Topic: Phaethon
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72566 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 29, 2011 02:31 PM
3200 PhaethonSCIENCE Asteroid 3200 Phaethon is an asteroid/comet mix. Asteroid type due to its orbit and comet type due to its dark material matter. Classified as an Apollo asteroid, it approaches the Sun closer than any other numbered asteroid and crosses the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Discovered by Simon Green and John K Davies on October 11, 1983, asteroid Phaethon takes a year to orbit the Sun, spending around one month in each sign. MYTHOLOGY Phaethon was the son of Klymene and Helios, the Sun God. Phaethon doubted this paternity and rose to the heavens demanding proof that Helios was indeed his father. On Helios’s swearing by the River Styx that he would do anything Phaethon asked in order to prove it to him, he was shocked when Phaethon demanded to drive his chariot (the Sun) around for the day. According to Helios, not even Zeus himself would attempt such a task as the chariot was born of fire and the horses breathed out flames as they moved through the skies. But Phaethon was adamant and Apollo doused him with magic oil to ensure he was not burned by the chariot. However, the horses sensed that there was a lesser being at the helm and Phaethon soon lost control of the beast. He pitched too high and the Earth was driven into darkness. He descended too low and scorched the fields. Rivers and seas started to dry up and even Poseidon waving his angry staff towards the Sun did nothing to appease the careening chariot of heat from delivering havoc to the world below. As a last resort, Zeus appeared and struck Phaethon with a bolt of lightning, causing his death and Helios to withdraw into the darkness from grief. ASTROLOGY To locate asteroid 3200 Phaethon in your natal chart, head over to or and input the asteroid number in the additional objects field. Keep your aspects major, conjunction, square, sextile, trine, quincunx and opposition, and your orbs within 1-2 degree. In your natal chart, Phaethon will be an area where it is natural to doubt in the facts and you tend to act on impulse, rather than heed sound advice. Here, you will question authority, especially the opinion and comment within your intimate sphere and push forward blindly with your aims. An infamous example of this asteroid is Jeffrey Dahmer, the horrible serial killer, who defied his parents, the army, his grandmother, all sexual and humanity laws, abused drugs and his ultimate end was a bludgeoning in. He experienced asteroid Phaethon in conjunction to his Sun. Obviously and thank goodness, the world is not rampant with such blatant ignorance and abuse of authority with such negative overtones as mentioned above. However, in transit, it is a fleeting influence that will indicate a time where you are prone to ignoring knowledgeable opinion and fail to take orders. You will also find that there is emotional guilt manipulation surrounding your situations, as others attempt to do whatever it takes to gain control. Keywords:- self destructive behaviour, failure to adhere to authority, ignoring wisdom and logic, distrust within the intimate sphere, disobedience, extreme recklessness, boastful behaviour, manipulation through guilt, false accusation ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung I am my Beloved's.My Beloved is mine. Song of Solomen He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72566 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 29, 2011 02:31 PM
Someone has this conjunct my moon.What would it mean--Asteroid Friends  ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung I am my Beloved's.My Beloved is mine. Song of Solomen He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72566 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 29, 2011 02:32 PM
Maybe this person would bring Jeffrey Dalhmer in to my life  ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung I am my Beloved's.My Beloved is mine. Song of Solomen He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 938 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 19, 2011 04:22 PM
Phaeton conjuncts my sun. After reading this I thought "oh dear, this does not bode well" , so I had a (somewhat desperate) look around for something which would give it a more positive spin. Anyway the best I could come up with was : "Phaeton symbolize the risk that humans take to venture into a new horizon, the risk to tread the new path that would lead to the road of success even without prior experiences that would serve as guide as to how or where or what path to take." "Phaethon represents youthful exuberance and a desire to achieve the impossible." "A trailblazer, one who sets the world on fire, youthful exuberance, daring, venturing to new horizons" "'phaethon' can mean someone who drives a vehicle of some kind at high speed." (apparently lots of people who do motor racing have this - funnily enough my brother is is a racing car driver and my Phaeton is in Gemini which rules siblings). "It can also be used to refer to someone that behaves wilfully regardless of the consequences and may 'set the world on fire' with their behaviour." The "crash and burn" implications of this asteroid conjunct my Sun (aargh! Why my sun of all places?), not to mention the tendency to commit mass murder, is a touch disconcerting. BTW I don't drive like a maniac. I don't eat people either. IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3359 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted July 19, 2011 04:42 PM
