Topic: Minera # 93
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 7044 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted July 19, 2011 11:39 PM
93 Minerva (Roman): Minerva, Goddess of wisdom, the counterpart of the Greek Goddess Athena. Homer called her 'the blue-eyed Minerva' and by Ovid 'the yellow-haired'. Minerva was the great Goddess of wise counsel, war and peace, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, wisdom and ethics, weaving, pottery and arts and crafts. She is an inventor and artisan, the Goddess of order and bringer of civilization. Though a war Goddess, She participates only to defend right order and to bring justice. Her clear thinking and quick mind have brought many benefits to mankind, including the olive and its precious oil. Minerva's gift was the olive tree. Minerva was probably originally a Goddess of lightning and storms, hence the spear (representing the lightning) and Her famous brilliant eyes. Birds as creatures of the air are Hers as well, especially the owl, with its bright eyes and reputation for wisdom. Associated with the city and an urbane lifestyle, during peacetime the Goddess Minerva utilized her talents overseeing the progress of civilization, including being the patroness of literature and the arts. Minerva is associated with wisdom and intuition. Brought in with these attributes are those of logic and applied strategy. It is also creative of original thought, showing artistic ability. Minerva also rules the relationship between father and daughter. It is also representative of the Warrior Woman and the fight to escape from oppressive male domination. On the negative side, it also rules such things as incest and abuse. It is also concerned with science, the code of genetics and with biotechnology. Minerva is sympathetic to the air signs especially the justice and strategy of Libra and the intelligence and objectivity of Aquarius. She is aligned with the masculine archetypes of Mars and Uranus and close to Jupiter, her father’s realm. The myths of Minerva remind us that thoughtful planning and the marshalling of our resources can help us reach our goals. Minerva brings strength and wisdom, and aid in determining the best course - consult Her in a situation when you are not sure whether to use diplomacy or if the time has come to fight. **************************************** Minerva is the Roman equivalent of Greek Athena. She is the virgin Goddess of wisdom, invention, music (the inventor of music), poetry, the arts, crafts, martial prowess, warriors, healing, medicine and commerce. She came to be identified with the Greek Athena. She is one of three virgin Goddesses along with Diana and Vesta. **************************************** Keywords: artistic, arts and crafts, biotechnology, confidence, conflict, creative, daughter, diplomacy, genetics, healing, horses, immune system, injustice, intelligence, intuition, justice, learning, legal battles, logic, politics, science, strategy, strength, wisdom Wherever Minerva falls in the birthchart shows the area of life where these talents are likely to be found and in what capacity. **************************************** Minerva, the Roman and Etruscan Goddess of intelligence, creativity, wisdom, domiestic skills, and handicrafts was the patroness of artisans, of all people whose handiwork was guided by their minds. Her very name comes from the ancient root for "mind". Minerva appears here with her sacred tree, the olive. She wears an aegis, whis is a breastplate edged with snakes and an owl on her headdress which identifies her as a Goddess of death and the deepest mysteries. The Lessons of this Goddess: Minerva has come to tell you it is time to examine your beliefs and change them if they do not nurture your wholeness. How are old, outworn, unhealthy thoughts undermining your life, your energy, your happiness? Do you believe what other people think and/or say about you? Aer you still running the tape of negative messages your parents or caregivers gave you when you were a child? Do you believe the worst of yourself, or the best? Are your beliefs too rigid to permit and support your evolution? We all are born with a story. It is our choice whether we want to live the story we were born with or create one that nourishes all we want to be. The Goddess says that wholeness is nurtured when you see yourself with all your parts - both dark and light - and choose your beliefs to serve your highest good. **************************************** Minerva is thought to be of Etruscan origin, as the Goddess Menrva or Menerva. Later she was equated with the Greek Athena. Minerva was the daughter of Jupiter and Metis. She was considered to be the virgin Goddess of warriors, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, crafts, and the inventor of music. As 'Minerva Medica', she was the Goddess of medicine and doctors. Minerva is believed to be the inventor of numbers and musical instruments. Adapting Greek myths about Athena, Romans said that Minerva was not born in the usual way, but rather sprang fully armed from the brain of her father; this image has captivated Western writers and artists through the ages. Ovid called her the "Goddess of a thousand works." Minerva was worshipped throughout Italy, though only in Rome did she take on a warlike character. Minerva is usually depicted wearing a coat of mail and a helmet, and carrying a spear. In the temple on the Capitoline Hill she was worshipped together with Jupiter and Juno, with whom she formed a powerful triad of Gods. Another temple of her was located on the Aventine Hill. The