Topic: Black Moon Lilith in Synastry
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 08, 2012 12:16 PM
I have been wondering about the importance of Black moon lilith in Synastry despite it being a hypothetical point because it pops up in synastries of certain couples therefore it seems to hold some importance. How has bml in appeared in your past synastries what have you noticed?"Black Moon Lilith is not about any of the above. Her bad reputation may have come about because of her electric magnetism, psychic abilities and power to mesmerize. Obviously, these gifts are wonderful unless they are used for manipulation, mind control and promoting evil deeds. But in herself, she is not “evil.” However, she is bewitching. Lastly, of course, she is highly sexual. Her sexuality is not primarily used for procreation, which for some religions is deemed as sinful. So, its power can be used for spiritual enlightenment and finding the god/goddess within. This is very threatening for Western religions that place Godliness outside the human body and Mother Earth. This is how Lilith became demonized. Black Moon Lilith Harmonious Lilith aspects between partners will show how you can bring magic into each other’s life. Like a good Mars/Venus connection, it will show how Tantric your sexual relations could be. It also shows how magnetically attracted you are to each other – the all important chemistry. Hard aspects to the personal planets may show an irresistible, obsessive attraction, the sort that hypnotizes you into abandoning your more regular Moon/domestic commitments. Hence, her reputation as a “bunny boiler.” On the other hand, she can break the spell of entrenched habitual behavior. Therefore, synastry connections with Black Moon Lilith show where you feel this magic and how it plays out. Double whammys (for example, your Lilith aspects their Sun and their Lilith aspects your Sun) are great because they give each partner the opportunity to be “The Lilith,” and that makes them the most powerful of all. Black Moon Lilith/Sun aspects Harmonious: The Sun partner will flood the Lilith partner with magical sunbeams, amping up their power. The Lilith partner will inspire creativity in the Sun partner, making them feel like a King or Queen. Stressful: The Sun partner will feel their ego undermined by a manipulative Lilith. Lilith could feel dominated and crushed by a bossy Sun and respond by attempting to darken their light. Black Moon Lilith/Moon aspects Harmonious: The Moon partner will resonate with the Lilith’s nocturnal magical world, inspiring dreams and heightening their intuition. The Lilith partner will shake the Moon out of bad habits and inspire them to focus on their own magic and not let them get bogged down by domesticity. Stressful: The Moon partner could smother Lilith’s sexuality and want to tame their animal magnetism. Lilith could manipulate the Moon partner emotionally and tempt them away from domestic responsibilities. Black Moon Lilith/Mercury aspects Harmonious: The Mercury partner can inspire magic words and poetry from the Lilith partner. The Lilith partner can read the Mercury partner’s mind. Together, they can amplify each other’s psychic abilities and turn each other on with words. Stressful: The Mercury person could use logic to demean the Lilith person’s intuitive reasoning. The Lilith partner could penetrate and brainwash the Mercury person’s mind. Black Moon Lilith/Venus aspects Harmonious: The Venus partner will give pure love to Lilith’s raw sexuality, refining to its highest vibration. The Lilith partner can ignite a fire in the Venus partner and push their love to tantric ecstasy. Stressful: The Venus partner could feel overwhelmed and threatened by the Lilith partner’s powerful sexuality. The Lilith partner may feel trapped by Venusian materialism and be unimpressed by the Venus partner’s weakness for surface beauty and bling! Black Moon Lilith/Mars aspects Harmonious The Mars partner will be firing