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Author Topic:   The Heiros Gamos : Osiris conjunct Isis- synastry
Linda Jones

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posted April 12, 2012 01:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

My apologies again for making a complete ass of myself on your Ariadne/Dionysos thread. I feel like a dumbo. You know the comment about my brilliance in my post above? Well it deserves a clown next to the laughing face.

I promise to try and redeem myself thro' my interp. of your dream.

OK, so if your opinion of my IQ hasn't completely plummeted, I'd like to ask for your input on Atlantis.

I understand its importance and significance from your conversation with Taineberry.

Here's what I found:

His 7H Atlantis at 26 Vir 39’ conjunct his Jupiter at 26 Vir 25’, conjunct his Poseidon at 25 Vir 44’, conjunct his Vertex at 23 Vir 54’
And conjunct my NN at 22 Vir 09
And trine my chart ruler 1H Venus at 24 Tau 41’ (2 deg 58 min)
And trine my 1H Wisdom at 24 Tau 31’ (2 deg 8 min)
(My Venus is conj. my Wisdom exact)

My 5H Atlantis at 25 Leo 05’ (trine my Juno [2nd object] at 23 Sag 39’)
And trine his MC at 22 Sag 06’
And conjunct his Briede at 26 Leo 57’ (1 deg 52 min)
And sextile his Wisdom at 26 Gem 32” (1 deg 27 min)

6H Atlantis at 10 Vir 52’ quincunxes Asc. at 10 Ari 46’ (exact)-6 min
and squares 2H Wisdom at 10 Gem 17’ (exact)-29 min
and quincunxes 1H moon at 12 Ari 17’ (1 deg 25 min)

What is your opinion of Atlantis in synastry and composite? Do you think it passes muster?

Thank you so very much.

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posted April 12, 2012 02:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda .... come out from behind that wall You shine light in my head!

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Linda Jones

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posted April 12, 2012 03:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok Taineberry, I will ... and I promise not to blind your thoughts.

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posted April 12, 2012 04:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
One thought struck me when I was waking up, and that is that we occasionally have 13 fullmoons in a year.
And synchronistically this is the case in 2012. lol
August will have two fullmoons.
Oh Jeez, and the february and august fullmoons and the one in november feel so extra intense anyway.

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posted April 12, 2012 04:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ready now.

Ok, lets re-visit the Osiris/Isis myth (again) to see how the number symbolism MAY make sense in terms of twinflame and soul structure. Once again, just a theory, so take it as such!

So … Osiris and Isis were twin flames. When they met on the earthly plane the symbolism of “7” was complete . Yin/yang were united through the joining of their respective triune bodies. It is well known that the sacred number of Osiris is “7”. When this happened, the seventh harmonic was activated in them, which can be represented by the shape of the 7 marbles of my last post – their dual soul in the centre with the conjoined triune bodies surrounding this. This “reunion” can only take place on earth, so the 7th harmonic is important on the earth plane and was actually resonating in equally in both of them (14th harmonic) as they took on board the soul-stuff of each other.

Then Osiris is cut into 14 pieces. Why 14? Why not 7? – His head, body, 2 legs, 2 arms and penis with the Penis representing the conjoined twinflame soul containing the “seed” of the soul, and the rest of the body parts representing the 2 pairs of triune bodies? The answer lies in WHERE these pieces were scattered - 7 in Higher Egypt and 7 in Lower Egypt. The seven in Lower Egypt represent the reunited twinflame on the earthly plane, and the 7 in Higher Egypt on the Spiritual plane – BECAUSE – what happens here on earth holographically becomes manifest in spirit and vice versa. With the shattering of the body containing the TwinFlames, the creative power and life of the soul is lost. When Isis reunites the separate pieces – she is missing one piece – the penis. This has been eaten by a fish. The fish symbolizes transformation and change (google it), the Christ force. I am hypothesizing that the penis that was missing is the holographically generated one in Higher Egypt, the one in the spiritual plane. In her LOVE, Isis fashions a simulacrum out of pure Gold. This represents the Phallus, the Rod of God, the seat of His Power. The phallus is sacrificed as a symbol of the giving up of earthly power on the spiritual plane and it is replaced by pure gold. And so … 14 becomes 13.

13 .. as we have seen earlier, is related to 7, but with an extra dimension added. I believe that 13 may be the harmonic of the reunited twinflame on the SPIRITUAL plane ie. After death, when the 7 on the earthly plane has done its work and is absorbed into the holograph of the spiritual plane. But because of the missing phallus, it becomes 13. 13 is important on a monadic level – the level of the Oversoul. When all 6 twinflame pairs are activated by the 13th harmonic, they become “One” and and the Oversoul also resonates on the 13th harmonic … and it combines with 11 other closely related Oversouls to create the next highest cluster on the path towards Unity consisting of 12 oversouls and resonating with a combined group oversoul at its centre – 12+1=13. And so it continues ….

Now, the number 13 has another significance. It is also resonates with most sacred geometric shape which is actually found in the ruins of the Temples to Osiris here on earth. It is called the “Heavenly Flower” from which the “Fruit of Life” is derived, and it in turn is based on two other sacred shapes called the “Seed of Life” and the “Egg of Life”, both of which resonate with the number 7.

