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Author Topic:   The Heiros Gamos : Osiris conjunct Isis- synastry
Linda Jones

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posted April 07, 2012 07:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok Ceridwen, I got it, thanks.

Am actually putting all the asteroid info together on a spread sheet for my synastry and composite, and will post it for your (and Taineberry's) final review.

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posted April 08, 2012 08:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Just to comment on a few things you mentioned.

"Both of our NN sextile ea. other, and are present in ea. others' 7H (w/ the SN in ea. others' 1H)" .... Yep, IMO an aspect between Nodes is an essential requirement. (Violet has the opp, which is also good). The sextile signifies that in the past (life) your paths were effortlessly merged (trine SN), but in your future (this life) growth together you will not have everything on a plate - there will be opportunities but you need to actively pursue them to make the most of them. Make it fun. Obviously good for intimate partnership that the nodes are in your respective 7th houses.

"My Vertex as well as his own Vertex fall in his 7H.
His Vertex conjuncts my NN (1 deg) and they both conjunct his Jupiter in 7H." .... Once again very good position, vertex being a fated point. I love the Vertex/Jupiter conjunct your NN too. Jupiter is such a magical planet. I think it is so underrated in synastry. It's always Venus, Venus, Venus ... but sometimes you want more than schmoozing up to one another, you want someone who broadens your horizons, opens you up and makes you feel like your dreams can come true. Jupiter is just the planet for this. When his Jupiter contacts your North Node, he supports you when you follow your own north star and makes you feel fabulous.

"His moon conjunct your SN and your venus conjunct his SN" .... As you mentioned, this one shouts "past life connection" to me. A loving emotional bond from the past; you were gentle and kind with one another.

Mystic rectangle in composite involving Pluto, Sun/Venus, Saturn, Chiron/Vesta/Juno.
In the composite this combination of planets in a closed config could signify that your relationship expresses its core identity in a loving manner (Sun/Venus) which gives you both a sense of stability and structure (Saturn) at the same time has facilitating inner transformation (pluto) which can heal your inner wounds (chiron) through your devotion (vesta) and commitment to each other (juno). The mystic rectangle itself is interesting .... when it "works" you have a powerful tool to synchronize the elements in a harmonious manner as described above. However, note that there are some oppositions involved, so this harmony can be destabilized if you are not fully aware of how you are balancing the energies. Problems may arise if you (as a couple) lean too heavily on one of the poles. For example, if you lean too heavily on just Sun/Venus - ie.overdoing the feelgood at the expense of realism (saturn),digging deep and pushing boundaries (pluto), and committing (Juno) to each other with truth (vesta) in spite of whether or not this exposes pain which needs healing(Chiron) - then you will experience a negative backlash from the other planets to balance out the situation. e.g Saturn will start to feel heavy, like you are trapped in honey (Sun/Venus), Pluto might start to feel obsessive etc.

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posted April 08, 2012 09:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting theme going on there with those 4 asteroids - Adonis, Persephone, Aphrodite.

Adonis in his chart seems to play a starring role ... is he magnetically attractive to women but does not "know" it. Does he have an elusive "x-factor" about him, which he is oblivious about?

Your chart shows that the kind of man that turns you on (adonis) is someone who will pick you up and carry you away to a place that excites you and scares you at the same time as he reveals within you hidden depths which you never knew about (persephone).

Your boyfriend clearly fitted the bill the first day you met, with his Adonis on your asc - you would have had a physical reaction to his presence, but more important is the synastry : his Persephone trine your Adonis which zero's in on your "ideal" man scenario in a pleasurable (trine) way. His Adonis opp your Venus is a wonderfully sexy soulmate pairing, as Adonis and Venus WERE lovers in mythology. His Aphrodite opp your Pluto indicates you can show him a thing or too about passion and intensity when it comes to love as well.

As for the yod in the composite, it reinforces what appears to be a love match that is intensely and passionately expressed.

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posted April 08, 2012 09:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceridwen .. loved your research on asteroid pairs. There certainly seems to be some validity in it.

Unfortunately my theory is not grounded at all well in case history; so still unsure whether or not to put it here.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 08, 2012 10:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank you for your comments. The explanation about the nodes, Vertex, Jupiter is fantastic.

And about the mystic rectangles ... what you've said is brilliant! My understanding is increasing. In the composite we have so many closed configs.-5 total so far (1 GT, 3 mystic rectangles, and 1 kite), that everything you've said needs watching out for.

In fact I'm making a note separately of all the pertinent comments on this thread so that I can discuss them with him.

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posted April 08, 2012 11:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Taineberry:
Unfortunately my theory is not grounded at all well in case history; so still unsure whether or not to put it here.

I don´t want to push you, but I am really eager to learn what you think, even if it might be just a thought / idea.

Also on Adonis - Aphrodite / Venus. I love that pairing. It is very sensual.
I was wondering if Persephone in aspect to Adonis might be indicative of supporting another person and being in love with them, but do not have the love fully reciprocrated, despite a certain sympathy?

