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Author Topic:   Asteroid Angel

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posted September 04, 2012 09:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aeline     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've found it relevant in one of my closest friendships, so i want to research it further.

Here's the description:

"Keywords and Phrases for Asteroid Angel Divine guidance, surrendering to a higher power, messages from God/Creator, divine intervention, guardian angel, an angel in disguise, angelic assistance, a helping hand, being shown the way, spiritual healing. Seeing the light, a mirror for the soul, having your eyes opened to all that is, change of consciousness, enlightenment, cosmic connection."

I suppose, that if Angel is relevant in a natal chart, a person would be enlightened, helping one, compassionate one, which truly cares for people or other things.

And if meaningful connections are made by this asteroid in synastry, should the persons involved feel that the other one is some kind of a light for them, a helping soul, that he/she would never say no if you asked his help, maybe wanting to protect the person from any harmful experiences...

I'd be happy if you told here what have you experienced with this asteroid both in natal or synastry charts.

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted September 04, 2012 09:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
One of my dear friends had an actual angel encounter. He seems angelic to me, so I brought up the whole topic of the amgel asteroid to him. He has it conjunct Venus, I think.

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted September 04, 2012 10:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aeline     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I'll post what i've seen/experienced.

I’ll take into consideration only conjunctions/oppositions within 2 degrees, and 3 degrees if luminaries involved.

* With my Moon-SN guy, which i'm in love with. Relationship of the past (lives), instant recognition and physical attraction played a good part in it too.

his Angel conjunct my Moon (3)
my Angel opposite his Eros EXACT

With my sister I love very much and we always support each other no matter what.

Her Angel does not make any significant connections to my chart
My Angel conjunct her Soulie (2)
My Angel opposite her Psyche (2)
My Angel conjunct her Karma (2)

With one of my friends, whose Sun exactly conjunct my SN. We were friends also in some of our past lives which we both remember.

His Angel does nothing.
My Angel opposite his Karma (2)

With one of my best friends, with whom I have really soulful connection, our Moons also conjunct.

My Angel conjunct My Name in his chart EXACT
My Angel conjunct his Soulie (1)
His Angel opposite my Karma (1)
His Angel conjunct His Name in my chart (2)
His Angel conjunct my ASC EXACT

In composite, our Sun is conjunct Angel EXACT

With my Dad, I had some heavy Karma going on from the past lifelines

His Angel does nothing
My Angel conjunct his Saturn EXACT

With my Mom

My Angel does nothing
Her Angel opposite my Psyche EXACT

With my other sister

My Angel does nothing
Her Angel conjunct my MC (1)

With the husband of my sister, I loved as my own brother, he passed away, when I was 12. It still hurts.

My Angel conjunct his Pluto (1)
My Angel conjunct his Amor EXACT
His Angel conjunct my Mars EXACT

With the son of my sister, I adore so much, and he adores me, he’s my soulmate, I’m 6 years older than him and we practically grew up together and are really close

My Angel conjunct his Moon EXACT
My Angel opposite his Saturn EXACT
His Angel conjunct my Sun EXACT
His Angel conjunct My Name EXACT
His Angel conjunct My Soulie EXACT

The guy that is crazy in love with me, I’m not.

My Angel opposite his Amor (2)
His Angel opposite my Psyche (1)

Crazy mutual physical attraction

No Angel contacts.

My grandfather and grandmother that lived happily married for more than 50 years

Her Angel opposite his Saturn EXACT
Her Angel conjunct his ASC EXACT
His Angel conjunct her Uranus (1)

My parents that were married for 24 years but I wouldn’t say they were happy

Her Angel conjunct his Jupiter EXACT
His Angel does nothing

An aunt and her husband, he had major problems with alcohol

Her Angel opposite his Neptune EXACT
His Angel does nothing

So far this. I’ll continue later on, with famous couples and parents/children to see if the patter continues. Now I can see some indicators, which mean that Angel might be possibly very important in relationships between people!

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Posts: 3495
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posted September 08, 2012 12:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have Angel conjunct my IC

(off topic but I just noticed that my Mars conjuncts my guy's IC)

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Ami Anne

Posts: 63777
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted September 08, 2012 08:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great info, Friends. I will be back to study Aeline! xx

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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Ami Anne

Posts: 63777
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted September 08, 2012 01:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear Aeline
I read all that. Fascinating input about Angel. Do you have conclusions I could take when I do charts? xx

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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Posts: 2601
From: israel
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posted September 08, 2012 03:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
if i have angel conjuncting my dsc what would that mean?

will i marry a supernatural being?

