Topic: nessus and psychopaths
doommlord Moderator Posts: 2599 From: israel Registered: Dec 2011
posted September 28, 2012 04:18 PM
ive been reading that nessus contacts can point to a psychopathas many people have nessus contacts is there any other aspects/placements that come with the nessus contact to point to psychopaths? does nessus have any other effects on the personality? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 11809 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 28, 2012 04:38 PM
Nessus indicates whrat you want "NO MATTER WHAT"; the urge to HAVE/ POSESS the object of affection (which is contradictory in itself; what kind of affection is that, if we objectify the other?) becomes so great that Nessus will not care for any social restraints, or even for what the other person thinks. He might hear the "No", it just doesn`t have any meaning for him. And if he does not succeed, he probably doesn`t shy away from poisoning the other, either in a mental or a very physical way.We all have Nessus in our charts though, and I guess it also can give insights in these power-mechanisms, thus these people might be very perspective to possible abusive, manipulative or controlling situations. Nessus alone does not make a psychopath. I remember IQ having written on that, that you first of all need afflictions to Nessus within 1 degree maybe (he is semi generational after all) and that afflictions to the personal planets are needed as well. I am not sure which planets, but I guess Moon or Mars would be very relevant here.
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doommlord Moderator Posts: 2599 From: israel Registered: Dec 2011
posted September 28, 2012 04:43 PM
interestingive had IQ tell me about my nessus but my chart changed after that my nessus has a 1 deg conjunction to mars and a 2 deg conjunction to pluto (all conjuncting ixion) in the 9th that stellium is only favorly aspected by trines and sextiles IP: Logged |
quinnlycanastro Knowflake Posts: 496 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted September 28, 2012 05:16 PM
None of the psych astrologers I know have written about Nessus being an indicator. Mars, Saturn and Pluto are usually in there somewhere along with an afflicted Moon and a few other pointers. IP: Logged |
Sorcha Knowflake Posts: 852 From: Registered: Mar 2012
posted September 28, 2012 05:33 PM
I have Nessus conjunct my Sun and Venus with a 0 degree orb each way and this conjunction squares my Pluto/Karma. I'm a psychotherapist but not a psychopath I think we all have elements within ourselves which try to control and manipulate aspects of life but if someone tells me 'no' then I listen. I might ask why (Gem ASC and Merc trine Pluto) but I know what No means. I see Nessus thus far as a dark energy but then I haven't been studying it for years.... But I can say that I definitely don't want to own a person. I crave balance in my relationships. IP: Logged |
VelvetPriestess Knowflake Posts: 86 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted September 28, 2012 06:00 PM
You know it's a thing, I don't believe one aspects reveals a psychopath. I've looked at the charts of some serial killers in the past - only to check out aspects - and I didn't include asteroids in my checking, but the most common aspect I found was Venus/Mars conjunct, which many non-psychopathic people have too. I think you must look at a whole raft of aspects coming together in one chart to show psychopathic tendencies.IP: Logged |
doommlord Moderator Posts: 2599 From: israel Registered: Dec 2011
posted September 28, 2012 06:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Sorcha: I have Nessus conjunct my Sun and Venus with a 0 degree orb each way and this conjunction squares my Pluto/Karma. I'm a psychotherapist but not a psychopath I think we all have elements within ourselves which try to control and manipulate aspects of life but if someone tells me 'no' then I listen. I might ask why (Gem ASC and Merc trine Pluto) but I know what No means. I see Nessus thus far as a dark energy but then I haven't been studying it for years.... But I can say that I definitely don't want to own a person. I crave balance in my relationships.
