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Author Topic:   The Heiros Gamos : Osiris conjunct Isis- synastry

Posts: 16212
Registered: Jul 2011

posted April 28, 2012 06:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the results:


7th harmonic:
his Atlantis ocnjunct her Venus - 72% (natal

his Atlantis opposite her Atlantis - 43%

13th harmonic:
his Moon conjunct her Pluto - 70%
his SN conjunct her Pluto - 54%

his Adonis conjunct her Inannen - 93%!
his Dionysos conjunct her Ariadne - 62%

his Moon conjunct her Pluto - 70%
his Persephone conjunct her Sun - 38%


7th harmonic
his ASC conjunct her Atlantis - 100%
his Pluto conjunct her DESC - 86% (natal)
his SN Conjunct her Pluto - 71%

his Adonis opposite her Inannen - 72%
his Aphrodite conjunct her Adonis - 15%
his Pluto conjunct her Proserpina - 71% (natal)

13th harmonic
his ASC ocnjunct her Sun - 46%
his DESC conjunct her MOon - 92%
his ASC conjunct her NN - 62%
his IC conjunct her Venus - 85%
his MC conjunct her Pluto - 85%
his Pluto conjunct her DESC - 85% (natal)
his Sun conjunct her IC - 54%

his Atlantis oppospite her Sun - 54%
his Atlantis conjunct her MOon - 54%
his Atlantis conjunct her SN - 31%

his Isis conjunct her Osiris - 77%
his Pluto conjunct her Proserpina 77% (natal)
his Sheba conjunct her Solomin - 100%
his Bacchus conjunct her Ariadne - 46%

his Eros conjunct her Atlantis - 77%
her Psyche ocnjunct his Atlantis - 77% (natal)


7th harmonic:
his Atlantis opposit her Sun - 100%
his Pluto conjunct her NN - 71%

his Isis conjunct her Osiris - 71%
his Ishtar opposite her Adonis - 743%
his Parvati conjunct her Siva - 71%

13th harmonic:
his Sun conjunct her Pluto - 54%
his Pluto conjunct her MOon - 62%
his Pluto conjunct her DESC - 62%
his NN conjunct her Sun- 70%
his ATlantis conjunct her SN - 46%

his Aphrodite opposite her Adonis - 8%
his Siva conjunct her Kaali - 62%
his Bacchus conjunct her Ariadne - 46%

his Solomin conjunct her NN - 62%
his NN conjunct her Sheba - 62%

his Atlantis conjunct her Mars - 93%
his Venus opposite her Atlantis - 70%

7th harmonic:
his ASC conjunct her Venus - 86% (natal)

his Osiris opposite her Isis - 15% (natal)
his Sheba conjunct her ASC - 100%
his ASC conjunct her Solomin - 86%

13th harmonic:
his ASC conjunct her Venus - 93%
(natal conjunction, though it is odd that *** gets stronger in 13th harmonic, it SHOULD drop in percentage, if it is soley related to the natal conjunction)

his Moon conjunct her DESC - 24%
his Moon conjunct her Pluito - 16%

his Osiris opposite her Isis - 8% (natal)
his Adonis opposite her INannen - 24%
his Aphrodite conjunct her Adonis - 70%
his Bacchus opposite her Ariadne - 85%

his Atlantis opposite her parvati - 8%
his Siva conjunct her Atlantis - 70

Interestingly three of these couples have a linked tf-aspect with Atlantis (as postulated) in 13th harmonic, but not 7th harmonic.

JOhnny Cash and June Carter have a flood of linked aspects with Atlantis in the 1st harmonic though.

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Posts: 16212
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posted April 28, 2012 09:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The 13th harmonic seems stronger and more consistent with our theory in the case of these four couples (which really have been sticking it out for the long haul with each other; I think the shortest duration was 25 years. lol).

It seems to also fit the structure of soulgroups as given here (6 Yang personalities, 6 Yin personalities plus 1 Higher Self):

It also fits the 12 chakra system, as the chakras of twinflames would align with each others and of course there is always the connection to the beyond, the Higher Self, which is their connecting factor.

I am also quoting some things from this thread here:

" Imagine that the soulstuff of the spiritual twin flame is a green marble which holographically projects itself into a male and female incarnation on earth. You will have 2 separate entities which have different experiences and different biological forms, but each of the pair’s three bodies are animated by three identical green marbles. Ie. 7 marbles altogether. One in the centre and three encompassing this on either side which fuse and join around the one which is their source. If you use any number of marbles smaller than 7, you won’t be able to make an encompassing circle around the central circle where all the marbles can touch each other.

You can’t do it with 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 either. But you can do it with 13 (which is also a prime number, like 7), but this time in a 3 D way, like a small orb surrounded by a big one. Interesting ... because as you see above each Monad consists of 12 Primary Clusters (made up of 6 twinsouls each which in turn combine to form One Oversoul) made from the essence of One Central Monad Soul. 12+1=13. Another perfect circle within a circle. Or you could look at it as a honeycomb.

So the 7th and 13th harmonics may be special for twinflames. They relate to our soul structure"+


"Then Osiris is cut into 14 pieces. Why 14? Why not 7? – His head, body, 2 legs, 2 arms and penis with the Penis representing the conjoined twinflame soul containing the “seed” of the soul, and the rest of the body parts representing the 2 pairs of triune bodies? The answer lies in WHERE these pieces were scattered - 7 in Higher Egypt and 7 in Lower Egypt. The seven in Lower Egypt represent the reunited twinflame on the earthly plane, and the 7 in Higher Egypt on the Spiritual plane – BECAUSE – what happens here on earth holographically becomes manifest in spirit and vice versa. With the shattering of the body containing the TwinFlames, the creative power and life of the soul is lost. When Isis reunites the separate pieces – she is missing one piece – the penis. This has been eaten by a fish. The fish symbolizes transformation and change (google it), the Christ force. I am hypothesizing that the penis that was missing is the holographically generated one in Higher Egypt, the one in the spiritual plane. In her LOVE, Isis fashions a simulacrum out of pure Gold. This represents the Phallus, the Rod of God, the seat of His Power. The phallus is sacrificed as a symbol of the giving up of earthly power on the spiritual plane and it is replaced by pure gold. And so … 14 becomes 13.