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posted September 08, 2012 04:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlackSeraph     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Between my dad and I:

Dad's houses and my houses (Placidus) are ~3-4 degrees from each others' cusps but otherwise match.

Dad's Angel @ 11 Lib 41'31" (Rx) conjuncts my Mars @ 12 Lib 12'41" (itself in stellium with Pluto/Venus).
This combination:
- opposes dad's Saturn @ 13 Ari 21'48" 4th house, which opposes my Mars/Pluto.
- quincunxes dad's Uranus @ 13 Tau 53'7", which itself opposes my Uranus @ 12 Sco 47'38".
- squares My Nessus @ 13 Can 28'49", which is also conjunct his moon @ 13 Can 46'16", both my Nessus and his Moon conjunct Sirius.
- trines dad's Sun @ 12 Aqu 33'51", with the aspect patterns as above.
- Quincunxes dad's Destinn @ 11 Pis 44'19"
- Barely quincunxes my Moon @ 9 Tau 56'44" and my Chiron @ 9 Tau 43'36" (Rx)
- barely opposes my Eris @ 14 Ari 35'16" (Rx) (by virtue of the combination with my Mars-Pluto-Venus)
- Semisextile his North Node @ 13 Sco 15'59", Quincunxing his South Node @ 13 Tau 15'59"
- Sextiles my Vesta @ 12 Sag 37'12"

My Angel @ 23 Leo 48'30" barely conjuncts my Mercury @ 21 Leo 50'12" (Rx).
This combination:
- Semisextiles dad's Neptune @ 22 Vir 56'33" (Rx), itself conjunct my Midheaven @ 19 Vir 41'10", itself conjunct my Apophis @ 20 Vir 7'8"
- Quincunxes dad's Juno @ 22 Cap 38'31", itself conjunct with my Lucifer @ 22 Cap 22'14" (Rx) and dad's Hekate @ 21 Cap 39'26"
- barely Trines dad's Venus @ 25 Sag 45'25"
Trines dad's Apophis @ 24 Ari 58'2"
- Squares my Karma @ 25 Tau 3'31", itself on Algol.

Yeah dad loves me, I love him as father/son do, but man did we have some incendiary points when I was growing up! (We still get on one another's nerves from time to time, but hey we're family and we get along too). We also went to church regularly when I was growing up (in the first church he went to, he was even superintendent), then went to the second church after my mom passed away in September 1989 after a falling out with the first church's pastor (who was less than exemplary in our time of need), and that second church further strained our relationship with the introduction to dad's future ex-fiancee (which would have been catastrophic if he hadn't finally cut that off. She was ultimately committed some time later). Then we went to a third church, and after a disastrous youth group trip where I saw the hypocrisy of that particular organization and flat out told my dad I was done with church, he understood, and eventually left that church himself.

Today, neither of us go to church, though he went for a time to a fourth church when he hung out with a new group of friends for a time (Eventually that faded away when the friend he talked to and went out with the most in the group past away, herself a preacher's widow). The experiences I think ultimately led to the improving of my relationship with him, but were not without a continual baptism by fire.

I haven't checked my Angel in comparison to any of my friend's charts or exes' charts yet. I could be here all day and night

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Posts: 599
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posted September 08, 2012 09:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cool, Aeline. Good, clear examples of Angel at work in your various relationships. Helpful.

Wow, BlackSeraph--you do seem quite bonded to your Dad with all those aspects. I see your Dad then has Sun TRI Angel. Do you sense how this might come across in him? My ex has that aspect, tightly, I now see. I've always thought she was quite special, incredibly giving of herself. I'd always chalked it up to her double Pisces Sun and Moon.

I do see that in a certain would-be-could-be-in-the-future-relationship with someone that I've been pretty much in love with for over a year, we have


Angel CONJ Psyche (<1)
Moon CONJ Angel (<3)

I've also certainly sensed a few past lifetimes with her, though not romantic. I sense *I* (the soul I am part of, or what have you) was her father once; and then *I* was an older male spiritual mentor to her.