church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva is built on one of her temples. According to legend, the Queen of Spades playing card depicts Minerva. **************************************** The wisdom of reflection and strategy. Extremely sexual and responsive and sexually caring to partners. Sexual negotiation skills. Sex is deeply transformative and regenerative and can go through certain cycles. Honour and respect is number one here. Sex and lust could take over in spontaneous busy days and nights. Profundity in sex. Sometimes sexual obsession. Both partners need to contribute, as control dampens the enthusiasm. Minerva is the warrior-Goddess, who is making a re-emergence in a number of forms in our culture. Astrologically, she represents political and negotiating skills, having been transformed into a kind of modern lawyer-like warrior. Defenses and defensiveness can be involved with this asteroid. She is, after all, an armed defender. Righteous, just and true, but defensive about it. So we can look at the placement and aspects of Minerva for some clues about this attribute of who we are and how we react. Minerva is the Daughter. As Goddess of Wisdom, she is active, creative intelligence that gives birth to thought forms. Here the reproductive energy of Venus is released not through the genitals, but rises like the kundalini serpent to the head where the creative generation of ideas (mental progeny) is born. hence, Minerva represents the principle of creative wisdom. Her colour is yellow, symbolising the mastery of the intellectual domain, and her mental qualities link her to the element of air. In the symbolism of the astrological wheel, Minerva corresponds to the Midheaven, where visibly, socially useful accomplishments are realised. Astrologically, Minerva represents one's mental creativity and the capacity to create and control one's reality. When a person becomes clouded by ignorance, Minerva Minerva's cycle takes them through the transformative process of destruction and renewal of their life structures. She teaches the wisdom that the mind's eye contains the seed of manifested form.**************************************** Minerva is also associated with the arts of healing, health and regeneration. As the Goddess of Victory, first victorious in war and later a victor on the sports field. Minerva signalled victory and as a patron of heroes she was also known as the Goddess of the near, as she was always close to the hero and a staunch supporter of the heroic. As the Goddess of war and defender of her father’s realm Minerva became aligned with the hero as his guide and protector. In mythic portrayals of the hero, Minerva stands behind or beside him as his staunch ally against the monstrous and dark forces. When Minerva appears she encourages us to be heroic and battle the regressive forces of our instinctual nature. It is necessary to reflect on the situation and not react emotionally, detaching enough to formulate a decisive plan of action. On an oracular level the card suggest the need to be the wise warrior and use strategy and cunning. On a divinatory level Minerva suggests the individual may be torn between the head and the heart but Minerva encourages us to be heroic and choose the course that will champion our cause. An enmeshed situation demands reflection, objectivity and disengagement. Feminine Wisdom: Reflection and meditation develop out of the turmoil of chaos and uncertainty, helping us to become more strategic and deliberate in our actions. Metis is the valued intelligence that guides our instincts and plans strategically and arises into consciousness at exactly the right moment. Minerva discerns and through reflecting on emotionally entangled situations allows consciousness to develop. **************************************** Minerva shows our ability to recognize patterns, to arrange and re-arrange things. Minerva in the Signs shows your preferred style for doing these things. Minerva in the Houses shows where you have problem solving ability and pattern recognition ability. Minerva in the Signs: Minerva in Aries: Charges right in. If the problem needs a quick, dynamic solution, you're the person to ask. This is a good placement if there is some sort of competition (or better yet, a battle) involved. Aries is an innovator and loves to be on the cutting edge. Albert Einstein had Minerva in Aries in the 10th house. **************************************** Minerva in Taurus: If the problem is going to take a long time to solve, ask this person to handle it for you. With Minerva in Taurus, the problem solving and pattern recognizing abilities increase if you feed them. **************************************** Minerva in Gemini: This one can work on two or more problems at a time. In fact, if they don't, they might get bored. There tends to be an especially strong ability to deal with words, to arrange and rearrange them in different patterns. **************************************** Minerva in Cancer: The pattern recognition and problem solving abilities focus around domestic matters and emotional concerns. This is also a good placement for a therapist to have, or someone in a profession that requires nurturing in some way, such as a nanny. The sign of Cancer also governs hotels and restaurants. If you happen to work in those fields, Minerva in Cancer will be a great help in organizing, arranging, and problem solving. **************************************** Minerva in Leo: It's SHOWTIME! This tends to be a creative placement and is very good for anyone in the arts. But in any profession, things will be arranged and problems solved in