13 .. as we have seen earlier, is related to 7, but with an extra dimension added. I believe that 13 may be the harmonic of the reunited twinflame on the SPIRITUAL plane ie. After death, when the 7 on the earthly plane has done its work and is absorbed into the holograph of the spiritual plane. But because of the missing phallus, it becomes 13. 13 is important on a monadic level – the level of the Oversoul. When all 6 twinflame pairs are activated by the 13th harmonic, they become “One” and and the Oversoul also resonates on the 13th harmonic … and it combines with 11 other closely related Oversouls to create the next highest cluster on the path towards Unity consisting of 12 oversouls and resonating with a combined group oversoul at its centre – 12+1=13. And so it continues ….

Now, the number 13 has another significance. It is also resonates with most sacred geometric shape which is actually found in the ruins of the Temples to Osiris here on earth. It is called the “Heavenly Flower” from which the “Fruit of Life” is derived, and it in turn is based on two other sacred shapes called the “Seed of Life” and the “Egg of Life”, both of which resonate with the number 7.

The “egg of life” is a bit like the marble analogy I used in the first post – it consists of a central circle surrounded by 6 other circles – represents the twinflame union.

The “seed of life” is formed from seven circles being placed with sixfold symmetry, forming a pattern of circles and lenses (representing the united twinflames in the Monad Structure).

The “seed of life” acts as a basic component of the “Flower of Life” design which consists of interlocking spheres based on the Seed structure which is said to be the template from which all life springs. It holds a secret symbol comprising of 13 circles that is called the “Fruit of Life” which is the building blocks of the soul structure crucial to the conjoining of the 12 groups of 12 Monads which expand ever outwards to forming a single WHOLE of united souls."

In the light of this AND the results I found in the 13th harmonic, I am inclined to pay more attention to the 13th harmonic, especially since it seems to vibrate more strongly in the actual synastry.

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Linda Jones

Posts: 1768
Registered: Jan 2012

posted April 28, 2012 11:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh Ceridwen,

Your mind is so hard at work it's difficult to even try and keep up lol.

But yes from what I can understand, revisiting the importance of the 13th harmonic is appropriate.

I've still gotta line up my questions/comments from your previous posts. Gosh so much catching up to do lol.

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Posts: 16212
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posted April 28, 2012 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry, but I want to note it here, in case I might forget again.

Actually after revising the actual charts, it is making more sense to me to check for the 13th harmonic than the 7th.

I am considering checking for other couples as well like
- Browning
- Curie
- Mc Cartney
- Hearst/Davies

and also for the stormier ones
- Olivier/Leigh
- Burton/Tayloer
- Tracey/Hepburn

And these might be of special interest as they were relating themselves to soulmates/ twinflames

- Edgar Cayce/ his secretary and his wife
- Sri Aurobindo and "the mother"

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posted April 28, 2012 04:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was going over the checklist again and have some remarks and possible modification (at least I have been thinking about it).

A. SUN – MOON FACTORS (Either A.1 OR A.2 must be present - having both would be a bonus)

1. composite:
Sun conjunct/ opposite Moon

Sun aspecting Moon

3. Sun/Moon-mp:
Sun/Moon-mp conjunct/Opposite
- luminaries
- angles
- nodal axis
- Atlantis
(orb: 2 degrees)


I would add:

and possibly

(I added the Jesse-Mary-combo, because Jesus and Mary were said to have been twin souls, and on top of that it struck me how ALL four twinflame couples I investigated had VERY strong and close aspects between Jessie/Yeshua and Mary/Maria either in 1st or 13th harmonic; Also stumbled over the information that Edgar Cayce once stated in some readings that Jesus was the reincarnation of Adam and Mary of Eve
- maybe it is getting too many asteroids to observe, but I`d keep an eye on these)



"C.2 Atlantis must be conjunct, opposite, trine, square, sextile, quincunx or septile a twinflame asteroid which is already part of a synastric pair."

there is another way a linked aspect with Atlantis can exist; it is something like this:
his Atlantis conjunct her Osiris
her Atlantis opposes his Isis

Even though it is not a direct tf-pairing, the pairs are being brought into resonance, by being connected to the same asteroid, Atlantis.

My investigation of these charts show that interestingly it is the 13th harmonic that mostly resonates, not the 7th harmonic.
(see previous posts)

also adding a thought about Atlantis. I have come to the conclusion that there MUST be a tf-pairing linked to Atlantis, either in 1st or 13th harmonic.
(in composite or synastry)

A link exists if:
a) Atlantis aspects at least one asteroid,w hich is part of a TF-aspect.
ex: his Adonis opposite her Inanen AND his Atlantis aspecting his Adonis and/or her Inannen

b) his Atlantis aspects her tf-asteroid. her Atlantis aspects his complimentary tf-asteroid.

Amor, Valentine aspecting
- luminaries
- angles
- nodal axis
- Atlantis

(possibly tf-asteroids? or only those which are aspecting each other?)

Saturn, Karma aspecting
- luminaries
- angles
- nodal axis
- Atlantis

(possibly tf-aspects?)

What do you think?

BTW the 13th harmonic would relate to an aspect of appr. 27,7 degrees.


"The phases of the moon are caused by the relative positions of the earth, sun, and moon. The moon goes around the earth in 27.3 days, or 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes, on average."

so the 13th harmonic roughly resonates with the MOON- cycle (though not with a lunation), which very roughly determines the length of a month.

The Sun determines our year, and thus very roughly resonates with 360° or the 1st harmonic.

SUN = masculine, YANG = 1st harmonic?
MOON= feminine, Yin = 13th harmonic?

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Posts: 16212
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posted April 28, 2012 07:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just stumbled across this quote:

"On the Celtic Moon Calendar,
There are thirteen moon cycles"

My name is Ceridwen.

