Topic: Kaali/Hermes and Kaali/Mercury in Kundalini awakening
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1686 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 06, 2013 04:03 PM
Hello Everyone!I’d like to make a case for Kaali/Mercury and Kaali/Hermes aspects as being important in Kundalini rise (haven’t seen much emphasis on this in the asteroids forum). Would love to hear what yall think ![]( Some thoughts to explain how I understand this (hope it all makes sense Please bear with me as I give a little background on the Mind)— Mercury (Greek name—Hermes) is not only the Messenger of Gods and therefore the Communicator of the Knowledge of God … very often through our dreams … but it is also the ruler of our mind. Brief description and explanation of the mind (consciousness) in simple terms— The Mind can be roughly divided into the conscious portion (through which we make our day-to-day decisions), and the unconscious portion. The unconscious further consists of a personal unconscious (specific to every individual), and a deeper collective unconscious (a phrase coined by Carl Jung and referring to that portion of the mind common to all of mankind). [When we speak of consciousness we generally think of it as being ‘contained’ or ‘originating’ in the head. However, consciousness is something that is present wherever there is life. So the entire body has consciousness. In fact the whole world is permeated by consciousness … from the single celled amoeba to multi-celled organisms including plants and animals and humans. Every organ in the human body, and every cell in every organ in the human body is permeated with consciousness. Imo consciousness is the same as energy (life energy) … or the energy we put out]. This collective unconscious is now more commonly believed to be God or the Divinity that is exactly the same in each one of us. It is the part of our mind which holds complete memory of all past lives, among other things, and various levels of awareness leading to the highest level, i.e., the total wisdom, will, and consciousness of God [Although Jung did not go so far as to say that God existed in our unconscious, he did describe himself as “a splinter of the infinite deity”]. The collective unconscious or God is similar to the Christian concept of the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit, which resides in us all. And past lives or Reincarnation correlates with the Christian idea of purgatory (without the actual physical fires of hell)—both the Christian and non Christian concepts emphasize that one has to be purified or purged clean of one’s limitations (sins) … of incorrect focus … which prevent the growth and expansion of one’s consciousness. And until one’s focus is corrected, the need to be reborn as different personalities continues to exist. The personal unconscious is the connection between our conscious mind and the collective unconscious or God. [The Freudian unconscious of a collection of repressed traumatic experiences in a person’s life is this personal unconscious. So clearly, this can be an area of some conflict within an individual]. When this connection is kept strong by alignment of the conscious with the collective unconscious … either through meditation or prayer, and/or through focus on right action, forgiveness, and compassion toward others … then information flows freely … along with the rise of Kundalini Shakti, which meets with Shiva at the crown. This free, uninterrupted (unblocked) flow of information, coinciding with Kundalini Rise, takes place from the collective unconscious to the conscious part of our mind … via dreams, past life recalls, “knowingness,” etc., … and our awareness expands. With the expansion of our awareness, spiritual growth occurs. CONTINUED ... . . . ------------------ ~ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination ... because I want to frustrate the twins ... Convention and Dogma
~ The moment I cease to seek the truth, or settle for the truth in the moment ... that is the moment I cease to be a seeker, and become a fundamentalist instead. ~ The truest acts of charity are never disclosed ... they remain a secret between Man, the doer and God. Because Man knows that each charitable act is an opportunity for him to revel in God just as God avails of His chance to revel in Man through every act of charity. For them both to continue to rejoice in each other, Man knows he cannot allow worldly accolades to distract him. So he continues to act in kindness ... secretly. ~ True meditation is the correction and lifting of our thoughts … from fear, doubt, and insecurity to love, trust, and faith. ~ moi ~ IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1686 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 06, 2013 04:16 PM
At the highest level of spiritual growth, memory of our true Self is fully restored and awareness expands to its maximum, allowing us to reach Nirvana or Enlightenment, or Buddha-hood, and erasing all ignorance and illusion (Maya).What is this memory of our true Self? [I referred to it as my “memory bank” in my Kundalini thread when I described a dream I had about Lord Krishna at age 6]. The Hindu Vedas call this memory Atma Smaranam (Atma=Soul or Self; denotes also the Supreme Soul; Smaranam=remembrance). Atma Smaranam or memory of our true Self is the same as Ultimate memory, Original memory, or Eternal memory … and it relates to the Truth of the essential Unity of Creation. This means that all belong to the One, not as its parts, but rather as the One. Each one of us is the One. Each one of us is Shakti. Each one of us is Buddha. The word “Buddha” means “the one who woke up”. We are all supposed to wake up … to the Buddha or Christ or the God within us. We are God … not in our physical presence, nor our temporal personality, nor in our ego … but in our deepest being where we are one with the non-dual Absolute [this is why our thoughts are so important … we manifest what we think for ourselves as well as for others]. So, according to the Unity of Creation, we are essentially one with each other as well as with God. [This is considered blasphemy in the ‘normal’ Christian way of thinking, yet it forms the basis of Christian Gnosticism and of the Thomas Gospel (discovered about 50 years ago in Egypt), in which Jesus says, “He who drinks from my mouth will become as I am, and I shall be he.”] The understanding of this principle becomes easier if we identify less with our physical body and more with the Consciousness, of which the physical body is a vehicle. For example … what am I … am I the outer bulb carrying the inner light, or am I the inner light being carried by the bulb, which is a vehicle? Maya (illusion) blurs the memory of this oneness; it arouses thoughts of separation, difference, self-interest, and rival interest; so that we forget who we truly are … manifestations of Buddha consciousness, Christ consciousness, or God consciousness. The spiritual journey consists of enhancing our spiritual memory … meaning, constantly and repeatedly re-identifying with, and renewing this memory (of oneness) until it becomes firmly and completely lodged in the mind. At the same time, it is equally important to insulate ourselves during our spiritual progress. So the spiritual journey also consists of identifying each negative impression of fear in the mind and, one by one, de-identifying with it. This detachment and de-identification from fear is achieved through trust, forgiveness, and compassion. When we make remembering our true Self the goal of prayer, meditation, and our actions, we become steeped in Atma Smaranam (memory of oneness with others and God), and can get firmly established in bhakti or loving devotion, because the aim of devotion is Ananyata or ‘non-another-ness’. CONTINUED ... . . . ------------------ ~ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination ... because I want to frustrate the twins ... Convention and Dogma ~ The moment I cease to seek the truth, or settle for the truth in the moment ... that is the moment I cease to be a seeker, and become a fundamentalist instead. ~ The truest acts of charity are never disclosed ... they remain a secret between Man, the doer and God. Because Man knows that each charitable act is an opportunity for him to revel in God just as God avails of His chance to revel in Man through every act of charity. For them both to continue to rejoice in each other, Man knows he cannot allow worldly accolades to distract him. So he continues to act in kindness ... secretly. ~ True meditation is the correction and lifting of our thoughts … from fear, doubt, and insecurity to love, trust, and faith. ~ moi ~ IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1686 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 06, 2013 04:18 PM
With this as the background, I want to say that if we associate asteroid Kaali with Kundalini, I would think Mercury (and/or asteroid Hermes) would also be connected, since the Crown Chakra of the mind is where Shakti unites with Shiva to make Atma Smaranam (Self-remembrance) complete.In synastry I think there’s a definite connection between Kaali/Mercury and Kundalini Rise (research threads by Ceridwen along with my input). But now I think that in natal charts too, there may be a connection between Kaali/Mercury (and/or Hermes). For example, in my own natal, Hermes trines Kaali. In my TF’s chart, Hermes is opposite Tara (a fierce form of Goddess Parvati). In our synastry, his Kaali/Samadhi conjunction trines my Mercury, while my Parvati quincunxes his Mercury and my Hermes squares his Tara. . . .
------------------ ~ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination ... because I want to frustrate the twins ... Convention and Dogma ~ The moment I cease to seek the truth, or settle for the truth in the moment ... that is the moment I cease to be a seeker, and become a fundamentalist instead. ~ The truest acts of charity are never disclosed ... they remain a secret between Man, the doer and God. Because Man knows that each charitable act is an opportunity for him to revel in God just as God avails of His chance to revel in Man through every act of charity. For them both to continue to rejoice in each other, Man knows he cannot allow worldly accolades to distract him. So he continues to act in kindness ... secretly. ~ True meditation is the correction and lifting of our thoughts … from fear, doubt, and insecurity to love, trust, and faith. ~ moi ~ IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1686 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 06, 2013 04:23 PM
