Topic: Asteroids for Voice and Singing
naturalbeige Knowflake Posts: 255 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 20, 2013 04:17 AM
What asteroids do I use for singing, voice/vocals, and "finding one's own voice"?IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 829 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 20, 2013 04:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by naturalbeige: What asteroids do I use for singing, voice/vocals, and "finding one's own voice"?
Tone and Echo have to do with sound in some way. I forget if there's a muse that has to do with singing in particular, but Musa may also have something to do with what you mention. I think there was some Centaur that was to do with orating in particular, too. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted November 20, 2013 04:47 AM
Orpheus.IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 20, 2013 03:41 PM
Erato 62 the muse of erotic poerty Euterpe 27 muse of music Melpomene 18 muse of singingIP: Logged |
tgem Moderator Posts: 5072 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 21, 2013 07:39 AM
I'm glad this was brought up...I've always wondered about any singing potential I might have.So I have Orpheus conjunct my Vertex exact, trine my POF by 1 and opposite my sun by 2. I also have Melpomene square my POF by 1 and widely conjunct my Destinn asteroid by 4. Does this mean I was destined to sing? I come from a musical family but never thought I had a good voice so I never pursued it like the others. Any interpretation would be appreciated  IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 21, 2013 10:33 AM
I tend to look at destinn as in your given the opportunity to pursue something rather than something conjunct karma where you are forced to deal with even if you dont want to. Coming from a musical family your given the opportunity to be surrounded by music but that square to your part fortune could indicate success but at a price because pof also represents your physical health and wellbeing possibly stress on your physical body and mind.IP: Logged |
page one unregistered
posted November 21, 2013 10:43 AM
Melpomene is the muse for tragedy and drama, not singing. I think ail may have meant Euterpe (27), muse of singing and dancing. There's also Polyhymnia(33), muse of choral singing. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 21, 2013 10:49 AM
No I meant what I said. Melpomene was originally the muse of singing and her name means to celebrate with dance and song. She later on became the muse of tragedy.IP: Logged |
Reverie Newflake Posts: 17 From: Registered: Nov 2013
posted November 21, 2013 11:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: I tend to look at destinn as in your given the opportunity to pursue something rather than something conjunct karma where you are forced to deal with even if you dont want to. Coming from a musical family your given the opportunity to be surrounded by music but that square to your part fortune could indicate success but at a price because pof also represents your physical health and wellbeing possibly stress on your physical body and mind.
Wow,great post ail! I never new that about Destinn and Karma. What about the asteroids (1009) Sirene (11) Parthenope Named after the sirens in greek mythology. The sirens where monsters who lived on an island that used there beautiful enchanting voices to lure nearby sailors to their deaths. I don't know what these asteroids mean but maybe they represent singing ability or an interest in singing in the chart. IP: Logged |
tgem Moderator Posts: 5072 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 21, 2013 11:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Orpheus.
How is Orpheus to be interpreted? IP: Logged |
naturalbeige Knowflake Posts: 255 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 21, 2013 12:35 PM
I wasn't forced into singing (unlike some child performers). It's just something I want to try and felt that I want to learn how to do it now. At the same time, I'm learning how to play synthesizers and piano. I do have 6 years of experience in playing violin. I had to quit it in high school because I was taking advanced science and math classes at the time, and it was hard to get plenty of practice time in. Plus, it was hard for me to create my schedule during class registration.I want to put albums together later on. IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 829 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 21, 2013 12:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Reverie: What about the asteroids(1009) Sirene (11) Parthenope Named after the sirens in greek mythology. The sirens where monsters who lived on an island that used there beautiful enchanting voices to lure nearby sailors to their deaths. I don't know what these asteroids mean but maybe they represent singing ability or an interest in singing in the chart.