The funny thing is when I registered with that name, I had no idea who she is/ was and what she symbolized:

"Cerridwen/ Caridwen/ Ceridwen: Moon Goddess; Great Mother; grain Goddess; Goddess of Nature; Goddess of death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magick, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, knowledge. "

The coincidence or even synchronicity made me almost giggle.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 28, 2012 09:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"BTW is your Dionysos/Ariadne connected with Sun, Moon, ASC, nodal axis, Venus, or ruler of aSC/DESC in your chart?"

1) The connection w/ Sun, Moon, etc., has to be a CROSS connection right? Example-my Dionysus with his Sun, his Ariadne with my Asc.

It cannot be his Dionysus with his Desc. Ruler, right?

2) Also, since the connection is between Ariadne and Dionysus (in our charts), can only these 2 be considered in the cross connections or can Bacchus also be considered? Example if one person's natal Bacchus is making and exact aspect with composite Atlantis, is this also acceptable?

Thank you.

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Linda Jones

Posts: 1768
Registered: Jan 2012

posted April 28, 2012 11:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

-Thanks for explaining the Vertex-Antivertex. I understand how it's importance can be reflected in the rest of the synastry/composite.

-And also about Jupiter/Juno. Didn't know they had this unhealthy marriage w/ him cheating on her and her reacting to that. Altho why is Jupiter then considered to rule ethics and morality in a person's chart when he himself couldn't stay faithful, I wonder? Side ques-I also wonder if the above marriage between Jupiter/Juno is the reason the Magi consider Juno as selfish and not an indicator of commitment in a marriage?

-Re: Compassion/Wisdom, my thinking was that in any relationship, including TFs that have met to first work out any karma between them, the above two qualities would be necessary in order for the relationship to last/succeed and for the love to remain alive through the difficulties the couple may face. This pairing is definitely not strong in myth like the other TF pairings, but since it provides a union of yin/yang qualities, I thought maybe it could be used as some sort of support aspect. But you're right-let's see what Taineberry says. Ultimately, of course the call is yours and hers as ya'll are the experts.

If you have time could you check Compassion/Wisdom in the 13th harmonic charts of the people on your list?

Here I was thinking that in the charts of those TFs that don't have this connection, it could be because their relationship is easier and so they don't need these qualities as much.

-"the mythic pairings also get extra strength, because most of them had a cult associated with them, and thus the energy was being transferred right into the collective experience/memory, making it stronger."

This point is so interesting, it made me think a lot. You see I'm a firm believer of thought (individual and therefore collective) as being the single most important factor in life, specially since thought rules emotions which, in turn precede action. Thank you for pointing out its significance w.r.t. the cults associated w/ the mythic pairings.

-RE: SOOTIYO/SOOMANA, yeah, we could consider them same as BRIEDE/GROOM.

-RE:LUST/VALENTINE-whoa! I didn't know Lust could be dangerous. Thanks for explaining. When you say "afflicted Lust," what would you mean? How does one determine an afflicted asteroid, specially Lust?

-On YTA's composite with his wife, Lust is conjunct Sun (exact) 7H and Valentine is in 5H with no aspect between Lust and Valentine. However, Venus is present in 7H 23 degrees away from Sun/Lust. Does the presence of 7H Venus modify the effects of Lust? Also, what is the effect of composite Sun conjunct comp. Lust?

Here's the link to the charts YTA showed to iQ:

I guess I'm trying to understand the basis for iQ declaring this to be a twin flame relationship.
The composite is in whole signs. If in Placidus, Sun/Lust would be in 6H.

Anyway, iQ said-"Very sexual soul mates, likely to be twin flames.

I have never seen a couple with Sun conjunct LUST in Composite 7th Scorpio, with Chart Ruler Venus trine Saturn.
You even have Juno, Karma, Mercury, Ceres and even Neptune in 7th.
Marriage, Fated, Communication, Care and Spirituality all rolled in with a lot of sex, sex and sex (Vesta trine LUST as well ).

Jupiter trine Mars is another superb aspect, as is having Pluto and Valentine in 5th.

EROS sextile Karma adds to the Soul Mate indication.

Neptune trine Saturn and Pluto conjunct Uranus are very powerful spiritual transformation aspects in this relationship. There is a deep purpose to the sex. You both should consider Tantrik Sex-Yoga."

My final ques. (for this post) - does Destinn essentially play the same role as Karma and can the 2 be used interchangeably?

Ceridwen, thank you for your time as always. It's tedious work to teach someone and I'm always mindful of your patience.

PS: I LOVE the symbolism associated with your name!

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Posts: 16212
Registered: Jul 2011

posted April 29, 2012 05:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones,

"1) The connection w/ Sun, Moon, etc., has to be a CROSS connection right? Example-my Dionysus with his Sun, his Ariadne with my Asc."
Yes, that would anchor this conjunction strongly into the framework of your charts. Probably a link to one chart suffices. Like your Dionysos being conjunct his Moon for example.

"It cann"ot be his Dionysus with his Desc. Ruler, right?"
But if you have a linked aspect like:
his Dionysos conjunct your ASC, and your Ariadne trine his ASC, that would indicate a resonance with the theme as well.

I do think however a "closed circuit/ aspect pattern" might be stronger as it is simultaneiously "hit" by outer influences like transits.

For example: that conjunction on about 12 Cancer will experience a major hit once Pluto will be on 12 Capricorn, it would of course be stronger if one of you or even both have a luminary, angle, nodal axis on 12 degrees of a sign as well (stronges if it was on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, but also the ARies-Libra Axis; the Taurus-Scorpio and Virgo-Pisces axis might react more smoothly to it, and the most insignificant, most subtle axis would be Gemini-Sagittarius and Leo-Aquarius due to the relation to semisextile/ quinkunx to the Cancer-Capricorn-axis)

"2) Also, since the connection is between Ariadne and Dionysus (in our charts), can only these 2 be considered in the cross connections or can Bacchus also be considered? Example if one person's natal Bacchus is making and exact aspect with composite Atlantis, is this also acceptable?"
Hmm, I am not very convinced of this.
It probably bears some signficance, but we are looking out for the really strong No.1 connections here and I don´t think this would be among them.

