Topic: Asteroid DNA - RH neg blood & OPHIUCHUS
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted December 11, 2011 03:47 PM
Just a little observation .. My blood type is RH negative, and the closest fixed star to my asteroid DNA (55555) is Yed Prior which is in the constellation Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is the constellation of the serpent bearer – hence reptilian DNA and RH negative blood group?????Other fixed stars said to be home to reptilian (rh negative) bloodlines are : OPHIUCHUS - the serpent Ras Alhague "head of the snake" Cheleb or Celbalrai "dog of the shepherd" Yed Prior "hand" (before; western) Yed Posterior "hand" (after; eastern) Sabik "the preceding" Marfik "elbow" .. also in ORION (Ori, ORIONIS): the hunter Betelgeuse "armpit" (east) Rigel "foot" (west) Bellatrix "warrioress" (west shoulder) Anyone else out there with RH negative blood with Asteroid DNA in close conjunction/opposition to one of these?
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Fondue Knight Knowflake Posts: 819 From: NY Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 11, 2011 04:09 PM
I have DNA at 2' Gemini, which is conjunct Mirfak, according to this: I'm type O-  IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted December 11, 2011 04:38 PM
Interesting! Reptilians R US! Maybe it also works for DNA conjunct one of the fixed stars in the constellation Draconis ... for the Lizzies? IP: Logged |
Fondue Knight Knowflake Posts: 819 From: NY Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 11, 2011 04:55 PM
I'm honestly just starting to learn about all this Reptilian race, etc. stuff, so I'm not really sure where I stand on any of it. I was reading through a lot of old posts down in the Uni-versal Codes and Divine Diversities forums... and it's a lot to take in.  IP: Logged |
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 12, 2011 12:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by Fondue Knight: I'm honestly just starting to learn about all this Reptilian race, etc. stuff, so I'm not really sure where I stand on any of it. I was reading through a lot of old posts down in the Uni-versal Codes and Divine Diversities forums... and it's a lot to take in. 
Yeah, earlier today and a few minutes ago I was reading another thread on Reptilians in THIS section. I don't completely understand it either but when I read in one of the links that eating pork is a form of cannibalism...when I went out to eat with family earlier, I refused to order anything with pork in it from the menu LMAO. My general understanding is that EVERYone has some reptilian DNA to some extent, it's just that it's more concentrated in some than in others. IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted December 12, 2011 12:55 AM
Yes I think you are right. Everyone has some reptilian DNA, it is just that in some people it is passed on through the blood type as well. Well, that is the theory anyway ... that RH negative was introduced through alien DNA as there is no explanation for its origins through simian inheritance. oh.. thanks for bumping the other post - I had not seen it before. By the way, I also have Venus conjunct Kaali. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted June 14, 2013 06:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by Taineberry: Just a little observation .. My blood type is RH negative, and the closest fixed star to my asteroid DNA (55555) is Yed Prior which is in the constellation Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is the constellation of the serpent bearer – hence reptilian DNA and RH negative blood group?????Other fixed stars said to be home to reptilian (rh negative) bloodlines are : OPHIUCHUS - the serpent Ras Alhague "head of the snake" Cheleb or Celbalrai "dog of the shepherd" Yed Prior "hand" (before; western) Yed Posterior "hand" (after; eastern) Sabik "the preceding" Marfik "elbow" .. also in ORION (Ori, ORIONIS): the hunter Betelgeuse "armpit" (east) Rigel "foot" (west) Bellatrix "warrioress" (west shoulder) Anyone else out there with RH negative blood with Asteroid DNA in close conjunction/opposition to one of these?
I dont know if anyones still interested in this but i found it interesting! I have B- blood type, my chart placements relating to the Ophiuchus constellation.... Asclepius saggy@1.00 Hermia saggy@1.21 "Yed Prior" saggy@2.18(left hand of Ophiuchus) Merc saggy@3.37 "Yed Posterior" saggy@3.31(the left hand) Sun saggy@4.28 "Marfik" saggy@5.36(left elbow) Neptune saggy@11.15 "Han" saggy@9.14(near the left knee) "Antares" saggy@9.25 Iris saggy@9.21 Astrea saggy@16.13 DNA is Saggy@17.35 "Sabik" sag@17.58(the left knee) Vaticana saggy@18.11 Angelica saggy@18.13 Hebe saggy@19.21 "Ras Alhague" sag@22.27(the forehead) Siva saggy@22.48 Part of Fortune saggy@22.58
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PlutoFish Knowflake Posts: 1963 From: Sumeria Registered: Sep 2013
posted December 24, 2013 01:39 PM
Ophiuchus is the sign of Reptillian and kundalini energy & dna. This goes with the annunanki representation & Enki, Ophiuchus is connected to the gal.centre, = otherworldy energysOphiuchus/Kundalini Dna activation is the movement towatds Aquarian age, both ruled by Uranus. My Sun is in Sagittarius A -Ophiuchus /Serpentarius, if you want any info on Ophiuchus i have peices. IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad unregistered
posted November 10, 2014 07:53 AM
O I, Rh negative here. DNA conjunct Kaali in Libra (widish though, 3 deg) and sq Atlantis in Cancer, opp Records in Aries. Kaali-DNA are solstice conjunct my Chiron-Angel conjunction. DNA on Nodus I and Edasich, both in Draco constellation. David Icke would be so proud! lmao DNA is trine Karma - which is on Mirfak, since you mentioned it. High five, reptilians. Whatever that means. lol
------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad unregistered
posted November 10, 2014 07:58 AM
OH and did I mention my DNA is conjunct the Super Galactic Center??  OMG I'm such a freak..