The “egg of life” is a bit like the marble analogy I used in the first post – it consists of a central circle surrounded by 6 other circles – represents the twinflame union.

The “seed of life” is formed from seven circles being placed with sixfold symmetry, forming a pattern of circles and lenses (representing the united twinflames in the Monad Structure).

The “seed of life” acts as a basic component of the “Flower of Life” design which consists of interlocking spheres based on the Seed structure which is said to be the template from which all life springs. It holds a secret symbol comprising of 13 circles that is called the “Fruit of Life” which is the building blocks of the soul structure crucial to the conjoining of the 12 groups of 12 Monads which expand ever outwards to forming a single WHOLE of united souls.

So .. 7th, 13th and 14th (which is part of 7th or septile series) ... important for twinflames?

Ceri - your mom and dad in the 7th harmonic chart - double whammy osiris/isis opposition? Ooh la la!

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posted April 12, 2012 04:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones,

don`t underestimate yourself!
We have a great discussion here and we are ALL part of it.
And I am very curious to learn about what you think about the dream I described.
Also as I said on the other thread, you are always welcome to give your point of view, even if my thread may be addressed to another person.

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posted April 12, 2012 05:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Personally I find it very important, though it might also "simply" represent big catastrophes in relation to human hybris and water.
I do think however in the light of the thought that twinflames have been split in Atlantis, it is relevant.
Actually I once had a thread going on this theme years ago.

So, since I had already looked at that, I found it very interesting that Taineberry obviously came to a similiar conclusion.

Back then I found it interesting how often ATLANTIS was connected to a Yin-energy (esp. Venus, Psyche, Isis).
Even back then the mythic pair of Eros/Psyche and Isis/Osiris stood out.

And what I had completely forgotten about was that I was looking at aspect patterns concerning ATlantis. that was an interesting approach; I wonder if it might give more information as to what happened during that time for each pairing.
Like for example, I share with all the "soulcluster-suspects" tight Atlantis-aspects (they are not all my twinflame of course, but Atlantis is totally highlighted for all of us, including their aspects to each other).

His 7H Atlantis at 26 Vir 39’ conjunct his Jupiter at 26 Vir 25’, conjunct his Poseidon at 25 Vir 44’, conjunct his Vertex at 23 Vir 54’

A strong natal pattern. Funnily I also have Atlantis conjunct Poseidon. From my earliest childhood on I had a special resonance with Poseidon.
I thought it was interesting that Poseidon and Atlantis were both combined, as both have to do with water, even more interesting as it is said that Atlantis was created / founded by Poseidon himself and of course was worshipped there.

Let`s look at some Sabians here:

Atlantis and Jupiter:A Group Of Aristocratic Ladies Meet Ceremonially At A Court's Function

Poseidon: A Boy With A Censer Serves The Priest Near The Altar

Vertex Mary And Her Little Lamb

WOW! Well, the last one is a reference to twinflames (Mary and Jesus), and I think it means that in this life he is meant to encounter either his twinflame or being brought onto the way to reunion by fated encounters and turning points (Vertex).

With the other two Sabians I wouldn´t be surprised if he had an official function in the temple of Poseidon in Atlantis, probably of higher rank, a highpriest maybe?, or at least connected to the "spiritual leaders".

It´s not connected to any Royal fixed stars though.

"And conjunct my NN at 22 Vir 09
And trine my chart ruler 1H Venus at 24 Tau 41’ (2 deg 58 min)
And trine my 1H Wisdom at 24 Tau 31’ (2 deg 8 min)
(My Venus is conj. my Wisdom exact)"

You fit the research, as your Venus is aspecting his Atlantis plus an interaspect between Atlantis and a fated object.

There might have been a connection between you back in Atlantis, though I have to see more to be certain. If there was, you probably were carrying the Yin-energy.

Your NN Sabian: A Lion Tamer Displays His Skill And Character
In this life you are asked to develop a lot of courage and strength, but you have the capacity to do this.

your Venus/Wisdom: A Vast Public Park
I think this relates to your need to connect to larger groups.

"My 5H Atlantis at 25 Leo 05’ (trine my Juno [2nd object] at 23 Sag 39’)
And trine his MC at 22 Sag 06’
And conjunct his Briede at 26 Leo 57’ (1 deg 52 min)
And sextile his Wisdom at 26 Gem 32” (1 deg 27 min)"

Your own Atlantis on 25 Leo: After The Heavy Storm, A Rainbow
(since the radix chart relates to your present life as well as carrying the memories of the past within it, this might indicate that there is an improvement in this life. An ending of the "dark night of the soul" to be replaced with happiness and serenity and probably love).

Your Juno: A Bluebird Perched On The Gate Of A Cottage
(I guess this relates to a need for domestic harmony and love in the present).

What I find very intersting and important is that in his natal chart Atlantis is aspecting Jupiter and in your natal chart Atlantis is aspecting Juno, which of course represent a soulmate couple as well.
It makes me think that he was carrying the masculine and you the feminine energy back then.
Since Atlantis is conjunct Briede, it might be another hint at the possibility of having been married in Atlantis.

