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Author Topic:   Asteroid Angel

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posted September 24, 2012 05:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Me -- Younger "Half" sister (adopted):

Angel CONJ DNA (<1)
Her name asteroid CONJ Mars/ Angel (<2)
Saturn OPP Mars/ Angel (<2)

Perhaps interesting in light of my Saturn OPP her Angel/Mars, I do feel I was her father in a long-ago life! There is some tension between us--our outlooks are different sometimes, but I would do anything for her.

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posted September 26, 2012 03:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Angel (and ASC, Atlantis, Mars, Neptune, NN) conjuncts my youngest brother`s Moon-Jupiter-Uranus.

I`ve always felt very protective of him, and we clearly have a strong spiritual bond, beyond the bond of siblings.
Though one of our common things is that we are protective of our middle brother, who`s got the Down syndrome.

That said middle brother also had been always protective of our youngest brother especially, to the point that he would never let go of his hand when they were children, and would almost start crying if my youngest brother was getting on the rollercoaster for example.

I actually remember an incidence when I was with my middle brother, and some youth was threatening him with a knife. Without thinking I reached for the knife, and twisted it out of the other`s hand, gripping the blade tightly.

My middle brother once pulled the youngest out of a pond and saved him thus from drowning and so on and on and on.

It seems looking back on our childhood that we always had been looking out for each other, though it was always something instinctual.

my middle brother has ANGEL conjunct DNA, which falls RIGHT onto my IC-Aura, and conjuncts my youngest brother`s Mars.

My ANGEL-ASC is conjunct my youngest brother`s Moon-Jupiter-URanus and trines his Mars; it is also trine my middle brother`s ANGEL.

my youngest brother`s ANGEL is opposite my middle brother`s Uranus, sextile his Venus and trine his Mars.
it is also sextile my Jupiter and right on my SPHINX whatever that means (well he always keeps me informed on the newest conspiracy theories ).

Actually we have a triple conjunction of:
my Jupiter: 11 Pisces
middle bro`s Venus: 13 Pisces
youngest bro`s Sun: 15 Pisces

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posted October 11, 2012 11:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Keela     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aeline:
"Keywords and Phrases for Asteroid Angel Divine guidance, surrendering to a higher power, messages from God/Creator, divine intervention, guardian angel, an angel in disguise, angelic assistance, a helping hand, being shown the way, spiritual healing. Seeing the light, a mirror for the soul, having your eyes opened to all that is, change of consciousness, enlightenment, cosmic connection."

I suppose, that if Angel is relevant in a natal chart, a person would be enlightened, helping one, compassionate one, which truly cares for people or other things.

I'd be happy if you told here what have you experienced with this asteroid both in natal or synastry charts.

I have Angel conjunct (at least) 908 Buda ("Buddha" to some people here?), French and Prey at 24 Sag. Angel specifically 24d 48'. All those are trine my 24 Aries Jupiter-Forbes-Echo-Jeon.

The Sabian symbol for that says:

Sag 25 A chubby little rich boy rides on a hobby horse of bright colors and wishes for hazards he may never know.

I'm so protected I don't have a clue about it, even with Prey there? Or does the Prey also go for "pray" by the same sound?

My father's Angel is 25d 12' Sag and Buda at 26 Tau conj. my (Algol) SN, which keeps surprising me every time since we haven't had an easy relationship. His BML conj. my NN may or may not play some part in that, or maybe even the fact his Lucifer is 27 Gemini opposite his Angel. My Angel is 1 opp. his NN at 23 Gem, his Karma at 22 Gemini.

I expect there are things there to learn then, but it's still a surprise to me every time I remind myself of those aspects. More so angels in _disguise_ is the impression.

My maternal grandmother has Angel conj. Lucifer at 6 Scorpio and is a feisty Leo otherwise. Not sure how those would play in family lineages or her relationships, although my DNA is 5 Sco.

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posted October 12, 2012 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Keela     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Keela:
I have Angel conjunct (at least) 908 Buda ("Buddha" to some people here?), French, Seaborg and Prey at 24 Sag. Angel specifically 24d 48'.

I forgot to note that my Draconic Angel-Buda-etc. head to 28 Aries conj. my natal Chaos (+ Chiron-Mucha at 27). Sabian for Chaos: The Music of the Spheres.

That's trine my Sun with a ton of other asteroids. My mother's Angel was at 1 Capricorn and my Draconic Sun heads to 2 Cap. My draconic Karma is 0 Cap.

