Topic: Icarus - 1566
inaworldofsong Knowflake Posts: 253 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 26, 2013 03:40 AM
Icarus - 1566Now, I'm no mythology expert, but the Icarus myth is one that I've always loved and has stuck with me. Themes would potentially include desire for freedom, desire to escape, impulsiveness, taking risks, carelessness, and the pride before the fall. Personally, I discovered I had Icarus (Cap 18* 42') conjunct my name (Cap 18* 51') and my MC (Cap 19* 07'). I'm not sure if that's necessarily a good thing as far as my career goes, but I can certainly see and feel its influences! Anyone else? (And because I was listening to it while writing this up and I want to share it - "Icarus" by Bastille: IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 89 From: somewhere over the rainbow Registered: May 2009
posted January 27, 2013 08:08 PM
I, too, have always been fascinated with this myth. Ever since I was little...I just checked my Icarus placement: Icarus in 1st house Icarus conjunct Neptune (2) Icarus sextile Sun (1) Icarus square MC (1) I've been known to dive in head first and ask questions later- an urge I've had to fight quite a bit growing up.. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 28, 2013 09:21 PM
inaworldofsong!.... yes! Thankyou for Bastille!!The Icarus story has intrigued me, too! I have 1566 Icarus is stationed retrograde in Aquarius at the end of the 2nd House (placidus), cusping my 3rd. It eyes Pluto directly opposite in Leo at end of the 8th House. (Have more to say, but I've suddenly developed migraine!! Trying to see around all this using edges of my sight. Sorta pretty actually-- like kaleidescope shards of rainbow, stained glass window pieces... Like this: had it on favorite... keep watching the first picture of car on the road! Here was a music url I chose earlier...while I could SEE!  If I could fly (lyrics) [4:17] IP: Logged |
SaturnineMoth Knowflake Posts: 2438 From: Gaea's Omphalos Registered: Aug 2012
posted January 31, 2013 05:55 PM
MC position wouldn't mean definite mishaps or not reaching success/the sun in your career! lol ~I think you can look at it that way though, if you'd like... ^^ but also with the thought that Icarus means "seed/root", (as with your MC, maybe that's the place where you will bury your roots, and were most of your fruit will come, the fruitful area of your life... mehbe?!) It could also be a point where we separate from our family, especially deviating from our father's lessons/lifestyle. (Is your career presently like or completely different than your father/paternal parent? out of curiosity ~ just theorizing! don't feel pressured to share that, if it's too personal or anything! nono!) ~and, although his mythology ended in disaster, his place in myth and geography didn't end there. (He gave his name to the ocean and nearby island Icaria. And, from him we get this cautionary tale!~ no!?) ^^; He teaches us to seize an opportunity (as he did with his father in escaping), and to take a chance... but by his fable (or foible lol), cautions us to be aware of the consequence and measure out our aims and ambitions so we don't fall too! ^^ Maybe he shows us where we should know our strengths and weaknesses and where to approach opportunities with both eagerness and restraint. To balance our will, in a sense, so we can get the maximum out of the opportunities we are given. maybe? Only if we don't pay mind to those teachings does his place indicate potential failures, and calamity due to our own incompetence, and negligence or disobedience (Daedalus did warn him and instruct him on how to properly use those wings)... no?! ^^; what does everyone think?! ---------------------------------------- I have Icarus 4° Capricorn (4th) cnj *Kaus Australis* Hygiea Terpsichore Icarus Galene Fama Eunike Laverna Pythagoras (0°) *Polis* *Sephdar* *Kaus Medius* Pan Ornamenta Psyche Pygmalion Lada Aditi Sylvia Demokritos (0-1°) Tri - BAM Destinn *El Kophrah* Pandora Alleghania (0-1° Virgo 12th) *Caph*Ask Gaea (0°) *Sheratan* *Aphirk* Sappho (0-1° Taurus 9th) Sxt - *Ceginus* (Proserpina*) Aisakos Iphidamas Ostara(0°) *Syrma* Asteropaios Athamantis Europa Hopi Magion Niels Ocllo Pandarus Triglav *DeCrux* Bellona Deikoon Gwendolen Astronautica (0-1° Scorpio 3rd) Prothoenor Klonios Devota Desdemona Baldone (0°) 03 *Ancha* *Sadalmelek* *Fomalhaut* BM Lilith Aase Arisinoe Eva Njord Kalisto Tomaiyowit *Deneb Adige* Athanasia Charis Lucifer Sokrates Marathon (0-1° Pisces 6th) Opp - Jovita Lacrimosa Pandabear (0°) *Propus