posted September 14, 2011 08:41 AM
(sketches for the interpretations of a new planet)
And the name 'Varuna' (already official), which was given by astronomers in the spring of the year 2001 to the largest Trans-Plutonian planet 2000 WR106, has appeared opposite to the apocalyptical expectations of astrologers too. Astrologers aimed to continue a line of Pluto and, so to speak, to go further deep underground (the Russian astrologers, generally, follow the line among themselves, that the planet following to Pluto should be named 'Proserpina', in honor of the goddess of the underground kingdom). But Varuna, on the contrary, has raised us from underground to the heavens. In the mythology of ancient India Varuna was the god of the all-embracing sky, separating the Cosmos from the Chaos and protecting the people from the Evil. According to Vedic texts, his moral greatness and sanctity far surpass all attributed to any other deity. As we see here, there is not even a hint of the themes of gloom and evil. Certainly, as the keeper of the Supreme Law, Varuna is dour, but as an ideal of the supreme moral, he is faultlessly fair. Well, the admirers of the funeral-underground theme may yet find Proserpina*. But we shall now talk about the planet Varuna. Its period of circulation around the Sun is 285 years. To take advantage of the representation of distant planets as the sublime ideas of seven visible planets, Varuna can be considered as the sublime idea of Jupiter. Varuna relates to such "Jovian" things as praise for oneself and narcissism, wide popularity and, in general, broad expansion of something. It brings forth the egress from usual limits, and in this sense Varuna is related not only with Jupiter, but also with Chiron and Uranus. But unlike Jovian popularity, Varuna represents a more broad and longer glory, promising immortality (or, at least, longevity) in the national memory.
Another side of Varuna's manifestations also corresponds with Jupiter: that is his connection with the law, justice, equity - however, equity not human, but supreme, law not planetary, but cosmic.
There is still one side of the manifestations of Varuna, which rather correlates with Uranus and Pluto. It is allied to its role as a boundary planet (the separation of the Cosmos from the Chaos). New matters, before unknown ideas and problems producing global effect, new scopes of knowledge and difficulties connected with reclamation of the unknown - dawns through Varuna. There are several examples from the history.
On September 3, 1773 - during the exact conjunction of Varuna with the Sun, the Parisian Peace Treaty was concluded: Europe had allowed the existence of the new independent state, the United States of America.
On March 2, 1917 - during the most precise conjunction of Varuna with the Sun, the Russian Emperor Nikolai (Nicholas) II abdicated. One year hence, again during the conjunction of Varuna with the Sun, the Brest Treaty was concluded (it ended the war between the Russia and Germany). And the same day the famous 'revolutionary poem' "Twelve" by Alexander Blok was published. A new Russia sprang up the Russia, which refused the monarchy and had a new ideology.
On April 28, 1955 - during the conjunction of the Sun with Varuna, was the beginning of the construction of Baikonur (the renowned spaceport, where the first sputniks and spaceships were started up).
On May 9, 1960 - in USA, for the first time in the world, the contraceptive pills came into the market. The planetary situation of the day is well described by the aspects of Varuna - it was in square to Uranus (to say "no" to unexpected things), trine Saturn ("yes" - to planning), in conjunction with the Sun (a connection with the vital beginning).
On June 5, 1981 - the center of public health services in San Francisco informed about pernicious consequences of pneumonia among the homosexuals. The special researches had shown, that the sharp decrease of cellular immunity was observed. It was the first announcement about the new illness, which today is named AIDS. The sole major aspect of the Sun on this day is the very precise conjunction with Varuna.
The last two examples intimate Varuna's connection with the theme of biology, medicine and health (or, leastwise, a connection of aspects of Varuna-Sun with this theme). Really, I have noticed that a variety of experts in the field of medicine and pharmacology have in their horoscopes the so-called "burnt" Varuna (i.e. in wide conjunction with the Sun).
Varuna is also related to water and air elements. Many circumnavigations etc. began or ended when the Sun was in conjunction with Varuna. [b9Strong Varuna goes into the charts of natural disasters (such as the air hurricanes or the tsunami) rather often. [/b]For example:
On June 9, 1984 - in the second half of the day, during the most precise conjunction of Varuna with the Sun, tornados passed through Moscow, Kalinin, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo and Kostroma regions.
On June 27, 1998 during the conjunction of the Sun with Varuna, an earthquake occurred in Turkey with the force of 6.3 on the Richter scale. The disaster took more than a hundred lives and about one thousand people were wounded.