My brother has Angel at 9 Leo conj. my father's Pluto and another ton of asteroids with me. My mother's Dr. Angel is 9 R Aquarius conj. my brother's Dr. same at 9d50' likewise since his NN is at ~29 Virgo and gives him a near reversed chart.

So I have Angel-contacts to the paternal side and my brother to our maternal side. I haven't checked most of the grandparent generation for these but can see that Buda and more of these rotate around in our charts the way things normally do within families.

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I'm so cappy

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posted June 19, 2013 07:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for I'm so cappy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Angel is in Libra in the 2nd and it squares Sun, Saturn and Chiron.

Who cut my poor angel's wings? Admit!

I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy.

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Astro keen

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posted July 03, 2013 12:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

my middle brother has ANGEL conjunct DNA, which falls RIGHT onto my IC-Aura, and conjuncts my youngest brother`s Mars.

This sounds very special. I found this info in a post by iQ:

"ANGEL conjunct DNA is very powerful.
There are 3 possibilities I know of:

1. Yes, they bring Spirituality to others or even protection to others because of the positive work done by their ancestors. It is in their blood to be of Service to Others consistently.

2. They have Genetic Codes which when accessed through meditation/visualization can help them communicate very strongly with their Higher Self or Over-Soul Level of Existence.

3. They have genetic codes which are from Extra Terrestrials of a positive polarity, who bred with Humans or who were Humans from another Star System and settled on Earth eons ago. "Nephilim" in the Bible are examples."

What would you say Angel conjunct IC in synastry would imply -that the Angel person offers guidance/protection to your inner core?

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Moon is Lunatic

Posts: 839
From: With my pr. 12H Moon conj. Neptune
Registered: Jun 2013

posted July 04, 2013 05:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moon is Lunatic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mine is in Aries 1st house and squares my Sun & Moon.

HMMMM. Well anyway I shall go and sleep now. It's midnight here.

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Posts: 6372
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posted July 08, 2013 07:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ail221     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Angel in Virgo 3°.....Cusp of the Thirteenth Lunar Mansion: a critical degree. Conjunct Aphrodite, Aten, Ra-Shalom, Ramses, Elvira, and Kaali.

Heavy focus on Egyptian past and healthy feminine sexual power.

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Posts: 2438
From: Gaea's Omphalos
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posted July 09, 2013 12:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SaturnineMoth     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On the 12h (Leo) cusp - cnj Chandra, Sichuan, and Aratus
(opp w/ Pallas, Antilochus, Asporina, Polyneikes, Vala, Stentor, Telemon, Herculina, Desiderata, Fides, Euneus, Euforbo, Funakoshi, Falta : tri w/ Hagar, Caia, Bopp, Aretta, Lameia, Thia & Priska, Yucatan, Antares, Adonis, Xanthos, Justitia, Beethoven, Harish-Chandra, Austrasia, Shridhar : sxt w/ Laetitia, Lancelot, Aldebaran & Ambrosia, Parthenope, Preseverentia, Pamina, Walkure, Hale : sq w/ Amenemhet, Jokaste, Hermione, Zenobia, Hazard, Unitas, Sedna, W.BM & Anchises, Hippodamia, Ismene, Phegeus, Vaino, Antarctica, Dejan, Polyhymnia, Echepolos, Lalage, Nausikaa, Palinurus, Phereclos Q Alpha Caeli, Algol & Aspasia, Klio, Irene, Sacajawea, Gothlandia, Amici, Archaeopteryx : bQ Mercury, Jubilatrix, Bienor, Hippocrene & Glauke, Parysatis, Sita, Bosse, Amun, Athor, Eurykleia, Thersites) ~

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Posts: 3904
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posted July 09, 2013 06:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
11911 Angel in Cancer 24.38'38" in 8th House CANC

Conjunctions to Vx-Uranus 0a and Jupiter 2a in 8th
Quintile 0a to VenusTAUR 5th (Venus ruler of Libra MC)

sextile Moon 0s
semisextile Pluto -0s
sesquiquadrate BML -0s
opposite Ceres -0s in 2nd

squares to -1a Sedna 4th, 1a Neptune 10th
quincunx to NorthNode 1a, Pallas -2s, in 1st

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Posts: 80
From: CA
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posted November 17, 2013 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 8ofHearts     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oooh. love this.
I have Angel at 2'50 Libra conjunct ASC, Pluto & Sun trine Jupiter at 2 Aquarius squaring Saturn 4 cancer. Have always wondered what it meant. I do feel protection and that somehow, even in the darkest moments, things do work out. I have been told by some I seem pretty angelic. And some say the opposite - ha ha!

