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Author Topic:   The Heiros Gamos : Osiris conjunct Isis- synastry

Posts: 16212
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posted April 24, 2012 04:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

a question about the septile orb.
Do you use the 2 degrees in the radix?

I was checking the actual 7th harmonic charts for conjunctions within 2 degrees, but of course that would indicate a VERY small orb for a natal septile, as a septile in the natal with an one degree orb would appear as conjunction with 7 degree orb in the 7th harmonic chart.
I do not feel very comfortable in allowing 14 degrees for a conjunction in 7th harmonic chart though.

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posted April 24, 2012 05:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Checking my parents:

his Moon opposite her Sun (2 degree orb)


no conjunction or opposition

(SIVA trine PARVATI wide 2.31)
SOLOMIN quinkunx SHEBA exact

his OSIRIS opposite her ISIS exact

his ADONIS opposite her APHRODITE (1)
his ISHTAR opposite her ADONIS (3)

his ADONIS sextiel her VENUS
his VENUS trine her ADONIS (2)


ATLANTIS square ASC exact
ATLANTIS trine MOON exact

his ATLANTIS conjunct her VENUS (orb:2°23), which is sextile his Adonis

no tight aspect of Atlantis to luminaries, nodes or angles (they have it in comnposite though)


his NODE square her ASC (2 degrees)


no direct angle aspect

no Sun-Moon to angle aspect

(I wonder if the nodes to angles can balance this out, as the nodes represent the interconnection between Sun and Moon?)


1.1 Sun and Moon

1.2 A twinflame pair
his OSIRIS opposite her ISIS (3 degrees)

1.3 A double whammy where each person has one half of a twinflame pair in a 7th harmonic aspect to an angle, luminary or node-

her MOON conjunct his ADONIS (3 degrees)
her MOON conjunct his PARVATI exact
her DESC conjunct his ASTARTE (exact)
her ASC Conjunct his SHEBA EXACT

his ASC Conjunct her VENUS exact
his ASC Conjunct her SOLOMIN (1 degree)
his SUN conjunct her SIVA exact
his MC conjunct her SHEBA exact
his IC conjunct her SIVA exact
his SUN opposite her SHEBA exact

they have a linked SIVA/PARVATI-aspect through Sun/Moon,
and another linked SHEBA/SOLOMIN-aspect through ASC

1.4 Atlantis in a 7th harmonic aspect with a twinflame asteroid which is already part of a synastric aspect,

his ATLANTIS quinkunx her ISIS exact, which opposes his Osiris

(Wow, I didn´t think they would match this criteria, as it is is very special)
EDIT: I made a mistake of course a quinkunx in the 7th harmonic chart is not a 7th harmonic aspect. We need to check for conjunctions to Atlantis in 7th harmonic chart i think.

other "half-aspects"

his ATLANTIS opposite her OSIRIS (3)
her ATLANTIS opposite his SOLOMIN (2)
her ATLANTIS conjunct his DIONYSOS (2)


his 8th house ruler conjunct her DESC-ruler exact
his 8th house ruler conjunct her 8th house ruler exact

They have on each level at least one conjunction/opposition, except for the NODES.

But I think the nodal squares to an ASC-DESC are something unique, as the square places the nodes at (conjunct) the midpoint of the ASC-dESC-axis.
Same applies if a planet squares the nodes, it is at or conjunct the midpoint of the whole nodal axis, and therefore can become an important factor in integrating the past (SN) into the future (NN).
And of course if the nodes squares the ASC-DESC axis, ASC and DESC are at the midpoint of the nodal axis as well.

That is why I believe that squares of the nodal axis are different than planetary squares.

Edit 2:

A. Sun/Moon: synastric opposition: hit
B. twinflames: three oppositions: hit
C. Atlantis: comp: on the mp of ASC-DESC: hit
synastric conj. of ATlantis and Venus, also part of a tf-triangle: double hit
D. Nodes: ASC/DESC on nodal mp: hit
E. Angles: nodes on ASC/DESC-mp: hit
F. 7th harmonic: one tf-opposition and two linked tf-aspects: hit
a triangle including Atlantis with one aspect being opposition: hit
G. houserulers: conjunction of 8th ruler and 7th/8th ruler: hit

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Posts: 16212
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posted April 24, 2012 06:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A quick check of the Newman/Woodward-synastry

Sun conjunct Moon (6 degrees)

his Moon conjunct her Sun (6 degrees)


no conjunction / opposition

Adonis trine Ishtar exact
Solomon quinkunx Sheba exact
Briede trine Groom exact

her Adonis quinkunx his Isthar
his Ariadne square her Bacchus
her Ariadne quinkunx his Dionysos
his Siva trine her Parvati

- they have no conjunction / opposition which is odd.

his Groom is on the antiscion of her Briede though.

