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Author Topic:   The Heiros Gamos : Osiris conjunct Isis- synastry

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posted April 18, 2012 01:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Since the first time I came across the "Sacred Marriage" was during some sort of past life recall bout Babylon and the temple of Marduk, I felt the urge to look it up yesterday.

And yes, the "Sacred marriage" ritual was being held in the temple of marduk in Babylon. But that was not the important thing, but instead I found the date when it was celebrated each year.
On the first new moon after the spring equinox,

which will be THIS saturday. I found it amazing how I stumbled across this piece of information just in the week prior to this.

Anyway looking it up, the New Moon will be on 1°35 Taurus, precisely on my 5th house cusp.
I mean really PRECISELY, my 5th house cusp is on 1°35 Taurus as well.
I wonder how often THAT happens with such an exactness. lol

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posted April 18, 2012 01:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fittingly on this New Moon the Babylonian pairing will be in play.

ADONIS on 11.59 Sag conjunct ISHTAR on 10.53 Sagittarius! On the only new moon in the year when the Sacred Marriage would have been celebrated and the pertaining god/ godess are united in the sky on this date?

Funnily this is conjunct my natal NN and neptune on 10 Sag.
and it opposes my INANNEN on 12 Gemini (Inannen and Ishtar being the same goddess, just one Sumerian and the other one Mesopotamian, but it is only different time frames, same location though)

And it squares my ISTHAR on 8 pisces.

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posted April 18, 2012 01:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh and the New Moon itself will be opposite my pr Adonis/Uranus on 2 Scorpio. lol

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Linda Jones

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posted April 18, 2012 02:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Ceridwen,

Thanks for sharing this. It really is amazing how you looked this up the week/few days before! Since I don't believe in coincidences, again I'm very impressed by how much you're in touch with the energies surrounding us.

It's too late for me here so I'm going to turn in but I'm going to check the placements out at the first opportunity.

I'll save my ques. for later. I think I even had one about Giza.

I hope you have a wonderful day in your part of the world!

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Linda Jones

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posted April 18, 2012 12:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"On the only new moon in the year when the Sacred Marriage would have been celebrated and the pertaining god/ godess are united in the sky on this date?"

I know the spring equinox new moon occurs every year, but am I right in assuming the specific god/goddess uniting on that date in the heavens is very rare?

If so, how does it affect people on earth? Is this a good omen/auspicious for example for starting new relationships or even jump starting existing ones?

"ADONIS on 11.59 Sag conjunct ISHTAR on 10.53 Sagittarius!"

Natally, I have Innanen at 8 Aries 10 and he has Adonis at 8 Libra 41.

My Adonis trines his Aphrodite (exact). His Adonis quincunxes my Venus (exact).

His natal Eros is at 12 Leo 02, mine is at 11 Aries 31

In the composite:
Eros at 11 Gem 47
Mars at 12 Gem 31
Isis at 12 Gem 59

Pan at 12 Gem 45
Sekhmet at 11 Gem 32
Mary at 12 Gem 40
Wisdom at 10 Gem 17

Moon at 12 Aries 17
Asc. at 10 Aries 46

Eva at 10 Lib 48
Sheba at 10 Lib 30

Thisbe at 10 Leo 22
Lovejoy at 12 Leo 56

Psyche at 9 Can 37

Atlantis at 10 Virgo 52

(I don't know if the composite ones form a polygon or not).

Do the natal and composite placements mean anything with respect to the Adonis/Ishtar conjunction in the skies? If so, what?

Thank you

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posted April 19, 2012 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Amazing Ceri. It sounds like an auspicious day for heiros gamos, that's for sure. It will be opposite my natal sun on Saturday.

Linda. Look at Astarte too.

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posted April 19, 2012 04:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, I forgot to mention Astarte.
I always forget her, I guess it is because my Inannen is on 12.06 Gemini and my Astarte is on 10.41 Gemini (and Kaali on 12.47 Gemini). They are so close to each other, they are practically melted into one in my chart. lol
(and Aphrodite is trine from 13 Libra. lol)

Well, Astarte is the one closest to my SN though (orb is 0°31).