Varuna - as the symbol of the borders of our world - is connected with the theme of death (the fans of "astrological horror" can begin to rub their hands), but the death of a special kind: causing large response among populace or happening before the eyes of many people - according to the Russian adage "na miru i smert' krasna" (roughly speaking - "beneath people's eyes even to die is good"). The explosion of "Challenger" in 1986, which was seen by millions of shocked spectators in live program, is a solid example. In the chart for the moment of destruction of this spacecraft, we find an exact opposition of Uranus (21° Sagittarius) and Varuna (21° Gemini). Besides, this aspect was included in the "mystical rectangle" configuration with the participation of centaurs: Hylonome (the planet of lamentations for the dead) in 22° Leo was in the most precise trine to Uranus (with an orb only in a pair of minutes) and, accordingly, in sextile to Varuna. Hylonome was in conjunction with Nessus (16° Leo) - once more centaur connected to deadly torments. And there was Jupiter (25° Aquarius) in opposition to these centaurs.
Characteristically, this configuration is present in the horoscope of the Chernobyl emergency too - with the difference that here the most exact aspect was from Uranus to Nessus (orb 2'), emphasizing the theme of unexpected poisonings caused by the products of the industry.
Another example is the murder of president Kennedy. Transiting Pluto on that day was in the exact opposition to natal Varuna. Transiting Varuna was in the exact quincunxes to the natal Ascendant in Libra and transiting Venus, ruler of the 1st and the 8th houses. I remind you, that Mercury in the natal chart of J.F. Kennedy, is the dispositor of the Sun and is situated in the 8th house in conjunction with Mars. Already this would allow us to guess the reason for the president's death. But if we take into account transits of Varuna, the date of death is precisely visible: Kennedy was shot on the absolutely exact conjunction of Varuna with the natal Mercury!
But these cases are not a sufficient basis to emphasize attention only to the negative side of the manifestations of Varuna. As it was already noticed, the given planet accounts for popularity, the aspiration to shine before the public - and consequently a strong Varuna frequently becomes apparent in the horoscopes of rather popular people, being shown quite positively. Many stars of the movies and show business are indebted for their destiny to this planet. And I notice, that even with hard aspects Varuna can be treated as a "good planet". Let us say, if we compare the horoscopes of the two most famous top models - Naomi Campbell and Claudia Schiffer, we shall see the presence of an exact major aspect of Varuna with the Sun in both charts. But in the case of Naomi this is a conjunction, whereas Claudia has Varuna in an exact square to the Sun and the Moon's Nodes.
Let's draw the preliminary conclusions. It is doubtless, that Varuna is an active, masculine planet. Through Varuna we do not perceive the world, but on the contrary - we aim to make an impression on it. For example, from the horoscopes of the musicians it is seen, that this planet hardly speaks about musical abilities, but indicates a capability to get abroad and the ways of achievement of popularity. Varuna is connected with various social activities, shows, show business, film industry, striking scenes of military battles, sport heats, unique continuous flights and so on. I think it would be interesting to take "The Guiness Book of records" and to see the transits on dates when different records were cracked. I feel, that Varuna would be shown in such charts.
In general, many characteristics of Varuna can rather adequately be presented as a combination of developments of Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. It is quite possible to attribute to Varuna the majority of the descriptions of interaction of these three planets in Ebertin's interpretation (see his "Combinations of stellar influences"): the qualities of the leader, fast use of any situation, "social rushes (the aspiration to public improvements), pursuing the religious or the philosophical purposes, the achievement of remarkable results", "an unusual aspiration to knowledge and understanding, a strong comprehension of the purpose or tasks of life,a far-seeing creative activity", "the wreck of the old order of things and the construction of a new one", "to put new things in force", but on the other hand "impatience, fanaticism, acts of violence, destructive activity, threat by the weapon, accident".
For example, let's look at the chart of Adolf Hitler. In his horoscope Varuna takes a very strong position: it is in an exact conjunction with the IC in Aquarius and forms an exact trine to Pluto in the 8th house:
Imum Coeli = 4°12 Aquarius
Varuna = 4°25 Aquarius
Pluto = 4°40 Gemini
The words mentioned above - about "the wreck of the old order of things and the construction of a new one", "fanaticism, acts of violence" and "threat by the weapon" - describe the activity of Hitler perfectly. Besides, as Varuna is disposed in the deepest point of his chart, it is confirming, that these aspirations were the basis of Hitler's life position (and were formed on the racial theory). And the trine to Pluto in the 8th house does not require any comments.
Varuna was also on the IC in the horoscope of another famous character of the German military-political history - Bismark. But in his case Varuna formed an exact square to Mars in the 6th house (that once again illustrates the idea: not each trine is good, not each square is bad).
Well, the square of Varuna is a very interesting aspect. There is an impression, that in the squares the effect of this planet is the most appreciable - and not always negative. To all appearances, the squares of Varuna in the natal astrology mean a challenge, which cannot be bypassed by the native. It is this way concerning the oppositions too. Hard aspects of Varuna expose a problem in the sphere of the aspected planet, emphasize the necessity of development in its sphere, clearly accentuate this planet, giving the urge to become famous, bring out actively advanced qualities of this planet.