on all cylinders from the Lilith’s partners sexual enthusiasm, a recipe for releasing the Kundalini if ever there was one. The Lilith partner will be constantly “on heat” from their ardent Mars partner. Stressful: The negative side of this contact is if the aspect is not played out sexually. The Mars partner’s rage will be ignited by the Lilith partner, resulting in possible violence or verbal abuse. The Lilith partner’s frustration and sexual jealousy could result in Lilith psychically attacking and directing too much energy toward the Mars partner, draining their own creativity. If played out sexually, it is one that could enflame fiercely, then burn out. Black Moon Lilith/Jupiter aspects Harmonious: The Jupiter partner will feel spiritualized and uplifted by the Lilith partner. The Lilith partner will feel their magic expanded by the enthusiastic Jupiter partner, and in return will worship them as a God or Goddess! Stressful: The Jupiter partner may feel constricted by the Lilith partner’s sexual demands. The Lilith partner may feel the Jupiter partner overly judgmental of their wild and less than ecclesiastical behaviour. Black Moon Lilith/Saturn aspects Harmonious: The Saturn partner feels poetic, loosens up and inspired to break the rules when the Lilith partner waves their magic wand. The Lilith partner crystallizes their magic into solid form, thanks to Saturn’s discipline. Stressful: The Saturn partner could put the Lilith partner’s sexuality on a leash, constricting them too tightly and thereby trapping their creativity. The Lilith partner may enjoy teasing and tempting the Saturn partner out of their responsibilities – and seducing them away from their work. About the Author Marina Caruso is an Astrologer and Illustrator. Her work is inspired by symbolism, synchro-mysticism, myths, the fixed stars and constellations, pop culture, psychology and Lilith. Learn more about her at Funkastrology." IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 08, 2012 03:01 PM
BML contacts 15 Soulmate couples asteroids used in the comparison : Eros, Psyche, valentine, amor, lust, union, casanova, karma, kama,chiron, and pallas1)Woodward-Newman Her bml conjunct his Sun 4 orbs His BML trine her sun 3orb His BML Sextile her neptune 2 orbs His BML sextile her NN exact 2)Wilson-Hanks Her BML opp his moon 3 orbs Her BML QX his mercury Her bml opp his uranus 4 orbs Her bml sextile his NN 1 orb Her bml conjunct his chiron 4 orbs Her bml conjunct his Eros 1 orb Her bml sextile his karma 1 orb His BML sq his Mercury 1 orb His BML trine her venus exact His BML trine her jupiter 1 orb His BML opp her vertex 1 orb His BML conjunct her eros 5 orbs too wide His BML conjunct her psyche exact His BML trine her valentine exact His BML opp her karma 3 orb His BML trine her mc 2 orbs 3)Banderas-Griffith His BML trine her NN 4 orbs His BML trine her BML 2 orbs His BML sextile her pallas 2 orbs His BML sextiler her amor 1 orb His BML square karma 1 orb Her BML square his mars 2 orbs Her BML trine his neptune 1 orb Her BML opposite his pluto 3 orbs Her BML sextile pallas 3 orbs Her BML square his juno 3 orbs Her BML square his psyche 3 orbs Her BML conjunct his asc 2 orbs 4)Robert Browning- Elizabeth Browning His BML conjunct her moon 3 orbs His BML QX her mercury exact His BML square her jupiter/NN 3 orbs His BML conjunct her Eros exact His BML qx her valentine 1 orb His BML square her lust exact Her BML opp his vertex 3 orbs Her BML sextile his eros 5 orbs too wide Her BML trine casanova and kama 4 orbs but too wide 5)Bogart-Bacall His BML opposite her pallas 4 orbs His BML square her eros 1 orb His BML qx her valentine 2 orbs His BML conjunct her casanova 4 orbs too wide His BML sextile her kama 2 orbs Her BML conjunct his Pluto 4 orbs Her BML opposite his NN exact Her BML opp his chiron 1 orb Her BML trine his vertex exact Her BML opp his pallas 1 orb Her BML qx his juno exact Her BML trine his psyche 2 orbs Her BML sextile valentine 2 orbs Her BML