very interesting thank you for posting  IP: Logged |
Sorcha Knowflake Posts: 852 From: Registered: Mar 2012
posted September 28, 2012 09:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by doommlord: very interestingthank you for posting 
You are welcome, sir  IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4014 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 28, 2012 09:28 PM
If I remember correctly Nessus was a centaur ??Nessus in Libra 5th house Trine Moon, Eros, Psyche,NN, ASC and MC Square Venus Semi-square Pluto Sextile BML maybe I am a femme fatale IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 3317 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 29, 2012 03:01 PM
I have leo nessus@3.00 conjunct my leo saturn@2.50 these make a grand fire trine with my saggy sun@4/merc@3 and my nymphe@3/black moon lilith@3 the lilith/nymph fall on my descendant...I'm not a psychopath my step dad was and its taken a lot of work to undo what he did to me..maybe goos aspects to nessus points out where we have overcame, or will overcome abuse from nessus...bad aspects show where the abuse became part of us and if we dont see it, we will display nessus qualities? IP: Logged |
anonymidarkness Knowflake Posts: 4898 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 01, 2012 11:32 AM
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 53716 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 02, 2012 04:10 PM
I think one has to look at several things in the charts of psychopaths. One would be a badly afflicted Jupiter and badly afflicted Moon.Algol may be in there, too. ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3287 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted October 06, 2012 01:32 PM
Im an intensivecare unit ward nurse and anestetic nurse. Ive moon conj nessus hard aspected and Im not an psychopat. Ive jupiter conj Algol.My boyfriend is an surgeon and have an exactly nessus square saturn. He also have an exactly venus conj algol. My son have his nessus conj NN and he have 7 years study on university and he is not an psychopat. My daughter have hers karma conj nessus square hers venus exactly and she is not an psychopat. She will about 2 year be an Midwife. President Barach Obama have his nessus exactly conj his moon in square to his uranus and pluto. Ive checked out the people who manage the higher and most difficult of ecucation in scandinaven and they often have nessus conj wich also often are hard aspected... 99 percent of all those people I checked out have nessus conj something or hard aspected. All the dangerous people who seems to be psychopaths in my country havent any specific strong nessus aspect. I cant find that. I could find only 1 from all the 150 classify psychopath with hard nessus aspect... Strange but true. This is the reality and not fantasy or something I want it would be. This is facts. IP: Logged |
quinnlycanastro Knowflake Posts: 496 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted October 06, 2012 03:11 PM
Nessus is ultimately about revenge... and the end justifying the means.
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popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3287 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted October 06, 2012 05:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by quinnlycanastro: Nessus is ultimately about revenge... and the end justifying the means.
Ok. So this is what you know from the reality? Interesting research. I like test related to the reality. Nessus is so slow and sometimes on the same degree for years.´ There is an interesting generation there everyone got their nessus in orb to Algol. People born from 1958 to dec 1960.. This minigeneration would been like devils if the fantasy of nessus would work out like many astro people want. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 4686 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 08, 2012 04:28 AM
<< There is an interesting generation there everyone got their nessus in orb to Algol. People born from 1958 to dec 1960.. This minigeneration would been like devils if the fantasy of nessus would work out like many astro people want. >> It can also mean that this generation had incarnations in entire planets that were destroyed by abusive tyrants or "mini devils". This is why people of this generation became so active in the Science Fiction genre. And young people of this generation gasped and shivered on seeing the scene where Darth Vader destroys an entire planet in the first "Star Wars" movie, as it triggered a common memory.Astrology will show both polarities of an energy. In my study of each and every psycho who raped or killed