So, the famous actor and dancer Fred Astaire had in his horoscope a square of Varuna to the Sun in the 5th house - and he showed his creative beginning very brightly. A very exact square of Varuna with the Sun is in the natal chart of Antonio Banderas. An identical square is in the horoscope of the Italian actor and singer Adriano Celentano. Another famous actor, Jeff Bridges, was born with an exact square of Varuna to Jupiter in the 5th house, and he won his way to Hollywood, too. A favorite of the women all over the world, Marlon Brando, has Varuna in the square with Jupiter too, but this time it stands in the 1st house.
At the time of the opposition of Varuna to the Sun, were born Brigitte Bardot, John Lennon and the famous Russian actor Armen Dzhigarhanian; on the opposition of Varuna to the Moon - Giuzeppe Verdi; on the opposition of Varuna to Jupiter - Frederic Chopin and Arthur Conan Doyle. At the time of the square of Varuna to Jupiter were born the Soviet poet Musa Jalil and the American actor John Cage; at the time of an exact square between Varuna and the Moon's Nodes - Herbert Wells and Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
In the chart of Freddie Mercury there is an opposition of Varuna to Venus and Jupiter together. And in the chart of Tom Waits there is an exact square of Varuna to Venus and Jupiter. We can see a square of Varuna with Venus in charts of such famous people of art as the conductor Herbert von Karajan and the writer Theodor Dreiser. The opposition of Venus and Varuna is present in the horoscope of the famous pianist Ghenrikh Neygauz (Heinrich Neuhaus).
In the chart of Gennady Khazanov (the most prominent Russian comedian actor) Varuna is in an exact square to Saturn, and this actor tirelessly "lashes the defects of society" (in general, a comic dower frequently astrologically relates to Saturn; it's not so strange as it may appear to the beginning astrologer).
The hard aspects of Varuna with Mercury or the Sun, or both, quite often occur in the charts of the talented and famous writers (here is enough to name Edgar Poe, Jules Verne, Maksim Gorky, Albert Camus, Stanislav Lem). The natal chart of Honore de Balzac is very indicative too. In this chart Varuna stands on the cusp of the 3rd house in an exact quincunx to stationary Mercury near the MC.
But such an unambiguous importance of the hard aspects of Varuna does not mean that the influence of the soft aspects of this planet were ineffectual. By illustration, I offer a small list of Varuna's positions in the natal charts of the celebrities of the theatre and cinema (usually I use an orb with the limit of three degrees), except for those who are already listed above:
Lubov Orlova (the great Soviet cinema actress in the Stalin times) had an exact natal conjunction of Varuna with the Sun in Aquarius.
Vsevolod Sanaev (the Soviet actor) has a conjunction of Varuna with the Sun and Chiron in Pisces.
Evgeniy Matveev (the Soviet actor) has a conjunction of Varuna with the Sun in Pisces.
Mark Rozovskiy (a contemporary stage director) has a conjunction of Varuna with the Sun in Aries.
Alain Delon: an exact conjunction of Varuna with the Moon in Aries.
Roger Vadim (the French film director): an exact conjunction of Varuna with the Moon, the ruler of the MC, in the 6th house.
Stanislavskiy, apparently, had Varuna on the Ascendant.
Fellini had Varuna exactly on the Descendant.
Charles Bronson: Varuna on the MC in Pisces.
Pasolini (the Italian film director): an exact conjunction of Varuna with Venus in 20° Pisces.
Fassbinder (the German film director): a conjunction of Varuna with Venus and Hylonome in 26° Aries.
Peter Fonda: a conjunction of Varuna with Venus in the 10th house.
Maria Ermolova (the great Russian actress): a conjunction of Varuna with Jupiter in 17° Sagittarius.
Keanu Reeves: an exact sextile of Varuna with Venus (and sextiles with Mars and the Moon), a conjunction with Jupiter.
Eldar Ryazanov (a contemporary Russian film director): a conjunction of Varuna with Jupiter and Uranus in 28° Pisces.
Smoktunovskiy (the prominent Russian actor): a conjunction of Varuna with Uranus in Pisces.
Marilyn Monroe: a conjunction of Varuna with Uranus in the 8th house in Pisces.
Sarah Bernard: Varuna is in conjunction with the North Node of the Moon in 7° Sagittarius.
Romy Schneider: a conjunction of Varuna with Saturn and Hylonome.
Luis Bunuel: a conjunction of Varuna with Chariklo in 19° Aquarius.
Samuel Goldwin: an exact conjunction of Varuna with Nessus in 24° Capricorn.
Catherine Deneuve: Varuna is in trine with Jupiter and in conjunction with Hylonome (23° Aries).
Woody Allen: Varuna is in the 8th house, in an exact trine with the Sun in the 4th house, and in square with Pholus in the 5th house.
Steven Spielberg has Varuna in the 10th house, in exact trines to the Sun and Lilith in the 6th house.
