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Author Topic:   The Heiros Gamos : Osiris conjunct Isis- synastry

Posts: 4120
From: Venice, California, US
Registered: Jul 2011

posted May 16, 2012 05:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Wow. We've got some serious commonalities here. Kinda spooky, in fact. One of my very first online monikers was actually a variation of Ceridwen. She just fascinated me. I really resonated with it all. My latest transformation has been that of, obviously, an Indigo fury. More like Tisiphone, than anything, but it's all relative. I privately (and sometimes, not so privately) rail against all kinds of injustices. (Sun-Pluto in Libra? Naw. Never.)

Okay. Onward.

My mother's a triple Leo, but ALL that Leo is conjunct Pluto, so, YEAH. Scorpionic Mom? Check. Oh, and Aquarian Dad? Yeah, I've got that, too. Hilarious. What are his other placements? I find it funny - and a little goofy - that he and my twin share Venus in Aquarius. I've become something of an expert on Aquarius Venus men. My husband's is Cancer. It goes nicely with my Virgo, but ... oh, the clinging. It's endearing at times, and at others ... thank God for his Sag Moon and Gemini Sun.

As to where the emotions go? Oh, yes. They're right there under the surface until you deal with them. I've learnt that it's like a closet, actually. When it all starts tumbling out on you means it's WAY past time you did some clearing out. That's what the massive wakeup call was for me. A large-scale metaphoric avalanche of crap from my psychological closets.

NOW, I think I'm FINALLY getting the concept of 'hang onto it until you can deal with it, and THEN, DEAL with it.' Oddly enough, this has been demonstrated by my twin both successfully - and not so much - since I've known him. It's really only denial when you don't EVER deal with it - and it took him several YEARS to realise that. You MUST deal with it at SOME point. Even if you never really feel ready to, it's GOT to come down, or it'll come down on your HEAD.

As for your Moon's dispositor in Scorpio with a Uranian parallel? Wow. That's a LOT like my Scorpio Moon-Uranus. Like, a WHOLE lot. -laugh- This is why I love astrology. Oh, the varying shades and degrees and many ways in which a concept can be expressed. It's just fascinating to me, the complements and affinities.

As to the horrible nature of my first soulmate experience? Ohh, yeah. It's one of those that has you blinking for awhile. Like when she tried to run over me, WITH her son in the car, IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS. Oh, I've seen some really, REALLY over-the-top things in my time, but ... that's STILL up there in the Top Ten list.

I DO think they start off a kind of pattern for us, though. It's something of a proving ground. Once we survive that one, maybe - just maybe - our soul's truly ready to begin the trials we've signed up for. Just a theory, but it seems to hold true in many cases. So, the fact that we'll cast this illusion of our twin on many companion souls until we find them, doesn't surprise me. I think it's a kind of psychological defence mechanism. We're nowhere NEAR ready, but we LONG for it, and we're going to need to do a lot of dress rehearsals and tech week - to use a theatrical metaphor - before we're ready to go on in the big show.

There are SO many things I'd love to discuss with you - including how the stories we write are more 'told' to us from some level rather than our 'writing' them - and a technique I love to share with other writers is my 'have coffee' method of getting to know a character. I 'talk' to my characters ALL of the time. I virtually follow them around with a steno pad and jot furiously. I'm more of a journalist than a writer in that way. Hey, the stories there. I'm just following these guys around. THEY're telling the story.

But what do you do when the story starts coming from YOU? Past incarnated, former versions of yourself? Your soul? THAT gets complicated, because it becomes among the most important story you could ever tell. It's YOUR story.

What I feel the need to share with you now, tonight, are a few things. My husband and I are improving. We're working to have a relationship again, so that we AREN'T more like roommates or siblings. I'm very grateful for it. The second thing is it's become of increasing sudden importance for me to understand the relationship I MUST have with my twin. The compulsion has always been there - but now it's a kind of fear out of the thought of how it would ever be to lose him, and now, despite my love for my husband, I would never, ever be the same.

It's obviously a VERY difficult thing TO acknowledge your twin. It's ... SO powerful. And, yeah, when it's NOT your spouse? That's a special kind of hell - because it's wrapped up in quite the gossamer gauze, too.