And, at the risk of offending,...

Angel CONJ Fanny (<2) X^b

I certainly could see myself as a literal Angel hopelessly lusting after her from afar, in some other lifeline. ...I'm really not even kidding. (Natally, I have Angel CONJ Devine, to complete that story. Ha!)

Not to go off track, but I have to say, what is jumping out at me as well is ... Soulie! Cute. That's a new one on me. Never heard it mentioned here before. Do you find it has a different flavor than the other commonly used asteroids such as Alma or Spirit?

Lo and behold I do see that my Soulie conjuncts the anti-vertex exactly of the above mentioned person. As if I needed one more synastry aspect to fuel my obsession.

11911 Angel
13226 Soulie
3811 Karma
433 Eros
16 Psyche
1221 Amor

11911, 13226, 3811, 433, 16, 1221

Ooh... Black Seraph mentioned Angel being retrograde. It never dawned on me to consider that in asteroid research ?? My Angel is Rx.

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Ami Anne

Posts: 63777
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posted September 08, 2012 09:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by doommlord:
if i have angel conjuncting my dsc what would that mean?

will i marry a supernatural being?

You are attracted to someone with angelic qualities.

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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Posts: 3495
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posted September 08, 2012 10:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by doommlord:
if i have angel conjuncting my dsc what would that mean?

will i marry a supernatural being?


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posted September 08, 2012 11:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Me -- Recently ended relationship of 5 years

No Angel Connections
(No CONJ or OPP, but my Angel SQ her Moon <1)

Me -- Mom

Angel CONJ Saturn (<3)

Me -- Dad

Angel CONJ Saturn (<3)

(Their birth dates are only a few days apart.)

That is the only Angel aspect with them. I'd expect that with Mom; but I do feel close to my Dad, and we have other aspects with Psyche, Karma, Alma, Amor, Memoria, Soulie.... Hmm--but I also have many of those connections with Mom as well, as they are so close in birth date.

Me -- Brother 1 (My only full sibling)

Angel OPP Mars (<1)

Me -- Brother 3

Angel CONJ Chiron (<2)
Sun CONJ Angel (2)
ASC/Jupiter CONJ Angel (2) (His angel at mid-point between my Sun and Jupiter/Asc)

Much younger half-brother, whom I feel quite a positive soul connection with. Yes, I've felt I've known him in another "realm" in some way. We have other aspects involving Karma, Soulie, Amor. I feel we each inspire each other in some way and look kindly upon each other.

Still have a few other "half"-siblings to check.

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Posts: 2601
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted September 09, 2012 06:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:

You are attracted to someone with angelic qualities.

an angel in life and a devil in bed is all i need

btw your angel is conjuncting my moon excact!

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Ami Anne

Posts: 63777
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted September 09, 2012 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by doommlord:
an angel in life and a devil in bed is all i need

btw your angel is conjuncting my moon excact!

Oh My Goodness about my angel conj your Moon. That is wild.. See, I am an angel, People

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted September 17, 2012 04:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aeline     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Dear Aeline
I read all that. Fascinating input about Angel. Do you have conclusions I could take when I do charts? xx

Yes, i think Angel is prominent, when there are some kind of spiritual bonding between people. It's what it touches, that shows us what exactly is activating one person to admire the second one in a good sense of the word. For example, the guy with Angel on my ASC, he likes me for who i am. All of me. Others are different. Angel - Karma, Angel - Saturn could show contacts that are not so easy, the bonding is there, but there might be something unresolved, something heavy going on. Angel - Psyche i like very much. As you can see right into the soul of the other person and get lost there, and don't worry about it, because it's safe in there.

The person, who has Angel, is more involved with that kind of feelings. So it's good to have it both sides.

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posted September 17, 2012 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Aeline, I thought this was an ideal post you started inviting others to contribute some real data. Personally, this is along the lines of what I'd love to see showing up here more.

It would be great to see more data contributions on Angel.

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posted September 17, 2012 04:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aeline     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Jovian:
Aeline, I thought this was an ideal post you started inviting others to contribute some real data. Personally, this is along the lines of what I'd love to see showing up here more.

It would be great to see more data contributions on Angel.

I just started 2 another topics, which i expect to be similar to this - about Union & Boda, and other one about Galatea!

