Topic: Love Asteroids
Alecto unregistered
posted March 04, 2008 06:30 PM
Been thinkin about love asteroid lately. So far I've got 9. 433-Eros 1943-Anteros 763-Cupido 1221-Amor 1387-Kama 1388-Aphrodite 2101-Adonis 4450-Pan and h40-Cupid the Uranus moon. Got any more? I'm kind of wondering for instance what would be they're home sings are, how asteroid in sign affects how you attract people what kinds of people are attracted to you or who you are attracted to. Like can anteros show you where you are most likely to find requited love? Got lots and lots of ? swimming around in my head. any one else interested in this? -post EDIT to add stuff- IP: Logged |
Ceres Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted March 04, 2008 07:55 PM
I just read your post right after I posted mine asking about the influence of aphrodite.. I became interested in love asteroids lately as well.. I don't know much but I do know of three that you havent mentioned here.. 1 Ceres which has to do with nurturing, 16 Psyche, 3 Juno which can offer insight into partnership, what kind of partner you desire.. ect mm thats all I can think of right now heres a website I was just on not too long ago about juno curious to see what others will reply!IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted March 04, 2008 08:17 PM
Ah amour... who amongst us doesn't wish for more answers...?  I googled and found this info: Link - Article - The latest 2008 astrolog, & found the article Love Astroids particularly interesting. The writer Pemo Theodore, writes that 'Comparing Mars in one's astro chart & how it relates to certain asteroids or mini planetsgives greater definition as to how Hot & exy you are, in the mating & relating game. Also if any of these asteroids are in high profile in your chart by house/sign or aspect to venus or mars, this will contribute to relating also.This also works for composite charts. CERES: Very sensual & passionate in lovemaking, with a strong desire to satisfy both desire for oneself & the other. The heat is high & many aids may be important ie, food, oils & luxurious settings. Attachment to one partner is commen, for security & safety, yet extras could be optional. This asteroid can bring jealousy, co-dependency & often controlling behaviour( if one is insecure). VESTA: mild force of sexual expression, tends toi be focused on the inner & more mental spiritual experience of relating, rather than physical. A strong independant streak, so long as the relationship is not too distant, this could work, yet the attraction could be to one with a similar mission or path in life. Learning the Karma sutra or tantra workshops could appeal. JUNO: A passionate focus on the partner, with the urge to protect each others vulnerabilities, & a drive for equality in sexual expression. Marriage can be important for these people, due to the need for a guideline or structure& a safe long term solution, for the sexual relationship. This position is great for marriage as the sex life kepps on keeping on, no matter how long they r together. Mutual love is important for them, even betrayals & other partners may not signal the end for these. PSYCHE: The Physical expression for desire is strong here, yet of a more spiritual nature, which often relates to sexual interplay. This desire instigates relationships, & once connected continues to drive insights & growth throught the sexual relationship. Personal feelings are strongly felt & expressed physically & therefore important to have some kind of committment. Tantric sex, or sharing personal growth training or therapy could be stimulating & life transforming. SAPPHO: Strong sexual libido, accompanied by poetry, music or dirty talk. Movement or transportation could turn these on, with the back seats of cars not just for teenagers.Sexual expression of fantasies & ideals that are important for each partner, as could a need for variety, with possible experimentation with same sex genders, this placing however does not suggest identity confusuin, just versitality. EROS: Intense sexual heat & vitality. Any thing which stimulates desire, or touches on fantasy, is easily integrated, such as erotica or other sex aids. This is a regenerating asteroid, when playing the relating game. Overindulgence is possible tho, as the drive of desire can satifaction before other priorities. CUPIDO: Highly charged sexual tension in one or between two. The drive & attraction so strong that it may be uncontrollable, if not tempered with softer , more loving connections, it could drive one or two to disaster. Overall intense feelings, great, fullfilling sex. Be care about jealousy or envy, & a disregard for partners feelings. AMOR: This ones has imagination, & subtle innuedos, with romantic aids, producing a deires for physical gratification. One needs to clarify & honour boundaries with this one tho, one maybe exciting or mysterious, rather than just an extension of the self. Soft & gentle lovemaking & fantasies. APHRODITE: A dynamic drive to mate, & to consummate sexual desire with a specific partner @ certain times. If one has a magnetic or receptive partner, this can be intensly emotonal sex. There is a strong desire to connect with others even if the person is a loner. BLACK MOON LILITH: A darker & more hidden sexuality, a promise of high levels of sexual satisfactionby allowing hidden self/ fantasies to emerge in sexual expression. This one can take you to the best sex you have ever had, yet vereing toward the more positive energy of this is advised, so treat each other with respect. CHIRON: Good & comforting sex. Instinctive need to relateto others, due to ones own humanity & vulnerabilities. It can foster safety & promise trust. Tentative exploration of sexuality, authenticity & wholeness can be achieved.The emotional aspect is triggered here, so provides a very wholistic sexual experience. HYGIEA: Radiates a creative, loving & warm sexualitythat makes you feel better in the long run. Physical touch is very important, & responding to pertners nedds. Driven in the pursuit to make one feel better, regular opportunites for sexual play, consistency & regularity is important to these. Imagination & fantasy is important to, telling one what one needs is importnat, as a hesitancy is noted about speaking or asserting one's need. One needs a significant other with whom one really cares. PALLAS: Extremely sexual & responsive & sexually caing to partners. Sex is deeply transformative & regenerative & can go through certain cycles. Honour & respect is number one here. Sex & lust could take over in spontaneous busy days & nights. Profundity in sex, & sometimes sexual obsession. Both partners need to contribute, as control dampens the enthusiasm. ASTRAEA: Balanced sexuality. A time & a place for sex, & part of life with a partner. Imagination brings variety & differenceto sexual play. Make sure this creativity is used & routine is varied, as routine can be where one ends up. DIANA: Free-flowing, sensitive sexuality, with a strong need for individual expression & freedom. Making love in sheltered natural places in the open will suit diana. Initial shyness, so imagination & sensitivity to understand & cater to physical & emotional vulnerabilities will help. Music or wordscan also be halpful, & ensuring safety.