Just thinking because both Aphrodite and Persephone were in love with Adonis. Actually Aphrodite had sent Adonis to Persephone as a boy so she would care for him, which she did. In the end both fell for his charm, and Jupiter had to decide. He decided that Adonis was to spent one third of the year with Aphrodite, one third with Persephone and one third was to his free choice. He always chose to spend it with Aphrodite though.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 08, 2012 12:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

About orbs, you said, "two degrees, I expand the orb sometimes to 4 degrees for a conjunction or opposition, but only if another object is conjunct or opposite within 2 degree orb."

I take it this "rule" re: another object within 2 degrees, does not apply to the trine or quincunx aspects?


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posted April 08, 2012 12:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Weeellll, I use that rule foremost for conjunctions, but theoretically it might work for other aspects as well, though I think there will be some "watering down" taking place. Of course objects within 2 degrees aspecting each other will always be stronger.
But several objects conjuncting each other are creating some kind of energy vortex; I ahven`t observed the same happening with other aspects though. But maybe it also happens and I simply did not notice it.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 08, 2012 03:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^^ Ceridwen, ok I understand.

Would you mind explaining what you said earlier to Taineberry, "I had been talking to a friend about this, Isis-Osiris, sacred marriage, twinflames, and why Eros/Psyche and Isis/Osiris feel "different" than other soulmate couples."

Why do these 2 pairings feel different than others?

Also, I know you're waiting for iQ to get back to you about your parents' synastries, but why is it that you feel they're astrological soul mates but perhaps not twin flames?

In my limited understanding, they seem to have several of the planetary, asteroid, and Asc. connections, so I'm curious.


***Edit*** Also, how do you check for asteroids Adam and Eve. I couldn't find them on astro.

The #s for Mary and Yeshua are 2779 and 3241 resp. right? Thanks.

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posted April 08, 2012 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones,

"Would you mind explaining what you said earlier to Taineberry, "I had been talking to a friend about this, Isis-Osiris, sacred marriage, twinflames, and why Eros/Psyche and Isis/Osiris feel "different" than other soulmate couples.""

Most soulmate couples in synastry seem to rather highlight a certain time frame or a certain theme, indicating that lovers had been a couple in a certain history period or have to deal with the theme of these soulmate asteroids.

Adonis and Inannen / Ishtar for example might simply indicate a past life line in Ancient Sumeria, or a very sexualized connection between two people.
Jupiter/Juno might highlight themes around the balance of power and also issues of fidelity and loyalty.

Isis and Osiris on the other hand feel different to me, even though they are Egyptian based.
And I understand now why this is the case. They were conceived in the same fractal of time and started their relationship already in the womb. They were born as TWINS (!), brother and sister, and were an inseparable couple then.
When Osiris was being killed and cut into 14 pieces, which are being spread all over the world (a soul cluster?); Isis deep in mourning but deeply committed and loving all the same, travels through all the countries to gather the 14 pieces, so they can be reunited again. She succeeds.

This is just as close to the story of twinflames as one can get I think.


Eros-Psyche: here again it is the female part who is travelling all through the world even into the underworld, to master impossible tasks, cause that is the only way to be reunited with Eros. And when she fails the last task, it is Eros himself who "saves" her and them as a couple. They are being reunited in marriage, and Psyche, the mortal, becomes a goddess through their love.

In both cases it is about the way to reunion; and on the way to accomplish that Psyche and probably Isis also learn a lot about themselves, improve themselves.

Another thing which maybe not many people know is, that the story of Amor and Psyche (or Eros and Psyche) is being told as a story in another story, while the protagonist is waiting for this initiation into the Isis-cult!!!
(which was strong in Rome these days).

As a matter of fact the story of Eros and Psyche and the tasks Psyche has to master, can be seen as a foreshadowing of the stages of initiation into the Isis-cult.
Even from that it seems that these myths, though on the surface stemming from different cultural backgrounds, are interwoven into each other (though of course the Isis-Osiris-story is much older on itself).

Psyche had to master four tasks btw.

Her first task is to sort through seeds heaped up in a room.
seeds belong to the earth - is she learning something about the earth element here?
She is learning patience here.

The second task is to get some golden fleece from the rams of the Sun. I believe this relates to the fire element (golden - Sun - ram). She`s learning courage here.

The third task was that she must fill a crystal flask with water from a stream that runs in a continual cycle from the River Styx to the highest crag.
Even though water is mentioned, I believe it has to do with the element of air (especially since an eagle comes to her aid; in the first task it were ants aiding her).
The moveable, ever changing nature of the water and capturing it in a cup might have taught her something along of the lines of being adaptable, quick, analytical and especially to "go with the flow".