If however composite Atlantis was being aspecting person A`s Bacchus and person B`s Ariadne (and these probably are in synastric aspect to each other), then this seems to be VERY relevant to me. The synastric pattern would have its focus on Atlantis in the composite chart.

But if it is only one person`s Bacchus and the other`s Ariadne has no aspect to composite Atlantis, it is too lopsided to be really an indicator for a relationship-pattern.

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Posts: 16212
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posted April 29, 2012 06:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
" Altho why is Jupiter then considered to rule ethics and morality in a person's chart"
Because he was the highest God in the Olymp and his function was that of judgement. He represented the law, and usually fulfilled this duty fairly, UNLESS he had a personal interest. He tended to really overdo it then, if he sensed a threat to the divine world.
But among the gods he was bringing and exacting justice.

The same cannot be said for his relation with mortals though.
In Plato`s story it was Zeus/Jupiter who split the androgynous "rolling kegs" into two halves with his lightening, and created the twin-souls by doing that.
In the myth they got separatd from each other for the Gods feared the power of the mortals, and they wanted to diminish that power by splitting them into two parts.
And Zeus/Jupiter was the one to do it.

The story is wonderfully expressed in this song here in a musical film about a transsexual person:

"Side ques-I also wonder if the above marriage between Jupiter/Juno is the reason the Magi consider Juno as selfish and not an indicator of commitment in a marriage?"
#yes, probably. Though it was NEVER Juno who cheated, as they claim.
And they never got a divorce. lol
They fought for the balance of power eternally, and let`s not forget at the beginning there was a great sexual attraction between them (their honeymoon lasted for 300 years, which is long even for gods. lol).
And once Juno left the Olymp and left Jupiter, which was when he was chasing after her to get her back, which led to a passionate reconcilation. But the peace did not last long.
AS I said theirs was a cyclic relationship, and an eternal one, but not one where two complements merge peacefully into one.

"If you have time could you check Compassion/Wisdom in the 13th harmonic charts of the people on your list?"
That`s a good idea. I will do so.

1) Newmans
no aspect
nothing in composite either

2) Cash - Carter

his WISDOM on 8 Cancer opposes her COMPASSION on 3 Cap and (WISDOM on 7 Cap)

5 degree is within orb for an opposition in harmonic charts.

3) my parents

my Dad`s WISDOM conjuncts my Mum`s COMPASSION exact!

and this opposes my Dad`s ATLANTIS, within orb, though not very tight

my Dad`s Compassion also conjuncts my Mum`s Wisdom but at the far end of orb (11 degrees)

4) tf-couple (parents of a friend)
no aspect
nothing in 1st harmonic either
nothing in composite

5) my friend and her tf
no aspect
nothing in 1st harmonic either
nothing in composite

Oh btw a twinflame`s relationship is not necessarily "easy".

"When you say "afflicted Lust," what would you mean? How does one determine an afflicted asteroid, specially Lust?"
For example a 4th harmonic pattern with Lust (squares, oppositions) including Lust, Venus, MArs, Pluto, Saturn.

"I guess I'm trying to understand the basis for iQ declaring this to be a twin flame relationship. "
You should ask him.

But I think he was basing it on the fullness of the 7th house.
Lust on its own is not a tf-indicator, but it will give a certain "spin" or flavour to a tf-relationship.

"does Destinn essentially play the same role as Karma and can the 2 be used interchangeably?"
I`ve been playing around with it, but for some reason Karma seems to be stronger in effect, maybe because it is tied to past AND present/future.
I wouldn`t underestimate Destinn though.

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Posts: 16212
Registered: Jul 2011

posted April 29, 2012 06:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
" Altho why is Jupiter then considered to rule ethics and morality in a person's chart"
Because he was the highest God in the Olymp and his function was that of judgement. He represented the law, and usually fulfilled this duty fairly, UNLESS he had a personal interest. He tended to really overdo it then, if he sensed a threat to the divine world.
But among the gods he was bringing and exacting justice.

The same cannot be said for his relation with mortals though.
In Plato`s story it was Zeus/Jupiter who split the androgynous "rolling kegs" into two halves with his lightening, and created the twin-souls by doing that.
In the myth they got separatd from each other for the Gods feared the power of the mortals, and they wanted to diminish that power by splitting them into two parts.
And Zeus/Jupiter was the one to do it.

The story is wonderfully expressed in this song here in a musical film about a transsexual person:

"Side ques-I also wonder if the above marriage between Jupiter/Juno is the reason the Magi consider Juno as selfish and not an indicator of commitment in a marriage?"
#yes, probably. Though it was NEVER Juno who cheated, as they claim.
And they never got a divorce. lol
They fought for the balance of power eternally, and let`s not forget at the beginning there was a great sexual attraction between them (their honeymoon lasted for 300 years, which is long even for gods. lol).
And once Juno left the Olymp and left Jupiter, which was when he was chasing after her to get her back, which led to a passionate reconcilation. But the peace did not last long.
AS I said theirs was a cyclic relationship, and an eternal one, but not one where two complements merge peacefully into one.

"If you have time could you check Compassion/Wisdom in the 13th harmonic charts of the people on your list?"
That`s a good idea. I will do so.

1) Newmans
no aspect
nothing in composite either

2) Cash - Carter

his WISDOM on 8 Cancer opposes her COMPASSION on 3 Cap and (WISDOM on 7 Cap)

5 degree is within orb for an opposition in harmonic charts.

3) my parents

my Dad`s WISDOM conjuncts my Mum`s COMPASSION exact!

and this opposes my Dad`s ATLANTIS, within orb, though not very tight

my Dad`s Compassion also conjuncts my Mum`s Wisdom but at the far end of orb (11 degrees)

4) tf-couple (parents of a friend)
no aspect
nothing in 1st harmonic either
nothing in composite

5) my friend and her tf
no aspect
nothing in 1st harmonic either
nothing in composite

Oh btw a twinflame`s relationship is not necessarily "easy".

"When you say "afflicted Lust," what would you mean? How does one determine an afflicted asteroid, specially Lust?"
For example a 4th harmonic pattern with Lust (squares, oppositions) including Lust, Venus, MArs, Pluto, Saturn.

