Topic: Master List of Asteroids By Theme (Updated)
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 2681 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted October 17, 2012 08:43 PM
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 20, 2012 02:02 PM
Egyptian Theme2436 Hatshephet- pharoah/queen married to Thutmosis/tuthmosis 4846 Tuthmosis pharoah 4415 Echnaton (Akhenaten) pharoah, son of Amenotep- Lovers Nefertiti 4416 Ramses, pharoah- lover- Nefertari 1068 Nofretete -named after Nefertiti, wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep IV. 3554 Amun- King of Gods -lover mut 161 Athor/named after hathor 2062 Aten-the Egyptian god of the solar disk. 99942 Apophis -Apophis is the Greek name of an enemy of the Ancient Egyptian sun-god Ra: Apep, the Uncreator, an evil serpent that dwells in the eternal darkness of the Duat (earth's middle) and tries to swallow Ra during his nightly passage. 1122 Neith- the Egyptian goddess of Libyan origin, Neith, goddess of the hunt and of war, believed to be the mother of the Sun. Her lover Khnum the third aspect of Ra. 2100 Ra-Shalom 3362- Khufu - egyptian god-king khufu with a greek name Cheops a pharaoh of the 29th century builder of the largest of the great pyramids giza 3688- Navajo- refers to the native american tribe 4161- Amasis- named after the egyptian phraroah Amasis 570-bc526, introduced the demotic characters for hierogyphs 4412- Chephren- pharaoh of the old egyptian kingdom about 2500 bc and he built the second largest pyramid ofnear giza 4413- Mycerinos- pharaoh of the old egyptian kingdom fourth dynasty. Reigned about 2500 bc build the third largest pyramid near giza, mycerinos is the greek name for the egyptian pharaoh Menkaure(4568) 4568- Menkaure- son of Chephren, reigned for 18 years built the third and smallest of the three pyramids of giza 4414- Sesostris- the name of the three pharaoh of the old kingdoms 12th dynasty reigned about 1900 bc high points of egyptian architecture with the building karnak and heliopolis. 4906- Seneferu (also written as Snefru) the first king of the 4th dynasty built two pyramids near Daschur 5010 Amenemhet- named after the egyptian pharoah amenemhet III 1844-1797 BC son of sesostris III built the temple Herodotus(3092) and called "labyrinth" 18458 Caesar- Julius Caesar companion of Kleopatra 238 Hypatia- Hypatia was a famous astronomer, pagan philosopher, mathematician, numbers theorist, astrologer, experimental scientist, political figure and teacher of Ancient Alexandria. Profoundly liberated for her time, she refused to marry and drove her own chariots through the streets of the city. The invention of the astrolabe is accredited to her. 2435 Horemheb-the last Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty- lovers Amenia, Mutnedjmet Medieval/Renaissance Theme 613- Ginevra - named after guinevere another name for her. 3018 Godiva- lady godiva, who rode naked on a white horse to protest her husband's taxation. 9502- Gaimar a knight of the round table 9503 Agrawain- brother of gawain, was a knight of the round table 9504- Lionel- one of the knights of the round table 9508- Titurel- father of Amfortas and former king of Monsalvat 9509- Amfortas- king of Monsalvat and of the knights of the holy grail. 666- Desdemona the wife of othello in william shakespeare's tragedy 3001 Michelangelo Greek/Roman Theme