These are manifestations of the same Godess (though with some refinements and local differences):

Inanna: Sumeria
Ishtar: Mesopotamia, especially Babylon,
(these two are often used as synonyms though as they are so close in meaning)

Astarte: Phoenicia
Aphrodite: Greece

And Isis: Egypt.

And that is where we come full cycle, isnīt it?

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Linda Jones

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posted April 20, 2012 01:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Taineberry,

I checked Astarte. My natal Astarte/Lovas conjunction in Libra is in exact opposition to his natal Astarte/Karma conjunction in Aries and quincunxes his natal Amore in Taurus (exact-12 min)/Adam conjunction in Tau.

Plus my natal Astarte/Lovas conjunction in Libra is conjunct his Nada/Adonis conjunction in Libra.

Composite Astarte is exactly (10 min) conjunction w/ composite Venus conj. Mercury conj. Psyche ON THE IC! And sextiles composite Amor (exact-16 min). And opposes MC conjunct Union (is this bad?). And quincunxes comp. Groom exact.

And my natal Kaali is exactly conj. composite Astarte (4 min) and trine my natal Parvati (exact).

He has 5 conjunctions to composite Astarte-his natal Apollo, Pan, Innanen, Mary, Hekate (all approx. 1 deg or less).

I don't quite know what to think in terms of a theme. But it seems that his Adonis opposes my Innanen (exact) and conjuncts my Astarte (thro 2nd object). And his Amore/Adam conjunction quincunxes my Astarte (exact).

Can these yin/yang asteroids be cross paired as above? For eg., Adonis with Innanen and Astarte, and Amore/Adam with Astarte.


P.S. I'm glad his Karma is involved in the pairing above lol. So far only my fated object (NN) was part of the Atlantis theme.

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posted April 20, 2012 03:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bingo, Linda! There is your twinflame conjunction - Adonis and Astarte ... and just in case you missed it LOVAS is shouting it out.

"SHE whom the Babylonians called Ishtar, the Semites generally knew as Ashtoreth, the Phrygians as Cybele, the Persians as Anaitis, while after her the Greeks patterned ASTARTE, Demeter and Aphrodite, and the Romans, Venus. As the goddess of passion and fecundity descending to the underworld to rescue her lover, she reappeared in the legends of Ariadne, Cytherea, Urania, Genetyllis, Caelestis, Nymphia and Diana; in one guise or another she epitomized the impulse of desire and love, the spirit of germination and fruition, the very vitality of the earth, throughout the length and breadth of the Mediterranean world.

Every city in Asia Minor had its temple for the goddess Astarte, the most famous perhaps being the one at BYBLOS in Phoenicia, a holy place to which the devout made pilgrimages from all parts of the country.

The local tradition related a drama similar to that of Ishtar: One morning ASTARTE caught sight of ADONIS (Adon, 'my lord') and became entranced by him, but the happiness of the lovers lasted only a short while before Adonis was killed by a wild boar. The goddess mourned over her lover's body and buried it and, ransomed by her tears, Adonis was resurrected, his love no whit less passionate than before. Again the legend bespoke the earth thrilled by the first breath of spring and abandoning herself to his caresses, being fructified by him and pouring forth the abundance of her flowers and fruits. Then summer kills the spring, the flowers die and the grain withers as Astarte withdraws into her grief, and life would cease should Adonis fail to be revivified."

In many ways, their story mirrors that of Osiris/Isis - The lovers that are together (in Atlantis), then separated and later reunited (their reunion signifying spring after a long stretch of spiritual barreness whilst they were apart).

Temples of Astarte were known centres where the ritual of Hieros Gamos was enacted in order to commemorate the reuniting of Adonis and Astarte.

Note: In many sources, the consort of Astarte is said to be Baal ... but in fact the name Baal and Adon (or Adonis) are synonomys (they both mean "Lord").

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posted April 20, 2012 03:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda jones,

having Adonis in strong contact to both, Inanna and Astarte, makes a very strong case of a soulmate pairing.


I read the exact same link yesterday. lol

too bad there is no Baal asteroid. There is "Bel" though, and I know that "a" often transforms to "e" in the development of languages, but then again it is also a part of "Bel Ami" so maybe that is too far from its origin, especially if we have Adonis.

