Topic: 2211 Hanuman, 2307 Garuda, 4034 Vishnu
Keela Knowflake Posts: 543 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 10, 2012 12:57 PM
I've been curious about what you people would have to say about the Indian/hindu themed asteroids 2211 Hanuman, 2307 Garuda and 4034 Vishnu for a while but I can't seem to find anything conclusive said about them. Any insights into the lot or how they feature in your lives? I'm new here (long time drive-by reader) but the focus on all the Indian named asteroids seems to have been on the soulmate pairs or slightly more esoteric ones. Anything on these? Garuda is Vishnu's mount and Rama was one of the avatars of Vishnu, and Hanuman is all about service or devotion to Rama and Sita, so they have slight connections. According to Wikipedia Hanuman could also be seen as an incarnation of Shiva, so we veer back to the more commonly used asteroids even with him. "Garuda is the Hindu name for the constellation Aquila and the Brahminy kite and Phoenix are considered to be the contemporary representations of Garuda" is some more info from the Wiki on him. Massive in size, he's a sworn enemy of the Naga (since I know the boards are rife with the Reptilian theorists ;P ). Hanuman seems to be awesomely powered and gifted and yet through to the mischievous monkey god thing, also cursed to forget all that until reminded. Anyone want to remind me something about any of these? I have HANUMAN conj. my ASC, 6 Leo. VISHNU 18 deg. 40' Sag. My Vertex is 19 Sag. GARUDA 21 deg. 28 R Aries. (PSYCHE + PHOINIX + PHAETHON 10 Gemini.)
In the draconic chart my Vishnu moves to ~22 Aries conj. my natal Garuda. My draconic Hanuman is 10 Sag, opposite that Phoenix, were Garuda to have some phoenix associations, too. Sadly I'm a little low on online time just now and have to run so I'll have to come back tomorrow with some more about how they or other Indian themed ones feature in my chart... but I'm still curious if or how they feature with others out there. Anything, anyone?
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 56440 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 11, 2012 08:44 PM
Welcome Keela  I am not familiar with these. Perhaps, someone else is.------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 43454 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 12, 2012 09:55 AM
Welcome!------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 543 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 12, 2012 10:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Welcome Keela  I am not familiar with these. Perhaps, someone else is.
Thank you for the welcome and commenting. I was hoping some more people would get curious and have a look where they have some of these asteroids to see how common they are around these corners, for example. There are also 2415 Ganesa and 5863 Tara I haven't seen much discussion about, so the same goes for those two. Sita and Rama were so important to Hanuman that 244 Sita and 25468 Ramakrishna also feature in relation to him. 2211, 2307, 4034, 2415, 5863, 244, 25468 for Astrodienst? It's possible these are more likely to feature if there are strong other Indian themed asteroids in the chart as well, but that's why more info is always helpful. For example. My father has Parvati conj. his AC and my mother her Siva conjunct that. My father also has his natal Sita sextile his Rama for another mythological couple, and his Hanuman sextile Vishnu. His Vishnu is exactly opposite my Kaali, the Taurus Hanuman 1 conjunct my Atlantis-Serendip-Ilmari-Mumma and trine my Kaali & co. My mother has her Hanuman 2 conjunct Sita opposite her Chiron. Hanuman is trine her Garuda conjunct Mars. Her Draconic Ramakrishna is 1 conj. her Sun. As for my brother, he has Hanuman opposite his Sun and his Tara conjunct the Siva-Parvati of our parents. His Vishnu-Pluto is opposite our father's Sun-Moon conjunction and his Ramakrishna is conjunct our mother's ASC. My Draconic Sita is opposite her Sita-Hanuman. My natal Ramakrishna is square her Sita-Hanuman. So with all those there is the usual family thing going on with these with us. I'd just like to know if more people here find interesting natal, synastry or draconic contacts with any of these asteroids. Would they only show up if you already have strong SIVA or KAALI type hits for a theme or are they common otherwise as well? Oh, and as well as that Parvati-Siva, my parents also have his Sita at 15 Gem 56' conjunct her Ramakrishna 16 Gem 12', so I know those at least work. IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 543 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 12, 2012 10:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by Randall: Welcome!