AND they have the exact Pluto/Proserpina-conjunction as well as an one degree Juno-Jupiter-opposition.
I am thinking really hard about Pluto/Proserpina anyway.
They were both god and goddess though, but of course in a way Proserpina "died" as she had to leave the upper world to be with her husband in the realm of the dead. It certianly is a very transformational pairing, but it is of twinflames?


Atlantis conjunct SN[/]
Atlantis sextile Moon

her Atlantis quinkunx his Moon

[b]his Atlantis conjunct her Psyche
his Atlantis conjunct her Aphrodite
her Atlantis opposite his Groom


her Nodes square his Sun


his ASC Conjunct her ASC


1.1 Sun and Moon

1.2 A twinflame pair

his Adonis opposite her Inannen

1.3 A double whammy where each person has one half of a twinflame pair in a 7th harmonic aspect to an angle, luminary or node-

her SUN conjunct his PSYCHE
her IC conjunct his PSYCHE
her SN conjunct his EROS

his IC conjunct her OSIRIS
his NN conjunct her ARIADNE

1.4 Atlantis in a 7th harmonic aspect with a twinflame asteroid which is already part of a synastric aspect,

his ATLANTIS conjunct his ADONIS, opposite her INANNEN
(his Atlantis to her INannen is a bit over the 3 degree orb, but his Adonis opposite her Inannen is well under 3 degrees)

other "half-aspects"

his Atlantis conjunct her PSYCHE
her Atlantis opposite his OSIRIS
her Atlantis opposite his SHEBA


his 8th house ruler conjunct her ASC


A. Sun/Moon: conjunction present - hit
B. twinflame: Pluto/Proserpina - hit
C. Atlantis: conj. to Node - hit
C. Atlantis: conj. to tf asteroid - hit
D. Nodes: Sun on mp of nodes - hit
E. Angles: conjunct ASC`s - hit
F. 7th harm.: twinflame opposition - hit
G. ruler: conj. of 8th ruler to ASC - hit

If we allow Pluto/Proserpina they have a "hit" (conjunction / opposition) on each level!

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posted April 24, 2012 08:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On Pluto/Proserpina/Persephone, I found this article here, which relates their myth to the sacred marriage of Sumer and Phoenicia.

"But back to Persephone, when Ovid mentions 'The Lady of Eryx' as the real cause for Persephone's abduction he reminds us that she is to take part in a sexual union. "

"A better preserved temple of Demeter and Core is to be found at Locri on the Southern coast of Italy. Here the focus is on Persephone as bride and then Queen of the dead.

Artemidorus Daldianus:

"Marriage for a virgin is a metaphor for death: dream of marriage, dream of death,and long is the cohort of "the brides of Hades" who exchanged the wedding song for the funeral dirge.
Kore as bride, and as bride she becomes Queen of the Dead..."

(Kore is another name for Persephone; this also shows parallels to Inanna, who journed deep into the underworld, the land of the dead, just like Persephone did).

and this here:

"In her marriage to Hades, she becomes a goddess of the Heiros Gamos(13), or Sacred Marriage, a role she was revered for at the cult center of Locri."

"Persephone’s marriage to Hades is considered an act of sacred marriage, or Heiros Gamos, a role she is not often popularly known for. And yet, it was a very important role once she assumed queenship of the underworld, as it was this that in part ensured the fertility of the earth, along with her work with her mother, Demeter. Secondly, it was an important aspect of Persephone’s cultic role as the protector of marriage, fertility and the giver of children, as she was worshipped for in Locri. (14)"

"According to Orphism, that wasn’t Persephone’s only power…she was the goddess of resurrection and reincarnation as well!"

Like in the story of Isis and Osiris though, here we deal with two immortals.

The parallels are:
Like in the Osiris/Isis myth there is a third party involved trying to keep the lovers apart. in the Osiris/Isis case it was Seth, here it is Persephone`s mother Demeter / Ceres, who does not want to let her daughter grow up to be a woman in her own right.

Like with Isis/Osiris and also very strongly relatiing to Inanna/Adonis, and partly resonating with Eros/Psyche and Ariadne/Dionysos, there is a descent into the underworld.
Here Persephone actually becomes queen of the underworld through her association with Hades/Pluto.
So technically she is already a goddess, BUT still experiences an elevation in status by becoming QUEEN and ruling the underworld with her husband.