This does fit the fact that it is the eagle, helpng her out, as it is only through his ability to be above the water (which she wants) and have a clear overview, that the task can be mastered.
So I think the things she learns from him here is to keep a rather unemotional detached perspective on things.

The fourth task is the most dangerous of all. She is being sent into the underworld to gather some beauty ointment from Queen Persephone for Aphrodite (her taskmaster ).
She is being warned that she will be approached for help three times and she needs to say "No" (it is a dangerous way down there cause she can easily end up dead of course, she is in the land of the dead after all).

She is being approached by three pathetic men (the wrong soulmates in our lives?) demanding and imploring her for help, but she remembers the warning and stays strong.

There was also one other piece of advice and that is: Whatever happens, DO NOT OPEN THE BOX!

That is when she feels. In her desparate yearning for Eros to forgive her and love her, she opens the box hoping the beauty ointment will do the trick. AS soon as she opens the box, she falls into a dead-like sleep.

So in this moment, after her way from unconsciousness to consciousness (which is what were the tasks about all along), she falls back into unconsciousness.

This very mysterious part of the story has strong aspects of the water element.
What she learns is to discern what is important and not and who deserves her help and who doesn`t. And above all she has to learn trust. And that is where she fails at last.
She doesn`t trust that Eros loves her just for the soul she is, instead want to manipulate him into loving her due to emotional insecurity.

At that point however, Eros returns. Like her he has transformed in the time they were separated. He finally has grown from momma`s boy (He is of course Aphrodite´s son, who doesn`t approve of Psyche one little bit) into a grown man who knows what he wants (Psyche) and who is no longer scared to show her to all the world (at first he had her hidden).

He wakes her up and brings her up to Olympus and in a great wedding he shows them all that this is his bride, the one he loves and does not care one little bit for what his mother or anyone else might think of it.

What is interesting is that Psyche was pregnant all this time, and shortly after the wedding she gives birth to their daughter, Joy.

But what I found interesting is that she has to practically go through all the elements, learn important lessons, complete herself, which is a condition for being reunited with your twinflame (at least in the theories I read about that).

And here it also becomes obvious, that the other part has to do his homework as well, even though we hear the story mostly from her perspective.

And it really is love (Eros) that transcendents the unconsciousness of the soul (the sleep of Psyche), and the result of the uniting of love and soul is joy.

The bliss the theories about Twinflames are speaking of.


The other myths are also important of course, but these two very clearly depict this journey closely to the Twin soul theory.

"but why is it that you feel they're astrological soul mates but perhaps not twin flames?"
Maybe they are, but I wouldn´t want to dare assuming this, because I find the terms is flung around too easily these days.

And I know that I am biased, so I am trying to keep a detached perspective, weighing all possible options (like the eagle in Psyche`s story ).

I know though for a fact that there is noone for my Mum other than my Dad, and there is noone for my Dad other than my Mum.
But I grew up in this energy, the experience of the "unit Mum and Dad", so it is normal for me that parents are like that.
I do not have enough distance to really analyse it.

BTW my Mum´s mother died when she was only 36 years old (my Mum was 17 at that time), my grandpa never remarried or so much as looked at another woman.
The same goes for my paternal grandparents, though they were granted more time with each other. Even the thought of separation wasn`t possible. It was just something that didn`t exist.
So for me it is completely normal that married people are like this, staying together forever, for the rest of their lives.

But having said that you need to consider that my paternal grandpa and grandma were surviving the 2nd world war together and survived fleeing from the Russian soldiers, survived the Polish ones (I am always talking about individuals, never about whole races here, please don´t get me wrong), survived the hunger and the freezing winters, survived a lot of horrible things they endured together (it was war, so it means that a lot of people endured similiar things; and of course I know of the fault of the Germans, and I know there are no innocents in a war, on neither side, and there are no winners, not really. But I am not talking politic here, just the individual experiences of my grandparents).

I think soulmates or not was not so important, they depended on each other on pure survival.

But fact is, that is what I have observed in my childhood. Sticking together through thick and thin. And in case of my parents laced with a lot of love.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 08, 2012 06:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OMG! Ceridwen! THANK YOU, you wonderful story teller!

Your narration of the mythology first gave me goose bumps and then made me cry as I continued to read. I'll tell you in a minute why.

First, do Amor and Eros represent the same kind of love?

And clearly the Isis-Osiris myth seems parallel to the Eros-Psyche myth. Right?

Because, so far my synastry and composite show an Amor-Psyche theme. Of course I'm not done yet. And I'll leave it up to you and Taineberry to give the final word.

Now, back to the reason I began to cry. You see, EVERYTHING in the story about the 4 tasks hit home. What is even more interesting is that I spoke about some of these very things with him 3 days ago!!! This is why I got MAJOR goose bumps. I'd also traveled very far before I met him. Ever since I was about 9-10 yrs old, even though I was tied to my Mom at the hip, I knew deep down that I would need to travel away from home to find that which would fulfill me at the level of my soul. This would involve tearing away from my parents with whom I was so close. It was a gut wrenching thought but I knew I would have to do it in order for my soul to be at peace.