If talking something like this and using song specifically for seduction, I guess 165 Loreley may also have some bearing then. At least if you're from the German side or know about the story in any case. IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 829 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 21, 2013 12:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: I'm glad this was brought up...I've always wondered about any singing potential I might have.So I have Orpheus conjunct my Vertex exact, trine my POF by 1 and opposite my sun by 2.
Possibilities listed so far: 1266, 3361, 62, 27, 18, 33, 60, 1009, 11, 165 As for Orpheus, it's an obvious choice once brought up or remembered, but I always looked at it more from the "ties with 75 Eurydike" perspectives. I was also never a singer by choice despite having Orpheus on my IC by whatever minutes. Maybe it's because my Tone is conjunct Achilles as well. Parthenope conj Melpomene trine MC, Erato square it (T-square MC/Thalia-Urania). The Muses feature strongly in my chart, but I never felt any allure toward singing (at least in public). Loreley conj Valentine or not. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 21, 2013 01:09 PM
Personally I think this is case where house placements and chart regions are important. Ex. IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 829 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted November 21, 2013 01:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: Personally I think this is case where house placements and chart regions are important. Ex. (Aguilera)
Are you counting the 9th or even 8th house as something that'd faciliate singing sides? I never thought what houses tie to something like that so I wouldn't know. Otherwise it looks more that the 9H Orpheus square Ascendant and in a Grand trine with 1H Polyhymnia and Ceres might be it, or Echo-Euterpe square her Nodes? Plus NN in sixth house, more pointing at what she is I guess. The Loreley-Melpomene conjunct Mercury in 10th looks it if based on houses and her being known for singing, trine 2H Pallas. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 21, 2013 01:26 PM
I meant her natal charts focus on the 10th house and southern quadrants are pack with relate to self expression and self transcendence. Plus she has the ruler of her 5th in the second.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted November 21, 2013 02:20 PM
Orpheus is a multilayered symbol I think. Of course his connection to Eurydike is very vital and intriguing and tragic.However it was his enormous singing talent that even moved Pluto enough to concede that he might lead Eurydike from the dead back to the living. In this way his voice almost conquered death! In the end it was not his voice, but his doubts that cost him his wife again. Ovid describes that Orpheus could play and sing so, that people, animals alike, yes, trees and even rocks started to cry, such beauty his art posessed. It is the kind of voice (or probably also words) that can be very seductive and persuasive, at least to a certain extent. Well I couldn`t resist putting those asteroids into my chart.
°Lorelay on 23 Scorpio in 1st house, trine Destinn on 23 Cancer in 8th house exact, and alowing larger orbs also trines Eros and Vertex on 21 Cancer
Sabian of Lorelay: After Having Heard An Inspired Individual Deliver His "Sermon On The Mount," Crowds Are Returning Home °Polyhymnia on 6 Sagittarius, just in 12th house, but conjunct ASC, Angel, LUst and Wisdom on 7 Sag, exact, also conjuncts Mars by 1 degree and Atlantis by 2 degrees. Also conjuncts Poseidon exact and opposes Fama on my DESC on 6 Gemini Sabian Cupid Knocks At The Door Of A Human Heart ° Erato on 15 Sagittarius in 1st house opposes Karma on 16 Gemini (if I am generous I would consider the sextile to Moon on 17 Aqua, too) It also conjuncts Narcissus by 2 degrees Sabian: Sea Gulls Fly Around A Ship In Expectation Of Food ° Euterpe on 18 Capricorn in 2nd house
opposed by Saturn on 17 Cancer in 8th house Sabian: A Five-Year-Old Child Carrying A Bag Filled With Groceries ° Echo on 27 Capricorn conjunct Anubis on 28 Cap and sextiles Valentine on 27 SCorpio exact Sabian A Large Aviary ° Orpheus on 10 Aquarius conjunct Pallas exact, and is thus part on my minor talent triangle of:
Orpheus/ Pallas on 10 and 9 Aquarius Pluto on 9 Libra Neptune on 9 Sag NN on 10 Sag Atlantis on 8 Sag (maybe even the ASC on 7 Sag applies) ° Melpomene on 10 Pisces is exactly between and conjunct Ceres on 9 Pisces and Jupiter on 11 Pisces in 3rd house (which seems oddly fitting)
of course it is also squaring the NN-Neptune-conjunction in my 1st house, and is ALSO exactly trine Tyche on 10 Scorpio Sabian: Men Traveling A Narrow Path, Seeking Illumination ° Sirene on 8 Aries, exactly conj. Alice on 8 Aries, also conjuncts Tone and Giza on 10 Aries, conjuncts Magion on 6 Aries
opposes Pluto on 9 Libra
trines ASC-Angel-Lust-Wisdom-Atlantis-Neptune-NN in 1st house in Sag Sabian: A Crystal Gazer
° Partenope is on 6 Taurus in 5th house
conjunct Part of Marriage/ Eros/Psyche-mp Actor and Lucifer on 7 Taurus trines Venus on 6 Capricorn trines Lilith on 6 Virgo and Hekate on 8 Virgo sextile Ishtar-Horus on 8 Pisces and Pholus on 6 Pisces (I am mentioning this, cause it plucks into that Kite formation Ihave, with some asteroids) quinkunx my ASC and Polyhymnia apparently
Sabian: The Woman Of Samaria At The Ancestral Well
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted November 21, 2013 02:40 PM
I checked them for a singer, I admire, too. ° Tone on 10 Aquarius, right on his 12th house cusp
sextile his Mercury-Musa-conjunction in Sag ( 9th house exactly square Chiron in Taurs in 1st trine Echo-Isis in GEmini in 3rd trine Sirene in Libra in 7tth Sabian: During A Silent Hour, A Man Receives A New Inspiration Which May Change His Life
------------------------------------------ Euterpe on 22 Gemini in 3rd trine Pluto-Loreley Sabian: Three Fledglings In A Nest High In A Tree ------------------------- Parthenope on 20 Virgo in 6zh squares Neptune exact Sabian A Girls' Basketball Team LOL
Sirene on 11 Libra in 7th trine Tone trine Echo
Sabian Miners Are Surfacing From A Deep Coal Mine --------------------------------------
Melpomene conjunct Spirt on 19 Libra exact Pluto 21 Libra Anteors 22 Libra Loreley 23 Libra (am I to split up these? No I don`t think so. lol) Melpomene/ Spirit: A Rabbi Performing His Duties
Loreley A Butterfly With A Third Wing On Its Left Side --------------------------------------------
ERato on 26 Scorpio in 8th house trine ASC exact sextile Saturn exact sextile Venus exact wide conjunction to 12th house ruler Uranus on 23 Scorpio Sabian for Erato A Military Band Marches Noisily On Through The City Streets Yeah, well I guess he can be rather noisy at times. 
Polyhymnia on 16 Sag in 9th house
An Easter Sunrise Service Draws A Large Crowd -------------------------------------------- Orpheus on 8 Cap in 10th trine Chiron in Taurus in 1st exact quinkunx Echo-Isis in Gemini in 3rd exact sextile Eros in Pisces in 12th exact trines Amor-jupiter-Mars in Virgo in 6th (though the ORpheus - Mars is a bit over 2 degrees: 2°08) Sabian: An Angel Carrying A Harp -------------------------- So he has these Grand trines: AIR: Echo - Isis on 9 Gemini in 3rd (An Airplane Performing A Nose Dive) Sirene on 11 LIbra in 7th (Miners Are Surfacing From A Deep Coal Mine) Tone-12th cusp on 10 Aqua in 12th (During A Silent Hour, A Man Receives A New Inspiration Which May Change His Life) EARTH: Orpheus on 8 Cap in 10th (An angel carrying a harp) Chiron on 9 Taurus in 1st (A Red Cross Nurse) Amor on 9 Virgo in 6th Two Heads Looking Out And Beyond The Shadows Jupiter on 10 Virgo In Her Baby A Mother Sees Her Deep Longing For A Son Answered Mars on 11 Virego After The Wedding, The Groom Snatches The Veil Away From His Bride (Jupiter rules his MC, Mars rules his intercepted 1st house)
Erato on 6 Scorpio in 8th A Military Band Marches Noisily On Through The City Streets ASC on either 25 or 26 PIsces
Juno on 27 Cancer in 5th house An Indian Girl Introduces Her White Lover To Her Assembled Tribe
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 21, 2013 02:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Reverie: Wow,great post ail! I never new that about Destinn and Karma. What about the asteroids(1009) Sirene (11) Parthenope Named after the sirens in greek mythology. The sirens where monsters who lived on an island that used there beautiful enchanting voices to lure nearby sailors to their deaths. I don't know what these asteroids mean but maybe they represent singing ability or an interest in singing in the chart.