Henry Fonda : Varuna on the cusp of the 6th house is in an exact trine with the Moon.
Ginger Rodgers: Varuna in the 10th house in Pisces is in an exact trine with Jupiter in the 5th house.
Leonardo Di Caprio: Varuna in the 9th house is in square with Jupiter, in opposition to Neptune, in trine to Pluto.
Bette Midler: Varuna is the sole planet in the 1st house (in Aries), in an exact square with Saturn in the 4th house and quincunx with Venus in the 8th.
Robert Redford: Varuna is the sole planet in the 1st house (in Aries), in trine with Jupiter in the 9th house.
Gregory Peck: Varuna in the 10th house trines Saturn in the 2nd house.
Alfred Hitchcock: an exact trine of Varuna with Pluto and an exact sextile with Saturn: Varuna (near the 8th house cusp) unlocks the opposition between Pluto and Saturn.
Charlie Chaplin: Varuna is in the 3rd house in Aquarius, in an exact trine with Pluto in the 7th, in quintile with Mercury in the 5th.
But in the destiny of the film actress Sharon Tate a strong Varuna has played an anything but pleasant role. In the horoscope of Sharon Tate Varuna is in an exact conjunction with Hylonome - in the 10th house near the MC (in Aries). They form a Grand Cross with Jupiter on the Ascendant in the 12th house, Pholus in the 4th house and Chariklo in the 6th house. At the same time Varuna and Hylonome are in sextiles with Venus in the 8th house and with Asbolus on the 12th house cusp. A supplement for astrologers interested in imaginary planets of the Hamburg school: Varuna is in a very exact conjunction with Hades (orb 9 ').
The Manson family was involved in the killing of the actress on August 9, 1969 - when she was 8 months pregnant. The transiting Varuna was in an exact conjunction with natal Uranus, ruler of Sharon's 8th house. By solar arc directions Varuna had come to the exact sextile with the natal Black Moon. And the Black Moon in the secondary progression on the date of murder has passed over Jupiter on the Ascendant and has formed the exact square with natal Varuna.
Sun (death) ~ 16°34 Leo
Lilith (Tate) = 16°39 Cnc
Varuna (Tate, dir.) = 16°42 Tau
Asbolus (Tate) = 17°29 Gem
Chariklo (Tate) = 17°57 Lib
Chariklo (death) = 17°57 Pis r
Jupiter (Tate) = 18°24 Cnc
Lilith (Tate, prog.) = 19°36 Cnc
Varuna (Tate) = 19°49 Ari
MC (Manson) = 20°09 Cap
Venus (Tate) = 20°43 Aqu
ASC (Tate) = 21°27 Cnc
Pluto (Polanski) = 23°53 Cnc
Moon (Polanski) = 24°39 Cnc
Varuna (death) = 0°22 Gem
'Pylenor' (Manson) = 0°22 Gem
Uranus (Tate) = 0°40 Gem
Uranus (death) = 1°10 Lib
In Manson's horoscope, Varuna is in 8° Aries (on the MC of Tate's horoscope), in conjunction with Hylonome , and in the exact square with Pholus, too. His axis of Meridian (21° Cancer - Capricorn) coincides with the axis of Sharon's Ascendant.
Varuna (Manson) = 7°55 Ari
Pholus (Manson) = 7°42 Cap
Venus (murder) ~ 7°04 Cnc (in conjunction with the Moon)
Mars (murder) ~ 7°54 Sag
Varuna (Polanski) = 8°04 Ari r
MC (Tate) = 9°03 Ari
It is curious that the "malicious" transneptunian object 1996 TL66 in Manson's chart is in the exact conjunction with the Moon and it is exactly upon the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Sharon's chart.
TL66 (Manson) = 3°20 Aqu
Jupiter (death) = 3°36 Lib
Mercury (Tate) = 3°45 Aqu
Chiron (Polanski) = 3°50 Gem
The Moon (Manson) = 4°00 Aqu
Sun (Tate) = 4°05 Aqu
Moon's Node (Manson) = 4°07 Aqu
Roman Polanski, the husband of Sharon Tate, was born 1 1/2 years prior to Manson, but in his horoscope Varuna is in the same place - on the MC of Tate's horoscope. Varuna stands in trine to Mercury (the ruler of the house of the spouse). His ruler of the 8th house (Moon) is in conjunction with Pluto in 24° Cancer, on the ASC of Sharon Tate and on the IC of Manson.
Thus, the strong Varuna in Sharon Tate's case gave her very positive capabilities (Sharon became a movie star), but thus as much as possible, it has shown also negative characteristics (the death which has shaken a broad public).
In my archive there is a chart of a young woman who was born on the day of the exact Varuna - Sun conjunction (in the 11th house). She has an active fancy to biology and medicine; that is characteristic of a positive development of the given conjunction. But there was also a rather dramatic episode in her life: at the age of 17, she unexpectedly appeared in a black mass in the role of a victim, and was violated by satanists. It happened when transiting Varuna (11th house) formed an exact opposition to the natal Moon (5th house) - and this opposition was formed precisely on the transiting Nodes of the Moon.