The failing of my husband's and my sexual bond was in large part due to us having really lost what MAKES a bond like that to begin with. Trust. We didn't really trust each other like we needed to. And fear. Fear that we were drowning in secret resentment. After we dispelled those, we were able to truly attempt a real bond again - which is entirely separate from my relationship and bond with my twin.

See, a very good friend of mine, and one of his ex-girlfriends, just lost her twin. I just found out today, too. I kind of always KNEW, but ... I was able to verify it for myself.

I'm ... in shock. I'm terrified. Horror-stricken. I can't ... imagine. He suicided. A highly successful, deeply passionate artist who could never really believe in himself, and whose soul was too beautiful for the harsh realities of this world. I haven't been able to stop singing 'Vincent' in quiet moments because of this.

As for my dear friend, I'm flummoxed. All I can do is be there for her, which I'm going to do to the point of annoyance. Like my twin, they were constantly in each other's lives. Constantly.

I ... couldn't lose my twin. I don't know what I'd do - and it frightens me to admit that. And yet, that's a LOT about what this series is about. Especially coming to the understanding only following the tragedy of losing them. I'm hoping it might serve as a subtle warning. How precious and rare and special this bond is, and how we have to take greater care to protect it when one part is so deeply tormented.

So. I'm trying to understand how a twin can do that to the other, and how on earth - what I'm supposed to do - with the surviving member, when I can't imagine that unbearable pain of loss.

Oh, feel free to digress anytime. I just enjoy listening and learning and sharing.


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posted May 16, 2012 07:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

wow. Your post really struck a lot of chords in me!

"One of my very first online monikers was actually a variation of Ceridwen. "
The thing is I didnīt choose that name, she chose me.
I hardly can explain it. The name suddenly was there, I did not even know what it meant. But surely enough the attibutes of Ceridwen are so fitting, it is creepy. It almost felt like fate had its hand in play, when it gave me the name.

It reminded me a little of that night in 2004, when I woke up, hearing a male voice whispering to me: "Querida/ Cerida."
It was weird, cause there was noone there, and I surely do not know anyone who is speaking Spanish.
I still have no clue whose voice I was hearing, while waking up, but it surely was a nice way to be called. lol
And it also came out of nowwhere.

"More like Tisiphone, than anything, but it's all relative."
Ah it is so nice to talk to someone who knows their way around mythology.

Did you know there exists an asteroid Tisiphone (466)?
Mine is on 23 Cancer on the same degree as my Destinn and 1 and a half degree off my Vertex and Sun/moon-mp. lol

"ail against all kinds of injustices. (Sun-Pluto in Libra? Naw. Never.)"
I get this.
When I am watching movies and there is injustice displayed there or the struggle against it, that is usually when I start crying.
Sun-Pluto in Libra sounds quite fascinating.

"My mother's a triple Leo, but ALL that Leo is conjunct Pluto, so"
Wow! So fixed!

", YEAH. Scorpionic Mom? Check. Oh, and Aquarian Dad? Yeah, I've got that, too. "
LOL That is just too mucch of similiarity.
Well, my parent`s shared ground is Virgo (his ASC and Saturn, her moon/Venus/Mars).
Unfortunately I am completely Un-Virgo, and most of my battles with my mom were about household chores or my unwillingness to acknowledge the necessity of sometimes cleaning my rooms instead of always go for discoveries inside my mind. lol

"Hilarious. What are his other placements?"
Venus and Jupiter- conjunction on 14 and 12 Aquarius.
Mars on 9 Libra.
ASC and Saturn on 18 Virgo. Mercury on 18 Capricorn.
MC on 14 Gemini.

" I find it funny - and a little goofy - that he and my twin share Venus in Aquarius."
My father also has Venus in Aquarius.

"t goes nicely with my Virgo, "
Are you a Virgo?
It is interesting how many female Virgos are in my life or at least crossing my path. The other thing that I find odd is that my mom as well as practically all my female friends have ASC in Cancer.
I guess there is something to learn there for me, as these signs are definitely underrepresented in my own chart. (well Cancer has Saturn-Vertex-Destinn-Eros and the far Sun/moon-mp is there) - my axis of destiny right in my 8th house!

"thank God for his Sag Moon and Gemini Sun."
Makes for a good balance (or inner conflict) I think.
I have a Sag Sun and Aquarius Moon btw. So keep on saying nice things about Sagittarians.

