olgatheo Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 04, 2013 10:40 AM
BY ASTROFIX.NET AWESOME INFO! Icarus 1566 by sign can show which qualities we should develop in our risk taking ventures and those traits that might lead to our downfall. Icarus in Aries Risk it all by being courageous and being the first to try something new. Come crashing down by being selfish and self-centered in pursuit of your dreams Icarus in Taurus Risk it all by simplifying, and creating beautiful objects that are made to last. Come crashing down by being stubborn and complacent. Icarus in Gemini Risk it all by staying connected, and being hyper-vigilant in your communication. Come crashing down through lack of focus. Icarus in Cancer Risk it all by caring, and daring to show your sensitivity. Come crashing down by being moody and defensive. Icarus in Leo Risk it all with dramatic self-expression. Come crashing down with vanity and haughtiness. Icarus in Virgo Risk it all by being true to your specific vision. Come crashing down through obsession with petty details and the quest for perfection. Icarus in Libra Risk it all by being the most charming graceful person in sight. Come crashing down when the gap between sweetness and manipulation closes. Icarus in Scorpio Risk it all by diving in deep and accepting the highs as well as the lows. Come crashing down when your quest for extreme experiences leads to destructive behavior. Icarus in Sagittarius Risk it all by opting for optimism and expanding your worldview. Come crashing down by being self-righteous and irresponsible. Icarus in Capricorn Risk it all by having goals and achieving them methodically. Come crashing down by being rigid and calculating. Icarus in Aquarius Risk it all by being original, inventive and humanitarian. Come crashing down through crankiness, rebelliousness, and inconsistency. Icarus in Pisces Risk it all with imagination, empathy, and poetry. Come crashing down down when you become vague, elusive, and unrealistic.
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olgatheo Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 04, 2013 10:44 AM
BY ASTROFIX.NETIcarus by house can show where should you take a risk, where are you likely to fail by flying too high. Where do you need to balance the urge for freedom with a healthy respect for advice and self-discipline? Icarus in the 1st house Image, the way you present yourself, physical appearance Icarus in the 2nd house Personal finances, possessions, spending habits Icarus in the 3rd house Communication (writing, journal keeping, teaching), sibling and neighbor relationships, mental activity Icarus in the 4th house Foundation, security, roots, personal private life Icarus in the 5th house Hobbies, sports, children, recreation, romance, personal expression personal love, gambling Icarus in the 6th house Work, health, analytical introspection, small animals Icarus in the 7th house The other, bosses, equal partnerships, close friends, contractual relationships Icarus in the 8th house Intimate relationships, intense interactions, peak experiences, life after death experiences, psychology, debt, support from others Icarus in the 9th house The search for meaning, personal philosophy and belief system, travel, publishing, religion, higher education Icarus in the 10th house Reputation, vocation, social recognition, authority Icarus in the 11th house Acquaintances, groups of like-minded people, hope and wishes, humanitarian causes Icarus in the 12th house Solitude, meditation, spiritual retreats, transcending cumulative family karma, dreams Events in the Icarus myth Imprisonment Fear Risk Freedom Exhilaration Inflation (over estimation of abilities) Defiance (denial, and not heeding advice) The Fall (burn out) Death. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 10839 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 04, 2013 11:23 AM
Wow! Thanks olgatheo....! I LOVE the story of ICARUS! This mythology is something that really has intrigued me over the past few years-- especially when taking in light "the whole" story, with the Minotaur and Labyrinth, and the betrayal Ariadne suffered by Theseus. (Icarus is the one who gave Ariadne the idea to unravel a ball of string to make it through (in, then out of) the maze in labyrinth/prison.) *~ From astrologer Demetra George: 1566 ICARUS (1) capacity for liberation & risk-taking ...where a sense of freedom is experienced at high speeds but requires concentration and skillful control in order to avoid disaster. ...the necessity of maintaining self-discipline and mindfulness during free flight so as to avoid going to extremes and crashing. ...he represents "the most direct," but also the "most dangerous path" to liberation. (sports, and meditation) ...physical plane, opportunity to achieve liberation from confining or restrictive situations. ...psychological plane, can show the individual gaining freedom from social conditioning and conformity. ...spiritual plane, liberating the mind from samsara - the attachment to earthbound reality. 