Topic: Utopia: Our Personal Paradise?
Stella91 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 03, 2013 06:00 AM
What do you think the asteroid Utopia symbolises in a chart? An emotional/mental Utopia, the "special place" we go to when times are rough, or a material, actual Utopia like a specific city/town/area we consider perfect?Where is Utopia in your chart? Mine is in 9H Scorpio. I think House placement of Utopia is more relevant than sign placement. I mean, the House placement shows where your Utopia is (e.g. your home if in 4H). What does sign placement show? It's a bit confusing to me. The aspects trouble me as well. What do negative aspects with Utopia show? An obstacle that comes between you and Utopia? The hardships that make you want to find a "Utopia"? I have Utopia square 12H Aquarius Jupiter and Utopia opposition 2H Taurus Cupido. What do positive aspects signify? Things that make it easier for you to create your own Utopia? I have Utopia sextile 7H Virgo NN & Vertex & Pars Fortunae and Utopia trine 1H Pisces Europa & Ceres. There are also some minor aspects in my chart (semisquare with 7H Libra BML & Juno, quincunx with 2H Aries Vesta and 3H Gemini Hygiea). IP: Logged |
Chirp Knowflake Posts: 140 From: Registered: May 2013
posted May 03, 2013 06:46 AM
Mine is six degrees away from my Moon with "Paradise" and "Atlantis" wedged in that same spot."Celestia" (means "heavenly") is conjunct my sun" and "Samadhi" (bliss) is conjunct the asteroid "DNA". "Joya" (Joy) is conjunct my sun too. I get to my "Happy Place" in my mind real easily, or more accurately it's like I'm always partially in that place. IP: Logged |
Stella91 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 03, 2013 07:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by Chirp: Mine is six degrees away from my Moon with "Paradise" and "Atlantis" wedged in that same spot."Celestia" (means "heavenly") is conjunct my sun" and "Samadhi" (bliss) is conjunct the asteroid "DNA". "Joya" (Joy) is conjunct my sun too. I get to my "Happy Place" in my mind real easily, or more accurately it's like I'm always partially in that place.
That sounds so good! I can access my "happy place" easily too  What House and sign is your Utopia in? IP: Logged |
Chirp Knowflake Posts: 140 From: Registered: May 2013
posted May 03, 2013 07:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by Stella91: That sounds so good! I can access my "happy place" easily too  What House and sign is your Utopia in?
Eighth, right at the end of Libra. This is gonna make me sound like a liar, but even on the absolute worst days, there's always at least a minute or two there where I feel extreme joy. I might turn around and feel mad or like crap right after that but it always happens. The older I get and interact with more people, the more I realize that's not really a universal phenomenon and that I'm lucky. IP: Logged |
peachbeigeblue Knowflake Posts: 2752 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted May 03, 2013 07:29 AM
Mine is in my 3rd house in aqua opposite my sun by 2 degrees. I think I do feel euphoric when I let my ego go. IP: Logged |
libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 803 From: NYC Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2013 01:32 PM
Utopia for me is in 8th house, and it makes no contacts with any other planets. IP: Logged |
SaturnineMoth Knowflake Posts: 2207 From: Gaea's Omphalos Registered: Aug 2012
posted May 03, 2013 11:07 PM
lordie, I hope not. lol(I mentioned my position of Utopia in the Atlantis discussion thread if I remember right.) 8th house Aries opposite the Super Galactic Center/Atlantis... (2h Libra) Utopia is cnj Aschera, Kalypso, Khufu, Excalibur, Kamuimintara, Pompeja (and Arabic Lot of "unusual events") which is quite something compared to the opposition... lol Libra = Maeve, Nyx, Atlantis, and the Arabic Lots for "Catastrophe; Caution; (as well as Lots for) Accident; Armies; and Ancestors" Artemis, Mycerinos, and LONEOS... My Utopia is hidden and destroyed  Trine (Leo h11) Rudra, Skuld, Dejanira, Delia, Cosima, Hela; Medea, Kypria (Lot of Commerce; Lot of Destruction) Trine (Sagittarius 3h & *IC node*) Galahad, Prometheus, Semele, Seraphina, Sesostris, Hermod, Kalevala, Magnanimity, Queens, Divari, Libitina, Taurinensis, Nebra (Lot of assassination) ~___~; Square (Cancer 10th) Imhotep, Peking, Amalthea, Balder, Seneferu (Lot of Grandparents) Square (Capricorn 4th) Giza, Phyllis, Jole, Sethos, Mercury, Jubilatrix, Tensho-kan, Bienor Hippocrene Lomnicky-Stit >.>; yup, dystopian > utopian. lol (the reincarnation potential/karmic potential to have lived in one of those civilizations during their fall... is incredibly unnerving even from a skeptics POV.) >.<; IP: Logged |