over 5 people, Nessus afflictions have been present. Ignorant people will neglect the energy of Nessus at their own risk, smart ones will use it to conquer their internal demons. << My boyfriend is an surgeon and have an exactly nessus square saturn. He also have an exactly venus conj algol. >> He cuts up people for a good purpose than evil. He is smart. << My son have his nessus conj NN and he have 7 years study on university and he is not an psychopat. >> You do not comprehend the basics of NN. Those with Nessus conjunct NN will be helped the more they master the Nessus energy in a positive way. Your son will help victims overcome their grief after he gains sufficient experience. << My daughter have hers karma conj nessus square hers venus exactly and she is not an psychopat. She will about 2 year be an Midwife. >> She has to be careful of marrying the wrong guy, that is all. Women with harsh Nessus rarely become psychopaths, they are the victims in maximum cases. << President Barach Obama have his nessus exactly conj his moon in square to his uranus and pluto. >> Hence, he is emotionally unconcerned about the civilians killed in drone attacks. << Ive checked out the people who manage the higher and most difficult of ecucation in scandinaven and they often have nessus conj wich also often are hard aspected >> Scandinavian education system may have inadvertently abused the citizens to the point that their humanity is being robbed, and they are steadily being converted to "borg" people who cannot think for themselves, unless they unite and fight the system like the Iceland citizens have shown. Anders Breivik is a Scandinavian who reacted to this Nessus driven education system. Anders did not study in France or India or China, and yet he pulled off the most macabre murder spree in modern history. His teachers did not spot the psycho, a veil came over their eyes, astrologically impelled perhaps. Sometimes, one individual expresses the energy of a dark aspect, and saves thousands from doing a similar crime. Likewise, one good act from a man with an afflicted chart can save tragedy from befalling his people. IP: Logged |
quinnlycanastro Knowflake Posts: 496 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted October 08, 2012 06:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by popcorn: Ok. So this is what you know from the reality? Interesting research. I like test related to the reality. Nessus is so slow and sometimes on the same degree for years.´There is an interesting generation there everyone got their nessus in orb to Algol. People born from 1958 to dec 1960.. This minigeneration would been like devils if the fantasy of nessus would work out like many astro people want.
I'm not fatalistic with asteroids, they have nowhere near the importance of the main planets. They don't seem to influence the personality like the planets but are more like themes that come up in the individuals life. Even with the main planets ~ people ultimately choose how to use the energy. With Nessus, it's just one tiny indicator that the individual may be prone to acting out of vengeance. They might have more difficulty than others when it comes to "letting go" of issues. It's a good point about algol being conjunct nessus [58-60] but I'd still be focusing on the ones who had personal planets in aspect to the pair. I know a few people who were born around that time and I have to say that they do seem to struggle with getting over old hurts. I've never seen Nessus as an abuser, Hercules committed far more immoral acts than Nessus and yet he's labelled a hero? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 11809 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 08, 2012 09:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by quinnlycanastro: I've never seen Nessus as an abuser, Hercules committed far more immoral acts than Nessus and yet he's labelled a hero?
Well, Hercules certainly has clearly abusive traits as well, but that doesn`t mean Nessus was not an abuser in the myth. After all he assaulted Dejanira and tried to rape her. Now if that is not an abusive action, I don´t know what. Anyway, I still think that one has to definitely look at the whole picture. First of all Nessus aspects have to be really really tight, with that I mean 2 degree orb TOPS, because of the fact it is so generation. Secondly it has to be personalized, having strong aspects to personal planets. I mean sure a lot of people born close to each other may have Saturn square Nessus or Pluto square Nessus. Even in tight one degree orb, but I´d pay closer attention to those who have their ASC or Moon in close aspect to Nessus as well. Or Saturn. Or Pluto.
