Topic: Asteroid TYCHE: Confirmation
iQ Moderator Posts: 5116 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 30, 2011 06:34 AM
Asteroid Number 258 is Tyche, the Greek goddess of good luck, which along with Asteroid Fortuna have been used by me for free and professional prosperity consultations since 2010.On April 21st 2011, I got one of the biggest confirmations ever about the functioning of this Asteroid when TYCHE transit Natal Jupiter, the day seeing more than 60% returns on a very obscure land deal in such a depressed market. Tyche works best when the "Give Away" Cash system of locking in the abundance flow is activated. Mapping your Tyche and Fortuna transits is thus the most important step you can take in boosting personal abundance. ------------------ Readings IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted April 30, 2011 10:34 AM
today transit tyche 21 degree in gemini (conj my isis). Transit fortuna 11 degree R in libra conj transit saturn 11 degree in libra...(T fortuna/saturn conj my IC sextile my Sun/AC PR venus).IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 5116 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 04:33 AM
Popcorn, You will have luck this week when you learn or apply Hermetic Wisdom.IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted May 02, 2011 09:38 AM
Yes, and I feel it works  IP: Logged |
Alma Sun Knowflake Posts: 2235 From: The East Coast Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 02, 2011 12:58 PM
Edit: Actually, never mind. ------------------ "Lock up your libraries if you like, but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind." — Virginia Woolf IP: Logged |
Coffee Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 01:35 PM
I know you do great research in the field of asteroid astrology IQ, but please read this and really really think about what it is saying. quote: Best current estimates appear to put the number of asteroids that are 1 kilometer or larger at somewhere between 1.5 million and 2 million. If you consider asteroid 1/10th that size (100 meters across and up) the number would likely be close to 100 times that many ( 150 million +) If you include 10 meter rocks (the size of a small house), the number would increase by another factor of 100 or so - into the 10s of billions.
10's of billion. Only a few more million to go. Would you rather waste time coming up with meanings for all these asteroids and interpreting them, or would you rather learn astrology just using the planets we have, and learning it well? Can anyone else see how daft it is to continually look at asteroids, no matter how great the knowledge may sound? IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 5116 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 01:41 PM
My dear friend, Out of all those billions of little rocks, only 200 or so have important themes and Archetypes that we can use, that too, if there are favorable planetary aspects.Ponder this. Queen Elizabeth 2 is the ruler and Prince William is next in line. They do not have any exact planetary aspect common to them. Yet they both have Sun conjunct Asteroid Kaali, the Asteroid that has been statistically proven to occur in Kundalini themes, Mind Control themes and Bloodline Themes. An exact conjunction is a 1/360 odds. Why Kaali out of all the billion asteroids to share a 1/360 x 1/360 probability in the two most Royal people on Earth today? Why? Why? Why? The answer is "Name Frequency". P.S: And what is the gravity exerted by Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn or even Jupiter to give any size or gravitational validity to the usage of Astrology? CERES exerts more gravity than Pluto.
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iQ Moderator Posts: 5116 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 01:44 PM
My dear friend, Out of all those billions of little rocks, only 200 or so have important themes and Archetypes that we can use, that too, if there are favorable planetary aspects.Ponder this. Queen Elizabeth 2 is the ruler and Prince William is next in line. They do not have any exact planetary aspect common to them. Yet they both have Sun conjunct Asteroid Kaali, the Asteroid that has been statistically proven to occur in Kundalini themes, Mind Control themes and Bloodline Themes. An exact conjunction is a 1/360 odds. Why Kaali out of all the billion asteroids to share a 1/360 x 1/360 probability in the two most Royal people on Earth today? Why? Why? Why? The answer is "Name Frequency". P.S: And what is the gravity exerted by Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn or even Jupiter to give any size or gravitational validity to the usage of Astrology? CERES exerts more gravity than Pluto.
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iQ Moderator Posts: 5116 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 01:50 PM
My dear friend, Out of all those billions of little rocks, only 200 or so have important themes and Archetypes that we can use, that too, if there are favorable planetary aspects.Ponder this. Queen Elizabeth 2 is the ruler and Prince William is next in line. They do not have any exact planetary aspect common to them. Yet they both have Sun conjunct Asteroid Kaali, the Asteroid that has been statistically proven to occur in Kundalini themes, Mind Control themes and Bloodline Themes. An exact conjunction is a 1/360 odds. Why Kaali out of all the billion asteroids to share a 1/360 x 1/360 probability in the two most Royal people on Earth today? Why? Why? Why? The answer is "Name Frequency". P.S: And what is the gravity exerted by Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn or even Jupiter to give any size or gravitational validity to the usage of Astrology? CERES exerts more gravity than Pluto.
