Topic: KAALI
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 16, 2013 04:17 PM
KAALI - 4227This is a reference thread - we are attempting to collate useful posts from other threads on LL. All contributions welcomed. Please post contributions, questions or comments in the KAALI discussion thread Your contribution will then be slotted under the right heading. Thank you. This asteroid is named after the Indian Goddess, Kaali. In the Tantrik tradtion she is known as the Universal Mother and Siva as Universal Father. Kaali has many descriptions. A few are given below.
In Tantrik Traditions, Kaali rules Kundalini. She rules the Kundalini of all humans as well as Planets and even the Cosmos. She has 64 emanations and can be the most destructive force ever. Only Siva can fully control her. Kaali is the Dark Side Energy of the Divine Feminine Consciousness. Transcending the Dark Side helps an individual access the True Compassionate Divine "Mother" Aspect of God. The Dark Side Energy can be utilized positively as "Shakti" or Kundalini Force, to achieve great things and conquer evil. (iQ) Asteroid Kaali Conjunct Anything: The asteroid Kaali is our Kundalini energy. If Kaali touches an asteroid or a planet, it is as if we are wedded. I am thinking that Kaali is one of the most significant asteroids in the chart, if it conjuncts something. Think of your own energy. It is so close to you, closer than any part of you. It is your essence. I do Kundalini yoga. It is very powerful. It is said to be able to heal disease, as disease cannot live in the presence of oxygen. The Kundalini breath infuses one with oxygen. At any rate, one’s Kundalini energy is very influential and very primal. If it were to be linked to an asteroid such as Chiron, which is the wound which never heals, you can imagine the burden a person would carry. If it were conjunct Pluto, the person would be powerful. If conjunct Nessus, the person would want to abuse. He may not, actually, abuse, but it would be a very hard struggle. If it were conjunct Lilith, the persons raw sexuality would be worn more on the outside, than the inside. You can take any asteroid or planet and amp up the wattage of it 1000%. That is what the person with Kaali conjunct that planet or asteroid would feel, in my opinion. (By amiann - Published: February 3, 2012) Asteroid Kaali Intensifies What it Touches: The Asteroid Kaali is one’s Kunadlini energy. Kundalini energy is one’s most basic, primal energy. Acupuncture works on this energy system. Surgery can be done with acupuncture needles as the ONLY anesthesia. This fact proves the existence of this energy system. One of my passions is to understand Astrology. As I do charts, I take note what certain asteroids do when they touch various places in the chart. Lately, I have seen Kaali touch new places, for me to see. I have seen Kaali touch Chiron. This aspect seems to imbue a deep body and soul sadness on the person. When Kaali touches Pluto, the person can be a powerful person, as his primal passions become very accessible to him. If Kaali touches Hekate, one will be forced to face one’s shadow side. By amiann | Published: January 23, 2012 | Conjunct a personal planet I can think of no greater astrological blessing, immortality can only be gained by the destruction of our mortality and that is what Kaali will do in our charts and our SELVES. Cosmically Kaali is the Electrical force - lightening that pervades our universe as the energy of transformation. (Venusdeindia) ISIS and KAALI are different aspects of the same top Astral Goddess. Egyptian incarnations worship Isis in a positive way, Vedic Tantrik Incarnations worship Kaali in a negative way [blood sacrifice].