Even then, I wouldn`t go so far to think of them as psychopaths in every instance. What such a configuration tells me is that there is a THEME coming up in their charts and probably lives. The themes surrounding Nessus will be important in their environment, life or personality. It will have an impact. How this impact will be? I don`t feel fit to really see that from just these aspects alone. Maybe it can be seen from the overall chartpattern, maybe not. I don`t know. Will they ACT out the abusive tendencies of Nessus, will they SUFFER from them, will they be AWARE and CONSCIOUS of this theme and use their awareness for the good, helping people who might suffer from abuse? I think all three manifestations are possible. Personally I have Nessus on 28 Gemini in 7th house opposite Sun and Mercury on 26 and 25 Sagittarius. First of all it is a rather wide aspect. However I am KEENLY painfully aware of manipulation through "mindgames" and especially verbal abuse. I am hypersensitive to these things, when it comes to others, but also to myself. I noticed from a very young age on how words, how you use them, actually can be used like weapons and can seriously wound. I know that from having experienced it, how some people try to warp your mind. But I am also very aware that I have to be extra careful not doing the same. Interestingly it is usually around the time the Sun is transiting my natal Nessus, that I have to be even more in control of what I say than usually. The possibly hurtful words and thoughts are very close to the surface during these days. Personally I think I experience my Nessus-aspects on all three levels. I have experienced being wounded by mental manipulation and words in different context. I have used words and thoughts to wound (sometimes unintentionally so, and I was the one hurting the most after the words were said; but opposed to other people I feel that you can`t really take back words. What is said, is said.) And I have developed a carefulness when it comes to words and communication, observing very closely what people say, how they say it, in what contexts. I am usually the first one of my colleagues who notices if a pupil is being bullied verbally by others, and it is one of the very rare occasion my pupils see me get REALLY angry. And usually once they have experienced it firsthand, they don`t want to experience it again. I have a zero tolerance politics when it comes to playing mindgames with others and verbally abuse him usually coupled with: I didn`t do anything, I just spoke my mind. It is not my problem if the other one feels like they want to go and hang themselves after talking to me. If I feel responsible or care about others (and at school I do), I will make it their problem. The positive side of Nessus aspect is that you know whom or what you are up against and you know how to fight a possible abuse and manipulation. You can`t fight it with honey and marshmellows though. You need some strength and the determination to REALLY Bring your point across and draw a line. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 4686 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 09, 2012 06:36 AM
One of the greatest philosophical works in human history was released by Nietzshe in 1883, a year that had Nessus and Chiron conjunct, then get positively aspected several times. The work is about "The Super Human" (Ubermensch) and it is an example of what humanity can achieve when we conquer the harsh Nessus aspects. Nessus is a bridge to Pluto from Saturn. One cannot master Pluto without conquering the Nessus impulse.Check out this video clip to get a good grasp of what happens when harsh Nessus Energy is tamed without Saturn Restrictions and is allowed to be freely utilized by Pluto. Always Angry yet always in control, ready to transform for the good fight. Note: Comic Books are a great way to master Jungian Archetypes and Astrological Myths. Captain America: No Nessus Energy. Very strong positive Saturn Energy. Black Widow: Nessus in Scorpio afflicted, uses sociopathy for good. Thor: Pluto without Nessus, strong Sun and Jupiter for his Ego. Iron Man: Mars, Nessus and Pluto in Fire Signs, plenty of Uranus with no respect for laws. Others: Superman: The best of Jupiter-Pluto, no Nessus and absolutely no Ego. A deity in Human form, a Krishna or Achilles type with just one weakness. Green Lantern: He has afflicted Saturn manifesting as fear/loss of dad, but strong Pluto to enable transformation. Spiderman: Nessus afflicting his Sun with very strong positive Saturn (do gooder), Jupiter (humor), Uranus (lab accident, scientist) and Pluto (genetic transformation). His demon involves self-abuse and self-blame for loss of his uncle Ben. There is a "Chiron" angel to Superheroes too, I think Batman is a very strong case of Nessus, Chiron and Pluto squaring Saturn. The Vigilante who needs to destroy all mobsters to avenge his parents murder and the wound of a lifetime given to the psyche of a pre-adolescent child. ------------------ Astrology Articles New Services and short readings IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3287 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted October 09, 2012 09:09 PM
<< Ive checked out the people who manage the higher and most difficult of ecucation in scandinaven and they often have nessus conj wich also often are hard aspected >> Scandinavian education system may have inadvertently abused the citizens to the point that their humanity is being robbed, and they are steadily being converted to "borg" people who cannot think for themselves, unless they unite and fight the system like the Iceland citizens have shown.Anders Breivik is a Scandinavian who reacted to this Nessus driven education system. Anders did not study in France or India or China, and yet he pulled off the most macabre murder spree in modern history. His teachers did not spot the psycho, a veil came over their eyes, astrologically impelled perhaps. Sometimes, one individual expresses the energy of a dark aspect, and saves thousands from doing a similar crime. Likewise, one good act from a man with an afflicted chart can save tragedy from befalling his people.[/B][/QUOTE] 1,All the people I checked out are not born just in scandinavien. 45 percent of the people are born in another country. This is not a country thing.