"I guess I'm trying to understand the basis for iQ declaring this to be a twin flame relationship. "
You should ask him.

But I think he was basing it on the fullness of the 7th house.
Lust on its own is not a tf-indicator, but it will give a certain "spin" or flavour to a tf-relationship.

"does Destinn essentially play the same role as Karma and can the 2 be used interchangeably?"
I`ve been playing around with it, but for some reason Karma seems to be stronger in effect, maybe because it is tied to past AND present/future.
I wouldn`t underestimate Destinn though.

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Posts: 16212
Registered: Jul 2011

posted April 29, 2012 11:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So the checklist I would be using would be something like this:

A. SUN – MOON FACTORS (Either A.1 OR A.2 or A.3 must be present - having both would be a bonus)

A.1. conjunction/opposition between Sun and Moon in the composite (orb: 6 degrees)

A.2 There should be a strong aspect in SYNASTRY between the sun and moon resonating with one of the following harmonics : One, two, three, four, six, twelve or 13th. i.e. Conjunction, opposition, trine, square, sextile, quincunx or a "tridec" (derived from latin: tredecim and tridec for "13", as there does not exist an own name for the 13th harmonic aspect, so I invented one ).

A.3. Sun/Moon midpoint conjunct/opposite
- a luminary
- an angle
- the nodal axis
- Atlantis

(orb: 2 degrees)


B. TWINFLAME PAIRINGS (2 pairings must be present, either both in composite B.2 or both in synastry B.3, or one in each)

B.1. These are identified as
B.1.1. Osiris and Isis
B.1.2. Adonis and Innanen, Astarte, Ishtar, Venus or Aphrodite
B.1.3. Eros and Psyche
B.1.4. Ariadne and Bacchus or Dionysus
B.1.5. Siva and Parvarti or Kaali
B.1.6. Solomin and Sheba
B.1.7. Briede and Groom
B.1.8 Pluto and Proserpina or Persephone
B.1.9 Sootyo and Soomana
B.1.10 Jessie/Yeshua and Mary/Maria
B.1.11 Adam and Eva (possibly?)

B.2. There must be at least two twinflame mirrored aspects in the individual charts resulting in a conjunction or opposition in the COMPOSITE chart within a two degree orb.

B.3. There must be at least two twinflame aspects (conjunct, opposite, trine, square, sextile, inconjunct or tridecile) in SYANASTY within a two degree orb. One of these aspects must be a conjunction or opposition. (tridecile: 0°55 or max. 1°00 - appears as conjunction up to 12 or 13 degrees in 13th harmonic chart)



C.1. Asteroid Atlantis must be conjunct, opposite, trine, square, sextile, quincunx or tridecile either the sun, moon, venus, nodes, angles OR
C.2 Atlantis must be conjunct, opposite, trine, square, sextile, quincunx or tridecile a twinflame asteroid which is already part of a synastric pair.
C.3 There must be a linked aspect of Atlantis and a tf-couple, with Atlantis being aspecting the other`s complimentary tf-asteroid within 2 degree orb.

his Atlantis conjunct her Isis
her Atlantis trine his Osiris

is a "success"

his Atlantis trine her Psyche
her Atlantis opposite his Bacchus

is a "fail"

C.2./C.3 Atlantis in a tri-pattern with a tf-aspect or in a linked aspect of tf-asteroids is a MUST, either in synastry or in composite

(allowed aspects: conjunction, opposition, trine, square, sextile, quinkunx, tridecile)

C.3.2 Orbs must be very tight - 2 degrees. For a conjunction or opposition, possibly expand to 3 degrees.



D.1. The nodes of one partner should conjunct, oppose, trine, square or sextile
the nodes of the other partner, or their sun, moon, venus or angles with a 2 degree orb. (Expand to 3 degrees for a conjunction or opposition)



E.1. The angles of one partner should conjunct, oppose or square one another. Alternatively the sun or moon should conjunct, oppose or square the angles.



1. There should be at least two 13th harmonic or semi-13th harmonic aspects (appearing as conjunction and opposition in the 13th harmonic chart; orb for conjunction: 12°, orb for opposition: 6°)

between the following:
1.1 Sun and Moon
1.2 A twinflame pair
1.3 A double whammy where each person has one half of a twinflame pair in a 7th harmonic aspect to an angle, luminary or node- tf-asteroids must be from the same tf-pairing (i.e. Isis-Osiris, Eros-Psyche, etc.)

1.4 Atlantis in a 13th harmonic aspect with a twinflame asteroid which is already part of a synastric aspect, thus making a triangle with the involvement of a twinflame pair and Atlantis.

1.5 Atlantis in a 13th harmonic aspect linking a tf-pair through Atlantis

(see C.3.)



G.1. There should be a conjunction, opposition, trine, square, sextile, quincunx or tridecile aspect with a less than 2 degree orb involving rulers of the 1st, 7th and 8th and 2nd.

G.1.1 1st/7th house axis is the "relationship"-axis, where people meet and attraction and complimentarity is indicated and the decision for a relationship is being formed.

2nd/8th house axis is the "manifestation" of this relationship, started in the 1st/7th. As fixed houses they give "substance" to the "impetus to relate to each other / have a relationship" of the cardinal 1st/7th-axis.

1st/7th resonates with Mars/Venus or Aries/Libra
2nd/8th resonates with Venus/Pluto or Taurus/Pluto


H.1.2 Amor, Valentine aspecting
- luminaries
- angles
- nodal axis
- Atlantis
- tf-aspects

in 1st harmonic, 13th harmonic or composite

H.1.3 Saturn, Karma aspecting
- luminaries
- angles
- nodal axis
- Atlantis
- tf aspects

in 1st harmonic, 13th harmonic or composite

H.1.4 Compassion, Wisdom aspecting
- luminaries
- angles
- nodal axis
- Atlantis
- tf aspects

in 1st harmonic, 13th harmonic or comnposite

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Linda Jones

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posted April 29, 2012 12:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank you for answering my ques. so fully. And for giving examples-they help so much in the understanding.

RE: the Compassion/Wisdom DW in your parents chart (even though one conj. is slightly looser) is not surprising to me at all.