111 Ate -the goddess of all evil, infatuation and mischief. (Eris) 408- fama- daughter of a titan and the earth- the greek goddess of fame 57 Rhea the daughter of Uranus and Gaea, the sister of cronus and mother of zeus, posidon, hades, demeter, hera 588 Achilles - bravest greek in the trojan war, weakness his achilles heel 617- Patroclus- named for the greek hero and close friend of achilles killed by Hector in the trojan war 624 Hektor- Son of Priam the husband of Andromache and the trojan champion killed by Achilles 911 Agamemnon - leader of the greeks in the trojan war 679- Pax - the roman goddess of peace 1108 Demeter - greek goddess of agriculture 1184 Gaea- The goddess of the Earth, mother of the original greek gods 1864- Daedalus- greek, builder of King Minos labyrinth, imprisoned with his son Icarus 1566 Icarus- son of daedalus, tried to build wings out of feather and wax in order to escape the labyrinth, it worked for both of them but while escaping Icarus's wings melted and he drowned. 1981 - Midas- has the gift of transforming all things he touched into gold. 4544- Xanthus- another greek name for Apollo 7543 Prylis- son of hermes, came up with the idea for the trojan horse 9671 Hemera- The greek goddess of bright day, daughter of the goddess of night Nykta and god of darkness Erebus she relates to ephemeris. 11252 Laertes- Greek king of Ithaca, husband of Anticleia(651) father of Odysseus (1143)-Odysseus, trojan hero 11428 Alcinoos- king of the phaeacians connected to odysseus Japanese Theme 5017- Tenchi- named for the japanese emperor 626-671 5018- Tenmu- named for another emperor brother of Tenchi created the first Japanese astronomical observatory 10385- Amaterasu- the japanese goddess of the sun born from the left eye of the god Izanaki (10209) the god of heaven 10831- Takamagahara- the heaven in japanese mythology 10604- Susanoo - a god, the younger brother of Amaterasu, god of heroes, very rebellious banished from heaven. Created the basic land of earth. 10412- Tsukuyomi- the japanese god of night and the moon born from the right eye of Izanki, his older sister amaterasu 10563- Izhdubar- the ancient Chaldean sun god, he slained the dragon Tiamat, which personfied primeval chaos and was hostile to both men and gods. 10619 Ninigi- the god Ninigi-no-mikoto is the grandson of the goddess Amaterasu 10888 Yamatano-orochi - a giant snake that appears in japanese mythology. It had eight heads and eight tails long enough to cover eight valleys and eight peaks. Defeated by the god Susanoo Persian Theme 7209 -Cyrus- named after the persian king cyrus II, the great. 7210- Darius named for the persian king Darius I, the great. 550-486 bc, his placed was destroyed by alexander the great 7211- Xerxes- named for the persian king Xerxes I 519-465 BC son of Darius and Atossa(810) 7212- Artaxerxes named for the persian king Artaxerxes I , the younger son of Xerxes father of Xerxes II 823-Sisygambis- daughter of Artaxerxes II Memnon, who married Arsames of Ostanes, and the mother of Darius III of Persia, Places/Phrases Theme
3122 Florence 1430- Somalia 1157 Arabia 1268- Libya 8275- Inca- ancient civilization 7507 Israel 1200 Imperatix--latin for empress 1224 Fantasia-latin for fantasy 1247- Memoria-latin for memory 1298 - Nocturna - the feminine adjective of nocturnus and means nightly 2432 Soomana- In Hopi Indian language - means star girl 2433- Sootiyo In Hopi Indian language means star boy 634-Ute named by a discovered in honor of a friend on the occasion of her engagement
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Aeline Knowflake Posts: 1085 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted October 20, 2012 02:04 PM
WOW! THANKS! IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 20, 2012 06:20 PM
No problem. Near East Asia/Middle Eastern/India Theme
515- Athalia-was queen consort to King Jehoram of Judah, and later queen regnant of Judah for six years. 4486 Mithra An old-Iranian god of light, contracts and friendship. 1196- Shebe - bibicial queen of shebe who visited Soloman 560-Delila- Named after Delilah she is the "woman in the valley of Sorek" whom Samson loved, and who was his downfall. Samson and Delilah. 244- Sita named for the wife of Rama in the sanskrit epic "The Ramayana" its a symbol of the ideal spouse and everlasting faith. 10819 Mahakala- his name means great time, one of the destructive aspects of Shiva/siva 643-Scheherezade- legendary Persian queen and the storyteller of One Thousand and One Nights. 