posted March 05, 2014 08:50 PM
BlackSeraph, you have me pushing ye'ol' boulder up that mountain again!!!Lemme explain, I'd lurked over the forums when you'd just posted this topic, and initially I was only intending to look at what he (and the other bodies in that degree) contact just to have it recorded in my mess of astrology files... I wasn't even aiming at responding here! (Blame Pluto, ever since he came into my 5th house I've turned into a complete hermit; though I am extremely busy and increasingly more creative with my energies... I haven't had much of ANY urge to share or socialize at all.) ^^; It's not me... I swear... it's the transits! lol
Still, I plotted out the chart, in full, and it was very (very) exhausting... (I think you'd understand best, as one of the few I've known here who keeps a large database of bodies and research already input unto their chart, how very laborious the asteroid obsession is once you've exceeded the usual dozen or two asteroids people dabble with for a much more robust list with well over a thousand bodies and points).
Of course, it's much more difficult to share interpretations, especially here, since I absolutely abhor biased, short-hand, under or un-researched, flimsy, and generic explanations.
So, I'll spare myself and you of that grief! ^^ (see... totally selfish with Pluto creeping all up upon my Sun like this!)
I did run into a very common theme, where Sisyphus touches into the house of Atreidae, (a trait I share with several relatives, having the house of Atreus triggered and prominent in our charts going back at least 4 generations). I also found he is within orb of 2 of my ancestral surnames (not just 1, but 3). He's sadly in square with my 4th house stellium (roots/heritage, family, rest/sanctuary)... Which brings me back here...
Sisyphus is in my 1st house, right at the end, retrograde (the last retrograde body within my 1st house actually). Sisyphus and all his neighbors are in effect, square with my DNA, my IC, MC-ASC, DSC rulers.... this... this is what is important here...
So, what boulder have I begun to move again?
Genealogy, my friend! Something I'd all but given up hope of every completing years ago, (after my grandfather passed away for certain). In the last 4-5 days I've covered more "ground" and achieved greater "distance" than the 15+ odd years where I'd tried before. Every time, I get so far... then, always, it's back to square one... it got to be unbearably frustrating, my family though they'd tried to assist where they could - essentially became more of a hindrance than a help.... and, ultimately I felt I should abandon the whole task, that it was worthless to keep going in circles, wasting all that sweat, all that effort... (Sisyphus...)
It was and is still, a labour of love... and yes, a useless one... a pitiful ambition...
The only reward essentially comes from the wisdom of the journey, and the journey itself.
Now I can trace several branches of my family back to the 1870's and the furthest I've gotten, 1820. It really is a load of fun, now that I can appreciate every morsel of information I find, and sometimes, that's really all I find... crumbs.
I have had to reroll that rock from the beginning again and again though... there is no ultimate finish line here, of course - I've understood that since day one. Eventually, I will run out of documents, the trail will go cold, and I will have to accept what I have accomplished, I will have to be content with what I have.
Something Sisyphus never understood himself...
being appreciative of what you have here and now.
I think, having this body, in critical deg of my 1st house - and set beside karma - obstructing or obstructed by everything that ought to make me, me... it really speaks for the task I need to complete, not because of any other reason, there's no real external need for it... but for me, "know thyself", and contentment will surely follow.
As always, sorry for the lack of brevity -
(oddly enough the family surname derived from my Hellenic heritage translates to "brief and concise with words". Yeah, no... not my family! haha)
Thank you, BlackSeraph - for reigniting this spiritual quest for my families identity for me. 
*back to my #4758!*
(ok, not really! that squares my Moon.) XD hah