An example of another kind: on December 16, 1857, during the New Moon on Varuna, the famous astronomer Barnard was born (his name was given to one of the closest stars to the Solar system). And the same day there was a high-power earthquake in Calabria, which resulted in the loss of more than 10 thousand people.
Or we can take the case of Gwenn Werden, the glorified dancer. At the age of two she had damaged legs, and in order to strengthen and to develop those legs, she was begun to give dance lessons. That's it - the duality of positive and negative developments of Varuna: if she had had no trauma, Gwenn would not have become a dancer. In her horoscope Varuna is in the first house, two degrees from the Ascendant in Pisces ;-)
Such multilevel manifestations of Varuna require special researches: it is obvious, that the positive or negative aspects of Varuna do not give the information, whether the given planet will act positively or negatively (as I already demonstrated above, the squares and oppositions of Varuna frequently lead to success and popularity).
Now I continue a theme of professional success and popularity, and add a small list of positions of Varuna in horoscopes of writers and poets:
Varuna in conjunction with the Sun in Sagittarius - Gilyarovskiy
Varuna in conjunction with the Sun in Libra - Ryleyev
Varuna in conjunction with the Sun in Aquarius in the 4th house - Simenon
Varuna in the exact conjunction with the Sun and Venus, square Jupiter - Musa Jalil (b. 15.02.1906, and the other Soviet poet, Agniya Barto born on 17.02.1906)
Varuna in conjunction with the Sun in Pisces - Boris Vian
Varuna in conjunction with the Moon and many other aspects - Jean-Paul Sartre (27° Aquarius r)
Varuna in conjunction with the Moon - Daniel Kharms (the originator of the literature of absurdity; 26° Aquarius)
Varina in conjunction with Venus and Nessus - Marquis de Sade (0° Leo)
Varuna in conjunction with Mars - Nikolai Gogol (25° Libra)
Varuna in conjunction with Jupiter - Agatha Christie (4° Aquarius r)
Varuna in conjunction with Jupiter, trine to Chiron - Jonathan Swift (26° Aries r)
Varuna in the exact conjunction with Uranus - Hans Christian Andersen (Libra, 9th house)
Varuna in the exact conjunction with Hylonome (the wrench of saying goodbye) - Iosif Brodskiy
Varuna in opposition to the Sun - Stanislav Lem (20° Pisces r)
Varuna in opposition to the Moon - Sacher-Masoch (28° Scorpio)
Varuna in opposition to Jupiter - Conan Doyle (26° Sagittarius r)
Varuna in opposition to Saturn - A. Ostrovskiy (12° Scorpio)
Varuna in trine with the Sun - Sergey Esenin (11° Aquarius r)
Varuna in trine with the Moon, square to Mercury and the Sun - Edgar Allan Poe (26° Libra)
Varuna in the exact trine from 5th house with Mars in the 2nd - Charles Bukovski
Varuna in trine with Mars - Kafka (25° Capricorn r)
Varuna in the exact trine with Jupiter and square to the Nodes - Solzhenitsyn (14° Pisces)
Varuna in trine with Chiron - Belinskiy (26° Libra)
Varuna in square with the Sun - Maksim Gorky (8° Capricorn)
Varuna in square with the Sun - Casanova (12° Cancer)
Varuna in square with Mercury in the 3rd house - Camus (7° Pisces r)
Varuna in square with Venus - Dreiser (10° Capricorn)
Varuna in the exact square with the Nodes of the Moon - Herbert Wells (3° Capricorn)
Varuna in square with the ASC - Simone de Beauvoir (3rd house, Aquarius)
Varuna in the exact quincunx with Jupiter in the 8th house - Charles Baudelaire (3rd house, Scorpio)
It is very curious, that on January 27, 1891, were born both the writer Ilya Erenburg and the poet Pavel Tychina. They both not only became the men of light and leading in the professional sphere, but also lead a dynamic public activity. Both of them had a long life and they died at the same age September 16, and August 31, 1967. In their horoscopes we see the conjunction of Varuna with the Sun and an exact trine Varuna-Pluto. One day prior to them, on the still more exact aspects, was born Wilder Penfield (the Canadian neurologist, neurosurgeon, historian of medicine, writer). And 4 years prior to them, on January 21, 1881, was born Wolfgang Kohler, one of the originators of the gestalt psychology. He also has the conjunction of the Sun with Varuna in trine with Pluto in the horoscope, and he also died in 1967.