She also experiences symbolic resurrection, as she will spend some time on earth with her mother as well, a time when spring comes.
In this regard she is also tied to the fertility of the land, as only through her return to the earth once a year, spring and fertility is made possible, which of course is closely related to the fertility rite of the "Sacred Marriage".

what do you think, would it make sense to check them, too, as sacred marriage couple?

btw my parents also have a Pluto/Proserpina/persephone-aspect:

his Pluto widely conjuncts her Proserpina (4 degrees) and trines her Persephone exact

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posted April 24, 2012 08:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones

1) Can Amor/Psyche also be included in the twin flame pairs
Not as a twinflame pairing, though as a soulmate pairing possibly.

EROS was a primordial God according to Hesiod.

The Romans domestificated/ watered him down, but first of making him a son of Venus and Mars (instead of a primordial god in his own right), and then they split him up into AMOR and CUPIDO, with Amor representing the loving caring side and Cupido the desire-nature.

" IF accompanied by Adonis and Innanen, Astarte, Ishtar, Venus or Aphrodite (to balance out spiritual with physical love)?"
The Adonis to Inannen/Satarte/Ishtar/Venus/Aphrodite would be the twinflame pairing and Amor connectiong to Psyche adding a soulful aspect, but not being a twinflame on its own.

"OR Amor/Psyche IF also with Cupido/Psyche?"
Yes, that might be possible, though Is till feel Eros is stronger.

"2) Do ea. of the twin flame pairs present in synastry have to have the Atlantis connection?"
Depends how many there are.
I think if there is one twinflame pairing connected to Atlantis it might suffice and present the core theme of this twinflameship, and the others are further supporting.

"3) Should Briede and Groom also have the same "framework" connections w/ Sun, moon, Asc/Desc, etc. (as well as Atlantis) as the other twinflame pairs?"

"4) "There must be at least two twinflame aspects (conjunct, opposite, trine, square, sextile, inconjunct or septile) in SYANASTY within a two degree orb. One of these aspects must be a conjunction or opposition."

For this, can the orb for conjunction be increased IF there's a 2nd object present? If so, by how much?"

Conjunction/ opposition might work up to 4 degrees, but if that is the only link, it probably will be only a very weak indicator. If there are others tighter, it still might work.

"5) What orbs would you like to use for a planet-to-asteroid aspect, and asteroid-to-angle aspect?"
2 degrees at most for all aspects except for conjunction / opposition which might have a 3 degree orb. But even then anything over 2 degree orb is not that strong.
You will need to have some really tight ones to balance it out.

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posted April 24, 2012 11:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceri .... Wow, you have been hard at work! I have been tied up all day and will be going through what you have written carefully as soon as I can, as I have just skimmed it for now.

In the meantime, I just want to add something to what you have said to LJ with regard to Amor as I was thinking about it in the car this morning. Funnily enough, I came to a similar conclusion as you - that Amor should not be part of a twinflame pairing.

However, this is not to say that Amor is unimportant in twinflame synastry as Amor represents Agape or Unconditional Love which is something that has to be very much present in a twinflame relationship. So perhaps Amor is a "MUST HAVE" which should feature somewhere in our theory? Maybe in aspect to one of the important points like the Luminaries, Venus, Nodes,Angles or a twinflame pair?

Another factor that we seem to have overlooked is midpoints - specifically the sun/moon midpoint which represents the point of inner marriage. Do you think we should include it? I mean a tight-orbed hard aspect to the sun/moon midpoint from a partner's luminary, angle, node, venus or one of the love asteroids? This might narrow down the field a bit more.