Stella91 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 04, 2013 04:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by SaturnineMoth: lordie, I hope not. lol(I mentioned my position of Utopia in the Atlantis discussion thread if I remember right.) 8th house Aries opposite the Super Galactic Center/Atlantis... (2h Libra) Utopia is cnj Aschera, Kalypso, Khufu, Excalibur, Kamuimintara, Pompeja (and Arabic Lot of "unusual events") which is quite something compared to the opposition... lol Libra = Maeve, Nyx, Atlantis, and the Arabic Lots for "Catastrophe; Caution; (as well as Lots for) Accident; Armies; and Ancestors" Artemis, Mycerinos, and LONEOS... My Utopia is hidden and destroyed  Trine (Leo h11) Rudra, Skuld, Dejanira, Delia, Cosima, Hela; Medea, Kypria (Lot of Commerce; Lot of Destruction) Trine (Sagittarius 3h & *IC node*) Galahad, Prometheus, Semele, Seraphina, Sesostris, Hermod, Kalevala, Magnanimity, Queens, Divari, Libitina, Taurinensis, Nebra (Lot of assassination) ~___~; Square (Cancer 10th) Imhotep, Peking, Amalthea, Balder, Seneferu (Lot of Grandparents) Square (Capricorn 4th) Giza, Phyllis, Jole, Sethos, Mercury, Jubilatrix, Tensho-kan, Bienor Hippocrene Lomnicky-Stit >.>; yup, dystopian > utopian. lol (the reincarnation potential/karmic potential to have lived in one of those civilizations during their fall... is incredibly unnerving even from a skeptics POV.) >.<;
Half of what you wrote is math to me lol! I don't know most of these asteroids  Can you please explain them to me? IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 1050 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 04, 2013 06:23 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 1050 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 04, 2013 09:03 PM
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SaturnineMoth Knowflake Posts: 2207 From: Gaea's Omphalos Registered: Aug 2012
posted May 04, 2013 09:03 PM
LOL! Sorry about that Stella. lol(don't over do the asteroids, you'll end up burning yourself out!~ oh dear!) >.<; Trust me!!! I did the same thing, even after reading through the forums about others having done the same thing before, knowing how easy it was to get carried away... lol there's plenty of time to get caught up in the other celestial bodies/figures, they're not going anywhere. ^^; I haven't enough time to go through everything, but you will find articles here on several through LL's search function. Some are part of my own obsessive studies, and do not have the typical "astro-guide" references like you'd find with mystic medusa/dark moon/Holmes's sites... but, there are some already researched by those researchers there too that may be useful. ^^ I don't rely only on prerendered translation/interpretation and will often refer back to personal interpretation in my responses here. It's not that I dislike those interpretations that are available already, but that I find many of them have attached attributes to the bodies that don't really seem logical or relative to what the body is supposed to symbolize, so I will look into those myself before taking their definitions to heart. I think, when we become initiated into asteroid astrology they do take precedence, but that they shouldn't always be relied on entirely, and many times they seem to need a lot of introspective analysis or to be challenged because of the fame of these sites and astrologers interpreting them they often get taken as the "word", or "law"... when they are almost all relatively new to the study, and need the fine tuning of multiple astrologers/students to really make them or break them in true purpose. ^^; As for some of the bodies used here in the asteroid forum, we do (I do! ^^) include stars (sometimes you'll see posts on stars, usually the royal ones only though), and then there are estimated points, yes, even mathematical points... the Lilith/Priapus points, the Arabic Lots (Parts; "PoF, Part of Fortune/Lot of Fortune"). And, I don't know how familiar you are with all of these yet, and I don't want to dump too much on your shoulders at once, or go through stuff you already know about... but then, there are times some of us look into one or more of the various degree/symbols/keys (you'll see Sabian used a lot, but they're not the only ones out there). I think AK, IQ, ail, Ceri, Keela, and Aeline, are all really knowledgeable with their interpretations for these bodies, (I respect their information and research and feelings toward these bodies more than what I've found on many outside sites, actually). ^^ If you need any help, peruse their articles, ask 'em, well... anything!