But over all the charts of the writers that I have seen, the most high-power aspected Varuna, if anything, is in the horoscope of Jules Verne:
Jupiter = 13°45 Sco
Saturn = 14°27 Cnc r
Moon = 14°32 Sco
Neptune = 17°04 Cap
Varuna = 18°21 Sco
Venus = 18°21 Pis
Sun = 18°46 Aqu
Asbolus = 19°27 Leo r
Mercury = 22°43 Aqu
Really, in the case of Jules Verne, there are many themes of Varuna that are intertwined together: the themes of popularity, interest in natural sciences, creativity, and the aspiration to the new knowledge, opening of new horizons. Jules Verne died when transiting Pluto (18°42 Gemini) on the natal Ascendant made an exact trine with the natal Sun and an exact quincunx with natal Varuna.
Varuna was almost as strong in aspects at the moment of birth of a Jean-Paul Sartre:
Jupiter = 24°16 Tau
Moon = 25°53 Aqu
Mercury = 26°26 Gem
Varuna = 26°35 Aqu r
Sun = 29°41 Gem
In the case of Sartre the innovation of thoughts obviously is no less than in the case of Verne. The theme of marginal conditions, the collision of daily life of the man and his other, true nature, was a major theme for Sartre. As we remember, in the horoscope of the other main representative of the French existentialism, Albert Camus, Varuna is also strong.
Returning to the theme of interaction between art and show business, I want to note, without a doubt, the role of Varuna in the history of the rock-and-roll and popular music. Let's begin from April 12, 1954, when Varuna was in conjunction with Venus in Aries. On this day, which the historians of the rock name as "the birth of the rock-and-roll", Bill Haley recorded a disc with a song "Rock Around the Clock".
Further, on May 9, 1962, when the Sun was in the conjunction with Varuna, the recording company Parlophone issued the first record of The Beatles. On the day of the following exact conjunction of Varuna with the Sun (10.05.1963), the recording company Decca signed the contract with The Rolling Stones. In 1967, again with the conjunction of the Sun and Varuna, Paul McCartney met Linda for the first time, and BBC forbid to broadcast the song "A Day in The Life" by The Beatles because of the hints at the use of drugs in the text. In 1969, during the conjunction of the Sun with Varuna, the group The Who issued "Tommy" - the first rock-opera in the history. In 1977 during this conjunction, there was a scandal with the single of the group Sex Pistols, "God Save the Queen". The song was at once forbidden by the British broadcasting, but nevertheless had taken the first place in the charts of hits (and in some editions there was an empty line instead of the song name).
If we turn to the natal charts of the popular singers and rock musicians, we shall see how Varuna has chosen angular houses. Varuna of Lennon is on the ASC (in another known version of the chart, on the DSC
), and in opposition to the Sun. Varuna of Prince is on the DSC. Varuna of Ringo Starr is in the1st house. Varuna of McCartney is in the10th house. Varuna of Presley is in the 4th, Varuna of Alice Cooper in the7th, Varuna of Bob Dylan in the 4th (on the IC), and Varuna of Mick Jagger in the10th house.
Madonna's Varuna is in a most exact conjunction with Mars in the 9th house in Taurus. Kurt Cobain also was born with Varuna in Taurus in the 9th house. His Varuna was in a very exact opposition to Neptune, in trine with Uranus, in an exact sextile with Chiron and in the hardly less exact sextiles to Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Cobain committed suicide when the transiting South Node of the Moon ingressed in the degree of natal Varuna. Celine Dion also has in the horoscope Varuna in the 9th house in Taurus - in a most exact square with Jupiter and square Pholus, in trine with Uranus and in opposition to Neptune. The exact square Varuna-Jupiter was in the chart of Janis Joplin too. In the chart of Tom Waits, there is an exact square from Varuna to Venus and Jupiter. Jimmie Page is the owner of an exact sextile from Varuna to Saturn and of a square Varuna-Sun, and Ingwie Malmsteen has an exact square from Varuna to Saturn.
Trent Reznor has a conjunction of Varuna with the Sun in his horoscope, Marilyn Manson has an exact opposition of Varuna to Neptune, Ricky Martin has an exact Grand Trine with Venus and Pluto in the air signs, Jon Bon Jovi has an exact square from Varuna to the Moon's Nodes. Axel Rose has not only a square from Varuna to the Nodes, but also a square with the Sun. Freddie Mercury, as was already mentioned, was born with an opposition from Varuna to Venus and Jupiter. Jean-Michel Jarre has a trine from Varuna to the Sun, and Andrew Lloyd-Webber an exact trine from Varuna to Jupiter.