The -dw to Wisdom could highlight being both connected to whoever was spreading and gaining wisdom back then, so this could be surrounding the temples, or philosophers or even astrologers. You might even have been colleagues, working at similiar projects, in similiar fields.

6H Atlantis at 10 Vir 52’ quincunxes Asc. at 10 Ari 46’ (exact)-6 min
and squares 2H Wisdom at 10 Gem 17’ (exact)-29 min
and quincunxes 1H moon at 12 Ari 17’ (1 deg 25 min)"

With an 6th house Atlantis especially in Virgo ther emight have been an emphasis of "shared duty or service".
The Sabian is:
"In Her Baby A Mother Sees Her Deep Longing For A Son Answered"

I leave you to meditate yourself about that Sabian.
Well I have a question though, does anyone of you have something around 10 Virgo in the natal?

"Do you think it passes muster?"
What do you mean?

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posted April 12, 2012 06:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

awesome post.

"ust a theory, so take it as such!"
It is very close to what I tried to word yesterday, but yours is much more thought-through and elaborated.
And integrating things I hadn´t thought of in my first completely impulsive approach.

"in/yang were united through the joining of their respective triune bodies."

" It is well known that the sacred number of Osiris is “7”."
And I read that the sacred number of Isis is "8".
The 8th harmonic is actually the "minor square-sequence" and includes the 1st harmonic (conjunction - oneness), the 2nd harmonic (opposition - polarity), the 4th harmonic (square - ???).

You were asking earlier why you felt the square were significant. Could that be a reason? As the square resonates with the 8th harmonic which is Isis-number.
Are we having actually two aspect-series, one resonating with Osiris-sacred number 7 (thus including the septile-series and the 14th harmonic, too?) and one resonating with Isis-sacred number 8 (including the conjunction, opposition, square and even semisquare and sesisquare, which become important in midpoints, which are considered to represent the merging of the energy of two points)?

(also for some reason got reminded that ISIS relates to Sirius and OSIRIS to Orion- esp. Rigel).

"This “reunion” can only take place on earth, so the 7th harmonic is important on the earth plane and was actually resonating in equally in both of them (14th harmonic) as they took on board the soul-stuff of each other."
Yes, that makes sense. So the 7th harmonic for the reunion on earth.
If we want to know if twinflames might reunite on earth in this incarnation, the 7th harmonic would need to have strong aspects, right?

"The answer lies in WHERE these pieces were scattered - 7 in Higher Egypt and 7 in Lower Egypt."
That is an interesting idea. I hadn`t thought of that.

" the creative power and life of the soul is lost"
What I don´t understand though why is it only Osiris who is being split up? In twinflames bothw ould be split from each other.
Or is like that: Since Osiris and Isis had joined, each of them represented the whole set, and so Osiris was carying Isis within him?

"The phallus is sacrificed as a symbol of the giving up of earthly power on the spiritual plane and it is replaced by pure gold."
Yes, also gold is the colour of the Spirit (Sun).

"I believe that 13 may be the harmonic of the reunited twinflame on the SPIRITUAL plane ie."
I agree.

"13 is important on a monadic level – the level of the Oversoul. When all 6 twinflame pairs are activated by the 13th harmonic, they become “One” and and the Oversoul also resonates on the 13th harmonic … and it combines with 11 other closely related Oversouls to create the next highest cluster on the path towards Unity consisting of 12 oversouls and resonating with a combined group oversoul at its centre – 12+1=13. And so it continues …."
Yes, that parallel was what struck me, too, yesterday.

"The “seed of life” is formed from seven circles being placed with sixfold symmetry, forming a pattern of circles and lenses (representing the united twinflames in the Monad Structure)."
Do you have a link to an image?

"Ceri - your mom and dad in the 7th harmonic chart - double whammy osiris/isis opposition? Ooh la la!"
Yes, though one of these had an orb of 6°31, which still would be under one degree in the natal chart, so I guess it is valid.
They also have the exact opposition in their natal synastry.

My Dad`s Osiris is also opposite my Mum`s Isis in the 13th harmonic. Must be their REALLY close natal opposition; the orb in the natals is 0°26, so maybe it comes up in all harmonic charts again? (it seems that tight conjunctions and oppositions are appearing in all harmonic charts disregarding the nature of the harmonic?)

In their 8th harmonic it appears as a conjunction of about 3-4 degrees (8 degrees = 1 degree in the natal, so it is well in orb).

And yes I checked all harmonic charts up to the 14th harmonic. And this aspect appears in all of them as either opposition or conjunction.

Maybe that is another explanation why the conjunctions and oppositions are so strong, they are coming up in all harmonic charts as well, though this of coursse only true for very tight conjunctions and oppositions.

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posted April 12, 2012 02:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

Or is like that: Since Osiris and Isis had joined, each of them represented the whole set, and so Osiris was carying Isis within him?

Yes .. that is exactly how I visualized it.

Here are some pics of the sacred geometry :






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posted April 12, 2012 03:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Linda Jones

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posted April 13, 2012 03:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taineberry and Ceridwen,

Fantastic! This time I didn't just get goose bumps, but my heart also raced, as I was reading. I have the feeling that this is going to turn out to be good!

Ceridwen, thank you for reminding me to not underestimate myself. Please continue to correct me when you think I need it.