Isnīt it interesting with how many females Adonis is paired?

with Inanna/isthar in Mesopotamia
with Astarte in Phoenician
with Aphrodite in Greek
with Venus in Roman.

he is certainly one busy mythological character.

though of course it probably simply shows how these mythological circles have a lot in common. In fact I think this cyclic, transformational resurrection-theme, might be a common link between soulmate pairings (though not all).

Just think of it:
Eros - Psyche
(mary/maria - Yeshua?)

not sure about Siva-Kaali in this respect, but isnīt it said that Kaali is the "dark aspect" of parvati, Siva`s consort, which in turn is the reincarnation of his first wife Sati?

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Linda Jones

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posted April 20, 2012 11:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Taineberry:
Bingo, Linda! There is your twinflame conjunction - Adonis and Astarte ... and just in case you missed it LOVAS is shouting it out.

Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Linda jones,

having Adonis in strong contact to both, Inanna and Astarte, makes a very strong case of a soulmate pairing.

Thank you, ladies! I cannot wait to tell him.

As I said in my Atlantis thread, he's begun to listen to my planet/asteroid ramblings. And like me, he loves listening to stories.

Taineberry, thank you for the story behind Astarte. Loved it! The parallel (story-wise) between the different twin flame pairings is remarkable. Interesting how in each story the yin energy or the feminine principle revives/resurrects the male

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posted April 21, 2012 05:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:

Interesting how in each story the yin energy or the feminine principle revives/resurrects the male

Yes, I noticed that, too. It is at least true for Isis/Osiris and Adonis/Aphrodite-Venus, Adonis/Inanna-Ishtar and Adonis/Astarte.

Interestingly it is not true for Eros/Psyche, as here it is Psyche who is being resurrected.

Another thing that happens, and is connected to the resurrection theme, is the fact that one partner (except for Isis/Osiris) is a mortal (Adonis, Psyche, Ariadne) and gets deified and becomes immortal through the love of the god/goddess.

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posted April 21, 2012 11:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Yes, I noticed that, too. It is at least true for Isis/Osiris and Adonis/Aphrodite-Venus, Adonis/Inanna-Ishtar and Adonis/Astarte.

Interestingly it is not true for Eros/Psyche, as here it is Psyche who is being resurrected.

Another thing that happens, and is connected to the resurrection theme, is the fact that one partner (except for Isis/Osiris) is a mortal (Adonis, Psyche, Ariadne) and gets deified and becomes immortal through the love of the god/goddess.

Interesting ... I wonder if it is the Venus/Astarte/Innanen/Ishtar/Eros person in synastry that is the one of the pair who is the first to "recognise" their mate as they carry the "searching" energy and is therefore also the one who ignites the energy of the sacred marriage and elevates the partner into this divine state? Maybe with Isis/Osiris it can go either way?

BTW, Ceri ... you mentioned earlier that you have Astarte as closest asteroid to your South Node. Well, I have Astarte as the closest asteroid to my North Node. I was thinking that this may mean that you have already experienced the energy of Astarte in past lives and have brought it forward with you into this one, whereas I am still working towards embodying that energy as part of my "life mission"?

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posted April 21, 2012 11:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh yes... here is a nice description of Astarte.