sextile his lust 1 orb Her BML square kama 3 orbs 6)Cash-Carter His bml trine her mars 1 orb His bml trine her saturn 4 orbs His bml sextile her vesta 1 orb His bml trine her Eros exact His bml trine her lust 2 orbs His bml sextile her kama 2 orbs Her BML sextile his mercury 2 orbs Her BML sextile his mars 2 orbs Her BML trine her neptune 3 orbs Her BML sextile his eros exact Her BML trine his Psyche 3 orbs Her BML sextile his lust 2 orbs Her BML sextile his kama 2 orbs 7)Oliver-Leigh His bml QX her mercury exact His bml qx her uranus 1 orb His bml conjunct her pluto 4 orbs His bml qx her pallas exact His bml qx her psyche exact His bml square her kama 1 orb His bml qx her casanova 1 orb Her BML sextile his sun 2 orbs Her BML sextile her mercury exact Her BML conjunct his saturn 2 orbs Her BML trine his nn 2 orbs Her BML opp her valentine 3 orbs Her BML opp his lust 1 orb Her BML opp his kama exact Her BML conjunct union 5 orbs 8)Edgar Cayce-Gertrude His BML trine her mars 3 orbs His BML qx her Uranus exact His BML sq her Neptune 2 orbs His BML square her chiron 1 orb His BML trine her BML exact His BML qx her juno exact His BML sextile her vesta exact Her BML square his NN 3 orbs Her BML qx his vertex exact Her BML trine his Eros 3 orbs Her BML sextile his lust exact Her BMLsquare his Union 2 orbs 9)Hepburn-Tracy Her BML opp his saturn 1 orb Her BML trine his juno 2 orbs Her BML trine his Eros 4 orbs Her BML square his Psyche 3 orbs Her BML opp his Amor 1 orb Her BML sextile his Casanova exact His BML trine her mars exact His BML trine her Uranus 2 orbs His BML square her Vertex 3 orbs His BML opp her Eros exact His BML trine her amor 1 orb His BML square her casanova 4 orbs His BML qx her karma 2 orbs His BML opp her union 4 orbs 10)Pierre-Marie Curie His BML sextile her mars 1 orb His BML square her juno exact His BML qx her amor exact His BML conjunct her valentine 5 orbs Her BML square his venus 2 orb Her BML trine his casanova 3 orbs Her BML qx his kama 1 orb Her BML trine his union 3 orbs Her BML sextile his asc 2 orbs 11)Kahlo-Rivera Her BML sq his uranus 1 orb Her BML trine his BML 2 orbs Her BML square his vesta 1 orb Her BML sextile his psyche exact Her BML trine his valentine 1 orb His BML trine her sun exact His BML sextile her mars exact His BML sextile her uranus 2 orbs His BML trine her neptune exact His BML square her vesta exact His BML opp her psyche 1orb His BML square her amor 3 orbs His BML trine her casanova exact 12)Paul-Linda McCarthy His BML trine her Mercury 3 orbs His BML sextile her mars exact His BML conjunct her jupiter 1 orb His BML square her NN exact His BML conjunct her vertex His BML trine her vesta 3 orb His BML square her Eros 1 orb His BML sextile her psyche 1 orb His BML qx her lust exact His BML opp her union 2 orbs Her BML conjunct his venus 3 orbs Her BML trine his vertex 1 orb Her BML sextile his union 2 orbs Her BML qx his MC 1 orb 13)Burton-Taylor His BML qx her sun exact His BML qx her mercury exact His BML qx her eros 1 orb His BML opp her union 3 orbs Her BML trine his neptune 2 orb Her BML conjunct his chiron 2 orbs Her BML trine his juno 3 orbs Her BML conjunct his amor exact 14)Hearst-Davies His BML opp her sun 1 orb His BML opp her moon 4 orbs His BML sextile her jupiter 1 orb His BML trine her chiron exact His BML sextile her psyche exact His BML sextile her karma exact His BML square her MC 3 orbs Her BML sextile his mars 1 orb Her BML trine his Casanova Her BML sextile his union 2 orbs Her BML sextile his mc 1 orb 15)Mira- Sri His BML sq her moon 2orbs His BML opposite her jupiter 4 orbs His BML square her chiron exact His BML sq her vertex 2 orbs His BML opp her juno 3 orbs His BML square her casanova exact His BML trine her kama 2 orbs His BML sextile her asc 2 orbs His BML opp her mc 2 orbs Her BML opp her mercury exact Her BML qx his jupiter 1 orb Her BML sextile his saturn exact Her BML sq his pallas 2 orbs Her BML sq his eros exact Her BML trine his casanova 1 orb