Ceridwen, you did such a fantastic job of Atlantis analysis that here again I almost gasped when I read about him possibly being a high Priest and us moving around in those circles.

Here's why-I think by now you both sort of have an idea that I can sense people's energies. Pretty accurately too, I might add . Well, so you can imagine that Mr. Pisces moon is pretty much an open book to me (as I am to him too I guess, courtesy his own strong Neptune).

So-in my conversations with him, from very early on I've told him on several occasions that I pick up an energy of him being a priest or a monk. I've told him that this energy is not of a modern day priest, but of one from a much older time period-kinda like the movie "The name of the Rose." This is the exact example I gave him!

And he in turn, has very often said to me that he feels that I could very easily be a nun!

With your analysis of Atlantis in our charts, I now feel that perhaps we both carry some of that energy from a past life, and that we can "see/feel" it in each other, whereas no one else would even dream of associating us with a priest or nun.

So this is mind bogglingly interesting! Another thing I forgot to mention earlier is that from the very beginning I've felt that he is the male version of me, something I've told him repeatedly. In fact, almost in the very beginning when I met him, I had told my Mom this-that I feel he's so like me as to be a male version of me. I remember my Mom said briskly but lovingly, "well you need to have some differences for it to work out."

I've NEVER thought of any man as the male version of me, not even within my own family. So this too is interesting. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.

What do you think?

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Linda Jones

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posted April 13, 2012 03:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

As to your question about whether either of us have anything around 10 Virgo in our natals-I checked and have actually come up with not only that info, but also some additional stuff I'd left out in my list of Atlantis aspects above. So I'll list all of them again just to make a complete picture. The ones in bold are the ones I'd missed earlier.

His 7H Atlantis at 26 Vir 39’ conjunct his Jupiter at 26 Vir 25’, conjunct his Poseidon at 25 Vir 44’, conjunct his Vertex at 23 Vir 54’,conjunct his Thisbe at 27 Virgo 26'
And conjunct my NN at 22 Vir 09,my NN conjunct his Jessie at 20 Virgo 02’ (2 deg 7 min)
His 7H Atlantis trine my chart ruler 1H Venus at 24 Tau 41’ (2 deg 58 min)
And trine my 1H Wisdom at 24 Tau 31’ (2 deg 8 min)
(My Venus is conj. Wisdom exact)
And opposes my Osiris at 27 Pisces 19’ (exact)-40 min

My 5H Atlantis at 25 Leo 05’ (trine my Juno [2nd object] at 23 Sag 39’)
And conj. my Hygeia at 22 Leo 41’ (2 deg 24 min), conj. my Sheba at 21 Leo 47’
And conj. his Odin at 25 leo 24'
And trine his MC at 22 Sag 06’
PLUS my Juno at 23 Sag 39’ quincunxes his Sun at 23 Cancer 19’ (exact)-20 min
And my 5H Atlantis at 25 Leo 05'
conjunct his Briede at 26 Leo 57’ (1 deg 52 min)
and conjunct his Pluto at 28 Leo 57'
and conjunct his Soma (Vedic) at 29 Leo 38'
And sextile his Wisdom at 26 Gem 32” (1 deg 27 min)

6H Atlantis at 10 Vir 52’ trines Osiris at 9 Taurus 26’ (1 deg 26 min)
AND squares Isis at 12 Gemini 59’ (2 deg 7 min)

and quincunxes Asc. at 10 Ari 46’ (exact)-6 min
and squares 2H Wisdom at 10 Gem 17’ (exact)-29 min
and quincunxes 1H moon at 12 Ari 17’ (1 deg 25 min)

Additional note: My Isis at 6 Tau 20' is conjunct composite Osiris at 9 Tau 26'(3 deg 6 min)

Sorry about making you go thro it again. But what do you think about the additions?

To answer your ques. about the 10 Virgo position, here's what I found.

Mine: Hestia at 10 Virgo 39’
And Siva at 14 Virgo 29’-conjunct his Desc. at 15 Virgo 42’ (1 deg 13 min)

His:Fortuna at 8 Virgo 57', conj.
Lust at 9 Virgo 46’, conj.
Nymphe at 11 Virgo 30’, conj.
Galatea at 12 Virgo 37’, conj.
Sif at 13 Virgo 36’, conj.
Ganymede at 14 Virgo 54’, conj.
Sappho at 14 Virgo 19’, conj.
Desc. at 15 Virgo 42’, conj.
Psyche at 16 Virgo 06’

He's got quite a cluster! So what do you think?

Another VERY interesting thing I saw-
You may not remember this but when I first joined LL, I did a thread asking if paranormal phenomena can be explained in synastry. Because he can heal me from common ailments from a distance.

My Reiki at 16 Scorpio 37' conjuncts his NN at 17 Scorpio 07' (exact)-30 min
His Reiki at 9 Aries 57'conjuncts my 12H Mars at 9 Aries 35' (exact)-23 min

Does Reiki heal only thro physical touch or can it also heal thro psychic energies?