Philoshically, Osiris-Isis = Positive Polarity of Birth = SIva-Kaali = Negative Polarity of Death and Reincarnation. (iQ) ___________________________________________________________________ PROTECTION FROM NEGATIVE ENERGIES When Asteroid Kaali has many trigger aspects, it indicates not only strong Kundalini but also susceptibility to Lower Astral attacks because of this power. The secret of working with such Kundalini is 1. Grounding [sitting on grass, then grounding to Earth Visualizations] 2. Psychic Shielding using High Frequency Colors like Violet or Gold. 3. Steadily meditating on one chakra at a time, but ensuring that you give equal attention to all 7 Chakras. 4. Emitting Unconditional Love + Compassion + Gratitude + Forgiveness. This positivity is toxic to the Lower Astral. (iQ) ======================================================================== All the posts selected below, unless otherwise stated, were contributed by iQ. IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 16, 2013 04:48 PM
KAALI AND SUNSUN CONJUNCT KAALI - is a very powerful aspect. Many Royals have this aspect. This aspect allows the magnification of Ego using Kundalini Energy. When Kundalini goes off balance and becomes over-emotional, the person can lose his Auric Protection and become a victim of Astral Programming. Even Draconic Kaali conjunct Sun has such powerful effects. For those aware of past lifelines, Sun conjunct Kaali is a tactical reward aspect where you have done enough spiritual work to merit a strong and accessible Kundalini Energy, without need for advanced Yoga to activate Kundalini. The secret of using Kundalini Energy is to NOT abuse it. One must ground onerself and allow the Energy to flow through the chakras safely without pressure. One must minimize celebrity errors of greed/egotism, and this in turn will prevent insanity, Astral programming and even the "sudden deaths from drug overdose". With safe flowing of Kundalini, manifestation through LOA will be exponentially fast. One must use manifestation more and more for others, and thus escape any trap of karmic attachments. (by IQ - KAALI CONJUNCT SUN could be dangerous in only less than 1 degree orb. Such people must beware of Astral Programming, Astral Attacks and loss of sexual energy from dreams or because of psychic vampires. Your Kundalini Energy is very strong and desirable to dark side entities. Ensure you are psychically protected at all times, especially during meditation. KAALI OPPOSITION SUN is not a bad aspect, it is warning you to not go for Kundalini Yoga just to prove yourself to be different from others. KAALI TRINE SUN: This is a good aspect. It means fated to learn more about the force of Kundalini Energy without much danger of imbalanced Kundalini in the body.
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Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 16, 2013 04:57 PM
KAALI and ASCENDANTKAALI CONJUNCT ASC - This is one of the best indications for interest in Kundalini Yoga. One has strong natural Kundalini Flow which gives charisma and intensity to the Aura, and it would inspire one to know about Spirituality, Meditation and Nirvana Concepts. Ascendant conjunct Kaali is a highly transformative Life where Kundalini Energy will be sensed strongly throughout life, whether the person understands it or not. When Asc conjunct Kaali exact in Water Sign, such a person is in danger of being tapped by Astral Parasites/Vampires who wish to consume the near infinite Divine Energy flowing through the person. Lower Beings cannot connect to the Divine, they have chosen to be immortal vampires in the Lower Astral Plane. (by iQ - ASCENDANT CONJUNCT KAALI exact in Aquarius. Air Element increases safety in the Astral Plane as emotional programming cannot be done. KAALI CONJUNCT DSC The odds are high that you will attract people who are more intense due to stronger Kundalini Energy Force in them. KAALI TRINE ASC - helps overrule the squares. IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 16, 2013 05:35 PM
KAALI and MOONKAALI CONJUNCT MOON Fiery divine feminine energies accessible from emotional states. Possible past life line indication of Yoga/Tantrik practice. Must be careful from psychic attacks from the Astral Plane. KAALI CONJUNCT MOON is very psychic, helpful for "Bhaki Yoga". If the degree is 19-20 Scorpio, then it is a different matter... 19 Scorpio is the "Serpentis" Degree, said to be hexed. It has some connection to an ancient tragic memory of the "Draco Reptilian" Invasion of Lyra, the seed Star System of Humanity. This Invasion is deeply embedded in the Collective Unconscious of Humanity, and is the source of inspiration for scores of Science Fiction flicks starting with "Star Trek". KAALI conj SUN or MOON means one is a candidate for Astral Plane programming/triggering, demonic attachment and even mind control. If one breaks free, then one can be a master of the Astral Plane even from 3D Physical Reality. KAALI CONJUNCT SUN and MOON exact -You could have surprising Kundalini Energy but you are also susceptible to Astral Attacks/Programming from the Astral Plane. You must ensure sufficient psychic protection [even orgonite or correct crystals will do] before you meditate or try any psychic activity. Your sexual energy is also very powerful and will be sought out by the dark side so be careful with whom you get romantically involved. You need an Angelic Soul for company, not a selfish man with substance abuse issues as such a man will allow his body to be used as an Astral Vessel to extract your psychic energy by Psychic Vampires. KAALI OPPOSITE MOON in this axis can mean (Moon at 19 Scorpio and Kaali at 19 Taurus): a) Past existence as a Draco b) Human Soul who can detect Negative ETs c) Past Life was rife with rituals to Astral Entities who had been condemned to the Lower Astral Plane due to their invasive activities in the Ancient Universe.