Thanks for the welcome to you likewise. I added some more insight into why I'm asking about these and some other asteroids, but the gist of it is that not enough people have looked into them. I think there's a lot there and with 244 Sita and Ramakrishna there's even the potential for some of the soulmate potential business that so many seem to want to look into, too. I'll probably copy-paste some more info on the relevant mythological figures sometime later still, but hopefully people get curious about the seven in any case. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 56440 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 12, 2012 10:25 AM
Ok Sweetie Put them up. Certain asteroids resonate with certain people. There are so many that I don't think one, single person can be proficient in all of them. Please research them and teach us. That is what it is all about  ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Jovian Knowflake Posts: 599 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted October 12, 2012 12:48 PM
Hi Keela. I'm glad you are sharing these. ...I posted a lone thread a few months ago, on some of the "___krishna" aspects I had in natal, and synastry with someone. Are you Indian? Why do these names resonate in your chart and your family's, do you think? ...I do have a sympathy and affinity for the Hindu spiritual philosophies, as I said in the other thread...probably from another lifetime. (EDIT: Oh, I now see you mentioned in the other thread you are Finnish!) I went ahead and plugged in some of these you've mentioned, and they do seem significant, though I will have to contemplate their meanings. My natal: GARUDA conj TARA (<1) SITA conj SNode (<2) GARUDA is squaring the KRISHNAN/RAMAKRISHNA/BALAKRISHNAN conjunction I mentioned in my post. VISHNU sext PLUTO (<1), in addition to being conj NEPTUNE and opposite SATURN, as I mentioned. SITA tri SIVA (<1) My Synastric interest there has even more interesting connections, natally, all hanging around degrees 27-29: RAMAKRISHNA tri GARUDA (<1) RAMAKRISHNA qx TARA (<1) KRISHNAN sq RAMAKRISHNA (<2) KRISHNAN conj SATURN (<2) KRISHNAN tri TARA (<2) TARA tri SATURN (<1) KRISHNAN qx GARUDA (<1) GANESA conj VENUS (<2) I interestingly chose to see Ramakrishna as the recent guru, and chose to use asteroid 55753 RAMAN for Rama. In that case, she natally has BALAKRISHNAN opp RAMAN (<1) SITA forms exact T-square to those. Synastry, sticking to the obvious conj and opp, except for that "soul mate" pair: PARVATI sq SIVA (<1) SUN opp RAMAN (<1) VISHNU opp TARA (<1) MERCURY opp GARUDA (<1) TARA/GARUDA opp KRISHNAN/SATURN (<2) (This falls right around my Vertex, as well.) SUN conj BALAKRISHNAN (<2 minutes!) Interesting, thanks.
EDIT: Re: Kaali: I have KAALI opp CHIRON (<1), with VENUS forming a T-square to it (2) That is all. For my synastry partner there, looks like her KAALI is right in the mix at 27 degrees, with those others. So, just add like five more aspects from her KAALI to those others! That is interesting, in light of what you suggest--that perhaps natal Kaali aspects are significant? It doesn't seem that HANUMAN plays much of a role in this case. Perhaps a sextile or so. Do you think RUDRA should be included? I have RUDRA sq MOON (<2) She has RUDRA conj MARS (<2) and RUDRA sq VENUS/GANESA (<1) Synastry: RUDRA conj SUN/MOON (<2) (She has sun/moon conjunct) ASC conj SIVA (<2) IP: Logged |
Jovian Knowflake Posts: 599 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted October 12, 2012 01:26 PM
"Hanuman seems to be awesomely powered and gifted and yet through to the mischievous monkey god thing, also cursed to forget all that until reminded. Anyone want to remind me something about any of these?"So...are you saying you have an active Hanuman?
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Keela Knowflake Posts: 543 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 13, 2012 06:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Jovian: Hi Keela. I'm glad you are sharing these. ...I posted a lone thread a few months ago, on some of the "___krishna" aspects I had in natal, and synastry with someone. Are you Indian? Why do these names resonate in your chart and your family's, do you think? ...I do have a sympathy and affinity for the Hindu spiritual philosophies, as I said in the other thread...probably from another lifetime. I went ahead and plugged in some of these you've mentioned, and they do seem significant, though I will have to contemplate their meanings.