dramatic, attention-getting ways. **************************************** Minerva in Virgo: Good ability to see tiny (even microscopic) patterns and solve problems to the 10th decimal place. Consequently, this would be a good placement for any profession that requires great attention to detail. **************************************** Minerva in Libra: Good ability to see patterns in social situations. There also tends to be increased skill in handling social problems, so this is a good placement for a mediator. Libra, in addition, rules beauty and art. If you have Minerva in Libra, you probably (unless there are afflicting aspects) have good artistic taste, as well as an ability to know what accessories match the outfit you're wearing. **************************************** Minerva in Scorpio: A really good placement for a therapist, detective, spy, or criminal! Scorpio loves to go deep into the underworld and come back with riches. If there is a subtle, secretive way of solving a problem, you will be the one to find it. Minerva in Scorpio can also make you obsessed with finding solutions to problems, or figuring out a secret and obscure pattern. Of course, it is also good at finding the best way to heal and rehabilitate, and is excellent for helping others manage their money and resources. If the rest of the chart agrees, there will also be the potential for changing the values of any group that you belong to, including the society in which you live. **************************************** Minerva in Sagittarius: Don't bother looking for small patterns. Leave that for the Minerva in Virgo people. You have to get the big picture, see the large-scale patterns, and then teach others about what you've found. **************************************** Minerva in Capricorn: This placement of Minerva is good for organizing things and making them more efficient. It definitely has a material bent and prefers to work on problems that have to do with practical matters. **************************************** Minerva in Aquarius: This placement can solve the most difficult problems in ways that are startling and unusual. The patterns that it makes are either insane or touched by genius. If everyone agrees that a particular arrangement is the "right one" or that a certain problem has a well-accepted solution, you can count on the Minerva in Aquarius person to come up with something completely different. **************************************** Minerva in Pisces: If other chart factors agree, this placement of Minerva can make for a good artist, designer, or any work that requires imagination. The main drawback is that there is a tendency to dream instead of do. **************************************** Minerva in the Houses: Minerva in the 1st House: Minerva here gives superior ability to see patterns and solve problems, especially if it is within eight degrees of the Ascendant and in the same sign. **************************************** Minerva in the 2nd House: This placement is good for organizing money and possessions. It can also give the ability to recognize financial trends. Remember though, that the 2nd house also deals with what we value, and Minerva placed here simply helps to organize and arrange those values, whatever they may be. This includes those who reject money and preach a life of poverty. But I'll bet that the few possessions they have are well organized. **************************************** Minerva in the 3rd House: This is the house of communications and short journeys. Minerva here makes it easier to solve problems while you are walking around the neighborhood, taking short trips, or communicating. The problems you deal with are more likely to concern immediate, day-to-day matters. **************************************** Minerva in the 4th House: If you have a difficult problem to figure out, go home. Minerva in the 4th house means that your ability to see patterns and solve problems is greatest when you are in the house. Since the 4th house also shows the last third (or so) of our life, your problem solving abilities will probably become stronger with age. **************************************** Minerva in the 5th House: This is good for your creativity. Artists with this placement would tend to have a good sense of form. In sports and games, Minerva in the 5th house is good for working out strategy. In matters of gambling and speculation, there will be a tendency to find patterns rather than just blindly rolling the dice. When it comes to children, this placement can make it easier to think up all sorts of new games and activities for them. **************************************** Minerva in the 6th House: The daily work activity is where the pattern spotting ability comes into play. This can be a good placement for finding new ways to arrange and rearrange things on the job. It also favors jobs that demand the ability to deal with patterns. **************************************** Minerva in the 7th House: The tendency with Minerva in the 7th house is to attract marriage and business partners who are good at recognizing patterns, solving problems, and arranging things. But it frequently happens that the person with Minerva in the 7th house finds it easier to do these things when there is someone else around. The other person doesn't even have to say a word. Just having another person there will make it easier for a Minerva in the 7th house person to solve problems and see patterns. **************************************** Minerva in the 8th House: A good placement for those engaged in healing professions, including therapists (the 8th house