"ou MUST deal with it at SOME point."
Exactly. Cause if you donīt deal with them, you are dealt with. (sounded better in my head actually. I blame it on the fact English is not my native tongue. lol)
And I am still learning this. Big procrastinator here, unfortunately!

"As for your Moon's dispositor in Scorpio with a Uranian parallel? Wow. That's a LOT like my Scorpio Moon-Uranus. "
Yes it is. And it is like we are a perfect reflection of our parental Plutonian-Uranian influence. Like it is merged together in our psyche.
Well in my case my parents already have that Uranian-Plutonian theme, as my mum has Uranus in 1st house sextile her Venus-Mars-conjunction.
And my Dad has Moon in 8th house and Pluto opposite Venus.

"It's just fascinating to me, the complements and affinities."
Yes. the secret code, which is not really that secret, just sometimes people donīt see it.

"Oh, I've seen some really, REALLY over-the-top things in my time, but ... that's STILL up there in the Top Ten list."
That is just plain horrible!

"It's something of a proving ground. Once we survive that one, maybe - just maybe - our soul's truly ready to begin the trials we've signed up for. "
It makes sense to me.

"think it's a kind of psychological defence mechanism. We're nowhere NEAR ready, but we LONG for it, and we're going to need to do a lot of dress rehearsals and tech week - to use a theatrical metaphor - before we're ready to go on in the big show."
Agree with that.

" including how the stories we write are more 'told' to us from some level rather than our 'writing' them"
Oh one of the most fascinating topics for me, but there are so few I can talk about it with.

"I 'talk' to my characters ALL of the time. "
Yes, me, too. Though often it is more like they come to me than the other way round.
I am of course no professional writer, but a few years ago I had an extensive writing period,s tarting with fanfiction, and then some stories just came together. Just for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of friends I shared these with, if I shared them.

But I remember when writing this fanfiction about Jesus Christ Superstar, and how that character "Annas" kept coming up, peeking around the corner, and at one time while i was ironing some shirts I told him he should stop evading me and either disappear or tell me what he`s about. He told me that I did not actually want to know. I insisted that I did, and he showed me. I SAW the scene unfold before my inner eyes, and I was standing there with my mouth gaping open, stuttering: "I didnīt see this. how could I not have seen this before?"
It is so weird, as it comes from my own mind, and yet, it is like my subconsciousness lays the seed and my consciousness needs time to pick up on the pattern that is already there, but maybe not so obvious.

In another instance I had written a little novellike story and was finished with it. And then months later when I came into my room, I saw from the corner of my eyes a minor character "materialize", and he said: "You didn`t think you were really finished, did you?"
Well, I HAD thought I was. He insisted that i would listen to him, that I would let him share the images of things hidden in my story that I had not been aware of.
I didnīt want to listen. He threatened he would haunt my dreams. I certainly did not want him there, cause he is a very obnoxious character, noone to mess around with.
So I sat down, and let the images come and wrote some notes down, and was pretty shocked about WHAT I saw.
Well, truth is I wrote some chapters, but then got stuck, and then life demanded other things of me, so "Dreamshadow" remains unfinished as of now.

It must sound almost shizophrenic, but as a matter of fact that is what I have always done. i have always "seen" stories in my mind, from when I can remember to start thinking. Stories were always alive for me, and actually I perceive life itself as one big story.

Due to many things in my life (my job for once) I cannot write anymore, and I canīt say how much I miss the process!
Actually our talk here inspired me to revise old things and I started posting one of these stories in the Yellow Wax forum.
As I said I am not a native speaker nor a professional writer, what i write comes from my soul, and probably is partly a therapeutic process

(to be continued later)

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posted May 16, 2012 10:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
" My husband and I are improving."

"The second thing is it's become of increasing sudden importance for me to understand the relationship I MUST have with my twin."
I can understand that need to understand the why completely. I am like that as well. Even though I know a relationship can never manifest, I simply need to know why the feelings are as they are, what the true nature and purpose of the connection is, what it all means for me (and him) etc.

" And, yeah, when it's NOT your spouse? "
That is something I dread as well, and keep on wondering how it is manageable. To keep loving your husband, even though he is not your Twin.
It is the area where I need to get a bit clearer on, as i can`t really grasp it as of now.

