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Author Topic:   The Heiros Gamos : Osiris conjunct Isis- synastry
Linda Jones

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posted April 03, 2012 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taineberry and Ceridwen,

WOW! Thank you both for your responses. I don’t believe in coincidences so it was with interest that I noted that you both responded at exactly the same time-to the minute, 4:05 pm, to my earlier post.

This conversation is so meaningful that I am thrilled. And that there is actually an astrological basis to the experience of twin flames is simply amazing.

I’ve longed to understand my experiences in my relationship as they’ve been so out of the ordinary that I’ve been unable to speak about them w/ anyone other than my parents and Mr. Pisces moon. My best friend understands to a degree but not fully. In general, I find it pointless to speak about these experiences if no one can relate to them.

That is why the article posted hit home in so many ways. I’ve begun to plod through the different aspects you’ve both mentioned and have come up with a few hits so far. I will continue with this so as to be able to post them later.

For now I’ll stick to trying to put into words a few things.

First, Ceridwen, re: the name of the movie about the 2 cobras, I’m sorry I don’t know. But I can try and find out. I believe it was made in a foreign country and in a foreign language. So unless it has subtitles or dubbing in English, it may be difficult to get a hold of. But I can tell you the story briefly as my Mum narrated it.

Basically, the woman in the story was being pressured by her family to get married since she had crossed the “marriageable age.” She kept refusing and family pressure kept increasing. Finally she said that she would marry only one man and none other. When asked who this man was and how she knew him, she told them she knew him from “before,” a past life in which both of them had been cobras, and that they had both died together. Obviously not believing her, the family wanted to meet this man. She took them to where he lived and pointed him out. The family spoke to the man who corroborated her story that he also remembered he’d been a cobra and this woman had been his mate. Long story short, I think they were allowed to be together. But their story caught so much attention that a filmmaker decided to make a movie out of it.

I think there are many examples from all over the world about people remembering past lives. One was in my own birth town and it happened right around the time I was born. As told by my Mum, it involved an 8-9 year girl who kept saying she wanted to visit her “other” family-parents and siblings. She was scolded for having such an active imagination. But she was relentless in getting her current family to believe her. She told them where her “other” family lived (in a different town), that she had 2 brothers, and that one day when she was about 4-5 years old she was crossing the street, got hit by a car and died. She described in detail the inside of that house, the number of rooms etc. When she wouldn’t stop talking about it, her father decided to check out her story, taking her with him. He found 2 grown men (brothers) living in that house and they said that yes they’d had a sister who had died as a child while crossing the street. After this, the little girl became a mini-celebrity in her hometown.

So these stories, although rare occurrence-wise, still happen often enough to support the belief of rebirth. However, the story about the 2 cobras is the first I’d heard involving twin flames finding each other in a rebirth.

My apologies for digressing a bit from the topic. I’ll be back to post some more. I just want to make sure I make sense when I speak with 2 Mensa-level astrologers.

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posted April 03, 2012 03:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No apologies necessary. I always love to hear from you. Interesting stuff. Now you have got me intrigued about the cobra story too! Keep us posted with your asteroid findings!

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Linda Jones

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posted April 04, 2012 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Taineberry.

I'm still working on the aspects but have a question either for you or Ceridwen.

In the composite I noticed a grand trine-
between Juno/Vesta (2 deg. conjunction)
and 7H Neptune
and Venus conjunct the IC

The trine bet Juno and Venus is 2 deg
The trine bet Juno and Neptune is 1 deg
The trine bet Neptune and Venus is 3 deg
So I guess the orbs are ok.

But, is there a significance to the grand trine?

Thanks for your time.

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posted April 04, 2012 02:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:
Thanks Taineberry.

I'm still working on the aspects but have a question either for you or Ceridwen.

In the composite I noticed a grand trine-
between Juno/Vesta (2 deg. conjunction)
and 7H Neptune
and Venus conjunct the IC

The trine bet Juno and Venus is 2 deg
The trine bet Juno and Neptune is 1 deg
The trine bet Neptune and Venus is 3 deg
So I guess the orbs are ok.

But, is there a significance to the grand trine?

Thanks for your time.

_That stor was so fascinating. I love hearing stories like that. Actually I have a book on reincarnation with stories like these.

