Topic: More on Asteroid Effects
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 05:12 AM
If I were to describe a woman with Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus in Pisces and Saturn in Gemini the usual descriptions would be a very spiritual Achiever, Ambitious, somewhat controlling from the inside with intense emotions, plenty of psychic potential and the odd communication problems. And when the only planetary aspect of note is Venus trine Saturn, she may even be described as pleasantly traditional.Not one standard astrologer would be able to say that she would rule the sexual fantasies of tens of millions of men from her hardcore performances with hundreds of partners, spanning more than a decade. Nor would they guess her drug abuse filled early teenaged life and totally dysfunctional family. We are speaking of legendary pornstar Jenna Jameson [April 9th, 1974]. Yes, she shares Linda Goodman's birthday! When I peeked into Jenna's Asteroids [no pun intended ], I was not surprised to find the most afflicted conjunction for my favourite lovey dovey Asteroid, Asteroid VALENTINE. Valentine is retrograde in 27.1 Virgo while being conjunct to Asteroid LUST at 27.2 Virgo. LUST is also retrograde. Surely someone who captivated so many minds will have a goddess aspect? Well, her Venus conjunct SEMIRAMIS is exactly trine ISIS. So it is a Venus/SEMIRAMIS - Isis - Saturn Grand Trine. And KAALI conjuncts her Sun by 3 degrees. What of her abuse issues? She has the deadly NESSUS conjunct Mars exact in 23.4 Gemini, just 2 degrees away from her South Node. Sun conj Chiron may have added to the hurts that chose pornography as an outlet for the warped loss of true love in her life. What about her good fortune? She has done well for herself once she applied the Aries principle and founded her own business. Well, her Jupiter conjuncts EROS in Pisces. Thats a fun way for growth and expansion. EROS trines CIRCE exactly btw. Her VESTA opposes KARMA exact, confirming the sexual side of Asteroid Vesta. KLEOPATRA exactly trines Mercury, possibly she thinks she is as pretty as a princess. Thats a plus point to see the Law of Attraction in action. Retrograde Pluto opposes HYGIEA. A very powerful potential for sexual healing gone awry. Interestingly, she shares the Sun trine True Node aspect with Napoleon Bonaparte. Is this placement a helper for conquest? It takes an extraordinarty soul to live the life of a Jenna Jameson, and the fixed stars indicate this. Her MUSA conjuncts SIRIUS and Neptune is exactly conjunct ANTARES. P.S I wont neglect the Sabians. The Sabian symbol of her Saturn is "A Parade of Bathing Beauties". ------------------ Free Articles Sophisticated Readings Samples IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3505 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted February 11, 2009 05:41 AM
Whoa! That's a crazy Sabian symbol, oddly appropriate for her!!IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2009 06:01 AM
You write Astrology like easy-to-read poetry!What's your view on retrograd Valentine? (oops, sorry, I edited while you were writing!! Thanks for answer, though ) IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 06:03 AM
Indeed MVM. And there is a definite pattern in girls who allow themselves to get abused/exploited. In Linda Lovelace's chart, NESSUS Retrograde squares KARMA and NESSUS trines EROS. Venus sextiles LUST exact and CIRCE is in 29.4 Capricorn, the Sabian ruling secret powers. She was used to initiate pornography in the minds of the masses by the powerful elite [The Mob were the middle men]. Vesta conj VALENTINE opposes the Moon as well. Though she allowed the abuse, her Capricorn nature fought it bravely later on and she regretted entering the industry.MATA HARI also has Sun conjunct CIRCE. She was a different kind of exotic dancer/courtesan because she easily mingled with the ruling elites. She had KARMA-ISIS-Saturn in a T-Square. She also had Retrograde NESSUS trining the Sun and CIRCE. She was falsely implicated and assasinated. So we see how Asteroids alone explain the patterns of consensual feminine exploitation and abuse by vested interests.