I notice often I have attracted men with Juno at 2 Libra (or 2 Aquarius) and am very close to other Libra friends and others with planets in the early degree air signs. I have a Libra stellium though so it could be many factors. ;}

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Posts: 21341
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posted November 17, 2013 02:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Astro keen:
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
[b] [QUOTE]

What would you say Angel conjunct IC in synastry would imply -that the Angel person offers guidance/protection to your inner core?


My middle brother has the Down syndrome, and I am pretty sure that our life would have been different if this was not the case.
He taught us all having a new perspective on many things in life, and we probably value different things than many other people.

It is not just my IC being touched by his Angel - DNA, but also my Mum`s Jupiter, my Dad`s NN, and my little brother`s Mars.

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Posts: 3904
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posted November 17, 2013 05:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ That's beautiful, Ceridwen....

I keep collecting info on asteroids we look at here on LL Asteroid Astrology... All my research is packed in bins for moving , HOWEVER, I managed to find where my "A" asteroid-binder is! (What mess~ oh! How I need an Angel! --- )

A while ago I came across a website belonging to "Leah Whitehorse and Lua Astrology".... Here's what Leah says about "Angel in Your Chart."

Whatever your spiritual path, asteroid Angel's placement in your natal chart shows where you have an opportunity to receive divine guidance and where you may feel watched over and protected.
By aspect it may also show where you encounter living angels, those people that appear in your life just when you need them most.... -- Leah Whitehorse c) 2008-2012

JPL Small-Body Database Browser
accessed 7/10/2012
"Discovered 1992 June 4, by C.S.Shoemaker and D.H. Levy at Palomar."
"Founder and director Steward Observatory's mirror lab at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Roger Angel (b. 1941) has spearheaded the development of telescope mirrors as large as eight meters in diameter by a process called 'spin-casting'. His work and ideas have resulted in an enormous increase in telescope light-gathering power. Last Updated: 2010-04-12."

(Leah Whitehorse, continued)
Use Orb of "no more than 1.5 degrees."
TIP-- How to connect with Angel in your chart:
... either do a ritual, or meditation, on the day when 'the SUN makes a conjunction to Angel by transit'.
Write down your dreams during this time for added guidance.

(my data is posted above^^)
Is in my Cancer 8th House... conjunct my Vertex

(nov17) TRANSITING 11911 Angel is now in zodiac sign of Libra at 15°59'11"

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Posts: 1411
From: Neptune with Faith, Bella, Muddy and Doux. Commuting between that and Chiron.
Registered: Feb 2013

posted November 19, 2013 08:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for meissieri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Angel is at 1 Leo, quincunx my Uranus in Cap and semi-sextile Jupiter in Cancer.

Hmm, meagre. I'd hoped for something more.

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Posts: 21341
Registered: Jul 2011

posted November 19, 2013 09:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

thank you.

I have Angel on 7°31 Sagittarius

ASC: 7°01 Sagittarius

Lust: 7°43 Sagittarius
POSEIDON: 7°52 Sagittarius
Wisdom: 7°53 Sagittarius

ATLANTIS: 8°15 Sagittarius

NEPTUNE: 9°56 Sagittarius
NN: 10°09 Sagittarius

VARUNA: 6°08 Gemini
Fama: 6°51 Gemini

The ones in captials have something to do with Water.

When I was about one and a half year old, I jumped into a swimmingpool, instantly drowned, and would probably have died, if it wasnīt for my Dad getting lucky in finding me underwater.
Well, he said that he actually couldnīt find me, but that suddenly I had been layed right over his arm (as if carefully placed there).

My youngest brother also had a water-accident, he fell into a pond when being maybe one and a half year old, but my middle brother pulled him out of there.

Where it gets REALLY creepy though is that many years before that, my mum had to witness her brother fall into a pit filled with water and watch him drown. She was too young to do anything, only about 3 years herself (it is pretty much the first thing she remembers in life), so her brother died.
he was one and a half year at that time!