Her BML opp his karma 2 orbs BML-Sun :5/15 BML-Moon:4/15 BML-Mercury:8/15 BML-Venus:3/15 BML-Mars:7/15 BML-Jupiter:5/15 BML-Saturn:4/15 BML-Pluto:1/15 BML-NN:8/15 BML-Vertex:7/15 BML-asc:3/15 BML-Mc:4/15 BML-Eros:9/15 BML-Psyche:8/15 BML-Juno:7/15 BML-Amor:5/15 BML-Karma:5/15 BML-BML:3/15 BML-Valentine:6/15 BML-Neptune:6/15 BML-Union:7/15 BML-Pallas: 4/15 BML-Lust:6/15 BML-Casanova:8/15 1)BML-Eros aspects appear the most frequent 2)BML/Casanova, BML/Mercuruy, BML/Psyche, and BML/North Node aspects 3)BML/Juno, BML/Union, BML/Vertex, BML/Mars aspects 4) BML/Neptune, BML/Valentine and BML/Lust apsects 5)BML/Sun, BML/Jupiter, BML/Karma, and BML/Amor 6) BML/Pallas, BML/MC, BML/Saturn, and BML/Moon 7)BML/BML, BML/Venus, and BML/ASC 8) The Least common aspect is BML/Pluto IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 08, 2012 04:21 PM
Tropical composite with house placement: 3rd house most common, 1st,5th,12th,and 11th house appear twice, 9th,2nd and 8th least common. Composite joanne_woodward----paul_newman 3rd house BML trine vertex 2 orbs BML square pluto 3 orbs BML sextile Eros 1 orb BML QX Casanova exact BML opp kama 1 orb BML qx UNION 1 orbrita_wilson---tom_hanks_ 3rd house Conjunct Eros 2 orbs qx Kama 1 orb square Asc exact qx mercury 1 orb sextile saturn 1 orb square neptune 1 orb sextile NN 3 orbs antonio_banderas---melanie_griffith 1st hosue BML sextile moon exact trine venus exact opposite jupiter 2 orbs sextile pallas exact trine Union exact trine MC 1orb robert_browning----elizabeth_barrett_browning 1st house BML opp vertex 2 orbs conjunct saturn exact trine jupiter 2 orbs conjunct neptune 4 orbs conjunct karma 3 orbs square union exact qx vesta 1 orb humphrey_bogart--lauren_bacall 2nd house Bml square mercury 1 orb trine saturn 1 orb opposite uranus 2 orbs conjunct neptune 3 orbs opposite pallas 1 orb opposite lust 2 orb square union 2 orbs johnny_cash----_june_carter Bml square mars exact opposite neptune 4 orbs square eros exact square psyche 3 orbs opposite amor exact sextile valentine 1 orb square lust 2 orbs square union 1 orb _laurence_olivier-vivien_leigh 12th house BML square sun 4 orbs trine eros 2 orbs qx psyche 2 orbs opp valentine 1 orb trine casanova 1 orb gertrude_cayce-edgar_cayce 11th house BML sextile NN 5 orb sextile Psyche 1 orb qx Karma exact katharine_hepburn---spencer_tracy 8th house BML sextile moon 2 orbs square venus exact sextile NN 5 orbs qx Eros 2 orbs qx Amor 1 orb pierre_curie--marie_curie 12th house BML sq Jupiter 2 orbs qx uranus exact trine kama 1 orb opposite Karma 4 orbs frida_kahlo- diego_rivera 9th house BML trine jupiter 1 orb bml square vesta exact trine psyche 1 orb sq karma exact sq NN exact paul_mccartney-linda_mccartney 5th house BML conjunct mars 4 orbs sextile pluto 2 orbs sextile vertex exact opposite Eros 2 orbs trine union exact richard burton-elizabeth_taylor 5th house BML trine Moon 1 orb william_randolph_hearst-marion_davies 3rd house BML square Sun 3 orbs sq uranus exact trine pallas 1 orb trine Psyche 2 orb opp lust exact sq asc 1 orb opp mc 2 orbs sri_aurobindo- mira_richard 11TH house BML conjunct Sun 4 orbs conjunct Pluto exact trine pallas 3 orbs conjunct Amor 1 orb trine valentine 1 orb opposite Karma 4 orbs sextile MC IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 08, 2012 05:04 PM
Aspect Themes that stand out the most: BML-Eros:6/15 BML-Psyche:5/15 BML-Karma:5/15 BML-Pallas:5/15 BML-Neptune:4/15IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 08, 2012 05:12 PM
