posted September 22, 2012 10:02 PM
Briede/ Groom19029, 5129
Geeawd... All those "soul mate" synastry pairs you and Ceridwen hashed out in the "Heiros Gamos" thread...and you never checked your own dang relationship for this one?? 
That pair is mentioned here, with the celebrity couples who have connections, in an informative reply by ..."DD":
"For Bride - groom aspects:
1. Paul Newman - Joanne Woodward:
linked Bride-Groom aspect
her ASC conjuncts his Bride
his ASC trines her Groom
exact Bride-Groom trine in composite
2. JOhnny Cash - June Carter
linked Bride / Groom aspect
his Bride quinkunx her True Node
her Groom squares his True Node
3. Laurence Olivier - Vivien Leigh
her Bride opposes his Groom
4. Paul Mc Cartney - Linda Eastman
Her Bride trine his Groom
5. Robert Browning - Elisabeth Barett BRowning
her Bride opposes his Groom
6. My parents:
linked Bride / Groom aspect
his Groom quinkunx her Mars
her Bride trines his Mars
So of 8 charts, 6 have either a direct or linked Groom / Bride aspect, and the other could still have a linked one. Coincidence?"
...And I won't even bother to post the other thread I found, where Ceridwen has a DW Briede-Groom conjunction with someone...and the sets are trine each other. --The woman of amazing synastries. 
In that same thread, she posts more detailed celebrity synastry connections between Briede and Groom and other bodies:
"I thought I would be having a look at some synastries and composites concerning Bride and Groom (orb is 3 degree max. and I am only listing interesting ones and the exact ones):
1. Paul Newman - Joanne Woodward
His Bride sextiles her Sun exact
His Bride conjuncts her Saturn
His Bride conjuncts her Moira!
(so her Saturn-Moira on his Bride - was it her fate to be his Bride?)
His Bride conjuncts her ASC (3 degree)
Her Groom trines his Venus
Her Groom trines his Destinn
Her Groom trines his ASC (3 degree)
- so it was also his destiny to become her groom?
[Bride conjunct Sun exact] trine [Groom conjunct Karma conjunct True Node]
Whoa! What a constellation! And the Bride-Groom-trine is exact!
2. Antonio Banderas - Melanie Griffith
His Bride squares her Karma exact
His Groom trine her Sun
Her Groom conjuncts his SN
Her Groom conjuncts his Destinn
[Groom conjunct Karma] opposes Psyche
Bride trine ASC
[Moon sextile Union] quinkunx Bride
3. Johnny Cash - June Carter
His Bride quinkunx her True Node exact
His Bride trine her Eros
Her Bride trine his Juno
Her Bride opposite his Destinn
His Groom trine her Pluto
His Groom sextiles her True Node
Her Groom squares his True Node exact
Her Groom conjuncts his IC
Groom sextiles Jupiter exact and widely conjuncts Sun (4 degree)
Bride squares Sun
Bride squares Venus
4. Laurence Olivier - Vivien Leigh
His Bride conjunct her True Node
His Bride squares her Destinn exact
Her Bride trines his IC
Her Bride opposes his Groom (3,5)
His Groom quinkunx her Sun exact
His Groom conjuncts her Chiron
Groom squares Venus exact
Groom quinkunx Destinn
Groom squares Uranus
Bride conjunct MC and trine ASC
5. Paul Mc Cartney - Linda Eastman
Her Bride trine his Groom
His Groom opposite her Chiron
GRoom trine Mercury exact
Bride quinkunx Union
6. Richard Burton - Liz Taylor
His Bride trine her MC and DSC
Her Bride conjuncts his Moira
Her Bride conjuncts his MC
His Groom trines her True Node
His Groom conjuncts her Valentine
Her Groom trines his Sun
Her Groom trines his Saturn
Her Groom conjuncts his Uranus
[Bride conjunct Sun] opposes Pluto and squares Moon and trines IC
Groom trine Mercury exact
Groom opposes Karma
7. Robert Browning - Elisabeth Barrett Browning
Her Bride exactly conjuncts his Saturn!
Her Bride trines his True Node
Her Bride opposes his Groom (3)
His Groom squares her Moon exact
His groom trines her Mercury and Mars
His Groom trines her Pluto exact
Her Groom squares his Moon exact
Her Groom opposes his Venus and Jupiter
Her Groom sextiles his True Node
[Bride conjunct Jupiter] trine [Karma conjunct Saturn]
Groom opposes [Jupiter conjunct Amor], squares Moon and quinkunx DSC exact
8. my parents
His Bride conjuncts her Moon
His Bride squares her Chiron and Union
His Bride quinkunx her Amor
Her Bride trines his Mars exact
Her Bride sextiles his True Node exact
Her Bride squares his Union
His Groom quinkunx her Mars
Her Groom trines his Amor
[Bride conjunct Union] (on my natal ASC!)
opposes Psyche and quinkunx Moira
Groom squares Pluto exact
Hmm, you decide. Is this significant=?"