~  I've filled out three full charts worth of the same asteroids, points, stars now and continue to build on them as new bodies are named, interpreted, discovered... I don't have so much time these past few months but when I do get in and have some alone time I like to study up on the East Asian-themed celestial bodies, or researching some of the already well analyzed/interpreted bodies (Psyche, my favourite). I'm hoping to have a list of bodies with reference, applicable research to add to the index everyone has been putting together here for those barely touched on Eastern Asian asteroid bodies. (Greco-Roman named bodies get the most attention and for good reason, they've been known to us longer. But, I feel those Eastern bodies, or obscure figures in their mythos can be useful too and some of them I've discovered are actually distinct from the themes of already widely known figures we use. Besides, that... it's fun. Just gotta watch not to get carried away. lol If you have an interest in one of the bodies I'd mentioned above, I'd be glad to help any way I can, but I cannot go over all of them. sorry~! lol (I write too much as is... LMAO) Juuuuuuuuupiter~ Mercury. overdoing it with words... yes, ma'am. ^^; sorryyy! 0.o; (all over the place lately~ lol)  IP: Logged |
Stella91 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 05, 2013 06:09 AM
A 3rd House Utopia could mean your Utopia is not one place, but many, or a multicultural society, perhaps with a geological variety as well. It could also be a commune... Having many neighbors would fit a 3H Utopia... Aquarius also likes living in a community, and being beneficial to society.IP: Logged |
Stella91 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 05, 2013 07:21 AM
I'm interested in the mathematical points, but I am utterly incapable of finding them in my chart I have to rely 100% on websites to calculate them for me!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 1050 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted May 06, 2013 05:41 PM
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I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 758 From: Poland/Saturn Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 06, 2013 05:56 PM
It's in my 12th house and it conjuncts the asteroid for the city I'd love to visit. Funny  ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Stella91 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 07, 2013 05:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by I'm so cappy: It's in my 12th house and it conjuncts the asteroid for the city I'd love to visit. Funny 
I would definitely encourage you to visit it! You may love it so much you will move there permanently! Considering it's in the 12th House, it may be the last place you will live in, and it may be fated for you to be there. Or you may go to prison there :P IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 758 From: Poland/Saturn Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 07, 2013 08:02 AM
Sooner or later I'm definitely gonna do it. You said fated...That's interesing cause I have a feeling it could be the right place for me. I'm not into breaking the law so I doubt I'd end up in jail there  Btw, it also (the city) conjuncts my AC. Hmm!------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Stella91 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 07, 2013 09:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by I'm so cappy: Sooner or later I'm definitely gonna do it. You said fated...That's interesing cause I have a feeling it could be the right place for me. I'm not into breaking the law so I doubt I'd end up in jail there  Btw, it also (the city) conjuncts my AC. Hmm!
Any bad aspects? IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 758 From: Poland/Saturn Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 07, 2013 01:07 PM
When it comes to the city asteroid, it squares my MC. Utopia squares my Mars and opposites my Vertex but the orb is 10 here. Of course I have flowing aspects too, such as Utopia sextile Moon extact, trine Mercury, sextile Ceres, tine Juno and sextile Eros. The city asteroid trines my Uranus and Juno and sextiles Eros.If I really decide to live there, I'll let you know  ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Stella91 Knowflake Posts: 90 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 07, 2013 03:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by I'm so cappy: When it comes to the city asteroid, it squares my MC. Utopia squares my Mars and opposites my Vertex but the orb is 10 here. Of course I have flowing aspects too, such as Utopia sextile Moon extact, trine Mercury, sextile Ceres, tine Juno and sextile Eros. The city asteroid trines my Uranus and Juno and sextiles Eros.If I really decide to live there, I'll let you know 
Wow your smiley gave me a head ache! That hard aspect with your Vertex is kind of troubling, but with so many positive aspects... IP: Logged | |