused on anything at all, they were rolling all over the place. I started confusing reality from fantasy, and thought I was back in time about a year prior. I tried to sleep it off but I had to pee every 10 minutes. I woke up every 2-5 minutes. I could barely speak at this point, and had no recollection of what was real. I kept waking up and asking my best friend where I was, who I was, who she was, etc. because I genuinely had no idea. I just wanted it to end. I had to email my professor to let her know that I wouldn't be coming in that day to do our psychology study, and all I said in the email was "Dear Mrs. Professor, I can't come. Thank you." With spelling errors and everything. That was the exact email I sent... Word for word. Just "dear mrs. professor" no name, no reason as to why I can't attend, no apology, no nothing. Thankfully she never brought it up to me lmao. I was finally able to fall asleep and I woke up at about 3 in the afternoon. I was coming down the whole next day. I couldn't eat, I was moving and talking so slow, and my speech was so mellowed out. If I had to describe it; I would say it was sort of like a tranquilizer. Absolutely horrid and I wouldn't give it to my worst enemy. As for weed; I'm not a fan. I don't think drugs work well with the chemical balance in my brain. I get really quiet and paranoid when I smoke, and I trip out too much. I'm not fun. I only handle alcohol and pain killers well. Well, that's all I've tried. IP: Logged |
KarkaQueen Knowflake Posts: 3507 From: Uranus Registered: May 2011
posted May 23, 2014 04:08 AM
PixieJane, that story had quite the effect on me. I never tried any drugs, the only thing close would be alcohol which blocked out my psychic abilities intensely. So bad my tarot card readings were horrible and very inaccurate, as well as my intuition! I truly felt like a natural, mundane person at that point... It was insipid.My pupils have the extraordinary ability of becoming dialated and me having a high come over me for no apparent reason. IP: Logged | |