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imeanj Knowflake Posts: 1590 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 16, 2013 08:37 PM
KAALI and PLANETSKAALI AND VENUS A positive Venus-Kaali aspect will create success and comforts thanks to Kundalini Yoga. We may not suffer negative Kundalini effects if Venus trines or sextiles Kaali. KAALI CONJUNCT VENUS would magnify Kundalini Energy, it may create sex addiction as well, cursing powers, blessing powers, you name it. KAALI SQUARE VENUS would indicate potential for harm from Kundalini Yoga, such people should stick to Mental Development or "Gyana Yoga." KAALI SQUARE VENUS EXACT bloodline, drive, Kundalini energy can be used for material gain through good or bad actions (freewill choice) KAALI SQUARE MARS and URANUS warning you to do solid groundwork prior to opening chakras for if you force them open, you risk becoming an out of control sexual deviant. KAALI CONJUNCT JUPITER theme of expanding your consciousness by learning about fiery, and sometimes vengeful, Divine Feminine Energy. You will gain wisdom by knowing about Reincarnation, by getting awareness of your Kundalini Energy and even getting luckier after this awareness. KAALI SEXTILE SATURN takes command. KAALI SQUARE NEPTUNE need to be careful and consider why are they even trying Kundalini Yoga?
Avoid it till a top class Guru is found mysteriously. KAALI CONJUNCT URANUS unpredictable Kundalini Energy, so be careful when doing Yoga. Never force pranic currents up/down your spine and meditate calmly. KAALI CONJUNCT PLUTO is amazing Kundalini Energy, very strong sexual energy and sexual magnetism. KAALI SEXTILE PLUTO this can be great placement for occult transformation but in an already afflicted chart, this enhances wicked acts and bloodlust. This makes the native comfortable with death and sacrificial rituals. KAALI SEMI-SEXTILE ANYTHING is a waste of time, it will not work. Rarely does it work even with planets. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4226 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 16, 2013 09:45 PM
"History behind Kali i.e Kaali" "WHO IS KALI? One of the most terrifying aspects of Prakriti are violent emotional expressions. Tantra's basic basic philosophy is based on a dualism, and the terrifying image projects the negative aspect of the creative life-force. In the creative aspect, Sakti appears as an enchantress. In her negative aspect she is demystified and transformed. The image has a naked intensity, so fierce that the incommunicable ceases to be a mystery. Kali, one of the most important tantric Dasamahavidyas, in her negative aspect appears as a conglomeration of terrifying elements.
Kali is the symbol of the active cosmic power of eternal time (Kala) and in this aspect she signifies annihilation: through death or destruction creation, the seed of life, emerges. Just as the destruction of the seed leads to the birth of the tree, so disintegration is a normal and necessary step of nature moving towards further progress or unfolding. Kali is the embodiment of creation, preservation, and annihilation. She inspires awe and love at the same time. As a disintegrating tendency, Kali is represented in black, so all names and forms disappear into her' (Mahanirvana Tantra) The density of blackness is also identified with the massive, compact, unmixed, Pure Consciousness. In Tantric hymns to the goddess Kali, she is described as 'digambari' garbed in space - in her nakedness, she is free from all covering of illusion. She is full-breasted, her motherhood a ceaseless creation denoting preservation. Her disheveled hair, 'elokeshi', forms a curtain of death which surrounds life with mystery. Her garland of fifty human heads, each representing one of the fifty letters of the sanskrit alphabet, symbolizes the repository of power and knowledge; the letters are nuclear sound-elements symbolizing the power of mantras. She wears the 'girdle of human hand': hands are the principal instruments of work and so they signify the action of karma or accumulated deeds to be enjoyed in subsequent births, constantly reminding one that ultimate freedom is conditioned by the fruits of one's action. Her three eyes govern the three forces of creation, preservation, and destruction. Her white teeth, symbolic of Sattva, the translucent intelligence stuff, suppress her lolling tongue which is red, indicative of Rajas, a determinate level of existence leading downwards to Tamas, inertia. Kali has four hands: one left hand holds a severed head, indicating destruction and the other carries the sword of physical extermination, with which she cuts the thread of bondage. Her two right hands dispel fear and exhort to spiritual strength. She is the changeless, unlimited primordial power (adyasakti) acting in the great drama awakening the unmanifested Siva, a passive onlooker. Their inseparable union reflects non-duality. The image of a wrathful appearance can agitate the eye and transport the