etaGem* Amycus Akrishnan Brage Astrometria *Tejat* Ganesa Astrid Atalante (0-1° Cancer 10th) other: - cnj Sun - Venus midpoint 4° Capricorn ~ 3° cnj Mercury (Cap 4h) - 2° sxt Pluto (Sco 3h) - 3° sxt Mars (Sco 3h) I've deviated and defied my father on many things, I've done this with all my family actually (except for maybe my grandparents!) lol (this is the 4th house he's in, so that would make some sense I think) -- I've definitely got issues related to my eagerness to use that Mercury, and how I do~ it's on the receiving end of a semisquare from Saturn in the 3rd... and receives spurts of hellfire from hades and mars... so yeah... I can be reckless with my thought/speech sometimes. I do agree with that too! haha ~ hmmm it aspects sappho, and psyche... so it is definitely tied into my life ambitions, and aims... there are many ways I can see this interpretation going and many that it seems to work, but judging on my own is certainly not enough! ^^; <3 sorry for the lengthy post again! *hadahardday* this helps me relax!  ty for posting on Icarus btw!!! ^^ lol I loved the music!!! <3 IP: Logged |
inaworldofsong Knowflake Posts: 253 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 31, 2013 06:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by SaturnineMoth: but also with the thought that Icarus means "seed/root", (as with your MC, maybe that's the place where you will bury your roots, and were most of your fruit will come, the fruitful area of your life... mehbe?!)
That would certainly be preferable to the crash-and-burn interpretation! Haha! quote: Originally posted by SaturnineMoth: It could also be a point where we separate from our family, especially deviating from our father's lessons/lifestyle. (Is your career presently like or completely different than your father/paternal parent? out of curiosity ~ just theorizing! don't feel pressured to share that, if it's too personal or anything! nono!)
It's not too personal at all! What I'd like to pursue as a career is actually what my dad wanted to pursue. He was a film major, he wanted to be a screenwriter, and never did anything with his degree, so he's been trying to push me into science and medicine (which I can't STAND) instead of film, performing, and writing. So there's a conflict there (and Sun square Saturn, with Saturn as my MC ruler. Sigh.), but it's a little different. Very close though! That's a good catch! You deviate from your family because of the 4H placement, and I deviate from my father on the matter of career because of my 10H placement. I think you might have a point there! I don't think Icarus guarantees disaster, but it strikes me as an asteroid to be wary of. It seemed like it could easily be a blessing or a curse. (And I'm glad you guys liked the song!) IP: Logged |
bridgetostars23 Knowflake Posts: 596 From: virginia, usa Registered: Dec 2012
posted February 04, 2013 01:38 AM
I have Icarus conjunct my ascendant in capricorn exact.That is an awesome myth! I can relate to the themes you talked about; freedom, escape, rebellion, and definitely pride before the fall. IP: Logged |
MermaidDreamz Knowflake Posts: 547 From: Registered: Sep 2015
posted August 18, 2016 01:28 AM
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angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 3347 From: Astro Planet Registered: Oct 2014
posted August 18, 2016 10:23 AM
I'm trying to see this as a positive asteroid but I can't he ignored his fathers orders and he fell into the sea. I see this as failure and I have this conjunct my NN but kind of too wide at 2 degrees. Someone please tell me I'm being too negative?------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 3347 From: Astro Planet Registered: Oct 2014
posted August 18, 2016 10:28 AM
I'm trying to see this as a positive asteroid but I can't he ignored his fathers orders and he fell into the sea. I see this as failure and I have this conjunct my NN but kind of too wide at 2 degrees. Someone please tell me I'm being too negative?------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
TensionEmpire Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Hamburg Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 18, 2016 11:02 AM
have also trine mc, and sunIP: Logged |
TensionEmpire Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Hamburg Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 18, 2016 11:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by SaturnineMoth: (Is your career presently like or completely different than your father/paternal parent?