And about the tasks-in the time I've known him, I've thought so often about the things I've had to learn in order to bring about the culmination of my love for him.

The 1st-patience, well this came naturally to me as my chart is loaded with earth. But even here, I had to learn and improve.

The 2nd and 3rd-courage and keeping a detached perspective are something I've DEFINITELY had to learn and improve on in spite of the intensity of my feelings for him.

At the same time, he's also come such an amazingly long way. So many of these lessons have been painful but we keep returning to our love like moths to a flame. He says that what we have is bigger than both of us. The "pull" as he calls it, is sometimes scary and unreal, yet deeply fulfilling as we experience the "bliss" more and more (some of what is described in the article).

Now it remains to be seen whether we can finish the 4th task. Not knowing about this story, he has on his own, referred to the culmination of our love (when it happens), as a "melding." Or, as you've said, the uniting of the soul with love to produce JOY.

Gosh! First the article Taineberry posted. Now you explaining the story behind their love. You know, for the first time EVER, outside of him, my Mom, and I, things are actually beginning to fall into place in my understanding of this amazing stuff he and I share.

I'm so grateful to you and Taineberry both and to this thread and to LL for spanning continents to increase my understanding.

Thank you also for sharing your family's history. I COMPLETELY relate to your upbringing as it was the same for me-parents being one unit, with neither able to do without the other. Devotion is what I always saw between them and so devoted is all I know to be in my relationships.

I understand your reticence in putting a label on your parents' relationship. This is my first exposure to this concept so I didn't know that the term is bandied about. Still, at the end of the day, no two people can go through what your parents have gone through without an exceptional kind of love. And nothing matters beyond that. Astrology can interestingly (for research purposes) confirm or deny one label versus another, but it's not going to change the way they feel about each other, what they've faced together, and the marriage they have.

I personally think they are twin souls (from my understanding so far), but then, what do I know? I also think that even if they don't fit the required "pattern" of twin soul astrology, they could still be statistical "outliers,"-distant from the rest of the group, but twin souls/flames nevertheless.

Ceridwen, you're such an excellent teacher, I'm sure your students LOVE you!

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Linda Jones

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posted April 08, 2012 08:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

How do you check for asteroids Adam and Eve. I couldn't find them on

The #s for Mary and Yeshua are 2779 and 3241 resp. right? Thanks.

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Ami Anne

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posted April 08, 2012 09:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
thank you so much for that article!

It is funny when I was 9 years old, a classmate would suddenly get a fit and start beating me and shouting at me that I was "not the queen of Sheba".
(I hadn´t done anything; she was used to tease me, and I simply, well, I didn`t pay that much attention to be honest, at least I did not get back at her).

And in that moment I suddenly was feeling extremely proud and regal inside and said to her: "But I was."
Then I struck her once across the cheek, and she never bothered me again (well she threatened to tell my mum and I simply said to her that she should go ahead and do that).

To this day I don`t know what it really was that pulled the trigger for me, well it was the mentioning of the queen of Sheba, that somehow felt like she was crossing an invisible line. But I have no clue WHY I reacted to that. She had called me very different and nastier names before, pinching me, kicking me, but that was what drew the line for me.

Now upon checking the asteroid SHEBA (1196) I find her to be on 27 Sagittarius in my chart, conjunct my Sun by 2 degrees and asteroid KING on 26 Sag and sharing the same 28th degree with SEKHMET, CIRCE, REIKI, and probably a bunch of others. LOL

Sorry, I don`t mean to derail your tzhread, but that just intrigued me.

Anyway, I have an exact ISIS/OSIRIS-conjunction in my natal chart, and I feel a great need to balance my feminine and my masculine side (it is conjunct my Venus, so the feminine side might be the tool to express it) and to gain respect and understanding for both sides of my soul, but also for the genders in general.
Which sometimes makes it difficult, as it somehow sets me outside the "gender-game" and makes me react differently than people would expect.

Just read this. Fascinating.Let me ask a dumb question. Did Orisis die and resurrect as Isis

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted April 09, 2012 04:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Just read this. Fascinating.Let me ask a dumb question. Did Orisis die and resurrect as Isis

he was resurrected by Isis, but not "as" her.

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posted April 09, 2012 07:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for KarkaQueen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What does Osiris conjunct North Node mean in Synastry then?

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posted April 09, 2012 10:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceri / LJ. Here is my theory which is still a work in progress ... but Huge Disclaimer ... this is just “my” idea of what astrological elements should be in place for the alchemy of Hieros Gamos to take place based on a mixture of sacred geometry, myth and logic. For ease of explanation, I am using a male and female partner as an example.