"Trust. We didn't really trust each other like we needed to. And fear."
Trust is a MUST.
Fear and I would add - doubt- are really big big internal obstacles to any intimate union.
Unfortunately I am prone to both.

" we were able to truly attempt a real bond again - which is entirely separate from my relationship and bond with my twin."
I am happy to hear that.
Also can you elaborate on how it FEELS different, these two kind of bond?

"See, a very good friend of mine, and one of his ex-girlfriends, just lost her twin. "
I can`t even imagine that. That is just too much.
And yet probably it was written in the blueprint for this life. Which doesn`t make it easier a little bit. Knowing that it maybe was part of both paths, doesn`t eleminate the pain.

" I haven't been able to stop singing 'Vincent' in quiet moments because of this."
That was almost creepy, cause immediately when I read the above, I suddenly was thinking of `Vincent`, especially the line: "But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant
For one as beautiful as you"

And then in the next sentence you mention this very song.

I used to listen to it a lot, as I loved its haunting melody and bittersweetness.

"Especially coming to the understanding only following the tragedy of losing them. "
Maybe you are processing these painful experiences you had in a past life?

"How precious and rare and special this bond is, and how we have to take greater care to protect it when one part is so deeply tormented."
Yes. Yes. Yes.

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Posts: 599
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posted May 16, 2012 10:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, this is some thread. I've thoroughly enjoyed applying your working theory here to the synastry between myself and someone I've been obsessed with for the past year. I've been obsessively absorbing all kinds of various synastry info for the past year, trying to of course find confirmation that I am "meant" to have a relationship with this person.

These "twin flame" asteroids are really something! I appreciate all the thought and inspiration in this thread.

...I've still got to look at the 13th harmonic synastry stuff. The natal aspects in the 13th are really something, so I'm hopeful. Then I'll splay it out here for analysis.

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Linda Jones

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posted May 17, 2012 02:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Jovian

These "twin flame" asteroids are really something! I appreciate all the thought and inspiration in this thread.

Yeah, I second that!

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Linda Jones

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posted May 17, 2012 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taineberry, Ceridwen,

I wondered what your opinion is about considering asteroid Rudra in the TF concept. From what I understand Rudra is a darker aspect of Siva (like Kali is of Parvati), but at the same time also represents, as iQ said, on my Rudra thread, "a highly evolved type of Realized Entity"-

"Dear LJ,
The Rudras were a highly evolved type of Realized Entities. They did not have blood lust. In Myths, death and destruction almost always means irreversible transformation.

The Rudras play their part as being agents of Metamorphosis. A Strong Rudra Theme in synastry will thus play out as irreversible Personal Change if you both actualize and sustain the relationship."

Also, to me this sounds like Pluto at its best.

ok, just did some more research and here's what I pulled up. This is a member quoting iQ-

"in a mail IQ told me siva- pluto can be a substite for venus - pluto. infact siva/ kaali/rudra aspecting pluto in synastry will have as powerful an impact as venus- pluto, so he said."

From this thread-

I'm not sure about the last part though, in terms of how it can be used, but I'll leave that up to you guys.

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posted May 17, 2012 04:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmm, he must have changed his mind on Rudra quite a bit.

WEll, since Rudra is the darker aspect of Siva, and Kaali the dark aspect of Parvati, probably the pairings Siva/Parvati and Rudra/Kaali make the most sense for tf`s. But not certain about this, maybe it is too theoretical.

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Posts: 4120
From: Venice, California, US
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posted May 18, 2012 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Huh. Anyone know what we're supposed to be looking for with the 13H stuff? I can say, in some ways, this is kinda spooky.

I exactly have his ASC (19* Capricorn) and he has his in Virgo, (mine) but not the degree).

What really got me, though, were the patterns. We have the same patterns / aspects, just in different signs. He gets a Sun-Pluto conjunction, with Moon-Mars. Venus gets tossed out there in no-man's land, for some reason, but he has my Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, too - even in the right signs! Along with my Uranus-Mercury-Eros. Uh, spooky?

And the flipside?

I have his just-out-of-orb Venus-Mars 'conjunction' with - wait for it - the same just-out-of-orb 'conjunction' he ALSO has of Eros and Psyche! Just different signs. My Saturn goes into Scorpio (like his) his Neptune-Jupiter conjunction, and Uranus-Moon. (I have that, too, but a closer conjunction than he does; this one's further out). And a semisextile of Pluto-Sun, rather than my conjunction.