Many many years before that my maternal grandmother had to leave her home, with her children, during the end of the 2nd world war (my granddad had told her he would rather shoot themselves, than watching the Russian soldiers get a hold on his girls) and she and her daughters had a ticket for the ship "Gustloff", but they weren`t on time (my family is always running late it seems. ) so they missed the ship, and had to walk over the frozen Baltic sea by foot.
Well they got lucky, they were being so late, as the Gustloff was shot and sank.
Appr. 9.400 people died on that ship, mostly women and children (and yes, though not being talked about it was the biggest number of casualties in marine history I think).

Anyway my family got lucky then.
But something makes me think there is a definite water-karma running through my family.

I also was on a ship in the Irish sea, that almost sank. Well it was shaken badly, but apparently everything went alright in the end. lol

Astrologically speaking I guess this Angel on my ASC is a real blessing.

BTW me and my parents do have a bit of memory of Atlantis. More halfconsciously on my parent`s side, but I remember once watching a documentary with them, and when they were showing some art from atlantis (vases and such), my Dad would suddenly start talking a lot about that kind of handcraft. I guess he wasnīt even aware that he was telling much more details than the documentary even revealed!
And my Mum was very adamant that this was NOT the location Atlantis had been (and she doesn`t even believe in Atlantis. lol).

Me, I remember masses of water mostly. And a blonde man, and was having nightmares of a watery disaster, long before I even ever read a single line on Atlantis.

I have mentioned it before, but we all have angular Atlantis and Varuna-aspects.

Atlantis conjunct ASC, NN, Neptune, Poseidon
Atlantis opposite Varuna-Fama
Varuna conjunct SN widely

Varuna/Fama/DESC conjunct Draco Moon exact

Dejanira conjunct Dr Neptune/Atlantis/Angel

my Dad:
Atlantis conjunct ASC and Saturn
(Angel in 12th house, same sign, but not aspecting)

Angel conjunct Draco ASC/Saturn exact and conjunct Draco Atlantis (3 degrees)

IC conjunct Draco Poseidon/Wisdom

Chiron conjunct Draco Fama exact

Moon conjunct Varuna

Moon/Varuna conjunct Draco Nessus

Sedna conjunct Draco Moon/Varuna exact

My Mum

Atlantis conjunct DESC

(I never noticed but her Angel conjuncts my 12th house cusp exact; we also have a Sumeria-Sumeria-conjunction squaring that point)

Angel does not make such favourable connections, in fact it squares her Pluto

Varuna opposes her Sun

Neptune conjuncts her Dr Moon exact (on my DNA btw)

Poseidon conjuncts her Dr Atlantis wide - 3 degrees (I guess it is coincidence that my Dad Sun falls there, right? )

Nessus conjuncts Dr Sedna exact (not even getting into it locking into the most occult points of my chart)

My youngest brother

Atlantis conjunct NN conjunct IC - opposite Neptune

Varuna (on my Karma exact!) square Sun

sedna square Poseidon

Poseidon conjunct Dr Sedna

DESC conjunct Dr Neptune

ASC conjunct Dr Atlantis
(right on my Dr Atlantis/Angel/ASC. lol)

Saturn conjunct Dr Poseidon (on my Mum`s Sun, opp. my Dad`s Moon/Varuna/Dr Sedna - there was more with his Saturn that I did not mention)

Sun conjunct Dr Varuna

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Posts: 883
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posted December 07, 2014 12:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LostSoulRebecca     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I tried to reach out on your page, where you described Angel so very good, but coulnd't post a comment so I do this here.

My Angel conjunct my Jupiter (in Taurus) in 7th House. (It also trines my Sun in 3rd)

May I ask for your interpretation/opinion of it?

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Posts: 4380
From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
Registered: Sep 2014

posted December 08, 2014 02:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ANGEL conjunct MOON exactly. (With SHERLOCK, too, also exact.)

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Posts: 210
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posted July 06, 2015 02:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NikiVenus6     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
One of my dear friends had an actual angel encounter. He seems angelic to me, so I brought up the whole topic of the amgel asteroid to him. He has it conjunct Venus, I think.

what would angel conjunct SN in synastry mean? The boy is angel and girl is SN.

Free Information on Love Astrology

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From: n2thedust
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posted July 06, 2015 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Seimei     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 80
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posted August 08, 2015 08:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 8ofHearts     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow Ceridwen! I never went back to read this. That is some spooky (and lucky) family water karma you have for sure. Cool story. ;}

Originally posted by Ceridwen:

thank you.