The latest check list you've put up-excellent!

Got a few ques. re. the check list-

1) RE: House Rulers-we can consider intercepted rulers also right? In my own natal I relate more with the energies of the houses in Placidus (vs whole signs) so I've been using only Placidus-which then of course brings up the ques. of intercepted rulers.

2) RE: House Rulers-we can look for aspects between combinations of 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 8th, right? Example, ruler of 1st with ruler of 2nd, 7th, or 8th. It does not just have to be between respective rulers only-i.e. 1st with 1st only, 2nd with 2nd only, and so on.

3) RE: LOVE and KARMIC theme plus BALANCING / HARMONIZING factor-
Should Amor, Valentine and Compassion, Wisdom also be aspecting ea. other or, do you think it's not necessary but that if they are that's a plus.

4) RE: ""tridecile" (derived from latin: tredecim and tridec for "13", as there does not exist an own name for the 13th harmonic aspect, so I invented one )".

I also saw that there is no term for 13th harmonic. However, the term "tridecile" already exists for a 10th harmonic aspect. Here's what I found in Wikipedia-

"The tridecile, or sesquiquintile, is an angle of 108°, which is supposed to confer a social creativity or the need for withdrawal and introspection needed for external originality. This aspect is also known as the quintile-and-a-half".

So here's my suggestion-in order to cut down on confusion why don't we use the Latin term for 13th harmonic instead-the one you mentioned above-"tredecim"-I actually kinda like it. But you decide

5) RE: Atlantis-Do you remember on my Atlantis thread you'd said, "I am specifically looking for Atlantis aspecting soulmate pairings (something like his Atlantis-your Psyche, your Atlantis-his Eros), Double Whammies with Atlantis, and single aspects of Atlantis to
ASC, IC, Sun, Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, NN, Karma, Valentine (Amor), Venus"

Do the single aspects to ASC, IC, Sun, Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, NN, Karma, Valentine (Amor), Venus still stand (as in required) to show the karmic connection?

If so, then do we need to include the above in the Atlantis connection theme?

Thanks, Ceridwen. It's probably evening time already for you-hope you're having a pleasant one!

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posted April 29, 2012 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones,

"The latest check list you've put up-excellent!"
Thank you.

"1) RE: House Rulers-we can consider intercepted rulers also right?"
And Only Placidus works reliably with houserulers (others may argue with this but *I* only arrive at reliable interpretations using Placidus)

"2) RE: House Rulers-we can look for aspects between combinations of 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 8th, right? Example, ruler of 1st with ruler of 2nd, 7th, or 8th."
Strongest would be
7th to 1st (Venus-Mars-resonance)
8th to 2nd (Pluto - Venus-resonance)
8th to 7th (Pluto - Venus resonance on a relational level)

8th to 1st is VERY sexual (Pluto-Mars resonance).

1st-2nd does not work as much, more in some kind of personal affinity.

"Should Amor, Valentine and Compassion, Wisdom also be aspecting ea. other or, do you think it's not necessary but that if they are that's a plus."
I think it`s a Plus, but not necessary if there are strong aspects to the main frame.

"However, the term "tridecile" already exists for a 10th harmonic aspect. "
Drat I did not know that!

"-"tredecim"-I actually kinda like it. But you decide "
That would have been my second choice, so let`s keep this one.

"Do the single aspects to ASC, IC, Sun, Moon, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, NN, Karma, Valentine (Amor), Venus still stand (as in required) to show the karmic connection?"
I would eleminate Neptune, Pluto from the list maybe.
Also these might simply indicate a past life in Atlantis, but not necessarily as twinflames.

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posted April 29, 2012 01:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BTW I coincidentally had still Edgar Cayce`s data on display, when wannting to check some 13th harmonic, so I was looking at his 13th harmonic.

Look at this:

Moon on 8 Libra conjunct Atlantis on 8 Libra conjunct Wisdom on 5 Libra

so it means his Moon, Atlantis and Wisdom are all connected to each other through tredecims or 13th harmonic aspects. Isn`t that fitting?

Funnily in my 13th harmonic Atlantis is also conjunct Wisdom (just as in 1st harmonic) and both are opposing Moon. lol

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Linda Jones

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posted April 29, 2012 02:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^ Wow! Which brings me to a philosophical/speculative type of ques.

Based on the theory of Karma, if our purpose, as humans, is to get it "right" in terms of Karma, and the reward for it is to meet our TFs because of the inherent NEED within us to balance our yin/yang energies (please forgive my oversimplification here as I'm doing it to make my point come across clearly)-then, what about a person who has most of their yin/yang energy already in balance in their natal?

It was your own natal, Ceridwen, that is prompting this ques. From what I understand so far, you have several of the TF aspects already in your chart.

So hypothetically speaking, if a person has 50% of their yin/yang energy balanced as evidenced in their chart, then does it mean that they have less of a need (say only 50% need) to balance their yin/yang through their TF?

And if so then how do you compare the above example with someone who has is either predominantly (say 80%) yin OR yang, has done the karmic work necessary and is ready to meet his/her TF. Will the need to balance the yin/yang in such a person be greater than the 1st example? And then does it mean that the person with the greater need (BUT having done the necessary karmic work) is likely to meet their TF more easily or quicker?

I just wonder what your thoughts are on this. I hope I was able to make sense. I dunno, maybe I could be thinking about this in an incorrect way completely. But I don't think I'll understand till I ask anyway

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posted April 29, 2012 03:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:
then does it mean that they have less of a need (say only 50% need) to balance their yin/yang through their TF?

Well, you don`t really " balance" your Yin or Yang through your TF, if you did that would lead to a codependent relationship, and that`s not what it is about.

It is not that you are incomplete and only get completed through your twin; actually you are both complete individuals.

The attraction and belonging between twins is based on the "soul frequency", that fit each other perfectly.
But really you have to find that balance and inner completeness BEFORE meeting your twin, or the reunion will not be harmonious, but instead of the "crash and burn" variety (Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor come to mind).

Probably the relation between Yin and Yang is different in each person and half; but you have both inside of you, Yin and Yang, and you gotta bring them into balance.