Okay. I'm officially blown away.

What the hell does all of this mean? (BTW, Ceri, I'm TOTALLY getting back to you, it's just been ... rough here. Everything you said resonates with me SO deeply, I've wanted to give it the attention it deserves.)


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posted May 19, 2012 05:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Huh. Anyone know what we're supposed to be looking for with the 13H stuff?"
It`s an additional aspect series. Orb has to be strictly 0°50 to max. 1°00.

Checking for:
- luminaries, nodal axis, angles and ATLANTIS to each other
- twinflame pair asteroids to each other like Isis-Osiris
- I`d also check for lovey-dovey objects like Venus, AMOR, VALENTINE to
a) luminaries, nodal axis, angles and Atlantis
b) maybe also to tf asteroids.

The aspects of this series are:

"though, were the patterns."
The patterns are an absolutely necessary ingredient in synastry, especially tf-synastry!

Patterns ccan be made by a reflection of the same combination or complimentary ones (which might even be more "magnetizing").

Same patterns would be something like:
his Sun conjunct Pluto - her Sun conjunct Pluto

complimentary could be something like:
his Sun conjunct Pluto - her Moon conjunct Pluto or in Scorpio

In synastry it gets a bit complicated though, as ther eis so much to check. lol

For example:
his Mars in her 1st house - her Venus in his 1st house would of course be complimentary as well.

Just like
his Neptune conjunct her Mars and
her Neptune conjunct his Venus
would be

I am only checking for really strong aspects there though (conjunction, opposition, square and occasionally a trine, and very very very rarely sextile or quinkunx, but then I feel like I am reaching most of the time. lol)

"What the hell does all of this mean? "
Yin and Yang.
Lock and Key.
Answer and question.
Moon and Sun.
Venus and Mars.
Neptune and Pluto.
Feminine and masculine.
Impression and expression.
Receiving and giving.
Preservation and creation.
Anima and Animus.

I've wanted to give it the attention it deserves.
I appreciate that very much.

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Linda Jones

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posted May 19, 2012 10:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Hmm, he must have changed his mind on Rudra quite a bit."

This is why, after reading some of the old threads, I freaked out on my Rudra thread lol, when I realized that I have an extremely strong pattern of Rudra in synastry and composite involving the nodal axis, AC/DC axis, the IC/MC axis as well as Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars. My initial thought was that we were going to end up destroying each other. But after iQ's response I realized that Rudra's influence is perhaps just like Pluto's in its intensity and change, since that has been the theme between Mr. Pisces Moon and I almost from the beginning. It is for this reason that I'd mentioned earlier on that, in the first 2 yrs. after meeting, we experienced stuff that most married people experience in 10-12 yrs. of marriage.

"WEll, since Rudra is the darker aspect of Siva, and Kaali the dark aspect of Parvati, probably the pairings Siva/Parvati and Rudra/Kaali make the most sense for tf`s. But not certain about this, maybe it is too theoretical."

So, here's how I understand it from what I've read-

In Hindu mythology, the existence of Shiva is confirmed as being pre-scriptural, i.e. before 6000 B.C.). In the earliest Hindu scriptures called the Upanishads, Rudra is mentioned. In the later Hindu scriptures called the Vedas, Rudra began to be referred to as Shiva. Gradually, in the post Vedic period, the name Shiva came to be used consistently. So in mythology, Rudra and Shiva are one and the same.


"The theonym Shiva originates as an epithet of Rudra, the adjective shiva "kind" being used euphemistically of the god who in the Rigveda also carries the epithet ghora "terrible". Usage of the epithet came to exceed the original theonym by the post-Vedic period (in the Sanskrit Epics), and the name Rudra has been taken as a synonym for the god Shiva and the two names are used interchangeably."

Here's my suggestion-If we do use Rudra, then maybe it would make sense to use Rudra/Parvati/Kali as one type of pairing, and Shiva/Parvati/Kali as a 2nd type of pairing. This would be in line with our previous thinking of using only Shiva/Parvati/Kali, where Shiva was being paired with both Parvati and Kali.