The original reason I brought up BML in synastry: “…We all have Lilith’s plutonic quality in us, the unconscious energy that brings up harsh boundaries between life and death, ecstasy and suffering, passion and revulsion, enslavement and freedom. How do we honor Lilith in our lives? Do we exile her from consciousness or build her a sanctuary for potent, creative expression? When she contacts Eros in another, the answer to that question is found in the heart of a powerfully erotic relationship. Eros wants intense encounters that lead to lasting transformation. His touch is all at once sexual, creative and spiritual. Lilith brings up deep and primal sexual energy sometimes accompanied by feelings of anger and rage. She is deeply alluring and irresistible. Eros is looking for his equal to explore the realm of creative intimacy. Lilith desires sacred sex above all things. In the rare instance where these two do meet, the results are truly awe inspiring, changing our lives in intense and lasting ways. How we respond to this synastry contact has a lot to do with our own relationship to power and sexuality. It "wakes up” those areas inside of us and causes us to express them sexually, free from the restrictions of reality. Since both Eros and Lilith are isolated energies buried deep in the unconcious, the erotic transformation which takes place upon their meeting is deep with raw and intuitive spiritual potency. Their capacity for intimacy and shared desire to melt into the fires of transformation is nothing short of total risk, which each are compelled to take- no questions asked. As a result, this aspect can feel like opening a can of worms that literally fly, not crawl, out of the unconscious. There is no superficial way to get to know Lilith through the experience of the erotic. There is always a risk with Eros when he falls on a personal planet of point, and meeting Lilith is the greatest of them. Relationships that provoke her and Eros, although excruciatingly potent at times, serve as a meeting place for both divine figures. Once awakened, no matter how untamed the experience becomes, we are given a rare opportunity to integrate, redeem and restore Eros and Lilith to a place of honor through shared, transcendental sexual activity. At the end of the day, that is all this god and goddess really ask for."
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 08, 2012 07:14 PM
Draconic results: Draconic Woodward-Newman BML square sun 4 orbs Trine moon 2 orbs Trine mercury 3 orbs Trine jupiter 2 orbs Opposite saturn 2 orbs Sextile pluto 1 orb Qx juno 1orb Sextile psyche/valentine 3 orbs Trine Asc 2 orbs Opp union 4 orbs Opp mc 2 orbsBML conjunct Psyche 3 orbs Trine lust 3 orbs Wilson-Hanks BML opposite Moon 4 orbs Conjunct chiron 4 orbs Sq valentine 1 orb BML sextile Mars exact Conjunct Juno exact Banderas-Griffith BML conjunct Mercury 4 orbs Square saturn 2 orbs Trine pallas 1 orb Conjunct eros 5 orbs too wide BML Opp BML 1 orb Trine amor exact Qx karma exact BML sq moon 1orb Conjunct saturn 3 orb Sextile neptune 2 orb Trine pluto 3 orbs Conjunct pallas 3 orbs Conjunct vesta 4 orbs Sq lust 1 orb Browning-Browning BML trine Eros exact Qx lust exact BML sextile vertex 2 orbs Square pallas exact Qx amor 2 orbs Qx karma exact Bogart-Bacall BML Sq venus 1 orb Sextile pallas 1 orb Qx Eros exact Opp lust 1 orb Trine Amor 1 orb Square valentine exact Qx Union 1 orb BML trine Pluto 1 orb Sextile chiron/pallas exact Conjunct vertex 2 orb Sq juno 2 orbs Opp vesta 1 orb Opp lust 3 orbs Opp valentine 4 orbs Cash-Carter BML conjunct Mercury 2 orbs Conjunct vesta 4 orbs Sextile Eros 4 orbs too wide Sextile lust 2 orbs Qx cupido exact Square union 4 orbs BML trine sun 2 orb Conjunct moon 1 orb Trine mercury 2 orbs Sextile neptune 2 orbs Trine juno 3 orbs Sextile psyche 3 orbs Oliver- Leigh BML Square mercury 2 orbs Trine pluto 1 orb Sq pallas/psyche 2 orbs Qx karma 2 orbs Sextile valentine 4 orbs BML Sextile sun exact Sextile mercury 2 orbs Sq venus exact Sextile lust exact Sextile valentine 1 orb Sextile cupido exact Cayce-Cayce BML Sq mercury 1 orb Trine saturn 1orb Opp BML 4 orbs QX pallas 2 orbs Conjunct vesta 4 orbs