My Rudra (Vedic) at 17 Taurus 56' conjuncts his SN at 17 Taurus 07 (exact)-49 min
His Rudra at 23 Pisces 15 conjuncts my SN at 22 Pisces 09' (1 deg 6 min)
Our NN are in ea. others' 7H and SN in 1H

Composite 1H Rudra at 20 Aries 36'
opposes comp. 7H NN at 19 Libra 38'-(58 min)
and trines 5H Jessie at 20 Leo 54' (exact)-18 min
Comp. 5H Jessie at 20 leo 54' is conjunct 5H Kaali at 23 Leo 38' (2 deg 58 min)

What could this mean?

Thank you so much for your time. I'll do your dream interp over the weekend. Thanks for your patience.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 13, 2012 11:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I was re-reading your post above (all these concepts are brand new to me) and your pics of the Egg of Life through The Fruit of Life really help make things clear.

So thank you!

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Linda Jones

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posted April 13, 2012 11:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So I was playing around with numbers related to the 7th, 13th and 14th harmonics and here's what I came up with.

In the 7th harmonic if we consider the septile, biseptile, and triseptile degrees, the numbers would work out to be (in degrees):

Septile= 51.25
Biseptile= 102.51
Triseptile= 153.75 (close to the quincunx)

In the 13th harmonic - IDK what the angles would be called so I'll just compute them:

13th harmonic = 27.7 (deg)
27.7 x 2 = 55.4 (deg)
27.7 x 3 = 83.1 (deg)
27.7 x 4 = 110.8 (deg)

14th harmonic = 25.7 (deg)
25.7 x 2 = 51.4 (deg-same as septile)
25.7 x 3 = 77.1 (deg)
25.7 x 4 = 102.8 (deg-same as biseptile)

Maybe when you guys are done ship-shaping the whole concept, you will decide these degrees should also be considered-other than the standard angles we already use.

Anyway, just thought I'd put it on paper and see how it looks.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 14, 2012 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And if the 8th harmonic is also important-being Isis's number, then the semi square, sesisquare/sesiquadrate, would also become important, in addition to the square.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 14, 2012 04:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You said, "It´s not connected to any Royal fixed stars though."

Could you list some of the Royal fixed stars?


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Linda Jones

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posted April 15, 2012 02:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Here’s my interp. of your dream. Remember, this is my intuition at work here, which means you may have to temporarily suspend logic.

To begin with, I feel you had the dream because of your soul’s desire to unite with your twin flame. Having this desire meant searching for answers because of the questions you carried deep within you. This inner search for answers “primed” you to have the dream in which you were shown certain things by your Guide. The dream is pretty significant because, the fact that you had it shows that you were ready to receive the information. Had you not been ready, this information would not have been given to you, i.e., “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

And yes, at this point I’d also like to say that the dream could very much be part of your soul’s “recollection.” I’ve read that before taking on a physical body, a soul, in loving “consultation” with more evolved “souls” (sometimes this may include what we collectively call ‘God’), freely decides to be born in a certain circumstance, to certain parents, to experience certain things-all to learn, overcome, and grow in lessons of love. If you can imagine this happening each time prior to the soul’s start of the human journey, you could also probably understand that, in a sense we are here as a part of our free will. However, this free will must perforce, include a sense of responsibility toward the necessity of learning to perfect our love for self and others. One cannot happen without the other-meaning, we cannot love ourselves without also loving others and vice verse. This would then necessitate that we become, more or less, “whole” within ourselves as we reach out to others in love. I don’t think “whole” necessarily means “perfect.” Remember, Eros and Psyche were not perfect in their love when their journey together began. It is my perception that they continued to grow in their love after coming together. I think the “wholeness” points to the degree that would allow us to recognize our twin soul. This also means that if we are not “whole” to a high degree, then we suffer from being separated from True Love because of our inability to recognize the Truth in the form of our twin soul.

Hope I haven’t lost you yet

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Linda Jones

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posted April 15, 2012 02:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Now, moving on to the actual dream. I’ve divided it into 2 parts. Part 1 of the dream is in your response to Violet, and Part 2 is in your response to Taineberry.

Part 1:
This part is really about the revelation of the separation from your twin soul. Whether that twin soul is actually the man in the dream is unclear. On the one hand he very well could be. On the other, he could just be a symbolic representation of your twin soul. The trial where both of you have appeared willingly with the option of being able to quit anytime is again most likely representative of what happens in between human lifetimes, when the soul is lovingly allowed to see the truth of their actions. And in this realm of love, certain decisions are made with the full and free consent of the soul, decisions that would necessitate the next human journey for the soul/souls involved. This is why in the dream, you felt you didn’t need to be there but you wanted to, in order to make amends. And also, that the man didn’t have to accept the verdict since it was actually a suggestion, but that he did. All of this indicates that the two of you were experiencing a “higher truth.” By this I mean, that when the soul sees the truth, it cannot help but act in love and do whatever is necessary to follow righteousness or “right” action.

To explain this last point some more, I’ll mention examples of people who’ve had NDEs (near death experiences). The theme in all these stories is pretty much the same. These people recount experiencing (while being clinically dead) the bliss of unconditional love in the form of a white/golden light, meet other loved ones who have already passed away, don’t want to return to their suffering human bodies, are gently and lovingly told that they must return in order to fulfill their individual purpose. Often they speak about the truth of their own behavior towards other people in their lives prior to the NDE, and their own unhappiness at how they’ve lived their lives so far. One man, in an interview, put it best when he said that he would give himself a very “low grade” on how he treated others prior to the NDE. After their NDE, they describe their lives as being completely changed, and they all say that they live with little or no fear, and with much greater empathy, compassion, and love toward others, AFTER having experienced the greater Truth.