I emphasize, that we are talking about the popular music in the most general meaning. So, accentuated Varuna was in the horoscope of the popular rapper Tupac Shakur: in opposition to Neptune, in conjunction with Venus, in the exact square with Pholus. In the natal chart of Andrey Razin (the creator of the pop-group "Laskovy May", very popular in the end of the 1980's in Russia) the sole exact aspect of the Sun is a trine with Varuna. The very popular opera singer Galina Vishnevskaya has a conjunction of Varuna and Uranus, trine Saturn, and the great opera singer of the past Enrico Caruso had Varuna on the DSC, in an exact square with Chiron in the 10th house and in sextile to Mars in the 5th. The American composer John Cage had Varuna on the DSC in Pisces, at the top of the T-square with Jupiter in the 4th house and Saturn on the MC. And Ferenc Liszt, who travelled in the 19th century with the performances in nearly all the Europe, had an exact conjunction of Varuna with the Sun in the 3rd house.
It is interesting, that in the charts of Cher and John Travolta (who have achieved popularity both in the music, and in the cinema), Varuna is the sole planet in the10th house. And in the chart of Lisa Minelli, in the10th house there is only Pholus - in a most exact square with Varuna.
In conclusion of the article, there are some interesting dates and information about the charts of the celebrities:
On September 3, 1774 - during an exact conjunction of the Sun with Varuna, the great captain Suvorov delivered a winning blow to the forces of the rebellious Pugachov, and on September 22, 1789, again during the conjunction of the Sun with Varuna, Suvorov's army broke the Turkish army at Rymnik, despite of the four-multiple numerical advantage of the Turks.
On December 5, 1848 the president of the USA, James Polk, confirmed the fact of finding of the gold in California. It provoked the famous "gold fever" in 1849. The sole major aspect of the Sun this day was the conjunction with Varuna.
On April 11, 1945 was the redemption of Buehenwald. There was a conjunction of the Sun, Varuna, Mercury, Hylonome and Venus.
On April 15, 1951, for the first time in the history, was the competition "Miss Universe". Varuna was in an exact conjunction with Mars in Taurus.
On May 18, 1967 during an exact conjunction of the Sun with Varuna, Andropov was elected as the chairman of the KGB. In the chart of the solar return he also had this conjunction.
Varuna in the horoscopes of politicians:
Varuna in the 10th house (in 30° Aries) in conjunction with the Moon, in the exact trine with Jupiter in the 5th house, in an exact sextile with Uranus in the 11th house Prince Charles
Varuna in conjunction with the Sun in the 11th house in Capricorn - Conrad Adenauer
Varuna in conjunction with Mercury and the Sun - Plekhanov
Varuna in conjunction with Mercury, square to Chariklo - Kropotkin (6° Sagittarius)
Varuna in conjunction with Mars, trine to Jupiter - Robespierre (22° Leo)
Varuna in conjunction with Uranus - Giscard d'Estaing (25° Pisces, on DSC in the 6th house)
Varuna in conjunction with Uranus in the 3rd house - Elizabeth the Second
Varuna in conjunction with Uranus in the 4th house - Fidel Castro
Varuna in the exact conjunction with Chariklo - Engels (9° Scorpio)
Varuna in the exact conjunction with Nessus - F.Roosevelt (24° Capricorn)
Varuna in conjunction with Asbolus - Che Guevara (1° Aries), Martin Luther King (was killed, when transiting Uranus was on the natal Asbolus)
Varuna in conjunction with the North Node of the Moon - Trotskiy (20° Capricorn), Andropov (10° Pisces)
Varuna in conjunction with the North Node of the Moon and TL66, quincunx with Neptune, trine Nessus - Ivan the Terrible (23° Libra)
Varuna in opposition to Saturn - Andrey Sakharov
Varuna in the exact opposition to Neptune - Peter The Great (4° Gemini)
Varuna in Taurus 10° in an exact trine with Saturn in the 6th house Prince Andrew
Varuna in the exact trine to Pluto - Himmler (18° Aquarius)
Varuna in trine with Pluto - G.K.Zhukov (13° Aquarius)
Varuna on the cusp of the 3rd house in Sagittarius, in an exact square with Mercury and Sun in the 5th - August Bebel
Varuna in the12th house in an exact square with Mercury in the 9th house - Willi Brandt
Varuna in the exact square with Venus and the Nodes of the Moon - Fransisco Franco (7° Aquarius)
Varuna on the DSC, in the exact square with Mars - Goebbels (14° Aquarius)
Varuna in the exact square with Hylonome - Marie Antoinette
Some inventors, scientists and philosophers:
Varuna in the exact conjunction with the Sun and Saturn the doctor-occultist of the 19th century Frantz Hartmann (0° Sagittarius)
Varuna in the exact conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn the pathologist and anatomist Melnikov-Razvedenkov
Varuna in the exact conjunction with the Sun in Cancer - Wedgwood, the ceramist of the 18th century.