Hello you as well. I noticed you'd posted quite a lot of useful info here and there but I hadn't seen that Krishna-related post. I'll definitely have a look at those. Krishnan seems the most keyed in with me, my father's on my DC and my mother's 1 conjunct my Sun. The family has no conscious connections to anything Indian, and where I come from hasn't even seen an Indian restaurant so far. I liked reading about Hinduism in school but then I liked reading anything mythological from the age 11 or so. Astrology books and scifi featured from when I was nine so going far or wide isn't unusual with me. The closest I've personally gotten to anything relating to Vishnu or Krishna is having dinner at the Hare Krishna-restaurant Govindas in Stockholm. I do recall though that when our teacher asked us which of the three main Hindu gods we'd see the most beneficial to worship if we were Indian I was the only one who saw any sense in Shiva the "dark and ghastly death" one. For the same reasons the teacher then explained it made sense for reincarnation and all that. Seemed logical. My mother is the only even remotely spiritually inclined person in the family otherwise, and her interest mostly ranges to angels. My father's name is close-ish to Rama, but that's about it. I've never even been that particularly interested in visiting India without knowing someone local to show me the ropes first, as my Eastern interests have always leant more the Japanese way. (Yesterday's discovery through the II WW post: I have Hiroshima conj. DC. Argh.) The main historical interest in India has been more in the Taj Mahal or mogul type eras, although the mythology is naturally fascinating to no end. I think the parents' relationship is more to do with the archetypes or generic influences of any asteroids involved, although of course it's possible there are past life influences involved as well. It would just help if I knew what the influences of some of the asteroids not yet properly looked into are, too. If you glance at Hanuman from the Western perspective, you have "Not human" jumping up first. Then there's his strength, and the devotion to Rama (and Sita and their love). Then you get to questions of what to emphasize, and if the meaning of the name would have any influence and more random questions. "...worshiped as a symbol of physical strength, perseverance and devotion." I'm not particularly strong and have no charts for wrestlers, bodybuilders, martial artists or boxers to see if that has anything to do with Hanuman. I have my Devota conjunct Siva as well so my inclination is to lean more on the devotional sides or his knowledge or learning having significance. His epithets as read on Wiki are impressive though, although I'm less personally keen on his celibacy in later texts. I think Hanuman is also an avatar that apparently never died or left the world instead of going on in the world for as long as there are any worshipping Rama? "Bow down to Hanumān, who is the slayer of demons, and who is present with head bowed and eyes full of flowing tears wherever the fame of Rāma is sung." "The character of Hanuman teaches us of the unlimited power that lies unused within each one of us. Hanuman directed all his energies towards the worship of Lord Rama, and his undying devotion made him such that he became free from all physical fatigue." Some boards here have physical immortality talks, so is that something else that could feature with Hanuman? quote: Originally posted by Jovian: GANESA conj VENUS (<2)I interestingly chose to see Ramakrishna as the recent guru, and chose to use asteroid 55753 RAMAN for Rama. SUN conj BALAKRISHNAN (<2 minutes!) Interesting, thanks. For my synastry partner there, looks like her KAALI is right in the mix at 27 degrees, with those others. So, just add like five more aspects from her KAALI to those others! That is interesting, in light of what you suggest--that perhaps natal Kaali aspects are significant? Do you think RUDRA should be included?
If you're looking at synastry it's probably more likely to go the way IQH has suggested in past posts. Kaali + Parvati (and occasionally Tara) to Siva or Rudra? Male to female links for those. I think IQ has also emphasized how often Kaali pops up in general. Ganesha is usually seen as Shiva and Parvati's son and I'd see him as a very benefic asteroid. "The remover (and creator) of obstacles" and "the lord of beginnings" he's good before travels if nothing else, and apparently is a patron of letters as well. I see that conjunction to Venus positively, but you should check him out in mythology to see if you vibe with anything else about him. Sita and Rama are a pair and as Rama + Krishna are both Vishnu's avatars I chose that as a more godly version even though I was aware of the guru-side. I haven't really met potential partners who would vibe with that pairing in my chart so I personally don't have any evidence that it is Ramakrishna instead of Raman. I suspect both may work. My father has his Raman 2 opposite my Sita and my mother has her Siva conj. her Raman on my father's ASC-Parvati, for example. The synastry connection in their case is however Sita to Ramakrishna. I lack numerous charts to go through for conclusive evidence, but any pondering of meanings is always welcome with me. As I said in the birthday-fun post, pardon me for chattering. IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 543 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 13, 2012 06:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by Jovian: "... also cursed to forget all that until reminded. Anyone want to remind me something about any of these?"So...are you saying you have an active Hanuman?