BML trine sun 4 orbs too wide Qx jupiter exact Sq neptune 1 orb Trine lust 3 orbs QX union 1 orb Hepburn-Tracy BML sextile pallas 1 orb Opp vesta 1 orb Opp valentine exact Conjunct Union exact Sextile asc exact Conjunct mc 4 orbs Bml trine psyche 2 orb Qx lust 1 orb Curie-Curie BML Sq sun/pluto 3 orbs Qx Bml 2 orbs Sextile eros 2 orbs Sextile psyche 1 orb Sq mc exact BML Trine moon 2 orb Sextile mercury exact Conjunct jupiter 4 orbs Sq neptune 2 orbs Trine pallas/juno 3orbs Sq vesta 3 orbs Trine lust 1 orb Opp eros 5 orbs too wide but double whammy Conjunct karma Qx cupido exact Kahlo-Rivera BML trine sun exact Sq moon 2 orbs Trine venus exact Qx mars/juno exact BML opp mercury 1 orb Trine lust 2 orbs Trine valentine 1 orb Sextile union 1 orb McCarthy-McCarthy BML Trine venus 2 orbs Qx pallas 1 orb Sq juno 1 orb Sextile amor 1 orb Conjunct valentine 2 orbs Sextile cupido exact Trine asc exact
Bml square mars 3 orbs Sq pluto 1 orb Opp juno 1 orb Trine psyche 2 orbs Qx cupido 1 orbs Sq karma 1 orb Burton-Taylor BML QX psyche 2 orbs Sextile karma exact BML conjunct neptune exact BML trine Chiron exact Sextile pallas 2 orbs Trine juno exact Trine amor 1orb Hearst-Davies Bml trine Moon 4 orbs Sq neptune 2 orbs Sq juno 2 orbs Qx Eros 1 orb Sq lust exact Trine amor exact Sq asc 3 orbs Bml trine jupiter 3 orbs Trine vertex 1 orb Sq lust exact Sq asc exact Sir-Mira BML Sextile mercury exact Conjunct vesta 3 orbs Qx cupido 2 orbs
BML Opp moon 4 orbs Sextile venus 1 orb Qx vertex 1 orb Trine juno 1orb Opp valentine exact Sextile union exact BML-SUN:6/15 BML-Moon: 8/15 BML-Mercury:8/15 BML-Venus:5/15 BML-Mars:3/15 BML-Saturn:3/15 BML-Pluto:6/15 BML-JUNO:10/15 BML:EROS:6/15 really 5/15 but two were in a double whammy BML-Psyche:6/15 really 5/15 one sextile was too wide for my liking BML-Karma:5/15 BML-Union:7/15 BML-Valentine:8/15 BML-Neptune:4/15 BML-Amor:6/15 BML-Lust: 10/15 BML-Vesta: 7/15 BML-Pallas:8/15 BML-Cupido:5/15 BML-ASC:4/15 BML-MC:3/15 BML-Chiron:3/15 BML-BML:3/15 Conclusion: Juno and Lust connected with BML is the most prominent pattern with 10 of the 15 couples with this aspect the most often Second prominent aspect Moon, Mercury, Valentine, and Pallas. With 8 out of 15 Third: Union and Vesta 7 out of 15 Fourth: Sun, pluto, amor, eros, and psyche. 6 of 15 Fifth: venus, karma, and cupido 5 of 15 Sixth: Neptune and Asc
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 16735 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 08, 2012 11:48 PM
I have written some things on BML, and Lotiswhite had some thread on her, too. Gotta search.IP: Logged |
astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 09, 2012 01:16 AM
thanks for this will look it up. read about 3 liliths before but didn't really know what they do in synastryIP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 16735 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 09, 2012 03:08 AM IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 09, 2012 12:15 PM
Thanks for those linksIP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 09, 2012 12:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by astrofan123: thanks for this will look it up. read about 3 liliths before but didn't really know what they do in synastry
Oh I meant the Black Moon lilith from the additional objects section. But for me personally all of the lilith's hit major aspects of my natal chart.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 16735 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 09, 2012 12:19 PM
The Lilith from the additional objects box is the mean position of the Black Moon. If you want to look at true BML, type in h13.IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 09, 2012 12:31 PM
I know about h13, h58, and 1181 I am taking my time to examine each one in synastry and composite charts to see a consistent theme arises, which there seems to be so far with BML in both Tropical synastry, composite, and Draconic Synastry and composite charts. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 16735 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 09, 2012 01:27 PM
h58 is the Waldemath Moon?IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 09, 2012 05:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: h58 is the Waldemath Moon?