Returning to your dream, the first part is filled with several revelations. You are shown the necessity of growing in your love, and making it more expansive and inclusive. The part about other people “dying” as a result of your neglecting your “duty” is really a euphemism for other people not mattering to you. This, I believe, is an urge to make your love more selfless, expansive and inclusive of others. You are shown that without this growth you will be separated from your twin soul due to your inability to recognize the Truth/your other half. I’m using these terms Truth and twin soul interchangeably here because I believe that as we grow in love (toward a higher form of love) we are able to see the truth more clearly. It’s kinda like when we take the “high road” in love we have greater clarity. Visibility on the high road is greater because there’s much less traffic up there, i.e., far less people You are also shown that no matter how painful the separation is, you agree to undertake it out of a sense of the “rightness” of it.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 15, 2012 02:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Part 2:
I believe this half of the dream reveals the actual reason for your separation from your twin soul. While the first part shows you, in a broad sense, that your love fell short in some way, the second part pinpoints the reason why. You were terrified in this part because the reason being shown to you is much more personal than you could possibly have imagined.

To understand this more we would have to incorporate and focus on some universal spiritual truths such as, we have all emanated from the same Source, what we do to another we also do to ourselves, and what we see in others is a reflection of what is present within us.

In this part your Guide first shows you the wound on the man’s face and then you find the same wound on your face. I believe this wound is what is keeping you separated from your twin soul. You react horrified and your Guide says, “didn’t you want to know the truth?” The truth he’s trying to reveal to you is that this wound is a pain within you (also reflected in the marred beauty of the man), which is very personal to you and will require an inward journey by you so that you can recognize it, accept it, and then heal it. The healing of this wound will remove the barrier to your separation from your True Love.

Generally speaking, psychologically, over a period of time, when pain is left ignored it turns into a festering wound. When a wound is left ignored, unaccepted, or turned away from (in horror for example), it turns into fear. When fear is not addressed, then over a period of time, it turns into anxiety. At this point people usually try different things to quell or manage their anxiety instead of finding the root cause.

I believe your Guide is simply revealing to you that the way to uniting with your twin soul is to find this pain within you and heal it. My own belief is that pain is never an enemy, even though the most common reaction in people is to treat it like an enemy. It’s actually a blessing because it’s an indication that something within us needs to be addressed. For example, while driving if your car began to make a strange noise you would have it checked out, right? Why? Because you wouldn’t want the problem to get worse. After getting it fixed you’d be grateful for the noise because it prevented you from getting into a worse pickle. Well, pain is like your inner self making a noise asking you to check it out. So it’s actually a friend.

I hope you won’t think I’m crossing the line here by mentioning something. Though your wound is very personal (we each have to figure out our wounds ourselves), I do want to mention a brief conversation you and I had on a different thread. It had to do with the placement of Chiron in your chart, if you remember, as a result of which you said you fear you will somehow lose your Mother. To this I’d said that you have a fear of abandonment in relation to your Mother. (Mr. Pisces Moon also has the same fear from childhood). Perhaps this is your wound that needs to be healed. And perhaps the healing will come from first identifying it, lovingly accepting it as a part of you without thinking that it makes you any “less” of a person for having it, and then perhaps speaking about it openly with your Mother since it sounds like you have a good relationship with her. I think your Mum understanding your fear and reassuring you will go a long way toward your healing.

Anyway, this is all I can think of to say for now. The reason I undertook the interpretation is because of one sentence only which you wrote at the end of your dream-that after 5-6 years you have not even begun to interpret it. My heart went out to you when I read that, because I think this is an important one to interpret. And if I can help you get started on that path by giving you my own intuitive sense of it, then even if you don’t agree with me, at least you will have begun to look at it in a thoughtful way rather than be horrified by it.

Sorry it’s taken me a few days to do the interp. This time of the year gets very busy for me and many times I get physically exhausted from the amount of work I try and do. And I’ve found that bone-weariness is not very conducive to inspired thought -which is what this needed. I hope you understand. I can continue to do routine mental work and even socialize, but need to have a rested brain for deeper thought.

As for the length of it, well, what can I say But I guess you expected that from me, didn't you?

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posted April 15, 2012 06:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:

As to your question about whether either of us have anything around 10 Virgo in our natals-I checked and have actually come up with not only that info, but also some additional stuff I'd left out in my list of Atlantis aspects above. So I'll list all of them again just to make a complete picture. The ones in bold are the ones I'd missed earlier.