2,If people in scandinavien was abused citizens why are the middleage in our country one of the highest in the world? 3,Anders Breivik dosent got any bad nessus in his chart. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 4686 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 11, 2012 07:15 AM
Scandinavians are not more physically abused than other nations, but more intellectually abused. Hence, there are no liberating philosophers like Voltaire or Montesque or Descartes in these otherwise strong nations. A country that can produce a megamind like Magnus Carlsen should certainly have produced a dozen modern Descartes, but the ability to think freely has been suppressed, and government is allowed to make all decisions for the people, including taking children away from parents. Emotions are suppressed too, too the point of encouraging people to behave like intelligent and happy robots. This has happened very subtly over the decades. This goes beyond Nessus, and it could be a karmic result of the Viking past, I cannot say for sure. It is an ongoing research for me.Anders Chart: 1. Cancer Rising with Ascendant conjunct Nessus. He was abused by his mother at age 4, as per testimony in the hearings. 2. Nessus sextile Saturn exact, strengthening the ability to use Nessus, and to use it with ambition. 3. PANDORA conjunct Nessus, creating trouble for the whole world through Abuse. 4. ERIS square PANDORA, Ascendant and Nessus: Chaos through Abuse and through his personality. 5. LUST conjunct APHRODITE exact, is also conjunct NESSUS and a quincunx to Nessus from Venus adds to this: An irritation towards women that creates a need for abuse, lustful fantasies of killing women perhaps and ultimately playing this out by murdering so many hapless people, including young women and young men who had access to happy relationships with women. 6. LUCIFER trines Nessus and Pandora, making satanic programming through abuse very easy. 7. Draconic ANUBIS conjuncts Ascendant and Natal Nessus exact. He may have been astrally inspired to commit abuse.
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astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 04, 2012 03:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by quinnlycanastro: Nessus is ultimately about revenge... and the end justifying the means.
I have Nessus 4 degree from Moon. I can relate to this and have done so in the past. Getting older, I have learned to just go with the flow and I know what comes around goes around instead of taking matters into my own hands. Also at the same time I learned the power of forgiveness and that really helped. sometimes I'm still sad and upset, but I don't do anything about it other than communicating it. In romance and relationship, this 'realization' comes sooner. maybe because as a child I have seen many heartbroken people around me that I realize if love is not meant to be, it will never be. revenge won't bring him/her back and if they don't want to stay, it's pointless fighting over them. About 'psycho' LOL I always like psychology. not so much to be psychologist but just reading it, analyze other people and my own personality/feeling, discussing it too. sometimes I watch movies for that reason. I don't know any psychopath otherwise I won't be alive now LOL but yes I have met obsessive people, stalkerish. Ignoring makes them more obsessed, but I also stay safe. IP: Logged |
StacyLewis Knowflake Posts: 471 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 04, 2012 03:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by astrofan123: I have Nessus 4 degree from Moon. I can relate to this and have done so in the past. Getting older, I have learned to just go with the flow and I know what comes around goes around instead of taking matters into my own hands. Also at the same time I learned the power of forgiveness and that really helped. sometimes I'm still sad and upset, but I don't do anything about it other than communicating it. In romance and relationship, this 'realization' comes sooner. maybe because as a child I have seen many heartbroken people around me that I realize if love is not meant to be, it will never be. About 'psycho' LOL I always like psychology. not so much to be psychologist but just reading it, analyze other people and my own personality/feeling, discussing it too. sometimes I watch movies for that reason. I don't know any psychopath otherwise I won't be alive now LOL but yes I have met obsessive people, stalkerish. Ignoring makes them more obsessed, but I also stay safe.