The Grand trine is definitely significant, every Grand trine is (actually every closed aspect configuration is in my book), especially if tied to the angles as it is in your case.

What element are these in? It might get emphasized in the relationship and show how the energy of that GT is being expressed.

On its own Juno-Venus-Neptune sounds to me like romantic loving marital bliss.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 04, 2012 03:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thanks for responding. I'm glad both you and Taineberry liked the story.

"What element are these in? It might get emphasized in the relationship and show how the energy of that GT is being expressed."

All three are in water-Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

So, how will the energy of the GT be expressed if they're all in water?


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posted April 04, 2012 03:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LOL For some reason I was sure you would mention water.

Water is the element of the soul, feeling, emotion, spirit. It gives a lot of emotional depth.

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posted April 04, 2012 04:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok Linda, I am going to try to give this one a bash.

Firstly – Composite Neptune means the spiritual, nebulous side of a relationship. Describes how you as a couple surrender to the inscrutable weirdness of God, how your partnership is guided by forces you don’t understand. If the individual’s in the partnership are underdeveloped spiritually then Neptune in the Composite might indicate where the couple are lacking realism, living in a illusionary world of make believe and wishful thinking; or the couple may become lost in making unhealthy sacrifices that leave them going without. But if the couple are advanced spiritually as individuals (as I know you are) then it is more likely that composite Neptune is expressed more fully as the higher octave of Venus. The partnership may be idealistic, yes, but it is not “pie in the sky”, it represents how the relationship functions with regard to selfless giving from the heart, intuitive understanding, and mystical merging with the divine.

Composite Juno represents the partnering and commitment energy in the relationship. When you are together what characterises your commitment to each other by sign and house? A poorly expressed composite Juno may indicate a relationship that is fraught with jealousy and control issues. A well expressed Juno will indicate healthy commitment within the relationship, an intimate bond of trust that balances sharing with respect for personal boundaries.

Composite Vesta represents the approach you take in your relationship to honouring the inner flame that burns at the centre of your partnership. What is your capacity for authenticity in your relationship? A selfless devotion and focus on maintaining the relationship will be present when composite Vesta is well expressed – it represents the divine spark within the relationship that keeps it intact even in the darkest of times and allows the couple to take joy in their life together while being true to themselves. On the other hand, composite Vesta can have a dark side too – it can indicate where your relationship feels constricted and confined because it is too “one track”; or it may be an indication that truth is repressed and not easy to express.

So what does it mean all mean in a composite Grand Trine. Well, I am of the opinion that Trine does not necessarily mean “Good”, it means that the energies are linked in a stable way and support each other so that the way that they operate sustains itself in a long term manner; they are not faced with “make or break” challenges that force them to change and adjust in a way that is difficult or stressful. Instead the energies evolve happily and harmoniously, the effect is a deepening of the status quo or what was there already. What I am blathering on about, is basically that if the planets were not in a well developed condition to start with, then the grand trine could be a BAD thing as it merely perpetuates those tendencies and can make it worse. Eg. A grand trine Neptune/Juno/Vesta in composite of a couple who were immature (not in years, but in spirit) could perpetuate scenario where the relationship is characterised by unrealistic expectations regarding commitment leading to jealously and control and feelings of being constricted and being unable to face the truth – and because the pattern is so stable it is hard to break out of it and it becomes an accepted part of life. I know that this is a strange way to look at a Grand Trine as it is supposed to be “alway” rosy, only the best side of the planets expressed blah blah, so I would not be surprised if a lot of people take issue with what I have just said. (But I am cool with that).

Anyway, in your case this is a moot point, because I know that your energy is good and your Grand Trine would never play out like that. The sense that I get is that it could be interpreted more like this.

“The grand trine between composite Neptune, Vesta and Juno signifies a highly sensitive, visionary and creative relationship that is founded on establishing an geniune commitment and focus on common goals. You honour each other by allowing each other to be your authentic selves within the boundaries of the relationship and create a space within which you can grow spiritually together. There is a sense that when you are together, you are able to merge into one another soulfully due to your capacity to create an intimate partnership based on uncompromising honesty and selfless service to one another. Due to the fact that these energies are linked in a grand trine, this influence is likely to remain stable throughout your relationship. As such it is a wonderful supportive factor in your combined chart that will help smooth over any difficulties you may encounter.”