'aspects' to planets associate them with a desire for freedom (e.g. +Mercury=freedom of speech, +Jupiter=religious freedom, etc) 'synastry' - how we tend to support or repress another's 'individuality' (2)'by Element' - HOW I ACT TO FREE MYSELF ...Fire, Through diving ahead into new situations ...Earth, Through breaking down old structures and creating new forms ...Air, Through changing my old limiting ideas ...Water, Through releasing negative feelings and finding inner peace REF (1)Asteroid Goddesses, by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch (1986, 2013 DG; Ibis Press). pages 187, 194-195. [note -^ This is one of my favorite astrology books! ] (2)Astrology For Yourself, by D. Bloch and D. George, page 97. An REF LL LINK to previous delineations and thoughts on ICARUS from earlier this year, January 2013... IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 10839 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 04, 2013 12:43 PM
ICARUS 24.32'45 SR, end of 2nd House in Air sign of AQUARIUS (Capr on 2nd cusp).asteroids CONJUNCT 6063 JASON-rx, 24.31'54" AQUARIUS (quest for discovery, self-realization, need to keep faith with and maintain bonds of love, need to be trustworthy [MAH] 2697 ALBINA, 24.41'13" AQUARIUS (need to shelter self [MAH] Icarus is the FOCAL POINT of a YOD quincunx Moon -0.15 separating quincunx Uranus-vx 0.21 applying (MoonVIRGO9th) sextile Uranus-vx,CANCER-8th direct OPPOSITION to LEO e o 8th HOUSE ... 136108 HAUMEA (childbirth, midwifery) 24.37'.30" ... 32252 DonQuixote 24.30 (idealism, altruism) ... 134340 PLUTO LEO 24.25'46" (catalyzing, transformative) ... Part of FORTUNE 24.25'11" ... 13 Melpomene 24.14 (muse of singing & tragedy) Icarus is TRINE Neptune-rx LIBRA, and Urania-rx (the muse 'who could fortell the future by the placement of the stars')... 10th House Icarus is TRINE these asteroids/planets in the 7th House GEMINI, ...122619-2002CX154 (being out of control, doors that open & close when letting go) Within one degree either side these is ... 54598 Bienor 25.30' (acting to nurture, exhuberance) ... h46 Vulkanus 25.48' (your strength, the test of your mettle) My Mercury-GEM (27.54') cj SN-Penelope (26.29',.32') ... 44613 Rudolph 23 GEM (overcoming disadvantages, coming from behind)[like the famous Christmas reindeer ] ... 1173 Anchises 23 GEM (to carry responsibility on one's back, "the child is father to the man" [MAH]; what is 'left behind' to carry a heavy load [Damien Foor]; ... never got over the rough treatment received at the hand of other co-worker) Icarus sextile these positions in SAGITTARIUS 2031 BAM-rx (explosive; sudden events; things/ideas that are exploded [MAH]) 7437 Torricelli-rx (weather, storms, stress, crises, emergencies, aberrations, and how one handles these [MAH} sextile Pallas-rx 1st house Icarus semisex these positions in CAPRICORN 2nd House 17942 Whiterabbit-SR 23.36' (finding oneself in a strange, possibly dangerous situation; life-transforming events; finding oneself in the TwilightZone; "Alice" followed down the rabbit hole into a surreal world she almost never came out of; being drawn into something [MAH] 20108-1995QZ9-rx, 23.30 (need to clarify self-concept, develop resources & resourcefulness, get in touch with one's own needs; fulfill requirements of one's own survival) Icarus is semisextile to my cappy CERES-rx 25.03' 2nd House--- asteroid Ceres (grief, growth, attachments; need for self-esteem, self-worth; abandonment & rejection; your ability to unconditionally love and accept yourself) Icarus SQUAREs in SCORPIO 12th House 4580 CHILD-rx SCORPIO 23.14' (childhood, innerchild) cusp 12H Scorpio h13 osc.apogee Lilith cusp from 11th side 12H Scorpio, 11156 Al-Khwarismi-rx (victim of prejudice, having one's talents or "worth as a human being" disregarded..., in bQuintile -0.32's to CHIRON-rx Aqua 2nd House... Wounded Healer, key is as I find Healing for my Self-Esteem THEN I can become that kind of Healer TO "others" )  TODAY'S TRANSIT of Icarus... is located at 20.53'51" of CAPRICORN. ... Icarus is transiting my "natal" asteroid 1181 Lilith at 20.56'44-rx Capricorn 2nd House. The Capricorn MOON today was on my natal 4877 Humbolt-rx (thirst for knowledge, Quintile n-Neptune!) during my writing of this post.