"Astarte means 'She of the Womb' in Hebrew and in Canaanite. Her other names include Ashtoreth, Astoroth, Astoreth, Astartet, Asherah, Astralte, and Ishtar. She is also called 'the Strong one'. Other names are 'Baalat' (Lady), Queen of Heaven, Urania (Heavenly One), Athirat (Sea Lady), Mother of the Universe, and Queen of the Morning star. She is identified with various Greek Goddessess like Selene, Artemis, and Aphrodite. She also identifies with The Virgin Mary!
Asarte is the goddess of many things, mainly love, fertility, and war. She is also the goddess of fire, productivity, beauty, victory, sex, creation and destruction. Her symbols and associations are with fish, honey, rabbits, the crescent moon, horses, the egg, stars, sun rays, cow horns, lily or lotus flower. Her symol is the dove of wisdom and is sometimes dipicted wearing bull horns. She is also discribed as a beautiful woman in a chariot drawn by seven lions wearing a crown of myrtle leaves and accompanied by doves. She is often dipticted with bows and arrows. She is also presented with a lion and cup which she offers to her consort and lover, Baal (aka Adonis). In other discriptions she holds a lotus and 2 entwined serpents or snakes. The snakes symbolize wisdom and immortality.
According to legend Astarte descended to earth as a fiery star, she is the all powerful creating-preserving-destroying embodiment of Mother Nature. She symbolizes the female priciple in all it's aspects. Her power is expressed in the creation of Earth and all living things.
Astarte is associated with Easter and alot of Easter symbols from today. Her symbol is the moon hare. ( The moon and rabbits have always been associted with eachother.) The rabbit is symbolized as fertility which helps explain the association with the Easter Bunny of today. Her other fertility symbol is the egg also found in Easter. All these pagan symbols of Asarte are all found in Easter motifs, because when the church wanted to convert all pagans they used them for thier version of Easter to appeal to the Pagans. They did this in hopes that they would convert and celibrate christian Holidays instead of thier pagan holidays. The Pagan holiday was around the vernal Equinox in March, and the fesival is called Eostre or Ostara, named after a northern form of Astarte. Therefore, Astarte's sacred holiday is Easter because it is during the season of Mother nature's rebirth.
Christmas is also another holiday associted with Astarte.The Egyptians and Syrians reenacted the ancient drama of the rebirth of the sun through Astarte on Dec. 25 at the winter solstice when the sun is at the lowest point in the sky, and requires a rebirth to journey northward again."

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posted April 21, 2012 02:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Taineberry:
well, I have Astarte as the closest asteroid to my North Node.

How interesting that you have Astarte on your North Node and I have it on my South Node. (Well, my Inannen and Kaali are also conjunct my SN with 2 degrees, and Ishtar squares NN by 2 degrees).

Yes, I was having past life recalls about participating in the Sacred marriage ritual (before I even knew it existed or what it was. lol).

Astrologically there is a strong Sumerian/babylonian theme here.

ADONIS conjuncts BABYLON with 2 degrees
Draco Sumeria conjuncts my SN and ASTARTE exact, though this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I ran a few harmonic charts.

7th harmonic chart

7th ISHTAR conjunct natal Adonis (1)

also part of a T.square

Ishtar on 28 Libra/ natal Adonis 27 Libra
Saturn on 28 Aries
Atlantis on 27 Cap

7th Adonis trine 7th Venus/SN (2)

8th harmonic

- Adonis conjunct Inannen exact
- Ishtar conjunct Atlantis exact
- Astarte conjunct natal Adonis, trine Sun

11th harmonic

- Adonis conjunct Ishtar (2)opposite Sumeria, squrae Atlantis, sextile Astarte

Adonis 29 Cancer
Ishtar 1 Leo
Sumeria 27 Cap
Atlantis 00 Scorpio
Astarte 27 Taurus

13th harmonic
-Aphrhodite conjunct Venus on 19 Pisces conjunct Atlantis on 17 Pisces, square Ishtar on 18 Gemini (on natal Karma), quinkunx Astarte on 18 Libra

(Adonis is on 23 Virgo)

I listed that here, because the 13th deals with the "spirit beyond", and it seems like my 13th depicts a very feminine theme here, with Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, Astarte all together. BTW Inannen is conjunct Sun on 7 Scorpio exact.

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posted April 21, 2012 04:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sorcha     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So I have not read through the entire thread, just portions of it. However I wanted to ask about the Isis/Osiris conjunction in synastry and which other asteroids you would typically look out for if you had the conjunction with someone.

With the two men I've loved the most and had the hardest time letting go of, I had my Isis conjuncting Man #1's Osiris and my Osiris conjuncting Man#2's Isis.

I've seen so many asteroids listed here linking two charts but I'm not sure I am clear on whether it is important to simply look out for any soulmate pairings (like Zeus/Hera, Groom/Briede, Adonis/Astarte, etc.) or if there are specific asteroids which would indicate a specific type of soulmate pairing.