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Coffee Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 01:59 PM
Why do all the royal members not have this configuration? Including the ones of old?I'm sure they really really do have connections in their natal charts, you are not looking in the correct place. Name connection? Sorry. I know that each planet is given attributes, just like the asteroids do. What do you make of the billions of asteroids when given traits to look at? Would you internet them all? No, you would not. This theory really does lack consistency. Billions. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 5116 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 02:24 PM
The strength of the Name increases after the discovery and naming. Kaali was discovered February 17, 1942. The first Monarch after this date: Queen Elizabeth 2 The next Monarch to be after this date: Prince William.1/360 and 1/360. Exact Conjunction. I will stop using Asteroids if Queen Elizabeth 2 and Prince William both have Sun conjunct Mars or Jupiter conjunct Mercury to one degree orb or something like that. To the best of my knowledge, they do not have a single common planetary aspect, not even a square nor a sextile nor a quincunx with wide orb. And did you notice that the marriage date was when Kate Middleton was having her Kaali Return? Not Venus Return. Kaali Return. Look up my Mind Control collection of celebs in Universal Codes forum. Only the Asteroids show who and how a celeb is programmed. Like the 4 tragic cases of the 27 Club. Asteroid Kaali is most aspected in all those four. What are the odds? Look up the Archetype of Kaali. Can any new Asteroid ever be named after a more powerful/sophisticated/potent Occult Entity? Interestingly, the dark Prince Philip has one of the most deadly Asteroid aspects: Saturn conjunct SIVA exact. IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Knowflake Posts: 1001 From: England Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 02, 2011 02:39 PM
prince william has chiron and venus @25 degrees taurus which is conjunct the queens I.C exact,they both have their moon in the 7th they both have north node in cancer queens pluto @12 degrees cancer / his north node at 14 degrees
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dysfunctionalmystic Knowflake Posts: 1001 From: England Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 02, 2011 02:52 PM
why is kaali seen as evil anyway? What is the mythology? I thought the hindu version was spelt kali? and she had a benevolent side to her as well? IP: Logged |
Yrone Knowflake Posts: 395 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted May 02, 2011 03:01 PM
And what are Bloodline and Kundalini Themes?IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Knowflake Posts: 1001 From: England Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 02, 2011 03:03 PM
and why is siva deadly? the word means auspiscious one doesn't it?IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1206 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 03:11 PM
Hmmm why use astrology at all then? I think it's personal preference to use asteroids or not. Since timing is everything in astrology then it is only fitting that asteroids are named accordingly and if time, fate and destiny are real and interlinked, and everything is connected, then asteroids, named and discovered at the precise moment they are........ are as valid as any planet. According to your preference of understanding you can choose to use them or not. Like using different house systems, the draco, the heiocentric, the composite. You don't have to subscribe to using them. The point is they should be all valid or else astrology is not valid. IP: Logged |
Coffee Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 03:49 PM
Other reasons against using asteroids can be that you find the names represented by the planets, in the same way that words are represented by the planets. I don't find too much wrong with splitting all the words of history into 12 different meanings.I disagree that all of them need to be valid or else astrology is not valid. I use a very simple way of doing astrology, one which says Chiron is a red herring, not to be used at all. I don't see any problem with saying the billions of asteroids are useless and the planets are fine, is this is what really works. We may have a lot of house systems, but only one is valid with astrology. All can be used, but with the difference results, not all are equal and able to be used. What problem do people have with looking at names represented by the planets. What problem do people have in finding some of the asteroid meanings from the planets? You say Luck, and personal abundance for asteroid Tyche. This to me is Jupiter in 'normal' astrology. You can also look to house 2 for that. No need to have that attribute given to one of the asteroids, when the planets are good enough as they are. What you find in research can be found elsewhere using something in the natal chart. IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3343 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted May 02, 2011 03:57 PM
It's really interesting to check out synastry and asteroids. It's always some kind of pattern between the people you know, love and so on....IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1206 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 02, 2011 04:25 PM
I suppose it depends how you view space and time and how you integrate that into your astrology readings. For me asteroids represent history in making, a story to be told, adding dimensions to the chart. Ofcourse I get your point, and many astrologers share this view...that all that needs to be applied is the planets in our solar system...However what about trans-Saturn planets. Once upon a time the other planets were not in existence, through un-discovery. Does that mean we should discount them now? Coffee I admire your fortitude. I trust your sincerity and I think you have a valid point. However what I disagree with is the approach that equal house system and sun-pluto planets are the only real aspects in chart interpretation. We need research, research, research to prove any of it. IP: Logged |
aethan Knowflake Posts: 117 From: Lisbon, PT Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 02, 2011 05:33 PM
How does Fortuna behave in the natal chart though? I have it conjunct my Sun almost exact (just 20 seconds difference, 11th house) O.o; it is also sextile Uranus and trine Pluto. Tyche opposes my MC (3rd house), trines Mercury and Pluto, opposes Neptune, quincunxes Mars. tTyche is trining my nSun, squaring my nMoon and opposing my nUranus, all aspecting within less than 1degree. tFortuna e sextiling nSaturn, trining nChiron, opposing my Ascendant.
