posted April 04, 2014 09:32 PM
oohh, how sweet the posts are back upDid I say rage or are you asking about rage. Anubis has something kind of like a deep unimpressed kind of anger but I wouldn't call it rage. He can go berserk, not so much rage but more so related to conflicting allegiances or passions etc. The deep feeling, I can't quite put a name to, but it is really concentrated and has a naturally internalised feel even when Anubis is direct. The feeling is like when you have a history of viewing weaknesses/ineptitude/people not living up to their part of the bargain maybe - the characteristic is not so much disappointment but more so - a fairly low expectation of human nature coupled with a type of unaddressed frustration that there has been no intervention to resolve the ongoing weaknesses of others/situations. But there is a converse feel that Anubis doesn't actually want others to surmount obstacles as that would mean change - because the expectation of human nature to succumb to its foibles is so deeply entrenched in Anubis's epoch view - his view of human nature or an individual's nature is so lengthy, deep and expansive like he has a memory that is like a million years old or more.
Anubis is not ambitious, he's only oriented to get through stuff, so any ambition is only to get through quotas/days etc. Get results yes, but only through getting through things so its another thing done. He doesn't have ambitions for power or status and actually prefers to be of an almost mediocre or even lower status - it suits him - he doesn't like having expectations put on him - he has his own work ethic, will come into line, grudgingly to a master/authority, though he works at his own pace/on his own time - however conversely again, sometime he has to pick up the pace depending on the demands/workloads and this can result in sloppiness - image: a conveyer belt and occasionally something might come along on it that the worker has to package or inspect/dissect or whatever. then occasionally the worker might have three 'subjects' before him coming along on the conveyer belt but if the belt speeds up or there is a glut of 'subjects' then he will get shoddy just to deal with it. If the 'subjects' were dolls, with one coming along he might be able to pull its head off, swab the interior, put a couple of tattoes on it and maybe breaks its ankle, then put its head back on perhaps slightly skewed. With three dolls coming along, he might smash their heads together, belt an axe down into the chest of one quickly inspect innards, then the second he might turn on its stomach and squash it until anything squeezes out, and the third he might have time just to crumple it up as much as he can so that the eyeballs etc might pop out and any last cries of it get brought forth. Then when a glut of subjects come along and the conveyer belt may have got a little faster or has seemed so - Anubis would just deal with it by axing half the dolls in a semi frenzy, twisting some of their heads off and chucking them to the side, splitting them along the midline by pushing their legs laterally and maybe even chewing on some of them - so as the work demand increases, Anubis would deal with it by just getting through it in some fashion and he would start to get in a frenzy and be a bit loopy - like he gets a little psychotic.
Interesting, in myth he was involved with embalming - I think these images have something to do with that - the 'subjects' that came to mind looked like dolls but then it was revealed that they had guts, eyeballs, oozings etc.
Anubis does like the occasional minions, it gives him a sense of security though he can turn on them if he gets miserable, is feeling unwell or just unpredictably attacks them - not out of rage just out of like an overworked/unstable/impassioned mindset. He will manipulate minimally unless there are other influences. He prefers to let others stuff their own lives up, but he will lead by example in a way - so he may expect his minions to rest when he does, work when he does, eat together etc - he likes the company though essentially he is a very lonely creature.
The craziness, is in all of us and may not be a great issue for a person - I'm focusing right in on this but there are many other things that make up a person's psyche. Everyone is a little crazy.
Otherworldly illusions - well not really what we consider reality. Maybe along the lines of archetypes and mythological situations etc. Like you might get an impression of a merging or combining of like something metaphysical in everyday life.
Anubis is sympathetic to the underdog.