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 18, 2016 05:56 PM
^ Be mindful of whether you tend to follow your father's plan for your life (set deeply into your psychological foundations H4) rather than following your own (Sun) unique soul purpose (H10, which is soul purpose AND the house of authority figures and government).Might advise caution when it comes to real estate matters? You may be being given risky advice (unknowingly) that would not be (necessarily) in YOUR best interests, but there could possibly be a few secrets regarding the deal (that could affect, or not really matter but was interesting), regarding history of this place? (Maybe some bodies buried in the basement???? mwahahahaha, OR piece of informational treasure that adds, or detracts?) Could be place where mistakes your father (ancestry) made in the past affects your psychological foundations. You may not realize that these dynamics are involved in the intricate inner psychological workings of the decisions you make about your self and your life, that may lend to self-defeats? Like not realizing you are repeating his habits, unconsciously?
In the myth, the father had committed a form of murder (literal or professional). It was fated for Icarus his son to have to die or fail as recompense (payment, sacrifice, revenge) for mistakes his father originally made (and kept as a vibe and guilty-secret to himself).
(music) Daedalus and Icarus (Storyteller: Greek Myths - The Jim Henson Company) [4:10] Daedalus was skilled at what he did for his talent. He was actually the architect and designer of the Labyrinth that imprisoned the Minotaur (a monster, that required regular sacrifices (of youths) in order to satisfy him and keep him in peace). This was in a deep prison, designed to keep hidden the secret places within the soul, and the mind. (Greek island of Minos.) Daedalus thought he'd be clever enough to use his mind and his skills to possibly escape. His plan of escape worked for himself only, but was not enough for his young son who was just beginning to really experience life for himself (but lacked the natural wisdom that time gives, in order to develop enough to regard the counsels given him).
The boy was a youth, and it was premature for him to fly independently, with being the sole owner of his own wings. ... But the father insisted on leaving right then (for the father's own interests and timing-sake). The plan was experimental, and needed more testing, more seasoning with time. Even, to scrap that initial approach and develop a new plan, that was more inclusive of the needs and safety of others, rather than just one's own selfish gains. The father arranged no safety plan for the boy. Why didn't he plan and build a contraption that would have housed the BOTH of them in flight? So ..... more ramblings LOL --
Maybe this is the place where we feel capable (like a youth) but still need the wisdom, counsel and input of someone wiser (in a mentor, or older friend position) before we strike out on our risky endeavors? ... May serve for the short term, but falls short of meeting goals for a secure good long term plan? Maybe too, that if Icarus is involved by transit in the chart, It could call for the use of a bit more healthy skepticism (discernment) when it comes to regarding the advices of persons around you.. There could be issues of a hidden agenda involved somewhere. Something else going on behind the scenes that you may become victimized by, through unknown circumstances that were not directly your fault, but looked like the right thing to do at the time? Your advisors (knowingly or unknowingly) could be counseling you to do something that WOULD directly-benefit/enrich themselves, and not necessarily have YOUR best interests followed or included in the plan? (You could inadvertently become 'the sacrifice' in a selfish deal?) Advice given might not adequately fit or include YOUR needs, as of yet. You need more experience, or trusted experienced people and counsel in that particular area of life (zodiac house)? You can always try again... You might feel lost at sea when you fail?, but, it doesn't have to spell the end of your dreams or projects. Fly fly again.... And you'll find yourself growing smarter, each time.  You Can Do This!  (music) Broken Wings (Paul McCartney, sung by Sarah McLachlan, lyrics) [2:22] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 18, 2016 07:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by angel4845: Someone please tell me I'm being too negative?