One other thing … the reason I listed asteroids Parvati and Tara along with Kaali in relation to Kundalini, is from my own experience—a dream I had of Goddess Parvati—here is the dream originally posted in— I walked into a room where my TF was seated in a straight-backed chair, without arms. There was no other furniture in the room, which was otherwise quite bare. I entered from behind him so I could initially see only his back. As I approached his chair from behind, I saw that he had a girl child about 5 years old, sitting on his right leg. Her face was turned away from me. Yet somehow I could tell that she was beautiful with a sort of an angelic kind of bright light surrounding her entire body. I thought to myself, “what a beautiful child,” and wondered who she was. Then out of nowhere there appeared a second identical chair, a little bit behind and a bit to the right side of the other one. I sat down in the chair and didn’t do much else other than continue to absorb the light and beauty of the child from behind my TF’s chair. No word was exchanged between us. Then, silently my TF turned toward me and handed the child to me by placing her on my right leg. He turned around in his chair to resume his initial position. We both sat silently for a little bit (maybe a few seconds or a few minutes, I don’t know). Initially the child’s face was turned away from me and I could only see her profile. But I was filled with the awe of seeing something so extraordinary and felt completely at peace with no particular desire to do anything. Then, still seated on my right leg, the child turned her face toward me, and, with the utmost gentleness, placed both her little hands on either side of my face saying twice, “Parvati is coming, Parvati is coming.” The dream ended there, but I knew immediately that this child was herself a personification of the Hindu Goddess Parvati. Aside from Taineberry’s amazing interpretation on that thread, I have myself since realized that the words spoken by the Divine Child, “Parvati is coming,” were meant to signify my awakening Kundalini. By saying them twice, the Child was referring not only to my Kundalini, but also to my TF’s awakening Kundalini [After meeting, my TF and I unknowingly experienced Kundalini awakening for an extended period, and this dream was meant to make me understand that]. Since in my dream the Goddess referred to our awakening Kundalini as ‘Parvati is coming’, I concluded that, along with Kaali aspects, asteroids Parvati and Tara aspects can also be used to check for the same and, by extension, asteroids Siva, Rudra, Mahakala, Shankar, and Hara can also be used. In my natal almost all of them form some sort of theme and configuration (Star of David, kite, grand trines). . . . ------------------ ~ I have a DO NOT DISTURB sign on my imagination ... because I want to frustrate the twins ... Convention and Dogma ~ The moment I cease to seek the truth, or settle for the truth in the moment ... that is the moment I cease to be a seeker, and become a fundamentalist instead. ~ The truest acts of charity are never disclosed ... they remain a secret between Man, the doer and God. Because Man knows that each charitable act is an opportunity for him to revel in God just as God avails of His chance to revel in Man through every act of charity. For them both to continue to rejoice in each other, Man knows he cannot allow worldly accolades to distract him. So he continues to act in kindness ... secretly. ~ True meditation is the correction and lifting of our thoughts … from fear, doubt, and insecurity to love, trust, and faith. ~ moi ~ IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 9210 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 06, 2013 04:48 PM
For me Hermes is quinkunx Kaali and sextile Siva exact.For him Mercury conjuncts Kaali. In our composite Hermes on 29 Cap conjuncts ASC (and Anubis) and trine Parvati on 29 Taurus exactly First meeting chart has Kaali conjunct Mercury in Gemini in 7th house Siva conjunct Parvati in Pisces in 3rd house Hermes is conjunct Saturn oh forgetting synastry: his Kaali conjunct my ASC exact his Parvati/BML opposing my Parvati/BML (we have a natal Parvati-BML opposition with Parvati conjunct each other`s BML. My BML is also conjunct his Priapus) his Hermes trine my Kaali and squar emy Siva (and conjunct my Moon)
his Mercury opposite my Kaali (3) his Tara on my 12th house cusp exact his Siva quinkunx my Parvati exact IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 9210 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 06, 2013 05:16 PM
For me Hermes is quinkunx Kaali and sextile Siva exact.For him Mercury conjuncts Kaali. In our composite Hermes on 29 Cap conjuncts ASC (and Anubis) and trine Parvati on 29 Taurus exactly First meeting chart has Kaali conjunct Mercury in Gemini in 7th house Siva conjunct Parvati in Pisces in 3rd house Hermes is conjunct Saturn IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 287 From: Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted October 06, 2013 08:18 PM
Very interesting findings! ![]( In my natal: Parvati conjunct Mercury 1° Rudra trine Mercury 2° Tara quincunx Hermes 2° In his natal: Shankar sextile Hermes 2° Mahakala square Hermes 2° Synastry: my Mercury square his Parvati 2° my Hermes trine his Shankar 1° his Mercury sextile my Shankar 0° his Hermes quincunx my Siva 2° his Hermes quincunx my Tara 1° IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 33624 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 18, 2013 10:13 AM
*bump*IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 4573 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 26, 2013 07:18 AM
I connect the Emerald Tablets of Thoth [Hermes] to initiating Kundalini, and that way, a strong Asteroid Hermes would give sufficient Occult Inspiration for an individual to pursue the right form of Kundalini Yoga for his or her current State of Evolution.------------------ Astrology Articles New Services and short readings IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 9210 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 26, 2013 07:37 AM
I notice I have a conjunction of HERMES and DIANA on 14 Capricorn exact"In A Hospital, The Children's Ward Is Filled With Toys" not sure what it means, but sounds rewarding with the Sabian hmm interesting today TR Kaali is on my natal Sun with an orb of 0°01. Had interesting dreams last night. lol
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