ALL of these factors should be present :

1. When I think of Hieros Gamos I think of the yin/yang symbol where you have two halves coming together to make a whole, each half being the mirror image of the other in the opposite phase. If I meditate on this, it seems to me that what it means astrologically is that we are talking about the sun and moon. The sun (masculine) is the light half, but it contains in the little dark dot the essence of the moon (feminine – which is its other half), and vice versa with the moon. The way that each individual in the partnership experiences their “half” of the twin flame experience is expressed by the degree difference between the sun and moon in their own chart. So ... lets just say that the one partner has her sun exactly 155 degrees from her moon. I would postulate that her twin flame would have to also have his sun 155 degrees from his moon, but in the opposite phase. This would create a harmonic resonance between them that is an exact mirror image of each other that replicates the yin/yang symbol. Also, in composite it would be expressed as either an exact opposition or conjunction. (This is a theory that I have put forward before on LL based on David Cochrane's work and I see there is a current thread citing it too)

2. In synastry, the two pairs of suns and moons should be linked in a closed aspect pattern. I believe that the “ideal” aspect pattern could be a septile trapeze? – eg :Sun A septile sun B biseptile moon A biseptile moon B biseptile SunA. Why a septile series? Ok ... number seven is important in harmonic theory because it is the first prime number which will enable you to create a new awareness or consciousness out of itself. The alchemy of how this works can be demonstrated by imagining the two halves of the yin/yang coming together into a circle which symbolises the conjoining of the twin flames – when this happens there is an alchemic binding of the triune bodies (physical, astral and etheric) of each individual into a second circle that encompasses (surrounds) the first and seals it. Imagine one coin with six identical coins around it, the central one representing the conjoined soul and the six representing the conjoined bodies (the paired astral, etheric and physical bodies). The total no. to complete this picture is seven (the 2 pairs of 3 separate "bodies" belonging to each individual and the single conjoined "soul" body with its yin/yang polarity at its heart, hence the septile series of aspects. There is no smaller number than 7 that you can do this with. According to Jacob Schwartz in his article “the music of the spheres”, the number “seven, the seventh house and seventh harmonic represent the partner, the spouse, the significant other”. It is an irrational number thought to contain spiritual power and implies the possibility of cosmic intervention to create union.

3. Angles should be conjunct in synastry. This will create house overlays where he will feel the impact of his partner’s planets in the same houses that she feels them, and vice versa.

4. The nodes in synasatry should be in strong aspect to one another to symbolize the connection between past and present lives.

5. There should be at least one soul mate asteroid pair present in synastry doing exactly the same thing as I described in (1) above to reinforce the fact that we are talking about a twinflame relationship here, which should translate as a close conjunction/opposition in the composite. If not, there should at least be one strong, close aspect (conjunct, opposite, trine, quincunx, square or sextile) in the synastry.
Possibly the most reliable pairings to indicate twinflames are Isis/Osiris and Eros/Psyche. See Ceri's and my posts about this regarding "why". (There may be others too)

6.The asteroid Atlantis should conjunct the sun, moon, nodes, angles or Venus in synastry, preferably in a double whammy. The reason being that it was during the fall of Atlantis that Twin Flames finally split from one another, so it is the Asteroid Atlantis that should herald the return. If there is no double whammy for this, it is will be the Atlantis person who “recognizes” the planet person first and who may be the more spiritually evolved of the pair.

... So, that is what I think the ideal situation should look like. I am also playing around with the other possibilities that might work, which allow for some adjustments to the above such as :

in (1) sun and moon could be substituted for mars and venus, or even “cross pollinated” like sun and venus.

Also in (2) that any closed aspect relating to the Fibonacci sequence - the spiral to infinity -(1,2,3,5,7 etc) might be valid to show a twinflame relationship – eg. Relating to the no. 3, a mystic rectangle of two trines and two sextiles, or relating to 5 (quintiles and biquintiles) .. but I don’t think the hieros gamos would be as “complete” as these series are lacking in the symbolism that make up the 2 sets of triune bodies joining together the split twin souls.

Also. In (3) that angles can be connected in any hard apect sequence eg. His Ac conj her IC etc. or His AC conj her DC etc.

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posted April 09, 2012 01:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

it`s a very interesting theory, and I believe, inherently logical (which is an important thing for me).
It places much emphasis onto the harmonic theory.
ican`t yet say if this really "vibes" with me completely, but it makes sense.

"When I think of Hieros Gamos I think of the yin/yang symbol where you have two halves coming together to make a whole, each half being the mirror image of the other in the opposite phase."

It`s also my underlying premise, up to the mentioning of the opposite phase. I guess it must be like this to construct a conjunction / opposition in composite, right?

For me, in my simpler understanding, the coming together was being expressed by the conjunction or even the opposition.
The conjunction makes sense to me as it means two bodies meet at the same point. Also the conjunction sometimes is being described as a "360°"-aspect (though most often referred to as 00°), which is connected to the circle.

The opposition imo is important as well, because it is like a "polar-conjunction", a reflection.
Another reasons is that these are the only two aspects where there is only one point that makes a conjunction or opposition. They are like arrows aiming at once specific points.

