Topic: the muses in synastry
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 21998 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 28, 2013 06:45 AM
I just read in a book by Leeman about the muse Erato in synastry.Qutoe: "In mythology, ERato was the muse of lyric and love poetry. The asteroid Erato represents emotional inspiration. If one person?`s Erato contacts another persons chart, the Erato-errson is likely to be inspiring to the other person in the area of life relating to the other person`s planet or asteroid. Erato may be thought of as the muse in its purest form - the inspiration of one person by another person, place or thing." and "It may be a little difficult to disntinguish the actions of Erato from those of Eros (passion) or Sappho (sexuality). Erato, however, represents the inspiration of love, not the consummation of it." and "Erato contacts in synastry suggest that one person is capable of being the Muse for the other. The Erato-person is the Muse to the planet/ asteroid-person. Cross Erato contacts indicate that each individual can play that role for the other. The Muse function in hte case of Erato shows the inspiration, the hope of love, not its conclusion or eventual course." I would add Sappho, too, though Sappho differs in a way that it is HER who receives the inspiration and expresses it, and of course Sappho differs also in that she strives for consummation of the longing. found something by Kim Falconer on Erato
"Erato reminds me of Sappho though perhaps a little lighter, less intense. She is know as the "Lovely" is the muse of love poetry and mimicry, and is seen with a Lyre and a crown of fragrant roses." Also I would add the asteroid MUSA (600), as encompassing all muses, but maybe also as a symbol for music or the importance of music, as the word music is derived from Greek "musa". Other muses that I found are:
Calliope (22): epic poetry Erato (62): love poetry Euterpe 27): music Melpomene (18): tragedy Polyhymnia (33): sacred hymns Terpsichore (81): dance Thalia (23): comedy Of these Sappho and Erato seem to be most emotionally involved.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 21998 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 28, 2013 07:01 AM
Natally some muses are pretty pronounced for me: ° Triple conjunction of DNA (20 Libra), Musa (21 Libra) and Sappho (22 Libra) in 10th house, opposite Chiron on 20 Aries and triggering my Sun/Moon-mp and Vertex-axis on 21 Capricorn-Cancer; Eros is on 21 Cancer, too.
° Polyhymnia on 6 Sagittarius conjunct Mars (5 Sag) and ASC (7 Sag)
° Melpomene on 10 Pisces conjunct Jupiter (11 Pisces) and Ceres (9 Pisces) ° Kalliope (2 Cap) conjunct Vesta (1 Cap) ° Euterpe (18 Cap) opp. Saturn (17 Cancer) and widely conjunct Antivertex and Sun/Moon-mp (21 Cap), opp. Eros (21 Cancer) ° Terpsichore (25 Cap) conjunct echo (27 CAp). ° Erato (15 Sag) opposite Karma (16 Gemini), sextile Moon (17 Aquarius) ° Thalia (1 Aquarius) square Uranus exact as for declinational connections:
° Erato 21.13 S Mars 21.13 S Neptune 20.26 S NN 21.58 S ASC 21.2 S Saturn 21.56 N Vertex 21.43 N ° Musa 2.45 S MC 1.58 S
° Euterpe 22.38 S Polyhymnia 22.25 S NN 21.58 S Sun 23.22 S Saturn 21.56 N Vertex 21.43 N IP: Logged |
LuckyStar Knowflake Posts: 186 From: Elysian Fields Registered: Oct 2013
posted October 28, 2013 07:35 AM
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 21998 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 28, 2013 07:48 AM
I am focusing on these "muses":Musa Erato Sappho (1) Johnny Cash - June Carter ------------------------------- his Musa quinkunx her Pluto exact her Musa sextile his Sun-Mercury exact her Musa trine his Neptune-Psyche exact
her Erato conjunct his DESC (1) her Erato conjunct his SN (2) her ERato quare his PAllas (1) her Erato opposite his true Lilith (2)
his Sappho conjunct her Mercury (2) his Sappho trine her Psyche (1) her Sappho quink. his NN (0)
(2) Laurence Olivier - Vivien Leigh ----------------------------------- his Musa trine her Mercury-Psyche (1) her Musa square his ASC (2) her Musa conjunct his Moon (1) her Musa trine his Mars exat her Musa opposite his Eros (2) his Erato conjunct her SN exact her Erato quinkunx his pluto (1) her Erato opposite his Vesta-Sappho (1) her Erato opposite his Amor (1) her Erato trine his Eros (2)
his Sappho opposite her Erato (1) her Sappho trine his Sun (2) her Sappho square his Venus (2) her Sappho trine his Valentine exact
(3) Robert Browning - Elizabeth Barrett Browning -----------------------------------------
His Musa opposite her Uranus exact his Musa square her Chiron exact his Musa square her mean Lilith (1) her Musa square his Chiron exact her Musa square his Amor (1) his Erato opposite her Jupiter (1) his Erato conjunct her SN exact his Erato conjunct her Ceres (1) - he inspired her to become a mother eventually  his Erato trine her Valentine (1) (he also inspired her to give love a chance).