Yup h58 Dark Moon Lilith/ Waldemath Black Moon. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 09, 2012 05:14 PM
After using tropical synastry with the 15 couples and the added True Osc lilith h13 and the Asteroid Lilith 1181:Asteroid Lilith aspects from greatest to least with orb values of 4 at most: 1)Karma: 8/15 2)Cupido, vertex, North Node, and Pallas : 7/15 3)Mars, Neptune,Psyche, and Valentine: 6/15 4)Eros, Venus, Mercury,Saturn, Pluto, Union, Amor, Lust, and Vesta: 5/15 5)Juno, MC, ASC,Chiron,and BML: 4/15 The Sun aspects to Asteroid lilith were only 3 of 15 couples The Moon aspects were only 1 of 15 couples. True Osc Lilith aspects from greatest to least were: 1) Eros : 9 of the 15 couples 2)Karma and Valentine were both :8 of the 15 couples 3) Moon, Saturn, Psyche, Amor, and North Node. : 6 of the 15 couples 4)Mercury, Pallas, Lust, Cupido, and Chiron. 5 of the 15 couples 5) Sun, Venus, Juno, Neptune, and ASC. 4 of the 15 couples. 6) Mars,Pluto, Vesta and Bml. 3 of the 15 couples. 7) Union and MC with the least 2 of the 15 couples. IP: Logged |
astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 09, 2012 05:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: I know about h13, h58, and 1181 I am taking my time to examine each one in synastry and composite charts to see a consistent theme arises, which there seems to be so far with BML in both Tropical synastry, composite, and Draconic Synastry and composite charts.
there is already Lilith on selection. which lilith would that be? because I entered all 3 codes above and none of them is that Lilith. so there are 4 lilith then? IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 09, 2012 05:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by astrofan123: there is already Lilith on selection. which lilith would that be? because I entered all 3 codes above and none of them is that Lilith. so there are 4 lilith then?
oh the one already in the additional objects but there a few liliths lol. IP: Logged |
astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 09, 2012 07:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: oh the one already in the additional objects but there a few liliths lol.
lol ok maybe I just use all 4 then see which one fits description
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 09, 2012 09:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by astrofan123: [QUOTE]Originally posted by ail221: [b] oh the one already in the additional objects but there a few liliths lol.
lol ok maybe I just use all 4 then see which one fits description[/B][/QUOTE]I actually use all of them natally all of them make some contacts to my personal points: -BML in Scorpio(7h) opposite my Eros(12h), Psyche(1h) and Asc in Taurus exact. -opposite my moon in gemini(2h) 3orbs -trine my sun 3 orbs -sextile Nymphe in Libra in 5th (>3) -Quincunx Venus exact 1181 Asteroid lilith in Aquarius (9h): -conjunct my MC exact and NN 1 orb -trine my moon (>3) -Quincunx Pallas exact h21 True Lilith in Scorpio (6h): -trine Sun exact and Jupiter 1 orb -opposite BML, Eros, Psyche and asc 3 orbs H58 Waldermath Dark Moon in Taurus (12h) -conjunct my mars in taurus -opposite my Juno and valentine (>2) H13- Osc Lilith in Sagittarius (7h) but conjuncts the ruler of my 8th house I think this probably adds to why I am drawn to plutonians too.
