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Author Topic:   The Heiros Gamos : Osiris conjunct Isis- synastry

Posts: 5003
From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon
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posted October 21, 2012 06:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ail221     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Definitely a lot of hardwork put into this thread. I am not sure about Heiros Gamos in the case I am referencing probably just past life connection.

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posted October 22, 2012 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If it's still about Isis-Osiris conjunctions after 16 pages lol...

Coincidentally I experienced this twice from 2008 in my 2 most significant love-relationships (one is a true ex ond for the other it's a bit difficult to consider him as one although again *most significant* compared to other connections I had, even for the last 12 years or so)

In the first case I was Osiris in an exact conj. with his Isis (few minutes apart) and with the second (my true ex) I was Isis and him Osiris (1 degr. or so)

Pretty striking he>? Just one after another in a pretty short period of time.

With both My Moon made an aspect to their Sun, case 1 a conjunction within 2 degr., case 2 an exact TRINE.
With the second a Sun-asc. conjunction (within 1,5) and a Venus/Mars conj. (1*).
For case 1 I don't have a birth-time.

But well to be honest I see the significance of these 2 connections also clearly confirmed in Magi-astro, .. so what to *really* think of the Isis-Osiris.. no clue!

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posted October 22, 2012 11:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
See? PRECISE aspectgs!

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posted October 22, 2012 12:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow, great post...a lot to read! I'm trying to figure out what and if i truly see it...i have a lot of stuff going on with this new guy...and this relationship feels so odd, like surreal, everything's so slow and theres such an intensity that i think we both are almost avoiding each wondering whats wrong here?

Tropical we have synastry my siva is conjunct his kaali/parvati conjunction falling on Great attractord
draco we have parvati/siva conjunct
cupido/psyche conjunction on Rigel with my dna opposed
draco, his Siruis has our isis/osiris conjunction on it conjunct both his/my tropical moon.
Dr. boda/unitas, opposed tropical great attracor
Dr. parvati/siva conjunct on his dr. Altair
Adonis/Innamen on his jupiter, square to galatic center
Adonis/Aphrodite opposed
Dr. lilith/lilth
Dr. boda/boda trined(2 degree)

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posted October 22, 2012 08:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I looked up sheba and king also, this is what i found....

Whats interesting is his dr. Osiris, dr. my Isis virgo@23, my tropical moon is virgo@18, his both our 12th houses, my tropical interkosmos pisces@23

my dr. boda gemin@25.27, his dr. unitas gemini@26.20
my dr. king is gemini@28.38, his dr. chiron gemini@25, my tropical mars is gemini@29

his dr. Isis libra@27, his dr. king libra@26, my dr. DNA aries@25, my dr.psyche libra@23, my tropical venus libra@19, my tropical chiron aries@24

his dr DNA gemini@15, his tropical pan gemini@15, my tropical psyche gemini@15--our draco groom/groom conjunct both gemini@18

his dr messenger scorp@10, my dr mars scorp@7.49, his tropical mars scorp@5, his tropical mars scorpio@7, his dr. sheba scorp@15
his dr. psyche cap@14, his tropical N.Node cap@17, my tropical angel cap@16
his dr. ganesa scorp@21, his dr. angel scorp@21, my tropical N.Node scorp@21

his dr. kaali pisces@7.30, my dr. kaali pisces@10.30, his dr. giza pisces@12, my dr. cupido tropical my sheba is pisces@10, tropical my osiris pisces@10

his dr.zues pisces@19.37, my dr. hera virgo@20.46

my dr. adonis pisces@23, his dr. innamen pisces@24
my dr. pan leo@25, his dr. pan leo@27, my dr jupiter leo@23,his dr vesta leo@21, his tropical intercosmos leo@22

my favorite aspect tho is the his tropical nymphe leo@10, my draco nymph leo@10, his draco lust leo@8, my draco b.m. lilith leo@11....his draco b.m. lilith aqua@13....relates back to his tropical isis leo@14, his king leo@13

does anyone want to give it a try what this might mean..?

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posted October 23, 2012 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for all the new input here. I'll try to do another summary soon to update the theory. Like Linda said on the Ariadne thread, finding the time is sometimes not so easy! Roll on, 48 hour days.

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posted April 02, 2013 08:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 04, 2013 02:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Snorkel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have these conjunct in a double-whammy with my first love - his Isis conjuncts my Osiris and his Osiris conjuncts my Isis, but the orbs are huge, we're talking five to seven degrees so most probably wouldn't count them.

Our Osiris asteroids both conjunct each other too, and so do our Isis asteroids. The orbs on those, are much smaller - 3 degrees for the former and 2 for the latter.

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posted April 04, 2013 05:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Snorkel:
I have these conjunct in a double-whammy with my first love - his Isis conjuncts my Osiris and his Osiris conjuncts my Isis, but the orbs are huge, we're talking five to seven degrees so most probably wouldn't count them.

Our Osiris asteroids both conjunct each other too, and so do our Isis asteroids. The orbs on those, are much smaller - 3 degrees for the former and 2 for the latter.

Check your composite. It could be the orbs are tightened in there.
Esp. if you both have Isis-Osiris-conjunction natally, it might come up in the composite again (or the opposition).
Also, let`s say your Isis-Osiris-conjunction is 3 dgree and his is 1 degree, then the orb in composite would probably be 2 degrees.

Een more so , if you have a stellium of all Isis and Osiris, the composite conjunction/opposition would trigger both natal conjunctions.