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Posts: 4799
From: Chennai, India
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 23, 2012 05:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Ceri and Linda,
I have not change my mind on Rudra when it comes to analyzing Earthquakes.

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Linda Jones

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posted May 23, 2012 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by iQ:
Hi Ceri and Linda,
I have not change my mind on Rudra when it comes to analyzing Earthquakes.

Yes, iQ, I realized that after I read your response to my Rudra ques. in synastry. That is why I responded to Ceri's comments by saying-


"Hmm, he must have changed his mind on Rudra quite a bit."

This is why, after reading some of the old threads, I freaked out on my Rudra thread lol, when I realized that I have an extremely strong pattern of Rudra in synastry and composite involving the nodal axis, AC/DC axis, the IC/MC axis as well as Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars. My initial thought was that we were going to end up destroying each other. But after iQ's response I realized that Rudra's influence is perhaps just like Pluto's in its intensity and change, since that has been the theme between Mr. Pisces Moon and I almost from the beginning.

In the old threads I'd read stuff on Rudra related to natural disasters like earthquakes and I assumed that the words "death and destruction" were related to synastry also. Which is why I asked you the ques. on my Rudra thread.

After reading your reply, it became clear to me that in synastry the interp. of Rudra is different. Hence I suggested to Ceri and Taineberry that we include Rudra in the Twin Flame concept.

My apologies, iQ, for not clarifying my understanding distinctly in my comments above to Ceri, and thank you for clearly stating the difference between Rudra in synastry and Rudra in earthquakes.

I hope you're not mad at me since I've never seen you give the scary face before

But here's the good part. I think it's totally AWESOME that you even read our thread ... or even parts of it (I'm sure you don't have time to read everything)

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Posts: 599
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posted May 23, 2012 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay, this was quite a task to compile. Again, this is someone who I feel greatly affected by and drawn to...who I have known only about a year, now ( this lifetime, anyway! ). Also, I am gay, so this is other person is also female. I feel strongly that I knew her when I was a male (and her female), in at least one lifetime that I can sense; although I don't sense that we had a romantic relationship then. Though I am about ten years younger than her now, it feels as if I were quite a bit older, more fatherly to her, in the past. ...It feels inevitable that something will happen between us, eventually...though there are obstacles at the present time.

(My placements/ Her placements)

A. Sun/Moon
A.1. None
A.2. Moon SQ Sun (0.29)

[Her Sun CONJ her Moon (0.16), and CONJ her I/C, so my Moon SQ her SUN/MOON/MC/IC and obviously her Sun-Moon MP]

B. Twin Flame Pairings

B.2. Composite Adonis CONJ Astarte (wide 2.22)

Pluto CONJ Proserpina (0.00.01)!
[My Pluto also SQ her ASC/DEC (0.12)]
Yeshuhua OPP Mary (0.09)
Adonis OPP Venus (0.50)

Parvati SQ Siva (0.05)
Osiris TRI Isis (0.19)
Ariadne QX Bacchus (0.29)
Groome QX Briede (1.26)
Psyche SEXT Eros (1.33)

(Magdalena is not on your list, but since these are reflected both ways, I included.):

Magdalena SEXT Jessie (1.33)
Jessie TRI Magdalena (1.45)

Soomana "TRIDEC" Sootiyo (2.16 in 13th chart)
Innanen TRIDEC Adonis (10.56 in 13th)
Proserpina TRIDEC Pluto (12.55 in 13th)

Yeshuhua TRIDEC Magdalena (5.32 in 13th) ?

C. Atlantis

C.1. Atlantis TRI NNode(0.19)
Moon TRI Atlantis (1.51)

C2. Ariadne CONJ Atlantis (0.22)
Osiris SQ Atlantis (0.47)
Pluto TRIDEC Atlantis (10.35 in 13th)

C3. Atlantis TRIDEC Bacchus (0.24 in 13th) Ariadne TRIDEC Atlantis (4.52 in 13th)

D. Nodes

D.1. Nothing quite fits the bill, here, if inconjuncts aren't included...

NN QX NN (1.22)
MC/IC Inconj Nodes (0.46)
NN TRI Venus (2.45)

E. Angles
Moon SQ MC/IC (1.35)
MC/IC SQ ASC/DESC (wide 4.23)

F. 13th Harmonic
F.1.1. None
1.2. See Twin Flames above;

I'm not listing any "semi-tridecs," since you've dropped them from the count, right? Septiles, quintiles - also out, right?