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posted April 21, 2012 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think in terms of the "Sacred Marriage" theme, certain asteroid pairings stand out like

(maybe also Briede/Groom in a more generic sense)
(possibly Siva/Kaali/Parvati)

Other pairings might play out in synastry as well, but including the mentioned and others, the asteroid pairings indicate certain themes and have to be interpreted in this regard.

I`ve read quite a lot articles, too, which mentioned the sacred marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. But of course there are very conflicting views on this, and I understand that the church does not accept that notion.

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posted April 21, 2012 05:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sorcha     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Ceridwen

I will definitely check through the asteroids you listed. Also, I imagine that the conjunction would be the most powerful indicator - generally speaking, how many conjunctions of these pairings would you expect to see in a chart of twin flames or soulmates?

And also, how do you think that the "sacred marriage" between two people pertains to the longevity of the relationship? Sorry if this has already been addressed.

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posted April 22, 2012 07:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Taineberry:
Interesting ... I wonder if it is the Venus/Astarte/Innanen/Ishtar/Eros person in synastry that is the one of the pair who is the first to "recognise" their mate as they carry the "searching" energy and is therefore also the one who ignites the energy of the sacred marriage and elevates the partner into this divine state? Maybe with Isis/Osiris it can go either way?

Yes, I think this could be.
WEll, at least in the case of Eros I am pretty sure Eros knows first. And for the others it makes sense as well.

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posted April 22, 2012 07:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Sorcha:
Thank you Ceridwen

I will definitely check through the asteroids you listed. Also, I imagine that the conjunction would be the most powerful indicator - generally speaking, how many conjunctions of these pairings would you expect to see in a chart of twin flames or soulmates?

And also, how do you think that the "sacred marriage" between two people pertains to the longevity of the relationship? Sorry if this has already been addressed.

I would expect to see at least one conjunction/ opposition and then maybe about 2 other close aspects (1 or 2 degree orb).

But at the same time I don`t think it suffices to have even two or three exact conjunctions between asteroid pairings. There MUST be a strong backbone (ASC, Sun, Moon, nodal axis) and the asteroid conjunctions must be connected to vital natal patterns of major players.

Additionally you need to have timerelated triggers, signalling that THIS is the time for reunion.

I am currently investigating Age harmonics, and they seem to be pretty accurate.

For example look at Paul Newman`s synastry with his wife.

in the natal synastry they had:

°his Pluto conjunct her Proserpina on her DESC exact (plus it was conjunct his own DESC)

° his Juno opposite her Jupiter by one degree, squaring her Sun exact; additionally her Jupiter was trine his Sun by one degree

° in the 7th harmonic his Osiris trines her Isis by 2 degrees, which conjuncts her 7th NN

( I did not look at their harmonics in depth though, so there could be more).

Anyway, where it got really interesting, was checking their Age harmonics for the year they got married

he was having:
°AH Eros trine AH Psyche exact
- AH eros conjunct n Pluto and n DESC exact

° AH Groom conjunct n Briede exact

she was having:

°AH Eros sextile AH Psyche exact
- AH Eros quinkunx AH ASC exact

° AH Briede sextile n Groom exact

And those individual "markers" were interlocking in the synastry of that year
I am only using exact aspects for Age harmonics (under one degree)

° his AH DESC Conjunct her n Groom and hisAH ASC trine her AH Briede

° his AH Eros conjunct her n DESC
his AH Eros trine her n Venus
his AH Psyche ocnjunct her n Venus
his AH Psyche trine her n DESC

of course there were more of these like for example

his AH Moon conjunct her AH NEptune
his AH Venus trine her AH Neptune
his AH Venus conjunct her AH Pluto
his AH Moon opposite her n Moon
his AH Venus opposite her AH MErcury

- note that this pattern not only included the exact Venus-Pluto-conjunction, but contained both Moons, which rule the natal DESC`s of both charts

another interesting conjunction was his AH Pluto conjunct her AH Sun

and even more interesting this set:

his n Mars conjunct her AH Jupiter
his n Mars conjunct her AH Vertex
his n Mars trine her AH Venus
his AH Neptune square her AH Venus

this included both AH ASC-rulers

Another thing that is a good clue would be an "all-resonating" aspect; an aspects which comes up in all or at least most of the harmonic charts (up to the 13th harmonic); maybe it suffices if it is resonating through specific harmonics, more research is needed here.