P.S. While I was writing all this, I saw you have posted that it is all in Water! In fact I wrote this whole thing with Water in mind, basing it on a hunch that Neptune was in Scorpio in 7th. As Ceri says – it emphasises the emotional expression of the planets/asteroids.

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posted April 04, 2012 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oooof! I didn't see the Venus! How could I have missed that???? It can only add a large dollop of beautiful, sensual LOVE (agape when it is with Neptune) to the whole GT. Shiver me timbers!

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Linda Jones

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posted April 04, 2012 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceridwen and Taineberry,

Wow! And thank you for putting in so much time to explain. Even the part about how a GT may not always be rosy. I think it's important to understand.

Taineberry, would your assessment of the GT change if Venus conjunct IC was the 3rd point of the trine?

Juno and Vesta are conjunct ea. other and the other 2 points are Neptune and Venus on the IC.
Sorry, I hope I'm not confusing it for you.

And thank you both again tremendously. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to be able to figure out the basis for the extraordinariness of my relationship. Some of it is so mind boggling that I've often wondered whether I've imagined everything, even while knowing deep down that what I'm experiencing is real. Mr. Pisces moon puts it best when he says "what we have is bigger than you and me."

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Linda Jones

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posted April 04, 2012 04:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"oooof! I didn't see the Venus! How could I have missed that???? It can only add a large dollop of beautiful, sensual LOVE (agape when it is with Neptune) to the whole GT. Shiver me timbers!"

Kay, I got the whole picture now.

"Shiver me timbers!" Taineberry, you're adorable lol.

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posted April 04, 2012 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great interpretation, TAineberry.

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posted April 04, 2012 04:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nooo, it was my fault completely. It was there clear as day, but I didn't read properly and just saw the "Vesta" and assumed all the "V's" to be Vesta cos of a speedreading habit that sometimes goes pear shaped.

Anyway, it does not change the interpretation too much...just insert a bit more love... like .... "The grand trine between composite Neptune, VENUS, and Vesta/Juno signifies a LOVING and highly sensitive, visionary and creative relationship that is founded on establishing an geniune commitment and focus on common goals. You LOVE TRULY WITH A SPIRITUAL BOND and honour your respective rights to be your authentic selves within the boundaries of the relationship. You create a WARM space to grow spiritually together. There is a sense that when you are together, you are able to merge into one another soulfully AND SENSUALLY. You have a capacity to create an intimate partnership based on uncompromising honesty and selfless service to one another THAT IS PURE PLEASURE. Due to the fact that these energies are linked in a grand trine, this influence is likely to remain stable throughout your relationship. As such it is a wonderful supportive factor in your combined chart that will help smooth over any difficulties you may encounter.”

(something like that! - play with it a bit and see what you can come up with)

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Linda Jones

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posted April 04, 2012 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, Taineberry, this interp. actually fits perfectly. We are in total sync. mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Selflessness toward ea. other has been a predominant feature right from the beginning. It doesn't go away even during the worst of times.

Honesty and truthfulness in being our authentic selves is a constant aim. The times that we can accomplish it are the times we've both repeatedly experienced the extraordinariness. The times we don't achieve it are the times when he responds to his natal moon sq. Saturn, causing us both pain.

I want to say that I don't think twin flames equals pain free. And when the pain happens, my attempt is always to try and lovingly recreate and restore the shared "bliss" experienced before. Of course he doesn't always make it easy.

I'm attaching the label "twin flames" to us after reading the article you posted. Of course, it still has to pan out astrologically. On my own, almost from the beginning, I've known that he and I were lovers in a past life.

Thank you again.

It must be very late at night for both of you. I hope you sleep well.

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posted April 04, 2012 05:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks .. and goodnight (11pm here), starting to yawn.... Enjoy the rest of your day.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 04, 2012 05:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taineberry and Ceridwen,

Question for you to answer for tomorrow please:

What is the acceptable "twin flame" orb between a planet and an asteroid? And is this orb the same for all planet to asteroid "twin flame" aspects?


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posted April 05, 2012 07:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for violet7887     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Tainberry,

I have my Isis Trine his NN and he has his Osiris Trine my NN. We have Nodal Reveral as well.