I also just wanted to say a bit more about the rarity of twinflame relationships. Yes, this is ideal and I would love it if everyone found their other half, but the reality is that many of us will not. However, this does not mean that the relationship that we are in is without meaning or purpose. I think that for most of us our primary relationship is probably of a karmic nature, but it is nevertheless of paramount importance because it may be our soul's intention accelerate our spiritual development in partnership with someone who does not always resonate perfectly with our own vibration and with whom we have a chance to clear our karmic baggage. There is a very high purpose in learning to love someone who is NOT our twinflame, who we have difficulty understanding and tuning into, and who forces us to confront things about ourselves, - the kind of things that may not be revealed if we were with a twinflame who is in sync with the way we resonate. In fact, it is with a karmic partner that our capacity to offer unconditional love and acceptance is tested and made stronger. We may also learn what is not right for us, and how to leave someone when we need to without leaving a legacy of hate. So, I think it is important to emphasize that although having a twinflame relationship is an incomparably beautiful blessing, it is not always what our soul needs in order to grow right now. Our non-twinflame relationship is also something to treasure in its own way. Similarly, those of us who have no long term partner need not despair at not having a twinflame companion if we view this circumstance from a soul perspective and see that learning to be "complete in ourselves" is what we need in our current phase of soul development. In this way, the feeling that we have somehow "failed" if it turns out that we have not found our soulmate is somewhat mitigated, as we are able to see that our soul has other plans for us currently ... but somewhere at the end of the rainbow our twinflame and Hieros Gamos is waiting for us when the time is right.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 24, 2012 12:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank you tremendously for answering my q's.
Excellent call on checking the charts of your friend/her ex, and your parents, and one celebrity couple against the latest draft of the TF theory.

And the "voids" in your friend's synastry w/ her ex are very telling. Your parents' charts look amazingly like TF's, but given their history, it makes sense.

And wow! You've been hard at work. Thank you. Also, the importance of the nodal mp makes complete sense.

Thank you also for posting links/snippets from the Persephone story.

All in all, that's a tremendous amount of time, effort, and excellent brain work there. I continue to be amazed at how you and Taineberry can churn this stuff out!

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Linda Jones

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posted April 24, 2012 12:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Yes, the imp. of the Sun/moon mp is something I too had been thinking about on and off for the last few days.

According to Hiroki Niizato, "In synastry, when another person’s [..] focal point makes a hard aspect with our Sun/Moon midpoint, it has" an "impact on us, almost as if we can use the energy from our partner’s chart to experience the sense of deep unification and effective self expression."

So I agree that the Sun/Moon mp would be an imp. consideration in TF theory.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 24, 2012 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What you said about the rarity of twin flame relationships ... that whole paragraph ... is incredibly insightful, inspiring, and completely filled with so much wisdom and understanding that it gave me goose bumps. I not only agree with every word you spoke but also love your high mindedness!

I feel very blessed to be a small part of this project with you and Ceridwen, because of not only the mental brilliance but also the spiritual brilliance that the two of you carry and put out.

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posted April 24, 2012 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I had the day off today, and these posts are practically all I accomplished today (oh well, my mum and me made dinner, and I did a bit of vacuumcleaning, too).

"Funnily enough, I came to a similar conclusion as you - that Amor should not be part of a twinflame pairing."
I find it very reaffirming that we came to the same conclusion here.

"However, this is not to say that Amor is unimportant in twinflame synastry as Amor represents Agape or Unconditional Love which is something that has to be very much present in a twinflame relationship. So perhaps Amor is a "MUST HAVE" which should feature somewhere in our theory?"
LOL That was what I have been thinking, too, that somewhere in the synastry a strong AMOR or VALENTINE aspect should appear (IQ really is the expert on Valentine).

" Maybe in aspect to one of the important points like the Luminaries, Venus, Nodes,Angles or a twinflame pair? "
Yes, just my thinking, too. These would indicate the flow of love pouring through the twinflame bond.

"Another factor that we seem to have overlooked is midpoints"
WE need to make sure though that we do not include too many factors here.

" - specifically the sun/moon midpoint which represents the point of inner marriage. Do you think we should include it? I mean a tight-orbed hard aspect to the sun/moon midpoint from a partner's luminary, angle, node, venus or one of the love asteroids?"
As a must have?

I was rather thinking that when a Sun/Moon-aspect is lacking, a Sun/Moon-mp might be signficant here.
But maybe you are right and it is even a must have.
(funny anecdote; in the composite of a guy and me, composite Sun is conjunct his Sun/moon-mp and c-Moon is conjunct my Sun/Moon-mp and when we first met, Tr Jupiter was conjunct c-Moon= my Sun/Moon and Tr Juno was conjunct c-Sun=his Sun/Moon. lol)

But maybe it really IS a must have, too.
the Newman`s had it with Moon conjunct Sun/Moon-mp.
my mom`s Venus is opposite my Dad`s Sun/Moon-mp exact (so her Venus is on his far midpoint).
my friend`s Sun/Moon-mp is conjunct her guys SN.

So there really is something to it I think.

I wouldn`t count any twinflame pairing to Sun/Moon-mp though, as we already have like 15 asteroids to look at. One might hit the Sun/Moon-mp per chance.
BUT maybe if we keep the orb tight (2 degrees or even 1 degree) and focus on conjunction/opposition to the Sun/Moon-mp (I would be willing to let myself get persuaded allowing the square, too. Maybe. with good reason. lol) of the luminaries, angles, nodes and Atlantis.