The other aspects all have at least two possibilities.
Let`s say we have Moon in 10 Sagittarius, there is only ONE point that is conjunct or opposing this point, but there are two possible points where objects are sextile, trine, square or whatever.

I also was thinking about the natural phenonemon, and it is only during the conjunction or opposition of Sun and Moon, that a solar or lunar ecclipse can take place (of course the nodes have to be in the fitting place as well).
But none of the other aspects between Sun and Moon results in the visible merging of both.

(Just trying to explain why I favour the conjunction and opposition before all other aspects ).

"This would create a harmonic resonance between them that is an exact mirror image of each other that replicates the yin/yang symbol."
Because the partner reflect the exact same relationship between Yin and Yang in his soul, as is in yours, right?
And that results in a conjunction in composite.
What kind of orb would you allow here?

"(This is a theory that I have put forward before on LL based on David Cochrane's work and I see there is a current thread citing it too)"
Yes, I`ve come across his work as well.

"number seven is important in harmonic theory because it is the first prime number which will enable you to create a new awareness or consciousness out of itself. The alchemy of how this works can be demonstrated by imagining the two halves of the yin/yang coming together into a circle which symbolises the conjoining of the twin flames"
That is where I don´t really follow.
I think the 7 is very magical. But how can it be indicative of two halves becoming one as a prime number? And also thinking about the circle, if you multiply any number with 7, you`ll never get 360°, a full circle, there is always a rest remaining.

Maybe it is just a lack of understanding on my part though.

" Imagine one coin with six identical coins around it, the central one representing the conjoined soul and the six representing the conjoined bodies."
Okay, I can imagine that.

The no 7 is of course very relevant in the chakra-system as well as astrology (7 traditional planets! excludng earth though).

"the number “seven, the seventh house and seventh harmonic represent the partner, the spouse, the significant other”."
Yeah, well, I have read that, too.
At the same time I have also read some articles who give the number 7 to Neptune, or more importantly which see the number 2 as representative of the partner.

The difference is a simple mathematical one I think. In the case of the 2, it is really a factor, cutting the zodiac into two halves, representing a whole, hence the aspect resonating with 2 halves, is the opposition, which leads us to the 7th house, as this is the opposite of the 1st house, dividing the zodiac into 2.

The other case perceives it as an "addition", counting straight forwards until it reaches the 7th house.

But equalizing the 7th house with the septile, is mixing these two different mathematical operations, as the septile is concordant to the factor 7, not the addition of 7. (If we divide the 360° by 7, we arrive at the septile, one 7th of the whole circle / zodiac, which is 51° and some more. But the 7th house is not 51° from the beginning. I hope I could somehow make understandable what I am trying to say. lol).

"3. Angles should be conjunct in synastry. This will create house overlays where he will feel the impact of his partner’s planets in the same houses that she feels them, and vice versa."
Yuo mean, ASC-conjunct-ASC?

I do agree however that the main angles have to be aligned in some way (I am talking only about conjunction here).
I am not so sure it HAS to be ASC-conjunct-ASC though.

If ASC`s are not aligned what I find very interesting is a natal comparision between planets in houses though.

Something like his Sun in his 2nd house and her Moon in her 2nd house.

". The nodes in synasatry should be in strong aspect to one another to symbolize the connection between past and present lives."
The nodes are an axis as well, always in exact opposition from each other, so yes, there should be resonance. I don´t know if it has to be in the form of the Nodes directly aspect each other though.
I feel - again- that it might be even more important to have Yin-Yang pairings aspecting the nodes strongly.

Also been toying around with the thought of the Nodal rulers (the nodes are calculated points, and for the houses we use the rulers, so why not for the other calculated axises?)

" If not, there should at least be one strong, close aspect (conjunct, opposite, trine, quincunx, square or sextile) in the synastry.
I believe that the most reliable pairings to indicate twinflames are Isis/Osiris and Eros/Psyche. See Ceri's and my posts about this regarding "why"."
I totally agree, though I would add, that I want to see at least one of the soulmate asteroids, which are in direct aspect, in strong aspect to ASC, chartruler, Sun, Moon or nodal axis.
for the reason that these are very important identity-markers in our chart and in the case of the nodal axis indicating our lifepath.

"6.The asteroid Atlantis should conjunct the sun, moon, nodes, angles or Venus in synastry,"
Definitely agree with this.
I know for myself that ATLANTIS will be the asteroid that marks the difference (twinflame or not you know?).
But I wouldn´t have dared to claim that this is necessary for everyone else.
But for the same set of reasons I was thinking of it as well.

I must say though that ATLANTIS is conjunct my ASC as well as NN (and Mars, Neptune, Angel, Lust, Wisdom, Poseidon, Polyhymnia, Beatles etc. lol), so I figured it must be improtant for ME:

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Ami Anne

Posts: 58074
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted April 09, 2012 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
he was resurrected [b]by Isis, but not "as" her.