F.1.3. (You need to amend this section, as it still refers to 7th Harmonic.)
1.4. (From C.2.): Pluto TRIDEC Atlantis (10.35 in 13th)
1.5. (From C.3.): Atlantis TRIDEC Bacchus (0.24 in 13th) and
Ariadne TRIDEC Atlantis (4.52 in 13th)

G. House Rulers

Moon SQ Sun (0.28) (Both 8th House rulers)
Moon SQ Moon (0.12) (8th and 7th rulers)
Moon TRIDEC Uranus (6.08 in 13th) (8th and 2nd rulers)

Mercury TRI Sun (2.45) (7th and 8th rulers)
Mercury TRI Moon (3.01) (Both 7th rulers)
Saturn TRI Saturn (2.53) (2nd and 1st rulers)

H. Love and Karmic, Balance and Harmonizing

(I didn't bother looking at the Composite for any of these, since there were so many without it.... Maybe later.)

H.1.2. Amor/Valentine

DESC CONJ Amor (1.05)
Amor TRI Sun (0.04)
Amor TRI Moon (0.21)
Amor TRI IC (1.02)
Amor TRI Bacchus (1.11)
Parvati SQ Amor (0.41)
Amor SQ Atlantis (1.18)
Amor Sextile Isis (0.53)

Valentine TRI Atlantis (1.19)
Valentine SQ Isis (1.44)
Valentine TRIDEC Bacchus (11.15)

H.1.3. Saturn/Karma

Saturn Qx ASC (0.40)
Soomana CONJ Saturn (2.49)
Saturn TRI Proserpina (0.27)

Osiris CONJ Karma (1.17)
Innanen TRI Karma (0.22)
Ariadne SQ Karma (0.11)
Karma SEXT Siva (1.32)

Karma TRIDEC Isis (1.31 in 13th)
Karma TRIDEC Ariadne (4.0 in 13th)
Karma TRIDEC Briede (6.59 in 13th)

H.1.4 Compassion/Wisdom

Sun TRI Compassion (0.55)
Compassion SEXT IC (1.22)
Compassion SQ Atlantis (1.06)
Compassion TRI Isis (1.31)
Compassion SEXT Bacchus (1.13)
Psyche Qx Compassion (0.23)
Jessie TRI Comassion (0.55)

Compassion TRIDEC Asc (6.26)
Groome TRIDEC Compass (0.07)
Innanen TRIDEC Compass (2.09)
Yeshua TRIDEC Compass (1.15)

Wisdom TRI Madgalena (1.21)
Wisdom TRIDEC Isis (2.07)


Adjustments? Thoughts?

EDIT: In case of future research on Rudra/Siva in synastry, per Linda's offering of IQ's ideas:

Rudra CONJ Sun (1.37)
Rudra CONJ Moon (1.20)
ASC CONJ Siva (1.51)
ASC QX Rudra (1.50)
[She has a tight natal Rudra QX Siva]
Siva SQ Pluto (1.0)

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Posts: 4799
From: Chennai, India
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posted May 24, 2012 07:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I hope you're not mad at me since I've never seen you give the scary face before
I am never mad at Knowflakes
The scary face is for Rudra's harsh aspects that manifest in Earthquakes or Typhoons...

P.S: I sent you an email

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Posts: 4799
From: Chennai, India
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 24, 2012 07:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Intense synastry Jovian!

Also, I would like to congratulate each and every researcher who posted synastries in this thread. It is a fascinating read, it is good enough to be condensed into an e-booklet for Asteroid Fans.

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posted May 24, 2012 01:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm successfully wasting a lot of time exploring asteroids, thanks to this board. I needed another excuse to continue obsessing, of course.... <sigh>

Well, to that end, the fruit of the last hour (or longer) has been coming across a possible "Twin Flame" option:

4894 Ask
4895 Embla

In Norse mythology, these were the first man and woman, respectively. (Forgive me if they've been mentioned somewhere on LL. I admit I haven't searched the older threads for it.)

