posted November 28, 2012 11:52 PM
Jimmy Saville: Yet another Child Abuse Monster with Nessus AFFLICTIONS.More and more evidence about the danger of Nessus afflicitions comes on a regular basis.
The late Jimmy Saville of the BBC, who has been outed as one of the most prolific child abusers of all time, has Nessus in Aries square Pluto in Cancer exact to the degree and minute, both objects retrograde.
His Mental Illness indicator is Neptune oppose LUST exact while squaring Saturn in Scorpio exact.
This demon has 4 planets in Scorpio with Mars opposing in Taurus. Normally this just boosts sex drive but with the mental illness aspect, Nessus was permitted to indulge in assault.
So for the Nth time, there is incontrovertible mathematical evidence that in any chart with afflictions, a Nessus affliction increases the odds of the person becoming a serial rapist, abuser or killer.
Just found out that Saville's possible protege, Peter Sutcliffe [who killed more than a dozen women], is also of the Pluto square Nessus generation. The next one to Jimmy. Jimmy is 1926, Peter is 1946.
The trigger affliction to kill after Nessus inspired assault in Peter's chart is IXION square Venus exact. Perfect, mathematical evidence yet again of how transNeptunian Energy works in seriously afflicted charts.
Interestingly, the first murder committed by Peter after the death of his mother was on a day that has Nessus conjunct Moon exact.
If there is an honest man in FBI, wake up. Astrology can help cut down homicides by 70%.