spectator to a supernatural world. From an aesthetic point of view they suggest a flight from reality and an awareness of a profoundly different world: the poignant, restless and aggressive. These images unveil reality so that it is stripped bare, and have the same mind-altering capability to induce extra-ordinary experience which arouses intense inward states of rich spiritual content. Their most characteristic feature is that of images which seem to have sprung from anon-rational source but nevertheless have a rational basis within defined limits. For example, Chinnamasta, the beheaded goddess, holds her severed head; apart from its symbolic meaning, the dismemberment of the body ought not to be confused with actual distortion: the image is not dissociated from its meaning, which underlies and generates the image; where dislocation appears it is to heighten visual impact. The terrifying aspects of these images are completely dispelled in the tantric asana forms in both sculpture and painting. In art we are confronted with an ecstasy of joy in all its plastic possibilities. These united male and female figures are drawn together in creative force towards the awakening of the inner spirit, new dynamic asana-forms. Filled with ecstatic conviction, they are no longer torn between the contradiction of life and social existence. The interlocking figures represent the antinomic principles; they are symbols of transcendent union, which do not in any way convey the gross sexual intercourse depicted, which illustrates an earth-bound level of existence. Terrifying images arouse 'tamasisk' the quality allied to the emotion of fury and awesomeness, diametrically opposed to these are silence and compassion, associated with sattiva, the quality of purity." IQ's interpretation of Kaali
Kaali is the Left Hand Path deity representing Shakti, the Divine Feminine "Animating" Energy that creates "Maya" or False Reality once given the "Thought" and Command to do so from Siva, the Divine Masculine Archetype of Consciousness away from Manifested Reality. In Tantrik Traditions, Kaali rules Kundalini. She rules the Kundalini of all humans as well as Planets and even the Cosmos. She has 64 emanations and can be the most destructive force ever. Only Siva can fully control her. She gives revenge to her devotees and can consume blood to give a better next lifeline to one who sacrifices or is a martyr. Dark Siders are misled by this and invoke her to feed her human sacrifice but little do they know that they lose their status in the next lifeline and the victim wins. Asteroid Kaali gives us some ideas about all these occult events. In the chart of Royals, strong Kaali suggests that they sacrificed a lot to attain this status and in this lifeline, had active Kundalini to help them rule over the masses. Too many other negative aspects indicate dangers when there is Kaali conjunct/square Sun, Moon or Ascendant. The susceptibility increases when Kaali is in water signs. One of the best occultists in the world has Sun conjunct Kaali in an Air Sign and she knows the art of binding negative people in "Astral Chains". That is the positive power of Kaali.
Those who have afflicted charts plus Kaali conjunct Ascendant or Sun in water signs, once they realize how to protect themselves, they can become very powerful agents of positive change. They just need to learn how not to leak their Kundalini Energy to parasites and psychic vampires. Negative Astral Entities work like Symbiots in the "Spiderman" Comics/Cartoon/Movie. The invade your Aura and get you to do their lower chakra bidding as if you desire what are actually their whispers. Sudden episodes of anger, melancholy, rage, self loathing etc are rarely from within. These vibrations float in the Ethers, compounded by electromagnetic low frequency radiation. When we get too emotional, they leak from the Astral Plane into our Aura. The ones with strong Kaali emit serious energy and hence attract more Astral activity. They need to stay in top control of their emotions and easily keep any Astral energy pirate at bay. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4226 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 16, 2013 09:57 PM
KAALI IN SYNASTRY "KAALI must be check with SIVA for synastry. In synastry it can indicate: 1. A Couple that can practice Tantra 2. A Couple that were tantrik lovers in a past life. 3. A Couple who were "sacrificed" unjustly in the past life and are meant to be together again. 4. A Couple who helped raise each other's Kundalini Energy with or without tantrik sex 5. A Couple who are already a couple in a 4th dimensional Astral Plane Dimension or whose parallel lives are linked to the Draco/Rigel/Orion Star System. " Part of me wonders whether Kaali/Siva/Parvati/Rudra should be used with Vesta as well. KAALI CONJUNCT URANUS in a synastry chart DOUBLE WHAMMY: Very likely that you both had a role in spontaneously/unexpectedly triggering Kundalini Energy in each other in a past lifeline. Likely to do that again in this incarnation. VENUS-KAALI aspects IN SYNASTRY AND COMPOSITE: Decided how Kundalini Energy of the couple can be harmoniously used for Enlightenment away from lower Reptilian survival impulses. This works best if both partners have say Venus conj/sextile or trine Kaali in their charts. A double whammy is equally good. This aspect somehow helps trigger Kundalini Rise during coitus. KAALI CONJUNCT VENUS IN DRACONIC SYNASTRY: 1. Passionate past life sexual affair in a Royal Environment. 2. Past life tantrik couple who enjoyed sexual intercourse more than the spiritual gains. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4226 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 16, 2013 10:22 PM