1387 Kama + 244 Sita -She is the consort of the Hindu god Rama (avatar of Vishnu) and is an avatar of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and wife of Vishnumythological couple. Rama is considered the Supreme Being, rather than an avatar. Americas/South America/Central America Theme 4721-Atahualpa- last sapa inca emperor 2272-Montezuma-Aztec emperor 2275-Cuitlahuac- 10th Aztec Emperor 1915-Quetzalcoatl-a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and has the meaning of "feathered serpent". 1980- Tezcatlipoca- named for the Toltec god of matter "the smoking mirror" twin of Quetzalcoatl. 944 -Hidalgo- traditional title of persons of the Spanish nobility or gentry. 2738-Viracocha is the great creator god in the pre-Inca and Inca mythology in the Andes region of South America. Names
2758-Cordelia is a first name in English. It is an elaboration of the word 'cor', which means 'heart' in Latin. Heart, Daughter of the Sea, Jewel of the Sea 666- Desdemona the wife of othello in william shakespeare's tragedy IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 17, 2013 05:33 PM
bumpIP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 26, 2013 02:30 PM
asteroids update:Words/Phrases/Titles/Names 131 Vala - means "chosen one 160 una - one 315 Constantia < well, constancy in your life and personality, what you won't lose 276 Adelheid "nobility" 36614 Saltis 7500 Sassi "sassy": insolence, impertinence, defiance. 9758 Dainty 16248 Fox 1694 Kaiser 14533 Roy 812 Adele 558 Carmen 1685 Toro "bull" 285 Regina "Latin for queen" 277 Elvira 504 cora another name for Persephone/Kore 4543 Phoinix 623 Chimaera Gods: 8813 Leviathan 2174 Asmodeus - babylonian god of lust 148780 Altjira- Australian Aboriginal mythology, Altjira is the sky god of the Arrernte. He was the central god of the Dreamtime. 4581 Asclepius Asclepius is the god of medicine and healing in ancient Greek religion Locations 859 Bouzareah suburb of Algiers, the capital city of Algeria 4356 Marathon 780 Armenia 469 Argentina 4357 Korinthos "Corinth" was a city-state (polis) on the Isthmus of Corinth 20 Lutetia (Paris) 770 Bali 1279 Uganda 1432 Ethiopia 582 Olympia 858 El Djezair Another name for "Algiers 140 Somalia 507 Laodica :Laodicea earlier known as Diospolis and Rhoas; modern Turkish: Laodikya 6268 Versailles 1138 Attica Countries of Africa 1197 Rhodesia (Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe) 1213 Algeria (Algeria) 1278 Kenya (Kenya) 1279 Uganda (Uganda) 1432 Ethiopia (Ethiopia) 1638 Ruanda (Rwanda) 1718 Namibia (Namibia) 1816 Liberia (Liberia) Cities of Africa 790 Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa) 858 El Djezaïr (Algiers) 859 Bouzaréah (Bouzareah) 67 Asia (Asia) 1157 Arabia (Arabia) 2169 Taiwan (Taiwan) 16563 Ob (river in central Asia) [edit]Japan 498 Tokio (Tokyo) 1089 Tama (Tama River in Tokyo) 1090 Sumida (Sumida River in Tokyo) 1098 Hakone (Hakone, Kanagawa) 1584 Fuji (Mount Fuji) 2084 Okayama (Okayama) 2247 Hiroshima (Hiroshima) 3319 Kibi (Kibi) 3380 Awaji (Awaji) 3720 Hokkaido (Hokkaidō  4157 Izu (Izu) 4578 Kurashiki (Kurashiki) 4774 Hobetsu (Hobetsu 5618 Saitama (Saitama) 5881 Akashi (Akashi) 5908 Aichi (Nagoya) 6218 Mizushima (Mizushima) 6255 Kuma (Kumakogen) 6879 Hyogo (Hyōgo) 7253 Nara (Nara) 8120 Kobe (Kobe) 8892 Kakogawa (Kakogawa) 9782 Edo (Edo) 10159 Tokara (Tokara) 10163 Onomichi (Onomichi) 11612 Obu (Ōbu) 17286 Bisei (Bisei) 20625 Noto (Noto) 48736 Ehime (Ehime) China 1125 China (China) 2045 Peking (Beijing) 2077 Kiangsu (Jiangsu) 2078 Nanking (Nanjing) 2085 Henan (Henan) 2162 Anhui (Anhui) 2184 Fujian (Fujian) 2185 Guangdong (Guangdong) 2197 Shanghai (Shanghai) 2209 Tianjin (Tianjin) 2215 Sichuan (Sichuan) 2230 Yunnan (Yunnan) 2255 Qinghai (Qinghai) 2263 Shaanxi (Shaanxi) 2336 Xinjiang (Xinjiang) 2344 Xizang (Xizang) 2355 Nei Monggol (Inner Mongolia) 2380 Heilongjiang (Heilongjiang) 2387 Xi'an (Xi'an) 2398 Jilin (Jilin) 2425 Shenzhen (Shenzhen) 2503 Liaoning (Liaoning) 2505 Hebei (Hebei) 2510 Shandong (Shandong) 2514 Taiyuan (Taiyuan) 2515 Gansu (Gansu) 2539 Ningxia (Ningxia) 2547 Hubei (Hubei) 2592 Hunan (Hunan) 2617 Jiangxi (Jiangxi) 2631 Zhejiang (Zhejiang) 2632 Guizhou (Guizhou) 2655 Guangxi (Guangxi) 2693 Yan'an (Yan'an) 2719 Suzhou (Suzhou) 2729 Urumqi (Urumqi) 2743 Chengdu (Chengdu) 2778 Tangshan (Tangshan) 2789 Foshan (Foshan) 2851 Harbin (Harbin) 2903 Zhuhai (Zhuhai) 3011 Chongqing (Chongqing) 3024 Hainan (Hainan) 3048 Guangzhou (Guangzhou) 3051 Nantong (Nantong) 3088 Jinxiuzhonghua (Splendid China, themed park in Shenzhen) 3136 Anshan (Anshan) 3139 Shantou (Shantou) 3187 Dalian (Dalian) 3206 Wuhan (Wuhan) 3239 Meizhou (Meizhou) 3297 Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 3335 Quanzhou (Quanzhou) 3494 Purple Mountain (Purple Mountain Observatory) 3613 Kunlun (Kunlun Mountains) 3650 Kunming (Kunming) 3729 Yangzhou (Yangzhou) 4273 Dunhuang (Dunhuang) 7859 Lhasa (Lhasa) 8423 Macao (Macau) 12418 Tongling (Anhui) Korea 12252 Gwangju (Gwangju) 34666 Bohyunsan (Bohyeon Mountain) Vietnam 7816 Hanoi (Hanoi) [edit]Russia and the former Soviet Union (Asia) 780 Armenia (Armenia) 1094 Siberia (Siberia, Russia) 2120 Tyumenia (Tyumen Oblast, Russia) 2140 Kemerovo (Kemerovo, Russian SFSR, now Russia) 2297 Daghestan (Daghestan, Russia) 2566 Kirghizia (Kirghiz SSR, now Kyrgyzstan) 2584 Turkmenia (Turkmen SSR, now Turkmenistan) 2698 Azerbajdzhan (Azerbaijan) 2700 Baikonur (Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan) 5471 Tunguska (Tunguska, Russia
The rest of the locations: Financial Asteroids 4281 Pounds 5426 Sheikh "honorific in the Arabic language that literally means "elder" 21409 Forbes 15530 Kuber 904 Rockefellia 22562 Wage IP: Logged |
Kerosene unregistered
posted March 26, 2013 10:50 PM
LOL Constantia is on my mars exact! Thats good I guess!IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 06, 2013 09:01 PM
BumpIP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 3640 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 11, 2013 10:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: Bump
Wow thank you ail221!! IP: Logged |
PlutoFish Knowflake Posts: 1963 From: Sumeria Registered: Sep 2013
posted November 11, 2013 12:38 PM
Legend. <3------------------ LG. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 12, 2013 04:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Wow thank you ail221!!
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 13, 2013 04:42 AM
Thank you for doing all that work!  --------------------
I was actually thinking of opening a thread for (soulmate) pairings, but will instead put them here. Divine (or semi-devine) couples --------------------------------- (1) Psyche (16) - Eros/Amor/Cupido (433/1221/763) (2) Pluto - Proserpina/Persephone (26/ 399) (3) Isis (42)- Osiris (1923) (4) Horus (1924) - Hathor (2340) (5) Ptah (5011)- Sekhmet/ Ubasti (5381/4257) (6) Siva/Rudra/Mahakali(1170/ 2629/10819)- Kaali/Parvati (4227/ 2847) (7) Adonis (2101)- Venus/Aphrodite (1388) (8) Adonis - Isthar/Inannen/ Astarte (7077/3497/672) (9) Sootyo - Soomana (2432 - 2433) (10) Ariadne (43)- Bacchus/Dionysos (3671/2063) (11) Selene (580) - Endymion (342) (12) Jupiter/Zeus (5731) - Juno/Hera (3/103) (13) Rama (55753) - Sita (244) human couples -------------- (1) Amenhotep/Akhenaten/Echnaton (4847/326290/4415)- Nefertiti/Nofretete (3199/1068) (2) Tuthmosis - hatshepsut (3) Caesar (18458)- Kleopatra (216) (4) Guinevere/ Ginevra (2483/613(- Arthur or Lancelot (2597/ 2041) (5) Isolda (211)- Tristan or Marc (1966-71445)) (6) Odysseus/Ulixes (1143-5254)- Penelope, Circe, Kalypso (201/34/53) (7) Pyramus - Thisbe (14871 - 88)
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 13, 2013 08:01 PM
 quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Thank you for doing all that work! 
