posted June 19, 2020 09:08 AM
Hestia was the version from Greek Mythologies.
Vesta is the Roman Goddess.They have the same symbol representing them,
which is Fire, and The Hearth,
but the duties they both represented are different.
Hestia's were towards The Home and the people that lived there.
Vesta's responsibilities were for the Community and the Nation it belonged to.
Hearths also 'gather' people.
Fire is a kind of sustaining passion.
Brings illumination, warmth.
Food is cooked, feeding people.
They both took an oath regarding sexuality.
Hestia vowed not to be a married wife.
She was more wife to the house, to make it into a home.
She was given Honor for that decision, and placed as the Goddess of Domestic Life.
Tended the home and hearth.
All happiness and blessings within the home are attributed to her.
She tended them as a Family.
She provided a harmonious atmosphere, tending to everything needed in well-run home.
Brought an atmosphere of 'well-beingness'.
Was a teacher within the home and the protector of work done by humans.
She taught men (of those days) how to build houses.
She was about Comfort and Security of all them that lived under that roof.
She was the presence that changed a house into a home full of a sense of well-being and harmony.
One of the versions of the story of Vesta's dedicated-virgins----
VESTA was the goddess of protection, security, and rituals.
Guardian of The People
She had a small group of dedicated and pledged women. They were specially-selected, and bound to an oath to serve in seclusion for 30 years. These women were trained by the leaders, to tend the central 'flame', the 'hearth', that which brought life to the community, and for the protection of the nation, at large.
Everyday they performed sacred rituals, tending the flame. Keeping it Alive. In their Service, keeping to Ritual Purity was important.
{Offered Daily Sacred Ritual-- devoted and dedicated together, to keeping the flame.}
In Current Events..
The Black Lives Matter movement, and MeToo movement (to me) would embody that element of 'press', and the dedication to a Larger Cause.
Together, keeping a flame.
Protecting lives.
Holding and Raising Higher Standards in governance for the people of a nation.
This is a very old song from the mid-1900s.
Ella speaks of the incompleteness of an empty marriage/partnership, without the presence of warmth, a sense of well-being, and love in it.
(music) A House is Not a Home (Ella Fitzgerald, 1969)
One of the ways to learn to distinguish differences in similarly classified mythological deities, is to go to youtube, and listen and enjoy some of the storytellers who sometimes dramatize the stories. Beautiful presentations. Loads of learning materials!
My Placements
46 Hestia Cancer 11.09 H7gem
.. quintile Moon Virgo H(9)
380 Fiducia Cancer 10.59
38083 Rhadamanthus Cancer 11.46
8405 Asbolus Cancer 12.02
118 Peitho Cancer 12.14
280 Philia Cancer 12.46
5881 Akashi Cancer 12.48
2432 Soomana Cancer 12.50
F.S. Sirius 13.27
4 VESTA Cancer 17.25 H8
.. biquitile Asc Sagittarius
.. trine Saturn rx Scorpio 16.22 H11
FM Prenatal Lunar Eclipse Cancer 17.21
77 Friga Cancer 17.01
46563 Oken Cancer 17.30
48575 Hawaii Cancer 17.43
.. {multiculturalism, racial diversity.. ref MAH
F.S. Wasat Cancer 17.53
6130 Hutton Cancer 18.15
33154 Talent Cancer 18.43
h56 Selena/White Moon 18.34
May the fire on my altar never burn out...
(music) House of Prayer
(Eddie James, feat. Jayna Cullens, spirituality)