I dont know the concept behind the Isis-Osiris connections or Twin Flames even though I have been told that is what this might be. I found a familiarity in your post and also it is an interesting topic so I ask, what might our Isis-Osiris-NN connections imply.


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Linda Jones

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posted April 05, 2012 11:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Taineberry and Ceridwen,

I hesitated to post this as it is a bit off the topic and I don't want to annoy anyone. At the same time the posted article and the ensuing conversation has made me very curious about the whole concept of twin flame synastry.

So far I understand that there is no one specific indication and the idea is to find out if the 2 charts are balanced, in totality, in their yin yang energy.

For this reason, I wanted to run a few things by you.

Please feel free to reply when you have time.

First, my chart is predominantly feminine, and his is predominantly male.

I have 6 planets in feminine signs plus 3 axes in fem signs (Asc./Desc., IC/MC, and NN/SN)=9

He has 7 planets in masculine signs plus 1 axis in masc. sign (IC/MC)=8

Both of our NN sextile ea. other, and are present in ea. others' 7H (w/ the SN in ea. others' 1H).

My Vertex as well as his own Vertex fall in his 7H.
His Vertex conjuncts my NN (1 deg) and they both conjunct his Jupiter in 7H.

Now, Re: His SN-my 1H moon conjuncts his SN (2 deg) and my 1H Venus conjuncts his SN more loosely, by 7.5 deg. (I haven't read many good things about these placements but I s'pose this could be responsible for the feeling I had from the beginning that we were lovers in a past life).

My SN is conjunct his Asc. by 7.5 deg.


Ceridwen, you'd said every closed configuration is important.

I wanted to list a few more (other than the GT we already spoke about) and see what you both think. They are present in the composite.

Each of these is a rectangle with the 4 sides being trine/sextile/trine/sextile.

-Composite Pluto is in 5H,
-Sun and Venus are on the IC.
-Saturn is in H9,
-Chiron and Vesta are in H11 (Vesta being at he end of H11)
-Juno has just entered H12.

The planets/asteroids with their elements configure as follows:

1)-Chiron (air) TRINE Sun (air) (4 deg),
-Sun (air) SEXTILE Pluto (earth) (2.2 deg), -Pluto (earth) TRINE Saturn (fire) (2.2 deg),
-Saturn (fire) SEXTILE Chiron (air) (4 deg).

For the 2nd and 3rd examples, either Sun or Venus can fit in the rectangle as they are conjunct ea. other at the IC:

2)-Vesta (water) TRINE Sun (air) (4 deg) or Venus (water) (4 deg),
-Sun (air) or Venus (water) SEXTILE Pluto (earth) (2.2 deg and 5 deg resp.),
-Pluto (earth) TRINE Saturn (fire) (2.2 deg),
-Saturn (earth) SEXTILE Vesta (water) (4 deg)

3)-Juno (water) TRINE Sun (air) (6 deg) or Venus (water) (4 deg),
-Sun (air) or Venus (water) SEXTILE Pluto (earth) (2.2 deg and 5 deg resp.),
-Pluto (earth) TRINE Saturn (fire) (2.2 deg),
-Saturn (earth) SEXTILE Vesta (water) (4 deg)


There is another config.- a kite, in the composite, about which I can check with you later if I may.

Thank you tremendously for taking the time. I know both of you are incredibly busy and am grateful for any time you can spare.

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posted April 06, 2012 06:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Violet - I think your nodal aspects are very important in synastry ... the north node is what you are being drawn towards or what is most important in your life path. Isis, (an indicator of the yin factor in your chart) is being drawn towards merging with his life path, and Osiris (a yang factor in his chart)is being drawn towards you in the same way. Interesting that your nodal axis is aligned.

PLEASE look at your composite with these three elements. I think you will find something very interesting there!

Linda .... the orb I normally use is 3 deg between asteroid and planet, but if the planet is a luminary or if there is an angle involved it can go a bit wider, maybe up to 5 deg. You could stretch Merc, Venus and Mars a little bit as well as they are personal.

As far as your other question is concerned, mmm .... I will have to give it some longer thought. Let me mull over it a bit. Ceridwen is right about aspect patterns - they are immensely important but they are a to interpret.