Adding to the couples list:
8)Frigga/Freia (77/76) & Odin(Norse god)/Wodan(Anglo Saxon Deity)3989/2155 9)Iduna & Brage (176/4572) 10)Horus & Athor(1924/164) 11)Sheba & Solomin (1196/10054) 12)Yeshua/Jessie(3241/10464) & Maria/Mary (170/2779) 13)Kore/Pluto (504) 14)Deucalion (Son of Prometheus) & Pyrrha (53311/632) 15)Adams & Eva (1996/164) 16)Paris & Helena (3317/101) 17)Simpson(Samson) & Delila (Delilah) (4788/560) 18)Pygmalion & Galatea (96189/74) 19)Siva/Rudra/ & Tara (5863) IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 20, 2013 03:59 PM
466 Tisiphone- A fury 99 Dike Goddess of Justice 15 Eunomia goddess of the Good Order and Discipline 24 Themis second wife of Zeus the goddess of Justice, Law and Equity, 14 Irene goddess of peace personification of peaceIP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 26, 2013 07:51 PM
Catalina Knowflake Posts: 1785 From: shamballa Registered: Aug 2013
posted November 26, 2013 10:34 PM
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Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted November 27, 2013 04:40 AM
(82)Alkmene (270)Anahita (129) Antigone (1863) Antinous (394)Arduina (409) Aspasia (214)Aschera (592) Bathsheba (1808) Bellephron (11284) Belenus (178) Belisina (123)Brunhild (107)Camilla (2129)Cosicosi It means indifference in Italian (410) Chloris (403)Cyane (106) Dione (423)Diotima (451) Deborah (889) Erynia Named after the Furies (630) Euphemia (72) Feronia (122) Gerda (7446)Hadrianius (135) Hertha Another name for Nerthus (546) Herodias (996) Hilaritas Roman Goddess of Rejoicing ,joy cheerfullness and good humour (173) Ino (85) Io (112) Iphigenia (2690 Justitia (73)Klytia (153)Koronis (191) Kolga Norse Minor Sea Goddess (2103) Laverna (35) Leukothea (2546) Libitina (165) Loreley (217628) Lugh (318)Magdalena (66) Maja (205) Martha (102) Miriam (14014) Munchausen (381)Myrrha (4947)Ninkasi (2150)Nyctimene (11) Parthenope Named after a group Siren's that threw themselves off their rocks after failing to kill Ulysses (2202)Pele (975)Perseverantia (32) Pomona (474)Prundentia (2653)Principia (86) Semele (3631)Sigyn (116) Sirona (32532) Thereus (299)Thora (590) Tomyris (240) Vanadis Another Name for Freyja (126) Velleda (50) Virginia (12) Victoria (4034) Vishnu (877)Walkure) means Valkyrie IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 3640 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 12, 2013 08:17 PM
Thank you....i found it!  I wanted to add one i found that seems important, if thats cool.... "208-Lacrimosa" Lacrimosa was discovered on October 21, 1879 by Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa at Vienna. The name means "weepy" in Latin; Palisa probably named it this because he lost this asteroid and had such a hard time finding it again it practically "made him cry." (My source says "lamentable and sorrowful difficulties.") Astrologically, this is basically what Lacrimosa indicates: tears, sorrow, mourning, sadness, tragedy, suffering, ordeals, wailing, regret, empathy, bleeding hearts, precarious emotional control. Lacrimosa- The name derives from Our Lady of Sorrows, a title given to Mary, the mother of Jesus. The name "Lacrimosa" comes from the word "lacrimoso", meaning tearful. -The music of the 'Lacrimosa' were the last notes Mozart ever set to paper in 1791, a few weeks before his death, in a Requiem which was never finished. Lacrimosa is a main-belt asteroid. It is classified as an S-type asteroid. It is also one of the largest members of the Koronis asteroid family and probably a piece of the original asteroid which was shattered in an ancient impact that created the family. It was discovered by Johann Palisa on October 21, 1879, in Pola, Croatia. "Lacrimosa" is a teardroped shaped wild flower that grows into depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Tears are commonly considered as the one holding the hand of our sad emotions. What we see is that tears are the outcome of the ultimate happiness and relief (tears of joy). -Physically, the 'lacrimal gland' secretes tears, and has excretory ducts, which bring the fluid to the surface of the eye where they are seen formed as a fluid, commonly know as tears, created from extreme emotions or physical changes in our environment. "3926 Ramirez"- Asteroid Ramirez's astrological signification — victimization, "entering" the space or home of another for a legitimate reason or invading it without legitimacy