Oh dear. I should erase my original stupid question

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted April 09, 2012 01:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was also reflecting on the "mirror-degrees", solstice points or antiscion/contrascion, if these might figure in into twin flame relationship.
They might not be easily seen, but reflect the idea of two halves and mirroring perfectly.

Mirrorpoints are equidistant from the solstice points, the turning points of the path of the Sun, the eccliptic, which is our reference frame.

I also find them intriguing for another reason:

Let`s look at the signs that are being connected through antiscion/ contrascion:

Aries - Libra: Virgo and Pisces
Taurus - Scorpio: Leo and Aquarius
Gemini - Sagittarius: Cancer and Capricorn

There is always a connection between a female and a male sign. All elements are included in such a sequence. It looks so WHOLE. COMPLETE.

It also reminds me that Psyche had to fulfill the four task relating to the four elements, which is reflected in the mirrordegree-sequence.

For now it is just something I observe tentatively, but it fascinates me more than I can say.

Actually in a certain composite I was struck by the ATLANTIS being on 00 Libra exact. The Ariespoint (all cardinal points are).

At first I didn`t understand why. But in our synastry his ATLANTIS is on the exact contrascion of my ATLANTIS with an orb of 0°03!
And in the composite ATLANTIS falls onto 0°01 Libra.

This happens because our Atlantis-positions are equidistant from the solstice axis (00 Aries-00Libra), so in the composite, the union of two charts, of course it would fall onto one of the four solstice points.

" who “recognizes” the planet person first and who may be the more spiritually evolved of the pair."
Interesting. My ATLANTIS is conjunct his ASC by under one degree, with our ASC conjunct each other with 2 degrees (of course his Atlantis is also on the contrascion/ solstice point of my ASC).
I know that is not our subject, his and my synastry, but I found it intriguing, how you mentioned this interconnection, that caught my interest when looking at my synastry with this guy.

BTW when I was criticiszing a bit the septile, I dìdn`t mean any kind of disrespect, and I DO think that it is a deeply spiritual aspect, but what I found to be more conclusive and logical (at least judging from my perspective, which is just as flawed as anyone elses), is the though of the harmonic pattern between Sun and Moon, leading up to a conjunction or opposition.
As you can see even there, we have the number 1 (conjunction) and 2 (oppostion) predominant (well not number, factor).

I find that to be very important, and it increases the understanding how a conjunction or opposition is being create through the natal resonance of certain pairings (Sun and Moon).
I think that might be a key ingredient here,
And I`d think that there should be a conjunction or opposition of at least one soulmate pairing in composite as well.

You have put a lot of thought into that, and I think it is just amazing.

I don´t really have a complete theory at hand, apart from what I described here.

Maybe with the simple addition of that I believe the natals will be complimentary, too, and this is being reflected in synastry.

Something like:
his Sun conjunct Eros
her Sun conjunct Psyche

and that there probably will show up:
a) a direct aspect between Eros and Psyche in synastry or composite
b) a linked aspect between Eros and Psyche like his ASC conjunct her Eros and her ASC conjunct his Eros for example.

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posted April 09, 2012 01:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones,

"First, do Amor and Eros represent the same kind of love?"
The thing is that EROS and AMOR have been equalized / substituted for each other from Greek to Roman mythology, but it doesn`t really fit.
In a way the Romans sanitized him in calling him AMOR.

But in the earliest mentionings he was considered to be a self-born primordial divine being, to which all, gods and mortals alike, had to answer; he overpowered everyone, and was feared for his power (of instigating love).

But later on he got domesticated and was said to be the son of Ares and Aphrodite, but that was the later version.

Now the Romans watered his "danger" down even more, in splitting him up into two different sets of Gods:

Amor, the God of unconditional caring love
Cupido, the God of physical desire

EROS on the other hand combines these two sides in him.

So consequently in astrology, Amor-Psyche is a very soulbased, deeply emotional kind of love, which lacks the urgent intensity of Eros` magnetism though.
BUT Amor is not really platonic either, but he sees making love to psyche, as a way to express his deep seated feelings for her.
But the feelings come first, then the sex.

For Eros it is all there all at once, at the same time. Love and sex inseparably connected to each other.

"And clearly the Isis-Osiris myth seems parallel to the Eros-Psyche myth. Right?"
At some points yes. but of course there are differences.
For example in Eros/Psyche Eros had to do his growing, too.
In the Isis-Osiris story Osiris is dead for most of the time, and it`s trhough Isis`steadfast loyalty and deep love that he is being resurrected.

"ecause, so far my synastry and composite show an Amor-Psyche theme."
It`s a beautiful theme and often underestimated.
I think AMor and Psyche highlights soulmate connection on a pure soullevel, though you would need some other connections to involve the physical as well.