rules rehabilitation). It is also favorable for those who manage other people's money. The 2nd house rules your values. The 8th house, which is opposite, rules the values of the groups to which you belong. Minerva in the 8th house increases the chance that the patterns you see may change those group values. **************************************** Minerva in the 9th House: This is the house of higher education and philosophy. You may tend to be more concerned with large-scale problems than day-to-day matters. An excellent placement for a college professor or a diplomat (the 9th house rules long journeys and foreign places). **************************************** Minerva in the 10th House: This is the house of career and the "public." If you are having trouble solving a problem while at home, get out of the house. Minerva in the 10th house will tend to increase pattern recognition and problem solving abilities in connection with the career. Albert Einstein, who made a career with his ability to see patterns, had Minerva placed here. **************************************** Minerva in the 11th House: Once again, it becomes easier to solve problems and see patterns if there are other people around. In this case, it's friends. But a group of people would do as well. There could also be a tendency to attract friends who are clever at solving problems. **************************************** Minerva in the 12th House: The 12th house shows what we may suppress. Someone with Minerva placed here may hold back their own problem solving and pattern recognition abilities. On the other hand, this could indicate increased ability to analyze and handle the restrictions of others. So it is also should be good for those whose work deals with "restrictions," such as therapists and social workers. **************************************** Minerva in Aspect: Minerva Aspecting the Sun: This person will tend to be good at problem solving and pattern recognition. If the aspects are harmonious (conjunction, sextile, or trine), these abilities will tend to be easily accepted both by the person themselves and those around them. If the aspects are stressful, then the solutions and patterns they come up may cause a clash with authority figures. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting the Moon: These folks can be just as good as those with Sun/Minerva aspects at problem solving and pattern recognition. The difference is the process will be more instinctive and less conscious. Stressful aspects (square and opposition) can show a clash between the problem solving abilities and the emotional needs (similar to stressful Moon/Mercury aspects). The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, or trine) tend to have an easier interchange between the intellectual abilities of Minerva and the instincts of the Moon. Albert Einstein, for example had the trine. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting Mercury: The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, or trine) are excellent for solving problems and communicating the solutions so that they will be accepted. This is an excellent position for anyone who has to work with words for a living (I have the sextile myself). The stressful aspects could indicate difficulties in communicating the results of your problem solving and pattern recognition. The house and sign positions will indicate the areas where this would be the biggest problem. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting Venus: Another good placement for an artist. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, or trine) link the Venusian love of beauty with the pattern recognition ability of Minerva. The stressful aspects (square and opposition) could lead to blockages in this area. The pattern recognition ability has problems integrating with the artistic sense. There could also be a tendency to be excessively critical (Minerva) of those with whom we are romantically involved (Venus). **************************************** Minerva Aspecting Mars: Not bad for a military strategist or the coach of a sports team. If there is a conflict (Mars) this combination can help you figure out (Minerva) how to win. In fact, any task requiring lots of energy, physical activity, or will power can be rearranged and improved with this aspect. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, or trine) can smoothly integrate physical activity with the intellect. The stressful aspects (square and opposition) can indicate a tendency to rush to judgment when solving problems. These aspects also make it more likely for one to argue when the solutions they come up with are not immediately accepted. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting Jupiter: With the harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, or trine) there is no problem getting the big picture. This increases the ability to recognize big patterns and solve large-scale problems. The stressful aspects (square and opposition) can easily give someone an over-inflated opinion of their own intellect. Many people with a stressful aspect between these two are always right and never wrong. Just ask them! **************************************** Minerva Aspecting Saturn: The effect of Saturn, like Jupiter, is to focus on the big picture. Saturn though, tends towards pessimism rather than optimism, and caution rather than opportunity. When it comes to problem solving, those with Minerva/Saturn aspects will tend to take their time. Learning is also slowed down because the effect of Saturn is to fear mistakes. Once something is learned, however, it will likely be learned well. The harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) simply add a cautious and practical streak to problem solving and pattern recognition. The stressful aspects (conjunction, square, and opposition) put obstacles in the way. Someone with these may feel stupid (even if they are really brilliant). To develop their problem solving and pattern recognition abilities, they (more than anyone else) have to practice, practice, practice. It also wouldn't hurt if they worked to boost their self-esteem. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting Uranus: The patterns you see will tend to be unusual and highly original. The solutions to problems will be, well, different. The effect of Uranus is to make us believe that "If everybody does things this way, it must be wrong." If the aspect is a stressful one (conjunction, square, or opposition), the ideas they come up with may shock others. The harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) can be just as original when it comes to problem solving and pattern recognition, but are less likely to cause people to be upset. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting Neptune: Neptune rules dreams (and illusions). The harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) between Minerva and Neptune increase imagination and are very good for artists. But scientists can benefit from this as well because of the increased powers of visualization that it confers. The stressful aspects (conjunction, square, and opposition) can get lost in imagination. This combination can make it difficult to tell the difference between reality and delusion. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting Pluto: Those with this combination can notice things that seem hidden to most others. This is a good combination for a doctor, therapist, detective, or spy. The harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) are good for solving problems connected with healing or personal growth, "transformation" in general. They are also good those who deal with large sums of "other people's money" (venture capitalists, for instance). The stressful aspects (conjunction, square, and opposition) tend to cause intense concentration on problems to the point of obsession. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting the Ascendant: Any aspect will tend to increase the mental side of your nature, particularly the problem solving and pattern recognition abilities. This is especially true of the conjunction aspect. The harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) will, in addition, make it easier to solve problems together with others (there will also be an aspect to the Descendant). The opposition to the Ascendant is really a conjunction to the Descendant, so Minerva placed here could attract partners who are good at problem solving and pattern recognition. Conversely, your own abilities in these areas could come out more strongly when there is someone else around, especially a partner. The square aspect will tend to bring problems when it comes to solving problems with others. **************************************** Minerva Aspecting the Mid-Heaven: Problem solving and pattern recognition will tend to be an important part of the career. One or both parents were likely to have been strong in these areas. If the aspect is a square, then they might have tried to over-organize your life while raising you. ===================================== I have Minerva conjunct the Asc in Pisces... I am special talent for solving problems.. Thinking out of the box... I can see patterns and how to fit things.. I can see it in my head... I do use this alot at work.. I love solving problems, trying to figure things out.. It is where my talent is.. It also conjuncts my EROS exactly... IP: Logged |
Saraintheski Knowflake Posts: 671 From: Registered: May 2011
posted July 19, 2011 11:47 PM
weird my minerva is in libra and my fathers a libra ... I hate his guts IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73778 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 20, 2011 07:40 AM
Cool Lioness Thank you Baby  ------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power,love and a sound mind. He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13983 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted May 15, 2018 02:54 PM
 Minerva Aspecting Jupiter: With the harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, or trine) there is no problem getting the big picture. This increases the ability to recognize big patterns and solve large-scale problems. I should be President LOL, it trines exact my Jupiter conjunct Uranus. IP: Logged |
arcturus90 Knowflake Posts: 508 From: Arcturus Registered: Nov 2017
posted May 15, 2018 07:18 PM
I have Minerva conjunct Truth and Uranus in Capricorn, opposed Chiron IP: Logged |
Lerena Knowflake Posts: 1388 From: Registered: May 2015
posted May 17, 2018 01:24 AM
My Minerva is unaspected in my natal chart, but my boyfriend's natal chart aspects it. Anyway, I have Minerva in 7th house. It's in Gemini.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73778 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 17, 2018 09:02 AM
I never used her. There are so many asteroids out there to study lol------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 3786 From: Oceanic Sands Registered: Nov 2016
posted May 17, 2018 05:16 PM
 Updated: 2021 She's in my Gemini house. Such an awesome place for her. cnj (0) Athene 881 aka Pallas Athena. (0) trine Part of knowledge and Tempel 3808.
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