My phaethon conj my casanova  I know someone who have his phaethon conj my DNA. I know one another who have his phaethon conj my Saturn and my phaethon/casanova opp his sun conj isis. Interesting IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72566 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 19, 2011 05:36 PM
I wish IQ could help us get a feel for this more like a one or two word thang  ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power,love and a sound mind. He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 938 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 20, 2011 01:23 AM
I had a lightbulb moment about this last night. It seems so obvious now.For me it played out like this : Sun conjunct Phaeton (0.03 degree orb) = "Feeling rejected/disowned by father during teen years leading to high risk behaviour in order to search for sense of own identity". At that time I repeatedly danced with death by putting my own life in danger. Thankfully, those days are now over. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 5554 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 20, 2011 04:29 AM
Hi Ami, I actually liked Taineberry's views on Phaethon. The best way to know the individual expression of any Asteroid is to jot down notes of events during its exact Transit to Sun or even its own Return. I have not studied this yet but will keep this Asteroid in mind for the To Do Research List.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 20, 2011 05:07 AM
Never checked this `roid before. But turns out Phaeton is exactly conjunct my Jupiter, and as we speak, Tr Phaeton is exactly conjunct my DESC and Draco Moon. No clue what that means though. But looks significant, especially since Jupiter is my chartruler.IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 938 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 20, 2011 08:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Never checked this `roid before. But turns out Phaeton is exactly conjunct my Jupiter, and as we speak, Tr Phaeton is exactly conjunct my DESC and Draco Moon. No clue what that means though. But looks significant, especially since Jupiter is my chartruler.
Ok well this is a bit of a long shot because I'm not sure about this either ... But ... In respect of the Jupiter conjunction - Do you or did you ever feel that your father (or another authority figure) rejected your belief system or philosophy on life? If so, did you forge ahead and blaze your own trail anyway, sometimes entering into "dangerous territory" en route, whilst ignoring all the danger signs? IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72566 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 20, 2011 09:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Taineberry: I had a lightbulb moment about this last night. It seems so obvious now.For me it played out like this : Sun conjunct Phaeton (0.03 degree orb) = "Feeling rejected/disowned by father during teen years leading to high risk behaviour in order to search for sense of own identity". At that time I repeatedly danced with death by putting my own life in danger. Thankfully, those days are now over.
Awesome. Yes IQ. One needs to understand these with the heart or one cannot work with them. You helped me understand Nessus from my mother and the other chart you did. Now, I seem to be the Nessus expert  It does take some time to get the meaning of the Asteroid in your heart. However,once you do,it stays and you can work with it ,I find. ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power,love and a sound mind. He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 21, 2011 06:43 AM
Taineberry,no, my father always supported my philosophies, though he may not always share them. Actually he sometimes expressed his admiration at how confident my brother and me are in expressing our beliefs; something which he sais he never had the courage to do so in such a young age as we did. As a matter of fact, though, my father is one of the most intelligent, wellspoken people I`ve ever met, and it certainly was due to his and my mum`s encouragement, that my brother and me have the courage to speak our minds. It must be said though, that this often has gotten my bro and me in trouble, cause not everyone in this world is like this. Especially not teachers. lol Well, my brother had to suffer more than me, cause I eventually learned to keep my mouth shut, or rather I secretly pitied the teachers for their narrowmindedness, and didn`t mean to inflict more harm on their fragile mental system with being too outspoken about my own theories. I was a little arrogant brat, wasn`t I?  Anyway, it took some time to convince my mum of astrology. She was very scared about the things I dabbled in, which were not just astrology, but also some more esoteric things and techniques. For many years I was kinda hiding my astrology books away, to not worry her even more. she never forbade me to read them (probably she knew I wouldn`t listen anyway), but she actually read some of them herself to see if I was getting into dangerous things.