"3080 Moisseiv"- Moisseiv is a Russian form of "Moses", which is Hebrew for 'Savior" or "taken from the water" It is the name of the leader who led Israelites from slavery in Egypt. IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted December 12, 2013 09:30 PM
Thanks for the new asteroid info GabbyI want to add asteroid (127)Johanna to the list.Apparently its thought to be named after Joan of Arc. also asteroid (24168)Hexlein I think it means Little Witch in German IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 3640 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 12, 2013 10:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Panthera Leo: Thanks for the new asteroid info GabbyI want to add asteroid (127)Johanna to the list.Apparently its thought to be named after Joan of Arc. also asteroid (24168)Hexlein I think it means Little Witch in German
To add to your little witch.... 248 Lameia-Female Vampire Lamia (Greek: Λάμια was a beautiful queen of Libya who became a child-eating daemon. Aristophanes claimed her name derived from the Greek word for gullet (λαιμός; laimos), referring to her habit of devouring children.[1] In the myth, Lamia is a mistress of the god Zeus, causing Zeus' jealous wife, Hera, to kill all of Lamia's children (except for Scylla, who is herself cursed) and transform her into a monster that hunts and devours the children of others. Another version has Hera merely stealing away all of Lamia's children and it being Lamia herself, losing her mind from grief and despair, who starts stealing and devouring others' children out of envy, the repeated monstrosity of which transforms her into a monster on its own. Some accounts say she has a serpent's tail below the waist.[2] This popular description of her is largely due to Lamia, a poem by John Keats composed in 1819.[3] Antoninus Liberalis uses Lamia as an alternate name for the serpentine drakaina Sybaris; however, Diodorus Siculus describes her as having nothing more than a distorted face.[4] Later traditions referred to many lamiae; these were folkloric monsters similar to vampires and succubi that seduced young men and then fed on their blood.[5] In later stories, Lamia was cursed with the inability to close her eyes so that she would always obsess over the image of her dead children. Some accounts (see Horace, below) say Hera forced Lamia to devour her own children. Myths variously describe Lamia's monstrous (occasionally serpentine) appearance as a result of either Hera's wrath, the pain of grief, the madness that drove her to murder, or—in some rare versions—a natural result of being Hecate's daughter.[6] Zeus then gave her the ability to remove her eyes. The purpose of this ability is unclear in Diodorus, but other versions state Lamia's ability to remove her eyes came with the gift of prophecy. Zeus did this to appease Lamia in her grief over the loss of her children and to let her rest since she could not close her eyes.[7]
2877 Likhachev-Daredevil 3673 Levy-united to, joined, attached IP: Logged |
Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted December 12, 2013 10:43 PM
coolIP: Logged |
Panthera Leo Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Registered: Jul 2013
posted January 29, 2014 08:08 AM
I found these Finnish asteroids.This site may also be helpful 2826 Ahti 2827 Vellamo 385 Ilmatar 2017 Ilmari 3897 Louhi 2175 Mielikki 1705 Tapio 2020 Ukko 3606 Pohjola 2091 Sampo 1454 Kalevala 2828 Iku-Turso 2096 Vaino IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 54954 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted January 29, 2014 08:26 AM
Thanks PL. Great info!------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted May 20, 2014 07:00 PM
bumpIP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4243 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted May 25, 2014 02:11 PM
double bumpIP: Logged | |