Topic: Adonis in the Natal
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 10:36 AM
I am familiar with the myths, but how does Adonis actually play out in the natal chart?For example: -My Adonis is conjunct my Aphrodite in my 8th house (the house of my Sun, Merc, Mars) -My gorgeous male friend's Adonis is in his 2nd house, conjunct his Sun and Mercury I would assume Adonis-Sun would increase your gorgeousness in a natal chart, but what about Adonis-Aphrodite? IP: Logged |
comica23 Knowflake Posts: 1212 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 11:07 AM
Hmm I'm not sure how Adonis/Aphrodite conjunction in the natal could really mean, but maybe it could mean that your Adonis side and Aphrodite side (a kind of masculine and feminine side) are joined together and in harmony with each other?Adonis represents the gorgeous male image, while Aphrodite represents the beautiful female image, so I guess that a well placed Adonis in the male chart can give some charm to the male, while the same is for the female chart but with Aphrodite instead. IP: Logged |
amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted June 30, 2009 11:18 AM
I've noticed the Sun conjunct Adonis in a natal chart makes the person really really attractive (like male model attractive). I've only seen this in male charts, I've never encountered Sun conj Adonis in a female chart.My boyfriend has this aspect and (not trying to toot my own horn) is drop dead gorgeous. People comment on it all the time. Another guy I know has this and used to be a male model. Brad Pitt also has Adonis conjunct Sun. I have Aphrodite exactly conjunct Venus in my 10th and I don't floor anyone with my beauty lol. Although Angelina Jolie has Aphrodite and Adonis conjunct by 1 degree so perhaps this can give beauty  IP: Logged |
Benedict Moon* Knowflake Posts: 2791 From: Avendesora Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 11:19 AM
Oh crud, I have adonis conjunct my Midheaven in Libra.....but I'm a girl. IP: Logged |
comica23 Knowflake Posts: 1212 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 11:34 AM
My bf also has Adonis conjunct Sun (in Scorpio) X3 and although I can't say that he's a model or supa handsome, he does have some nice masculine features. X3 I also know another guy who has this (in Libra), and although he's not that gorgeous, he has some subtle charm too (but my bf is better XD hmm Scorpio masculinity more charming than Libra masculinity?). Another guy I know has Adonis on the DC (Leo), and he's handsome too, but I'm not sure how does Adonis in DC really plays out lol.I have Aphrodite on the AC, but I don't really think of myself having much feminine beauty ^_^; although maybe it helps a bit? XP lolol~ IP: Logged |
songwriter Knowflake Posts: 319 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 11:45 AM
What about Sun conjunct Aphrodite in a male chart? Exact! orb; 0°12Only an Aphrodite type woman can penetrate into his consciousness? IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 11:57 AM
Yes, my friend with the Adonis-Sun conjunction has done some modelling. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 01:15 PM
I have Adonis retro in 15'01 Scorpio in 3rd oppose Part of Fortune in 15'37 Taurus in 9th sextile/trine Ascendant/Descendant axis in 13'27 Virgo/Pisces square Ceres in 13'57 Leo in 11th square Vertex/Antivertex axis in 14'58 Aquarius/Leo in 5th and 11th houses I have Aphrodite in 9'46 Aquarius in 5th conjunct/oppose Lunar Nodes in 10'29 Aquarius/Leo in 5th and 11th houses trine/sextile Midheaven/Imum Coeli axis in 11'14 Gemini/Sagittarius sextile Jupiter in 8'17 Sagittarius in 3rd sextile retro Chiron in 10'32 Aries in 8th sextile retro Eris in 12'14 Aries in 8th
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Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 01:26 PM
quote: What about Sun conjunct Aphrodite in a male chart? Exact! orb; 0°12
OR, that guy sees the beauty in everyone! IP: Logged |
songwriter Knowflake Posts: 319 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 01:48 PM
"OR, that guy sees the beauty in everyone!"It's actually the opposite. He's a very critical person. Maybe, an Aphrodite type can change that and teach him to see the beauty in everyone, Lucia23. IP: Logged |
BlueAngel Newflake Posts: 12 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 03:17 PM
I have Adonis conjunct Sun exactly in Sag and 1st house. Adonis conjuncts Uranus and Saturn. Aphrodite conjunct Neptune in 1st house but in Capricorn. I am also female. IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 03:25 PM
BlueAngel, what do you look like?IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted June 30, 2009 03:28 PM
I have a good friend who is one of the top supermodels in the US... he has adonis conjunct venus EXACT! In fact he has venus 12' scorpio adonis 12' scorpio neptune 14' scorpio AC 14' scorpio phorr! He's so hot and sexy i can't bear to meet up with him  IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 03:29 PM
Yummy!IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted June 30, 2009 03:41 PM
Totally.. Thank god he lives in another country to me cos my adonis and psyche conjuncts that lot.He also has eros/psyche exact conjunct in SCORPIO!!! lol IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 03:49 PM
Beautiful Scorpio model boys are not healthy for fire sign women...I'm getting tired of him sweeping around and being that hot and staring at me like Cancer bits get all intimidated and I go home alone and curl up in front of the computer and look up his asteroids, lol. Yours must be unbearable!! Are you even able to keep your hands off him?IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted June 30, 2009 03:57 PM