Varuna in conjunction with the Sun in Scorpio - Hermann Kopp (physical chemistry and the history of chemistry)
Varuna in the exact trine to Saturn and conjunct the Sun in Sagittarius Zamenhof, the founder of Esperanto language
Varuna in conjunction with Venus in the10th house - Werner von Braun (6° Pisces)
Varuna in the exact trine to Pluto and conjunct Venus - Assagioli (3° Aquarius)
Varuna in conjunction with Mars - Darwin (26° Libra r)
Varuna in conjunction with Jupiter - Newton (18° Pisces)
Varuna in conjunction with Jupiter the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov (19° Sagittarius)
Varuna in conjunction with Chariklo in an exact opposition to Asbolus - Heisenberg (20° Aquarius)
Varuna in opposition to Mercury - C.G. Jung (15° Capricorn r)
Varuna in opposition to Jupiter, square Neptune, in conjunction with TL66 - Pierre Curie (26° Sagittarius r)
Varuna in opposition to Saturn - Kant (11° Cancer)
Varuna in the exact trine with Uranus - Edison (12° Aries)
Other celebrities:
Varuna in the exact conjunction with the Sun in Leo - Zakharov, the architect of the end of the18th century.
Varuna in the exact conjunction with the Sun in Aquarius Conti, the champion of the billiards
Varuna in conjunction with the Sun in the 5th house in Capricorn - Matiss
Varuna in conjunction with Uranus and the Sun, opposite Venus etc. - the musical educator and pianist Neygauz
Varuna in conjunction with the Moon - Van Gogh (19° Sagittarius r)
Varuna in a very exact conjunction with Mercury in Pisces in the10th house, and also with Uranus - the singer Harry Belafonte
Varuna in conjunction with Mercury, trine Pluto the pastor of the Orthodox Church, Serafim Sarovskiy (24° Leo)
Varuna in conjunction with Mars the composer Glueck (30° Gemini)
Varuna in conjunction with the burnt Saturn - the composer Skryabin (11° Capricorn)
Varuna in the exact conjunction with Uranus the founder of "Playboy" Hugh Hefner (in Pisces, in the 7th house)
Varuna in conjunction with Chiron in Pisces in the 5th house - Jacques-Ives Cousteau
Varuna in conjunction with Chiron the clairvoyant Vanga (3° Pisces)
Varuna in the most precise conjunction with Hylonome, both trine the Sun and Mercury - the notorious psychotherapist Kashpirovskiy (18° Aries r)
Varuna in the most precise conjunction with Hylonome and trine Venus "last Russian composer of the 20th century" Valery Gavrilin (18° Aries r)
Varuna in square with the Sun, in conjunction with Chariklo the astrologer K.E.Krafft (20° Aquarius)
Varuna in opposition to the Sun - Boris Becker (27° Taurus)
Varuna in opposition to the Moon the composer Verdi (30° Libra)
Varuna in Pisces in the 7th house in an exact opposition to Mercury in the 1st the composer Leonard Bernstein
Varuna in the exact opposition to Mars the composer Schubert (11° Libra r)
Varuna in the 2nd house opposite Jupiter the composer Chopin
Varuna in opposition to Saturn, trine Mars the astronaut Glenn (21° Pisces r)
Varuna in the exact opposition to Hylonome, square to the Sun the occultist H.P. Blavatsky (20° Scorpio)
Varuna in the 1st house, in an exact trine to Jupiter in the 9th house - Phil Donahew
Varuna in the exact trine with Pluto and the exact sextile to Venus the surrealistic painter Magritte (15° Aquarius)
Varuna in the exact trine with Pluto the mesmerist Messing (17° Aquarius r)
Varuna in the exact trine with Lilith, in conjunction with the Sun - Uri Geller (26° Aries r)
Varuna in Aries in the12th house in square with the Sun and Mercury in the10th the singer Joan Baez (folk-rock)
Varuna in the exact square to Mars the painter Salvador Dali (26° Aquarius)
Varuna in the exact square with Chiron the seafarer Cook (19° Cancer)
Varuna in the exact square with Neptune and Mercury, in the exact sextile to Chiron Steiner, the founder of the anthroposophy ( 29° Sagittarius)
Varuna in square with the Moon's Nodes the chiromant Cheiro (4° Capricorn) and the industrialist Kreisler (17° Capricorn)
Varuna in Aquarius in the 3rd house, in an exact sextile with Uranus in Sagittarius in the 1st house the aviator Lindberg
Varuna in the 11th house in Aries, in sextile both with the MC and the ASC the football player Beckenbauer
As I finish these lines, Varuna (in the 9th degree of Cancer) conjuncts the North Node of the Moon (11th degree of Cancer), in exact aspects to Jupiter and Neptune. Eh, it is symbolical? I do not speak any more, that my natal Saturn is exactly in the 9th degree of Cancer, and my Mercury - in the 11th degree... ;-)
* May be, the name "Proserpina" suits better to newly discovered object 2001 KX76, which moves in the orbit, very similar to Pluto's one. KX76 is even more brighter than Varuna. But the small planet Proserpina already exists, so this name can't be given to any more asteroid (1.08.2001).
4.04.2001, 7:00,
Sergiev Posad,