If you or your ancestors are related to these families or can trace your ancestry to Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany or Wales in the medieval age, then you have a high probability of carrying the genes belonging to these bloodlines. Hence, Asteroid Kaali will show the occult capabilities that you have which are strongly found in the upper ecehlons of these Bloodlines.If Kaali conjuncts your Neptune it means: 1. You have easy access to the Astral Plane during meditation, and you will have powerful, past life recalls at times. 2. Your Kundalini Energy will be very strong and can rise rapidly to the Crown during deep meditation. 3. You may get what are known as "Ascension Symptoms" due to Kundalini Rise. If Kaali conjuncts your Neptune and you belong to these bloodlines, and your past life orientation is to the Universal God or the Light Side: 1. You will be able to channel information from Light Beings through dreams or sudden inspiration. 2. You will get dreams of the future and can help save people. If Kaali conjuncts your Neptune and you belong to these bloodlines, and your past life orientation is to the Dark Side: 1. You will get routinely possessed after you clear certain levels of Kundalini Unfoldment. 2. Your Energy will be leeched during dreams, leaving you weak and passive or drained during the day. 3. You might even be used for advanced mind control using sophisticated biological implants which appear as simple moles in your body. 4. Your DNA might be used for Hybridization Programs with other ET Species who have common dna with the ruling bloodlines. ------------------ IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 16, 2013 11:42 PM
KAALI and PLANETS - continuedQUINCUNX OR INJCONJUNCT - The 150 degree inconjunct aspect works on creating a psychological adjustment, even if it means putting one through irritations and frustrations. Think of it like an itch on the back just beyond the reach of a scratch. What do you do? Well, we have to adjust by finding a tree like 'Baloo the Bear' in 'Jungle Book', or ask someone else to scratch [accepting a small karmic debt of gratitude] or just bear with it. Thus, a Kaali inconjunct Planet will make you adjust with the Kudalini Energy component governed by the planet in question. KAALI QUNICUNX SATURN would create adjustment due to Kundalini crisis associated with fast release of kramic debts. There will be bone pains as a physical manifestation. KAALI QUNICUNX MERCURY would create MIgraines when Kundalini Currents reach the 6th Chakra. ==================================================================== KAALI and NODES KAALI CONJUNCT SOUTH NODE exact - you have existed as an Astral Entity prior to Earth Incarnations, and you must be careful to not allow any kind of Psychic Attacks from inimical Lower Astral forces. Your Kundalini Energy is exceptionally strong. IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 17, 2013 05:50 AM
KAALI and OTHER ASTEROIDSAsteroids KAALI, ISIS, INNANEN, SEKHMET and BAST govern various levels of Kundalini especially in females. KAALI aspecting SIVA, MAHAKALA, RUDRA, VISHNU, PARVATI or GANESA shows a past life connection to Vedic TantrIk themes. Kundalini Experiencers have a very strong KAALI or SIVA...but I must add that RUDRA-KAALI and SIVA-PARVATI combines can be just as blissful. I credit Ceridwen for these discoveries. (iQ, May 2013) KAALI (in 12th) SEXTILE ANGEL: This is the reason why you had success with Kundalini Energy, you have been divinely protected for appying this energy. Choosing to be healer is the best bet for thoroughly using Kundalini Energy without its dangerous effects. KAALI SQUARE ANGEL - Kundalini Rise will not be easy. KAALI is conjunct Uranus, the energy is unpredictable and you must balance your Chakras and stay grounded as much as you can. KAALI CONJUNCT APOLLO will enable you to use your Kundalini Energy to heal the Auric Blocks in other people's Chakras [8th House] with good clarity [Virgo Principle]. KAALI conjunct ATLANTIS were masters of Kundalini Power based Magic/Healing in Atlantis. KAALI CONJUNCT DISCOVERY He could see past life scenarios without any hypnotic regression KAALI CONJUNCT DNA: Very strong access to Genetic Memory. Kundalini Energy of Ancestors was very strong, many ancestors may have knowingly or unknowingly raised their Kundalini Energy Levels. High probability of having Aristocratic blood in ancestry, possibly -ve blood group too. KAALI CONJUNCT HEKATE Dangerous, an aspect that can be great for Kundalini Rise in white magic practitioners but can be dark and destructive and even satanic in black magicians. KAALI and HYGIEA conjunct in Scorpio, this is an aspect that supports usage of Kundalini Energy for healing others and Self. KAALI-INNANEN-AESCULAPIA is a potent Kundalini Energy based healing talent. KAALI sextile ISIS exact. 