In synastry with the person above, I find

Ask TRIDEC Embla (9.22 in 13th chart)
Embla TRIDEC Ask (8.47 in 13th chart)

Karma TRIDEC Embla (4.27 in 13th)

As well,

Ask TRI Sun/Moon (<2.30)
Ask TRI Ask (1.19) [Hers is conj her sun/moon]
IC CONJ Embla (2.40)
Ask CONJ Uranus (0.46)
Embla CONJ Saturn (0.42)

The pair just 'jumped out at me,' while scrolling through the wikipedia list of asteroids. ...I can see why!

Obviously, not the passion of the other connections. More Adam and Eve-ish. What say ye?

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Linda Jones

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posted May 28, 2012 03:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by iQ:
I hope you're not mad at me since I've never seen you give the scary face before
I am never mad at Knowflakes
The scary face is for Rudra's harsh aspects that manifest in Earthquakes or Typhoons...

Thank you iQ, for clearing that up for me

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Linda Jones

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posted May 28, 2012 03:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by iQ:
Also, I would like to congratulate each and every researcher who posted synastries in this thread. It is a fascinating read, it is good enough to be condensed into an e-booklet for Asteroid Fans.

I agree and thank you.

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posted May 28, 2012 08:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Jovian:

[b]4894 Ask
4895 Embla

In Norse mythology, these were the first man and woman, respectively.

I didnīt know that. Thank you.

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posted May 28, 2012 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceridwen - Additionally, there is

10209 Izanaki
10027 Izanami

Japanese first man and woman.

I found that pair, and other interesting meditations on archetypes that are reflected in astrology here:

EDITED, a month later, to remove evidence of my prickly pride! I am just full of myself.

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posted May 30, 2012 10:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for IndigoDirae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by iQ:

The scary face is for Rudra's harsh aspects that manifest in Earthquakes or Typhoons...

Is Rudra the most reliable to use for earthquakes and other major natural disasters? I'm very curious about these signatures.

Thanks, iQ.


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posted June 16, 2012 06:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I've only gotten to page 5,
such wonderful information..

Thanks, Linda Jones for
providing the link...

and Thanks, Taineberry for
starting this Great Work!
this really jumped out at

2. In synastry, the two pairs of suns and moons should be linked in a closed aspect pattern. I believe that the “ideal” aspect pattern could be a septile trapeze? – eg :Sun A septile sun B biseptile moon A biseptile moon B biseptile SunA. Why a septile series? Ok ... number seven is important in harmonic theory because it is the first prime number which will enable you to create a new awareness or consciousness out of itself. The alchemy of how this works can be demonstrated by imagining the two halves of the yin/yang coming together into a circle which symbolises the conjoining of the twin flames – when this happens there is an alchemic binding of the triune bodies (physical, astral and etheric) of each individual into a second circle that encompasses (surrounds) the first and seals it. Imagine one coin with six identical coins around it, the central one representing the conjoined soul and the six representing the conjoined bodies (the paired astral, etheric and physical bodies). The total no. to complete this picture is seven (the 2 pairs of 3 separate "bodies" belonging to each individual and the single conjoined "soul" body with its yin/yang polarity at its heart, hence the septile series of aspects. There is no smaller number than 7 that you can do this with. According to Jacob Schwartz in his article “the music of the spheres”, the number “seven, the seventh house and seventh harmonic represent the partner, the spouse, the significant other”. It is an irrational number thought to contain spiritual power and implies the possibility of cosmic intervention to create union.

..thanks all of you. ...

All my love, with all my Heart

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Linda Jones

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posted June 21, 2012 11:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taineberry And Ceri,

I've simply GOT to tell you about this!!

From an old TF thread of Ceri's, here's what I found --

"The numbers 6, 9, 15, 24, 27 seem to be involved with twin souls birthdays. Twin Souls often meet on one of those days, too."

The above quote is from this article (also quoted in Ceri's thread)--

So ... here's the THING--
His and my birthdays are on 15 and 24!!
And the day we met for the first time in person (because of my best friend) also adds up to the number 6--the day + month + year!!

In numerology 6 is Venus' number! How 'bout that?

Ceri, in your research of TF couples did you find the above quote to be true?


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posted October 21, 2012 04:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ail221     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I need to read through this fully bump.

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Linda Jones

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posted October 21, 2012 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ail, you did what I was so longing to do because of my convo with Ceri on her Ariadne thread. I was thinking so much of all the genius work that Taineberry and Ceri put into this thread!

I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination

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