His 7H Atlantis at 26 Vir 39’ conjunct his Jupiter at 26 Vir 25’, conjunct his Poseidon at 25 Vir 44’, conjunct his Vertex at 23 Vir 54’,[b]conjunct his Thisbe at 27 Virgo 26'

And conjunct my NN at 22 Vir 09,my NN conjunct his Jessie at 20 Virgo 02’ (2 deg 7 min)
His 7H Atlantis trine my chart ruler 1H Venus at 24 Tau 41’ (2 deg 58 min)
And trine my 1H Wisdom at 24 Tau 31’ (2 deg 8 min)
(My Venus is conj. Wisdom exact)
And opposes my Osiris at 27 Pisces 19’ (exact)-40 min

My 5H Atlantis at 25 Leo 05’ (trine my Juno [2nd object] at 23 Sag 39’)
And conj. my Hygeia at 22 Leo 41’ (2 deg 24 min), conj. my Sheba at 21 Leo 47’
And conj. his Odin at 25 leo 24'
And trine his MC at 22 Sag 06’
PLUS my Juno at 23 Sag 39’ quincunxes his Sun at 23 Cancer 19’ (exact)-20 min
And my 5H Atlantis at 25 Leo 05'
conjunct his Briede at 26 Leo 57’ (1 deg 52 min)
and conjunct his Pluto at 28 Leo 57'
and conjunct his Soma (Vedic) at 29 Leo 38'
And sextile his Wisdom at 26 Gem 32” (1 deg 27 min)

6H Atlantis at 10 Vir 52’ trines Osiris at 9 Taurus 26’ (1 deg 26 min)
AND squares Isis at 12 Gemini 59’ (2 deg 7 min)

and quincunxes Asc. at 10 Ari 46’ (exact)-6 min
and squares 2H Wisdom at 10 Gem 17’ (exact)-29 min
and quincunxes 1H moon at 12 Ari 17’ (1 deg 25 min)

Additional note: My Isis at 6 Tau 20' is conjunct composite Osiris at 9 Tau 26'(3 deg 6 min)

Sorry about making you go thro it again. But what do you think about the additions?

To answer your ques. about the 10 Virgo position, here's what I found.

Mine: Hestia at 10 Virgo 39’
And Siva at 14 Virgo 29’-conjunct his Desc. at 15 Virgo 42’ (1 deg 13 min)

His:Fortuna at 8 Virgo 57', conj.
Lust at 9 Virgo 46’, conj.
Nymphe at 11 Virgo 30’, conj.
Galatea at 12 Virgo 37’, conj.
Sif at 13 Virgo 36’, conj.
Ganymede at 14 Virgo 54’, conj.
Sappho at 14 Virgo 19’, conj.
Desc. at 15 Virgo 42’, conj.
Psyche at 16 Virgo 06’

He's got quite a cluster! So what do you think?

Another VERY interesting thing I saw-
You may not remember this but when I first joined LL, I did a thread asking if paranormal phenomena can be explained in synastry. Because he can heal me from common ailments from a distance.

My Reiki at 16 Scorpio 37' conjuncts his NN at 17 Scorpio 07' (exact)-30 min
His Reiki at 9 Aries 57'conjuncts my 12H Mars at 9 Aries 35' (exact)-23 min

Does Reiki heal only thro physical touch or can it also heal thro psychic energies?

My Rudra (Vedic) at 17 Taurus 56' conjuncts his SN at 17 Taurus 07 (exact)-49 min
His Rudra at 23 Pisces 15 conjuncts my SN at 22 Pisces 09' (1 deg 6 min)
Our NN are in ea. others' 7H and SN in 1H

Composite 1H Rudra at 20 Aries 36'
opposes comp. 7H NN at 19 Libra 38'-(58 min)
and trines 5H Jessie at 20 Leo 54' (exact)-18 min
Comp. 5H Jessie at 20 leo 54' is conjunct 5H Kaali at 23 Leo 38' (2 deg 58 min)

What could this mean?

Thank you so much for your time. I'll do your dream interp over the weekend. Thanks for your patience.


Linda Jones,

maybe you should open a new thread either on Atlantis specifically or one in personal readings for your synastry with your boyfriend.
I don`t want to brush you off here, but feel like we are disgressing too far from the original topic. Hope you understand.

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posted April 15, 2012 07:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:

You said, "It´s not connected to any Royal fixed stars though."

Could you list some of the Royal fixed stars?


There are four royal fixed stars. Those also move but very very slowly, so I give you the average positions of 2000 and 20010.

Aldebaran: 9°47 Gemini - 9°55 Gemini
(Archangel Michael, watcher of the East)

Antares: 9°46 Sagittarius - 9°54 Sagittarius
(Archangel Uriel, watcher of the West)
also callede the "warrior star", as it is in the heart of the Scorpio

These two fixed stars are unique in that they form an axis due to being exactly opposite each other. That was the reason the Babylonians chose them as "fiducal axis" for their zodiac, the reference frame against which the positions of stars were being measured.
They put Antares on 15 Scorpio and Aldebaran on 15 Taurus though, because other than our Western astrology they were using the Sidereal zodiac.

The other two royal fixed stars are:

Regulus: 29°53 Leo - 0°01 Virgo
(Archangel Raphael, watcher of the North)
this one
often relates to "Royalty" and prominence of any kind.

Formalhaut: 3°52 Pisces - 4°00 Pisces
(Archangel Gabriel, watcher of the South)

In relation to Isis and Osiris two other fixed stars might be of importance.
The Egyptians saw ISIS being synonymous with the fixed star SIRIUS and OSIRIS being synonymous with ORION.
Orion is not really a fixed star but rather a constellation with the main stars BETELGEUSE and RIGEL.

