Topic: eros OPPOSITE psyche
girl27 Knowflake Posts: 30 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted April 07, 2012 06:01 PM
there is a lot of information on the conjunctions but can anyone give a more detailed example of the opposite? or any experiences.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 10104 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 07, 2012 06:36 PM
There`s a great magnetism between Eros and Psyche in opposition. The aspect of the "chase" is more pronounced; the difference between opposing signs are usually a source of great attraction. For example: An eros in Leo might go crazy over the intellectual and sometimes detached qualities of a Psyche in Aquarius. In the same regard the calmer Psyche would be strongly fascinated by the Leonine warmth and playfulness.With the conjunction I always see a couple get lost in an embrace. And with the opposition it is more an image of the two chasing and teasing each other. And the thrill of the chase might never really fade and might start again after they have come together to go another round. But it all feels more playful and enjoyable to me than frustrating. You know what I mean? Oh and even though they might not admit it, they need each other, as opposing signs balance each other out. But of course sometimes they might overemphasize their differences and that is when the opposition sometimes can lead to antagonism. But usally the intrigue and fascination and attraction is much stronger. Celebrity couples who had that were:
°Jude Law - Sienna Miller: composite: Psyche in Libra opposing ERos in Aries synastry: his Eros in Pisces opposite her Psyche in Virgo AND his Psyche in Scorpio opposite her Eros in Taurus (well, obviously an Eros-Psyche-aspect is not enough to keep people together) ° Spencer Tracey - Katherine Hepburng: synastry: his Eros in Aquarius opposite her Psyche in Leo ° William Randolph Hearst - Marion Davies: synastry: his Eros in Pisces opposite her Psyche in Virgo ° Tom Hanks - Rita Wilson: his Psyche in Cancer opposite her Eros in Capricorn (orb is wide: 4 degrees) I have it myself in the synastry with a performer I`ve admired for the last 22 years (coincidentally it`s his birthday today. lol). I have not been sitting around spending every day just admiring in, but that admiration has always been back after a certain period. A bit like a light that grows dimmer and brighter again.
In our case, it is in the composite: Psyche conjunct Neptune in Scorpio opposite Eros conjunct Karma in Taurus IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1752 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted April 07, 2012 07:36 PM
There's some great info here, and with examples too!Thanks Ceridwen  IP: Logged |
flower Knowflake Posts: 177 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 08, 2012 07:46 AM
what about a square between those two? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 10104 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 08, 2012 11:46 AM
passionate sexual attraction and magnetism, but it is difficult to find a common ground.The square appeared in the Davison betwen Richard Burton and Liz Taylor. The Davison between Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh had the exact opposition from Sag to Gemini. Their composite had the exact square from Cap to Libra.
In Antonio Banderas` and Melanie Griffith`synastry his Eros/Psyche-conjunction is exactly square her Eros!
All three of them seemed to have been or are quite passionate couples. of course other things come into play here as well. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 10104 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 08, 2012 11:49 AM
here`s what cafe astrolgogy has to say:square: Green. Your love signs are square, or in signs that are square to each other. Especially when they form an astrological square, this points to a very direct and obvious clash of temperaments. Mind you, this combination can be extraordinarily exciting and titillating at the beginning, especially when yin-yang planets and points are involved. Whatever the case may be, you definitely notice one another. Something brews within each of you when you are in the same room. Sometimes, the relationship seems impossible. Perhaps one or both of you were involved with someone else when you met, or circumstances are such that your getting together could truly make waves. Often enough, relationships with this combination are passionate and even feverish, but circumstances seem to get in the way of things working out. Timing is off, and if you've loved and lost each other, you are likely to feel that IF you had met under different circumstances or at a different time in your lives, it would have stood a better chance. Whatever the case may be, there is some sort of challenge involved here, and if you become (or have become) a couple, you are likely to face plenty of challenges together. Your needs and styles in love are not only different, they actively clash with each other. This can be a very exciting--and very exhausting--relationship for you both! Yin-Yang combinations: The chemistry is very real and palpable with these combinations. It might be that you immediately dislike each other, or you sense there's "something wrong" with the attraction you do feel, or feel like you've been hit with cupid's arrow and don't know how to handle it. One of you may be the person who's "on the fence" while the other one is pushing forward. The person more likely to be on the fence, reticent, or fearful of going forward at the beginning of the relationship is the person with the "yin" planet in the combination--that is, the Moon, Venus, or Psyche side of the equation--because this is the person who is doing more of the sensing and feeling. For example, if the combination is Eros-Psyche, it's generally the Eros person who pushes forward and the Psyche person who harbors some doubts or fears in the beginning. You are more inclined to take up the challenge of this relationship, probably because sexual chemistry is present, in spades. Yin-Yin or Yang-Yang combinations: Although intrigued, these combinations are not as sexually magnetic as yin-yang combos, so the motivation to make things work might not be as strong. In other words, the clash may be felt as a true clash, simply because it's not masked by an all-consuming sexual attraction. opposition: Pink. Your love signs are in opposition, or in signs that are opposite. This combination can bring about tremendous fascination! Sometimes, the relationship begins with a distinct dislike of each other. Or, the initial reaction is strong but somehow disturbing! The feelings are never lukewarm, and they can go either way. Many times, they go to both extremes at the very same time! In other words, a love-hate relationship is possible. The truth is, the two of you have much to learn from each other, if only you don't waste your energies defending your positions to each other at every turn! The trick is to appreciate your distinct differences in both love styles and love needs, and find ways to complement each other (complimenting may work wonders, too!). Magnetism is the key word with any combination.