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 06:09 AM
<<Does retrograd Valentine cause indiscriminate love? >> Good question, I think it does that when afflicted by LUST or even Pluto/Uranus.However, the hidden culprit is also a retro NESSUS that causes forced abuse when afflciting Dejanira, and voluntary exploitation when aspecting Venus, CIRCE or Valentine. Saturn has a role too. Mata Hari most likely was killed in a Saturn conjunction to the Isis T-Square Point. The popularity of the seductress seems depenedent on ISIS. The 3 ladies in my investigation have a striong ISIS. I remember Asihwarya Rai also has a strong ISIS. The energy of millions of horny men is intense and can be tapped by powerful Astral Entities. I suspect the Good Side of the Divine Feminine ISIS is tapped by the shadow side in the Astral Plane. It is a complex subject, well eploited by occultists and chaos magicians. When I put it all together, there will be a definite connection to the occult work of Parsons and Crowley as well. IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3505 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted February 11, 2009 06:31 AM
That's interesting, IQ. I'm a major fan of Isis, she's a personal guide - and I just checked and she conjuncts my Sun, semi-sextiles my moon, and semi-square my Venus....neat I didn't realize Isis would be a horn-dog indicator...I can see it with Circe, but I'm surprised to hear about Isis.My Valentine's direct, but does make a semi-sextile to Pluto, and a square to Neptune (yikes) and a sextile to Venus. Asteroids are awesome What about Salome? Would she figure in prominently at all ? IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2009 06:40 AM
my niece has Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Jupiter, Venus in Pisces IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 06:46 AM
Edit: Am yet to check Salome (562), am sure she will figure in the chart of those who seduce for the wrong purpose. ISIS is wonderful, it is the misapplication of her energy that is problematic, especially when aspecting CIRCE, HEKATE etc.
Hi Peri, Dont worry, I am sure your niece does not have Retro Valentine sq or conj LUST  IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2009 06:50 AM
her Lust is square Valentine actually not retro thoughIP: Logged |
Atlenta unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 06:56 AM
Uh-oh, I have retro Valentine sq retro Lust too, so does my friend.. does that mean anything?  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 07:22 AM
Hi Atlenta, Here the square only tempts, it is the conjunction that relents.IP: Logged |
Lara unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 09:14 AM
IQ, Here is a very famous porn star She was similar to Jenna only more beautiful and naughtier. Maybe she has these aspects too?  IP: Logged |
aqua/scorp unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 09:20 AM
IQ what exactly do Asteroids CIRCE and HEKATE represent?IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 1581 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted February 11, 2009 09:27 AM
i like the story of Salome, and my, the asteroid is conjunct my Midheaven. i wish i did have the talent to seduce people to my career advantage then i'd be at a better place!IP: Logged |
Atlenta unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 09:40 AM
quote: Hi Atlenta, Here the square only tempts, it is the conjunction that relents.