It would be great if there was just one "definitive" aspect that would unambiguously mark a twinflame relationship beyond shadow of a doubt. If there is anyone that does know .... well, please put us out of our misery!

I do have a semi-formed hypothesis of what it COULD be, but I could be way off, so I guess it is best not speculate.

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posted April 06, 2012 06:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:
Taineberry and Ceridwen,

Question for you to answer for tomorrow please:

What is the acceptable "twin flame" orb between a planet and an asteroid? And is this orb the same for all planet to asteroid "twin flame" aspects?


two degrees, I expand the orb sometimes to 4 degrees for a conjunction or opposition, but only if another object is conjunct or opposite within 2 degree orb.

His OSIRIS on 4 Cancer opposite her ISIS on 8 Capricorn, with his VALENTINE on 6 Cancer (thus opposing her ISIS with 2 degrees) and his Sun on 7 Cap (conjunct her ISIS with about 1 degree).

Having said that:
soulmates and even more so twinflames have very close aspects, usually within 2 degrees!

Just take these examples:
Banderas - Griffith:
his Eros and Psyche on 4 Gemini square
her Eros on 4 Virgo

Rivera - Kahlo:
his Pluto on 2 Gemini conjunct her PROSERPINA on 00 Gemini
her Pluto on 23 Gemini sextile his Proserpina on 23 Leo

Cash - Carter:
his ISIS on 2 Scorpio (Osiris on 4 SCorpio) square her OSIRIS on 3 Aquarius

Olivier - Leigh:
his ISIS on 4 Gemini opposite her OSIRIS on 6 Sagittarius

Mc Cartney:
his PSYCHE on 8 Virgo conjunct her CUPIDO on 8 Virgo (though I am not yet certain if that is a soulmate pair, but the little research I did indicated to take cupido more seriously)

Newman - Woodward:
his Pluto on 12 Cancer conjunct her PROSERPINA and DESC on 11 Cancer
his JUNO on 8 Sag oppospite her JUPITER on 7 Gemini

Tracey - Hepburn:
his EROS on 29 Aquarius opposite her PSYCHE on 29 Leo

his EROS on 10 Pisces oppositer her PSYCHE on 11 Virgo

my parents:
his JUPITER on 12 Aquarius sextile her JUNO on 13 Sagittarius
his JUNO on 4 Libra opposite her JUPITER on 6 Aries
his OSIRIS on 28 Taurus opposite her ISIS on 28 Scorpio

friends of mine:
his ISIS on 13 Virgo and OSIRIS on 14 Virgo square her ISIS on 14 Sagittarius

As you can see the orbs are all 2 degrees the most; really no need to look for big orbs. I think if you don´t find at least one soulmate pairing with an orb of 2 degrees and less, the chances are low you are really looking at soulmate-synastry.


I have another theory floating around in my pretty little head (well, pretty busy at least ), and that is that even if you have such a soulmate pairing it doesn`t really tell you if you are soulmates, twinflames, just had a past life together or do not even notice it (John Cusack`s PSYCHE is conjunct my EROS by 0°04 and boy, I really didn`t know! lol).

one bit of the theory tells me that, on top of having such a soulmate pairing aspecting in synastry, one or both of the aspecting asteroids MUST be aspecting each other`s Sun, Moon, ASC, chartruler or at least Saturn, Pluto, Karma, nodal axis. Though the latter could also be simply indicative of a shared past life as a couple in the timeperiod the soulmate pairings represents or the need to work on issues, described by the certain soulmate pairing.
(the conjunction of one to the North Node of course would be an incredible strong pull)

For twinflames there has to be something else falling into place as well.

Oh btw did you know that the fullmoon today is conjunct ISIS?

Also, I use wider orbs with planet-planet or planet-angle synastry, up to 5 degrees, but in my observation soulmates have even these aspects within 2 degrees mostly.

Also in twinflames you most certainly (well I am 99% certain about this)will find conjunctions / oppositions between complimentary sets of planets or asteroids (just like the Newmans had).

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posted April 06, 2012 06:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

if you dare to speculate, I am going to speculate, too. I wanna know what you are thinking.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 06, 2012 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Ceridwen and Taineberry, please speculate! There is a strong possibility that 2 excellent brains can come up with a very strong hypothesis for the twin flames concept.