"also just wanted to say a bit more about the rarity of twinflame relationships."
I absolutely agree with you. Of course other relationships are very valuable, too. What is important is the love connection, not how we label the relationship.

Also I think what you described was the twinflame relationship ready for reunion. I think though that sometimes twinflames are not yet ready to reunity because one or both have still a way to go relating to soulgrowth.
This might be the case where all the factors presented here are present, but with a predominance of squares and quinkunxes in twinflame pairings, this might show that there is still some work to be done to unite in loving bliss.

This formula here also opens up a bunch of possibilities to weed out the really significant bits and pieces in a synastry and we should not stop with saying: Yes, this is a twinflame relationship, or Nope, sorry, keep on looking.

I think the true value lies in identifying the core pattern of the synastry and then we can move on from analysis to interpretation.
One pair might have a dominant Eros-Psyche-pattern, another one might have Isis-Osiris more prominent, and despite all similiarities, they are also highlighting a very unique type of connection, with Isis and Osiris being more like a mature couple, King and Queen, and Eros and Psyche highlighting the marriage of sexuality and soul, with that aspect of having to say very deliberately YES to their connection, despite what "mother" sais.
"Mother" Venus did not approve on Psyche at all in the beginning! And it took quite some time for Eros to grow up from being "Mommy`s boy" to make his love for Psyche public no matter what anyone else would be thinking of it.

Karmic relationships might have a very strong emphasis on Saturn and asteroid KARMA (and conjunctions of the SOUTH Node) in relation to luminaries, angles, nodes, Atlantis and twinflame aspects and also Venus, Amor and Valentine.

Venus, Amor and Valentine to luminaries, angles, NORTH Node, Atlantis and twinflame aspect might emphasise the "love theme".

And of course Saturn/KARMA/South Node to Venus/Amor/Valentine speaks of a Karmic love.

Even twinflames have karma sometimes, if they haven`t yet aligned their SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY - the Spirit of course has never Karma, but when we are on the emotional and physical plane, Karma can exist even bewteen twinflames.

But when they come together, when there is still Karma to be worked out BETWEEN them, it most probably is not the life/ time period of their ultimate twinflame union, but more kind of a preparing-stage.

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posted April 24, 2012 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BTW I know that some say twinflames never have Karma with each other.

But I have formed a different opinion on this.
Of course, as twinflames are two halves fitting perfectly together, there is nothing that really can separate them.
But we are talking about the pure spiritual twinflames here.

Karma is simply the principle of action=reaction leading again to action, and this a way for our soul to grow and learn the "best course of action".
ON the way there our actions of course produce karma with practically everyone we meet, and should we meet our twinflame, even with them.
From a spiritual perspective we already are ONE of course, but from an earthly perspective our personalities need not be aligned in the same way, and there is a learnprocess to get to the fullblown union of our spirit, soul and body.

And this learnprocess is our karmic path.

It could be though that this kind of karma is more our individual karma we have to work through to open our hearts to the allencompassing love, than it really is Karma BETWEEN twinflames. Though Is ometimes find it hard to differentiate, as everything in our life is relationship.
WE cannot "not relate" to something, that is how we structure our world and our view of the world and how we move in it.

I need to stress I think that I view KARMA neither as bad nor as good.
We tend to overemphazise the harsh lessons our Karmic path has to offer (maybe because that is how the soul learns the fastest. lol), but there are also karmic rewards, and that is Karma as well.

I also wanted to add, even if twinflames are not ready for the final union and separate due to obstacles / differences, I think they will never regret their relationship. Despite the "worldly differences" there will always be a feeling of love for each other flowing through them, even if for practical reasons they cant be together.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 24, 2012 03:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Very insightful comments. You've defined karma really well. I agree that even between twin flames there's bound to be karma. The eastern view point on this subject (karma being a Hindu term) makes complete sense to me-the very purpose of our births IS to work out past karma, and gradually learn the wisdom of "right action," which ultimately leads to complete freedom from the cycle of karma (the Hindus call it Nirvana). And yes there are rewards along the way for taking right action-one of them being the meeting with your twin flame-which would include the complete acceptance of each other in love.

Here I'm reminded of something you'd said (on a different thread-I think it was one of the Chiron threads)-"What could be more loving than someone who treats your most vulnerable part with gentleness, compassion and love?"