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lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted May 02, 2011 06:48 PM
IQ, since Tyche is a positive asteroid, do hard aspects from it (natal or transit) also have a generally positive influence?IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted May 02, 2011 10:39 PM
IQ can you please lend me some insight?My fortuna is conjunct my MC by less than two degrees It is opposing my jupiter (which conjuncts my IC) My Tyche squares my sun exact Jupiter sextiles sun Not going to list the other aspects in my chart, but does this mean I will be successful and lucky? In the future?
Thank you =) IP: Logged |
roadwarriorsdp Knowflake Posts: 1507 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted May 02, 2011 11:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by mintgirl123: IQ can you please lend me some insight?My fortuna is conjunct my MC by less than two degrees It is opposing my jupiter (which conjuncts my IC) My Tyche squares my sun exact Jupiter sextiles sun Not going to list the other aspects in my chart, but does this mean I will be successful and lucky? In the future?
Thank you =)
you like to wine at work. IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 6900 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted May 03, 2011 12:36 AM
Transit Tyche is at 22Gem right now. Once it moves along a bit more it will be opps my Jupiter 28Sag and conjunct my Venus. Once it moves along into Leo it will trine my jupiter and conjunt my Mars.. Gamble??????? IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 5116 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2011 01:56 AM
Coffee's approach is very much brilliant because of mathematical consistency. I myself subscribe to the mathematical views of Carl Payne Tobey who used only planets. Carl is the only astrologer who used Probability Theory to statistically prove Astrology to be more valid than modern science/astronomy. Carl then proved that Pluto HAS to rule Aries and Mars HAS to rule Scorpio to make the mathematical model work. I checked his equations dozens of times, he is 100% correct in terms of mathematical reasoning. Anyone using only planets and not using Carl's mathematically proven model is thoroughly cheating himself IF he does not ascribe to other systems.A Mystic wrote to me and said that Asteroids might work in the same way as Tarot or a "Divining System". Why does Tarot work? Is Tarot reading scientific? Anyone who uses Tarot [or I Ching] and questions the Archetypes represented by Asteroids is again a hypocrite. I can attest that Tarots work but why? I do not know for sure. I Ching works superbly well too. It all boils down to what data our Superconscious Mind can process to come to a solution. If a mother with a sick child rushes to an Astrologer to find a remedy, and the wrong birthdate is written, even then the Astrologer will be "guided" to find an aspect which will help cure the child. Should a skeptic latch onto this and claim Astrology is false, the skeptics's Higher Self will give him a chance at this moment: The original chart will also have the same aspect as the wrong chart that helped find the cure. At this moment if he does not humble himself to God, he is guaranteed another incarnation on earth, with harsher skeptical aspects to make it even more difficult for him to attain "Gnosis". He passed judgment on himself by falsely judging Divine Wisdom. This is the way of the 4th and 5th Dimensions. Those who go with the flow of Spiritual insights will navigate better. Back to Jupiter. Jupiter represents wealth or luck. True. I have had Jupiter sextile Jupiter for about 4-5 weeks, yet it was the precise moment when TYCHE made the exact aspect to Jupiter that I received the cheque in my hands. Accurate to the second. Can anyone explain this accuracy with just using planets? Especially slow movers like Mars or Jupiter and beyond? This is not the first time, I wrote some months ago how a real estate deal was clinched the moment TYCHE conjunct Natal HOUSE. There were no extraordinary planetary configurations going on at that time. Jupiter was not aspecting any planet. About Archetypes like Siva and Kaali, they are Neutral but extremely powerful. Good people use Siva to master Tranquil Yoga, and Kaali to master Kundalini. The dark side uses this same energy for dark Astral magick. I would have to write a book to explain Kaali but I think Aghora 2 by Robert Svoboda will be 100 times better than anything I write on Kaali. @Lechien: I have not observed anything positive or negative during harsh aspects of Tyche and Fortuna. It is possible that should a person have these conjunct Sun or Ascendant, then even the harsh aspects will bring some relief luck. @Lioness: The pattern looks good. However, luck need not be just cash. A better job could be in the offing, this is an encouraging time to try your luck at different activities, the best one will click better than expected. And it does not hurt to buy a few lotto tickets  Ultimately, the money you make depends on what you have sowed to gain it when these aspects com. Some risk, effort, donation or some kind of service is necessary. @Aethan: Fortuna and Tyche work the same way. Sun conjunct Fortuna is a blessing, when trine Pluto there will be luck in stocks and commodities [unless there is an exact Square from Saturn to Sun, Mars or Venus]. There will be luck in cards and dice as well. You should regularly buy a lotto ticket. @Mintgirl123: Certainly you will have more luck than others, especially when it comes to promotions in your job. But if you and Aethan were to play cards, Aethan would win most of the time 
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