Oh boy, and how? ;P Although I figure it has to be fairly active since it is on my Ascendant and I'm poking my nose into any old knowledge-increasing thing. I'm a Leo Sun and Hanuman learned from the Sun god Surya, too? I'm just in need of major reminding of how supposedly Hanuman I may get. More seriously though, my Ascendant comes with Hanuman, sure. I'm told they proclaim "Victory to thy thunderbolt strength!" for Hanuman and lo and behold I also have the god of thunder and wheels, 5370 Taranis there. I'll be posting about the Celtic things sometime soon otherwise though since there's another theme there. The ASC is rife with things like 280 Philia for friendly love, Costello (Abbott is 1 sextile my Sun), Leto the mother of Apollo and Artemis, Alice (in Wonderland?), Hack, Enya the Irish singer and I forget what else but plenty in any case. I could make several posts based on the ASC asteroids alone since via Leto and Diana opp. my Sun I get ties to the recent Endymion + Selene post as well, another place I've yet to comment in. Especially when Encyclopedia Mythica says "Known as the hidden one and bright one, her name came to be used for the moon Selene" of Leto, too. With that Hack there I can't even tell if I'm trying to hack into all that or if I'm just a hack writer, but Hanuman and Abbott oughta take care of the sense of humour in any case. IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 543 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 13, 2012 07:01 AM
My apologies for the editing or adding, but I forgot this about Hanuman. I didn't know this about the Vedic astrology part yet. "In Hinduism, Hanuman is one of the few deities not afflicted by Shani. Hanuman is the one of the deities in Hindu religion, over whom Shani could not cast his spell. Shani who cannot ovecome Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma could not overcome Hanuman and as such people worship Hanuman to get rid of malefic effects of Shani. Shani promised Hanuman that those who prayed him (Hanuman) would be rescued from the painful effects of Saturn, which in Hindu astrology, is said to produce malefic effects on one's life when one is afflicted "negatively" with Saturn." "Shani is the elder brother of Yama, the Hindu god of death, who in some scriptures corresponds to the deliverance of justice. Surya's two sons Shani and Yama judge. Shani gives us the results of one's deeds through one's life through appropriate punishments and rewards; Yama grants the results of one's deeds after death." So does Hanuman have something to do with lessening effects of Saturn or karmic stuff? EDIT: Also, Thai and Cambodian versions of Ramayana talk of the grown mutual interest and love between Hanuman and the "golden mermaid" Suvannamaccha. There is no asteroid named that but there are 21632 Suwanasri and 1927 Suvanto. If anyone wants to check for synastry contacts between their Hanuman and either of those it may work as well. Suvanto is a Finnish word for a place in the river that moves more slowly than the rest, also used as a surname. Still waters? Again on a personal level I'm just vastly amused over my having 21632 Suwanasri at 27 deg 42' Leo conjunct my Sun at 28d20'. Not only do I have the Japanese sea-god Susanoo at 27 Leo 45', too, the Sabian symbol for my Sun is "A MERMAID EMERGES FROM THE OCEAN WAVES READY FOR REBIRTH IN HUMAN FORM" or "A mermaiden has climbed to the rocky shore of a bleak coast; she awaits the -prince who will bring her immortality" in newer versions. Apparently I at least resonate strongly with the Hanuman-Suvannamaccha thing. Hopefully I'll have some time to look into the mythology of some of the other figures sometime soon, too. IP: Logged |
Jovian Knowflake Posts: 599 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted November 03, 2012 05:53 PM
Very informative, Keela! ...As well as entertaining. With Abbot and Costello and mermaids involved, how could it not be?...Have you checked 5456 Merman?  IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 06, 2012 01:05 PM