This stuck in my head ever since you said it because it resonated so deeply. This kind of love I think would be one of the rewards of having taken right action.

I would imagine that even twin flames, at least some if not all, would have things to work out before being blessed with the union of "love and soul" to produce JOY (from your Eros-Psyche story).

Ahhh! I love this thread. Did I say that already? NVM ... saying it again.

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posted April 24, 2012 06:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sorcha     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Just noticed your reply back to me now. Must have missed it earlier. I'm going to take some time to look over my charts and absorb the information you gave me.

Thanks again- I will be back when I have some kind of concrete evidence/aspects to share/ask about

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posted April 24, 2012 06:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sorcha     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
PS. How does one go about discovering a septile aspect in a synastry or comp chart? Do you just compare two people's 7th harmonic charts separately and calculate yourself or is there a way to figure it out from a synastry chart?


Thought I would ask know to save myself going back and doing it all over again

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posted April 25, 2012 03:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The easiest is to make a 7th harmonic chart for each and compare them for conjunctions between the 7th harmonic charts, as all septiles, biseptiles and triseptiles in the natal will come up as conjunctions in the 7th harmonic chart.

If you want to trace them in the natals:
septile = 51.5°
biseptile = 103°
triseptile= 154.5°

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posted April 25, 2012 04:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Linda Jones,

I am glad that you can relate to my view on Twinflame-Karma. I know that this is not such a popular view on this.

And I love that thread as well.

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posted April 25, 2012 04:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Are there any other assumed tf-couples we could check?

(well except for Mr Law and myself )

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From: pluto
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posted April 25, 2012 09:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilithpluto     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 25, 2012 11:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lilith Pluto,

to be honest I can`t say much consistent or even coherent about these aspects you posted.

What I find so intriguing in this thread is how a concept of asessing synastry with the incorporation of asteroid is emerging from the discussion here.
The compelling beauty of this concept is that it is "context-related" and not just singling out some configurations.

Also as far as I see the purpose of the thread (and Taineberry might correct me if I misinterpreted her) to develop a theory and a working system and framework for synastric analysis especially in relation to twinflames, and then applying it - as a whole- to examples.
The difficulty is of course that we can never be certain what couples really are twinflames.
That is why i used my parents and the Newmans as examples.
Even though I can nof course not be totally completely certain these were/ are twinflames, both couples have or had been married for qutie some time (50 years for the Newmans, 38 years for my parents), and seemingly "worked" as an unit.

I picked the example of my friends, not because they have been together for so long (only 7 years), but my friend actually has no clue aobut the concept of twinflames or how their relationship would be characterized by many authors, yet she described the very same feelings and experiences to me, that could have been taken from a book of twinflames (she doesn`t really have an interest to know if he is her twin or not; all she cares about is the love and growth they share).

Anyway, I wrote that whole paragraph just so you know why I am not going to interprete these single asteroid aspects you posted, of which several look very amazing. But as I tried to explain, it really doesn`t mean anything unless being put into context.

An Isis-Osiris-conjunction in a composite can mean quite different things in different comparisions, depending on the "framework", in which it is integrated.

You are of course very welcome to run your synastrfy/ composite through the "analysis sheet", which Taineberry posted on page 8, (though it possibly is still in the refinement phase), and then we can continue together to analyze it.

Or if tha tis not your intent, but you really just want a quick interpretation on these aspects, please open a new thread with these, either on the asteroid forum or on the Personal REadings forum.

I hope this here doesn´t upset you, and I Really do not mean to brush you off, but I don´t want this thread to be going "off course", and if we are doing personal interpretations here it should always be against the backdrop of the theory/ concept presented here.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 25, 2012 11:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Are there any other assumed tf-couples we could check?"

How about Pierce Brosnan and his 2nd wife? They seem to be deeply in love and devoted to ea. other after 10-11 yrs. of marriage. I'd read that his first wife (whom he was deeply in love with) had died of cancer. He felt numb after that and, for a long time felt he would never be able to love or marry again until he met his current wife. I've always felt he is very un-Hollywood-like, and quite "high energy."

Never checked his chart though. Hopefully he and his wife's data are available.

K here's what I found:

Keely Shaye Smith (wife)
September 25, 1963 birth time unknown
Vallejo, California, U.S

Pierce Brendan Brosnan
16 May 1953
Born 12:05 am
Drogheda, County Louth, Ireland

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the wife's tob.

What do you think?

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From: pluto
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posted April 25, 2012 12:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilithpluto     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No worries, Ceridwen. It's okie. I'll start another thread if I am interested to know more.