Your conversation so far makes perfect sense, not only theoretically, but in my own relationship I've had to put into practice a lot of what you 2 have talked about-otherwise it would not work.

Specially the part where, Taineberry, you said,

"I have been struggling for a long time to come to grips with "expectations" too - I really believe that is where we go wrong as expectations are really projections onto another person of something that is not whole in oneself. I totally agree that it is when you don't expect anything any more that you are free to be what you so powerfully describe as being in a state of going "with the flow and listen(ing) to my instincts and inner feelings". It is only then that total acceptance of another person is possible as it creates an environment which allows you and him to be your own true selves at the same time as being connected without any dependency or hold. As soon as expectations are projected, a sense of obligation to be who you are not is inevitable and your ability to be your authentic selves suffers. And how can two souls merge when they are holding back on their authenticity? It would be so amazing to connect with someone with so much trust that you don't feel the need to have to create conditions or expectations to "hold" on to them or tie them into some kind of package that makes you feel safe ..... If you are whole in yourself, being with that other special person is a joy, but then so is being alone so you don't feel the pressure to bind or control them. You just accept them as they are and vice versa - no fear of rejection or loss as your connection is based on pure acceptance of each others right to be authentic. How liberating if you find someone who resonates so perfectly with you that this becomes possible.

Also .. just a theory! Never experienced this in reality."

The letting go of expectations is when we are able to synchronize everything perfectly due to complete and total acceptance of the other. This is where the Neptune selflessness between us makes it a bit easier to do so.

So yes please go ahead and speculate. Chances are you will most likely be right.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 06, 2012 03:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I think I get what you're trying to say about the pairings.


His Amor at 4 Tau conjuncts my Psyche at 3 Tau,
and conjuncts my Asc. at 2 Tau,

Would this be right?


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Linda Jones

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posted April 06, 2012 04:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Oh btw did you know that the fullmoon today is conjunct ISIS? "

No I didn't know that. Thanks.

It's in his 7th H

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posted April 07, 2012 01:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for violet7887     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Violet - I think your nodal aspects are very important in synastry ... the north node is what you are being drawn towards or what is most important in your life path. Isis, (an indicator of the yin factor in your chart) is being drawn towards merging with his life path, and Osiris (a yang factor in his chart)is being drawn towards you in the same way. Interesting that your nodal axis is aligned.
PLEASE look at your composite with these three elements. I think you will find something very interesting there!

In our composite we have Isis-Osiris Opposite each other, Isis also conjuncts moon.

We have something strange going on with Adonis-Aphrodite-Persephone. I just recently discovered it. In his natal he has a YOD which points to his Adonis coming from Aphrodite and Sun. In my Natal I have Adonis Conjunct my MC while Persephone is Opposite it. In our Synastry my Aphrodite Conjuncts his Sun-Merc exact with Venus not too far away, His Adonis conjuncts his Uranus in natal exact(which aspects his Sun,Mer,Mars,Venus,Saturn) Also in our synastry his Persephone trines my Adonis, His Adonis is exact opposite my Venus and His Aphrodite is exactly opposite my pluto. This is just our natals and Synastry.

On the day we first met each other, tAdonis was exactly conjunct my nAsc(also squaring my natal Adonis on my MC). tVenus was not too far away and was in my first house. On this day tAphrodite was exactly conjunct his nSaturn and tPersephone was exactly conjunct his nAphrodite( which is part of his nYOD).

Now in our composite, we have a YOD which points to Adonis which includes Sun and Persephone.

Tainberry, do you have any info regarding these kind of aspects with Adonis-Aphrodite-Persephone?

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posted April 07, 2012 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:

I think I get what you're trying to say about the pairings.


His Amor at 4 Tau conjuncts my Psyche at 3 Tau,
and conjuncts my Asc. at 2 Tau,
and trines my Pluto at 3 Virgo.
My Amor at 4 Tau opposes his chart ruler Neptune at 29 Libra

Would this be right?


Yes though I wouldn`t count the opposition of your Amor and his Neptune. Don`t feel comfortable with that wide orb with asteroids.

But you already have the conjunction to ASC which makes Amor-Psyche a central theme.

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