well we only talk now via computer or phone as he lives abroad so it's easier but he's always flirting with me and being sexy... it's always HOT HOT HOT!IP: Logged |
eve Knowflake Posts: 191 From: jane Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 04:41 PM
Wow, the meaning of my Adonis placement suddenly clicked for me!I have Adonis in my 12th house exactly cnj Pluto, which is cnj some important midpoints: Sun/Moon and Venus/Juno. The men I've most desired - the ones I had to have sex with - have been the ones who I've felt fused with spiritually and psychologically. I desire sex most when it's an erotic expression of that type of bond, when it feels like a physical parallel of the interpenetration already occuring on the spiritual plane. Looking back, I realize that the level of honesty I felt compelled to express when first meeting a man correlated with my level of desire. I've been in love 3 times, and during the first conversation with all of them, I confessed things to them that I'd normally keep to myself. My confessions were about how they made me feel (not life-story facts). I normally keep many thoughts in my head, keep a strong filter between who I am and how much I share of myself, but with them I COULDN'T. I wanted them to know me completely. And I think that's my Adonis-Pluto in the 12th influence. IP: Logged |
woah city Knowflake Posts: 578 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 05:08 PM
ineteresting mz. eve (i miss calling you jane -or future mrs. hoffman)..what in the heck do you suppose adonis 1 degree into the first house on the AC would mean? it's also conjunct my venus by 4 degs, in sag. (interestingly my aphrodite conjuncts my draco AC and venus as well, but makes no significant contact in my natal.) IP: Logged |
eve Knowflake Posts: 191 From: jane Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 05:29 PM
woah - You can call me whatever you like. And lol, I am still in love with PSH. Who knows what "sseeeeecrets" (said like on Conan ) I'd reveal to him if we were to meet. I'd probably tell him all about how we got freaky in my dreams.Hard to say what your placement means. I've known about my own placement for, oh, 3 years now, and I only this afternoon got its meaning. I'm slow. B/c of the tighter orb, I'd focus more on its connection with your ASC than with Venus. I'll think on it, but gotta go right now.  IP: Logged |
Alvarella777 Knowflake Posts: 275 From: Europe Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 05:49 PM
I have ADONIS in my 10th house, in Libra. It is (orbs 0-2) - cj. Le Gentil (French for "handsome guy") - cj. Indulgentia - cj. Lovejoy - cj. Sun/Eros - cj. Venus/ASC - cj. Venus/Neptune ... sounds as if I was an easy prey for romance, being swayed into "love" quite easily - and acting out my infatuation "in public" (10th house), obvious for anyone to see... Hm. This might be true, in a sense.My APHRODITE is a bit more complex, maybe. It's also in Libra, in my 11th (also called "the house of receiving love"), and it is conjunct (orbs 0-4) - my Jupiter - my Osiris - my Toro (like: "Macho man") - my Part of Fascination - my Flammario - my Rock'n'Roll - my Moon/Venus - my Pluto/ASC ... Hm. Speaks about some (reciprocal? mutual?) fascination with quite classical "male" (and female?) images. Despite of that, I am quite an emancipated, independent woman - which quite often leads to desillusion on both sides, as soon as the initial fascination/projection is gone. *edit: My Aphrodite cj. my Rock'n'Roll, in Libra in 11th (friends') house: I am said to be a good dancer and can be quite "the life of the party", when the music is right... Maybe this is part of my personal "Aphrodite's" magic ;-) Who knows? * IP: Logged |
Alvarella777 Knowflake Posts: 275 From: Europe Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2009 06:08 PM
In SYNASTRY:In my latest ***fatal*** love relationship (mutual "attraction" AND obsession AND hurt galore!), it was...(orbs 0-3dg.) my APHRODITE - cj. his Mars - cj. his Union - trine his Vertex - trine his Karma - trine his Medea - sextile his Part of Disappointment - square his Part of Deceit - square his Melancholia - oppose his Moon/Uranus - oppose his Moon/Pluto and his ADONIS - cj. my Jupiter - cj. my Osiris - cj. my Toro - cj. my Fascination - cj. my Flammario - cj. my Cupido - cj. my own Name-asteroid - trine my Damocles - sextile my Moon - sextile my Part of Solidarity - sextile my BM Lilith - square my Sun - square my Sappho - square my Venusia - oppose my Part of Fortune IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted June 30, 2009 06:09 PM
WOW look at all his adonis conjuncts to you!!!!  IP: Logged |
aerialcircus Knowflake Posts: 375 From: Western Massachusetts, US Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 06:27 PM
What exactly does Adonis signify, though? "Ideal man?" So does Adonis represent different things to a man and a woman? I'm still trying to hammer this one out!
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Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2196 From: Registered: May 2009
posted June 30, 2009 06:39 PM
quote: I have Adonis in my 12th house
Me too! It's part of the Saturn, Merc, Pluto stellium. How similar are our charts? Wow, eh? My Aphrodite is in 6th. Work & beauty... Service in beauty industry? I gotta contemplate what this implies because I am not too well versed on asteroids.
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