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Linda Jones

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posted April 25, 2012 02:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taineberry and Ceridwen,

I'm completely puzzled by the following:

I have NO Sun-Moon connections w/ Mr. Pisces Moon based on the framework we have developed so far and I completely agree that Sun-Moon is basic and therefore vital.

My Sun and his Sun-septile (exact)
My Sun and his Moon-wide square (83 deg)
My Moon and his Sun-too wide sextile (68 deg)
My Moon and his Moon-wide sextile (65 deg)
Composite Sun and Moon-75 deg

From the above I'm unable to explain the deep soul connection and synchronicity we've had right from the beginning, parts of which I've tried explaining earlier on this thread. And it isn't just that-in the first 2 yrs. after we met, we went through stuff that most married people would probably go thro in 10-12 yrs. of marriage. And it hasn't lessened the utopia/bliss we keep returning to after each "downturn" we experience.

So, in an attempt to understand more, I took the liberty of checking our Sun/Moon midpoints. Here's what I found:

My 1H Sun/Moon mp at 23 Tau 51 exactly sextiles his Sun at 23 Cancer 19 (32 min)
His Sun/Moon mp at 16 Tau 27 (also in my 1H) conjuncts my moon at 14 Tau 57 (1 deg 30 min)

Also, my Moon at 14 Tau 57 exactly sextiles his Asc. at 15 Pisces 42 (45 min)
And his Sun at 23 Cancer 19 is exactly conjunct my IC at 22 Cancer 37 (42 min)

Composite Moon at 12 Aries 17 is conjunct composite Asc. at 10 Aries 46 (1 deg 31 min)
Composite Sun is conjunct composite Venus by 8 deg which, in turn, is conjunct composite IC by 1 deg.

I know that every synastry/composite chart is unique but we still have to have certain guidelines to delineate twin flame relationships (which are special in themselves for reasons already discussed), and then have other special/unique relationships flow from this framework.

So astrologically, one of my purposes is to try and understand my relationship (which I feel extends beyond the parameters of "normal") within the context of this framework that we're in the process of putting together.

I don't want to come across as trying to fit my relationship in this framework just so it can be given the label of "twin flame." I don't see any point in doing that since I'm very aware of what I share with him.

At the same time, while learning astrology, I definitely want to understand the planetary/asteroid basis (if any) of what I share with him.

To help me keep things in perspective, I sometimes think of a soul mate (love interest) who had come into my life for about 1-2 yrs. I had our charts done by a professional astrologer-he gave an overall compatibility rating of 85%. From what I remember, the synastry was powerful with his Sun conjunct my Moon, Moon trine Moon, Venus conjunct Mars, Pluto trine Venus, and a bunch of other aspects. Yet I felt in my spirit that my connection with him was not a deep soul contact and I ended our relationship with as much gentleness and compassion I could (it was never consummated physically-didn't see a point in that either). It took me 2 yrs to recover from that (proof I guess of the powerful synastry, and also 'cause he kept calling for a long time afterward). Side note : he was gorgeous looking and on his way to becoming a successful physician.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that w/ the above soul mate I had the requisite Sun-Moon, Moon-Moon and I let it go. With Mr. Pisces Moon I don't have the requisite Sun-Moon and I feel a connection w/ him beyond anything I can imagine.

This is why I'm puzzled

Sorry my post is so long winded, 'cause I feel guilty for making you guys read so many words.

Having said that, I would love to further understand from you.

Thank you.

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posted April 25, 2012 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Sun/Moon alone will never never suffice.
That i what I tried to stress in my post to LilithPluto, you need to see it in the context of the whole chart.

Having said that I honestly don`t believe two people can be twinflames if the basic frame (luminaries, angles, nodes) is not present; they of course still can have a lovely loving relationship to each other.

Anyway, I don`t really understand your problem here, as you do have the Sun/Moon-connection in the form of Sun/Moon conjunct Moon. (sextiles do not count with midpoints)

Another thing is that and IC in Cancer is very Moon-like, and Sun on IC is a really beautiful aspect.
It is not a "two halves" aspect, as the IC is an angle and Sun is a planet (different levels of expression), BUT I believe that this conjunction definitely speaks of a strong soulbond in the sense that you feel like "family", a feeling of belonging and coming home.

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posted April 25, 2012 04:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Taineberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceri ... sorry for the delay in giving you feedback. Firstly I just want to thank you sooooo much for the amount of effort you have put into this. It is just amazing.