On the question of whether to use asteroids Raman or Ramakrishna for Rama, I think it is likely both can be used ... here's what I found---My natal-- Raman [conjunct my Asc-- 1 deg], opposes Sita (1 deg), [and Sita is exactly conjunct my Desc.] TF's natal-- His Ramakrishna exactly sextiles his Sita (30 min). Our composite-- His Raman squares my Sita (2 deg)
------------------ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination IP: Logged |
anno_lucis Knowflake Posts: 946 From: the atman Registered: Mar 2012
posted November 23, 2012 05:19 PM
cool threadHanuman at 3'22 right in the middle of my sun and moon in aries.interesting about his impact on saturn Garuda 1 degree away from jupiter in aqua. i do resonate strongly with Buddhist philosophy...ppl have also joked that i look Mongolian or half asian before lol. pretty sure i spent a past life or two over there this WOULD make a sick tat IP: Logged |
StacyLewis Knowflake Posts: 471 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 23, 2012 05:39 PM
I have Hanuman about two degrees away from my sun. Vishnu is three degrees away from my Vertex, and Garuda is conjunct my IC by three degrees.I didn't expect that, because most of those Hindu-based asteroids do nada in my chart. Arthurian ones, are a different story - lots of merry trines and whatnot LOL. [IMG=][/IMG] Uploaded with IP: Logged |
anno_lucis Knowflake Posts: 946 From: the atman Registered: Mar 2012
posted November 24, 2012 07:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by anno_lucis: Garuda 1 degree away from jupiter in aqua. i do resonate strongly with Buddhist philosophy...ppl have also joked that i look Mongolian or half asian before lol. pretty sure i spent a past life or two over therethis WOULD make a sick tat
garuda trine ac by 1 deg, jupiter by 2, lol. 
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iQ Moderator Posts: 4747 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 26, 2012 12:41 PM
Hanumana is one of the Muli-Dimensional Aspects of Siva.Kundalini Yoga practitioners who control Kundalini by identifying the Energy with an Astral Deity are very successful when choosing Hanumana, mainly because Hanuman is least afflicted by Saturn. Infact, in the entire book of "Ramayana", Hanuman is affected karmically only once, when he has to suffer the burns of fire in his tail while setting fire to Ravana's Palace [Ravana abducts Sita, wife of Rama. The whole Ramayana is a Kundalini Myth. Sita is Kundalini Shakti of Rama. Ravana is like a Nemesis Soul Mate of Rama who neglectes his own Kundalini. Hanuman also rules the Air Element, and indciates how Pranyama Yoga with focus on a Deity burns off Karmic Debts and allows free flow of Kundalini. This is why he could communicate with Sita when others could not. Sita wants to be rescued only by Rama, meaning, the Soul is satisfied only by full Kundalini Rise to the Crown, not with just Pranayama.] Anyone with strong Vedic Myth Aspects would have had past lifelines as a student of Vedas like a Max Mueller, or would have had several lifelines in Ancient India. Hanumana conjunct Ascendant would help a lot in Pranayama Yoga. ------------------ Astrology Articles New Services and short readings IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 26, 2012 03:01 PM
Thank you for this info, iQ.What do Hanuman contacts mean in synastry? His Hanuman exactly conjuncts my Sun, and quincunxes my Desc. (1 deg). My Hanuman exactly sextiles his Venus/Mars, quincunxes his Asc. (1 deg), and quincunxes his SN (exact--5 minutes!) Appreciate your time  ------------------ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination IP: Logged |
Aeline Knowflake Posts: 1085 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted November 26, 2012 03:13 PM
I guess i've had lives in India as well... Counted only conjunctions/oppositions:Sun conjunct Kaali 3 Moon conjunct Parvati EXACT Jupiter conjunct Rudra EXACT Moon conjunct Rudra 3 Vertex conjunct Nada EXACT Karma conjunct Hanuman EXACT Karma opposite Soma EXACT Hanuman conjunct DSC 2 Soma conjunct ASC 2 Ramakrishna conjunct IC EXACT O_O I didn't expect that this theme would be so prominent in my chart!