And if that aspect should be an Isis-Osiris or Eros/Psyche or Adonis/Isthar conjunction or opposition, it might very well be a twinflame clue.
These resonating aspects present probably the strongest themes of a synastry.

In my own natal the tightest aspect is Juno-Saturn-trine with 0°02, since it is so tight it comes up in most harmonics:

7th harmonic:
Juno-Saturn-trine with 0°05

8th harmonic:
Juno-Saturn trine with 0°06

9th harmonic:
Juno-Saturn conjunction with 0°07

11th harmonic:
Juno-Saturn trine with 0°09

13th harmonic:
Juno-Saturn trine with 0°10

This is a theme that resonates through all possible layers of my personality, and is maybe strongest in term of the 9th harmonic, as it comes up as conjunction there.

I also have an Isis-Osiris-conjunction natally with an orb of 0°42, which means the orbs will be wider through the harmonics.

7th harmonic:
conjunction (4°57)

and from then it is getting wider and wider.

So to summarize: usually the natal conjunction/opposition has to be REALLY tight (much less than one degree), to strongly resonate through other harmonics.

Not every chart or synastry might have such an "allresonating" theme though.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 22, 2012 07:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Taineberry:
Interesting ... I wonder if it is the Venus/Astarte/Innanen/Ishtar/Eros person in synastry that is the one of the pair who is the first to "recognise" their mate as they carry the "searching" energy and is therefore also the one who ignites the energy of the sacred marriage and elevates the partner into this divine state? Maybe with Isis/Osiris it can go either way?

Taineberry, I think this is very insightful, and yes, I agree that this is what seems to be happening at least in the soul mate pairings.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 22, 2012 07:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Great job summarizing what you would expect to see in the charts of twin flames.

From your reply to Sorcha, I finally understand the importance of age harmonics lol. Guess I'll try and figure them out from your Age Harmonics thread

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Linda Jones

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posted April 23, 2012 12:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OMG! Guys, I found another one! I don't know how I'd missed this one (it's been on my spread sheet for a few days now and I kept overlooking it)

Ceridwen, you mentioned Dionysos/Bacchus-Ariadne to Sorcha (and even in your thread under the same name-which I have to go back and re-read carefully now).

Here's what I have:

My Dionysus at 12 Cancer 33 is conjunct his Ariadne at 13 Cancer 02 (exact-29 min)!

AND my Ariadne at 4 Gem 29 is sextile his Dionysus at 6 Leo 23 (1 deg 54 min). Is this too wide for a sextile?

Does the pairing work if it is my yang with his yin?

What is even more interesting is that I found our composite Giza at 14 Cancer 24 which is conjunct to our natal Dionysus/Ariadne conjunction (less than 2 deg away).
Is there any connection bet. Giza and Dionysus/Bacchus-Ariadne?


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Linda Jones

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posted April 23, 2012 12:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also, other asteroids conjunct the natal Dionysos/Bacchus-Ariadne conjunction at 12-13 Cancer:

I have Prosprina at 11 Cancer 36.
He has Destinn at 11 Cancer 59, Yes at 11 Cancer 09, and Valentine at 13 Cancer 01.

Other (composite) asteroids conjunct the composite Giza/natal Dionysos/Bacchus-Ariadne conjunction at 12-13-14 Cancer:
Comp. Adorea at 13 Cancer 25
Comp. Galatea at 14 Cancer 58
Comp. Briede at 14 Cancer 08

Any thoughts? Thanks.

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posted April 23, 2012 01:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Linda Jones:

From your reply to Sorcha, I finally understand the importance of age harmonics lol. Guess I'll try and figure them out from your Age Harmonics thread

Just make a harmonic for your age.
For example I am currently 37 years old, so the 37th harmonic is valid for me this year (there are some who use age + 1, so 38th harmonic for when you are 37 years old; even though it makes sense from a theoretical perspective, after checking several charts for pivotal years for me and others, it didnīt work).

Also if you do Age harmonics, keep in mind that only orbs up to 1 degree are being used.

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