Your story indeed sounds so much like the Eros/Amor-Psyche-story. Yes. Makes sense this turns up as an astrological theme for you.
And you are right Psyche had to travel fast. Actzually in the beginning of the story, Aphrodite had gotten jealous cause Psyche was considered so beautiful, prettier than the Goddess of love herself, yet had no inclination in falling in love, but was content with living with her family.
It was then that Aphrodite ordered her son Eros to shoot her with his arrows so she would fall into love with the nastiest ugliest creature on earth.
And the parents of Psyche she told that they had to sacrifice Psyche to a monster, or else Aphrodite would punish them.

Well, so Psyche willingly sacrificed herself to an unknown fate as prey to a monster (though her family didn´t want that at first, but the wrath of Aphrodite was nothing as lady-like. lol). Eros was ordered to shoot her with that arrow and then bring her to some monstrous creature.
Anyway he pricked himself with his own arrow (in some versions), saw Psyche, totally fell in love with her and brought her into his castle, kept her hidden there and visited her only at night, without her knowing who he was or his face (that was his condition), and they were having a secret affair (well not even Psyche herself knew who her lover was. lol) far away from Psyche`s home.

Anyway Eros allowed her to see her sisters because she felt lonely during the day, and these sisters, taken by jealousy at the glorious luxury Psyche was living in, poisoned her trust and made her suspicious and telling her that something must be horribly wrong about her lover when she wasn´t allowed to see his face.

Psyche got curious and wanted to know his face at least, and one night lit a lamp to see him and was shocked when she looked into the luminous beauty of the God and of course was not repulsed lol (though she loved him before, even when she did not know he was a God), but she ws startled, a hot drop of oil fell onto his cheek, he woke up and was really mad at her for having broken his rule (of not seeing him) and fled to his mommy, pouting and feeling betrayed, leaving Psyche alone.

And that is when the journey for both of them really began.
But as we know it had a happy end. And I am a sucker for happy endings.

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posted April 09, 2012 02:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for your feedback Ceri. You are such a sweetheart! I am going to study your analysis carefully to make some modifications to my first attempt, as you have made some really good points.

I can't do it right now as I am a bit busy so it will have to wait for a couple of days, but just want to let you know in the meantime how much I appreciate your input into this thread (and your posts on other threads too) - I am learning such a lot from you.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 09, 2012 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taineberry and Ceridwen,

I think this thread should go into the annals of LL as "THE TWINFLAME THREAD-EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW."

I knew it! I JUST KNEW IT! That when two amazing minds get to work, the result will be a masterpiece!

Thank you both so much for putting out your theories and concepts, which to my astrologically untrained mind, all make sense.

With a little bit of tweaking (maybe), I think you two can come up with a strong and comprehensive guideline for what people can base their relationship charts on. And then maybe the term "twinflame" will not be tossed around as easily.

I love knowledge, information, and understanding. I believe understanding equals peace, so I place a very high premium on it. And the fact that I've gained so much understanding from you two, not only in this thread, but in others' as well, makes me hold you in very high regard.

For this, I cannot thank you enough.

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Ami Anne

Posts: 58074
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted April 09, 2012 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:
Taineberry and Ceridwen,

I think this thread should go into the annals of LL as "THE TWINFLAME THREAD-EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW."

I knew it! I JUST KNEW IT! That when two amazing minds get to work, the result will be a masterpiece!

Thank you both so much for putting out your theories and concepts, which to my astrologically untrained mind, all make sense.

With a little bit of tweaking (maybe), I think you two can come up with a strong and comprehensive guideline for what people can base their relationship charts on. And then maybe the term "twinflame" will not tossed around as easily.

I love knowledge, information, and understanding. I believe understanding equals peace, so I place a very high premium on it. And the fact that I've gained so much understanding from you two, not only in this thread, but in others' as well, makes me hold you in very high regard.

For this, I cannot thank you enough.

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posted April 09, 2012 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Linda

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Linda Jones

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posted April 09, 2012 03:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda JOnes,
His 7H Adonis at 8 Libra 41’ opposes my Innanen at 8 Aries 10’ (exact)-31 min

My Adonis at 23 Libra 56’ trines his Aphrodite at 24 Gem 36’ (exact)-40 min

7H Adonis at 16 Libra 18’ trines Ishtar at 17 Aquarius 20’ (1 deg 2 min)

Do you think this should cover it? "


Well, ADonis-Inannen could predominantly point towards a past life line in Ancient Sumeria together.

Adonis-Aphrodite/Venus might not be a "real" soulmate pairing, or one of the secondary ones, but it is very steamy, very sensual.
personally I love the Adonis-Venus-combo. Attraction is very strong with this one, and predominantly sexual or sensual.

What you describe about your relationship definitely sounds like possible TWin flame stuff or at least soulmates with a strong spiritual connection (well all soulmates have,b ut here the spiritual connection seems to manifest in very conscious ways on the physical plane as well).

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