Phew, for a moment there I thought I was in the wrong line... lol.  IP: Logged |
Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2009 09:47 AM
I'll post my Circe info but I lost my Hekate info when my computer crashed during the day of the eclipse/full moon. I've spent months, even years gathering and compiling asteroid info and info I spent hours/days/weeks compiling this past month got lost because I moved my Lilith info and as I was editing it, my computer crashed and everything beneath that was erased. I'll post Hekate a bit later when I look her up again. Thank God I saved the links to most of the sites where I gathered my info. Interestingly, the crash and loss of info happened when the transit Sun was exactly oppposite my natal Lilith and the transit Moon was conjunct it - and it all happened when I moved Lilith to the Psychic/Witchcraft/Magic/Occult section and was working on editing my Lilith notes (I was editing my compilation of asteroid info which is sorted by theme and felt Lilith belonged more in the Psychic/Witchcraft/Magic/Occult theme section...though I'm thinking of creating a new category/theme: The Dark Goddesses (such as Isis, Persephone, Hekate, Kaali, etc.). 34 Circe: Circe, daughter of the sun, was a sorceress best known for her ability to turn men into animals with her magic wand. The daughter of Perse and Helios, and whose daughter is Aega (goddess of the sun) she is remembered for her encounter with Odysseus and his men, and renowned for her knowledge of magic and poisonous herbs. When Odysseus and his men landed in Aeaea, his crew later met with Circe and were turned into pigs. Circe's spells however had no effect on Odysseus who earlier was given an herb by Hermes to resist her power. Circe realizing she was powerless over him lifted the spell from the crew and welcomed them in her home. After about a year when Odysseus leaves she warns them of the sirens they will encounter on their journey. Circe and Odysseus also bore a child together named Telegonus who later ruled over the Tyrsenians. Circe also has the powers for spiritual purification as she purifies the Argonauts for the murder of Apsyrtus. In Greek mythology, Circe, is a Queen goddess (or sometimes a nymph, witch, enchantress or sorceress) living on the island of Aeaea. Circe's father was Helios (or Helius) , the god of the sun and the owner of the land where Odysseus' men ate cattle, and her mother was Hecate the goddess of magic and the moon ; she was sister of two kings of Colchis, Aeetes and Perses, and of Pasiphaë, mother of the Minotaur. Circe transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals through the use of magical potions. She was renowned for her knowledge of drugs and herbs. **************************************** Circe, The Goddess with Sorceress Powers The name 'Circe' seems to be related to the English words 'circle' and 'circus'. They are derived from the Indo-European 'sker-3', 'To turn, bend'. One possibility is that her name relates to the gyre of a hawk and thus she is related to bird goddesses. But it may also relate to the transformations that she performs and relates more to the fact that with her wand she turns men into pigs. The second part of her name may relate the the Indo-European 'ke-', 'To sharpen, whet'. This may reference the point of her wand. Thus her name may mean 'Turner (with the point of her wand)' Circe is a goddess, the daughter of the Sun and the sister of Aeetes, the king of Colchis, the land of the golden fleece. She lives on the island of Aeaea which is located to the west as far as Colchis in in the east. Homer indicates she is the daugher of Helios and Perse She was able to purify the Argonauts for the murder of Apsyrtus, the brother of Medea. When Odysseus landed on the island where she lived, she turned some of his men into beasts. Odysseus managed to escape her enchantment, and through a show of force managed to rescue his men and share her bed. He and his men then receive her hospitality for over a year. Later she bore Odysseus a son, Telegonius. Circe is a temptress who proves that conquering sometimes just involves a show of force. To us she looks like a beautiful witch, but it is important to remember that she is not. She is, according to Homer, a goddess. She is also an aunt of Medea. In the Odyssey Homer says, "And we came to the isle Aeaean, where dwelt Circe of the braided tresses, an awful goddess of mortal speech, own sister to the wizard Aeetes. Both were begotten of Helios, who gives light to all men, and their mother was Perse, daughter of Oceanus." Power over nature can be obtained in several ways. You can have knowledge of nature's ways. You can seek the power of a god or goddess. Or, if you are a deity, you just do what you want, though often your power is limited to a realm. A witch uses the power of a deity, usually the devil. Ancient Greeks had no notion of the