Topic: Asteroid TYCHE: Confirmation
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1627 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 03, 2011 08:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by Coffee: Other reasons against using asteroids can be that you find the names represented by the planets, in the same way that words are represented by the planets. I don't find too much wrong with splitting all the words of history into 12 different meanings.I disagree that all of them need to be valid or else astrology is not valid. I use a very simple way of doing astrology, one which says Chiron is a red herring, not to be used at all. I don't see any problem with saying the billions of asteroids are useless and the planets are fine, is this is what really works. We may have a lot of house systems, but only one is valid with astrology. All can be used, but with the difference results, not all are equal and able to be used. What problem do people have with looking at names represented by the planets. What problem do people have in finding some of the asteroid meanings from the planets? You say Luck, and personal abundance for asteroid Tyche. This to me is Jupiter in 'normal' astrology. You can also look to house 2 for that. No need to have that attribute given to one of the asteroids, when the planets are good enough as they are. What you find in research can be found elsewhere using something in the natal chart.
I see your point Coffee. I just suspect that asteroids could give additional information. in early astrology nobody use neptune or pluto and it worked pretty well, but nobody will deny the information coming from planets aspecting pluto or neptune. do we? in the same tone, i suspect that discoveries are paralell with collective consciousness and can add color to what can be explained with planets alone. I dont use asteroids and I am learning more to work with planets, but I am open to hear to see if something that cannot be explain with my placement of jupiter (to bring your own example) could be explained by thyche. why not? IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1627 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 03, 2011 08:28 AM
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lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted May 03, 2011 08:30 AM
IQ, i took a look at the asteroids mentioned in this thread again and i noticed how mine are at very important points in my chart. I also like the relation of my planets/points with the fixed stars too by the way.Fortuna is cj. Mercury (7th house ruler) and opposes my Jupiter (chart ruler). Tyche is cj. my Saturn (is that good?) and trine Mercury, sextiel Jupiter, etc. etc. i find myself lucky. not everyday lucky, but i'm always lucky when there is danger. Siva cj. Pluto and Kaali at IC looks very symbolic to me, for i have a big theme with the history with my mother and father. as you can see below, Pluto at NN opposes my moon, at SN (which is also cj. Eris) just gonna post the chart, i think it looks pretty!  IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1627 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 03, 2011 09:01 AM
which report in can i use to see kali and tyche?thanks IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1627 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 03, 2011 09:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lioness: Transit Tyche is at 22Gem right now. Once it moves along a bit more it will be opps my Jupiter 28Sag and conjunct my Venus. Once it moves along into Leo it will trine my jupiter and conjunt my Mars.. Gamble???????
how fast does tyche move? IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted May 03, 2011 09:31 AM
nordicsoul, scroll down to the bottom of the chart selection page and you'll see a link that says "Asteroid name/number list with 16271 names" click on it and use the browser search option (ctrl+F or something like that) to find the asteroids you want. good luck!  IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted May 03, 2011 09:31 AM
Tyche seems to move some degrees per month. i don't know exactly though.IP: Logged |
Scorp31 Knowflake Posts: 189 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2011 10:00 AM
Hello iQI am really interested in your interpretation of these aspects in my natal chart thanks. Fortuna in Scorpio 2nd conjunct Sun in Scorpio 2nd house. Fortuna 2nd house Scorpio trine Saturn 6th house in Pisces. Tyche 0" Libra 1st house trine Moon in Capricorn 4th house. Tyche 0" Libra 1st house conjunct Ascendant. IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted May 03, 2011 10:02 AM
This looks like exciting..... The day of 15 may My star of david will be trigged T tyche 27-28 degree in gemini T kaali 27-28 degree in aries T fortuna 9-10 in libra T siva 17 in capricorn
I've venus 28 degree in gemini valentine 26/ siva 27 in libra amor 26/ wertex 26 in sag boda 27 aqua antero 27 leo sedna 29 aries. T fortuna sextile my sun/AC 0-1 T fortuna conj IC retro 2 T siva conj my true BML 0-1 In the middle of may....Maybe a good time and good spring feelings. I will not excpect me any surprices..
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aethan Knowflake Posts: 117 From: Lisbon, PT Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2011 11:11 AM
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge, iQ! You're a blessing to this forum!  IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 5116 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 04, 2011 06:35 AM
Thanks Aethan, just sharing my knowledge.By applying the Law of Attraction along with the Law of Giving, all of us can perpetually activate Tyche and Fortuna in our charts, and enjoy benefits in each and every transit. Consider them your pension plan indicators. @Nordic: Tyche is Asteroid 258, Kaali is 4227, Fortuna is 19 and Abundantia is 151. Abundantia also has potential to indicate sudden riches, as can Asteroid Midas. @Popcorn: May looks great, that is a rare activation  @Scorp31: Fortuna conj Sun in 2nd Scorpio is good for cash flow, or business involving cash transactions, trading in commodities using other people's cash [like working for stock brokers]. Any trine to Saturn produces luck from more established sources than young upstarts. Tyche trine Moon and conjunct Ascendant in Libra will give you luck through physical beauty [Face Modeling?], luck in art dealing and fashion design. Combine the two and one of the examples could be that you can aspire to be a successful marketer/importer and reseller for established fashion houses from Europe. You could promote your own label someday or even marry a successful art dealer 
------------------ Readings IP: Logged |
Scorp31 Knowflake Posts: 189 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 04, 2011 12:17 PM
"You could promote your own label someday or even marry a successful art dealer"iQ from you mouth to God's ears! LOL Thanks for getting back to me your insights are very interesting. IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1627 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 05, 2011 08:37 AM
Thanks lechien and IQ for Nordic IP: Logged |
persephone33 Knowflake Posts: 66 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted May 09, 2011 02:49 PM
This is a fascinating topic. What would it mean, in the natal chart, if one had kaali conjunct midas (2 degrees)? Note: Midas is on the fixed star Regulus. IP: Logged |
Anemone Knowflake Posts: 211 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 10, 2011 01:01 AM
I have got Fortuna exactly quincunx Jupiter and opposite Midas. Tyche exactly semi-square Jupiter. Oh and did I mention Fortuna semi-square - exactly again - N.Node and Midas exactly sesquiquadrate N.Node?? Didnt check other aspects - favorable ones - because these really stand out! I guess I am not that lucky on the money department huh?  IP: Logged |