Me too!.... Oh gosh, my post seemed so doomy, and on the edge of negative?! Thing is.... If you don't try or take chances in life, then how can you know if your ideas really would work, or not? (Again, it's GOOD when other people get involved with you, and can give you feedback. You don't have to do this by yourself?) ... Do the BEST you can at all times. If the project fails, but your Heart was willing??, then MAYBE someone saw that spunk you had. You were willing-enough to try it, and they'll step up in your life to mentor and sure you in the places you tend to fall weak or plain-out just fail in. ... oh sheeh? We are Not Alone!! Believe in yourself, that there will always be someone watching your Back!! When things in life aren't fair?, something (an admirer, or a group of angel observers) might notice and come along to help make your efforts count! ALWAYS, do your Best. Strive to have a Spirit of Excellence, and Good Values and Fine Ethics. Keep honest, and guard your Heart. Keep your Intentions in the Right Place. As often as you can, strive to choose to Walk the Higher roads, with the Right Motives. Forgive yourself SWIFTLY, when you fail. Learn the lesson, process and dump residual guilt or blames, and Shine and Face Forward....  You Can Do This!  The Olympics are on in Rio this year... (the vid to this song is from last year).
haha, be badass and fightin' like Girl!!! yesssss.... Crying is allowed, but get back up when you're ready! (music) Fight Song (Rachel Platten) [3:20] IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 3347 From: Astro Planet Registered: Oct 2014
posted August 19, 2016 02:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: Me too!.... Oh gosh, my post seemed so doomy, and on the edge of negative?! Thing is.... If you don't try or take chances in life, then how can you know if your ideas really would work, or not? (Again, it's GOOD when other people get involved with you, and can give you feedback. You don't have to do this by yourself?) ... Do the BEST you can at all times. If the project fails, but your Heart was willing??, then MAYBE someone saw that spunk you had. You were willing-enough to try it, and they'll step up in your life to mentor and sure you in the places you tend to fall weak or plain-out just fail in. ... oh sheeh? We are Not Alone!! Believe in yourself, that there will always be someone watching your Back!! When things in life aren't fair?, something (an admirer, or a group of angel observers) might notice and come along to help make your efforts count! ALWAYS, do your Best. Strive to have a Spirit of Excellence, and Good Values and Fine Ethics. Keep honest, and guard your Heart. Keep your Intentions in the Right Place. As often as you can, strive to choose to Walk the Higher roads, with the Right Motives. Forgive yourself SWIFTLY, when you fail. Learn the lesson, process and dump residual guilt or blames, and Shine and Face Forward....  You Can Do This!  The Olympics are on in Rio this year... (the vid to this song is from last year).
haha, be badass and fightin' like Girl!!! yesssss.... Crying is allowed, but get back up when you're ready! (music) Fight Song (Rachel Platten) [3:20]
------------------ Addicted to Self Relfection - Jupiter R in the 12th House IP: Logged |
TensionEmpire Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Hamburg Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 23, 2016 09:06 PM
Hey mirage29, nice words! thank you! Sometimes i do feel traped at home, sometimes i feel that i am different than my father, maybe that sometimes he don`t want to believe in me, that it can go another way, not the way he did it, some kind of envy, don`t letting the control go? like coming to me and asking me what do I think about life, that maybe i alos have something to show him, I don`t know.. And yeah, I want to fly again 
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TensionEmpire Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Hamburg Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 23, 2016 09:19 PM
Oh, and yeah, the olympics are in Rio this time! been there lately haha, much movement! gringos go crazy in rio  IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 23, 2016 10:41 PM
Glad you enjoyed it, TensionEmpire.  quote: Originally posted by TensionEmpire: And yeah, I want to fly again 
Don't worry. One of these days, you'll be ready.  You Can Do This! Keep Imagining... (music) Fly to Paradise (Eric Whitacre, Virtual Choir) [5:15] IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15191 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 23, 2016 10:47 PM
Angel!  IP: Logged |
arcturus90 Knowflake Posts: 629 From: Arcturus Registered: Nov 2017
posted February 25, 2024 02:39 PM
I've heard in a video that Icarus myth also relates to the hunger of power (power to fly in the myth), abusing of one's powerIP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 183873 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2024 04:59 PM
Great info!IP: Logged | |