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posted April 04, 2013 05:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Snorkel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Check your composite. It could be the orbs are tightened in there.
Esp. if you both have Isis-Osiris-conjunction natally, it might come up in the composite again (or the opposition).
Also, let`s say your Isis-Osiris-conjunction is 3 dgree and his is 1 degree, then the orb in composite would probably be 2 degrees.

Een more so , if you have a stellium of all Isis and Osiris, the composite conjunction/opposition would trigger both natal conjunctions.

I believe in visuals LOL...

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posted April 20, 2013 07:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gabby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Would Draco/Tropical opposition still be consider soul mate aspect?

Her Tropical Taurus Isis@15.30
His Draco Scorpio Osiris@15.28
His Draco Karma is Taurus@14.46
Her Draco IC taurus@16.12

In tropical synastry
Her Osiris is exact on his NN
His Isis is exact on her Karma

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From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted March 14, 2014 05:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Originally posted by Taineberry:

2. In synastry, the two pairs of suns and moons should be linked in a closed aspect pattern. I believe that the “ideal” aspect pattern could be a septile trapeze? – eg :Sun A septile sun B biseptile moon A biseptile moon B biseptile SunA. Why a septile series? Ok ... number seven is important in harmonic theory because it is the first prime number which will enable you to create a new awareness or consciousness out of itself. The alchemy of how this works can be demonstrated by imagining the two halves of the yin/yang coming together into a circle which symbolises the conjoining of the twin flames – when this happens there is an alchemic binding of the triune bodies (physical, astral and etheric) of each individual into a second circle that encompasses (surrounds) the first and seals it. Imagine one coin with six identical coins around it, the central one representing the conjoined soul and the six representing the conjoined bodies (the paired astral, etheric and physical bodies). The total no. to complete this picture is seven (the 2 pairs of 3 separate "bodies" belonging to each individual and the single conjoined "soul" body with its yin/yang polarity at its heart, hence the septile series of aspects. There is no smaller number than 7 that you can do this with. According to Jacob Schwartz in his article “the music of the spheres”, the number “seven, the seventh house and seventh harmonic represent the partner, the spouse, the significant other”. It is an irrational number thought to contain spiritual power and implies the possibility of cosmic intervention to create union.

Great analysis, Taineberry, and it does make sense that the septile be symbolic for Hieros Gamos, since number six is love (the number of Venus)(Yin/Yang symbol made of the three dimensions: body, soul, spirit for each principle: male and female, love manifested on the earthly plane, in tangible form, and number seven will be a higher frequency of this love, the spiritual, sacred wedding, the two united in spirit. Numerological seven is symbolical for perfection and eternity, also death, in the sense of perfection that it's a death in itself, leading to number eight, the resurrection. So it makes sense that seven is eternal love, the Hieros Gamos.

Here is the generally accepted numerological significance of these two numbers:

6 - Connects above and below, reconciliation, intellectual creativity, discrimination, imagination, union, love, perfection, ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined, relatedness, taking responsibility for choices.

Relates to:
Venus and Uranus
The Lovers Tarot Card

Its form is a continuous curve without angle, without line. It is the total love. It is almost spiral, it is on the point of going towards the infinity. 6 is also the form of the foetus in gestation.

7 - Number seven is the symbol of completeness, fullness, fulfillment, and perfection.

Tarot card: The Chariot

Properties of the number 7

The number 7, according to Ambroise, corresponds to the Old Testament but he sees it also as the number representing the virginity. Thibaut of Langres gives also this attribute to this number because it is the only one of the first nine numbers which does not father and the only one which is not fathered. It is considered as virgin and representative of the Holy Spirit to which are attributed the same properties. Macrobe goes in the same way telling that it symbolizes Minerve, born of his father without passing by a mother.

The seven indicates the senses of a change after an accomplished cycle and of a positive renewal.

Perfect number and symbol of the divine abundance, it is also according to the Bible the number of the punishment, the purification and the penitence. It is also attributed to Satan who tries to copy God being the monkey of God. Also the infernal beast of the Revelation (Rv 13,1) has seven heads.

It is the number of the perfect man, complete and perfectly realized as the sum of the four females and the three males.

Symbol of the totality of the created Universe (3 the sky + 4 the earth), it expresses the creation within which the man evolves.

Saint Augustin sees the seven like the perfection of the Plenitude. He made it also the number of the creature, considering not the life of this one but its become, the evolution.

Symbol of the infinite numbered in its return to the principle, that of the snake which bites its tail, according to Abellio. It would be also the number of the achievement in the space-time.

It is the number of the initiation, that is to say the union of exhibited with the infinity.

Symbol of eternal life for the Egyptians: it symbolizes a complete cycle, a dynamic perfection.

For the Indians in the prairie and the "Pueblo" Indians, the number seven represents the cosmic coordinate of the man.

In Africa and for the Bambaras of Senegal, seven is a symbol of the perfection and the unity.

The "Dogons" consider the number seven as the symbol of the union of the opposites, of the resolution of dualism, therefore like symbol of unicity and perfection. It is also the mark of the master of the word.

The seven symbolizes the cross with its six directions plus the center - indefinite extents moving toward the top, the bottom, the right, the left, forwards and backwards.

The dice symbolizes the seven: the dice itself, 1, having 6 faces.


This is a wonderful thread, thanks Ceridwen, Taineberry, Linda Jones and everyone else for your research and great insight.

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Posts: 5003
From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Registered: Feb 2012

posted May 20, 2014 07:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ail221     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 05, 2014 07:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 12th_House_Gal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 06, 2014 11:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Moving to Interpersonal Astrology.

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