Nowadays she accepts what I am doing, after having long discussions; she is still sceptical, a bit afraid, but she knows I know the truth; a truth she was fearing I would be punished for. It`s in simple sentences like this, that makes it shine through: She: "Don´t be soo open about your astrology, people will think you are a witch." Me: "I AM a witch. And so are you." And that`s just it. We think differently (and it a maternal heritage; she has, well, not exactly the second sight, but very strong psychic, telepathic powers herself; though in her case they are more emotional, while I process them mentally I think) than most people around us; like me she often knows who will be on the phone (the usual everyday telepathy many people know I guess), she and me both often will react to the THOUGHTS of my mentally handicapped brother, often not even realizing he hasn`t SAID anything; she, more than me actually, is so m¨ch in tune with the earth, she feels even the most minor quakes. Often we will come together in the evening, and both of us had a transient feeling of "strange dizziness", "as if the earth was rumbling", and we will usually learn the next day that there was a minor quake nearby at the exact moment we both felt it. Of course it is usually a quake tzhat is IMPOSSIBLE to sense, as it is so minor. We feel it nevertheless. It is probably due to me that she faced these strange knowing she has about things. She doesn`t believe in past lives (well, she does not want to confront herself with it I guess), but she has "knowledge" (memories?) of Atlantis, as well as my Dad. Once she asked me to do a horoscope for a friend of her as a birthday gift; I didn`t know her friend´s biography. But I looked into the chart, and I asked her to not ask me to do that. Sometimes sleeping dogs shouuld not be waken up. And there was so much pain in this chart! I asked her some specific questions, and my mum looked pretty crept out by me, and only murmured: "How do you know? How can you possibly know?" And I could only point at the chart and say: "It`s all in there. No witchcraft. Just reading." Anyway, I know that her pleas to my brother and me to keep a bit more silent is just borne out of her concern about the consequences we may face in the outside world ((my brother is very big into conspiracy stuff; well, he was at a time, when it was not so "en vogue" like it is today, and he had some strange people contact him, partly warn him to shut up about the 9/11 thingy; and partly wanting him to spread the word.)
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Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 938 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 21, 2011 07:43 AM
CeridwenInteresting. You certainly don't seem to have suffered the spinning out of control in defiance of your parents feeling that I experienced. Maybe, in your case, the "trailblazing your own path" factor is more prominent? IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Knowflake Posts: 1001 From: England Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 21, 2011 09:46 AM
I have it conjunct my MCI fail to adhere to authority all the time and whilst I'm not so much into boasting I can be reckless or at least I could be in my youth. My dad and I are both leos (sun god apollo?) an I have the asteroid helio only 1 degree from Phaethon... I do tend to question authority but especially on their opinions. I don't drive and never will. Maybe that's a good thing. I do have a desire to achieve the impossible. I'm sure I've got another really challenging asteroid conjunct my MC, the one who has to push the boulder up the hill only to watch it fall down repeatedly lol. IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 938 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 21, 2011 11:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by dysfunctionalmystic:I fail to adhere to authority all the time [/B]
LOL - I can definitely relate to this one! I am generally not good with following rules either. Mostly I just nod and smile sweetly, and then do my own thing anyway. It doesn't always end up in crash and burn, but ... sometimes  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 21, 2011 02:01 PM
Taineberry,I didn`t really have to fight much against my parents, but in a way my take on spirituality is something they don´t really understand (though by now accept that it`s "my thing"). I didn`t really DEFY them or rebel against them so much as I disappeared on them in a way, at least during adolescence. I was kind of in my own world; the difference to other kids my age is just that this world was within my head and not within wild parties, booze and similiar things. Finding my own path has always been top priority for me. Sometimes I wonder ... I could have picked an easier, more socially oriented, path. It might have brought me marriage, kids, white picket fences, who knows? Something more "normal". Sometimes I wish I could have enjoyed going on parties, doing all the superficial smalltalk, wearing high heels etc. etc. But somehow I doubt that I ever had a choice. Always searching for MEANING, for the story BEHIND the surface, the TRUTH, as far as I can grasp it. No I wouldn`t want to exchange that search for my own path and truth, just it`s getting lonely sometimes, you know? But I don`t do compromises. I just can`t. Maybe it has not so much to do with Phaeton but rather with my Black Moon Lilith being in Aquarius on the cusp of 3rd house. But yeah, before I am getting all melancholic here, walking to my own tune has always been important for me, and even is part of my identity. If you ask people around me, what defines me; this would probably among those identificators.