LOL....i never thought of Siren as indication of being a good singer! Siren is conjunct my Venus exact, and im sure if i were to sing to a guy....hed be running away, far far away....well i can yoddle really well.....dont ask me how i know that! LOL Anyway my point is singing would make a guy run far away, not run to me! LOL But i bet your could indicate that, esp in a sign like taurus since it rules the throat, it could show a possibility for a beautiful voice! For me its in libra in my 1st house conjunct Pluto/AC, but not a close aspect. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 21, 2013 04:12 PM
I always have these maneaters on my angles or personal planets. Sirene opp my moon and parthenope conjunct my venus lol. Oh wait lorely 25 Leo conjunct Casanova and venusia.IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 21, 2013 06:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: I always have these maneaters on my angles or personal planets. Sirene opp my moon and parthenope conjunct my venus lol. Oh wait lorely 25 Leo conjunct Casanova and venusia.
LOL....isnt it great!! My Loke and Messalina(?sp?) are right on my venus to, Ate and Nymph sit on my DC...Argh! We cant be that bad, can we?  IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted November 22, 2013 10:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: LOL....isnt it great!! My Loke and Messalina(?sp?) are right on my venus to, Ate and Nymph sit on my DC...Argh! We cant be that bad, can we? 
Lol I have messalina conjunct kama and kleopatra in the 1st and messalina conjunct my mars + sn/ic midpoint exact. I must have had a fun past life lol. We were not bad just spirited.  IP: Logged |
m.blade Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted November 22, 2013 11:17 AM
I have Euterpe almost exactly conjunct my ascendant in scorpio (minutes seperating them); what does this mean?IP: Logged |
m.blade Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted November 23, 2013 05:22 PM
Bump :dIP: Logged |
naturalbeige Knowflake Posts: 255 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 23, 2013 07:53 PM
Looking at my chart I don't know where to start. There's just too many things going on there. But I have gathered some insight.I have Euterpe in Taurus, 4th House (could mean my desire to have a musical home). Euterpe trines Mars in Capricorn, 12th House. I always say that singing is spiritually enriching, and that suggestion is apparent. Sextile in Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces (2nd House). Internal expansion and suggesting income from music and singing? Melpomene is in Virgo, 8th House with my sun and Mercury. They are not conjunct. I write lyrics that are socially and politically charged to expose taboos. Orpheus and the asteroids concerning Sirens (Sirene, Loreley) are all conjunct at Sagittarius, 11th House. I also have Uranus in that house too. I am into progressive social causes and avant-garde acts. Yet, I don't like the feeling that my singing will cause men some doom (Lol.). All three also trines my True Node in Aries, 3rd House. Tone and Echo are retrograde in my 2nd House Pisces, with my Moon and Jupiter. Tone conjuncts the Moon (not retrograde). With house placements in mind, the heaviest houses with the singing asteroids are in the 2nd House Pisces, 11th House Sagittarius, and possibly 12th in Capricorn. More analyses to come later. IP: Logged |