IQ, what do you say? Would this ^^ lead to possible lifelines in India? IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 543 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 27, 2012 06:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by iQ: Hanumana is one of the Multi-Dimensional Aspects of Siva.Kundalini Yoga practitioners who control Kundalini by identifying the Energy with an Astral Deity are very successful when choosing Hanumana, mainly because Hanuman is least afflicted by Saturn. Infact, in the entire book of "Ramayana", Hanuman is affected karmically only once, when he has to suffer the burns of fire in his tail while setting fire to Ravana's Palace [Ravana abducts Sita, wife of Rama. The whole Ramayana is a Kundalini Myth. Sita is Kundalini Shakti of Rama. Ravana is like a Nemesis Soul Mate of Rama who neglects his own Kundalini. Hanuman also rules the Air Element, and indicates how Pranyama Yoga with focus on a Deity burns off Karmic Debts and allows free flow of Kundalini. This is why he could communicate with Sita when others could not. Sita wants to be rescued only by Rama, meaning, the Soul is satisfied only by full Kundalini Rise to the Crown, not with just Pranayama.] Anyone with strong Vedic Myth Aspects would have had past lifelines as a student of Vedas like a Max Mueller, or would have had several lifelines in Ancient India. Hanumana conjunct Ascendant would help a lot in Pranayama Yoga.
Thanks for pitching in. Air, hmh? I'm regrettably not familiar with yoga practise on personal levels but you run into prana a lot if reading these kind of things. As for Vedic influences in charts, there is obviously Hanuman conj the 6'57 ASC, but also Mahakala 8 Leo and Tara + Ganesa 9 Leo. Spirit opp ASC + Mahakala.
Parvati 5 Libra conj 7 Lib Pluto, draconic Parvati 9 Aquarius. Venus on the midpoint of ASC-Pluto, Kaali 1,5 conjunct Venus. Kaali also semisextile Mahakala. The Antiscias of Tara-Ganesa + Mahakala go to 20-21 Tau and I had my Siva at 20 Scorpio. My Kaali and Rudra are also contrascia each other. Draconic Parvati is 9 Aquarius opp Tara-Ganesa. I understand you listed Mahakala somewhere else as something to do with death, also tying to Shiva. The Great Time or Death, I forget what Mahakala was mythologically right now, although Tara's Wikipedia page lists her as the equivalent Mahakali, too. Mahakali the greatest aspect of Kali, beyond time, etc.
"Another understanding is that the wild destructive Mahakali can only stop her fury in presence of Shiva the God of Consciousness, just so that balance of life is not run over by wild nature altogether" I can relate to or get though. Tara the "star" is listed as a Tantric manifestation of Kali or Parvati as well as the Buddhist Tara. "As the star is seen as a beautiful but perpetually self-combusting thing, so Tara is perceived at core as the absolute, unquenchable hunger that propels all life." Apparently we get nursing imagery with Tara as well, so I find it interesting the Antiscia of my Isis (suckling Horus in a lot of the imagery) is 7 Leo, too. That's Hanuman, the Great Time and "Tara Ma" with Shiva and Parvati's son Ganesha also there. Two "aspects" of Shiva on and within two degrees of the Ascendant. A stellium with all. Something big within the theme seems to be emphasized but quite what I'm not sure. Max Müller was impressed by Ramakrishna Paramhansa says Wiki, so to continue with the theme there's my 7 Libra Ramakrishna-Pluto sext ASC & co. Funnily enough, Müller apparently ties to the Goethe-institutes in India, and I have Goethe conj my Mercury, too.
To reiterate, anything to say about the Mahakala or Tara asteroids?
