Topic: Is Siva the same was Siwa?
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 08, 2011 12:01 PM
From Answers by IQ: SIVA rules the Divine Masculine traits dealing with death, destruction, change, rebirth, benevolence by destroying evil, creation of death causers of evil, erasing darkness by using terrifying force and pure masculine consciousness.Any person with Siva conj Ascendant will have strong feelings towards death and destruction of the wicked. There are tantrik connections and pointers to a vedic past lifeline and there has to be an interest in sacred sex with an amazing male partner for women who have this placement. ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung I am my Beloved's.My Beloved is mine. Song of Solomon He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 08, 2011 12:01 PM
A man has Siwa conjunct my Sun.Am I up for fun or what  ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung I am my Beloved's.My Beloved is mine. Song of Solomon He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Moonfish Moderator Posts: 5040 From: Tropical Ocean Registered: Jul 2011
posted July 08, 2011 12:51 PM
I researched these asteroids a bit and I did get the same results. Maybe there are 2 of them because they come from different cultures. Just a guess  IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Knowflake Posts: 1001 From: England Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 08, 2011 05:46 PM
No they're completely different and unrelatedsiva - 1170 Siva is a Mars-crossing asteroid of eccentricity 0.2995045, named after Shiva, a Hindu Deity. It has an orbital period of 1296 days (3.55 years). siwa -
140 Siwa ( /ˈʃiːwə/) is a large and dark main-belt asteroid. It has a composition of a P (or possibly C-type) asteroid. It was discovered by J. Palisa on October 13, 1874, and named after Šiwa, the Slavic goddess of fertility. Siwa has a very flat lightcurve, indicating a spherical body.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 08, 2011 06:39 PM
Well Quinn Read IQ's description of Siva. It sounds like a male exotic dancer  ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung I am my Beloved's.My Beloved is mine. Song of Solomon He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Knowflake Posts: 1001 From: England Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 08, 2011 08:10 PM
lol I will doIP: Logged |
MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 10, 2011 09:46 AM
interesting!Siva conjuncts my NN almost exactly. I wonder if the same description applies that iQ gave conjunct the ASC natally. Siwa, goddess of fertility, sits in my chart conjunct my Vertex (1.47 orb) and Juno (3.04 orb) in Cancer, 5th House. Hopefully that is a good sign that I will have kids if I ever get married (seeing as my ruler of 5th is actually gemini a barren sign and I have no 5th house planets). I do worry about that sometimes :/ IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 10, 2011 09:51 AM
Siva conjuncts your NN What would that mean? You are gonna meet a male exotic dancer  ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung I am my Beloved's.My Beloved is mine. Song of Solomon He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 10, 2011 09:55 AM
well i have been interested in vedic in THIS lifeline (I have a book on vedic astrology i need to start getting into as well!)maybe it was my destiny to marry a male exotic dancer LOL .. could do worse i suppose :P IP: Logged |
MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 10, 2011 12:50 PM
ami, thought you might be interested to know that MrGem's siVa conjuncts my siWa lolI'm not even going to start thinking about that one :P IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 10, 2011 12:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by MsCandeh: ami, thought you might be interested to know that MrGem's siVa conjuncts my siWa lolI'm not even going to start thinking about that one :P
Are you close in age MsCandeh? If so, asteroids will conjunct, I think ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung Be as wise as a serpents,gentle as doves. He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Applegreen Knowflake Posts: 205 From: A star between Venus and Mercury Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 10, 2011 01:06 PM
My person's Siva conjuncts my Psyche.  The other day I told him that being around him puts my soul at ease. Funny that I used the word soul. lol IP: Logged |
MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 10, 2011 01:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Are you close in age MsCandeh? If so, asteroids will conjunct, I think
no no , its his Si V a conjucnt my Si W a.
he is 7 years older than me! i just thought this was interesting since you originally posted about whether or not they are the same asteroid and it turns out they embody two totally different things so of course i looked it up in our charts and there ya go! not anything signfiicant really i don't think. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 10, 2011 03:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by MsCandeh: no no , its his Si V a conjucnt my Si W a.he is 7 years older than me! i just thought this was interesting since you originally posted about whether or not they are the same asteroid and it turns out they embody two totally different things so of course i looked it up in our charts and there ya go! not anything signfiicant really i don't think.
Are they different ? I thought they were the same but in two different cultures  ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung Be as wise as a serpents,gentle as doves. He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 1087 From: Beehive, MD Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 25, 2011 11:48 AM
Ami,Here is the thread you'd started on Siva a couple weeks ago. I was searching for a description on Siva, and there you have it (look at your first post). Siva is one of the holy Hindu Trinity, the God of Destruction. Ruling over death and seeing to the eradication of evil, He also presides over the end of the world. He is held sacred by millions, so please refrain from making comparisons to exotic dancers as it can seriously offend people - it would be like making the same comparisons with Jesus or Buddha or Allah - and I'm sure you don't intend to offend anyone. I realize IQ's use of the word 'tantric' in connection with Siva conj AC may seem like this is all about sex, while what it really is about the sacred and transformative. Siva and Siwa are very different and unrelated, as dysfunctionalmystic's post above states. The former is the Hindu God of destruction while the latter is the Slavic Goddess of fertility. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 25, 2011 11:56 AM
Thanks for bumping this thread! Sunny We use humor here.I think people know that.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 25, 2011 12:02 PM
Ok I think I figured it out,If Siva is conjunct the Child Asteroid,the person had to have deaths and rebirths as a child.This is powerful.It kind of sounds like Pluto.Is it? IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 1087 From: Beehive, MD Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 27, 2011 01:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne:
We use humor here.I think people know that.
True, Ami. However, humor does not mix well with matters of great sensitivity like religion, but may in fact aggravate it. Think about it for a minute - if you were to replace 'Siva' with 'Jesus' or 'Buddha', would that have affected you differently? Would you have taken it as kindly if someone else had made those comments toward what you hold dear?  Sunshine IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 27, 2011 01:39 PM
Sunshine My goal with humor is not meant to offend but just to make life a little brighter and happier! IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 1087 From: Beehive, MD Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 27, 2011 01:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: This is powerful.It kind of sounds like Pluto.Is it?
I see the energy as very much Plutonian - it is a force to reckon with, a destructive/transformative energy. Perhaps the person's childhood had a marked effect on him/her. Perhaps there is much interest in esoteric subjects. It is possible the person had memories of a past life as a child. IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 1087 From: Beehive, MD Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 27, 2011 01:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Sunshine My goal with humor is not meant to offend but just to make life a little brighter and happier!
Absolutely... just not with religion or any other topic of great sensitivity, right? It will not make life bright or happy if people are offended and hurt by what is said. Sunshine IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64397 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 27, 2011 01:48 PM
I am sorry if I hurt you ((Darling))) IP: Logged |
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 08, 2011 06:10 PM
I have Siva conjunct my Venus (3 degree orb),trine Chiron, square Neptune.Siwa is in the eighth on the same degree as Hekate, sextile the sun, squaring Mars, quintiling my North Node, opposes my Part of Fortune and quintiles Orcus. IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 3510 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 16, 2011 09:45 PM
Right now Siwa is 19 deg in Leo...Squaring my MoonIP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3324 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted April 27, 2012 03:22 AM
Bump for this thread.
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