Are you familiar with the theory of animus/ anima?
It is often used in explaining attraction through projection, but i think it is more than this. Interestingly animus means: heart, mind, courage, and anima simply means: soul.

It is said to relate to the inner man (animus) and the inner woman (anima).

Men usually have an anima, the picture of the inner woman, and whenever they meet a woman who fit this, there is attraction.
For women it is the animus defining their "inner man".

BUT the thing is, the goal really is by becoming the inner man/ woman reflected from another person, to INTEGRATE IT INTO YOURSELF.

As a matter of fact, men and women have it BOTH in their own personality.
It is just that men usually internalized the inner woman and express the male qualities outward.
The woman usually internalizes the inner man and expresses womanly traits outwardly. But they have BOTH.

For example: women seem - this is generalized though- to want to relate to other people, socially, to find union and similarities, a sense of identification with others which lead to an outwardly expressed adaptable and relationship oriented nature.
But you know that it is usually women who file for divorce and most of the time make the decision to get together or separate, right?
It`s women who usually walk away in the end, though they may emotionally suffer doing it a lot.

And usually in marriages it is the men who feel very comfortable in them and become practially dependent on the support of their wife (this is of course all generalized, but it is bascially based on a theory by C.G. Jung).

So the difference or source of attraction is not that one part is Yang and the other is Yin, and so they can only function together as a whole.

But it really is about expression and impression (Sun and Moon ).

Men usually show YANG outwardly and internalize YIN; Women show YIN outwardly and internalize YANG.

Speaking of souls though of course a person whose physical gender is female, can actually be the one whose soul is more in tune with the male principle in that she expresses Yang qualities outside.

I believe though that the proportions of Yang/ Yin are different for everyone. The important thing in tf though is that the relationship between Yin and Yang mirror each other.

Let`s say the male TF exhibits 70% Yang traits and internalizes 80% Yin traits (we always have both present, so of course a part of the orientation we exhibit outwardly is also turned inwards), then his female counterpart would exhibit 80% Yin and internalize 70% Yang.

(of cours eyou cannot really calculate it with numbers like these I think).

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posted April 29, 2012 04:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
some quotes to illustrate what I mean

"When you and your twin finally separated from each other, one twin polarized to the yin or female side and the other polarized to the yang or male side.

However, each twin half is neither solely yin or yang and each twin half has within them both the masculine energies of Father God and the feminine energies of Mother God. Before one can reconnect and realign fully with their twin soul, they must have their own male/female energies in harmony and balance. This is sometimes referred to as bi-gender balance or spiritual wholeness."

"Since each male has a female part, and each female a male part, they somehow remember
their original state of oneness and search for each other's complement in a partner. This is
sexuality in a broader sense. The eastern yin-yang symbol very well expresses this eternal
attraction of opposite parts, because one recognizes the self in the other one.

Yet the flame of God's oneness is in each individual being, what means that men and women
can experience wholeness in oneself without having a partner. Men need to first develop their
masculinity and then make room for their softer female side. Women first need to develop
their femininity and then bring their masculine part to flower. This way people manifest the
yin-yang symbol inside. When the inner lover is recognized a next beautiful step on the
journey to completion can be taken: finding and merging with the other side of your soul."

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Linda Jones

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posted April 29, 2012 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceridwen, Fantastic Explanation! You laid it all out. Thanks

This helps me understand what I was getting confused about. I knew about the co-dependency (not in favor of it at all-can lead to all kinds of messed up relationships), and knew that one has to be whole within oneself.

I think it was the complementarity thing I was not clear about. And that this complementarity means "mirroring." And in this mirroring the TFs balance their energies with each other.

So the need in TFs is really the need to balance by finding the one who mirrors or complements their own yin/yang (whatever amount of yin or yang that may be). I think I got it.

Love your explanation of animus/anima!

Also love this-

"So the difference or source of attraction is not that one part is Yang and the other is Yin, and so they can only function together as a whole.

But it really is about expression and impression (Sun and Moon )."

Yep, this is why Sun and Moon are so important in TF theory.

"The eastern yin-yang symbol very well expresses this eternal attraction of opposite parts, because one recognizes the self in the other one."

I think I'm understanding, for the first time, the real significance of my oft repeated phrase to Mr. Pisces Moon-"Underneath everything you and I are the same." I started saying this to him shortly after we met. Have never said this to anyone else in my life either before or since.

Thank you for the quotes and the links. I've read the 2nd one, will read the 1st one in a bit.

Along the lines of this topic I found a thread started by Lexx called "Tantra Spirituality"

It's filled with loads of valuable info.

Ceridwen, your answers above should dispel any doubts/holes in understanding the TF concept (for anyone interested in this topic). Heck I'm myself now beginning to see why you and Taineberry are choosing the TF pairs/aspects/framework the way you are.

As usual I feel excited when I "get the picture."

Ya know I should prolly check for Karma aspects between my chart and yours/Taineberry's. Simply because learning astrology from you two is impacting my life in a huge way. But that's a topic for a different thread altogether.

You'll most likely read my post on Monday. Have a terrific day!

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Linda Jones

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posted April 29, 2012 06:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I know I should probably wait and finish doing the whole analysis of my synastry, but I couldn't wait to tell you about this one as I just found this.

My Mary at 19 Tau 43 exactly trines his Jessie at 20 Virgo 02 (19 min)

But get this-
My Mary is conjunct his SN at 17 Tau 07 (2 deg 36 min) [BTW, my Moon is also conj. his SN-2 deg 10 min]

AND his Jessie is conjunct my NN at 22 Vir 09 (2 deg 7 min)!

Also my Maria/Vesta exact conjunction at 17 Cap 11 trines his Jessie at 20 Vir 02 ( 2 deg 51 min-this one's a bit loose).

BUT there seems to be a Grand Trine between my Mary/his SN, his Jessie/my NN, and my Maria/Vesta-all in earth!

I don't know what it means but it sounds imp. Is it?

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Linda Jones

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posted April 29, 2012 07:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also, is Pluto also known as Hades?