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posted September 17, 2012 04:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sounds good, Aeline. ...I think the trick then is to keep good threads active, so people can contribute and make use of them. I liked that you took the time to neatly offer interesting personal experiences of the asteroid, along with the real aspects for data-crunching purposes.

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posted September 18, 2012 04:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeathIsanIllusion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What would you say about an actual conjunction in synastry? Mine is at 29d 14' Taurus; his is at 28d 20'. The conjunction falls on his NN (28d 05'), my Jupiter (27d 01'), and opposites my Spirit (29d 19').

Does it point to a Pleiadian starseed connection? I've always had a thing for the Pleiades ever since I first read about Semjase.

In the composite there is an Angel(28)-Valentine(29)-DNA(29) conjunction in Taurus in the 8th house.

In our Draconic charts, his Gemini DNA conjuncts my Mars in the 9th at 9 degrees Gemini, opposites my Pluto(<1) and his Venus(<3). The Sabian symbol for the DNA-Mars conjunction is "An Airplane Performing a Nose Dive". ALDEBARAN is at 9 degrees Gemini. ANTARES is at 9 degrees Sagittarius. That's just one of the CLUES recently revealed to me about how exactly we got on this planet. 943-Website-on-extraterrestials-starseeds-Ashtar-Command-human-DNA-and-history-etc

Our Venuses and Icarus asteroids are all in Aquarius. His Venus at 4d 56', his Icarus at 6d 37', my Icarus at 9d 9', and my Venus at 11d 17'. In the composite, Icarus is conjunct Karma and Venus in Aquarius in the 4th; 1st house Scorpio Uranus squares Venus. Composite Jupiter is at 9 degrees Gemini again trining Venus and Karma. His Natal DNA opposites these 3. Our Fortunas are also both conjunct the GC. My Draco Spirit conjuncts his Natal Spirit. His Natal Spirit translates light from my Draco Spirit to our Natal Fortunas, then to my Draco Karma and his Natal Union. His Natal Union trines my Natal Union.

I've been these days trying to find more info about Aldebaranian Pleiadians. Well, I'm still searching, as I haven't found anything too new... yet...; but my hair has become more tangled than it has ever been and I think I'm gonna cut more than half of it (it also needed its ends cut badly). What was that thing again about long hair acting as cosmic antennae? It looks like they've burned out. . The aspects between our Natal and Draco Babylonian/ Sumerian / Chaldean & German asteroids are also mind-blowing.

There's also other new stuff recently discovered going on, but I'll write about it later. I've just started using the 69 pages asteroid pdfs.

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posted September 18, 2012 06:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gray     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My immediate thought a second ago was to look and see where this asteroid lands in synastry with my last ex, because I'm fully aware that I kind of put him on a pedestal and probably make him out to be more noble (angelic) than he actually is, in my own head.

Turns his "Angel" is in an opposition to my Moon-Pluto conjunction. Along with my Neptune landing right on his moon, no wonder he popped up in a dream once wearing all-white LOL.

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posted September 23, 2012 06:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for popcorn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by doommlord:
if i have angel conjuncting my dsc what would that mean?

will i marry a supernatural being?

I think Angel in conj bring protection. I also have Angel conj DC and all bad relationship never last. The bad relationships give me quick wisdom and then its out. I feel me protect from bad relationship....

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Ami Anne

Posts: 63777
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted September 23, 2012 06:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do you look for men who seem angelic?

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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Ami Anne

Posts: 63777
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted September 23, 2012 06:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
With Brother One--do you have a contentious relationship as Angel is opposed to Mars?

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted September 23, 2012 08:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for popcorn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Do you look for men who seem angelic?

Hei Ami!. Lol No, When Im single I look for men who are strong, exciting, different and smart. Ive my venus in house 11. My DC ruler is uranus.... I think angel put a touch of protect to what ever it will be in conj to or connecting to

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Posts: 599
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posted September 24, 2012 05:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jovian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ami Anne:
With Brother One--do you have a contentious relationship as Angel is opposed to Mars?

Hi Ami. Actually, no. We have a "bond" since childhood.

I would say that as adults, perhaps our outlooks have gone in different directions, specifically in the area of religion. Perhaps interesting, given the subject is religion, his Mars is in Sagittarius, opposite my Gemini Angel. But still, it is quite minor, and our deeper soul bond overrides this.

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