Devil but there was a whole pantheon of deities available. Homer seems to think Circe is a goddess in her own right. Hermes says to Odysseus, "And I will tell thee all the magic sleight of Circe. She will mix thee a potion and cast drugs into the mess; but not even so shall she be able to enchant thee; so helpful is this charmed herb that I shall give thee, and I will tell thee all. When it shall be that Circe smites thee with her long wand, even then draw thou thy sharp sword from thy thigh, and spring on her, as one eager to slay her. And she will shrink away and be instant with thee to lie with her." Later Athena uses a similar wand to transform Odysseus. This clearly is the tool of a goddess. But what goddess has need of drugs and herbs? These have more relation to a knowledge of nature. Charms, of course, relate to a pact between a mortal and a deity. Thus, in this one scene we encounter all the ways of interacting with nature, and Circe seems both mortal and goddess-like. She could be well described as a beautiful witch as I have discussed earlier. But refering to her as a witch is confusing. It is interesting to note that the word 'witch' has Indo-European roots and is related to the word 'weik-2' which is related to concepts of magic. The word 'magic' is also Indo-European and comes from the word 'magh-1', 'To be able, to have power'. What was associated with this power was not originally in the hands of a hero but more likely a priestess of Indo-European religion. The power that a priestess invokes is not a material power but a spiritual one. Our word 'spell' refers to an incantation while the Indo-European word 'spel-3' means just 'To say aloud, recite'. Of course what the priestess says aloud are petitions to a deity whose action is desired. The model for Circe may be a priestess, but in fact she is a goddess. She has no need to petition as she is a goddess and should be able to act like one. The concept of potion is more complex. The word 'potion' is also from Indo-European 'poi-1', 'To drink' and 'ag-', 'To drive'. The word 'ag-' became the word 'action' and strictly 'potion' comes from 'poi-1' and 'action' with the 'ac' of action dropped. So a potion is a drink that does something. There is reality here because there are plenty os substances that can act by bring drunk. Poisons, drugs, and alcohol are all examples. Whether a spell or a potion is involved there are realistically expected actions and ones that are unrealistic. It is in the realm of unrealistic expectation that magic is involved. These are hoped for actions that would require divine intervention. The word 'wand' is also Indo-European from 'wendh-', 'To turn, wind, or weave'. Originally twigs were woven so a trig, as something that was woven, became a wand. But a wand is used in a transformation ceremony. When the men are touched by the wand they are transformed to pigs. So the turn can be interpreted as turn into. Plainly Circe performs what is obviously magic and she seems to need spells, potions, and a wand. But because she is truely a goddess none of these are truely necessary. Even so Circe has provided a model that is widely followed in art where a witch or a soceress is portrayed. Circe (Greece): "She-Falcon"; Dark Moon Goddess; Fate-Spinner. Called the deathbird (kirkos or falcon). As the circle, or cirque, she was the fate-spinner, weaver of destinies. Ancient Greek writers spoke of her as Circe of the Braided Tresses because she could manipulate the forces of creation and destruction by knots and braids in her hair. The isle of Aeaea was a funerary shrine to her; its name is said to come from the grief wail. Associations: Physical love, sorcery, enchantments, procognitive dreams, evil spells, vengeance, dark magick, Witchcraft, and cauldrons.
**************************************** Goddess Circe: (sometimes pronounced Kirkę - properly prounced in traditional ancient Greek as Sur'-see) Her origins and myths are plenty in Greek mythology. In one She is said to be the daughter of the Sea Nymph Perseis and the Sun God Helios, in another she is said to be the daughter of Goddess Hecate and Hermes. Her associations with Goddess Hecate are plentiful, from maiden servant, to student, to selling Her soul to Hecate in return for Hecate's magick. In all myths of Goddess Circe, She is known as powerful Sorceress and Enchantress of magick. With flaming red hair She is portrayed brewing and offering potions with wand in hand, flying on a magick staff or holding a crystal ball. She lived on the enchanted island of Aeaea off the coast of Italy, where she lured sailors with Her song. It was said by many the island itself was magickal as it's name was the same backwards as it was forward and once upon Her shores the sailors would be lost forever. Goddess Ceres took many lovers and many a tale warned of their fate as swine after She had her fill of them. In translation