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posted April 30, 2012 04:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda - Jones,

"Yep, this is why Sun and Moon are so important in TF theory."
Yes, and it was just these last days that I was struck with the conscious awareness (as opposed to subtle intuitive feeling) about that.

I find it very synchronistically in that regard that in our observable life rythm (day and night, year), the 1st harmonic can be seen as related to the Sun, which takes appr. a year to travel through all signs.
And the 13th harmonic can be related roughly to a month, which of course is determined by the Moon.

"-"Underneath everything you and I are the same." "
My youngest brother and me are a bit like this. At least we were when we were kids.
What he was showing to the outside world, I was carrying within and vice versa, at least to a degree.

He was always extrovert and contactoriented in quite a bubbly way (though that changed with age), but inside of him quite shy and actually shying away from too much attention.

I on the other hand came across as calm, introvert and careful and withdrawn in social contacts, but was having more of an inner need to "shine".

I thought it was pretty interesting.

Well he has Sun and ASC in Pisces with Sun in 12th house, and his Sun and ASC ruler is in Sagittarius.

My Sun and ASC are in SAgittarius with Sun in 1st house, with my Sun and ASC ruler being in Pisces.

AS a matter of fact his Sun/aSC-ruler is conjunct my Sun, and my Sun/ASC-ruler is conjunct his Sun.

Additionally he has a Moon/Jupiter/Uranus-conjunction in Sagittarius right on my ASC-Neptune-NN-Atlantis-Wisdome etc.

Neptune is on his MC, Pluto is on my MC (Neptune and Pluto are complimentarities on a transpersonal. spiritual level).

But despite the different "energy directions", we are very similiar, in the basic way we are thinking, our ethics etc. (which doesn`t prevent us from discussing passionately about other things. lol We are certainly not agreeing on everything, but relating to the core issues there is a deep harmony).

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posted April 30, 2012 04:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On your Mary/Jessie-connection; it seems to be a very significant pairing, especially since it is tied to the nodal axis.

See what I mean:

1) Newmans
His Yeshua trine her Maria exact - water
with his Yeshua conjunct his Atlantis

2) Carter-Cash
his Jessie conjunct her Maria exact - in Gemini, the sign of the twins. lol

3) the unnamed tf-couple
his Jessie trine her Maria exact - water signs

4) my parents
his Maria square her Jessie (2) - fixed
his Yeshua tredecim her Mary exact - cardinal

5) Pierce Brosnan and his wife
his Jessie sextile her Mary exact
his Mary/Maria square her Yeshua

6) Laurence Olivier - Vivien Leigh
his Yeshua trine her Maria exact- earth
his Yeshua sextile her Mary
his Maria sextile her Jessie exact

7) Robert Browning - Elizabeth Barrett-Browning
his Yeshua tredecim her Maria

8) Sri Aurobindo - the Mother
his Yeshua sextile her Mary
his Maria oposite her Jessie

9) Edgar Cayce - Gertrude Cayce
his Jessie trine her Maria - fire

10) Edgar Cayce - Gladys Davies
his Yeshua square her Mary
his Maria PRECISELY conjunct her Yeshua on 27 Cancer!

She was having a 13th harmonic pattern of
Yeshua, Atlantis, Jessie and Mary

his Maria fell closely onto that pattern, and his Mary was being semi-tredecim (opposite in 13th harmonic chart).

Interestingly in her chart Jessie fell onto the Sabian:
Mary And Her Little Lamb
(the little Lamb = Jesus)

They had an extremely strong pattern involving Atlantis and Yeshua/Jessie-Mary/Maria.

I always found it highly interesting, that despite his deep love for his wife he always said that his secretary, Gladys Davies, was his twin soul.

But for him the emphasis on the purpose of twin souls was the common work they could do for the collective, and not a possible romantic relationship.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 30, 2012 01:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Wow! how 'bout that! All 10 synastries have this pairing. Thank you for these examples.

"On your Mary/Jessie-connection; it seems to be a very significant pairing, especially since it is tied to the nodal axis."

"Edgar Cayce - Gladys Davies
Interestingly in her chart Jessie fell onto the Sabian:
Mary And Her Little Lamb
(the little Lamb = Jesus)

They had an extremely strong pattern involving Atlantis and Yeshua/Jessie-Mary/Maria."

Like Edgar Cayce - Gladys Davies, my synastry also has the Atlantis connection-

So it's my Mary/his SN, his Jessie/my NN.
BUT his Jessie/my NN is conj. his Vertex, which is conj. his Poseidon, conj. his Atlantis all in his 7H.

You had made the foll. comments earlier-

"Vertex Mary And Her Little Lamb

WOW! Well, the last one is a reference to twinflames (Mary and Jesus), and I think it means that in this life he is meant to encounter either his twinflame or being brought onto the way to reunion by fated encounters and turning points (Vertex)."

So I think perhaps with the Mary/Jessie/nodal connection the above interp. becomes even more significant. Very interesting.

Also mind blowing is you and your brother's charts. And how they actually pan out in your individual personalities. Simply amazing! With these types of examples who can reasonably (with reason) say astrology is humbug.

P.S. I'm glad you were able to do Pierce Brosnan and wife's comparison. I've always found him to be a bit unusual (in a good way). And I really think theirs is a special connection. After 11 yrs. of marriage he said he loved her just as much as when he'd first met her. I know you probably don't need birth time for asteroids but was curious whether you were able to find the wife's birth time?

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posted April 30, 2012 02:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones,

"Wow! how 'bout that! All 10 synastries have this pairing."
Yes, I was more than mildly surprised to see the consistency in these synastries.
This seems to be REALLY important.

"So it's my Mary/his SN, his Jessie/my NN.
BUT his Jessie/my NN is conj. his Vertex, which is conj. his Poseidon, conj. his Atlantis all in his 7H."
Can you post the degrees? I wonder how tight these are. And are they in 1st harmonic or also in 13th harmonic?

"So I think perhaps with the Mary/Jessie/nodal connection the above interp. becomes even more significant. Very interesting."
Yes, it does.

"but was curious whether you were able to find the wife's birth time?"
Unfortunately not.

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