Yin-Yang combinations: The chemistry is very real and palpable with these combinations. You are more inclined to take up the challenge of this relationship, probably because sexual chemistry is present, in spades. Yin-Yin or Yang-Yang combinations: Although intrigued, these combinations are not as sexually magnetic as yin-yang combos, so the motivation to make things work might not be as strong. IP: Logged |
girl27 Knowflake Posts: 30 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted April 08, 2012 11:57 PM
what about amor opposite psyche what is the difference of that than eros opposite psyche? which is a better aspect?IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 10104 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 09, 2012 04:55 AM
There`s no better or worse. Just the "flavour" is a different one.Amor-Psyche is purely soulful, enhances an unconditional kind of love and great sensitivity and intuitive bond towards each other, but it often lacks the high degree of sexual magnetism that Eros-Psyche produces. IP: Logged |
Moonfish Moderator Posts: 4268 From: Tropical Ocean Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 09, 2012 10:45 PM
What does it mean when two people share Eros opposite Psyche and the ever so popular Venus conjunct Chiron in synastry? :] IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 10104 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 10, 2012 09:36 AM
Moonfish,hard to say. The thing is, and I am saying this addressing not you specifically, but anyone in general, is that with these single aspects all we can do is give the general meaning or symbolism. You probably will relate to parts of it, but it is important to remember that these asteroid aspects have to be seen in context. What sign and houses are affected? How does it aspect other planets. And most of all, the basic frame and relationship in synastry is ALWAYS founded on the aspect between angles and anglerulers, Sun and Moon and often the nodal axis. These are the sketches in a painting, the contures, giving the pattern. The asteroid aspect then add texture and colour. But without the contures/ the outline it will be just a mesh of colours running into each other. Also the asteroids being tightly conjunct the angles, Sun, Moon, nodal axis or anglerulers will give the specific pattern of each chart (and synastry, though for synastry probably conjunctions to Venus will be important as well). I know I have been ranting and rambling hre, but it was important for me to spell this out, so keeping that in mind.
DW Eros-Psyche: magnetic sexual-romantic attraction laced with a bit of tension, whcih might even enhance the passions and magnetism even more. Both can learn a lot from each other, but there will be difference in their approach to love and romance and sexual intimacy. Usually it will be enthralling, sometimes it will be challenging. They might chase each other and there might also be a bit teasing in the kind of interplay. Venus conjunct Chiron. could be the healing power of love, or creating wounds through love. Chiron is a very vulnerable energy, and chances are that Venus will be gentle enough so that actual healing through love and romance can be achieved. But if Venus is afflicted in the natal chart and some rough planets aspect Chiron harshly, well then this could actually be quite painful, usually for the Chiron-person, unless of course the Chiron person has Saturn opposite the other`s Venus. (just as an example)
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Moonfish Moderator Posts: 4268 From: Tropical Ocean Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 10, 2012 06:20 PM
Good points Ceridwen, I agree Funny referring to your last statement, His Saturn Does opposite her Venus as well lol XD So do you mean since he's the chiron, that would make him immuned to her wounding tendencies? IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 7913 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted October 26, 2013 12:46 AM
I love how I find linda threads on google! Great info!My Eros in Taurus Opposite his Psyche In Scorpio. 1 degree. Taurus/Scorpio axis sounds intense right? Also Eros is opposite Pluto exact.. If eros conjunct psyche is a soul mate connection what about the opposition? I have Eros opposite Eros with my best friend. We have established they were soul mates..! Not twin flames.. We could be.. I think it's with him though.
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Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 2936 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted December 30, 2013 03:33 PM
I have Eros opposite Psyche in Synastry Eros Trine Psyche also in Synastry Eros opposite Psyche in CompositeMy Psyche goes over his 8th house His Psyche goes over my 8th house. No idea what this means but I think its pretty powerful. IP: Logged | |