Circe means falcon and in many myths She is associated with the bird of prey. It is said She would circle her victims as She enchanted them and offered Her potions of hallucinations. Tales of trees dancing and the ground shaking to confuse and distort the path kept many a sailor from grounding on Her Island. How Goddess Circe must have laugh as she toyed with any who dare challenge the sanctuary of the Goddess. Other stories told about Goddess Circe marrying a Prince to gain ruler-ship over a kingdom near the Black Sea then poisoning him to rule alone. Once Her subjects discovered Her crime Goddess Circe fled in exile to an enchanted island where she lured and was scorned by many lovers. One lover who scorned Her for another woman resulted in Her wrath turning him into a woodpecker and yet another tale resulted in the other woman being turned into a serpent. The most famous tale of all is of Odysseus, hero of Homer's epic poem, who with his crew was sent into uncharted waters by the wrath of Poseidon while returning home from the Trojan War. Of course the tale is spun not in favor of the Goddess Ceres but Odysseus. It is said his men were turned into swine and only by winning the heart of the Goddess was he able to convince Her to undo Her evil magick and free his men. Of course the story goes on to tell of the many children Goddess Circe bore with Odysseus and the journey he was allowed into Hades under Her guide. Great wisdom was Odysseus granted on a journey that would have been impossible without Her magick. A little controversy there in opposition of the evil or good of Goddess Ceres. In other myths not only did She turn men into beast but women who foolishly crossed her into serpents as well. We can only believe this must be the words of those who feared Her powers opposed to other myths where immorality came with the transformation and it was shape shifting and magick that was witnessed. The women not serpents at all but Priestesses under Her training. Other tales of Goddess Circe tell of a compassionate Goddess whose beauty was intoxicating as She sat upon a throne in a purple robe and golden veil singing and weaving. Many describe Her Island as paradise and Her attendants as nymphs or priestesses who tended the plants and flowers of Her herbarium. That it was as Avalon, a sanctuary to all that sought the Mysteries. Witches embrace the powerful Goddess and Sorceress that is Goddess Circe. She who could darken the heavens by hiding the moon or the sun behind summoned clouds, She who could give illusion to Her enemies and have men lust after Her as pigs and She who tended the Maidens in the mysteries of witchcraft. Goddess Circe has withstood the twisted tales of time as Goddess has in Her many aspects, let us embrace Her power to choose and protect her fate. Let us mirror her choice to live in magick and enchantment for the mysteries are ours as daughters of Goddess Circe. As Goddess Circe spins Her magick let us be reminded of the magick of potions and incantations we possess. As She would ride upon Her magick staff let us take to the astral planes on our broom and tend our own enchanted island. **************************************** The witch Circe, whose hair resembled flames, lived in Aeaea, an island which could be located off the western or eastern coast of Italy, where she was brought by her father Helius. The name of this elusive island is what some call a palindrome, for it is the same when read backwards or forwards. Some of those who visited Aeaea have told that Circe, who lived in a house made of stone in the middle of a clearing in a forest dell, used to sit on a throne wearing a purple robe and a golden veil. They said that her attendants were Nereids and Nymphs, whose only task to sort out the plants and flowers of Circe's herbarium, and put them in separate baskets. Besides supervising them Circe, while singing beautifully, wove delicate and dazzling fabrics, which is one of the goddesses' favorite occupations. Others have said that Circe was attended by four maids, one who threw covers over the chairs, another who drew silver tables up to the chairs, placing golden baskets on them, another who mixed the wine, and a fourth who fetched water and lit up the fire to warm it.
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 09:51 AM
"However, the hidden culprit is also a retro NESSUS that causes forced abuse when afflciting Dejanira, and voluntary exploitation when aspecting Venus, CIRCE or Valentine"Hmm, I have retro Nessus on 28°12 Gemini, which squares Dejanira on 00°40 Aries and opposes Circe on 27°37 Sagittarius and quinkunx Valentine on 27°32 Scorpio. "ISIS is wonderful, it is the misapplication of her energy that is problematic, especially when aspecting CIRCE, HEKATE etc." Isis on 8°32 Capricorn is trine Hekate on 8°01 Virgo.
But I can assure you I`ve never felt any inclination to let myself be exploited. 