2 superb Divine Feminine Archetypes in harmony. This means the "Nadis" like Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and all smaller etheric nerves have good odds of managing energy flow. KAALI and KARMA double whammy squares are indicative of past life occult scars. If they are not exact, nothing to worry about. KAALI CONJUNCT LUST exact - showing a Kundalini Energy which is out of control in the lower chakras itself KAALI CONJUNCT NESSUS can indicate any of these: 1. Experience of abuse related to extracting psychic energy, abuse relating to power trips that occur because of imbalanced Kundalini. 2. Ritual sacrifice after assault, inspired from the demonic Astral level. Something Ted Bundyish. This is the rarest of the rare case. 3. Teaching a person to not abuse personal power/Kundalini Shakti. 4. Using Kundalini Energy to heal abusive tendencies. Usually, this aspect in a male'c chart indicates abuser and in a woman's chart indicates victim. Pluto, Mars and Saturn aspects are important as well when this Nessus-Kaali conjunction or even square is present. PSYCHE CONJUNCT KAALI is a pointer to your subtle inner need to emotionally feel the divine feminine forces or to feel Kundalini currents. KAALI CONJUNCT REGULUS puts the Kaali Effect into a Higher Frequency. Kaali rules knowledge of rebirth as well, especially if the past life death was a sacrifice. Regulus is considered to indicate Royalty, and you do recall your Ancient Egyptian Royal Bloodline. REIKI CONJ KAALI may have excess Kundalini Energy which can be used for even remote reiki healing. KAALI CONJ VIBHUTI (Sacred Ash from burnt offerings): Indicates that you were a devotee of Lord Shiva in a past lifetime, and knew the rituals of burnt offerings that helped in Kundalini Rise. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 4706 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 19, 2013 03:08 PM
Great effort in putting all the information in one location. Just one suggestion. Some of the info regarding Reptilian DNA and Mind Control/Monarch Programming is controversial, and may work only for certain genetics. It will not help those who are trying to understanding Kaali as an Archetype. And just because the info does correlate as proven in the Windsor Bloodline analysis does not mean that everything written on Asteroid Kaali is David Icke-ish and not worthy of use by those skeptical about global conspiracies and ET Stuff. Whatever I post, I post if the Math checks out, that's it. I do not work for the CIA, I do not work for David Icke, I am not an Alien Contactee, I am not an Alien in a Human Body [though my wife has her doubts... !] and I do not wear a tin-foil hat. But if there is a conjunction within 2 degrees orb in two related charts, then to me that means something about an Asteroid, and it gets posted. Prince William and Queen Elizabeth both have Sun conjunct Kaali. The odds of two related Royals who easily occupy over 50% of British Mindspace on Royalty since Diana's death [Murder ?] having Sun conjunct one of the most Occult of Occult Asteroids out of 15000 other Asteroids are just impossibly high to this being just a random occurrence. Ok, rant over, enjoy the info 
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imeanj Knowflake Posts: 1590 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 22, 2013 03:27 PM
This is a reference thread - we are attempting to collate useful posts from other threads on LL. All contributions welcomed. However, if you have questions related to anything you read here, could you please post those elsewhere. IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 23, 2013 06:05 AM
KAALI in SIGNS and HOUSESKAALI in ARIES is a fiery energy, can cause Kundalini Activation during Sun triggers of Jupiter or Pluto transits. KAALI in 29 degrees of PISCES 12 HOUSE: Ritually Sarificed in past life or had full knolwedge of such an event and it terribly hurt the conscience in a past life. I have this aspect too, and I know exactly what I am talking about. KAALI in 13 SAGITTARIUS. This is the degree corresponding to Ancient Egypt. Kaali rules Kundalini and Tantrik Occult practices. So you were quite busy with magical arts in your Egyptian past life. KAALI IN 1ST HOUSE and Scorpio Ascendant represent feelings of sexual intensity. KAALI in the 12th house - means you were ritually sacrificed or assassinated in one lifeline.