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Mystic_Cat Knowflake Posts: 721 From: Southwest, Uk Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 15, 2014 01:44 PM
I beleive Phaeton/Maldek was originally our fifth planet that was destroyed by either Jupiters storm or another martian race in war with our feminine leaders who inhabited it ... This was our fifth personal planet between Mars and Jupiters orbit that is now known as "Asteroid Belt"Phaeton is the shining one, it's similar to Apollo but with a more martian nature, the color it brings to me is bright purple I believe the planet originally connected us to our ancient ancestors aswell as being on our primary sources of being in humanitys sol/star seed The planet is now smeered across our system as the asteroid belt and only a part of our conciousness it used to be ... IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 938 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted May 15, 2014 07:33 PM
Mystic Cat – I find it fascinating that you have revived interest in this asteroid, because I have also been thinking a lot about it lately …. On the same lines as you have.First up, I agree with what you have said already … Phaeton has a lot to do with our ancient ancestors. One possibility is, as you have stated, the Phaethon/Marduk/Tiamat story which puts a whole Annunaki swing on the symbolism. To take it one step further, I would like to also suggest that the asteroid Phaethon could also be associated with a life line in Atlantis and/or a link to the Annunaki. To elaborate on why I think this, I would like to share the theosophical view that the Phaethon myth is an allegory of a celestial event which led to the sinking of Atlantis. It is striking to note that Plato also mentions Phaethon prominently in his story about Atlantis. The idea is that Phaethon was a mythical representation of a cosmic intruder that came into our solar system and as it passed by, it wreaked the havoc on earth which totally destroyed Atlantis. If you look at the myth, Phaethon is illegitimate; from the pov of the Atlanteans, his parentage is unknown = a cosmic body coming into the sphere of Helios (our solar system) from an unknown location. Phaethon wants to “prove” his parentage so approaches his father to allow him to drive Helios’ chariot so he can direct the course of the sun. It all goes wrong and he passes to close to the earth. Zeus sends a bolt and he crashes down to earth, burning it as he goes = the alien cosmic intruder comes from no-where, grows huge in the sky like a sun as it passes too close to the earth, causing high electrical interchanges btwn earth and itself (thunderbolts) and the debris falls to earth. Even more intruigingly, I am starting to explore the possibility that this Phaethon might be one and the same event that you are talking about - as when a satellite from Marduk/Nibiru that collided with Tiamat (note I don’t think it was Marduk itself that did the colliding, it was one of the moons i.e. Phaethon); thus destroying Tiamat and creating the asteroid belt. i.e. takes us straight into the realm of Sumerian mythology and the Annunaki. I haven’t quite got my head around the exact connection between the two events (destruction of Atlantis and Tiamat being part of the same event), but slowly getting there. Maybe you have some more thoughts on this?
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florence Knowflake Posts: 1537 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted May 16, 2014 06:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by Taineberry: I had a lightbulb moment about this last night. It seems so obvious now.For me it played out like this : Sun conjunct Phaeton (0.03 degree orb) = "Feeling rejected/disowned by father during teen years leading to high risk behaviour in order to search for sense of own identity". At that time I repeatedly danced with death by putting my own life in danger. Thankfully, those days are now over.