------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
12th_House_Gal Knowflake Posts: 289 From: Registered: Sep 2014
posted November 10, 2014 10:04 AM
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iQ Moderator Posts: 6266 From: Lyra Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2014 01:59 PM
I so want to post here, some of my favorite topics, but I need to collect the most accurate material I can find before jumping in. I do not think -ve blood type is Reptilian, it can be for those with extra DNA of any ET Species/ET Refugees be they Human or Reptilian or Hybrids. In the end, it is the Soul that matters. Good Souls in Draco Bodies wont harm anyone and Ted Bundy in the body of an Arcturian Priest would still try to strangle. My 2 cents so far  ------------------ Astrology Articles New Services and short readings IP: Logged |
Leorpio Knowflake Posts: 695 From: Cypress Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 10, 2014 03:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by iQ: I so want to post here, some of my favorite topics, but I need to collect the most accurate material I can find before jumping in. I do not think -ve blood type is Reptilian, it can be for those with extra DNA of any ET Species/ET Refugees be they Human or Reptilian or Hybrids. In the end, it is the Soul that matters. Good Souls in Draco Bodies wont harm anyone and Ted Bundy in the body of an Arcturian Priest would still try to strangle. My 2 cents so far 
Well earth is nothing like arcturus if that's what you're saying hahah xD any soul on arcturus or that visited arcturus would be pretty peaceful! And the way a being acts is dependent upon that soul's individual progression and stage of evolution back towards the creator. Reptilians are old but have been in the negativity of polarity for too long and have a hard time seeing past polarity into unity.
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GemBird82 Knowflake Posts: 907 From: Female bird from France Registered: Feb 2014
posted November 10, 2014 04:25 PM
Edited because I propably ocasioned such a terrible misunderstanding! IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad unregistered
posted November 14, 2014 11:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by iQ: I so want to post here, some of my favorite topics, but I need to collect the most accurate material I can find before jumping in. I do not think -ve blood type is Reptilian, it can be for those with extra DNA of any ET Species/ET Refugees be they Human or Reptilian or Hybrids. In the end, it is the Soul that matters. Good Souls in Draco Bodies wont harm anyone and Ted Bundy in the body of an Arcturian Priest would still try to strangle. My 2 cents so far 
And there I thought I was special. ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1330 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted November 14, 2014 11:35 AM
Wow, rh- negative blood is reptilian? Forgive me at the risk of sounding ignorant, but are reptilians evil? I have B negative blood, but my DNA is exact conjunct Jupiter and Sirius......could this be wrong? IP: Logged |
GemBird82 Knowflake Posts: 907 From: Female bird from France Registered: Feb 2014
posted November 14, 2014 08:11 PM
quote: Forgive me at the risk of sounding ignorant, but are reptilians evil?
I'd say... by asking about this, you take much of any ignorance away. It's more ignorant someone that blindly confirms 'x something' than the one who is asking. So, if I tell you they are not evil. It would be a suspicious answer, because I'll give the impression of having deceiving intentions. But if I tell you they are, I'll be doing exactly what I criticize most: Promoting a dogmatic way of thinking. So, in order to not link you 'outside'. Here are some very interesting topics about that question you made, if you are interested. Read, but don't believe. Draw your own conclusions ----------------------- IP: Logged |
GemBird82 Knowflake Posts: 907 From: Female bird from France Registered: Feb 2014
posted November 14, 2014 08:12 PM
-----------------------One last comment about this topic and also my very personal opinion. If there's something descriptive enough about a negative Draconian 'energy'. It would have to be a certain group of people and / or entity that: - Promotes fear through a dictatorial belief system. - Wants you to believe that Human Will doesn't play any role in Higher Consciousness, improvement, soul evolution and/or salvation (to mention majority of doctrines). You'll have to depend on them to reach it. - It's absolutely Racist and Territorial. - Promotes a vicious and mundane life-style. (and the most important) - This energy creates overly-defensive people. Also, it creates you the enemies you don't need. Almost everyone has fallen into this trap, myself included. Many times I found myself confronting all kinds of dogmatism and fear promoters, but I shouldn't be doing so. Because, Your brother is no longer your brother, It's your enemy but the true enemy remains hidden. It's even mathematically impossible that this^ is part of the human nature. There must be someone/something behind that. Being scared of 'X' topic is to do exactly what darkness want. They want you to feel fear. With enough fear, you can't face anything. **If you are a Catholic/Christian, etc. Please, read what your doctrince says about: Omissional Sins ------------------ In the Astrological side: Hmm... as far as I think I know... Draconian ≠ Reptilian And I'm starting to think (geocentric) natal-charts are only a small reflection of what we are. I'm starting to see it as we would have to experiment certain 'aspects' to realize about what is truth and what matters. So, a natal chart would be the things you are asked to do in a driving test. But it's not the driver's chart. So, today, I wouldn't be that 'worried' about certain points in the common method (geocentric). --------- Ok, even if I'm more in the 'reader's' side now. I hope this is useful. ( Aaaah, it's good to feel like this again, I feel a lot better ) IP: Logged |
Dancing Maenad unregistered
posted November 15, 2014 03:37 AM
Wow @Gembird, thank you for sharing your views!I am highly skeptical of this and only take it at anecdotal value. Though I can't say it's not true either. I have yet to see either light. ------------------ ~the raving one dancing in the nude~ IP: Logged |
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1330 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted November 15, 2014 10:30 AM
WOW Gembird, this is a wealth of information. Thank you for not judging me, but directing me to all these threads. Ive heard things, but I wanted to research before I said anything wrong.IP: Logged |
MermaidDreamz Knowflake Posts: 541 From: Registered: Sep 2015
posted September 26, 2016 10:21 PM
? IP: Logged |