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Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 05, 2008 12:48 AM
More Love Asteroids:447 Valentine - true love (and the most important love asteroid, in my opinion, more powerful than Venus) 201 Penelope - represents devotion and fidelity 16 Psyche - Perseverance of love, connection of a psychic nature, awakening of intuition, soul seeking completion 1943 Anteros - the brother of Eros, love returned or love avenged. The answer to love's longing, a place to finally meet. 2101 Adonis - spell bound love, sexual magnetism, the desire to arouse, please and fulfill the beloved. Potent tie. 4450 Pan - Seductive and earthy sensuality, creative, wily, and likely to instill "panic" to produce change or contact 4386 Lust - sexual attraction and connection I'm also quite partial to the asteroid Union. It has figured quite strongly in my synastry and transit studies and has proved (to me) to be very relevant. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73145 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 12, 2011 12:13 PM
bump asteroid forumIP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73145 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 19, 2011 12:25 PM
AMOR: The “conditions” one places on unconditional love—the understanding of what LOVE is/means; what interferes or blocks the love and acceptance (of self & others); figuring out whether you can (or should) “remain loving” (whatever that means to you can you/ should you “set boundaries” or limits on what happens in the name of “love”? Conditions on whatever occurs in aspect------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it . Jesus He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
eyes_like_pisces Knowflake Posts: 448 From: mpls, mn, usa Registered: Feb 2013
posted January 28, 2014 08:47 PM
I don't know if this is the best thread to attach my question to, but I was wondering.. On how to best interpret hard aspects asteroids like the make? Squares or oppositions to other love asteroids? Personal planets? Outer planets? Angles? Would you rule out any outer planets or angles when finding these, assuming of course, the orb is less the 2 degrees? Take for example asteroids like Diana or Hygiea (mpre pure) that make a contact (conjunction or square) to something like black moon lilith (more raw)? ...I wouldn't know what to think. Or say Astraea square/opposition mars? Pallas oppose Sapporo? Amor or Eros square nodes? Valentine or union conjunct Uranus? Generally I'm wondering about squares, but some conjunctions are hard to interpret too. IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 1550 From: 🌛☀️🌜 Registered: Nov 2016
posted March 08, 2019 01:51 PM
☆ Bump ☆ . . . ❤ . . .
. . . ❤ . . .
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 111956 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2019 08:22 AM
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nomad-monad Knowflake Posts: 43 From: universe university Registered: Mar 2019
posted March 11, 2019 03:10 PM
How about161215: Loveday 61342: Lovejoy 51663: Lovelock 432971: Loving 33685: Younglove 76: Freia 240: Vanadis Freia is the Norse Venus/Aphrodite. Vanadis is a different name for her. ------------------ Sanity Sanitation Department. Universe University IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 1550 From: 🌛☀️🌜 Registered: Nov 2016
posted March 11, 2019 03:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by nomad-monad: How about161215: Loveday 61342: Lovejoy 51663: Lovelock 432971: Loving 33685: Younglove 76: Freia 240: Vanadis Freia is the Norse Venus/Aphrodite. Vanadis is a different name for her.
nomad-monad, Awesome addition to the thread. Thank you for pointing that out regarding Vanadis. That is certainly new to me!  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73145 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 11, 2019 06:24 PM
I have a good article on love asteroids. They are the fun ones as opposed to the anger ones lol------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 11547 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 11, 2019 06:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by nomad-monad: How about 161215: Loveday 61342: Lovejoy 51663: Lovelock 432971: Loving 33685: Younglove 76: Freia 240: Vanadis Freia is the Norse Venus/Aphrodite. Vanadis is a different name for her.