No it doesn't, acknowledging them makes them more obsessed and makes them act out more because they get off on the thrill of knowing that they triggered an emotional reaction in you. Speaking from personal experience but won't go into specifics, but the astrology backs me up with some Nessus aspects I have indicating emotional abuse from others, along with obvious things like the asteroid Lamb in the first house ... the more predatory members of the species see me and immediately think, "Lunch"...
I'm a highly Plutonian person but I've never been vindictive; for me the planet manifests more as sheer emotional intensity and developing compulsions and obsessions where different subject matter are concerned - astrology being one of them. All the Libra energy in me finds vindictiveness and revenge-plots distasteful and unpleasant, and all the Leo in me just thinks it's beneath me anyway. I'm more of the type who will sit there and take the blows, keep letting people kick me in the teeth, but when necessary, I'll stand up and defend myself. From there I typically move on as long as I'm left alone (Leo isn't big on holding grudges). I've seen karma come back on people who've really wronged myself or others and it can be very nasty - some of them have come down with life-threatening illnesses, developed drug and/or drinking problems, mental illnesses, that sort of thing so that's another reason why I've never felt the need for revenge because I've seen what that level of hate does to a person and the karmic fallout from it. IP: Logged |
astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 04, 2012 03:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by StacyLewis: No it doesn't, acknowledging them makes them more obsessed and makes them act out more because they get off on the thrill of knowing that they triggered an emotional reaction in you. Speaking from personal experience but won't go into specifics, but the astrology backs me up with some Nessus aspects I have indicating emotional abuse from others, along with obvious things like the asteroid Lamb in the first house ... the more predatory members of the species see me and immediately think, "Lunch"...I'm a highly Plutonian person but I've never been vindictive; for me the planet manifests more as sheer emotional intensity and developing compulsions and obsessions where different subject matter are concerned - astrology being one of them. All the Libra energy in me finds vindictiveness and revenge-plots distasteful and unpleasant, and all the Leo in me just thinks it's beneath me anyway. I'm more of the type who will sit there and take the blows, keep letting people kick me in the teeth, but when necessary, I'll stand up and defend myself. From there I typically move on as long as I'm left alone (Leo isn't big on holding grudges). I've seen karma come back on people who've really wronged myself or others and it can be very nasty - some of them have come down with life-threatening illnesses, developed drug and/or drinking problems, mental illnesses, that sort of thing so that's another reason why I've never felt the need for revenge because I've seen what that level of hate does to a person and the karmic fallout from it.
that's interesting I am leo sun scorpio rising. maybe it's Lamb in H10, I noticed the more I ignore them the more eager they are to get my attention. obsessive people are obsessive, regardless they get ignored or not. it's just who they are I think.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 53716 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 04, 2012 03:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Nessus indicates whrat you want "NO MATTER WHAT"; the urge to HAVE/ POSESS the object of affection (which is contradictory in itself; what kind of affection is that, if we objectify the other?) becomes so great that Nessus will not care for any social restraints, or even for what the other person thinks. He might hear the "No", it just doesn`t have any meaning for him. And if he does not succeed, he probably doesn`t shy away from poisoning the other, either in a mental or a very physical way.We all have Nessus in our charts though, and I guess it also can give insights in these power-mechanisms, thus these people might be very perspective to possible abusive, manipulative or controlling situations. Nessus alone does not make a psychopath. I remember IQ having written on that, that you first of all need afflictions to Nessus within 1 degree maybe (he is semi generational after all) and that afflictions to the personal planets are needed as well. I am not sure which planets, but I guess Moon or Mars would be very relevant here.
Great post, as usual, Ceri 
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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