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astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 10, 2012 01:01 AM
BML in Pisces H5 1181 Asteroid lilith in Virgo, opposite BML h21 True Lilith in Pisces H5 H58 Waldemath in Cancer H9 H13- Osc Lilith in Pisces H5I only use 2 deg orb. natal chart. is it normal to find so many in H5 lol does it mean anything when the asteroid 1181 opposite BML? both are lilith IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 16735 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 10, 2012 06:06 AM
Well, call me boring, but I am only using the True Black Moon (h13), as I am also use the True Node instead of the mean one. However I see that the mean Black Moon often gives interesting results as well. But I just can`t bring myself to use it really extensely, as I don´t know how to reason and justify to myself, why I would use an averaged position, instead of the true one?I don´t use the Waldemath Moon, as I am not using any hypothetical objects. The Black Moon, even though it s listed under hypothetical objects, is not hypothetical at all but simply a calculated point like the nodal axis. In fact interestingly it also bases its calculation on Sun, Earth, Moon, just like the nodal axis does (different calculation though), and in this instance it also contains the same symbols as the nodal chart / Draconic chart does. The calculations are different, but they are all based on the interplay of Sun, Earth, Moon, and this is a source of endless fascination to me. For interpretations though, I always feel like the True Black Moon is a bit like a combined Moon-Pluto-symbolism (the dark/uncivilised side of the moon). Asteroid Lilith might have a bit of a different interpretation, as as an asteroid it does not reflect any interplay between Sun, Earth and Moon like the Black Moon does. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 10, 2012 09:49 AM
Sure its arguable to say it is a hypothetical point so where is it's validity, but the same can be said about the myths surrounding the use of asteroids and interpretation of them. I think the reason their are so many lilith points is because she can't be defined to one point just like the phases of the moon she had many.In some regards main stream society has pretty much ignored "Lilith's" existence and if she is mentioned it's usually painted as the female first vampire, the baby killer, the uncontrollable first wife of adam, the maleficent(every single wicked queen in a fairy tale) etc. One of the reasons certain asteroids seem to end up connected with certain liliths is because they each represent different things connected to her. The asteroid lilith seems to represents the more rational feminist, gender equalizer which is why the Asteroid lilith appears more consistent with the asteroid Karma, pallas, NN and the vertex. So far BML has been is more constant with Eros because she personifies every aspect of "Lilith" the good, the bad, the succubus, the magical, the seeker of truth, the dark divine feminine and the magnetic. The mean aspect of BML goes beyond it's calculation because it attempting to encompass every side of Lilith just define her to one point. BML and True lilith yield similar synastry results but there are differences: BML is more consistent with destiny points, marriage,love asteroids specifically Juno, Eros, Psyche, Mercury, Union and NN. One of the many reasons I theorize there is a importance of BML in Tropical/Draconic synastry and composite; even in draconic synastry and composite Eros, Psyche and Union remain in connection . On another Note I suspect the Asteroid Lilith might be more consistent in helio-centric charts. True Lilith: Is consistent with Eros, Karma and Valentine. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 5115 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 10, 2012 10:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by astrofan123: BML in Pisces H5 1181 Asteroid lilith in Virgo, opposite BML h21 True Lilith in Pisces H5 H58 Waldemath in Cancer H9 H13- Osc Lilith in Pisces H5I only use 2 deg orb. natal chart. is it normal to find so many in H5 lol does it mean anything when the asteroid 1181 opposite BML? both are lilith
This goes along with my idea that the lilith each represent a different phases of lilith, similar to the triple goddess hecate. Asteroid Lilith is more of the feminine equalizer, the rebel, the feminist, the extreme liberal. BML is the median of lilith so she's more primative, magnetic, magical, nurturing in a sense, it could be a issue of opposing values. IP: Logged |
astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 10, 2012 01:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: This goes along with my idea that the lilith each represent a different phases of lilith, similar to the triple goddess hecate. Asteroid Lilith is more of the feminine equalizer, the rebel, the feminist, the extreme liberal. BML is the median of lilith so she's more primative, magnetic, magical, nurturing in a sense, it could be a issue of opposing values.
Ooohhh OK I have to do more reading then. Most of the time all the issues you mentioned are said to belong to Lilith, but very few articles are specific about which issue is which Lilith. yes what you said makes sense in my case  All221 Thank you so much ! sorry ail221 I mean 
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