In my Progressed Chart, Icarus continues moving backwards, and is now 0-degrees14' Aquarius in my p'12th house chart. (13 degrees Capricorn on 12th cusp) THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, for posting this Topic, olgatheo!..... It's definitely serendipitous!! Letting me "clarify" and find my purpose and 'self-concepts'-- You're my Angel, today! (((((HUG!!!!))))) IP: Logged |
olgatheo Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 04, 2013 01:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: My placement is 1566 ICARUS in Aquarius,... (be back to fill in)
Thanks for the link will read them all!!! Glad you liked it, just curious cause its in my 8th now with Venus Cap. want to see how it manifest through VENUS retrog. !!! IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 04, 2013 03:24 PM
Out of curiosity, wouldn't 2H also deal with self-worth, personal investments that aren't just financial, but also value-based? It seems the 9H becomes the sole realm of values and principles, whereas I've seen the 2H have much to do with what we value, why we value it, and our attitude regarding self-worth, personal talents, and esteem. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 10839 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted December 04, 2013 03:50 PM
^ yes!! Thankyou olgatheo, and right-on IndigoDirae!This 2nd House CHALLENGE is my KEY!! Saw a thread in Astrology 2.0 that had to do with 'missing steps'..... I looked up my Jupiter, and had ALSO been doing some Saturn research (on my chart). I "found" my KEYS! Aspect: Jupiter quincunx NorthNode I'm going through my 2nd Saturn Return right now.... Another thing I read is that "the way to fulfilling your Saturn's task, is to go THROUGH your Jupiter.... My Saturn-rxScorp11th.... My JupiterCancer in 8th. My KEY is through the 8th..... and HAS TO DO WITH building (rebuilding) my self-esteem, my confidence again.... I became SUCH a shattered human being, and BLIND throughout the WHOLE process. Astrology, has opened me up. (I am soooooooo grateful! ) I need some great help right now, at this very time in my life! I JUST couldn't "understand" WHY I couldn't access help that is available by "asking".... I felt (feel) "concretized"--- paralyzed!! Like a BAD DREAM, where you're trying to scream and the sounds aren't making it out of your mouth and throat! Like being "Sam Wheaton" in the movie Ghost... where he has to learn to MAKE that 'connection' he needed to 'warn' his fiancée about the scoundrel who wanted to marry her. I am STEPPING FORWARD, and it feels sluggy, and yuk, and sooo dam awkward.... I realize now that "all this" entails my "feeling WORTHY" to actually obtain and "receive" whatever my needs are, even AFTER they would be 'offered'. Melpomene (tragedy)cj Pluto8th. Ceres 2H (losses, bereavement) opp jup-uran-vx 8H. These TOUCH the Pluto-factor (catastrophe, transformative powers) in my 8th ... I've been a woman who has suffered SUCH loss in life. It's TIME! I'm opening the Windows of my Soul! I'm letting that LIGHT and fresh air to come and "refresh" and renew--- renew Purpose, and reset my horizons.... MY DECLARATION! (LOL) "Gonna be a bright, bright, sunshiny Day!" (music) I can see clearly now (original) (Johnny Nash) [2:46] TODAY, Icarus touches my natal Lilith-as! In a few degrees he will be making a contact to that Cappy CERES-rx 2nd (WHICH is part of a TIGHT Grand Square in my natal chart-- Nep10th, Ur8th, Sedna4th, Ceres2nd).
Now, I see that 'retrograde' planets (Saturn & Neptune) in my chart are in FORWARD motion. And they make good alignments to NN and MC right now.... and Pluto. (gotta fact-check that... okay) During the week of Dec 7th (t-Uranus SD; t-Mars ENTERS LIBRA).... I will ALSO have a House-shifting in my PROGRESSED CHART. My 2nd House will turn 0-Aries, and my 8th will become 0-Libra!.... AAAAANNNNDDDDD, my P-MarsLEO will cross my P-Desc LEO and become a resident in the STELLIUM of p'planets in p'Chart.... p'6th cusp is Cancer. Auspicious times, indeed! Finding the depthastrology post on Jupiter quincunx NN was TOTALLY eye-opening!! (I plan to go back to that thread in LL astrology 2.0, and add my finds to the info.... but not yet! Have to stay on track with chores still needing to be finished towards my packing right now....) Soooo Sorry that you didn't see "everything" I posted.... gyosh.... arrghhhh.... I "feel" like I'm soooooo slow! You all are much speedier at "getting" this stuff than I am.... I may be 'slow'.... BUT I'm 'getting there'.... 
Much love to you all!!!  *Please don't 'whole quote' my stuff?--- I'm still "refining it" okay?* IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 04, 2013 07:33 PM
I really like Icarus also, it's conjunct my cap angel in 4th and exact trine to my virgo moon in 12th sextile scorpio NN in 2nd and sextile pisces Pallas and pisces Vesta in 6th!IP: Logged |
olgatheo Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 05, 2013 02:53 PM
@Mirage29 Glad you liked the thread
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olgatheo Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 05, 2013 03:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: I really like Icarus also, it's conjunct my cap angel in 4th and exact trine to my virgo moon in 12th sextile scorpio NN in 2nd and sextile pisces Pallas and pisces Vesta in 6th!