161215,61342,51663,432971,33685,76,240 IP: Logged |
nomad-monad Knowflake Posts: 43 From: universe university Registered: Mar 2019
posted March 11, 2019 06:49 PM
Thx MysticMoon!There's also 47171: Lempo Lempo is a sort of fiend from Finnish folklore and mythology. Lempo is the god of love and fertility in Finnish mythology. After Christianity came to Finland, the reputation of Lempo worsened: they are portrayed in the folklore usually as erratic spirit, as love can be capricious, even dangerous, and it could even take control of a being and turn them to destruction. Lempo brought down the hero Vinminen with the help of his two demon cohorts, Hiisi and Paha. [1] The words "lempo" and "hiisi" are also used as very mild swear words in the Finnish language. "Piru" is a slightly stronger swear word. This is also work of Christians, they weren't originally bad words. from IP: Logged |
nomad-monad Knowflake Posts: 43 From: universe university Registered: Mar 2019
posted March 11, 2019 07:01 PM
2847: ParvatiIP: Logged |
Primarose220 Knowflake Posts: 979 From: Neptune_uranus_jupiter Registered: Aug 2012
posted March 26, 2019 01:42 PM
Hi guys,Thank you for the asteroids. How do you know when the asteroids are activated in your chart? Or even a particular planet transition? ------------------ Primarose628 IP: Logged |
Bismarck2 Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2019
posted March 31, 2019 11:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Primarose220: Hi guys,Thank you for the asteroids. How do you know when the asteroids are activated in your chart? Or even a particular planet transition?
Most asteroids are irrelevant to most individuals, I think. I think they strongly need to aspect personal planets. I also read from iQ that you needed to attain a certain level of spiritual enlightenment to activate asteroids. IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 1550 From: 🌛☀️🌜 Registered: Nov 2016
posted March 31, 2019 11:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Primarose220: Hi guys,Thank you for the asteroids. How do you know when the asteroids are activated in your chart? Or even a particular planet transition?
When any astral object (planet, luminary, asteroid)aspects another energetic object, they activate energy, or blend energies. Not everything will carry power depending on the chart/individual(s). (It also is emphasised more strongly if the orb is tighter) In synastry most people really notice the activations but it's because their cognizant of it. Perhaps the 'other' in the synastry is clueless but they behave as the program of life would have them. Be it any emotion/behavior. We unknowingly are actors who have invisible scripts. These celestial energies are involved in our stories.
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nomad-monad Knowflake Posts: 43 From: universe university Registered: Mar 2019
posted April 03, 2019 11:03 PM
7696 - Liebe= Love in German IP: Logged |
astri Knowflake Posts: 241 From: Registered: Nov 2018
posted April 05, 2019 08:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by nomad-monad: [b]7696 - Liebe= Love in German[/B]
As well as (22534) Lieblich (lovely) Amorim 58214 means 'love' in Portuguese and is derived from Latin, where it also means dating/love or couples place. Amata 1035 : derived from Latin, meaning: loved, beloved, dear; feminine perfect passive participle of amare, love. Amati 19183 : Italian, also means 'beloved', 'dear' Amadora 44821 : girl's name which has its roots in Italian, meaning: 'gift of love'. Comes from Amadore, meaning 'lover' (although in Portuguese it means 'amateur') or Amador which according to is known in Spanish, Portuguese, and Catalan: from a medieval personal name, Latin Amator 'lover (i.e. of God)', from amare 'to love'. As a personal name it was particularly popular in the 16th century, having been borne by various saints. (16713) airashi (愛らしい; pretty; charming; lovely; adorable in Japanese) IP: Logged |
astri Knowflake Posts: 241 From: Registered: Nov 2018
posted April 08, 2019 09:36 AM
Just found a few more that could relate to love:15860 Siran in Armenian apparently means beautiful or lovely (though the other spelling 'Sirň' is Slovak and means sulfate..) Siri 332 is a Scandinavian female given name. It is a short form of Sigrid, of Old Norse origin, and literally meaning "beautiful victory", from Old Norse sigr (victory) and Old Norse frr (beautiful). SIrona (116): In Celtic polytheism, Sirona was a goddess worshipped predominantly in East Central Gaul and along the Danubian limes. A healing deity, she was associated with healing springs; her attributes were snakes and eggs. (healing is also a good asteroid to look for in love synastry )
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73145 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 15, 2019 03:31 PM
Thanks Astri!------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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implosions Knowflake Posts: 374 From: canada Registered: Aug 2017
posted April 15, 2019 11:17 PM
Oh neat! I've found (#16713) Airashi is exactly conjunct my Mars in Gemini.Sirona (116) is another one I felt drawn to, and turns out she's exactly conjunct my North Node! I am enthralled with the imagery of the snake wrapped around one arm, too. Very cool. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 111956 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 08, 2019 07:37 AM
Bump!IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 1550 From: 🌛☀️🌜 Registered: Nov 2016
posted June 08, 2019 06:41 PM
Thx for the bump Randall.  I found an exact (water) trine 8+12 between Sirona and Ljuba 1062 - ( Slavic " love " ) Also these trine my third water house @0 with asteroid Gaudium 8061 'Joy' A thorough article on Sirona - makes me think back to 'Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle .. the cow jumped over the moon .. IP: Logged | |