her Erato trine his Satrn (1) her Erato trine his NN (1) his Sappho conjunct her Jupiter (2) his Sappho conjunct her NN (2) - she was already an established poet, he admired her for it and started writing poems of his own; but he apparently did not want a solely creative union with her; I guess today we would call that a little bit of stalking, what he did.
EDIT: In the case of Olivier and Leigh I find the opposition between his Sappho and her Erato interesting. Even though theirs was a passionate love, it seems that she decided to break out of the relationship sooner than he did, and ended their physical relationship with each other. Sappho (him) seems to have been more interested in keeping that part alive and consummate it than Erato (her) did.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64504 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 28, 2013 07:50 AM
Eric Clapton had the muse of George Harrison's wife, Patti, for Layla. I wonder if this would show up.------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 21998 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 28, 2013 07:54 AM
I suppose her Erato might connect with his creative planets. Or she might even trigger his Sappho. (maybe also Musa).IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 21998 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 28, 2013 08:06 AM
her Erato trine his 3rd house ruler Jupiter exact her Erato conjunct his 8th house cusp exacthis Sappho conjunct her Sun (1) his Sappho conjunct her Mercury exact his Sappho square her Mars exact I suppose he didn`t stand a chance, especially with these Sappho-conjunctions (of course it means he wouldn`t stay content with her staying "just" his muse, and his persistence payed off, at least for a time). And ERato on 8th house cusp is SO Layla, unbelieavable. (I only take housecusps into consideration if the conjunction is exact, under one degree; here it is 2 minutes of arc!) also his Sappho contraparallels her Sun-Mercury his Sappho parallels her Chiron her Erato contraparallels his Valentine IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 21998 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 28, 2013 10:15 AM
BTW speaking of Clapton and Boyd: his Psyche exactly conjunct her Amor his Echo conjunct her Eros-Narcissus exactly (!)
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64504 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 28, 2013 10:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: BTW speaking of Clapton and Boyd: his Psyche exactly conjunct her Amor his Echo conjunct her Eros-Narcissus exactly (!)
Interesting. Anything else hit you about the planets? ------------------ Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 21998 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 28, 2013 10:35 AM
Yes, definitely.his Saturn conjunct her DESC his Pluto conjunct her NN (3) his Sun and Psyche conjunct her Amor (1) his Mars opposite her mean Lilith exact his Jupiter opposite her Juno exact his SN conjunct her Karma exact his Chiron conjunct her true LIlith (2) his mean Lilith conjunct her Adonis (2) his Karma conjunct her Sun (2) his Karma opposite her true Lilith exact his Priapus oposite her Adonis (1) his Adonis conjunct her Aphrodite (3) his Aphrodite conjunct her Eros (1) his Sappho conjunct her Sun (1) his Sappho conjunct her Merucry exact IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 7899 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 23, 2015 09:38 PM
The Charites (or the Graces) were three happy Goddesses of Beauty. They were named: (47) Aglaja Aglaia, Splendor (31)Euphrosyne, Mirth (23) Thalia, Good CheerThey were the first ones to welcome Aphrodite when she was blown to shore by the East Wind. The three of them rode in a chariot pulled by white geese. Their name in Greek would have been the Charites. They were the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome. Originally (as in pre-classical mythology), they were goddesses of fertility and nature and were much more closely associated with the underworld and the Eleusinian mysteries. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 57359 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 23, 2015 11:53 PM
Moving to Interpersonal Astrology.IP: Logged |