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Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 30, 2013 06:22 PM
KAALI in COMBINATIONSThe SIVA-KAALI-PLUTO and HEKATE combination looks like that of an accomplished Yogi or "Tantrik" in a past lifeline. Yoga will work for you even in the present but your focus must be on God beyond all Astral Planes and beyond the Cosmos. KAALI conj ASCENDANT, SEKHMET and ERIS [Ruler of Chaos/Discord]. You were heavily into the occult sex magic rituals in past lifelines, the same talent of Aleister Crowley, Parsons, Spare etc. SIVA-KAALI-SPHINX conjunct in Pisces, the sign of the dreamy mystics. KAALI conjunct PALLAS, URANUS and ASCENDANT. Very strong Kundalini Energy potential that helps all aspects of psychic power. Destined to know about Kundalini. KAALI conjunct NN, MOON [conjunct Sirius as well]: This is actually a Star Seed/Indigo Child aspect. The people who will bring in positive change in society because of their strong Kundalini Energy. Children with this aspect have a tough time in "belonging" to the material or shallow side of society. KAALI conj TRUE NODE CONJUNCT SIRIUS: This could be your Star Origin. The house is 6th, so Spiritual Service is your calling, and Venus is also in 0 Cancer 6th House. Very strong psychic powers and ESP, I wont be surprised if you could see the Aura Colours of people, or know about people by just seeing their photograph. Mercury in Cancer adds to your storehouse of psychic gifts.
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Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 02, 2013 02:16 PM
This is a reference thread - we are attempting to collate useful posts from other threads on LL. All contributions welcomed. Please post contributions, questions or comments in the 'KAALi - Discussion' thread here -- Your contributions would then be slotted under the right heading. Thank you. IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 11, 2013 05:53 AM
bumpIP: Logged |
PlutoFish Knowflake Posts: 1963 From: Sumeria Registered: Sep 2013
posted September 11, 2013 08:50 AM
I have kaali Conjunct Sun Exact, first house ... feel like a ******* sponge, how can i channel these energies?IP: Logged |
PlutoFish Knowflake Posts: 1963 From: Sumeria Registered: Sep 2013
posted September 11, 2013 09:11 AM
I feel this describes the Sun-Kaali conjunction for me well haha IP: Logged |
Zander916 Knowflake Posts: 1070 From: Midwest Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 11, 2013 01:23 PM
Kaali Conjunct Neptune 3rd house. I won't make you read a bunch of stuff. LOL I very frequently have "Ascension Symptoms". Many of them! Only a few listed do I NOT have. They are real for sure and I'm extremely happy now to understand what they are and where they come from. IP: Logged |
Zander916 Knowflake Posts: 1070 From: Midwest Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 11, 2013 01:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoFish: I have kaali Conjunct Sun Exact, first house ... feel like a ******* sponge, how can i channel these energies?
I bet you need to do a daily or weekly meditation. Perhaps a certain type to release it back to the universe. I'd do some research but I found this freaky thing. lol I think I'll try it. Edit: Yep. Looks like that's what you need to do. I was looking around websites and one of them had this to say: "You especially need to do this if you work in an environment where you may be picking up negative energy or the pain of others such as healing or therapeutic work, or in places where there is a lot of alcohol use, or in hospitals. If you are having persistent physical pain in this process you should have a medical evaluation." IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 27, 2013 03:18 PM
Bumping againRemember this is for reference only! IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted October 29, 2013 06:47 PM
For reference
IP: Logged |
FireMoon Knowflake Posts: 1744 From: Minnesota Registered: Mar 2012
posted December 18, 2013 01:56 AM
edit, sorry!IP: Logged |
summerlite unregistered
posted December 20, 2013 04:19 PM
.....IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1727 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 16, 2014 03:57 PM
bumpIP: Logged | |