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aqua/scorp unregistered
posted February 11, 2009 10:11 AM
Tigerlily thanks for the info.I have Isis 28'5 Pisces sextile Lust 28.5 Capricorn and sextile Salome 28'19 Taurus and semi-sextile AC. Valentine 9'3 Pisces trine my Moon 9'6 Scorpio and Pluto 9'51 Scorpio sextile MC 11 Capricorn and widely conjunct Dejanira 12'37 Pisces. EDIT:Circe 10'32 Libra (wide) conjunct my S.Node at 14'3 Libra,opposition Mars 10'25 Aries, trine Mercury 10'3 Aquarius, semi-sextile Moon/Pluto and square MC. Lust 28'5 Capricorn square my AC 27'46 Aries, trine Salome, quintile Mars 10'25 Aries and quintile Hekate 17'5 Scorpio. Kleopatra 1'51 Libra trine my Sun 2'52 Aqua Hekate 17'5 Scorpio bi-quintile my Mars in Aries and semi-sextile Venus/Saturn 16-17 Sagittarius. interesting! IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2009 10:16 AM
I've got Circe conj Jupiter, POF sextile Venus/Mars, Saturn, trine Pluto; and Salome on DSC sextile Sun and trine MC, any ideas how to interpret them?IP: Logged |
Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 11, 2009 10:34 AM
Here's some info on Hekate (I'll probably add more and refine it later but here's what I have for now):100 Hekate: From The Goddess Hekate: As a triple Goddess, Hecate represents Maiden, Mother and Crone; mind, body and spirit; and birth, life and death. As Mistress of the Night, She represents the three stages of the lunar cycle of New, Full and Dark. Hecate symbolizes the dark within us, the part of our psyche we refuse to acknowledge. Many ignore the wisdom, the strength and the truth of Hecate because our fear of the darkness is so strong. Hecate is associated with the dark side of the moon, but this is the true Moon. The Moon has no light of its own, only reflected light from the sun. Dark is the Moon's true color as is Hecate's. Although most see Hecate as the third phase of the moon, She is actually a Triple Goddess in her own right. She is Hecate the maiden, Hecate the Mother, and Hecate the Crone. Hecate can be called upon during any moon phase, as She is the One and the Three. In pronouncing her name, in the Greek language the "H" is silent. So, to properly pronounce her name is "E-CA-TA" or "e-CO-ta." In Her maiden aspect, she stands for new beginnings. She can also be called upon when you need to look at something in a new, fresher way....a way that you have never looked at it before. You turn to Her when the moon begins to first wax. In Her Mother aspect is a time to turn to Her when you need nurturing and protection like any mother would give. Turn to Her when the Moon is Full. In Her Crone aspect, it is a time to turn to for protection, wisdom and magick. However, please bear in mind that Hecate is not a Goddess full of tenderness and compassion with white lace and linen. She is also more prone to be stern with you if you brought a situation upon yourself. However, Her wrath is swift and just to those who cause harm to a follower of Hers, because those who seek Her, honor Her and do not fear Her are in Her protection and She does not take lightly to those who cause them harm. She does not tolerate nor does She coddle. Turn to another Goddess if you seek this. Her actions are swift and without frills. So, when you do call upon Her, be prepared for Her swift actions and changes because it might not be what you expected. Hecate teaches us an important lesson, which is that the feminine should be valued for itself, not because it brings sexuality or power, but because deep within it there is an eternal wisdom. Hecate is also the High Priestess, the keeper of the Mysteries. Hecate is not the priestess who seeks the inner knowledge, but High Priestess who has found it and imparts it to others. Hecate, who sits enthroned before the Veil of the Temple as the High Priestess, the card in the Tarot which is ruled by the Moon. To reach daylight on the other side of the Veil, we must all become at one with the Dark Mother of the night. Whether it be Hecate guarding the home or of the temple, She will avert evil and provides protection. The Goddess Hecate is also known as the liberator of women, as she sets women free from the bonds created by man. That is why the Christian Church put Hecate down and created her as the Goddess of evil and destruction. During Medieval times, pagans were being tortured based on their belief in the Goddess. Patriarchy reigned and the fear of feminine power caused the Church to demonize Hecate. She was made infamous as the crone; old, wrinkled, ugly, warts protruding from her nose and chin, mysterious, dark and