So funny ... After reading your desc and the associations, I had a strong feeling it was going to be conjunct my sun too. You know that surprise when an expectation is confirmed? It's a cluster of asteroids conjuncting sun ... Chiron, Sedna, Alice and now this. I think pandora is also there. Anyway, I didn't have a rejection by my father (yet -anyway-starting to worry it just didn't happen yet) but I recall very much a combination of stresses leading me o feel self-destructive. Wanted to go to Russia or be a journalist in war zones as I had it in mind this would be dangerous. Also just generally putting myself in dangerous situations. Was like I couldn't contain some bubbling confusion and energy. Glad to hear of he positives IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 938 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted May 20, 2014 03:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by florence: So funny ... After reading your desc and the associations, I had a strong feeling it was going to be conjunct my sun too. You know that surprise when an expectation is confirmed? It's a cluster of asteroids conjuncting sun ... Chiron, Sedna, Alice and now this. I think pandora is also there. Anyway, I didn't have a rejection by my father (yet -anyway-starting to worry it just didn't happen yet) but I recall very much a combination of stresses leading me o feel self-destructive. Wanted to go to Russia or be a journalist in war zones as I had it in mind this would be dangerous. Also just generally putting myself in dangerous situations. Was like I couldn't contain some bubbling confusion and energy. Glad to hear of he positives
hmm, Looks like Phaethon is turning out to be quite interesting. Well, I hope it gets a bit more attention astrologically, considering the origins of the myth are really ancient, goes back way further than the ancient greeks, romans - to the very roots of human history it seems. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8956 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 24, 2018 12:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by Taineberry: Phaeton conjuncts my sun. After reading this I thought "oh dear, this does not bode well" , so I had a (somewhat desperate) look around for something which would give it a more positive spin. Anyway the best I could come up with was : "Phaeton symbolize the risk that humans take to venture into a new horizon, the risk to tread the new path that would lead to the road of success even without prior experiences that would serve as guide as to how or where or what path to take." "Phaethon represents youthful exuberance and a desire to achieve the impossible." "A trailblazer, one who sets the world on fire, youthful exuberance, daring, venturing to new horizons" "'phaethon' can mean someone who drives a vehicle of some kind at high speed." (apparently lots of people who do motor racing have this - funnily enough my brother is is a racing car driver and my Phaeton is in Gemini which rules siblings). "It can also be used to refer to someone that behaves willfully regardless of the consequences and may 'set the world on fire' with their behavior." The "crash and burn" implications of this asteroid conjunct my Sun (aargh! Why my sun of all places?), not to mention the tendency to commit mass murder, is a touch disconcerting. BTW I don't drive like a maniac. I don't eat people either.
My partner and ex have it sextile their moon, I have it conjunct my sun and so does my new guy. None of us are murderers LOL... I have had many speeding tickets in my life but haven't for several years now, I rented a sports car dodge challenger on Tuesday while my car gets repaired and OMG I love how that car drives, its hard not to speed on it and I want to pass everyone LOL. I am in love with this car. I do drive a lot for work and tend to get jobs that require a long commute or visiting client's in their home. My ex is obsessed with cars, constantly changing them, he has a yod between Phaeton sextile his moon and his Northnode. The following descriptions really fit me:
"A trailblazer, one who sets the world on fire, youthful exuberance, daring, venturing to new horizons" "someone who drives a vehicle of some kind at high speed." "It can also be used to refer to someone that behaves willfully regardless of the consequences and may 'set the world on fire' with their behavior." I can really relate to the whole setting the world on fire with my behavior. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8956 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 24, 2018 01:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by florence: So funny ... After reading your desc and the associations, I had a strong feeling it was going to be conjunct my sun too. You know that surprise when an expectation is confirmed? It's a cluster of asteroids conjuncting sun ... Chiron, Sedna, Alice and now this. I think pandora is also there. Anyway, I didn't have a rejection by my father (yet -anyway-starting to worry it just didn't happen yet) but I recall very much a combination of stresses leading me o feel self-destructive. Wanted to go to Russia or be a journalist in war zones as I had it in mind this would be dangerous. Also just generally putting myself in dangerous situations. Was like I couldn't contain some bubbling confusion and energy. Glad to hear of he positives
I am a bit of a risk taker and thrill seeker and have put myself in "dangerous" situations but in a trailblazer/pioneering kind of context. There is always something bigger driving it is what I am saying, trying to pioneer with my behavior/actions/risks in how I want the world to evolve to. I am making a statement but there is no confusion. The whole I want to set the world on fire and help transform it fits. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8956 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 24, 2018 01:07 AM
My aquarius ex lover has the conjunction to his moon LOL. As well as lover from last year, he had it conjunct his sun and my first boyfriend had it sextile his sun.OK so everyone that I have ever gotten involved with has this conjunct their sun, or sextile their sun, or sextile their moon or conjunct their moon and I have it conjunct my Sun. Aparently I have a type. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 96044 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 25, 2018 10:32 AM
I don't have a type.IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 8956 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 25, 2018 04:20 PM
You have pisces in the DC, maybe that is why! LOl you go with the flow. But you gotta have a type anyways LOL Neptunians for starters.  I have it in Taurus so I have a type yes; usually creative artistically inclined. Add this asteroid to my sun which in a women's chart sun and mars speaks of what we are attracted to it and I tend to feel attracted to this type. IP: Logged | |