I have a very very close relation to Orion. First of all he is watching over me, from the sky. Since I was a kid I noticed this constellation rising right above our house. Plus in the Egyptian horoscope I have been born on the very last day of Osiris.

What caught my attention though is the belt of Orion rather than the main stars. And it seems to have been the same for the Egyptians, as they structured the pyramids of Giza exactly in the way the stars of the belt of Orion were structured.

The stars in the belt of Orion were:

Mintaka: 22°24 Gemini - 22°32 Gemini

Alnilam: CENTRAL star of Orion belt
23°28 Gemini - 23°36 Gemini

Alnitak: eastern star of Orion belt
24°41 Gemini - 24°49 Gemini

Sirius: 14°05 Cancer - 14°13 Cancer

(BTW my ISIS/OSIRIS is on the solstice point of Mintaka. lol

The Egyptians themselves knew about and used the importance of the solstice points, as is described here:

Which brings me to another thought that the asteroid GIZA should be examined as well together with ATLANTIS, as according to Cayce´s readings great minds from Atlantis escaped to Egypt and brought their knowledge with them, and were the ones who built the pyramids in Giza with their orientation towards the stars, Sirius and Orion as representation of Isis and Osiris.

This leads me to think that we need to incorporate GIZA into our investigation as well.

In my case it doesn`t even really matter as GIZA is trine my ATLANTIS by 2 degrees and squares my ISIS/OSIRIS by 2 degrees as well.
So there happens to be a triple or even quadruple connection between ATLANTIS in 8 Sagittarius (near Antares), ISIS/OSIRIS on 8 Capricorn, HORUS on 8 Pisces and GIZA on 10 Aries.

This means that in the 12th harmonic chart (orb for conjunction here would be 12 degrees) they are all conjunct!

OSIRIS 4 Cancer
HORUS 6 Cancer
ISIS 12 Cancer

I was just thinking that the 12th harmonic chart is a good one to notice all equal-degree aspects, relating to the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Though this would only be true for exact aspects up to one degree, as we wouldn`t perceive my Venus on 13 Gemini as conjunct the Pluto on 18 Cancer with 35 degrees between them in the harmonic chart, though this comes up in the natal chart as a 3 degree square (3X12= 36; 3 degrees in the natal chart equal 36 degrees in the 12th harmonic).

GIZA in my 12th harmonic is on 7 leo, 33 degrees apart from Osiris on 4 Cancer, but as wide as that looks, it simply reflects the 2-3 degree orb OSIRIS and GIZA have in the natal.

Oh sorry I think now I am the one who is being disgressing.

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posted April 15, 2012 11:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones and Ceri ... I have just come back from a weekend away camping. I see you have both been busy. Thank you.

Linda, I loved your insights into the twinsoul phenomenon.

Ceri ... I need to digest your Giza/Sirius/Orion and 12th harmonic concepts a little more fully. I am a bit tired now but once again you have lit a spark in my head.

PS... If your Venus is at 13 Gemini then it is conjunct my Sun at 13 Gemini.

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posted April 15, 2012 11:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Taineberry:
Ceri ... I need to digest your Giza/Sirius/Orion and 12th harmonic concepts a little more fully. I am a bit tired now but once again you have lit a spark in my head.

PS... If your Venus is at 13 Gemini then it is conjunct my Sun at 13 Gemini.

Yes, I need time to digest that as well. Someone asked me if the sextile, quinkunx and semisextile were important, as she had observed especially the quinkunx and semisextile. I was inclined to say No instantly, but it`s not that easy.
As a matter of fact, these aspects are reflecting the zodiac, or if transposed to the houses, the relationship to the ASC, which imo is the most important point, as it marks the entry in this incarnation.

I then realized that the 12th harmonic is the Dwadashamsha, and is being used in Vedic astrology. Actually the Dwad-syastem is based on that (though not the Duads).

I found that for Vedic the 12th harmonic represents the "fruits of past life" and the reason for this incarnation, and I think it makes sense to think that our natal chart is a direct result of our past lives, the next stage in our soul-development.

I do not know how to connect that all to each other, but am simply gathering informations and thoughts that are being "brought" to me.

_About the Venus, it is my 12th harmonic Venus that is at 13 Gemini right on my natal Kaali on 12.47 Gemini.

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Linda Jones

Posts: 1768
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posted April 15, 2012 12:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

No problem. I'll pose my question on Atlantis separately


Sounds like you had a great weekend!

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posted April 15, 2012 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BTW in the egpytian astrology the sign of OSIRIS corresponds approximately with the sign of Sagittarius (27th november - 18th december)

ISIS corresponds with 19th december to 31st december

(interestingly the change of signs is near to the winter solstice on 21st december)

March 11th to 31st corresponds to ISIS as well and includes the Aries point. lol

1st March to 10th March corresponds to OSIRIS

18th october to 29th october: ISIS

my assumed soulgroup:


my brother: OSIRIS

Hmm, maybe P1 doesn`t belong there and was rather a catalyst (though it is said that Isis, osiris and Thot are compatible with each other)

Leaving him out, I see that this group is distinctly divided into:


my brother

Neat. lol

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