loathsome. Many mistakenly call Her the destroyer, but She is not for if you destroy something, that something is forever gone. You cannot bring something back that has been destroyed. It has been said that the Goddess's service is perfect freedom. She is the liberator because She is manifest in our deepest drives and emotions, which always and inevitably threaten the systems designed to contain them. She is love and anger, which refuse to fit comfortably into the social order. To be "free from slavery" once meant that, within the ritual circle, all were equal, whether they were peasant, serf, or noble in the outside world. Slavery today could be mental and emotional as well as physical: the slavery of fixed perceptions, of conditioned ideas, of blind beliefs, of fear. Witchcraft demands intellectual freedom and the courage to confront our own assumptions. It is not a belief system: it is a constantly self-renewed attitude of joy and wonder to the world. Hecate enforces feminine independence from masculine influences and this deals in all things including the religion known as Wicca. Wicca is heavily influenced by the male God. The Sabbats are centered around the male God. The word Wicca is a male term....a term connected to the Goddess religion. In today's society, we hide our elderly (or look right through them as if they do not exist) our sick, and our poor so e can pretend to be immune to such human conditions. But Hecate reminds us of the truth. She sees through the facade of societal amenities. She is not deceived by social standing, education or titles and wealth. Instead, She is impressed only by what is in the heart! She is patroness to those of the heart. Hecate originally was a Thracian and pre-Olympian Goddess. Zeus bowed down to her antiquity by granting to Hecate alone a power shared by Zeus, that of withholding from humanity anything she wished. He also "granted" her the powers of the heavens, on Earth and the if She did not have these powers already! He gave her nothing of that which She did not already have. Of all the Goddesses, she was the most markedly triple and the most complex. She was Goddess of the Wild Hunt. She was to Greeks and Romans, especially the Goddess of the crossroads. Statutes of Her stood there, and food offerings –"Hecate’s Supper" – were taken there at dead of night, on the eve of the full Moon. Her annual festival on August 13 was a propitiatory one, to avert the harvest-destroying storms which the Moon is apt to send at around that time. She also haunted graveyards and the scenes of crimes–as a goddess of expiration and purification. Hecate is the Darksome Mother, in both the positive and in the negative sense. To those that dare to welcome Her, she brings creative inspiration. She is Hecate Antea, the Sender of Nocturnal Vision, and, typically of a Moon Goddess. She is Hecate Trivia, Goddess of the Crossroads. One of her symbols is the torch, for the Dark Mother also holds the light which illuminates the Unconscious and reveals its treasures. With Her torches she guides those who are seeking the mysteries. The light from these torches will lead those wishing to understand the mysteries. In the Tarot, She is the Threes and the High Priestess; Her gems are star sapphire, pearl, moonstone, and crystal; Plants are the yew tree, cypress, opium, poppy, almond, mugwort, hazel, moonwort, civet, menstrual blood, camphor, garlic, aloes, all sweet virginal odors; Tools are the cauldron, the besom, knives, the key; animals are the dogs and horses, black cats. The owl is Her messenger. Her chariot is pulled by dragons. Hecate’s colors are silver and black. Through Hecate’s Cauldron, we must look at our true self, the nature of our motives and the results of our actions, because only through Her cauldron can we truly be reborn in becoming a better person than we were before. Only when we look into Her dark cauldron can we see the light. Hecate, and none but She, is Queen of all living things. It is through Her that all things live or die. She is the laughing maiden, the living mother, and the black hag of death. She is the three and the one. She smiles and the radiance of the moon, whether it be full or dark, is everywhere for there is no power like Her power and no living thing can withstand Her power. For She is anticipation. She is the fulfillment. She is death. Hear her words, children, worship and be glad for if you seek Her, She is with you always. She was with you in the beginning and shall be with you at the end. **************************************** From Often depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron. Hecate, the