1) Regarding soft aspects to Nodes ... I think lets keep an eye out on this one, as there does seem to be a question mark regarding validity of the other aspects. Your point about it being an axis and should therefore be treated like the AC/DC/IC/MC is compelling – it makes logical sense to me now “why” those hard aspects seem so significant which is something I just sensed but couldn’t explain properly before (yeah.. MIDPOINTS). What do you say if for the purposes of the theory, we limit Nodal aspects to opp,conj,square (like we do for the angles) ... but still include the trine/sextile for now .....and dump the quincunx and septile. The reason why I am reluctant to “lose” the trine/sextile (pending further investigation) is because the Nodal axis only has 2 points, not 4 like the angles and the trine/sextile are the only 2 aspects that we are using in this theory other than the square that can be joined together to link the NN and SN opposition. The quincunx won’t work as it will have to be linked with a semi-sextile (which we are not using) and nor will the septile.

2) Thanks to your research, I am also feeling much more confident about the necessity of a “frame” involving the luminaries, nodes, angles and rulers as a prerequisite for the twinflame pairings and Atlantis to become meaningful. I am so exited to see how it worked for the “suspected” twinflames, but not the couple who you were fairly certain were not twinflames. I think we are really getting somewhere! Yay. As a corollary, an idle thought really – I was wondering if a couple who have the “framework” but not the Atlantis / Twinflame Asteroid could potentially be “TwinFlames who are not ready yet” ie. Their evolutionary progess is not currently at the point which allows them to experience Hieros Gamos – they meet and they feel something, but it just doesn’t ignite as there are circumstances which prevent a relationship from developing properly.

3) The septile orb – yes – I was using 2 degrees in the radix. The reason was because I thought most people would be more comfortable with understanding the septile aspect than a 7th harmonic chart. But taking into account what you said, I will be more specific in the next draft about whether it is 7th harmonic chart or the septile series of aspects that should be used, and will reduce the orb to 1 deg for septile/biseptile (radix) /7 deg conj (7th harmonic). I am comfortable to do this as the Septile should be tighter than the others. What do you think is the best way to phrase it for the theory – as a harmonic or as an aspect?

4) Hades/Persephone .... great research. I had forgotten about them and they seem to fit the theory. I vote we put them in.

5) I really also want to put a hit to the sun/moon midpoint as an extra alternative to a sun/moon synastry aspect or composite conj/opp. I will include it in next draft as discussed.

6) Amor/Valentine – I will put this in as an EXTRA “must have” (Point H) as we discussed. Are there any other asteroids that fall into this category that you can think of? I am keen to see if this works, as it will narrow the field a bit more.

7) Thanks for your excellent elaboration regarding Karmic relationships. Yep, I should have clarified in my post that the non-twinflame relationships were ones which were necessary due to balancing of karmic history either of the positive or negative variety only, not because of “perfect soul resonance”. The TwinFlame relationships are special because the relationship has both – the Resonance where they “vibe” together because they share a soul harmonic frequency AND there is karmic history – pos or neg – so it is not necessarily all plain sailing.

8) I loved what you said about the specific twinflame asteroid pairings that are present giving extra insight into the nature of the relationship of the twinflame couple – like a flavour to it! You could write a book on that alone!!

9) You touched a nerve in me when you mentioned that one indicator of karmic love (of the indebtedness kind) being Saturn on the South Node in synastry. I have this in double whammy with my husband! Ohhhh, that is a subject for another day!!!

LINDA JONES .... Just want to add here for you ... see point 5 above. You have a hit between your moon and his Sun/Moon midpoint. This is going to be included in the next version under Sun/Moon factors.

BTW ... please analyse the rest of the theory against your chart and Mr Pisces Moon as well, as I would be really interested to see if you have hits in the other categories. Your relationship seems to be a definite “suspect” for TwinFlame in my opinion and it would be so exciting if it fitted with the theory.

EDIT : PS ... Just to let you know that I am going on a short holiday from Friday to next week Wednesday and will be off the grid, so will not be posting during that time. Not ignoring you!!!

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Linda Jones

Posts: 1768
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posted April 25, 2012 04:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, Ceridwen, so much for re-explaining. I think I'm more relieved that I didn't frustrate you.

All in all I feel like Homer Simpson from the TV show The Simpsons (don't know if you get it where you are). Anyway he's famous for his expression, "Duh!" I feel like that right now-a complete Duh!

The point you made about the IC in Cancer is new to me, though.

Thanks for your input. If I was in Germany right now, I'd treat you to a pizza for being so patient.

Have a wonderful night!

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