I have Angel on 7°31 Sagittarius

ASC: 7°01 Sagittarius

Lust: 7°43 Sagittarius
POSEIDON: 7°52 Sagittarius
Wisdom: 7°53 Sagittarius

ATLANTIS: 8°15 Sagittarius

NEPTUNE: 9°56 Sagittarius
NN: 10°09 Sagittarius

VARUNA: 6°08 Gemini
Fama: 6°51 Gemini

The ones in captials have something to do with Water.

When I was about one and a half year old, I jumped into a swimmingpool, instantly drowned, and would probably have died, if it wasnīt for my Dad getting lucky in finding me underwater.
Well, he said that he actually couldnīt find me, but that suddenly I had been layed right over his arm (as if carefully placed there).

My youngest brother also had a water-accident, he fell into a pond when being maybe one and a half year old, but my middle brother pulled him out of there.

Where it gets REALLY creepy though is that many years before that, my mum had to witness her brother fall into a pit filled with water and watch him drown. She was too young to do anything, only about 3 years herself (it is pretty much the first thing she remembers in life), so her brother died.
he was one and a half year at that time!

Many many years before that my maternal grandmother had to leave her home, with her children, during the end of the 2nd world war (my granddad had told her he would rather shoot themselves, than watching the Russian soldiers get a hold on his girls) and she and her daughters had a ticket for the ship "Gustloff", but they weren`t on time (my family is always running late it seems. ) so they missed the ship, and had to walk over the frozen Baltic sea by foot.
Well they got lucky, they were being so late, as the Gustloff was shot and sank.
Appr. 9.400 people died on that ship, mostly women and children (and yes, though not being talked about it was the biggest number of casualties in marine history I think).

Anyway my family got lucky then.
But something makes me think there is a definite water-karma running through my family.

I also was on a ship in the Irish sea, that almost sank. Well it was shaken badly, but apparently everything went alright in the end. lol

Astrologically speaking I guess this Angel on my ASC is a real blessing.

BTW me and my parents do have a bit of memory of Atlantis. More halfconsciously on my parent`s side, but I remember once watching a documentary with them, and when they were showing some art from atlantis (vases and such), my Dad would suddenly start talking a lot about that kind of handcraft. I guess he wasnīt even aware that he was telling much more details than the documentary even revealed!
And my Mum was very adamant that this was NOT the location Atlantis had been (and she doesn`t even believe in Atlantis. lol).

Me, I remember masses of water mostly. And a blonde man, and was having nightmares of a watery disaster, long before I even ever read a single line on Atlantis.

I have mentioned it before, but we all have angular Atlantis and Varuna-aspects.

Atlantis conjunct ASC, NN, Neptune, Poseidon
Atlantis opposite Varuna-Fama
Varuna conjunct SN widely

Varuna/Fama/DESC conjunct Draco Moon exact

Dejanira conjunct Dr Neptune/Atlantis/Angel

my Dad:
Atlantis conjunct ASC and Saturn
(Angel in 12th house, same sign, but not aspecting)

Angel conjunct Draco ASC/Saturn exact and conjunct Draco Atlantis (3 degrees)

IC conjunct Draco Poseidon/Wisdom

Chiron conjunct Draco Fama exact

Moon conjunct Varuna

Moon/Varuna conjunct Draco Nessus

Sedna conjunct Draco Moon/Varuna exact

My Mum

Atlantis conjunct DESC

(I never noticed but her Angel conjuncts my 12th house cusp exact; we also have a Sumeria-Sumeria-conjunction squaring that point)

Angel does not make such favourable connections, in fact it squares her Pluto

Varuna opposes her Sun

Neptune conjuncts her Dr Moon exact (on my DNA btw)

Poseidon conjuncts her Dr Atlantis wide - 3 degrees (I guess it is coincidence that my Dad Sun falls there, right? )

Nessus conjuncts Dr Sedna exact (not even getting into it locking into the most occult points of my chart)

My youngest brother

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posted August 09, 2015 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for yungang_grotto     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I liked reading this thread so mush... Ceri... wow

... I've got Angel conjunct Jupiter natally... This falls on my partners chiron..

will make myself useful and post more synastry data once I look into it...

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posted August 09, 2015 09:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for yungang_grotto     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
noticing my Jupiter-Angel (3 degrees off the vertex)-- is quincunx my ascendant. Not immediately apparent? ... Extra quirky Angel.... :P

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