Greek goddess of the crossroads has been denigrated in status from goddess to witch in current times. The reasons are explained more fully in the full version of Hecate's story. The Greek goddess Hecate was the only one of the Titans who Zeus allowed to retain authority once the Olympians had defeated them. She was given the position within the new regime of being the guardian of the households and the protector of all that was newborn. This goddess of witchcraft was once highly revered and had great influence in the pantheon. Only with Hecate was Zeus willing to share the tremendous power of giving mortals anything she wished (or, if she please, the power of withholding it). The reclusive Hecate (who was called the 'Queen of the Night') often enjoyed nightly jaunts, accompanied by her hounds and sometimes by a following of "ghosts" and others who were social outcasts. The goddess Hecate was known (and also feared) as the protector of those who were oppressed and also those who tended to live a bit "on the edge". Her role in the Underworld, the land of the sleeping and the dead, undoubtedly made her feel more tolerant of those who most would shun out of fear or misunderstanding and more comfortable in their company. Not surprisingly since Hecate had great influence in the "spirit world", appeals were often made to her for assistance in keeping one safe. She was known as a protector of young children, shepherds, and sailors. In addition, the goddess could be counted upon to help those who were dying, easing their transition into the "Otherworld" and helping them prepare for a return in their next life. The Greek goddess Hecate is a goddess who helps us make transitions and new beginnings, especially ones that were not planned. As a magical goddess at home in the spirit world, she helps keep us in touch with our spiritual selves.
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Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 12, 2009 01:30 AM
Good clue, Lara! Cicciolina has (surprise surprise Retrograde VALENTINE exactly sq True Node. I think the exactitude of the aspects have a lot to do with this, I am getting squares or conjuctions with half degree orb in the extreme cases.Also, her ISIS and KAALI are exactly squared, absolutely precise, with CIRCE exactly sextile ISIS. And lo and behold, Mr NESSUS is retrograde and exactly "Yodding" CIRCE and ISIS. These are huge discoveries for astrology. There is nothing planetary in her chart to suggest that she would be a porn star, though 5 planets in Libra would assure us she would be extremely attractive. Once again, folks, do not panic if you do not have exact negative aspects. For extreme behaviour, we need extreme astrological precision. ------------------ Free Articles Sophisticated Readings Samples IP: Logged |
redstar unregistered
posted February 12, 2009 04:03 AM
Thank you IQ for such a fascinating and informative study.It amazes me how clearly the asteroids spelled out the facts in these cases. Truly groundbreaking. I have: Isis 3'19 Aries Vesta 5'46 Aries Lust 6'30 Aries Mars 6'42 Aries But I guess Isis is too far out of the conjunction - so no future in female sexploitation for me :P. Tigerlily thank you for providing the info on Circe and Hekate - it's great stuff  ------------------
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Lara unregistered
posted February 12, 2009 04:34 AM
She does? WOW IQCicciolina was such a huge porn star in Europe... l still hear people mention her names sometimes 30 years after her stardom! I think porn is so different now though.. then it was sensual and erotic, now it's just down and dirty and not so appealing actually. So happy that your research is going well!  IP: Logged |
Iqhunk unregistered
posted February 12, 2009 05:44 AM
<< Vesta 5'46 Aries Lust 6'30 Aries Mars 6'42 AriesBut I guess Isis is too far out of the conjunction - so no future in female sexploitation for me :P. >> Thankfully no sexploitation for you but the VESTA-LUST-Mars conjunction in Aries gives you a fiery ability to inexhaustibly satisfy the man who loves you with total dedication. If only all men learnt their astrology...
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redstar unregistered
posted February 12, 2009 06:05 AM
If only indeed- I'm hoping that day will not be far for all humanity's sake. (And astrology would be accepted for the valuable and indispensable tool that it is)Ah thank you for unlocking that little nugget of knowledge - here I was thinking I was lustily into housekeeping  Your interpretation is much more illuminating. IP: Logged | |