Expected too much from your family?? Is this how it manifest??? New to the this Asteroid , but since I love all the Myth trying to incorporate it in the charts is the challenge . Pallas /Vesta in Pisces -- the writing , Astrology, Occult ??? Mine is Conj. Neptune in the 7th and in Sag,exactly opp. Mars/BML/Valentine/Aneteros My fall was my first love a Gemini--- couldn't have been so wrong...! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 06, 2013 01:29 PM
I was expected to be perfect, have no desires of my own, disown myself and give up everything for God(my moms religion) Wasn't allowed to have friends, was expected not to want them since they were considered to be worldly people, and just wanted to drag me away from God! Was expected not to like boys,not to want to be popular or to want to be part of activities at school, was expected to see why extra schooling was bad and desiring that in order to find a good job and support myself showed a lack of faith in God to take care of me. If you didn't see all this as the correct way to be or struggled with wanting any things that werent accepted by this religion it showed you had the wrong attitude, a selfish, self serving attitude that belonged to satan's world! Lol, so ya I could see how they expected a bit much from me! My downfall, hmmm, maybe it was falling for it and actually trying to believe what they said and that person, I gave up myself, I lost myself to please them! This set up terrible cycles for the rest of my life, eventually I had to undo these cycles in order to gain my wings back! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 06, 2013 01:33 PM
Downfall of Icarus in cap, to rigid? Yes, I was horribly hard on myself and refused to believe I was being hard on myself because I just wanted God to love me so badly so I could feel loved by someone, so I was super strict on myself! I would self discipline for wrong or impure thoughts....Icarus in Capricorn Risk it all by having goals and achieving them methodically. Come crashing down by being rigid and calculating. Icarus in the 4th house Foundation, security, roots, personal private life How i act to free myself... My Icarus in Earth-Through breaking down old structures and creating new forms IP: Logged |
olgatheo Knowflake Posts: 703 From: Pluto Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 07, 2013 07:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Downfall of Icarus in cap, to rigid? Yes, I was horribly hard on myself and refused to believe I was being hard on myself because I just wanted God to love me so badly so I could feel loved by someone, so I was super strict on myself! I would self discipline for wrong or impure thoughts....Icarus in Capricorn Risk it all by having goals and achieving them methodically. Come crashing down by being rigid and calculating. Icarus in the 4th house Foundation, security, roots, personal private life How i act to free myself... My Icarus in Earth-Through breaking down old structures and creating new forms
We said, your a fighter no one can doubt that! It's an Opp. family, root, security vs career/ambition, self worth, Axis .
Pluto conj. transit now, is it exact???should realize all that you desire in within you. You def. grow your wings back
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astri Knowflake Posts: 99 From: Registered: Nov 2018
posted January 02, 2019 12:12 PM
what does it mean if you have icarus conjunct icarus in synastry? You can relate to each other's crashing story lol?IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72902 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted January 02, 2019 12:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by astri: what does it mean if you have icarus conjunct icarus in synastry? You can relate to each other's crashing story lol?
Prolly born close in time.------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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astri Knowflake Posts: 99 From: Registered: Nov 2018
posted January 02, 2019 01:55 PM
we're born around an hour apart but wouldnt that make all asteroids match each other?IP: Logged |
manymoones Knowflake Posts: 71 From: Registered: Aug 2018
posted January 04, 2019 01:19 AM
Wow, very cool that this was just bumped! Love the timing because it was on my birthday and I just checked where Icarus is in my chart and it is exact my Sun 12d Capricorn Being visited by transit Saturn as well ~ what timing lol Love it, thank you IP: Logged |
Somna7H Knowflake Posts: 732 From: East India Company Registered: Apr 2018
posted January 04, 2019 02:54 AM
@OP Thank you!ICARUS 29° Aquarius 10th House. ------------------ My Chart : IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 10839 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 04, 2019 09:17 AM
Happy Birthday, Manymoones!  Somna! We have a close Icarus in Aquarius.  (Different houses, though.) IP: Logged |
Somna7H Knowflake Posts: 732 From: East India Company Registered: Apr 2018
posted January 04, 2019 09:35 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29:
Somna! We have a close Icarus in Aquarius.  (Different houses, though.)
Good! We both humanitarian. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 10839 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 04, 2019 03:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Somna7H: Good! We both humanitarian.
*high fives* World-Changers! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 105848 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2019 05:48 PM
Happy Solar Return!  IP: Logged |
manymoones Knowflake Posts: 71 From: Registered: Aug 2018
posted January 11, 2019 01:14 PM
Woohoo!! Thanks for the love, Randall & Mirage  IP: Logged | |