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 4755 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 27, 2012 10:21 PM
I seem to have a little bit of everything scattered in my natal chart not really surprised. 12th house Tara sextile sun exact, Jupiter sextile 1 and Hanuman >2 Tara conjunct Asc (>3) Tara trine mars >3 Tara opposite BML >3 Tara trine Garuda >2 11th Hanuman trine Sun 1 and Jupiter >3, bml 1 8th Ganesa opp venus 2 trine mars >3 10th Sita trine Saturn 2 and conjunct vesta 2 Ramakrishna sq siva 3 and mc sq mercury 2 and nn 2 conjunct juno exact Siva sq Juno and Pluto 2 opp ceres exact and mercury exact conjunct NN Kaali sextile parvati 1 and pallas exact quincunx mc exact and NN 1 trine mars 1 and uranus 1 sq moon 3 Parvati trine Juno 2 conjunct pallas 2 quincunx NN exact opposite uranus exact. 2nd Varuna conjunct venus exact, trine vertex exact Rudra conjunct venus 1, trine vertex 1 Rudra opposite Ganesa 1 Varuna opposite Ganesa 2 Varuna conjunct Rudra 1 I am not quite sure about the last set but those are the ones that interest me the most because of their close aspect. Probably means dividing back into Hindu and Indian mythology. I'll be back. IP: Logged |
KarmicMoon Knowflake Posts: 378 From: Moon, Milky Way Registered: Feb 2014
posted August 11, 2014 10:59 AM
I'm trying to find more info on these asteroids, especially Garuda and how they relate to kundalini.IP: Logged |
KarmicMoon Knowflake Posts: 378 From: Moon, Milky Way Registered: Feb 2014
posted August 11, 2014 11:08 AM
In Hindu religion, Garuda is a Hindu divinity, usually the mount (vahana) of the Lord Vishnu. Garuda is depicted as having the golden body of a strong man with a white face, red wings, and an eagle's beak and with a crown on his head. This ancient deity was said to be massive, large enough to block out the sun.Garuda wears the serpent Adisesha on his left wrist and the serpent Gulika on his right wrist. The serpent Vasuki forms his sacred thread. The cobra Takshaka forms his belt on his hip. The snake Karkotaka is worn as his necklace. The snakes Padma and Mahapadma are his ear rings. The snake Shankachuda adorns his divine hair. He is flanked by his two wives ‘Rudra’ and ‘Sukeerthi’ or (Sukirthi). These are all invoked in Vedanta Desika's Garuda Panchashath and Garuda Dandaka compositions. Garuda flanked with his consorts 'Rudra' and 'Sukirthi' can be seen worshipped in an ancient Soumya Keshava temple in Bindiganavile (or Mayura puri in Sanskrit ) in Karnataka state of India. Garuda Vyuha is worshiped in Tantra for Abhichara and to protect against Abhichara. However, the interesting thing is that Garuda is the Sankarshna form of the lord who during creation primarily possesses the knowledge aspect of the lord (among Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha forms). The important point is that Garuda represents the five vayus within us : prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana through his five forms Satya, Suparna, Garuda, Tarkshya, Vihageshwara. These five vayus through yoga can be controlled through Pranayama which can lead to Kundalini awakening leading to higher levels of consciousness. (From wikipedia) IP: Logged |
KarmicMoon Knowflake Posts: 378 From: Moon, Milky Way Registered: Feb 2014
posted August 11, 2014 11:10 AM
Garuda has a wife named Rudra? If Garuda was aspecting Rudra, would that mean his wife or Lord Shiva?IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 543 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted August 11, 2014 02:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by KarmicMoon: Garuda has a wife named Rudra? If Garuda was aspecting Rudra, would that mean his wife or Lord Shiva?
Where did you get the above quote? Oh, Wiki. I don't recall that from earlier. Rudra is a more forceful or stormy side of Shiva in most circumstances, paired with Kaali, Tara or Parvati, perhaps Sati(e) as seen so far. Garuda is Vishnu's mount in what I've read and you also note, and against Nagas, an enemy thereof. However, since my Garuda is 2 degrees opposite my Rudra, I'm all for people checking if Garuda and Rudra are in contact as a pairing as well. Also for Garuda and Kaali being each other's antiscia in my chart. It's possible that Garuda-Rudra work as a pair in some people's charts, I wouldn't know without people checking it out more so. Garuda ties to Vishnu normally othewise instead of Shiva so if there is contact between the asteroids it's akin a suggestion there may be something more there. As a non-Hindu/non-Indian have no idea what Abhichara or the rest is off-hand, but if you're into Kundalini topics, I think IQ mentioned that pranayama-yoga in relation to Hanuman higher up somewhere. IP: Logged | |